The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 24,, 1933 .11 Radio News and Programs Helen Hayes to Broadcast with Vallee Tonight Scene from "The Little Minister" Will Be Presented; Brookline Concert on WMAS. -Helen Hayes will offer a scene from Sir James M. Barrie's "The Little Minister" when she appears on Rudy Vallee's variety program over and network at 8 o'clock tonight. Miss Hayes will be assisted before the miactor. Other guests a on the program crophone by John Griggs, Broadway will be Joe Penner.

popular vaudeville comedian, who will offer two comedy sketches: Harold Van Duzee, former tenor of the Radio City Music Hall, and Pops and Louie, tao 12 years old Negro entertainers, whose songs and dances have proved popular in the big New York motion picture houses. Excerpts from four operas will he included on the program of the Brookline Summer Orchestral Concert by the Peoples' Orchestra and 'Assisting artists at the Dean Road Playground in Brookline tonight. The concert will be broadcast over WMAS At o'clock. Featured soloista of- the evening will be Eunice Truesdale. 80- prano, and Edna Merritt.

contralto. Today's Programs -SPRINGFIELD. 303. 090. M.

7.00-Musical Clock (variety program). 2.00 Wife Saver: Xylophone solos Variety program: Dance music. 10.00 Lampson Musicale: The recital Gossipers Today's Children: Organ 11.00 Hill Billies: Edward MacHugh. 11.30 Rhythmic Ramblers (dance music). P.

M. 12.01 The Commodores: Mimi and Jerry. 12.30 Views of the News: Piano: Safety. 1.00 NEw England Agriculture (talk). 1.30 National Farm and Home hour.

Concert recital: Happy Jack. conga 3.00 Betty and Bob: On of Sank. 3.30 Home Forum Cooking School. Thursday Special (variety program) Market reporta: Casino Orchestra. Organ recital: Little Orphan Annie WALIS- SPRINGFIELD.

211. 1420. M. 8.30 Pleasantries: Melody Express. 1.30 Resoty talk: The Fatchtower.

10.00 Piano recital: Cooking school. 10.45 Fun Fest: Holyoke request hoar. P. M. 12.01 Noon Musicale: Weather report.

13.30 Sang recital: Farm Flashes $.15 Baseball same from 1.00 1.34 Mus Matinee cal Bouquet; Sielodies: Variety Studio program. program. me 8.30 Melody Start: Favorite -HART FORD. 243 1060. 7.00 Musical Clock (record programs).

1.00 Oren recital: Quartet. Florenda Trio: Radio Bazar. 9.50 Cheerio's progra in. 10.00 Banjo Twins; Morning Parade. 10.30 Happy Ramblers: Studio program.

Household Institute: Pop concert. M. 12.01 Novelty duo: Farm and Home hour. 12.60 Blue Room Echoes: Variety hour. 2.00 Playhouse Matinee (drama).

2.30 Jack and Loretta; Contralto solos 3.00 Daytime Dancers; The Mixing Bowl. 326. 1330. A. st.

8.00 Shoppers special (talks and music). 9.00 Little Jack Little: Silver Twins 9.30 Garden program; Reis and Dunn. 10.00 Waltz Dreams; Cooking School. 10.45 Accordion solos; The Captivatore. 11.15 Morning Moods (variety program).

P. M. 13.01 Luncheon music: Concert Miolature. 1.00 Piano recital; Dance orchestra. 1.30 Russian Gipstes: Organ recital.

1.30 The Merrymakers: Baseball 5.00 Skippy Sketch: Dance orchestra. 5.30 All-American Boy: Irish tenor. EW YORK. 155. 660.

6.45 Health exercises (four pertods). 8.00 Organ recital: The Upstaters. 8.45 Florenda Trio: Morning Glorles. 9.15 Mountain Boy: Cheerio's program. 10.00 Breed and deRose: Morning Parade.

