Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (2024)

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Monster Academy

Chapter Text

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (1)

Deep in the heart of a dense forest, the towering trees intermingled with the tangled vines and thorny bushes, creating a complicated maze of greenery. It has been quite some time since the sun had set, and the sky had now turned pitch-black. There were hurried footsteps running through the underbrush; their sound getting louder and clearer as time passed.

They seemed like they were coming from all directions at once. The air was heavy with the smell of wet soil and decaying leaves, and the underbrush scratched their skin like the desperate claws of an animal. Eventually, the footsteps converged, and their makers all breathed heavily, gasping for air. The urgency in their breaths was intense, and they could feel the fear emanating from each other.

"Have any of you found him?" A man, breathing unevenly, asked those that had gathered. He had the appearance of a 40-year-old middle-aged man with a thick beard and a broad-shouldered figure. A figure that you could easily imagine to be capable of snapping a tree trunk with a bear hug.

Another man, slightly smaller in stature, turned towards him and gasped, his breaths ragged. Worry was etched on his face, his hands trembling, and cold sweat running down his back. His voice trembled with emotion as he spoke in a hurried, high-pitched tone.

"T-There is no sign of him anywhere!"
"The sensors are also catching neither a glimpse nor hair of that brat!"

The others also shared similar discoveries. They had been searching through this dense forest for what felt like an eternity; their search beginning as soon as the anomaly was discovered alongside the clock that struck midnight.

Now, as the first faint light of dawn began to filter through the trees, they begrudgingly understood that there is no longer anything that they can do... Realizing the fate that will befall them once this matter reaches the ears of their master, their faces turned grim, and fear etched deep lines on their faces.

"How are we supposed to report this to the professor?"

The man with the broad shoulders muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. His shoulders slumped, betraying his defeat as he stared blankly ahead... The first rays of dawn pierced through the dense foliage, casting patches of light on his face, highlighting the despair etched into his features as he sighed.

"TheMasterpiecehad escaped."

People, buildings, concrete no, pavement is the correct term, birds, dogs... dogs huh, are those pets I wonder.

As I gaze out the window of the bus, rows of unfamiliar scenery filled my vision one after another.

People, they are bustling, some ambling leisurely, trying to savor their time and appreciate their environment perhaps. Others rush by with a purpose, maybe they are late for work or their classes or some other agenda... One of them in particular wore a suit attire and a furrowed brow. His eyes are narrowed in frustration as he strides briskly down the sidewalk not minding the nearby pedestrians, all while taking a glance at his watch every 4 to 5 seconds compulsively, as if every second counts.

Although it should still be early as it was around 7:30 AM when I entered this bus... Not that I know what time is considered not late.

Suddenly, the sound of screeching brakes reached my ears, and my body experienced a sharp jolt as the bus came to a stop. I peeked to the front to discern the cause of this event. As I glanced around, I noticed a girl of my age donning a similar clothing to mine while reading a book which I discerned to be Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

The girl's raven hair cascaded down her back in luscious waves, framing her striking features. Her ruby eyes shone with a fiery intensity as she continues to read her book unbothered, captivating those who dared to meet her gaze. There was an authoritative aura that surrounded her, one that exudes an air of confidence and control, so I couldn't help but draw my eyes towards her.

Noticing that I was staring longer than I should, I hastily completed my assessment around me and concluded that interestingly, there seemed to be two different responses to this event from my fellow passengers. Some, like that girl, were disinterested to the event that occurred as if such a scenario was an everyday occurrence, while others like me, curious about what lies ahead.

"Oh," the woman sitting in front of me muttered as she saw the traffic light turned red and then proceeded to brush it off, she then disinterestedly started fidgeting her phone not minding any other business. Others too followed suit as soon as their curiosity has been satisfied... None of them reacted like what happened was something out of the ordinary.

Their action was simply out of reflex.

Humans have an innate curiosity that drives them to explore and seek answers. Even though we already have a good idea of what the answer may be. This is likely due to our natural desire to learn and understand the world around us, as well as our ability to anticipate and predict outcomes based on our past experiences.

In the case of this bus stopping, their brains automatically assume it is due to a red traffic light, but they still feel compelled to look out the window and confirm their assumptions, as well as potentially discover any unexpected occurrences.

Having discerned what caused the bus to stop, I moved my attention back to the scenery outside the window, only to be interrupted by a child's excited voice that unfailingly took my attention.

"Look, it's a mecha!" he exclaimed.

Eyes sparkling, the boy's mouth was wide agape, excitement filled his every move as he zoned in on the massive figure at a distance outside the confines of the vehicle.

A woman, whom I assumed to be his mother, struggled to contain his activated figure; her face painting a sense of defeat and acceptance. It seems that this kind of reaction is warranted from the child.

I followed their line of sight and spotted the object of interest. A yellow robot or rather mecha of about 6 meters in height hovered effortlessly above the nearby building.

Its metallic surface reflecting the morning sunlight, created a dazzling effect. Its body was sleek and aerodynamic with sharp edges and curves, giving it a modern and futuristic appearance. The mecha's arms were long and slender with powerful hydraulic joints that moved smoothly, like a well-oiled machine. The bright yellow color of the mecha stood out in contrast against the dull grey of the building, making it impossible to miss.

Focusing my sight, I noticed that the hatch was open, a man that appeared to be on his late twenties nonchalantly observed the ongoing traffic down below.He must be the pilot,I thought to myself.

Considering that he is just hovering over a busy street, observing. Is he simply an officer on duty assigned on the area or is he something else.

...Well as it turns out, that thought was unnecessary as I can now see that there is a police insignia painted on the mecha's shoulder.

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (2) Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (3)

"It's so cool," "Mom, I want to pilot a mecha too!"

"Mm, someday little one, once you have become a propersoul masterthen you will be able to ride one of those cool things too. So, you better study and be a good student, okay?"

Her eyes squinted, her hands stroking the young boy's hair as she humored the child's desire. Her encouraging words motivated him to take his studies seriously and nodded eagerly in response.

Soul masters huh.In the current society and throughout history, becoming a soul master is considered to be the noblest profession one can have. They are individuals who possess the ability to cultivate and harness the power of their souls, which allows them to gain extraordinary abilities and strength through what they call a Martial Soul.

A Martial Soul is something that everyone possesses - awakening at the age of six. However, in order for one to become a Soul master, they must possess soul power - the energy they cultivate in order to increase their soul rank and nourish their Martial Soul. According to statistics, the chance of an infant being born with soul power is only one in a thousand.

The cultivation of soul power is measured in ranks. For every 10 ranks that they attain, they will reach a bottleneck and will require the acquisition of a soul ring/spirit ring, which can be accomplished by killing aSoul Beast, in order to continue their cultivation to a higher rank. But more on that is a topic for another discussion.

Apparently, according to her, one needed to become a Soul master in order to pilot a mecha. However, based on what I had learned, ordinary humans should be capable of piloting a mecha with acceptable efficiency even without the support of soul power.

Maybe she is unaware of this information or perhaps she simply wanted her son to become a Soul master and is taking advantage of the child's fascination towards mechas to incentivize him into becoming one.

I can understand why, as not only is the Soul master profession revered, but I heard that it also generates a lot of income... How much exactly, I don't really know myself, but it must be enough for anyone to pursue the profession for monetary gain alone.

As the bus jolted back to life, I was snapped out of my reverie and brought back to reality. The vehicle began moving forward; its wheels rolling over the road as it resumed its journey along the predetermined route.

The rest of the journey was more or less uneventful, the entire time, I simply crossed my arms and closed my eyes, judging that any more observation, towards the scenery or otherwise to be unnecessary. Soon, I arrived at my destination and began to disembark.

Stepping out of the folding door, I was greeted with cherry blossoms in full bloom...Well, it is April after all.

Delicate, pink petals danced gracefully through the air, carried by a gentle spring breeze. Ahead, I saw a massive gate formed from natural rock. All the young boys and girls dressed in an identical attire to mine were passing through this gate. The atmosphere felt serene and peaceful yet filled with an air of anticipation and excitement.

Okay, stop for a moment.I took a deep breath and readied myself for what's to come.All right, here we go!


The instant I tried to take my first courageous step, I heard someone's call, stopping me in my tracks. I wasn't sure If this person was calling out to me or to someone else, however, instinctively I looked behind to see who the originator of the voice was... It was the girl with raven hair that I saw on the bus.

"You were staring at me. Why?" she asked. Her ruby eyes locked into mine with an intensity that would send a shiver down a spine.

Oh, she was calling out to me.

"I was simply glancing around, that's all there is to it. Erm, well I guess I was also interested on how the other passengers reacted when the bus suddenly stopped."

She furrowed her brows, seemingly confused about my apparent curiosity.

"Huh? Obviously, it was just a red light. What's so interesting about that. If there was an accident, then the people would have made a fuss already."

I guess it was indeed something considered to be mundane and obvious.

"Still, that doesn't change the fact that you were staring at me."

She's not backing down at all. What's so wrong about looking at her for a moment anyways. Should I lie and say that I wasn't... that would just make things worse.

"That was because unlike the others, you weren't acting the least bit curious about the bus stopping, even if it was instinctive... If I had made you uncomfortable, then I apologize."

"Your tone doesn't sound like it at all, and besides even if it is human nature to be curious about pretty much anything, that doesn't mean that I have to follow through. I simply judged that such an event was unworthy of my attention."

"I see, well I was just wondering is all."

"To bethatcurious about something as plain as a bus stopping on a red light, that doesn't make you a weird guy at all."

"I'm not?"

''You are!"

Huffing, she continued. "Anyways, it is my principle to avoid guys like you who seem to have their head on the clouds. I hope our paths never cross again." She then proceeded to walk ahead passing through the stone gate.

"Likewise," I muttered.

Seeing her back getting smaller and smaller, I proceed to take a step forward and walked towards the gate.

Ah right, I forgot to mention. I am a Soul master, and here in front of me is the entrance to the Advanced Nurturing Spirit Academy.

Widely known for producing generational talents, its graduates are highly sought after and respected, with many going on to become influential figures in the world of Soul masters. It had a long history and since then until now, it remained to be the undisputed number one academy in Japan.

With it having a track record of producing Soul masters possessing monstrous prowess and talent, eventually it had become known to many in another name...

The opening ceremony is being held within a wide-open plaza. The air was filled with the murmur of countless conversations, punctuated by bursts of laughter and excited chatter. Some just kept to themselves, while others like me took in their surroundings.

Based on the information that I previously learned, this academy was divided into three grades. Each grade had around a hundred and sixty students give or take ten or twenty. The students are evenly distributed into four classes from A to D, which means each class should hold about forty students each. Together they totaled around four hundred and eighty students...

Upon careful observation, I discovered that the oldest among the students gathered appeared to be around eighteen to twenty years old. Their extraordinary cultivation bases were plain to see, and they held themselves with a sense solemnity and gravity.

The newest students were naturally the youngest ones and were fifteen or younger; the majority being either fourteen or thirteen like myself.

It seems that the students from each grade had an average difference of three years.

Looking further out front, I noticed that there wasn't a stage setup or podium of any kind for the opening ceremony. Not only that, but there was no one in front at all.

Suddenly, my attention was drawn to the sky, and I saw twenty people slowly descending. Their majestic aura and presence extraordinary. In the middle of the formation, I could identify a man in his forties.

He wore a silver robe, complementing his lilac-colored hair styled in a neat and prim manner. He wore glasses that framed his sharp, yet warm gaze that could put others at ease.

But what truly caught my attention was the aura of awe-inspiring might and calmness that he exuded. It was as if he had the power to move mountains with a single word, yet he remained composed and in control at all times.

I continued to watch as he and the rest of the group, who were most likely the teachers, levitated in mid-air. Their imposing auras commanded the attention of everyone present, causing them to hold their breath in anticipation.

None of them had wings, nor were there any visible aid that allowed them to fly. The fact that they could hover in the air like that by relying on their own strength alone, suggests that each of them are at an extremely high level.

The man in the silver robe, who appeared to be their leader, moved a step forward in the air.

The entirety of the plaza was eerily silent, so quiet that not even the rustling of leaves could be heard... It was as if time had stood still, and the world had hushed to a standstill. The silence was so eerie that you could almost taste it; like a bitter aftertaste that lingered on the tongue.

The silver robed man then donned a soft smile, completely washing away the tense atmosphere that had filled the plaza, replacing it with a gentle, warm spring breeze that put everyone at ease.

"A new academic year is before us once again. At this time every three years, the doors of the Advanced Nurturing Spirit Academy are opened to allow entrance of new blood into our abode... I am Sakayanagi Narumori, the headmaster of the outer court, and I am pleased to see so many bright and eager faces before me."

He paused, taking a moment to scan the crowd before he proclaimed,

"Welcome to the Monster Academy."

Long. It was far too long for my liking. The entrance ceremony was finally over after it dragged on for what felt like an eternity. I wasn't the only who got restless. I had sensed the same feeling of impatience from the other students around me.

The initial appearance of the headmaster and teachers was the only exciting part, but then came an endless string of speeches and formalities. We stood in lines for what felt like hours, and with the scorching sun beating down on us, it was unbearable, it was akin to being drenched in the fiery blood of a Scarlet Salamander.

However, that is not what I'm concerned with at the moment, as I walked down the halls of the academic building, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment. The excitement and anticipation of starting a new chapter in my life were quickly replaced with a sense of nervousness and uncertainty.

Making friends is still unfamiliar to me and now, in this new environment, I knew I had to step out of my comfort zone. Failure to do so signals the beginning of a rather tragic school life.

My classroom was in sight, my heart started beating faster as I neared the open classroom door. The moment is near. How should I go about it? Should I just walk up to people and start talking to them. Should I secretly pass around a slip of paper with my email address, so as to better befriend someone? No, that's impossible for the current me. I knew I should have prepared beforehand, I needed practice for something like this as it is completely different from the environment I've experienced thus far.

