ska_sdp_datamodels.visibility.vis_model — SKA SDP Python-based Data Models 0.2.8 documentation (2024)

# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors,too-many-arguments,too-many-locals# pylint: disable=invalid-name, unexpected-keyword-arg"""Visibility data model."""import warningsimport numpyimport pandasimport xarrayfrom astropy import constants as constfrom astropy.time import Timefrom ska_sdp_datamodels.science_data_model import ( PolarisationFrame, QualityAssessment,)from ska_sdp_datamodels.xarray_accessor import XarrayAccessorMixin

[docs]class Visibility(xarray.Dataset): """ Visibility xarray.Dataset class Visibility is defined to hold an observation with one direction. The phasecentre is the direct of delay tracking i.e. n=0. If uvw are rotated then this should be updated with the new delay tracking centre. Polarisation frame is the same for the entire data set and can be stokesI, circular, circularnp, linear, linearnp. The configuration is stored as an attribute. The scan information are stored as: - scan_id -- Scan number ID - scan_intent -- Intent for the scan (an scan number may have multiple intents). Fixed set of string for a telescope - execblock_id -- A number that is unique to the observation execution block. Used to get more info from the online system of some telescopes. Here is an example:: <xarray.Visibility> Dimensions: (baselines: 6670, frequency: 3, polarisation: 4, time: 3, uvw_index: 3) Coordinates: * time (time) float64 5.085e+09 5.085e+09 5.085e+09 * baselines (baselines) MultiIndex - antenna1 (baselines) int64 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 112 112 112 113 113 114 - antenna2 (baselines) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 112 113 114 113 114 114 * frequency (frequency) float64 1e+08 1.05e+08 1.1e+08 * polarisation (polarisation) <U2 'XX' 'XY' 'YX' 'YY' * uvw_index (uvw_index) <U1 'u' 'v' 'w' Data variables: integration_time (time) float32 99.72697 99.72697 99.72697 datetime (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01T03:54:07.843184299 ..... vis (time, baselines, frequency, polarisation) complex128 ... weight (time, baselines, frequency, polarisation) float32 0.0... flags (time, baselines, frequency, polarisation) int32 0.0... uvw (time, baselines, uvw_index) float64 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 channel_bandwidth (frequency) float64 1e+07 1e+07 1e+07 Attributes: phasecentre: <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg (180., -35.)> configuration: <xarray.Configuration>Dimensions: (id: 115, spat... polarisation_frame: linear source: anonymous scan_id: 0 scan_intent: none execblock_id: 0 meta: None """ # noqa:E501 pylint: disable=line-too-long __slots__ = ("_imaging_weight",) def __init__( self, data_vars=None, coords=None, attrs=None, ): super().__init__(data_vars, coords=coords, attrs=attrs) self._imaging_weight = None @classmethod def constructor( cls, frequency=None, channel_bandwidth=None, phasecentre=None, configuration=None, uvw=None, time=None, vis=None, weight=None, integration_time=None, flags=None, baselines=None, polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame("stokesI"), source="anonymous", scan_id=0, scan_intent="none", execblock_id=0, meta=None, low_precision="float64", ): """Visibility :param frequency: Frequency [nchan] :param channel_bandwidth: Channel bandwidth [nchan] :param phasecentre: Phasecentre (SkyCoord) :param configuration: Configuration :param uvw: UVW coordinates (m) [:, nant, nant, 3] :param time: Time (UTC) [:] :param baselines: List of baselines :param flags: Flags [:, nant, nant, nchan] :param weight: [:, nant, nant, nchan, npol] :param integration_time: Integration time [:] :param polarisation_frame: Polarisation_Frame e.g. Polarisation_Frame("linear") :param source: Source name :param scan_id: Scan number ID (integer) :param scan_intent: Intent for the scan (string) :param execblock_id: Execution block ID (integer) :param meta: Meta info """ if weight is None: weight = numpy.ones(vis.shape) else: assert weight.shape == vis.shape if integration_time is None: integration_time = numpy.ones_like(time) else: assert len(integration_time) == len(time) # Define the names of the dimensions coords = { # pylint: disable=duplicate-code "time": time, "baselines": baselines, "frequency": frequency, "polarisation": polarisation_frame.names, "spatial": ["u", "v", "w"], } datavars = {} datavars["integration_time"] = xarray.DataArray( integration_time.astype(low_precision), dims=["time"], attrs={"units": "s"}, ) datavars["datetime"] = xarray.DataArray( Time(time / 86400.0, format="mjd", scale="utc").datetime64, dims=["time"], attrs={"units": "s"}, ) datavars["vis"] = xarray.DataArray( vis, dims=["time", "baselines", "frequency", "polarisation"], attrs={"units": "Jy"}, ) datavars["weight"] = xarray.DataArray( weight.astype(low_precision), dims=["time", "baselines", "frequency", "polarisation"], ) datavars["flags"] = xarray.DataArray( flags.astype(int), dims=["time", "baselines", "frequency", "polarisation"], ) datavars["uvw"] = xarray.DataArray( uvw, dims=["time", "baselines", "spatial"], attrs={"units": "m"} ) datavars["channel_bandwidth"] = xarray.DataArray( channel_bandwidth, dims=["frequency"], attrs={"units": "Hz"} ) attrs = {} attrs["data_model"] = "Visibility" attrs["configuration"] = configuration # Antenna/station configuration attrs["source"] = source attrs["phasecentre"] = phasecentre attrs["_polarisation_frame"] = polarisation_frame.type attrs["scan_id"] = scan_id attrs["scan_intent"] = scan_intent attrs["execblock_id"] = execblock_id attrs["meta"] = meta return cls(datavars, coords=coords, attrs=attrs) @property def imaging_weight(self): """ Legacy data attribute. Deprecated. """ warnings.warn( "imaging_weight is deprecated, please use weight instead", DeprecationWarning, ) if self._imaging_weight is None: self._imaging_weight = xarray.DataArray(, dims=["time", "baselines", "frequency", "polarisation"], ) return self._imaging_weight @imaging_weight.setter def imaging_weight(self, new_img_weight): warnings.warn( "imaging_weight is deprecated, please use weight instead", DeprecationWarning, ) if not new_img_weight.shape == raise ValueError( "New imaging weight does not match shape of weight" ) self._imaging_weight = xarray.DataArray( new_img_weight.astype(, dims=["time", "baselines", "frequency", "polarisation"], ) def __sizeof__(self): """Override default method to return size of dataset :return: int """ # Dask uses sizeof() class to get memory occupied by various data # objects. For custom data objects like this one, dask falls back to # sys.getsizeof() function to get memory usage. sys.getsizeof() in # turns calls __sizeof__() magic method to get memory size. Here we # override the default method (which gives size of reference table) # to return size of Dataset. return int(self.nbytes) def copy(self, deep=False, data=None, zero=False): """ Copy Visibility :param deep: perform deep-copy :param data: data to use in new object; see docstring of xarray.core.dataset.Dataset.copy :param zero: if True, set visibility data to zero in copied object """ new_vis = super().copy(deep=deep, data=data) if zero: new_vis["vis"].data[...] = 0.0 setattr(new_vis, "_imaging_weight", self._imaging_weight) return new_vis def groupby( self, group, squeeze: bool = True, restore_coord_dims: bool = None ): """Override default method to group _imaging_weight""" grouped_dataset = super().groupby( group, squeeze=squeeze, restore_coord_dims=restore_coord_dims ) if self._imaging_weight is not None: group_imaging_weight = self._imaging_weight.groupby( group, squeeze=squeeze, restore_coord_dims=restore_coord_dims ) for (dimension, vis_slice), (_, imaging_weight_slice) in zip( grouped_dataset, group_imaging_weight ): setattr(vis_slice, "_imaging_weight", imaging_weight_slice) yield dimension, vis_slice else: for dimension, vis_slice in grouped_dataset: setattr(vis_slice, "_imaging_weight", None) yield dimension, vis_slice def groupbybins( self, group, bins, right=True, labels=None, precision=3, include_lowest=False, squeeze=True, restore_coord_dims=False, ): """ Overwriting groupbybins method. See docstring of Dataset.groupbybins """ grouped_dataset = super().groupby_bins( group, bins, right=right, labels=labels, precision=precision, include_lowest=include_lowest, squeeze=squeeze, restore_coord_dims=restore_coord_dims, ) if self._imaging_weight is not None: group_imaging_weight = self._imaging_weight.groupby_bins( group, squeeze=squeeze, bins=bins, restore_coord_dims=restore_coord_dims, cut_kwargs={ "right": right, "labels": labels, "precision": precision, "include_lowest": include_lowest, }, ) for (dimension, vis_slice), (_, imaging_weight_slice) in zip( grouped_dataset, group_imaging_weight ): setattr(vis_slice, "_imaging_weight", imaging_weight_slice) yield dimension, vis_slice else: for dimension, vis_slice in grouped_dataset: setattr(vis_slice, "_imaging_weight", None) yield dimension, vis_slice

