All In - Chapter 4 - Okaywhatnowbro - The Bet (2024)

Chapter Text

After the ceremonial part of the day was over, Delilah and Emma stuck around for a while to ensure things ran as smoothly as possible. It was a great turn out, better than Delilah imagined. Cyn was doing a fabulous job keeping the order and ensuring everyone was happy. Emma and Delilah left after making sure Cyn was okay. She repeatedly reassured Delilah she would be fine. Emma had to practically drag Delilah from the restaurant. Now they were at Juan's "part time house" as he called it. He was grilling and Isabella was making salad, other sides, and preparing fruit. Miguel had even decided to finally let everyone meet Daniella. They had not arrived yet but everyone was excited to meet her.

"Emma, come here." Juan called out.

Emma skipped over to him. "Yes?"

"Try this. It's my homemade barbecue sauce." Juan held out a spoon for Emma to try.

"Ooohhh!" Emma took the spoon and put it in her mouth. It was delicious. "This is great, Juan."

"Gracias!" He smiled, overly proud of himself.

"You're welcome." Emma smiled went back to her seat next to Delilah.

"Was it actually good or were you trying to spare his feelings?" Delilah whispered.

"No. It was delicious actually. The second tastiest thing he's ever made."

Delilah curiously raised an eyebrow. "What's the first?"

Emma smirked. "I could show better than I can tell you."

Delilah laughed when she understood the joke. "Emma!"

Emma leaned over and kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you more, Emma."

"You always say that but I don't think it's possible." Emma said smiling. Delilah had a way of making her feel like she was the only one around. She would lock her eyes onto Emma's and hold her gaze. Sometimes Delilah would place a hand on her thigh and smile like she knew something Emma didn't. Maybe she did. Maybe she didn't but it made Emma want to take the the rest of her life to figure it out.

"It is because I do." Delilah gave her another kiss.

"Okay break it up. Emma, no feeling my daughter up at my dinner table, hm?" Juan said.

"What!?" Emma asked. Her cheeks burned red. "I was not." She would never. It was a simple and quick kiss.

Delilah kissed her on the cheek and laughed. "He's kidding, love. I'll be right back. I'm going to see if tía needs help."

"Okay." Emma let go of her hand as she walked away.

Juan smiled at her. "You make her so happy."

"It's mutual." Emma replied.

Juan nodded slowly. "I hate to pry or make assumptions but this Cynthia girl."

Emma shifted in her seat. "What about her?"

"She's, like, always hovering around. Is she Delilah's friend or a mutual friend?" Juan opened his beer and took a swig.

"Um.. yeah. Yeah she was Delilah's friend before she was mine actually. We're all pretty close." Emma was getting nervous. How was she supposed to explain what was going on between he three of them. Did she even know?

Juan nodded. "Hm and she's an okay girl? Cynthia?"

"Yes." Emma wasn't sure what he was really asking. Like, did Emma think Cynthia would ever try to break in their house and kill them or if she was capable of hurting Delilah's feelings? It was probably both knowing what she knew about him now.

"You don't think this girl is you know..." Juan slowly wiggled his hand back and forth, "trying to wiggle her way between you two?"

Emma laughed. That's exactly what she does, especially when they're sleeping. She likes the middle. "No. Not at all. Delilah and I are solid."

"Good to know. How has she been? You know I ask her but she's stubborn. Everything is "I'm fine papa." "I'm over it."

Emma nodded. At least it wasn't just her that Delilah tried to shrug off. "She really is doing better. She still has bad dreams I think but she's come a long way. Therapy is helping."

Juan didn't like the idea of therapy. He thought it was weird going to a stranger and telling them all your problems. However, if it was helping Delilah get better he didn't care what it was. "What about you. You're okay?"

"I am. Can I ask you something?" Emma leaned a little closer.


"Have you ever actually killed anyone?" She whispered.

Juan leaned his head back and laughed. "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes!" Emma nodded. It had been on her mind she she found out they had Savannah.

"Don't tell Delilah. Promise?" He asked.

"I promise."

"I have." He took another sip of his beer. "You remember Carlos?" He asked.

"Carlos?" Emma took a second to think. "Delilah's goldfish?"

"Yeah. I forgot to feed it while she was at summer camp one year. Flushed him and replaced him. Never told her."

"Juan!" Emma pouted. She wanted to know about real murders.

"Emma, I don't want your hands getting any dirtier than they are. Just take care of my girl the way you know how. I'll do the rest."


"Thanks, killer." Juan chuckled.