The bustling crowds of students around me only added to my anxiety. I watched as they chatted and laughed with each other, already forming their social circles. Perhaps they already knew each other beforehand — friends, old classmates, or perhaps acquaintances... I felt like an outsider, a lone wolf in a sea of people.

But I knew that I couldn't let my fears consume me... I took a deep breath and reminded myself of the importance of this moment. I had to make a good impression, to show my potential friends that I was approachable and friendly.

And so, I walked toward the seat that bore my nameplate as soon as I entered the classroom. It was at the back of the room, near the window. It was a good place to sit, the wind hit just right and I could gaze at the view without the presence of any obstacle. So, I sat there and took in the wonderful scenery before me.



What am I doing? Wasn't I supposed to make some friends?This cannot do, this isn't the time to look at some inanimate landscapes. I turned my head and looked around the classroom, searching for anyone that I could approach.

The room was already halfway filled, aside from those that already formed their own groups, others kept to themselves, some studying their class materials.

Among them in the second row in the center of the classroom, I noticed a well-built boy with slick blond hair reclined on his chair, his feet propped up on top of his desk. He exuded an aura of extreme confidence and superiority, as if the world revolved around him. His hair was perfectly coiffed and styled, with not a strand out of place. The way he carried himself was a sight to behold, with an air of nonchalance that spoke of his self-assurance. His sharp features, chiseled jawline, and piercing yellow eyes completed the image of a person who was fully aware of his own charm and attractiveness.

In his front was a rather small petite girl with twin tails. Apparently, the boy's legs were far too long that it eventually reached her side. She had to hunch her back so that she wouldn't get hit by his stretched leg. She fidgeted nervously, stealing glances at him from time to time, but appeared too meek to raise a complaint or ask him to remove his feet from his desk. The boy, seemingly unaware or unconcerned about the discomfort he was causing the girl, whipped out a hand mirror and started inspecting or rather appreciating himself.

It was none of my concern, so I zoned in on another figure. This time it was a boy also hunching over, he had quite the rounded figure, but like me, he was also alone. This could be my chance. I thought to myself.

I was about to stand and head towards him, but I stopped myself. What if I made him uncomfortable... I shouldn't be hasty. If I come across as someone who is insensitive and rude, then I run the risk of making a serious social gaffe.

In the first place what even are friends? How do people become friends? I've been pondering these questions for a while now. And the deeper I think, the more I wonder. Is it a matter of common interests? Or maybe shared experiences? Do you have to be charismatic or extroverted to make friends? Is it about finding someone who is similar to you, or is it more about embracing your differences? I didn't really have much time to ponder about this prior to arriving here so I am utterly clueless.

Do I even need friends? I wanted to experience having one, however this is starting to become bothersome already.

As my thoughts wander across the stormy sea, with waves crashing against each other like a thousand clashing cymbals, the round boy had started talking with another classmate.

Sigh, I just missed my chance. I'm happy for you round boy.

"That's quite a heavy sigh, considering the school year has only begun. Meeting you again makes me want to sigh."

As I was about to start contemplating on the direction of my school life, someone sat at the chair beside mine. It was the raven-haired girl who confronted me back at the entrance.

I wasn't that thrilled seeing her again, especially with how she treated me at the earlier altercation. So, we're in the same class, huh. Well, statistically, the chances of that happening are not really low considering that there are only four classes in our grade.

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, nice to meet you."

"I didn't ask for your name and I don't care whatever it is," she replied coldly.

...I kind of figured it out, but she had quite the attitude.

"Well, since we've talked before, I thought it would be polite to introduce myself."

She hmphed and turned away, pulling out a book from her bag. She started reading, ignoring me completely. Though I had to say, the way she carries herself is very composed and elegant, like a perfect model student.

Considering that she is my neighbor, I at least wanted to know her name, it would be very uncomfortable otherwise sitting beside someone who you can't address properly.

"Is it your hobby to just stare at people?" she said without taking her focus away from her book.

"I didn't catch your name."

"Do you mind if I refuse?"

"I guess not, though it would be nice to have a name to go with the face. Especially so if they're sitting beside me."

She shrugged. "I disagree."

"Do you have someone you know in this school? A friend, or an acquaintance perhaps?" I asked.

"Quite persistent, aren't you? You won't find talking to me very interesting though."

"If I'm bothering you, you can just tell me to be quiet."

I guess I'll stop here, she already seemed to have an unfavorable opinion of me, it would do me no good if I made her angry.Thinking the conversation was over, I went back to face the window but then I heard her sigh.

"Horikita Suzune."

My head snapped to her direction. She was looking straight at me and for the first time, I could properly observe her features. Despite her initial coldness, she was undeniably beautiful.

Such a calm, cool beauty.

"It's nice to meet you, Horikita." I said. "Let me tell you about myse—"

"Forget it." She interrupted. "Listen, I have no intention of becoming friends, not to you and not to anyone here, if you don't want to be alone that badly, look somewh—"

"Um, excuse me but could you please take your feet off the desk?"

I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction seeing her get a taste of her own medicine.How does it feel getting interrupted huh, Horikita?Looking annoyed, she gazed towards the origin of the voice. Being curious as well, I followed suit.

Up front, stares were directed towards the blond-haired boy being confronted by another student. The student had the air of an upstanding young man. His hair wasn't dyed and looked like an honors student.

"She is clearly uncomfortable with it so I would appreciate it if you would consider putting them down."

"Hmph, why should I?" the boy said.

I wondered if he was stubborn, confident, or just indifferent. In any case, he grinned broadly and continued.

"I don't see why I should have to accommodate her discomfort. I have every right to put my feet up if I want to. There's no rule against it," he continued.

The student who confronted him argued. "I understand that, but it's just common courtesy to be mindful of how your actions affect others."

The girl who was at the center of it all spoke up, "It's fine, really. I'm not that bothered with it," she said while showing a smile, but anyone could tell that despite her words, her strained expression betrayed her true feelings.

The blond-haired boy smirked, "See? She doesn't mind at all."

Just then, another girl appeared and inserted herself into the conversation. The girl had short beige-colored hair and crimson eyes and is strikingly beautiful.

"Excuse me, but I couldn't help but overhear. While she may have said that, she is just being polite and does not want to cause trouble. Seeing this, I couldn't just sit back and let it go on. She is clearly still very troubled," she said.

Her well-endowed figure for our age, adds to her alluring appearance. She exudes kindness and warmth, making it easy for anyone to become her friend. Her charming smile and bright eyes lit up the room, making her the center of attention. Everyone in the room couldn't help but be drawn to her.

"And the new challenger is a pretty girl, eh? It seems that you couldn't resist my charm any longer and finally decided to approach me," he smirked.

As if the condescending words didn't reach her ears, she continued. "While there may not be a specific rule against it, it is still disrespectful to put your feet up while inconveniencing others. Not only that but it is unsanitary and could ruin your desk making it uncomfortable when you use it later."

The boy was silent for a while. It seems that he is contemplating about what she said or perhaps he is simply admiring her beauty.

"Hm. You have a point there, pretty girl."


"But!" he interrupted. "While I understand your concerns for my well-being, I don't see how this is my problem. Society has been built upon rules and regulations that restrict our freedoms. It is my right to do as I please within the limits of the law. Putting my feet up may be inconvenient to others, but it is not illegal. If we allow small inconveniences to dictate our behavior, we may as well relinquish all of our freedoms and become slaves to society's whims. Don't you agree?"

Despite the girl's persuasion, the haughty boy's attitude remained unchanged. Beside me, my neighbor suddenly spoke.

"Why don't you befriend him. You both seemed like you'd get along well," said Horikita.

I gave her a side eye. This girl seemed adamant on not talking to me earlier and now here she is, striking a conversation.

"Very funny" I deadpanned.

Suddenly, the first bell rang. At that precise moment, a woman entered the classroom. She projected an aura of unwavering authority and discipline, with the confident stride of someone who knew their place in the world.

A quick appraisal revealed that she was likely in her mid-twenties, dressed in a sharply tailored suit that complemented her delicate features. Her long hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail, highlighting her sharp demeanor and giving her a no-nonsense look.

The entire classroom went silent. The commotion at the front quickly died down and everyone promptly went back to their assigned seats. As the teacher is already in the classroom, they could no longer pursue the matter about the desk and reluctantly decided to just let the boy go.

The blond-haired boy, clearly unaffected by everything happening around him simply glanced up at the new arrival before continuing what he was doing and faced his hand mirror once again.

"Ahem, Good morning to you, students of class D. My name is Chabashira Sae. I usually teach Soul Beast Lore. For the next nine years, I will be acting as your homeroom teacher, so I hope to get to know all of you. It's a pleasure to meet you. Here are the written materials with information about this academy's special rules. I will also hand out the admissions guide."

The students seated in the front rows began passing back the familiar documents that I had received upon being accepted.

True to its fame as the number one academy, this school differed from all others in a lot of ways. Here, all students were required to live in dormitories located on school premises. During their stay, contact with their immediate family was forbidden without authorization. Naturally, leaving school grounds without permission was also strictly forbidden.

With the exception of during the transition between grades, that is, in every three years, where students are allowed to leave the campus and return to their respective homes.

However, with that restriction comes with a lot of perks. Students are allowed to enjoy a variety of facilities the campus is equipped with such as karaoke spots, theaters, cafe, boutique, and many more, this is indeed comparable to that of a small city.

Of course, leisure facilities aren't the only facilities available here or else it wouldn't be called the number one academy. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, including training grounds, specialized cultivation spaces, its own blacksmith and mecha associations, and many others. Advanced Nurturing Spirit Academy has all there is that are designed to support the development of its students' soul power and combat abilities.

The main plaza where the ceremony was held and this academic building that we are currently occupying rests deep within the confines of the academy. Surrounded by dense forests and small mountains, the campus spread over more than 10,000,000 square meters.

Another feature unique to this academy is the S-System.

"I will now hand out your student ID cards. By using your card, you can access any of the facilities on campus, purchase goods from the store, and so on. It acts like a credit card."

Receiving the card, it looked nothing like a card should, it's more like a digital soul terminal. It is reminiscent of a smartphone, bar some differences. I wonder if it had similar uses. It had a sleek and modern design, the back seemed to have the design of the academy logo but styled similar to a bar code which I assume were used for accessing the various facilities on campus. It felt sturdy and durable. Although faint it may be, I can also sense a small amount of soul power emanating from the card.

"In this institution, there exist two kinds of currency." She explained, her voice carrying through the room. "The first is called points. Points are automatically deposited into your account on the first of every month. You should all have received 1,000,000 points already. Keep in mind that one point is worth one yen."

The classroom erupted with excitement and whispers.

In other words, we had received a 1,000,000-yen monthly allowance from the academy upon admission. I'd expect nothing less from the number one institution of the country. 1,000,000 yen should be an impressive sum for someone our age despite being a Soul master.

Chabashira-sensei continued her explanation. "The other currency is called emblem. Emblems are divided into five colors: white, yellow, purple, black, and red." She said, lifting up a small item to show to everyone. It is white and is shaped like a shield which glints in the light. It had the academy's logo embossed on its surface.

"Points can be converted into emblems, but not the other way around. For white emblems, it would require you 20,000 points to obtain one and yellow for 1,000,000 points or 50 white emblems. Purple emblems can no longer be obtained directly with points and require 10 yellow emblems and lastly, black emblems require 50 purple emblems to get one. Furthermore, higher ranked emblems cannot be converted to its lower rank, meaning, a yellow emblem cannot be exchanged to get 50 white emblems and so on."

"Converting points to emblems is only possible at the academy's Exchange Center. In this academy, you can use both of these currencies to buy anything. Anything located on the premises of this academy is available for purchase. How you spend them is up to you. Do as you like. However, it's important to note that extortion and bullying are strictly prohibited, and the school monitors these activities closely." Chabashira-sensei added, ending her explanation.

While most are relishing the prospect of having 1,000,000 points and thoughts about how to spend it, some seemed to be thinking about the concept behind the other currency—the emblems. One of them in particular is right beside me who is now raising her hand.

"Sensei, you said that there are five categories for the emblems. However, I don't recall you ever mentioning information about the red-colored emblem."

I was wondering what she would ask but it is about that. Though indeed, Chabashira-sensei never divulged anything about the red emblem.

"That information is not available for you as of the moment," sensei replied curtly.

She then looked over the room. "If there are no more questions, then I have one last thing to say. This academy evaluates its students' talents, everyone here has passed the entrance examination, which itself speaks to your value and potential. The amount you've received reflects the evaluation of your worth. You can spend your points without restraint, but keep in mind that they will be returned to the academy after graduation. Saving them won't do you any good, as they can't be exchanged for cash. With that said, I hope you enjoy your time here as students."

This academy is quite lenient.

Despite the numerous restrictions in this school, such as compulsory dormitory living, campus confinement, and a ban on contacting anyone outside, I was surprised to find that none of the students voiced any complaints. It seemed as though the idea of receiving such a substantial allowance had overshadowed these negatives.

I had no doubt that the vast majority of students enrolled here aspired to become great soul masters, if not all of them. After all, the Advanced Nurturing Spirit Academy was renowned for producing Soul masters whose names were known throughout the world.

It was common knowledge that graduates from this academy were set for success in life, as evidenced by their impressive track record and the countless stories and information that was available to the public.

An environment that fosters greatness would be characterized by cutthroat competition, an undercurrent of tension, and an electrifying intensity that kept everyone on their toes. Where every student is driven to achieve their fullest potential. That was my initial thoughts, and yet–

"They are far too lenient. The preferential treatment is almost scary." I heard my neighbor mutter under her breath.