10.30 Happy Ramblers: Morping parace. 11.30 Concert by U. S. Navy Band. Novelty duo: On Wings of Song.

1.00 Market reports: Variety programs 1.00 Dance music: Jack and Loretta. 3 00 Echoes of Erin: Piano Pals. 3.30 Women' Radio Review: Organ. 4.30 Tea Dansant: Lady Next Door. 5.00 Musical Novelty (Huth Roy).

$.30 Trio Romantique: Baritone recital. WIZ--NEW YORK. 395. 160. M.

7.30 DoD Hall Trio: Jolly Bill and Jane. 1.00 The Wife Saver: Xylophone solos. 1.30 Organ recital: Morning devotions. 9.15 Breakfast Club: Same WBZA. P.

M. 12.01 The Commodores: Rex Battle and Concert Ensemble. 1.00 Vic and Sade: Concert ensemble. 1.30 National Farm Home program. 1.30 The Pioneers; HAppy Jack Turner.

1.00 Retty and Bob: Wards and Music. 4.00 Thursday Special (variety program) 3.00 Women's Club hour: Dance music. 8.30 Organ recital: Little Orphan Annie. TORK. 319.

860. 7.30 Organ reveille: Salon musicale. 9.00 Same DR.C. P. sr.

12.01 Dance orchestra: Concert minlatures .00 Little Princess: Luncheon program. 1.00 Organ recital: The Merrymakers. 3.00 La Forge-Berumen recital: Tenor. 3.30 Jack Brooks and his Orchestra. 4.00 Army Band concert: Rhythm Kings.

5.00 Skippy Sketch: Dance orchestra. 5.30 All-American Boy: Tenor recital IGY-SCHENECTADY. 390. :80. M.

6.45 Same as WEAF. 10.30 Shopping bag: Organ recital 11.00 Song recital; Drama: Band concert. P. M. Tenor recital: Luncheon program.

1,00 Albany on Parade: Farm program. 3.00 Studio program: Household chat Same as Station WEAF. 1.43 Stock market report; Novelties. Lynn Residents Urge Construction of Bridge Special to The Springfield Union. BOSTON.

Auz. a hearing at the State House today lasting only 33 minutes the state emergency public works commission was asked by Lynn residents to construct. a new bridge over the l'ines Rover hetween Lynn Tonight's Programs IBZA-SPRINGFIELD. 303. 990.

6.00 Reggie Childs and his Orchestra. 6.15 Happy Landings with Mitzi Green. 6.30 Time: Weather: Sporta review. 6.45 Today's News -Lowell Thomas 7.00 Amos and Andy (comedy sketch). 7.15 Concert Footlights (recital hour).

7.45 The Guardsmen (male quartet). 8.00 Adventures Capt. Diamond. 8.30 Phantom Strings; Concert recital. 9.00 Death Valley Days, dramatic sketch 9.30 Wayne King and his Orchestra 10.30 Joe and his Orchestra.

10.00 Hands Across the Border. 10.45 News; Weather; Sports review. 11.15 Poet Prince: Army Rand concert. 12.00 Ernie Holts and his Orchestra. 12.30 Dancing In the Twin Cities.

WMAS-SPRINGFIELD. 211, 1420. 6.00 Hits and Bits (variety program). 7.00 Piano recital; Schumann Ensemble. 7.30 The Songster: N.

E. Council. $.00 Brookline summer concert series. 9.00 Organ Tones; Totem Pole dance. $.45 Hai Goodwin: Brightside Band.

10.30 Dance music: Harmonica Jim. 226. 1330. 6.00 Dance orchestra: News Parade. 6.30 Mildred Bailey: Teauls resume.

Isham Jones and his Orchestra. Morton Downey: Jack Denny's Music. :.30 The Diplomats (variety program). Windy City Revue (variety hour). 8.30 Columbia Dramatic Guild (play).

9.00 Melodeers' Quartet and soloist. 9.30 S. Marine Band concert. 10.00 Willard Robison with orchestra. 10.30 Ted Husing: Gladys Rice, soprano 11.13 Phil Kegan; NRA broadcast.

11.13 Fred Martin and his Orchestra. WEIF-NEW YORK 455. 660. 6.00 Walter Logan's Viennese Ensemble. 6.30 Richard Hirober's String Casemb'e.