Isabella and Delilah came outside carrying a few bowls and sat them on the table.

"Emma, tell her to leave her hair alone. No more of this dying nonsense." Isabella nodded towards Delilah.

"I like your hair that color." Emma said. She always has. The red was sexy but Delilah was prettiest in her most natural form.

Delilah started to say something but was interrupted by Miguel. "Family, I have someone I want you to meet." He announced as soon and they walked outside.

Delilah turned around and locked eyes with a familiar face. She recognized Delilah right away.

"This is Pops, tía Bell, Delilah, she's like my sister, and her girlfriend Emma. Guys this is Daniella, my girlfriend."

Juan, Isabella, and Emma all welcomed her with hugs and handshakes.

"Hey, Delilah." Daniella said.

"Hi, Ella." Delilah forced a smile.

"Oh cool. You two already know each other?" Miguel asked.

"Kind of." Delilah said. "I have to use the bathroom. Emma come help me."

Emma chuckled awkwardly. "Um.. okay?"

Delilah pulled her into the house and locked them inside of the bathroom together.

"I'm not having a quickie with you in your dad's guest bathroom." Emma declared. "Well maybe if you had been a little more discreet but..."

"Emma, no. I know Daniella."

"That's been stated." Emma reminded her.

"I mean... I was her Domme for a bit." She explained.

"Oh." Emma paused. "For a bit is how long?"

"Not long maybe a month or... so. I don't remember specifics."

"A month!? Well, try." Emma said.


"Is she one of the women you let touch you?" Emma asked.

"Is that really important?"

Emma nodded. "I asked."

"Yes. Like once."

Like once. Right. Emma rolled her eyes. "When?"

"Like a year ago now."

Emma clenched her jaw. She knew it was silly to get jealous. It was in the past. There was nothing she could do about it now except be grateful for Delilah's honesty. She sighed. "Okay. Thank you for telling me."

"Do I tell Miguel or let her tell him?"

"Are you nuts? You have to let her tell him. Could you imagine my outrage if she told me before you did?" Emma asked.

Delilah nodded. That would not have been pretty. "You're right." Delilah kissed Emma's forehead. "Okay. Let's get out of here." She held Emma's hand and went back outside.

"Everything okay, love?" Isabella asked Delilah.

"Yes." Delilah turned the music up and pulled Emma close to her. "Dance with me?"

Emma giggled. "Yes."

Delilah knew Emma was right about telling Miguel but it still made her nervous. Miguel was happy. It was clear he liked Daniella. Would he be angry when he found out? She didn't want to break up a happy home. Whatever she had with Daniella definitely didn't matter anymore. It was just sex, but maybe he wouldn't see it that way.

Everyone sat at the patio table to eat. Isabella and Juan sat at the ends of the table. Emma sat beside Miguel and opposite of them sat Delilah and Daniella. Delilah purposefully sat as far away as she could from Daniella. Emma didn't mean to but she started comparing herself to Daniella. She was pretty and a Latina like Delilah. She spoke the same language and they probably had more in common. Why was she such a jealous bitch? Maybe it wasn't that. Perhaps it was an insecurity manifesting itself as jealousy. Sometimes Emma didn't feel like she really deserved Delilah. Like, she wasn't good enough for her. Of course Delilah never made her feel like that. It was Emma's own doing.

Isabella said a blessing over the food and everyone began to eat. Isabella noticed Daniella was not putting a lot on her plate. "Don't be shy. There's plenty. Eat up."

Daniella laughed. "I'm a vegetarian so..."

Of f*cking course she doesn't eat meat, Emma thought, because she's perfect.

"Ah! So is Delilah." Juan chirped.

"I'm a vegan. There's a difference." Delilah corrected him.

"What's the difference? You both don't eat enough. That's why you're so itty bitty now, mija." Juan said.

"I'm not itty bitty." Delilah said. She wasn't. She was fit.

"Don't listen to him. You look good as hell." Isabella said.

"I agree." Daniella said as she ate her salad.

Emma looked up and squinted at Daniella but the only person to notice was Delilah. "Baby, tell papa and tía that funny story about that guy at work." Delilah said.

Emma cleared her throat. "Oh. Right."

While Emma was telling her story Delilah excused herself from the table. She nodded at Miguel for him to follow her. He did. They went inside and Delilah slid the glass door closed behind them. She knew Emma said she should let Daniella tell him but she was uncomfortable keeping this secret from her brother.

"What's up?" He asked.

"It's about Daniella."