She shared similar thoughts to mine it appears. I imagined it to be a place where knowledge and skill are prized above all else. I envisioned the students here to be the crème de la crème, handpicked for their exceptional abilities, with a burning passion and drive to succeed. They would be the ones who eat, sleep and breathe Soul masters, willing to put in the long hours and grueling training necessary to stand out amongst their peers.

As I surveyed the majority of the students, they appeared just like ordinary youngsters.

Don't judge a book by its cover. I should probably adhere to that for now and give them the benefit of the doubt. After all, they had passed the entrance examination which proves that they should be capable enough. If we could make it to graduation day without incident, then we would have achieved our goals...

As I closed my eyes and gazed out the window, I couldn't help but wonder...Was such a thing really possible, though?

"Hey hey, let's go shopping! Let's head to that huge mall they told us about!" one girl cried.

"Let's go do karaoke!" said another.

"I can finally buy that soul tool. I heard it's supposed to be amazing."

"With this much, we can buy anything, I'm so glad I got into this school!"

As the classroom got louder and louder, I finally realized that the teacher had already left.So that is why these new rich kids became such a rowdy crowd.

"Everyone, can I please have your attention for a moment?"

It was that upstanding student from earlier. A hush fell over the room. His confidence and initiative were commendable, and I could tell that many of the students were impressed by his eagerness to break the ice.

"Starting today, we're all going to be classmates. Therefore, I think it'd be good for us to introduce ourselves and become friends as soon as possible. What do you say?"

I watched as the students exchanged hesitant glances, unsure of how to respond. But soon enough, one of them spoke up, voicing their support for the idea. "I think that's a great idea," they said, prompting a chorus of agreement from the others.

"Great! Since it was my proposal, I'll introduce myself first," he said. "My name's Hirata Yousuke. You're free to call me by my first name! I guess my hobby is mecha designing. I am a rank 33 Soul Elder, and my Martial Soul is a Mist blade. I am also a rank 3 designer so feel free to ask me if you have some tools you want to be designed. Nice to meet you!"

As Hirata introduced himself, I couldn't help but be impressed by his confidence and charisma. He had effortlessly captured the attention of the class and left a lasting impression on everyone, including myself. In fact, I could already see several girls having hearts in their eyes!

A level 3 mecha designer.A designer is one of the professions required for making a mecha or battle armor- a unique specialized Soul master garment. There are three of them in total: A designer, a manufacturer or maker, and a mechanic. There is another profession, but it is considered to be external and is the most necessary- blacksmithing. I perceived that others are seemingly impressed by his cultivation rank 33 is considered high for our age...

...I wonder if someone like Hirata is capable of leading this class to graduation.

"Well then, I'd like everyone to please introduce themselves, starting from the front. Is that okay?"

The girl at the foremost front nearest to the door looked like a deer caught in the headlights, her body stiffening to the sudden, unexpected pressure. She hesitated for a moment, but then quickly made up her mind and stood up.

She bit her lower lip, trying to contain the tremble in her voice. But as she tried to speak, her throat tightened, and her words came out in a sudden, sharp burst of sound, much louder than she intended.

"I-I'm...M-my name is...Inogashira Ko-Ko...Inogashira Kokoro!" she exclaimed. Inogashira Kokoro's face flushed red, betraying her nervousness. She quickly realized her mistake and clasped her hands over her mouth, mortified by her outburst.

"It's fine!"

"Don't worry about it!"

Kind words poured out of our classmates. But it seemed to have the opposite effect on the girl. Her face flushed an even deeper shade of red. I could her some girls started giggling which probably added more to her anxiety.

She had said her name, so I assumed her introduction was over, but it seems like she has no intention of sitting back down. Does she still have more to say? Possibly trying to follow the format that Hirata had initiated? Or perhaps she is just so paralyzed with fear that she couldn't move a muscle... In any case she's been standing there for seconds now. At that moment, another girl spoke up.

"It's okay, you don't need to rush. Just take your time."

When someone is nervous, they may have difficulty expressing themselves clearly and may stumble over their words or struggle to form coherent sentences, just like the current situation at hand. So phrases like "it's fine" or "don't worry about it" may not be particularly helpful, as they can come across as dismissive or even insensitive.

On the other hand, phrases like "take your time" or "you don't need to rush" can be more helpful, as they convey a sense of patience and understanding. They acknowledge that the person is feeling nervous and may need some extra time or support to feel comfortable speaking. Additionally, these phrases can help to reduce the person's anxiety by reminding them that they don't need to rush or feel pressured to perform perfectly.

Hearing that, the girl calmed down and regained her composure. Taking a few small breaths, she continued.

"I'm Inogashira Kokoro. I'm very interested in soul beasts and would love to know more about them. I'm a rank 24 soul grandmaster and my Martial Soul is a Heartclaw Lynx. It's nice to meet you all!" she bowed, finishing her introduction.

AHeartclawlynx.That is a Beast type Martial Soul. Hirata's Mist Blade earlier belonged to the Tool type Martial Soul. Martial Souls are divided into three categories namely: Tool, Beast, and Body.

Tool spirits have many different uses and forms, ranging from simple farm tools to gemstones to weaponry to food and plants. Beast spirits are based of Soul Beasts and are usually more suited for combat purposes. Last is the Body spirit, it is a rare type of spirit that dwells within some part of the Soul master's body, it could be their skin, brain, arms or eyes.

Inogashira looked relieved and delighted despite her initial embarrassment. After she sat down, a few more followed.

"I'm Wang Mei-yu!" The girl from the desk incident earlier stood up, her indigo hair tied up in twin-tails bounced playfully as she moved. Her pink violet eyes sparkled with an innocent charm, while her petite figure exuded a delicate grace. However, her passive and timid demeanor suggested that she was a pushover, easily swayed by others.

With her porcelain-doll-like features, it was hard not to be drawn to her overall cuteness. Her soft, rosy cheeks and childish appearance made her seem younger than her actual age.

"You may call me Mii-chan, that's what my parents call me back home." she said in a soft and gentle voice.

"I love cooking and coming up with new recipes. I also enjoy shopping, so I am very excited to explore the mall here. Oh, my Martial Soul is the Starwheel Ice Staff and I'm also a mecha designer, I'm currently at rank 28. Nice to meet you!"

She smiled brightly at the end, and for a moment, I could see a glimmer of confidence in her eyes. It seemed like she had no trouble introducing herself, despite my initial assessment. Perhaps, I could see her becoming more comfortable around people she knew. Wang sat down and introductions keep pouring one after another.

The next person stood up with a confident grin on his face, clearly excited to introduce himself. He is of average height, other than his hair that was styled in a messy yet deliberate manner, nothing else seemed to stand out from him.

"Good day, everyone. My name is Yamauchi Haruki. I must say, it's a pleasure to be in the company of such great individuals like yourselves."

He paused, as if waiting for applause that never came. He continued, "I'm a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, really. I am a blacksmith, mechanic, designer, and a maker. I awakened my Martial Soul at innate full spirit power and had once taken part in making a yellow mecha in which I also painted a number 4 on its shoulder. However, I was still too young apparently, so they had me sent here to study further. My Martial Soul is the Mountain Dragon although I am at rank 30, I still don't have a third soul ring as I didn't want to tackle the bottleneck as of the moment."

He paused again, looking around the room for any sign of admiration or appreciation. However, a few students...No, all of them exchanged skeptical glances, clearly not buying his grandiose claims. I myself, couldn't find the reason on why it was necessary to point out the number 4 painting on his supposed mecha. Yamauchi didn't seem to notice, though, as he continued with his introduction.

"Of course, I don't like to brag about my achievements. But I must admit, it's hard not to mention them when they're just so impressive."

He chuckled, as if sharing an inside joke with the class. "Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you. I'm sure we'll all become fast friends," he flashed another smile, if you could even call that one, and took his seat, seemingly satisfied with his introduction.

I don't think anyone bought any of his outrageous claims and merely treated it as a joke. Although he said some interesting words among those even if they were most likely lies.

Innate full spirit power.It is a condition in which those that had a spirit awakening when they were six years old have already reached rank 10 or even higher in soul power.

Most of those that underwent spirit awakening don't have any soul power and for those that do, it is usually between one to four. Those whose ranks are above that when they awakened can already be considered to possess some talent and even further those who have ranks eight or nine are considered to be geniuses.

Innate full spirit power is rare, but it is also not unheard of. It is said that Innate full spirit power is a talent only appearing every 100 years. A person who has it is innately capable of attaining the highest spirit power as their cultivation rate is faster compared to others.

Another thing that he mentioned was, not getting a soul ring despite reaching a bottleneck. Now, I don't know if he really is a rank 30 or not or if he even knows the theory behind it but not getting a soul ring when it is time to is a not so common practice among Soul masters.

Soul masters are naturally inclined to advance into the next rank, that is why when the time comes that they can finally obtain a new soul ring then they would immediately proceed to acquire them.

Delaying the acquisition of a soul ring after reaching a bottleneck though uncommon, it has its benefits. It allows the Soul master to cultivate a stronger soul power foundation and potentially obtain a higher-quality soul ring in the future. Of course, it has the disadvantage of having to wait for a significant amount of time and patience for it to actually be considered beneficial.

"Well then, I guess I'm next!"

The girl who had previously stood up for Wang was the next to introduce herself. She was also the one who told Inogashira to take her time earlier. All eyes were on her, and many seemed to admire her for her previous actions.

"Hello everyone, my name is Kushida Kikyou," she began, her voice as sweet as honey.

"Unfortunately, none of my friends from my previous school came here, so I'm on my own. But I hope to change that soon by getting to know all of your names and faces right away and becoming friends as soon as possible!"

As she smiled, it was like the sun bursting through the clouds, its almost blinding. Like moths to a flame, everyone couldn't help but be drawn in by her warmth and charm.

"My first goal is to become friends with everyone. So, after we're finished with introductions, I'd love for you to share your contact information with me!" she exclaimed.

She wasn't just saying that. I could tell right away that this girl was the type to open up her heart to anyone and the other way around.

"So, after school or during vacations, I want to make all sorts of memories with lots of people. Please feel free to invite me to lots and lots of events!"

"Oh, I almost forgot, I am rank 32 and my Martial Soul is the Spirit Fox and also a rank 3 maker," she added as an afterthought, before wrapping up her introduction. "Anyway. that's enough about me. I can't wait to get to know all of you better!"

As she spoke, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of discomfort. It was as if she knew I had been critiquing everyone's introductions and was trying to win me over with her charm.

The introductions continued, I heard Hirata call on the next person to introduce themselves.

"Well then, next up, will you please introduce yourself?"

It was directed to the blond-haired boy that he confronted earlier.

He just sat there with his eyes closed and arms crossed. Fortunately, his legs are now planted to the ground... Though, I felt uneasy when I saw him smirk like an aristocrat and shifted in his seat.Wait, Is he going to...

"Hmph. Fine." He replied as if doing them a favor.

"My name is Kouenji Rokusuke. As the sole male heir to the Seraphim clan, I will soon be tasked with carrying Japan into the future." He leaned back in his seat and placed both of his legs on his desk, his posture oozing with arrogance.I knew it!

"I look forward to making the acquaintance to you ladies." he added with a grin.

He aimed his introduction solely at the opposite sex, rather than the entire class. After hearing that he was from the Seraphim clan, some girls looked at him with sparkling eyes, others seemed to treat him as a weirdo, but their surprise seemed to be stronger.

The Seraphim Clan.The Seraphim clan is one of the most powerful soul master clans not only in Japan but in the entire world. As evident from its name, they possess the Seraphim Martial Soul- a spirit of a supreme soul beast and is one of the few unmatched spirits in the world. It produces 6 wings on the user giving them the ability to fly and its holy attribute is the bane of all evil or dark element type Soul masters. A user born with the Seraphim Martial Soul can reach an Innate spirit rank of up to 20 when they undergo spirit awakening at six years old. It is an extremely pure and also extremely powerful spirit.

"I detest anything ugly, and any evil Soul master shall tremble upon my wake as I took it upon myself to eradicate this world of evil. So, you best tread carefully as I might just consider you one if you so much as make me uncomfortable." he finished, flipping his long, flowing bangs.

As he finished his introduction, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of person he really was. His words had sounded noble, but his attitude and demeanor suggested otherwise.

The classroom fell into a stunned silence. I could feel the tension in the air, Hirata cleared his throat and tried to break the awkward silence.

"Ah, I see. Thank you, we will be careful then," said Hirata. His tone remained calm and composed. I imagined he would be a little upset towards Koenji because of their earlier argument, but it seemed as if he had forgotten about it all. If he did feel upset, then I had to commend him as none betrayed his expression to imply that he was. Perhaps his gentle and agreeable nature allowed him to let go of the conflict easily.

Koenji's "goal" if you could call it that must have also stroke a chord with Hirata, as I had observed based on his earlier actions, he comes across as a guy who would protect the weak and condone any acts considered harmful and evil.

Several students took their turns introducing themselves until it was the turn of the boy near the back. His hair was dyed red and it almost seemed to flicker like a flame, he had a tough or menacing expression on his face, giving off the impression of a delinquent or troublemaker.

"Next is-"

Thud!A loud noise reverberated across the room. The sound of a desk being kicked interrupted Hirata and gained the attention of all the students.

"What, are we a bunch of little kids or something?" The delinquent spat out; his tone laced with irritation. The sudden outburst took the other students by surprise, and an uneasy tension filled the air.

"I don't need to introduce myself. People who want to do that can go ahead. Just leave me out of it."

He scowled at Hirata. He had quite a presence, his attitude intense and overpowering.

"I can't force you to introduce yourself, of course. However, I don't think that getting along with your classmates is a bad thing. If I've made you uncomfortable, I apologize."

When Hirata bowed his head, some of the girls glared at the guy with red hair.