[docs]@xarray.register_dataset_accessor("visibility_acc")class VisibilityAccessor(XarrayAccessorMixin): """ Visibility property accessor """ def __init__(self, xarray_obj): super().__init__(xarray_obj) self._uvw_lambda = None @property def rows(self): """Rows""" return range(len(self._obj.time)) @property def ntimes(self): """Number of times (i.e. rows) in this table""" return len(self._obj["time"]) @property def nchan(self): """Number of channels""" return len(self._obj["frequency"]) @property def npol(self): """Number of polarisations""" return len(self._obj.polarisation) @property def polarisation_frame(self): """Polarisation frame (from coords)""" return PolarisationFrame(self._obj.attrs["_polarisation_frame"]) @property def nants(self): """Number of antennas""" return self._obj.configuration.configuration_acc.nants @property def nbaselines(self): """Number of Baselines""" return len(self._obj["baselines"]) @property def uvw_lambda(self): """ Calculate and set uvw_lambda dims=[ntimes, nbaselines, nchan, spatial(3)] Note: We omit the frequency and polarisation dependency of uvw for the calculation """ if self._uvw_lambda is None: k = ( self._obj["frequency"].data / const.c # pylint: disable=no-member ).value uvw = self._obj["uvw"].data if self.nchan == 1: self._uvw_lambda = (uvw * k)[..., numpy.newaxis, :] else: self._uvw_lambda = numpy.einsum("tbs,k->tbks", uvw, k) return self._uvw_lambda @uvw_lambda.setter def uvw_lambda(self, new_value): """ Re-set uvw_lambda to a given value if it has been recalculated """ if not new_value.shape == ( self.ntimes, self.nbaselines, self.nchan, 3, ): raise ValueError( "Data shape of new uvw_lambda " "incompatible with visibility setup" ) self._uvw_lambda = new_value @property def u(self): """u coordinate (metres) [nrows, nbaseline]""" return self._obj["uvw"][..., 0] @property def v(self): """v coordinate (metres) [nrows, nbaseline]""" return self._obj["uvw"][..., 1] @property def w(self): """w coordinate (metres) [nrows, nbaseline]""" return self._obj["uvw"][..., 2] @property def flagged_vis(self): """Flagged complex visibility [nrows, nbaseline, nchan, npol] Note that a numpy or dask array is returned, not an xarray dataarray """ return self._obj["vis"].data * (1 - self._obj["flags"].data) @property def flagged_weight(self): """Weight [: npol] Note that a numpy or dask array is returned, not an xarray dataarray """ return self._obj["weight"].data * (1 - self._obj["flags"].data) @property def flagged_imaging_weight(self): """Flagged Imaging_weight[nrows, nbaseline, nchan, npol] Note that a numpy or dask array is returned, not an xarray dataarray """ warnings.warn( "flagged_imaging_weight is deprecated, " "please use flagged_weight instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return * (1 - self._obj["flags"].data) @property def nvis(self): """Number of visibilities (in total)""" return def qa_visibility(self, context=None) -> QualityAssessment: """Assess the quality of Visibility""" avis = numpy.abs(self._obj["vis"].data) data = { "maxabs": numpy.max(avis), "minabs": numpy.min(avis), "rms": numpy.std(avis), "medianabs": numpy.median(avis), } qa = QualityAssessment( origin="qa_visibility", data=data, context=context ) return qa def performance_visibility(self): """Get info about the visibility This works on a single visibility because we probably want to send this function to the cluster instead of bringing the data back :return: bvis info as a dictionary """ bv_info = { "number_times": self.ntimes, "number_baselines": len(self._obj.baselines), "nchan": self.nchan, "npol": self.npol, "polarisation_frame": self.polarisation_frame.type, "nvis": self.ntimes * self.nbaselines * self.nchan * self.npol, "size": self._obj.nbytes, } return bv_info def select_uv_range(self, uvmin=0.0, uvmax=1.0e15): """Visibility selection functions To select by row number:: selected_bvis = bvis.isel({"time": slice(5, 7)}) To select by frequency channel:: selected_bvis = bvis.isel({"frequency": slice(1, 3)}) To select by frequency:: selected_bvis = bvis.sel({"frequency": slice(0.9e8, 1.2e8)}) To select by frequency and polarisation:: selected_bvis = bvis.sel( {"frequency": slice(0.9e8, 1.2e8), "polarisation": ["XX", "YY"]} ).dropna(dim="frequency", how="all") Select uv range: flag in-place all visibility data outside uvrange uvmin, uvmax (wavelengths) The flags are set to 1 for all data outside the specified uvrange :param uvmin: Minimum uv to flag :param uvmax: Maximum uv to flag :return: Visibility (with flags applied) """ uvdist_lambda = numpy.hypot( self.uvw_lambda[..., 0], self.uvw_lambda[..., 1], ) if uvmax is not None: self._obj["flags"].data[numpy.where(uvdist_lambda >= uvmax)] = 1 if uvmin is not None: self._obj["flags"].data[numpy.where(uvdist_lambda <= uvmin)] = 1 def select_r_range(self, rmin=None, rmax=None): """ Select a visibility with stations in a range of distance from the array centre r is the distance from the array centre in metres :param rmax: Maximum r :param rmin: Minimum r :return: Selected Visibility """ if rmin is None and rmax is None: return self._obj # Calculate radius from array centre (in 3D) # and set it as a data variable xyz0 = - "id" ) r = numpy.sqrt(, xyz0, dims="spatial")) config = self._obj.configuration.assign(radius=r) # Now use it for selection if rmax is None: sub_config = config.where(config["radius"] > rmin, drop=True) elif rmin is None: sub_config = config.where(config["radius"] < rmax, drop=True) else: sub_config = config.where( config["radius"] > rmin, drop=True ).where(config["radius"] < rmax, drop=True) ids = list( baselines = self._obj.baselines.where( self._obj.baselines.antenna1.isin(ids), drop=True ).where(self._obj.baselines.antenna2.isin(ids), drop=True) sub_bvis = self._obj.sel({"baselines": baselines}, drop=True) setattr( sub_bvis, "_imaging_weight", self._obj._imaging_weight, # pylint: disable=protected-access ) # The baselines coord now is missing the antenna1, antenna2 keys # so we add those back def generate_baselines(baseline_id): for a1 in baseline_id: for a2 in baseline_id: if a2 >= a1: yield a1, a2 sub_bvis["baselines"] = pandas.MultiIndex.from_tuples( generate_baselines(ids), names=("antenna1", "antenna2"), ) return sub_bvis