A goofy smile slid across Miguel's face. He was so smitten. It was impossible to hide. "I know. She's great right?"

That only made it worse. "I have to tell you something."

"Okay." Miguel was still smiling. He was in a great mood. His lady was here with the only real family he'd ever had. They were getting along. They had delicious food, cold beers, and good weather. There's no way his day could be ruined.

Delilah wasn't usually one to be nervous to say what was on her mind but this was a very touchy subject. Suddenly the door slid open and Daniella walked in. She smiled softly at Delilah. "Did you already tell him?"

Delilah shook her head no.

"Can I?" Daniella asked.

"Tell me what?" Miguel said.

Delilah looked at Miguel then back to Daniella. "Okay." She left them alone and went back to the table with Emma, Juan, and Isabella.

Miguel shrugged. "What's going on?"

Daniella bit the inside of her lip. She was nervous this would end badly. She really liked Miguel and didn't want this to go south over something that happened before she even knew him. "I told you that I was bisexual."

Miguel nodded. "Is that what this is about? I told you I don't care about that."

"Well yes and no. It's just... Delilah is one of the women I uh.." Daniella didn't even want to say it.

"You what?" Miguel asked. There was no way she was about to say what he thought she was going to say.

"We had sex." She said quietly. "But it was a long time ago. We haven't spoken since. It was purely a physical thing. We didn't date or anything."

"Delilah?" Miguel said. "You should have said something as soon as you realized it!" He barked. "If she wasn't about to tell me, would you have said anything?"

"Yes! Of course. I was waiting for the right time. I didn't want to upset you while we were here."

"No you would rather me look like a fool while you smile and laugh with my family... with Delilah. Do you still like her? Did you actually know she would be here. Is this some... some elaborate plan to get back with her?" His paranoia was getting the best of him. The life he lived didn't let him trust very easily and now that he had, all of his bad karma was coming back to bite him.

"Miguel. No. I told you it wasn't like that. I would never do anything to hurt you. Stop it." Daniella said.

Miguel waved her off and walked away. She stood there until he disappeared upstairs. He needed time to clear his head and calm down. Miguel found himself in Juan's bedroom. He leaned against the dresser and stared at himself in the mirror for a bit. Why was he so angry? Obviously they had both been with people before they met each other. It wasn't fair to be angry at her for that. It was just the fact that it was Delilah. Someone he loved and cared about so deeply. It felt like betrayal even though it wasn't. How was she supposed to know they would meet and Miguel would start to fall in love with this woman. This woman who was just another one of Delilah's tramps. He slammed his fist against the dresser and accidentally knocked down one of Juan's picture frames. He picked it up hoping it wasn't cracked. When he looked at the picture he saw teen Delilah sitting in the "U" of his handlebars on his bicycle. They were both smiling, mouths covered in ice cream.

There was a tiny knock on the door before it opened just a little. "Hey." Emma said softly.

Miguel sat the picture up back in its place. "Hey."

"Lilah wanted to come check on you but I told her I would. I get it, Miguel."

"How are you so okay with it?" He asked. "I don't get it."

"Because I know Delilah loves and cares about me. I know she respects me enough to tell me the truth and I know for a fact she would never ever do or say anything to hurt you. She loves you so much, Miguel. Also, Daniella looks so sad now."

"She does?" Miguel asked. "Is she crying?"

Emma shook her head. "No tears but you can definitely tell she wants you to come back. Luckily for her, she's not interested in Delilah anymore or I'd have to kick her ass."

Miguel laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "I guess I'm the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter."

"It doesn't. Delilah will never bring it up again, I can assure you."

Miguel messed up Emma's hair by rubbing the top of her head. "You're okay, kid."

"Stop!" Emma swatted his hand. "We're the same age Miguel."

He laughed and they went back outside with everyone else. He apologized to everyone for putting a damper on the party. Then he said sorry to Daniella. She forgave him and the evening continued perfectly fine.

. . . .

After the party Delilah and Emma went to Emma's house since it was closer and they were both beyond ready to shower and get into some comfortable clothes. While trying to get dressed after their shared shower, Delilah realized she didn't have many things at Emma's house. Not as many things as Emma had at hers anyway.

"We should come to your house more often. I don't even have any books here." Delilah looked around while she pulled up her panties. That was all she planned on wearing to bed. She got in next to Emma and stretched out.

"Yeah we should." Emma thought maybe her house would be triggering for Delilah since that's where she was holding Savannah hostage. Emma was texting Cyn back. She had finally made it home. Opening day was a success but it worked poor little Cyn's fingers to the bone. She was exhausted.