"Isn't it fine to introduce yourself?" one of them snapped.

"Yeah, yeah!" another chimed in.

As I'd expected, he had captured most of the girls' hearts in the blink of an eye. However, half of the male students started to look angry, probably out of jealousy.

But the boy with red hair was unfazed. "Shut it. I don't care. I didn't come here to make friends," he declared, getting up from his seat. Some students followed suit and left the classroom together.

It was at that moment that I finally realized that my neighbor, Horikita Suzune is nowhere to be seen. I don't know when, but she seemed to have been gone for quite some time now. I imagine she must have slipped out the moment the introduction started without alerting anyone.

That's just like her,I thought to myself. She did imply to be the type to hate stuffs such as this. Besides the only reason why most of the students stayed here after the orientation from Chabashira-sensei was due to Hirata's proposal. If not for that, then these people would probably have started exploring the school, shopping, having fun, and checking out the dorms.

"They're not a bad bunch. It's my fault. I was being selfish and made people do this." Hirata apologized to the remaining students.

"No way. You didn't do anything wrong, Hirata-kun. Let's just leave those guys be, okay?"

Although some people had rebelled at the idea of introductions, the students who remained were happy to continue. In the end, things wrapped up in a rather ordinary fashion.

"I'm Ike Kanji. I love girls, and I hate pretty boys!" he declared boldly, causing a few chuckles to break out among his peers.

"I'm currently in the market for a new girlfriend," he added, earning a few eye rolls from the girls in the room. "I am a rank 22 tool Soul master, in which my Martial Soul is Moss Vine. It's nice to meet you! All the better if you're a cutie or a beauty!" He finished with a wink, and it was difficult to tell if he was joking or not. At the very least, the girls looked at him with revulsion.

As the introductions continued, I couldn't help but think that my classmates were a rather peculiar bunch. There was the red-haired guy, Kouenji, Yamauchi, and of course, Horikita. Each had their own bizarre idiosyncrasies that made them stand out from the crowd.

I, too, was especially peculiar, in that there was nothing peculiar about me. I had always longed to be free, like a bird soaring through the skies. I had felt trapped and suffocated, but now that I was here, I had a chance to spread my wings and fly. Looking out the window, I watched the birds gracefully gliding through the air and I knew that I wanted to be just like them.

"Well then, time for the next person. Can you please introduce yourself?"


Is he talking to me?Oh, shoot. Before I had realized, my turn had come up. The students turned, waiting for my introduction.Please, don't look at me with so much anticipation or I might get nervous.

Clack!The chair rattled as I stood.

"Um. Well, my name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. And, uh, I don't really have any hobbies or uh, special skills or anything. I'll do my best to get along with all of you. It's, uh nice to meet you."

Sigh, I don't think I did that well at all. This is embarrassing...Why are they still looking at me like that. Did I do something wrong?As I wondered, I finally realized that all this time, with the exception of Koenji, everyone followed the same format, so not doing the same made me stick out like a sore thumb. Not wanting to be grouped with Kouenji I stood back up again.

"Uh, my Martial Soul is uh...Spark Dagger, I'm at rank 26, uh, once again it's nice to meet you."

Now that was a mess. I hadn't had time to construct a proper introduction because I'd been too busy daydreaming. It was the worst possible intro. They were definitely thinking that I am some weirdo who had his head on the clouds.

...I kind of recallHorikitacalling me that before...sigh.

"It's nice to meet you, Ayanokouji-kun. I've always believed in being friends with everyone, just like you seem to do. I hope we can work together and do our best as classmates" Hirata responded with a refreshing smile.

Ugh, his smile is almost blinding, and also, I'm not really that eager to have friends.

As the applause rang out, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of something bittersweet. Their well-wishes felt almost like pity, yet I couldn't deny the sense of relief that washed over me.

I do pray that my stay here will be that of peace.

It was past one pm. About 70-80 percent of the students headed toward the dormitories. I could see students strolling around the campus, formed in groups. Some made their way to cafés or the mall, while the louder ones went out for karaoke, I also saw a few others who went to check out the training facilities.

For me, I decided to swing by the convenience store on my way back to the dormitory. Alone of course. Other than Horikita, I haven't really talked nor interacted with anyone... no one approached me either.

As soon as I stepped inside the store, a cool rush of air conditioning greeted me, contrasting the still blazing hot outdoors. The store is brightly lit, with fluorescent lights casting a harsh, white glow over the products lining the shelves and soft melodious music playing in the background. The interior is compact, yet carefully organized, with aisles filled to the brim with snacks, drinks, and household items. Although it seems like this is just an ordinary store with ordinary items.

To the left of the entrance, I could see the refrigerated section. It should be where the cold drinks, sandwiches, and ready-to-eat meals are kept. As I went closer, I could hear the fridges hum quietly, their glass doors fogged up with condensation. Walking by, I could see frozen meat, vegetables, fruits, seafood, and desserts. Halting my step, I stood in front of the ice cream section for a moment, staring at the different flavors. I had heard that they taste quite good. I'm not much of a sweet tooth myself, but I didn't really have many opportunities to taste something sweet. Also, it was hot outside and I needed something to cool me down.

They all look so tempting, but I don't know which one to choose. My mind feels muddled, and I can't make a decision. Eventually, I reach out and grab a random one. It's cold to the touch, and I wonder if it will taste as good as it looks.

I also needed some items, as I didn't bring any at all other than an empty bag and my uniform. Thus, after grabbing a basket, I headed to the household section to grab some necessities.

Picking up some items, I heard a voice seemingly directed to me.

"My, what an unpleasant coincidence."

Of course, it was Horikita.It looked like she was also here to shop for necessities as I can see various items in her basket. She seemed to have bought a toothbrush, other personal hygiene products and some stationary like a compass. I could also see some health supplements and cleaning supplies.

"Do you really have to be hostile every time we interact?"

She just ignored me, grabbing a shampoo off the shelves and promptly threw them into the basket joining the rest of the items.

I couldn't help but notice that the brand she picked seemed to be the cheapest among all the selections available. I imagined Horikita to be a high-class girl who would prefer high quality items. She gave off that kind of vibe.

"I thought girls usually made a fuss over what kind of shampoo they bought," I commented.

"Well, that depends on the person, doesn't it? I'm the sort who doesn't know when you might need money."

So she says. Does that mean that all her other purchases are chosen for the same reason?

She shot me an icy glare that seemed to say,Could you please not inspect other people's purchases without their permission?

"At any rate, it seems that you stayed for introduction; I assumed you to be the type who avoids hanging out with a circle of classmates," she said while turning around before grabbing another item from the opposite shelf.

"Or," she turned to me, "are you that desperate to make some friends?"

"I dislike trouble," I grabbed a cup of noodles from the top shelf.Why is this here in the household section?

"I want to avoid being seen in a bad light, so I just went with the flow."It says G-cup. From its size, does it stand for "Giga Cup." I wonder?Just looking at it made me feel full. On an unrelated note, Horikita's breasts were neither small nor huge. They exquisitely straddled the line between the two.The perfect size.

"I didn't take you for someone who cared about how they're perceived by others."

"By the way, Ayanokouji-kun," she continued. "Were you thinking about something stupid just now?"

"Er. No?"

She furrowed her brows examining me carefully — seemingly suspicious. She could sense my inappropriate thoughts just by looking at me. Can she read minds? No, no she wouldn't have asked if it was like that...she's a sharp one.

"As for caring about my image, it's not really, I just thought that it wouldn't be good to be viewed unfavorably on the first day," I tried to deflect back to the previous topic.

"How about you? You left immediately when introductions were about to start. If you had stayed and introduced yourself, you could have gotten to know several other students, and it would have been the chance to make friends," I asked her this time. I didn't know when exactly Horikita left but since she knows about the introductions then she should still have been around when Hirata pitched his proposal.

Quite a few of the students had exchanged cell numbers, too. If Horikita had participated, she would probably have become quite popular. What a waste.

"I see no reason to introduce myself. If fact, I would have probably sown discord, depending on how things went if I did end up introducing myself. Thus, doing nothing avoided creating more problems. Am I wrong?"

I could totally see that happening. Unlike Kouenji who is entirely absorbed in himself, her blunt attitude would just result in offending someone.

"I don't think that's necessarily true," trying to argue my point. "Even if you don't get along with everyone, introducing yourself could still increase your chances of making friends. It's better than not introducing yourself at all."

Horikita raised an eyebrow at my response. "And have you made any friends since you introduced yourself?"

I grimaced, realizing that I hadn't made any so far. Horikita smirked, pleased with herself for proving her point.

"You see, introductions don't guarantee anything," she said. "It's better to avoid unnecessary interactions and focus on what's important."

"But what's the harm in making some friends?"

Horikita sighed, looking at me with a mixture of annoyance and pity. "I'm not here to make friends. Besides, it really is not about making friends or not. It's about not wasting time and energy on trivial matters. We're here to study, train and achieve our goals, not to socialize."

I couldn't argue with that logic. She had a point. But still, I couldn't shake off the feeling that socializing was important too.

As we continued to shop, I didn't really bother with the prices as much as Horikita was. I merely picked what caught my interest as they wouldn't make a dent to my account anyways. As for Horikita, she threw more of her signature cold attitude my way, making me wonder if she was always like this or if she just didn't like me.

"Hey. What's up with this?" I pointed to the section in question, drawing Horikita's attention.

While looking around the store, something caught my attention. I had stumbled upon a small area tucked away in a corner, featuring toiletries and food items. At first glance, they seemed no different from the other items in the store, but upon closer inspection, I realized that there was one notable distinction.


Horikita, too, seemed puzzled by the clearance bin of daily necessities like toothbrushes and bandages labeled 'Free' and marked with the caveat 'three items per month'. They were clearly different from the store's other merchandise.

"They must be emergency relief supplies for students who use up their points," I hypothesized.

"This academy is indeed incredibly lenient."

The question is, how far...

"Hey, shut it! Just wait a sec! I'm looking for it right now!"

A sudden, loud voice drowned out the store's peaceful background music.

Drawing our attention, our eyes darted towards the register. It seemed like there was trouble. By the register I could see a line of people and at the front was a red-haired young man searching frantically through his pockets with one hand, his other hand holding a bunch of cup noodles.If I recall correctly, he was the one who lashed out at Hirata back at the classroom, also, those are G-cups.

The people behind him in line shifted uncomfortably, their impatience growing by the second. "Come on, hurry up. You're holding up the line," someone muttered under their breath.

Red hair's head snapped up, his expression furious. "Hah? If you have a problem with it, you can take it up with me!"

The tension in the air was palpable as he continued to search- which I assumed to be his student ID card, with everyone else in line growing increasingly annoyed. Seeing the situation nearing its boiling point I decided to approach him.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"Huh? Who areyou?"

I had meant to appear amicable, but the guy with red hair scowled at me. Apparently, he was under the mistaken impression that I was an enemy.

"My name is Ayanokouji. I'm from your class. I just asked because it sounded like there was trouble."

At my explanation, the red-haired guy looked somewhat mollified and lowered his voice a little. "Oh, yeah I remember you. I forgot my student ID card. Forgot that it pretty much acts as our money from now on, too."

He placed his noodle cup away and started to leave, probably heading back to the dorms, where he'd likely forgotten his card.

Before he took another step, I motioned to stop him. "I can pay for you. It'd be annoying if you had to head all the way back to the dorms, right? I don't mind paying for now."

"That's true. You're right, it'd be absolutely annoying. Thanks."

He faced me extending his hand. "My name's Sudou," he said. "Thanks for helping me out, I owe you."

"Nice to meet you, Sudou," grabbing his hand, I accepted his handshake.

I proceeded to pay for Sudou's purchase using my ID card. After hearing a beep. The register immediately started printing out a receipt signifying the end of transaction.

Grabbing the items and saying thanks once again, Sudou walked towards the hot water dispenser. Considering that I'm currently at the front of the line I could easily checkout my own purchases, but I decided that I shouldn't as that would seem like I'm cutting in line and quite possibly earning the ire of the already irritated customers. Without further ado, I walked towards Horikita who was already waiting in line at the very back.

As I motioned towards her, she sighed, aghast.

"You're acting like a pushover right from the start. Do you intend to become his servant? Or are you doing this to make friends?"

Shrugging, I said. "I didn't care about making friends. I just wanted to help. No big deal."

"Hmm, suit yourself. What happens to you is no longer my business."

As she said that, we no longer talked and simply waited for our turn at the register. Soon it was our turn, I presented my ID card and received the receipt. Looking at it, I apparently spent a little above 5,000 yen. Now, I don't know if this is considered a lot or not but peeking at Horikita, it seemed that she had only spent around 1,500 yen. Noticing this, she sent me another cold glare.

"Now, I won't tell you what to do, but I think it would be best to avoid wasting your money on stuff like this and instead focus it on things that could help you improve your abilities. We never know when we might need to spend a huge amount."

"I'll keep that in mind."

I didn't really intend to waste money on miscellaneous junk, but she had a point. Soul Master merchandise doesn't come cheap, and missing out on a chance to buy a coveted item could be regrettable. With the limited supply of highly sought-after items or treasures, there was always the possibility that someone else would snap up the item we wanted before we could get our hands on it.

Exiting the store, I found Sudou seated outside, waiting for me. When I saw him, he gently waved me over. I waved in return, feeling somewhat embarrassed, yet happy.

"Are you really going to eat here?" I asked him.

"Of course. It's just common sense," Sudou said, as if it was a matter of fact. Horikita, who was standing behind me, let out an exasperated sigh.

"I'm going back. I'll be stripped of my dignity if I spend more time here," she said.

Sudou bristled at her words. "Hah? Dignity? You think you're so above me, is that what you're implying?" Sudou immediately lashed out at Horikita; I could feel his aura rising seemingly ready for a fight.