7.00 The Mountaineers: Soprano recital. 7.30 Lum and Abner: The Goldberga 8.00 Rudy Vallee and guest artiste. 9.00 Capt. Showboat (variety). 10.00 AI Jolson and Paul Whiteman.

11.00 William Scott and Orchestra. 11.13 East- football classic. 12.00 Mark Fisher and his Orchestra. Lake George Village Orchestra IT TOKE. 395.

160. 6.00 Reggie Childs and his Orchestra. 6.30 Old Sones of the Church (recital). 6.45 Lowell Thomas: Amos and Andy. 7.15 8.00 Same Concert as Footlights: WBLA.

Sigmund 10.30 Echoes of the Palisades (organ). 11.00 Three Jesters; Summer Stars. 11.30 Same Station WBZA. TORE. 319, $50.

6.00 Barney Rapp and his Orchestra. 6.30 Mildred Bailey: Isham Music. 7.00 Storton Downey: Jack Denny's Music. 7.30 The Road Reporter; Boake Carter. 8.00 Same as Station ORC 12.00 Casa Loma Dance Orchestra.

12.30 Johnny Hamp and his Orchestra 1.00 Popular dance orchestra. IGY-SCHENECIADY. 380, 790. 6.00 Mountain Ballads: News items. 6.30 Felix Ferdinando orchestra Address: Joe and Eddie (sketch).

Same Station WEAF. WOR-SEWAKK. 422. 310. 6.00 Uncle Don (children's program).

6.30 Happy Land.ags: Blue Waltzes 7.00 Sports review; Ronnie and Lowland Singers: Saxophone quartet. 8.00 Radio Forum: Organ recital Ohman and Arden; Unannounced 9.30 Al and Lee Reiser: Studio Interview 10.00 Pinochle Clab: Variety program. 11. Popular dance orchestra. Tomorrow's Programs PRINGI IEID.

303. 990. and Revere. 3.31 Harrisburg Variety program, TO THE SAGUENAY CRUISES THAT REALLY SHOW YOU CANADA AT LOW COST See Niagara, Toronto. Lake Ontario.

Thousand Islands. Rapids of the St. Lawrence. Montreal, Quebec. Murray Bay and the spectacular Saguenay- -on the world's finest inland fleet! All outside rooms, orchestras, dancing.

ALL-EXPENSE TOURS FROM BOSTON To Montreal, Quebec, Ste. Anne de Beaupre, Mont- 5 DAYS morency Falls, and the Saguenay. including Pullmans, Frontenac alghtseeing. and all meals room with bath Pic Chateau '75 ROTSD Personally escorted. TRIP MONTREAL to the SAGUENAY and RETURN A delightful sail of 2 a days and 3 nights.

Stopover privileges at $35 all points. Rate includes berth and meals. NIAGARA to the SAGUENAY Return to. MONTREAL Meals and berth included. Stopover privileres.

Same trip $5395 from Alexandria Bay (Thousand Islands) $41.10 SPECIAL GARAGE SERVICE In Toronto for those taking Saguenay Cruise A ABOI OTHER ALL- EA PEN For titerature anthorized and Tourist urbete. apply Kallroad Tirkel GREAT LAKES CRUISES Canada Lines. Little or Bide. (. AN Fletcher, Bori- 7 days.

$65 from Detroit Boston. MA. CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES AL. 7.09 Musical Clock (variety program). Martha and Hall: Saxophone solos 1.30 Variety program: Breakfast Club 10.00 Soutbern Singers: The Gossipers.

10.30 Today's Children: Mimi and Jerry. 11.00 U. S. Marine Band concert P. 12.01 Concert recital (Boston artists).

12.30 News bulletias: Talk; Piano recital. 1.00 Weather: N. E. Agricultore. 1.30 National Farm and Home bour.

2.30 Song recital: Books and A Authors. 3.00 Betty and Bob: Song recital. 3.30. Home Forum Cooking School. 4.00.

The Arcadians. 4.30 Tao Arcadians (string ensemble). 6.00 Market reports: A Dance orchestra 5.30 Organ recital: Little Orphan Annie. 211 1420. M.