[docs]class FlagTable(xarray.Dataset): """Flag table class Flags, time, integration_time, frequency, channel_bandwidth, pol, in the format of a xarray. The configuration is also an attribute. """ __slots__ = () def __init__( self, data_vars=None, coords=None, attrs=None, ): super().__init__(data_vars, coords=coords, attrs=attrs)

[docs] @classmethod def constructor( cls, baselines=None, flags=None, frequency=None, channel_bandwidth=None, configuration=None, time=None, integration_time=None, polarisation_frame=None, ): """FlagTable :param baselines: List of baselines (can be None or generated by vis.utils.generate_baselines) :param frequency: Frequency [nchan] :param channel_bandwidth: Channel bandwidth [nchan] :param configuration: Configuration :param time: Time (UTC) [ntimes] :param flags: Flags [ntimes, nbaseline, nchan] :param integration_time: Integration time [ntimes] """ # pylint: disable=duplicate-code coords = { "time": time, "baselines": baselines, "frequency": frequency, "polarisation": polarisation_frame.names, } datavars = {} datavars["flags"] = xarray.DataArray( flags, dims=["time", "baselines", "frequency", "polarisation"] ) datavars["integration_time"] = xarray.DataArray( integration_time, dims=["time"] ) datavars["channel_bandwidth"] = xarray.DataArray( channel_bandwidth, dims=["frequency"] ) datavars["datetime"] = xarray.DataArray( Time(time / 86400.0, format="mjd", scale="utc").datetime64, dims="time", ) attrs = {} attrs["data_model"] = "FlagTable" attrs["_polarisation_frame"] = polarisation_frame.type attrs["configuration"] = configuration # Antenna/station configuration return cls(datavars, coords=coords, attrs=attrs)

def __sizeof__(self): """Override default method to return size of dataset :return: int """ # Dask uses sizeof() class to get memory occupied by various data # objects. For custom data objects like this one, dask falls back to # sys.getsizeof() function to get memory usage. sys.getsizeof() in # turns calls __sizeof__() magic method to get memory size. Here we # override the default method (which gives size of reference table) # to return size of Dataset. return int(self.nbytes)