And here comes the first victim.I'm honestly surprised that it took this long until someone confronted her. I guess it could also allude to the fact that she didn't interact with anyone else. Regardless, he is the first and I'm sure he won't be the last.

By typical Horikita fashion, she just ignored his outburst. Unfortunately, this only made Sudou more infuriated. He set his noodle cup on the ground and stood.

"Hey! Listen to people when they're talking to you! Hey!"

"What's his problem? He just suddenly got angry," Horikita said this to me, continuing to ignore Sudou and looking down at the plastic bag on her hand.

Sudou's frustration boiled over.And is it just me or is the temperature starting to rise?"Hey, get over here! I'll smack that smug look off your face!" he yelled.

"Look, I'll admit that Horikita has a bad attitude, but you're taking this too far."

It was apparent that Sudou's patience had run out. "Huh? What was that? She has a bratty, obnoxious attitude. That's bad, especially for a girl!"

"For a girl? That's rather outdated thinking. Ayanokouji-kun, I would advise you not to become his friend," Horikita said. With that, she turned her back on Sudou.

"Hey wait! You sh*tty girl!"

"Calm down," I held Sudou back as he actually tried to grab Horikita. She made her way back to the store which perplexed me. Did she forget something?"

"What the hell's her deal? Goddamn it!" he shouted.

"That's just how she is, there are all kinds of people, you know."

"Shut it. I hate those stuffy, too-serious types."

He continued to glare at me. Sudou grabbed his noodle cup once again, ripped off the cover, and began eating. Just a little while ago, he'd fought in front of the register, too. He probably had a short fuse.

I wonder when the next one will be...

"Hey, you there! You guys in first grade? Get lost. This is our spot."

...sigh, too soon.

As Sudou was about to slurp his noodles, three boys called out to us. They seemed to be about three years older, so they must be from the second grade. Their backs faced the store entrance and are carrying the same brand of noodle cups Sudou had, a clear indication they had just left the shop.

Sudou boiled in rage once again. This is the third time in a row and clearly his fuse is getting shorter and shorter. It's only a matter of time until he explodes and a brawl starts.

"The f*ck did you just say?! I was here first goddammit, find another spot to sit your sorry ass and get lost!" Sudou barked.

"You hear this guy? 'Get lost,' he says." One of the boys said, chuckling loud, soon his laughter faded as his expression turned serious, eyes narrowing, and their pupils dilated as he took a step forward.

"What a co*cky first-grade punk," His voice was laced with arrogance, infuriation and strength.

Slamming his noodle cup against the ground, splashing its contents everywhere, Sudou stood up ready for a fight. "'First-grade punk' huh? Come closer so that I can smash your face to the ground."

"Oh, wow, scary. There's no need for me to ask, it's a dead giveaway. You are definitely in Class D, heh."

"And? The f*ck does that have to do with you?!"

The boys' laughter echoed as soon as they heard Sudou's confirmation, fueling Sudou's fury until he finally exploded.

"That does it!"

Suddenly three soul rings materialized around Sudou encircling his body, two of them yellow, and one purple. A bright light emanated from them, illuminating the area nearby. Sudou's body was enveloped in a faint aura, signaling the activation of his Martial Soul.

I was surprised to see three soul rings from Sudou. I figured that a three-soul-ring configuration is considered impressive for our age and Sudou didn't really come across as someone on that level in my eyes.

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (4)

Soul rings are acquired from killing Soul Beasts. They are ranked according to their age, getting stronger the older it gets. There are five ranks in total: White, obtained by killing 1-99 years-old soul beasts. Yellow, 100-999 years, Purple, 1,000-9,999 years, Black, 10,000-99,999 years, and Red soul rings were from the strongest Soul Beasts that exist, which are 100,000 years-old and above.

The stronger the soul master and the higher their level, the higher the level of soul rings they are capable of absorbing.

Sudou's soul ring configuration is considered the optimal combination for his level. For reference, the highest possible level a Soul master's first soul ring should be is at most 476 years. Anything more than that will prove to be harmful to the Soul master's body as they won't be able to withstand the amount of energy it produces.

"Heh, a defective like you dares?" the boy sneered, his soul power rising, ready to unleash his own Martial Soul.

"Hey!" a sudden yell interrupted the two, stopping their altercation. I looked towards the direction of the voice and spotted an adult male, probably in their thirties. He wore a suit and seemed to be carrying some folders. I assumed he must be either a staff member or a teacher.

"No fighting outside designated areas. If you two want to go at it so badly then follow the proper protocol and do it on the training grounds," he added.

Sudou continued to glare at the boy in front of him before slowly retreating his aura and withdrawing his soul rings.

"Tch, forget it," he said as he turned his back to pick up his bag that he had dropped beforehand.

"What, are you scared?" one of them taunted.

I had thought that this confrontation would be over once Sudou backed down, but it seems that the other party has no intention of letting it end there.

Stopping in his tracks, Sudou once again turned towards them, I could see veins popping off his forehead as his pupils dilated glaring at them like a wild animal and bellowed.

"You asked for it you piece of sh*t! Bring it on!"

The three then marched to what I assume to be the direction of the training grounds and Sudou followed them all while trying to keep his anger in check.

I could feel the temperature drop a moment and the ambient music from the store slipped into my ears all while feeling a presence approaching me from behind.

"That's quite the situation we have here," Horikita said, joining me.

"Woah, could you not just appear so suddenly like that? You nearly made my heart jump."

She cast her signature cold stare, "You don't look like it at all." "So? Are they going to fight?" she asked.

"Seems like it," I answered, walking ahead, towards the direction where the group was headed.

"Are you going to follow them?"

"I'm curious, wanna join?"

She pondered for a bit, "Hmm, I guess it won't hurt to see. And besides, this is a good opportunity to gauge the level of the students who study here."

And so, together, we headed towards the training grounds.

The training ground is situated inside a tall circular building, apparently there are eight of these buildings in total, each building towering over two hundred meters tall and consisting of ten floors — each floor serving as a separate training ground.

Sudou and the upperclassmen are currently at floor number 4. Entering the location, I observed that it has a vast circular space that spanned an area of about two thousand square meters, the walls are made of sturdy, dirty white metal, giving them an imposing and muted appearance. The ceiling reaches up to twenty meters in height, while the floor is flat and made of a smooth, polished material, perfect for training and sparring.

Bright, artificial lights flooded the space with white light, casting everything in sharp relief. Even the air inside was well-ventilated, ensuring that it remained fresh and clean, even during the most intense training sessions.

Currently, we are seated high on the elevated bleachers a few meters from the floor. Below, I could see Sudou and the upperclassman each at the opposite ends of the arena. The other two, who were with them were also on the bleachers like us, spectating.

I looked towards Horikita who was beside me reading the pamphlet that was given to us upon entrance. The manager of the building handed it to us when we said we are in first grade.

According to the pamphlet, one would have to pay in emblem to use a training ground and only five people were allowed to use it at a time. Spectators, on the other hand, are free to view any floor they wish as long as they don't use the training ground.

It costs one white emblem an hour for the first three hours. The price increases by one white emblem an hour after that and for after every two hours. Which means, that if I were to use the training ground for let's say nine hours, then I would have to spend a total of 21 white emblems which amounts to 420,000 in points. Furthermore, if you wish to have the training ground privately— not allowing any spectators to enter, then you would have to pay double the amount.

While it is unlikely that I would use the training ground for that long, the amount you could potentially spend was still shocking. Thankfully, once a week, you are allowed to use the training ground free of charge for an hour. It's not much at all, but at least it's better than nothing.

It is not visible right now, but the training ground is also equipped with training dummies, obstacles, mechanical soul master puppets whose level could be adjusted which can serve as your sparring partner, and many other features.

"This is quite an impressive facility," said Horikita.

"Right. Though using it frequently would require a fortune."

We only had 1,000,000 points for now, which only amounts to 50 white emblems, even if we are to limit ourselves to a three-hour session per use, it is still only good enough for a few sessions. And this is just one of the facilities available in this academy, if other areas are also priced like this, then I'm starting to think that a million points might not be enough.

However, that is not my biggest concern right now...

"Hey, first grade, how about a bet?" said the senpai below.

"Hah? What kind?" asked Sudou, he seemed to have already calmed down a little bit.

"Let's bet our points. How does half of it sound? You should have already received your 1,000,000 points allowance right?"

"And how much do you have?"

"Come on, I've been here longer than you, with a 1,000,000 monthly allowance, how much do you think I've saved up? I'm sure even you can do the math right?"

Sudou kept silent for a moment, probably calculating the amount he would get if he did win.Thinking about it would be pointless though.

"So, what do you think?"

"Fine, you better cough up those damn points once you lose!" Sudou rolled up his sleeves and readied his stance, materializing his soul rings once again; his aura kept rising as he finally unleashed his Martial Soul.

A drastic change occurred in Sudou. Patches of red fur started appearing at the back of his hands extending up to his forearms, his nails elongated becoming sharper turning into claws. His teeth also became sharper and more fang-like and his eyes take on a fiery glow as his pupil turned into slits. At the same time, flames began to appear on his shoulders, flickering and dancing as if alive.

I could feel the temperature rise as soon as Sudou started his transformation. It is quite the powerful Martial Soul to exude this much heat and aura.

"What Martial Soul is that?" Horikita inquired.

"I'm not sure, but from what it appears, it seems to be a part of the canine family with a fire attribute, quite possibly a wolf," I replied, trying to give a basic analysis.

A wolf with a fire attribute, there are several Soul beasts that match the criteria... But for one to exude this much intensity it only leaves one.

"A Firestorm Wolf, huh," it was Horikita who said that.

It seems that she came to the same conclusion as mine. It is to be expected for someone like Horikita to be knowledgeable about Soul beasts.

A Firestorm Wolf is a very rare and formidable soul beast that inhabits the depths of the Great Spirit Forest. It possesses a rare ability to manipulate flames and heat with ease and is said to be capable of summoning infernos to engulf its enemies. Records recount its fearsome presence on the battlefield, where it unleashes searing flames as deadly weapons against all who dare to challenge it.

"Heh, that's quite the interesting spirit you've got there, first grader." "Let's see how long you can last!" the senior bellowed, his aura spiking and in an instant four soul rings rose up beneath his feet; hovered on his back. Four soul rings, two yellow, two purple — he is a rank 40 Soul Ancestor.

His ears twitched as silver streaks appeared in his hair and his pupil squished into vertical slits as he instantly shot forward, like a cheetah.

This one I immediately recognized. It is an agility-type beast martial soul, the Snow Leopard. It is a rarely seen beast from cold climates that possesses both speed and ice-attribute attacks.

All Soul masters are also categorized into types, the main ones being: Agility-type, Power-type, Assault-type, Control-type, and Support-type. Each having their own strengths and weaknesses. For the record, Sudou's was an assault-type.

"An interesting matchup don't you think?" I said to Horikita.

She nodded in agreement, "Fire and ice counter each other but neither is inherently stronger. It all comes down to the quality of the soul master's abilities to determine the outcome of the fight... However," she paused, fixing her attention to the battle below.

I know what she is thinking right now, even if Sudou's Martial Soul is objectively more powerful than a Snow Leopards', a three-ringed soul master will still find it nearly impossible to win against a four-ringed soul master despite that advantage. It wasn't just a matter of greater soul power, but rather the number of soul skills they possess.

Soul rings provided more than just a means of ascending to the next rank every ten levels; they also granted powerful soul skills that grew stronger with each level. Some soul rings even provided multiple soul skills, though they are very rare... Sudou had only three soul skills available to him, while his opponent had four. It may only be one more, but the gap is enough to ensure their victory.

The senpai sped up like a bullet encircling Sudou at breakneck speeds. As Sudou's eyes struggled to keep up, suddenly, snowflakes exploded out of the senpai's body as his first soul ring lit up — signifying the use of his first soul skill.

A whirlwind of snow encircled Sudou, the sudden drop in temperature making it hard for him to breathe despite the flames on his shoulders. The popping noises of snow colliding with his body echoed through the training ground... Sudou was now on the defensive, trying to shield himself from the blizzard-like attack.

Agility-type Soul masters generally make use of their speed to instantly approach the enemy and deliver a swift yet devastating strike before they could even realize. At the highest realm of mastery, the Soul master would be able to avoid direct combat for as long as they wished. When the opponent was finally selected, they would have already been left defenseless.

This senpai is indeed fast but he is not approaching the battle like an agility-type should. Those snowflakes seem to come from a control or assault type.

Sudou's body shook as the snow continued to barrage him, gritting his teeth, he roared. His first soul ring lit up in response, and flames started to envelop his body like armor. The intense heat created a small pocket of warmth amidst the blizzard.

Feeling invigorated by the flames, Sudou raised his hands high above his head, gathering all his strength. Then, with a mighty roar, he brought them crashing down to the ground, creating a small crater in the process. The impact sent a shockwave through the area, instantly dispersing the blizzard and leaving a trail of snow in its wake.

Suddenly, all the dispersed snow gathered together to form a Snow Leopard which immediately lunged at Sudou, swiping its sharp claws and sending him flying backwards.

A few meters ahead of Sudou, at the direction he was sent flying, the senpai laid wait. His second soul ring that was currently shining, dimmed down and then his third soul ring-a thousand-year soul ring, shone brightly. A large claw of a Snow Leopard enveloped his right hand as he readied himself to receive his approaching opponent.

As Sudou closed in, the senpai shouted, his tone full of arrogance and confidence. "This is the end!"

Noticing the danger, Sudou reacted quickly and repositioned himself while simultaneously activating his own third soul ring, the only thousand-year soul ring in his possession. He is now facing his foe as his right arm transformed into a massive claw that mirrored the senpai's.