3.30 Pleasantries: Melody Express 9.30 Beauty talk; Plano fantasies 10.00 Yankee Quartet: The Mountaineers. 10.30 Song Album; Talk; Ambassadora. 11.00 Morning Melodies: Talk: Recital P. SI. 12.01 Noonday musicale: Newa: Farm tale 1.00 Popular Varieties: Piano recital 1.30 Matinee Melodies; Talk: Recital.

3.00 Popular Favorites: Piano solos. 3.30 Yankee Organ recital. 5.00 Fun Fest: Safety program. 5.30 Melody Mart (popular program). WTIC-HARTFORD.

283 1060. P. M. 4.00 Organ recital by Walter Nawley. 4.30 South Sea (novelty).

5.00 Manhattan Beach Brass Band 5.30 Sunset hour (ronrert program). FORD 226 1330. M. $.00 Shoppers special; talks and n. veit te Jack Little: Silver Twins.

9.30 Melodies: Tony Wane' program. 10 00 Noseity Trio: The Mountaineers. 10.30 Garden prograin: spirituals. :1.09 Melody Parade: Variety Slusicale P. M.

12.01 Dance orchestra: Concert Miniatures. 1.00 Farm program: Madisou Ensemble. 2.00 Dance orchestra: Artist recital. 3.00 Salon or hestra: F'iano recital. 3 30 Harrisburg Varlery; The Grab Bag.

4.30 I'. S. Army Rand concert. 5.30 All American Boy: Jack 5.00 Skippy Sketch: Dance orchestra WEAP- NEW YORK. 455.

660. Health exercises (tour periods). 8.00 Organ recital: Morning Glee Club 8.45 Florenda Trio: Novelty program. 9.30 Cheerio (inspirational program). 10.06 Breen and de Rose: Organ recital.

10.30 Happy Rambler: Betty Crocker. 11.00 Morning Parade (variety program) P. M. 12.01 Commodores: Piano recital. 1.00 Market reports: Luncheon music 2.00 Road to Romany: The Fo Romancers.

3.00 Sonata recital: Women's Review. 4.00 Recital; South Sea Islanders 5.00 Friday Matinee (dance music). 5.30 Jack and Loretta: The Story Man. TORK. 395.

:60. A. 7.30 Don Hall Trio: Jolly Bill aad JaDe 8.00 Sfariba and Hal: Xylophonesolos 8.30 recital: Morning devotions 9 15 Breakfast Ciub: Same WBZA. P. 13.01 Studio recital; Quartet: Dance.

1.00 Vic and Sade: Luncheon ensemble 1.30 National Farm and Heme hour. 3.39 World's Fair: Happy Jack Turner. 3.00 Retty and Bob: Words and Muste 4.00 Dance orchestra: The Arcadians. Address: Same Station WBZA. TORR.

349 A. M. 7.30. Organ recital; Salon musical. 20 Sunny Melodies: Same WDRC.

P. 12 01 Luncheon music; Concert Miniature 1.00 Littio Princess: Siadison Ensembl2.09 Fred Berrens and his Orchestra. 2.30 studio recital: Edurational talk orchestra: Piano recital. 3.31 Harrisburg Variety program, 4.00 5.00 Grab Same as Bag: GY-SCHENECTADT. Statica Army WDRO Band 880.

concert. 190. M. 10.00 Married Melodists: or Devotions. 6.15 Same 10.30 Market Basket: Same WEAF.

P. St 12.61 News: Talk: Lunchenn program. .1.00 Albany Parade: Farm program, 2.30 Same as Station WEAF. 2.00 Studio recital; our Housebold Chat. 5.00 Stock report; NBC features.

Rail Executives Transfer Work Three Subcommittees Will Consider Economies and Eliminate Waste. NEW YORK. Fastern railroad. executives at a meeting today decided to tranfer the functions of the general committee, formed some time Ago to consider economies and elimination ot competitive waste, to three subcom. mittees.