"Who are you texting?" Delilah asked.

"Cynthia. She's going to bed. She's so tired she's texting like she's drunk." Emma connected her phone to the charger and put it away.

Delilah laughed and slid further under the blanket. Emma turned towards her. "So, Daniella is pretty."

Delilah stopped breathing for a second. She thought they were past this. "Yeah."

"Did seeing her today do anything for you?"

"Nope." She answered truthfully.

"Did she f*ck you better than me?"

Delilah chuckled. "Are you serious?"

Maybe Emma was being silly. After she gave Miguel that speech it felt kind of wrong to be asking Delilah these questions. f*cking insecurities.

Delilah sat up and faced Emma. "Do you want to do the talk through method?

"Phone sex in person?" Emma clarified. "Sure." This wasn't really an answer to her question but perhaps she didn't want to know the answer. Delilah was probably sparing her feelings.

"I'll start." Delilah said moving her hair from her face. "I want to get on my knees and wait for my Mistress to tell me what to do." Daniella may have had Delilah before but she never had her the way Emma does. Delilah was completely hers, in all ways.

That sentence made Emma's entire being quiver. She loved when Delilah submitted to her. She was such a powerful woman and she saw Emma fit to be her Domme. "I want your hands tied to my bed."

"I want to feel your hands against my ass as you spank me for making you jealous." Delilah said as she leaned back and slid her hand into her panties.

Emma wanted to move her hand but they're not supposed to touch each other. "I want you to thank me after each spanking."

Admittedly, Emma's jealousy turned Delilah on. Maybe that was a bad thing but she couldn't help it. She just thought it was sexy how much Emma wanted her to herself. Like Delilah was so special. She moaned thinking about Emma being in control of her org*sm. "I want you to tell me that I belong to you."

"You do," Emma leaned closer to Delilah, "and I want you. Now."

Delilah moved her hand. "Yes, Mistress."

Emma stood up and went to her closet. She pulled out a chest and opened it. When she came back to the bed she had a rope in her hand. "One, two, or three?" She asked Delilah.

"One, Mistress." She answered.

Emma took Delilah's hands and tied them together before tethering her to the bed. Next she placed a spreader bar between Delilah's legs and cuffed it to her ankles, leaving her most vulnerable parts exposed. Emma used the bar to flip Delilah's entire body over like a sexy pancake. Emma chuckled at her own simile. She straddled the backside of Delilah's thigh.

"Who does this ass belong to?" Emma asked as she squeezed it.

"You, Mistress." Delilah said seductively.

Emma smiled before slapping her hand against Delilah's bottom.

"Thank you, Mistress." Delilah moaned. She really did enjoy submitting to Emma. Even when she acted as though she did not. Not only did it turn her on but it felt good knowing that she satisfied Emma on this level.

Emma spanked her again and again and each time Delilah moaned in pleasure and thanked her Mistress. Emma could see just how much Delilah was enjoying herself. A stream of desire started to leak from Delilah's center down onto the bed. She felt the warmth of it against her own skin.

"Does Daddy like being my little bitch?" Emma asked and she teasingly ran a single finger down the slit of Delilah's aching c*nt.

Delilah didn't answer. Her entire body was pulsing and begging for more but Emma was mocking her.

"Did you hear me?" She asked. She let her finger linger on Delilah's cl*t long enough to make her moan out.


"So tell me." Emma slid her finger inside of Delilah. "Tell me Daddy likes being my little bitch." She added another finger.

Delilah tried to close her legs but couldn't. She whined in frustration. The little cry kind of worried Emma. "What number are you on?" She asked just to be careful.

"One, Mistress." Delilah answered.

"Do you want to come?" Emma twisted her fingers around and made Delilah's body jump.

"Yes. Please."

"Say it."

"I like being your little bitch." Delilah mumbled.

"Nice and loud for me, baby." Emma taunted. She started moving her fingers faster and pushing them deeper.

Delilah moaned it louder as the pleasure stripped her of any pride she had left. "I like being your little bitch, Mistress."

"Good girl. Now come for me." Emma ordered. Right on cue, Delilah creamed onto Emma's fingers as she came. "Your tight little puss* always leaves such a mess, baby. I love it."

Delilah bit her lip. "Can you untie me now?" She wanted to return the favor.

Emma chuckled softly. "Mmm not yet. We still have a long way to go."

All In - Chapter 4 - Okaywhatnowbro - The Bet (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.