Soon, the two of them clashed with tremendous force, Firestorm Wolf Claw against Snow Leopard Claw, colliding in a spectacular display of power that reverberated throughout the training ground.

Both of them were sent flying a few meters away, their brute force almost equal despite the senpai being an agility-type soul master.

"Hoh, so he does have some skill. I expected him to be all bark and no bite." commented Horikita.

"Yeah, it was impressive of Sudou to react that fast and launch his own attack from that position."

"Huh? I was talking about the senpai though?" she said, looking at me as if there's something wrong with my eyes.

"Eh? What about Sudou?" I asked, confused.

"He's not trash, I'll give him that."

Horikita do I say this. Harsh? Her standards have to be very high to actually place Sudou on that level. Now I have to wonder, is this confidence, or ignorance?

"Then, from your tone it seems like you're confident enough to defeat that upperclassman."

"Obviously, his soul skills might offer him versatility making him an unusual agility-type soul master, but at the end of the day, he isstillan agility-type soul master. As a control-type, there is no way I can lose to someone like that," Horikita declared, her voice ringing with pride.

"Furthermore, his arrogance leads him to underestimate his opponent. The mere fact that Sudou can still clash with him despite being in a disadvantaged position is proof of this," she added with a hint of condescension. about a pot calling the kettle black.

But never mind that, so she is a control-type soul master huh. What agility-type soul masters feared the most are control-type soul masters. Control-type soul masters, most often than not, are able to manipulate their surroundings and restrict the movements of their opponents, making it difficult for agility-type soul masters to use their speed and evasive abilities to their full potential.

"For Sudou to struggle against that kind of opponent. He should be glad I'm not outright dismissing his existence," she added, with a hint of superiority in her voice.

I couldn't help but try to roll my eyes. It was clear that Horikita had a high opinion of herself. Nevertheless, I focused my attention back on the duel taking place below.

Sudou was currently charging towards his opponent like a raging bull. A trail of flames followed his every step as his second soul ring lit up. The senpai once again used his first soul skill, and snow exploded out from his body, masking his entire figure.

"That won't work again!" Sudou bellowed as the flames around his body burned with greater intensity, now occupying a large area and completely melting away the snow.

Another Snow Leopard formed from the snow, lunging at Sudou, but he immediately emitted a loud, powerful roar that unleashed a wave of flames towards the direction it was approaching, vaporizing the Snow Leopard completely.

Sudou remained on high alert, scanning his surroundings for any sign of his elusive opponent. Yet even the keenest of eyes could not detect a single trace of the senpai. As we watched in bewilderment, Horikita broke the silence with her astute observation.

"This must be his fourth soul skill then," she remarked.

I nodded, it seems that it was a stealth type soul skill, an ability coveted by agility-type soul masters. With this skill, they could effortlessly traverse the battlefield unseen, exploiting their adversary's blind spots and launching surprise attacks. It is an incredibly rare soul skill, as it could only be obtained from certain soul beasts, and even then, its acquisition was uncertain, relying mostly on luck.

Hearing a noise behind him, Sudou reacted immediately and launched another roar of flames in that direction.

"Wrong, idiot."

In an instant, the senpai materialized behind Sudou, his right hand already transformed into a large claw, winding up for a strike. Despite Sudou's attempt to turn and defend himself, the attack landed with brutal force, sending him hurtling backwards until he collided with the edge of the training ground.

"How about you give up now? The result is clear, there is no way a defect like you can ever defeat me."

The senpai continued to approach Sudou with a smug expression on his face, convinced of his imminent victory. Sudou struggled to his feet, his breaths coming out in ragged gasps. Fury flickered in his eyes; his face twisted in a mask of rage as he glared at his opponent.

Letting out a fierce roar once again, the flames that went out burst to life around him once more as Sudou rushed forward. He charged like a wild beast, heedless of his surroundings, determined to crush his foe at any cost and completely taken over by rage.

But his opponent was too skilled, dodging Sudou's attacks with ease. Sudou's rage had blinded him, making his moves predictable and his defeat inevitable.

"You just kept barking and barking, what are you, a dog?" taunted the senpai, sidestepping another attack.

Sudou continued to launch attack after attack, but each was easily avoided. With a smirk on his face, the senpai finally swiped his claw at Sudou, sending him crashing to the ground with a sickening thud.

With his opponent's face flat on the floor, the senpai declared as he raised his right arm ready to deliver the final blow, "This is the end, brat!"

The impact echoed throughout the area as Sudou lay motionless on the ground.

"Sudou lost," I commented.

"Naturally. Losing your composure during a battle is a surefire way to lose. He let his anger get the best of him, which made his movements predictable and easily countered. Now, not only is he beaten up, but he also lost half of his points, how stupid," replied Horikita with a hint of disdain in her voice.

From a while ago, it was clear that Sudou had a short fuse. He was easily triggered by minor irritations and couldn't control his emotions. This time is no different. Unless he learns to control his short fuse, I doubt I'll see him much in this academy.

As for the bet, it didn't matter whether Sudou won or lost. The senpai had never disclosed the balance in his account from the very beginning, leaving it up to speculation. Whatever figure Sudou had in mind when he agreed to the bet was irrelevant.

He had a lot to lose and nothing to gain, his fate had been sealed the moment he accepted the challenge.

Around three pm, I arrived back at the dorms and stood in front of Room 401. I had parted ways with Horikita back at the training grounds as I wanted to look around more. Since it was still early, I stayed back to observe other students who were utilizing the facilities on different floors. It was intriguing to watch them hone their skills and techniques.

As for Sudou, the medical staff immediately retrieved him a few moments after their fight ended. It appears that they are closely monitoring everything that is happening within the training grounds, so that they are ready to take action whenever necessary.

Coincidentally, I caught sight of Horikita entering the elevator just as I arrived at the dorms. I motioned for her to wait for me to board after receiving the key card and one other item, but she simply stared straight at me with a blank face and pressed the button to close the elevator doors.

I swear, one of these days, I'll definitely get back at her.

Now, with the key card that I received at the reception desk, I opened the door in front of me and went inside... My room was about eight tatami mats wide which should be around thirteen square meters. It's not that big, but it is enough for someone who lives alone. It is equipped with a kitchen and a bathroom which is located on each side of the entryway.

I motioned towards the bed and placed my bag before flopping down.

Sigh...what a day.

I grabbed the other item I received at the reception and flipped it open. It was a handbook that contained information about the dorm's rules. It detailed the most basic things that we needed for our daily routines. The dates and times for garbage disposal were listed, as well as a notice about avoiding excessive noise. I also saw notes about not wasting water or electricity, and so on.

"So, they don't place restrictions on electricity or gas usage?"

I'd assumed that the school would deduct the cost from our points. They really went to great lengths to have a perfect system for their students.

However, one thing I'm surprised about is that this dorm is a co-ed dormitory. The majority of the students here are still teenagers, so it was stated among the rules that unsuitable romantic relationships are frowned upon. In short, sex was strictly forbidden...or it should be. But I did see some interesting items back at the convenience store... Are those for the older students?

Years of isolation from the outside world, living with the opposite sex in the same building, and a bunch of students on their age of discovery, there's no way nothing will happen. Those items implied that the academy already expected that such a rule would be loosely followed, so they might as well minimize the risk of accident.

Ah right, I need a dagger too...sigh.

I stood up and moved the curtains that concealed the sliding glass door leading to the balcony.

And there, it revealed a breathtaking sight.

A colossal tree stood firmly at the center of a vast lake. Its presence providing great warmth and vitality in every direction. Its trunk and roots were submerged deep in the crystal-clear waters as if drawing life from the very depths of the earth. The branches and leaves of the tree stretched outwards, creating a vast and sprawling canopy that seemed to touch the very sky. From its size, I could easily imagine a small city to be sheltered over its sheltering boughs. Its sheer magnitude was awe-inspiring, and I couldn't help but feel small and insignificant in its shadow.

Surrounding it is an archipelago of smaller islands, all connected like a network that seems to serve as the base of the tree. Contrary to the rest of the academy, these islands don't seem to hold much infrastructure, and even if there was, it was mostly made of wood which highly contrasts the advanced nature of the institution facilities.

Given how big the tree is, I had to wonder why I didn't see it until now, something this massive should still be visible even from outside the academy premises and yet... I had caught neither a glimpse nor shadow of it prior to entering.

"The inner court," I muttered under my breath.

The academy's success is said to originate from its inner court, a sacred place that every soul master dreams of stepping foot in even once. And being so close to it, I now understood why.

The energy it emanates is a world apart from anything I've experienced before, teeming with life energy that seems to give birth to small living objects one after the other. Any soul master who trains under the canopy of that massive tree would progress tens if not dozens of times faster than in a regular environment, and I'm sure it provides more than just that.

However, that is not the main reason as to why I am interested in that place. Prior to coming here, I had heard that as long as you have entered the inner court, living in the academy indefinitely is a possibility.

In this academy in which contact with the outside world is heavily restricted, not allowing any outsiders to so much as take a step within its premises... It was something I greatly appreciate.

Not even the government can do anything without approval, as this very institution is not bound to any law in this country. Despite being located in Japan, this academy has complete autonomy over itself and is under no obligation to obey. In many ways, it was like a country of its own, separate from the rest of the world.

I took a deep breath, feeling the refreshing air fill my lungs as I gazed upon the breathtaking scenery before me. Its grandeur and majesty were awe-inspiring, and I felt as though its vibrant energy was revitalizing, melting away all of my weariness and troubles...

As I stood there, taking in the rejuvenating breath of life around me, I was reminded of my purpose, and felt a renewed determination to pursue my goal.

In this place, no one can reach me. In this place, no one can find me. In this place, I am free. This, this is where my new life begins. And I intend to do whatever it takes to protect my place here, in this Monster Academy.

Chapter 2: The Everyday Life from Here on Out

Chapter Text

The second day of school, we had our first class. Similar to yesterday, most of the first session was spent on orientation. While yesterday covered the general school guidelines, today we were introduced to the specifics of our course objectives and schedules.

To my surprise, the class was only half-day long— held in the morning, leaving us free to do whatever we wanted for the rest of the day. Whether to relax, train, or study, the choice was entirely up to the students.

After that, the classes proceeded like normal. It is what I imagined a class should operate, however, I couldn't help but observe the behavior of my classmates. Although some were attentively listening and taking notes, most seemed disinterested and unengaged. A few even dozed off during the lecture, with Sudou being the most notable of them all.

While I couldn't help but admire Sudou's boldness and daring attitude, it was something I wouldn't have the courage to do.

Interestingly, the teacher appeared unfazed by their behavior and made no attempt to curtail it.

The curriculum seemed easy and... lax, the added free time on the afternoon and this response seemed to give the students freedom... a little bit too much. The academy probably wanted to promote student autonomy, after all, it was up to each student to decide whether or not to pay attention in class or to train.

As a soul master academy, strength was paramount, and I assumed the academy trusted its students to work hard on their own to avoid falling behind. Well, as long as it doesn't affect me then there's no need to concern myself.

Soon, the bell rang, Chabashira-sensei began collecting her materials. Before she left, she paused and looked around the room before speaking.

"I forgot to mention earlier, but there is a Soul World battle network station located within the academy premises. I assume most of you are familiar with it and have probably participated before, but I'll give you a quick rundown. The battle network is open to all soul masters, and it allows them to battle each other without significant consequences. It's not mandatory to participate, but I recommend checking it out."

After Chabashira-sensei left, only a few students who actually paid attention seemed interested in what she said. As for me, I had heard of the Soul World battle network before, but I had never had a chance to actually enter. It is said to be inside a simulated space, a digital world exclusive to soul masters, and not for ordinary people due to the danger posed by the spiritual power and physical requirements.

When she mentioned "all soul masters," I wondered if we would not only be fighting students from the academy but also soul masters from all over the country, or even the world. I wasn't sure of the system's scale, but I assumed each country would have its own server to prevent overcrowding.

It was interesting to know that the academy allowed this kind of "outside contact," I guess I could understand why as it exposes students to a variety of people and soul masters, which could be beneficial to their growth.

Considering that it was now lunchtime, the students started to leave the classroom, some walking with newfound companions while others walked alone. As much as I couldn't help being slightly envious of their newfound relationships, it didn't really bother me that much being alone for now. And besides isn't being friends something that happens naturally? I shouldn't rush it, and simply let fate run its course, I'm sure I'll be able to make some friends soon... soon.

I wanted to check the cafeteria so I prepared to leave, while doing so, I couldn't help but notice my seat neighbor, Horikita, who seemed to be packing up her things to leave as well. On a whim, I decided to invite her to join me for lunch.

"Horikita, would you like to go to the cafeteria with me?" I asked, trying my best to sound casual.

"Why should I?"

"There's no particular reason, I just thought that you might also be heading there for lunch, and since we're going in the same direction, I figured we might as well go together."

"Well, unfortunately for you Ayanokouji-kun, I have no intention of heading to the cafeteria, if you don't want to be alone that badly, there are others that you can invite, no?"

As she turned her back on me, she paused for a moment and cast one last glance my way.

"Ah right, you don't have any friends at all, so there's no one you can invite," said Horikita, her words laced with mockery, letting out a derisive laughter that only I can hear.

...I think a vein popped out my forehead.

Seeing her depart from the classroom, leaving me alone. I sighed before lifting my legs towards the cafeteria.

As I was making my way out, a melodious voice suddenly called out my name, causing me to turn around. To my surprise, it was none other than Kushida Kikyou, one of my classmates. As I gazed at her more closely, I couldn't help but be struck by her beauty. She was truly exquisite and stood out from the rest of the students.

"Yes? How may I help you?" I asked, looking directly at her.

However, the reply that I was anticipating never came, instead she just stood there with a surprised look on her face as soon as she came close, looking like a deer caught in headlights, as if she had just seen a ghost.