This action apparently, terminates the existence of general committee. which was the successor to the "committee for the elimination of competitive" waste formed last year. The executives acted as members of the Eastern regional coordination committee which recently promised Federal Coordinator Joseph R. FAmman that, in harmony with the 1- ministration's reemployment campalen the general committee would be reorganized. Justice Avery of Quincy District Court Resigns BOSTON.

Auz. (AP) Justice Albert E. Avery of the Quincy District Court resigned today. effective Oct. 1.

Gov. Ely announced today. NRA PRINCIPLES MAY OVERSPREAD CONTINENT SOON Indications, Are Seen That All North. America: Will Join in Recovery Program. By FREDERIC J.

HASKIN. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 There are indications that the entire North American continent may join in recovery program similar in operation and purpose to the National Industrial Recovery Administration's program for the United States. The North American movement would include the Dominion of Canada, Mexico, and Cuba as the major members. In all probability the British and 'French West Indies would be into the Arrangement.

Nothing which 'har heen done since the beginning of the depression has attracted more attention than the revolutionary legislation and the dictaterial actions of the Congress and the President of the United States. Not even the several economic conferences which have taken place in Europe in the past few sears have attacked the hard times in so radical and forthright A manner. It may fairly he said that the whole world is watching the experiment with profound interest. possible Mexico direct N'AA the 'Arst cooperation to with indicate the a American plan. Some weeks.

Ago former President Calles of Mexico declared that his people should observe with care the policies heing by the United States and. if practicable, arrive At come business entente I calculated to enable the southern republic to ride hack to prosperity along with Now this comes country. word that Canadian bustness organizations are scrutinizing the National Recovery Administration's operations with more than detached interest. Such important bodies as the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, the Montreal Board of Trade, and the Retail Merchants' Association have seriously taken up the Idea of fomenting a similar plan for the Dominion. In Canada, husiness groups have always been in close alliance with the Government.

If these important trade hodies favor such plan it is practically foregone conclusion that the. Government will adopt it. Washington has' received word that economic and business 'experts from Canada may- be expected here for the purpose making an intensive study of the anatomy and structure of the plan and to observe the workings of its many branches at close range. They will, of course, be welcomed and given every facility by the NR.A officials. Similar Conditions Exist.

Canada has a commission on hanking and finance which, at the same time, will make a study of the financial and hanking legislation which has einerged as a part of the New Deal. The Dominion has not had the same banking. difficulty which the United States has suffered-in fact there has not hen a bank failure in Canada for a decade. Nevertheless, Canada is interested in credit policies, especially such matters As farin finance an.I credit for public works. Canada bas been as hard hit by the depression es the U'nited Stater.

Her unemployment has hrer on about the same sale, her trade has shrunk in much the sane inanner and. in short. many of her eronomic problem: are the same as those of this, country. Because of the close trade relationship between these two. English-speaking of North America, the in the vErses the other of succeas and one of a each affect the is 'the other.

vitally fortunes Canada Interested en of is the only, other large nation in the world which uses the dollar As a etary unit. It is a' Canadian rather than United States dollar. hut dollar nevertheleas. divided into the same denomination: and normally worth the same amount. Canada while a member of the British family of nations, is independent economically, has her own treasury, and collects her own taxes.

In many respects her are more closely knitted :0 those of the United States than 10 those of Great Britain. The political disturbances in Cuba which- spring almost a holly from the LAST CALL Painless Extraction 50c Each Tooth (Except Inspacted or Vi ladom Teeth) This Offer Positively Will Be Withdrawn August 31st. Special Attention Given Nervous People and Children. Here every improved facility for dental work gives complete assurance of satisfaction. We take special pride in our Plate and Bridgework.

Even the smallest cavity receives the same careful attention here as the replacement of a complete set of teeth which have outlived their usefulness. DR. LABEL, DENTIST. Inc. 1253 Main St.

Opp. Court Square Phone 4-5831 SOCONY-VACUUM TOOK HIM AROUND THE SOCONY-VACUUM economic distress of the times have given impetus- to, the suggestion that Cuba be included in the recovery program. Cuba is in some respects as closely connected with the United States ag Canada. Cuba owes her existence As an. independent nation -to this country.