[docs] def copy(self, deep=False, data=None, zero=False): """ Copy FlagTable :param deep: perform deep-copy :param data: data to use in new object; see docstring of xarray.core.dataset.Dataset.copy :param zero: if True, set flags to zero in copied object """ new_ft = super().copy(deep=deep, data=data) if zero:["flags"][...] = 0 return new_ft

[docs]@xarray.register_dataset_accessor("flagtable_acc")class FlagTableAccessor(XarrayAccessorMixin): """ FlagTable property accessor. """ @property def nchan(self): """Number of channels""" return len(self._obj["frequency"]) @property def npol(self): """Number of polarisations""" return self.polarisation_frame.npol @property def polarisation_frame(self): """Polarisation frame (from coords)""" return PolarisationFrame(self._obj.attrs["_polarisation_frame"]) @property def nants(self): """Number of antennas""" return self._obj.attrs["configuration"].configuration_acc.nants @property def nbaselines(self): """Number of Baselines""" return len(self._obj.coords["baselines"]) def qa_flag_table(self, context=None) -> QualityAssessment: """Assess the quality of FlagTable :param context: :param ft: FlagTable to be assessed :return: QualityAssessment """ aflags = numpy.abs(self._obj.flags) data = { "maxabs": numpy.max(aflags), "minabs": numpy.min(aflags), "mean": numpy.mean(aflags), "sum": numpy.sum(aflags), "medianabs": numpy.median(aflags), } qa = QualityAssessment( origin="qa_flagtable", data=data, context=context ) return qa

class StaticMaskTable(xarray.Dataset): """Static Mask class Mask, frequency, channel_bandwidth in the format of an xarray. """ __slots__ = () def __init__( self, data_vars=None, coords=None, attrs=None, ): super().__init__(data_vars, coords=coords, attrs=attrs) @classmethod def constructor(cls, frequency=None, channel_bandwidth=None, mask=None): """StaticMaskTable :param frequency: Frequency [nchan] :param channel_bandwidth: Channel bandwidth [nchan] :param mask: 1D Boolean array [nchan]. 1 is a flagged channel and 0 is accepted channel """ coords = { "frequency": frequency, } datavars = {} datavars["channel_bandwidth"] = xarray.DataArray( channel_bandwidth, dims=["frequency"] ) datavars["mask"] = xarray.DataArray(mask, dims=["frequency"]) attrs = {} attrs["data_model"] = "StaticMaskTable" return cls(datavars, coords=coords, attrs=attrs) def __sizeof__(self): """Override default method to return size of dataset :return: int """ # Dask uses sizeof() class to get memory occupied by various data # objects. For custom data objects like this one, dask falls back to # sys.getsizeof() function to get memory usage. sys.getsizeof() in # turns calls __sizeof__() magic method to get memory size. Here we # override the default method (which gives size of reference table) # to return size of Dataset. return int(self.nbytes) def copy(self, deep=False, data=None, zero=False): """ Copy StaticMaskTable :param deep: perform deep-copy :param data: data to use in new object; see docstring of xarray.core.dataset.Dataset.copy :param zero: if True, set flags to zero in copied object """ new_st = super().copy(deep=deep, data=data) if zero:["mask"] = 0 return new_st@xarray.register_dataset_accessor("staticmasktable_acc")class StaticMaskAccessor(XarrayAccessorMixin): """ StaticMask property accessor. """ @property def nchan(self): """Number of channels""" return len(self._obj["frequency"]) def qa_static_mask(self, context=None) -> QualityAssessment: """Assess the quality of StaticMask :param context: :param StaticMaskTable: StaticMask to be assessed :return: QualityAssessment """ amask = numpy.abs(self._obj.mask) data = { "total": amask.size, "flagged": numpy.sum(amask == 1), "unflagged": numpy.sum(amask == 0), } qa = QualityAssessment( origin="qa_staticmasktable", data=data, context=context ) return qa
ska_sdp_datamodels.visibility.vis_model — SKA SDP Python-based Data Models 0.2.8 documentation (2024)
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