She stared at me, her eyes wide and uncomprehending. A look of shock and disbelief seemed to wash over her features that froze her in place. Wondering what it was about, I waved my hand in front of her while calling out her name.

"Um, Kushida? Is something wrong?"

My voice seemed to have snapped her out of her current state, she blinked at me a few times, then slowly shook her head as if trying to clear it.

"I-Its nothing, I was just... lost in thought for a moment, hehe. I didn't mean to startle you," she said, though I couldn't help but sense that she was still a bit distracted. However, now that she had regained her composure, I was glad that we could at least have a conversation.

"So, what is it?" I asked.

"Uh, right, nice to meet you Ayanokouji-kun, I'm glad you remembered my name."

Her usual smile is back, as if the earlier event didn't even happen. I'm honestly impressed how quickly she switched gears. I am curious about the reason why she acted like that, but I decided to let it go for now and focus on our conversation.

"Yeah, I try to make an effort to remember my classmates' names," I replied. "So, is there something you needed to talk to me about?"

"Mhmm, to tell the truth, there's something I wanted to ask you. It's just one little question. Ayanokouji-kun, are you on good terms with Horikita-san?"

So her business is about Horikita rather than me... can't say I'm not disappointed.

"I wouldn't say we're on good terms, rather I think it's the opposite. That woman seems to have a grudge on me, and I don't know why," I shrugged. "Did she do something to you too?"

That makes her the second victim, well third if you count me as the first.

"Too? Oh, no its not that. She didn't do anything to me at all. It's just that, well, do you remember when I said I wanted to get along with everyone in class? That's why I wanted everyone's contact info. But... Horikita turned me down," she said, looking downcast.

Why is this happening? Why Horikita , she didn't want any friends and here is someone wanting to become her friend and yet... where is mine?

"I saw you two walking together yesterday, so I thought I could ask you about Horikita-san." Kushida continued. "Is she the type to talk a lot when she's with a friend?"

"I only just met her yesterday, so I can't really help you much, but I don't think she's very good at interacting with others."

"Hmm. I see. I thought that you two must have been old friends before starting school here. I'm sorry to have asked you such a strange question."

"It's quite alright. If that's all then I'll be going on ahead," I motioned to step and go on my way but she suddenly grabbed hold of the edge of my uniform, stopping me.

"Uh, could I perhaps get your contact info too? I mentioned earlier that I want everyone's contact and I still haven't got"

"Sure, I don't mind."

Excitement coursed through me as we exchanged contact information. It was the first number I would register on my phone, and I couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation. I guess, I'll have to thank Horikita for this.

"And, done. Thanks again and its nice meeting you, Ayanokouji-kun," she said, her lips curving up into a dazzling smile that lit up her entire face. The way her eyes crinkled at the corners and the warmth that radiated from her expression could make any guy's heart skip a beat.

I noticed that she had her hand extended seemingly initiating a handshake.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too," I said, shaking her outstretched hand.

This meeting with Kushida seemed to have completely washed away Horikita's earlier mockery. Quite convenient and it feels pleasant too, putting me in a good mood. Maybe this will carry on for the rest of the day.

The cafeteria was a small building located at the east side of the main academic building. As I stepped inside, I was greeted by a spacious interior filled with the sound of chattering students and the aroma of various foods wafting through the air. The high ceiling gave the impression of grandeur, and plenty of natural light came pouring in from the windows. The walls were painted in shades of cream and white, giving the space a clean, fresh look.

In the center of the room were rows of tables and chairs, arranged in neat rows that stretched from one end of the room to the other. The tables were made of polished wood, with matching chairs that were comfortable to sit on.

On one end of the room, I could see rows of students bustling with activity as they lined up to get their meals. Ahead of them were six windows, with different signages displayed above them. The signages were numbered one, two, three, and so on. That must be where we get our meals.

I motioned to a ticketing booth at the side near the entrance. This is apparently where we can purchase the ticket for our meals before we can head to the windows to receive them. The tickets were divided into six categories, one for each numbered window.

The prices seemed to increase the lower the number on the window, meaning that six is the cheape— or not. The sixth window had the word 'free' on it, making the fifth window the cheapest.

I couldn't help but notice the trend of the academy offering free amenities to its students. The convenience store, the training grounds, and now the cafeteria all had their own "free" perks. It made me wonder if this was some sort of strategy to promote the academy or if it was genuinely an act of kindness towards the students.

Either way, it was hard to deny the appeal of getting something for nothing, even if it was just a small discount or a minor perk.

As for the food, it seems that they are offering quite the variety, from Japanese cuisine, with bowls of steaming ramen and udon, to Chinese, French, there are also burgers and fries. Each window seemed to offer all the varieties, so I wonder why the stark difference in prices. The cheapest option after all in window five only amounts to 500 points while the most expensive in window one reaches above 100,000 points.

Finally taking the moment to actually read the food available in the selection it finally dawned into me... Ruby shrimps, 1,000-year dragon tendon, 10,000-year deep sea marlin, ice-jeweled lettuce, and so on and so forth— It was the ingredients. The lower the window number, the more rare and more exquisite the ingredients and the more nutritious they are. Especially in window number one, the ingredients that it uses can be considered to be treasures on their own right.

Take the ruby shrimp for example; it is one of the bizarre creatures living three kilometers below the Mariana trench. Capturing it is extremely difficult as it lies within the midnight zone, where countless 1,000 to 10,000-year sea soul beasts roam.

Despite the danger involved, the reward for capturing a Ruby Shrimp is immense. The flesh of the shrimp is said to be incredibly nourishing, with a single shrimp being enough to sustain an ordinary human for an entire year.

The last time I had a proper meal was before coming to this school, and it wasn't even enough to fill me up. Now, I could feel the hunger gnawing at my stomach, and I knew I needed to replenish myself soon.

From what I can see, only the food from the first window seemed to be the only ones I can consider. Others won't do, as I might as well be eating air. Though it was fortunate that I can still taste them, they won't be able to fill me at all. I could easily eat a year's worth of food, and it still won't be enough.

69,000 points. That's the cheapest option in the first window and I couldn't help but sigh.

My body has a unique metabolism that requires high-quality and nutrient-dense food to sustain it. It's as if my body is constantly in need of fuel to keep it running, and anything less would be like trying to power a car with water instead of gasoline.

So, with no other option, I chose the cheapest ticket and made my way to the first window. As expected, there was no one in line. Being expensive isn't the only reason for it though, since even if it may be delicious and nutritious, itistoonutritious that for most people, a single bite is enough to make them feel full.

You may think that it is better to buy a single dish from this window and have that sustain you for the entire month—taking one bite a day, thus potentially saving a lot of points. But it doesn't work like that. Ingredients of this level on its raw form doesn't offer much and needs to be processed to awaken its nutritious properties. But after that, its nutritious properties then starts to degrade over time. There are some exceptions but most are like that.

So unless you are able to take in all of the food in one sitting, then it would simply be a waste of points as the product will no longer reflect their value. Forcing yourself to eat it will just make you suffer the consequences that follows.

I assumed that most of the customers for this window would be the teachers or anyone with a high rank or a similar constitution to mine, as they are the ones who are capable of digesting the food served here.

The cafeteria staff seemed surprised to see me, and I couldn't help but feel self-conscious as several pairs of eyes bore into me.

I don't really like it, but it couldn't be helped, my hunger is more important than any discomfort or embarrassment.

I sat at the counter seats and placed the food that I ordered on the counter that ran along the wall, facing the large glass window, allowing a clear view of the outside.

What I had ordered was a dish set compromising of black buns made from a deep-sea fish, it sat atop a bed of moonlight rice that shimmered in the light that passes through the window. A thick dragon's tendon, cooked to perfection, curled around the edge of the plate, tempting me with its savory aroma. And then there was the stir-fried noodle, made from a 1,000-year-old durum wheat, its long strands glistening.

Fortunately, the portion size for this set is quite large. I had to return my initial ticket and exchanged it for something else after discovering that the cheapest option's portion is a bit too small for me. I didn't want to risk buying another set, so I quickly exchanged it for something a bit more expensive hoping to save some points. Hence, the food in front of me, which costs exactly 100,000 points.

With this level of quality, I should be able to hold on for about three days... four if I put my mind to it.

Shaking my head away from my thoughts, I focused on the enticing meal in front of me.Well, let's not think about that for now and just eat.

As I took my first bite, I was transported to a world of flavor and texture, each element of the dish coming together to create a harmonious symphony of taste.

The black bun, so dark it almost appeared to absorb the light, was soft and slightly sweet, with a hint of umami that came from the deep-sea fish used in its creation. The moonlight rice, which I had read was harvested only once a year during a full moon, was delicate and fluffy, with a faint sweetness that complemented the savory flavors of the dish.

The dragon's tendon was surprisingly tender, with a rich, meaty flavor that paired perfectly with the stir-fried noodle. And speaking of the noodle, it was truly a marvel of culinary mastery. The durum wheat had been carefully harvested and aged for a millennium, resulting in a noodle that was chewy and flavorful, with a subtle nuttiness that lingered on my palate.

I savored every bite, relishing in the expertly crafted flavors and textures of the dish set before me. But I couldn't really enjoy them as much as I wanted to, as all that runs in my mind is,I'll be broke before this month ends.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon and I found myself wandering aimlessly around the campus, lost in thought. As I walked, I weighed the different options in my mind, trying to decide how I should proceed from here on out.

100,000 points for a single meal... if I don't spend points on anything else, then I might just be able to scrape by before next month arrives... or not.

I shouldn't rely on the allowance that they will give to me. Instead, I should look for ways to make some points for myself. But how?

Walking around, still contemplating, I found my feet take me in front of a certain large building. My eyes were drawn to the massive sigil adorning its front. A large, bronze hammer, etched in intricate detail, stood prominently at the center of the building's facade. The hammer seemed to pulse with energy, its intricate design reflecting the skill and artistry of those who worked within.

It's the Blacksmith Association building.

Curious, I stepped closer. The door, made of heavy iron, loomed before me, with the emblem of the association emblazoned on its surface.

Pushing the door open, the first thing I saw was a counter stretching over twenty meters long, with more than fifteen windows for helping visitors. Looking around, the place looked very simple and rough, but I felt a steely atmosphere as soon as I penetrated inside. Along the walls, there were screens showing the appearance of various metals, with annotations under each one. The name, place of origin, and characteristics of metal were written.

At the moment, I could see several staff members sat behind the windows. They had a youthful appearance, so it is likely that they were students as well. Since it is still lunchtime. There aren't that many people around.

As I approached the counter, a friendly service staff member stood up to greet me. Her mid-back length chestnut brown hair cascaded gracefully in loose waves, she exuded an invigorating aura. "Hello there," she said with a warm smile. "How may I help you today? Are you here for a request, or perhaps are you a blacksmith?" I noticed a polished nameplate on her chest bearing the name Hori.

Shaking my head, I answered. "I'm sorry, but I just arrived here, I wonder if you can tell me more about this place?"

"Oh! You must be a freshman, all right then. Let me explain it for you, this is the ANSA's Blacksmith Association and the floor we are currently in is the Task Acceptance Hall. It is where we receive requests and missions from our clients, also this is where the blacksmiths registered to the association accept these requests. Of course, once a request or mission is fulfilled, the blacksmith will then receive the monetary reward that accompanies it."

It was only natural that the four professions required for mecha and battle armor crafting will be on demand and I know that blacksmithing is the most profitable of them all. Also... ANSA huh, I guess the academy's name is indeed quite the mouthful.

She continued. "The second floor is where the blacksmith workshops are located, and the third and fourth floors are where the forged products are sold. Is there anything else you want to know?"

I thought for a moment before asking, "Do they allow observers inside the workshops?"

She raised her brow a little bit, seemingly confused on the nature of my question. But that is only for a moment, and she regained her composure as it could be interpreted that I'm simply interested in how blacksmiths work.

"That depends on the blacksmith. You would have to ask for their permission to enter their workshop." Just then, the heavy iron doors at the entrance of the hall creaked open, and a blast of fresh air rushed in, signaling the arrival of someone.

A man, seemingly in his early thirties strode purposefully inside the building, his posture tall and confident. He was dressed in an opened brown coat that revealed a crisp gray button down shirt that hugged his muscular frame; the shirt neatly tucked into his khaki pants. His well-defined arms hinted at a lifetime of disciplined physical training, while his broad shoulders and chest conveyed strength and power.

"Ah! Mashima-sensei! Good afternoon," Hori greeted. "Are you here for work?"

"Mhmm, the academy requested some metals from me, so I'm here to forge them," he answered.

I recognized him. He was one of the teachers who appeared during the entrance ceremony. So, he is also a blacksmith.

"Excuse me, sensei," I called out, causing Hori to look at me in surprise. He stopped to face me with a curious expression.

"May I perhaps observe your forging session?" This was an opportunity. I wanted to at least see what forging really looks like with my own eyes. I may have read countless books detailing about its process, but it is still nothing compared to practical and firsthand information.

"Are you a blacksmith?" he inquired.

"No, but I'm interested, I have never seen a blacksmith at work before so I figured I might as well see one before I try it out myself."

He smiled, "Hoh, that's a very practical approach, kids these days are always in a hurry, so they tend to forget the importance of proper observation."

He nodded to himself, seemingly showing his fondness of my approach. "Unfortunately, I simply cannot allow a student to observe me while I'm working just like that. If you still want to observe someone then you can try asking some of those in the higher grades who are blacksmiths. Maybe you'll find one who'll agree to you," he added.

"Well then, I'm very busy so I'll be going ahead. Good luck." He said, patting my shoulder as he headed towards the elevator that will lead him to the upper floors.

I didn't expect him to reject me just like that, but I didn't want to let this opportunity go away, so I decided to try another approach.