Her wealth. which is great in normal times, sprung very largely from the Intimate trade relations which have subsisted hetween the two' While there is a difference of language and of race. there always has been a close political and trade affiliation, and it would fall naturally for Cuba to he included in any upward trend which might be created in the United States. Conceited Action Desirable. millions of dollars.

of American capital are invested in Cuban rallways, sugar plantations and 'centrals, cattle ranches and tobacco felds. That American money wants recovery as much as American money at home. of American investmontane borders and and Canada. across Over the narrow Straits of Florida, American capital has been flowing for years with the result that many an Individual in Chicago or Omaha or New Orleans derives at least a part of his income from one of those neighbors. Nothing, therefore, could he more desirable than for all of the North American group to achieve the recovery of prosperity together.

As a matter of fact the sueof the program in the United States would inevitably bring proved conditions in the other North American states but, meantime, it is considered. the others might well orcanize to help the work along rather than merely he hauled in the wake. It has heen out that, because of the confused and deranged monetary situation in the world today, international husiness is being done on variety of exchange hases. Were all of the North American nations to organize into A sort of economic union. it would follow naturally that they would ail utilize the same media of monctary exchange.

This would materially strenathen the international position of the dollar in world affairs. It would create formidable unit which could be wielded to arrange some sort of tariff reciprocity among these North American state. A great many people in this country are firmly for the belief that American salvation lies in A partial isolationist position, japart rivalries from of the perplexed intrigues and, Europe and the East. It would be' writing a new and important chapter history if the preliminary negotiations. now taking place should fruition and; instead of a National Recovery Administration, seated only in the United States, there should be a North American A Recovery Administration lifting a whole- continent and its satellites by the bootstraps.

'ersumably there would he a joint board. composed of representatives of the several North American countries -in control under the general hegemony of the United States. It would represent the greatest economic alliance in history. With four large nations all determinedly bent on a single economic program. depression would be hard hit.

Ludlow Center LUDLOW CENTER, Aug. 23-The Worth While Club will meet Thursday evening with Miss Vera King of Miller Street. short play will feature the 1 4 4 BRINGS -p POST HERE 4 TO CAR Socony Mobilgas, Socony Ethyl and Mobiloil for your car come from the same choice crudes isn't alone because Wiley Post used Soconyand are Socony-Vacuum manufactured fuel and with the lubricants same used care by and Wiley precision Post in as the the. I Vacuum aviation products -Socony MobilWinnie Mac. Play safe, Mobilize your car with Socony Mobilgas gas and Mobiloil -in his record-making flight or Socony Ethyl in the tank, Mobiloil in the crankcase, Mobilgrease for chassis lubrication.

All these products work together around the world that Socony-Vacuum has to make your car run better. 8 arranged to bring him here today. Mobil-ize your car. Socony-Vacuum is doing its part by bring-. ing Post to the people of this community to further his ambition for even greater contribuSOCONY tions So, to we're aviation.

glad to be able to present him to Mobilgas-Mobiloil you him in who person. want to see Post and to congratulate STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK, INC. A SOCONY- VACUUM COMPANY program, with Miss Barbara Smith in charge. Mrs. Ralph Bates' and children, Ralph, Jr.

and Beverly. Ann of Norwalk, are guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. Warren M. Fuller.

Mr. and Mrs. William Walker of Fuller Street are spending their vacation in Stratford, Conn. About 33 members of Ludlow Grange attended the recent Grange meeting and followed Leon Harris, past master, on the annual "mystery ride" which had its conclusion at the Harris home on Cady Street. A pie eating contest won by Robert Munsing and Alfred Shaw.

Ludlow Grange, Pottery, Philip Jones, Mrs. George lecturer of the lecturer of Palmer Grange, are attending the New England Conference of Grange lecturers in Kingston. R. this week. The gyro stabilizer has proved itself capable of eliminating roll in ships, and also pitch from following seas, but it cannot overcome motion caused by bucking head seas at.

high speeds. I .1.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.