"Then, how many emblems do you want sensei?" I asked.

There was a moment of silence as the teacher turned to look at me at surprise. He eventually smiled and raised three of his fingers.

"Three white emblems, if you can give me that much then you're free to observe my entire session."

"Isn't that a bit expensive?" Three white emblems for a simple observation seems a bit much. I had exchanged 200,000 points worth of white emblems yesterday on my way back to the dorms, so I only have 10 white emblems on me right now.

"You'll be watching an 8-star blacksmith at work, three white emblems are already dirt cheap for my level," he replied.

An 8-star blacksmith— a Saint Craftsman! I didn't expect him to have such a high rank. There are only nine ranks in total from 1-star to 9-star. In the entire country the number of blacksmiths that had reached the 8-star rank can be counted in one hand. And throughout the entire world there are only three blacksmiths who had reached the highest rank. Those who had reached this level are called Divine Craftsman and are said to be capable of creating divine tools and weapons. I never thought that I would meet one who was almost at that level in this academy.

Outstretching my left arm, there was a subtle glimmer of silver and suddenly three pieces of white emblems appeared. "Here you go," I said, offering it to Mashima-sensei.

He was a bit surprised by that action. "So, you have a storage ring huh," he remarked, eyeing the ring on my little finger. "Those are incredibly expensive. I'm impressed you managed to obtain one this early."

"I had it before entering this school," I replied simply.

What rested on my finger was a plain silver ring with no intricate designs or engravings. It appeared entirely unremarkable, but it actually serves as a portable storage. This was my only possession upon entering the academy, apart from my empty backpack. It boasts a thirty square meters space inside, which is quite big for a portable storage. Though when I first arrived, it was entirely empty.

Taking the emblems from my outstretched hand, he motioned for me to follow him. As we stepped out the elevator, he led me down a long and narrow corridor, winding and tortuous like a coiling snake, doors lining both sides. Upon closer inspection, the hall seemed to resemble a tube. Mashima-sensei then began to tell me about the intricacies of this floor.

"Every registered blacksmith has their own individual workshop space. That's what those rooms are," he pointed at the doors we just passed through. "Each of them are soundproofed, so no matter how furiously one swung the hammer, not a peep would leave the rooms," he added.

We then reached the edge of the corridor, where another door resides. This door was a bit different from others, as it was larger.

"Were here, this is my workshop, as I'm also the academy's Blacksmith Association president, it also serves as my office, so it is on a rather large scale," he said, opening the thick doors with his keycard.

As I stepped into the room, I was immediately struck by the clear contrast between the two halves of the space. On one side, was a well-organized office, complete with a sleek desk and a comfortable-looking chair. Few organized stacks of paper scattered across its surface and bookshelves line the walls, filled with neatly arranged binders and files, giving the impression of a space that is meticulously maintained. Its floor was polished to a high shine, and every surface looked freshly scrubbed.

On the other side of the room, a blacksmith workshop is separated from the office by a waist-high divider. Its floor is made of hardened steel, rough and well-worn from years of use. The lighting in the workshop is dimmer than in the office. It was filled with a dizzying array of tools and equipment. The walls were lined with shelves, which were filled with all manner of rare and exotic metals - some gleaming gold, others a burnished bronze, still others a deep, lustrous silver. I could identify some of them that were said to be almost impossible to obtain.

Despite the clutter, however, there is an air of organization to the space, with everything in its proper place and tools arranged in a way that suggests a deep knowledge of the craft.

At the center of the workshop stood a large forging table, its surface polished to a mirror-like sheen. The table was clearly of the highest quality.

Placing his coat on the hanger, Mashima-sensei rolled up his sleeves and strode purposefully towards the shelves. He selected a large chunk of silver-white metal that twinkled in the dim light.

It was Heavy Silver, an uncommon metal that could only be found on the seafloor at depths exceeding one kilometer. Its exceptional hardness and ductility under high temperatures, as well as its ability to amplify soul power by up to ten percent, made it highly sought after for use in mechas and industrial applications. However, the metal was incredibly dense and exceptionally heavy, making it challenging to work with.

Despite its weight, Mashima-sensei lifted the chunk of Heavy Silver effortlessly with a single hand, revealing its impressive length of about one meter.That size should weigh about a single ton.

He then placed it on the forging table without making a sound. As I looked closer, I noticed the polished surface of the forging table was etched with deep scratches and scuff marks, evidence of years of heavy use. The edges were worn and dented from countless hammer blows, yet the table still radiated a sense of strength and durability, a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the blacksmith who had used it.

Mashima-sensei pressed a button on the table, and a section of the counter opened up, revealing the melting furnace below. The chunk of Heavy Silver slowly sank into the furnace, and a scorching heat filled the air, before the counter closed.

"I assumed you were a first-grade student," Mashima-sensei said, turning to me. "What's your name? I don't recall seeing you, what class are you in?"

"Its Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and I'm in class D, sensei," I replied.

"Ah, that explains it. I've only been to classes A and C today. If I recall correctly, my lecture for class D will be at the end of this week. "So, what do you think Ayonokouji? You said you've read books, tell me how much you know about this profession."

"Only the basics," I admitted. "I know that the forging process, especially at the initial level, is mainly to remove impurities in the metal."

"That's correct," he nodded. "The removal of impurities of the metal is the first step when it comes to forging as it weakens the structure of the metal, making it more brittle and prone to breakage. Continue."

I'm only here to observe, not to be interrogated about whatever knowledge I have about this. But I didn't sense any ulterior motives from Mashima-sensei, so I assume he is simply making small talk to pass the time while we wait.

"Um, for refining the metal, the more times it was refined, the less impurities a metal would have. Blacksmiths use terms such as Hundred Refinement Purification and Thousand Refinement Soul Forging, which in other words means that it takes at least one hundred times of folding and forging to make a metal become sufficiently pure. If more than one thousand times, then the metal will undergo a qualitative change. Am I correct sensei?"

He nodded seemingly satisfied by what I said. "Mhmm, forging has levels to it, the first being the Hundred refined followed by the Thousand refined. Naturally, a metal of quality is required to withstand the pressure of thousand refinements. At that level, it may even appear to have its own soul. There are still ranks above that such as, Spirit Refinement, Soul Refinement, and lastly the Heavenly Refinement— which only three people in the world are capable of achieving."

Looking down at the forging table that swallowed the Heavy Silver that he placed, he asked another question. "Then, do you know what I did earlier?"

"Yes, that is what we call calcining. It heats up the metal to a high temperature in the absence or limited supply of air or oxygen. This is the first step to remove any moisture or volatile organic compounds that may be present in the metal. This allows the metal to be more easily shaped and forged without the risk of defects."

"Exactly, by heating up the metal, it becomes more ductile and malleable, different metals require different temperatures and time when it comes to calcining. That is why it is essential that the blacksmith knows the characteristics of the metal that they forge," said Mashima-sensei.

"Fortunately, our forging counters here are very advanced. They will adjust the heat according to the melting points of different metals and will be smelted to the most suitable temperature for forging," he continued.

"Ah here it is," suddenly the forging table opened, and the now glowing red chunk of Heavy Silver rose up to the counter. The Intense heat that it emits immediately permeated throughout the entire room.

"As you can see, once the suitable temperature has been reached, it will automatically raise the metal up, and then you can start forging."

A pair of hammers appeared in sensei's hands in a flash of light. The hammers glistened, their shape completely adhering to orthodox methods. However, they were white, which I think should be unusual for hammers as I have the image of them being silver or gray or dark-colored. In addition to that, golden clouds danced across the surfaces of both hammers, giving them an aura of mystical beauty.

Even with my limited knowledge in the field, it's clear that those hammers are of the highest quality. In fact, they could easily be considered first-grade weapons if used in combat.

So, these are the hammers that an 8-star blacksmith uses.

All of a sudden, it was as if Mashima-sensei became one with his surroundings, his entire being absorbed in concentration. His focused gaze never wavered as he meticulously inspected the metal before him, his eyes capturing every minute detail. The subtle movements of his hands and the way he leaned in closer to the forging table revealed the depth of his concentration. It was as if the world around him ceased to exist, and he existed solely in the realm of his craft, where every motion and decision held immense importance.

He inhaled a deep breath as the hammer in his right hand drew an arc in the air, and the hammer swung forward and pounded onto the metal.


When the forging hammer fell, at the moment it touched the Heavy Silver, I felt a surge of energy electrify the air. The Heavy Silver, previously a burnt and darkened red, transformed in an instant, shimmering with a vibrant and radiant golden-red hue, as if it had caught a piece of the sun's essence within its molten embrace.


The hammer fell again, this time it was his left hand. Burning hot golden red light erupted, and countless sparks splattered. Amid violent oscillations, the Heavy Silver had suddenly shrunk by a fifth of its previous size.


For each swing of the hammer, the Heavy Silver would shrink, and it continued until it was only a tenth of its original. And just at that moment, a dazzling brilliance burst out with flickering lights and swayed in the air rising over one and a half meters high.

The height of the light bursting out from the metal when thousand-refined serves as a definitive measure of its quality. Among these, the height of one and a half meters is given highest grade a blacksmith could achieve.Sensei's thousand-refined metal could be considered to be a top first-grade metal.

Sensei paused and took a step back, his movements fluid and deliberate. It was as if he entered a trance-like state, his unwavering focus on the forging process remaining intact. Despite the momentary pause, his connection with the task at hand remained unbroken, his mind undoubtedly working through the intricacies of the next steps.

Just when I thought he was finished; sensei returned to the shelves and selected another chunk of Heavy Silver. With careful precision, he placed it inside the furnace, commencing its calcination process.

Refocusing his attention again on the piece of shrunken Heavy Silver, sensei raised his hammer once again and resumed his meticulous process. The rhythmic sound of the hammer meeting metal filled the room.


Sensei dedicated a substantial amount of time to hammering the metal, each strike resonating with precision and purpose. As the piece of Heavy Silver reverberated under his skilled hands, a subtle but distinct buzzing sound filled the air.

Gradually, the Silver began to tremble, and the cloud-like patterns etched on its surface seemed to stir to life, flowing and morphing. Within the intricate patterns, the faint shape of a bull emerged, accompanied by a gentle roar that resonated through the room.

In an instant, a wave of emotion engulfed the forging room, carrying an unmistakable sense of joy, akin to a child's exuberant awakening. It was as if the metal had transcended its inanimate nature and became a living entity.

Breathing life into metal— this was the essence of Spirit Forging. It is said that at this level, the metal will awaken its intelligence and fuse with its user.

Spirit-refined metals possessed the ability to meld with the user's very being, dissolving into their body. It was this rare and extraordinary quality that rendered these creations so highly prized.

Once more, Mashima-sensei paused, exhaling with controlled composure. With reverence, he carefully lifted the spirit-refined metal, placing it upon an empty counter.

The forging table then opened, and the Heavy Silver that he placed earlier inside rose up. Fixing his posture in front of the metal, he once again raised his hammer, restarting his forging process anew.

Time seemed to blur as the intense forging session stretched on for three arduous hours. With unwavering dedication, Mashima-sensei meticulously spirit-refined each piece of Heavy Silver, devoting approximately fifteen minutes to the intricate process. Mesmerized by the spectacle unfolding before me, my focus sharpened, capturing every nuance with unwavering attention.

I scrutinized every aspect of his craft: the fluid arcs of his hammer swings, the impeccable posture that emanated both strength and grace, the measured breaths that synchronized with each strike. The ebb and flow of his soul power could be felt with every movement. Every ounce of his strength was channeled into the swing, every motion purposeful and precise.

I observed the metal's response, its very essence pulsating with life. The surrounding elements seemed to dance in harmonious concert, echoing the blacksmith's skill and commanding presence. Every subtle change, every interaction, held significance as the elements wove their symphony of transformation. I etched these moments into the depths of my consciousness, storing each minute detail within the recesses of my mind.

As I descended to the first floor, the echoes of Mashima-sensei's forging session still reverberated in my mind. With his work complete, there was no longer a reason for me to linger in the workshop. Sensei had mentioned that he had some paperwork to attend to, choosing to remain in his office while I made my way out.

I approached the counter and Hori—the same staff from earlier greeted me once again.

"Hello, is your session with Mashima-sensei over?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm now here to register as a blacksmith," I said, presenting my student id. Mashima-sensei said that the id is all I need to register.

Receiving my id, she fiddled something on the computer and returned it to me along with a badge— an insignia with an emblazoned hammer and a single star above. "Here you go, that badge serves as your proof of registration. I welcome you to the ANSA's Blacksmith Association, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun," she said, beaming with a smile.

"That's it?" I was surprised that that was all it took to register, I didn't really think that when Mashima-sensei said that all you need is an id, he had meant literally. I assumed that I would need to present my id first to start the process and perhaps be taken somewhere to take a test.

"Mhmm, you see, there are only very few blacksmiths here in the academy as it is a very difficult and laborious profession, so we immediately accept any who are hopeful to become one," she explained.

"Nevertheless, we require each blacksmith to complete at least three commissions or requests each month to retain their registration."

"I see, is there any other information that I should know?"

"I was just about to get into that," standing up, she beckoned me to follow her.

Back to the second floor; Hori led me down the hall and stopped at the door numbered 37. Using a keycard, she opened it and what lies inside was a 20 square meters workshop. It was similar to Mashima-sensei's workshop albeit smaller in scale. Right smack in the center, a forging counter was placed and along the walls were lines of empty shelves.

"Here is the keycard for the room, now that you are registered you can now start accepting commissions from the floor below. Since you have just joined, you will be at the lowest rank-1-star. So, it is recommended that you only accept missions that are befitting of that rank, of course you can pick those a rank higher but bear in mind that failure to complete the request will incur penalties if that's the case. Failure on missions for your rank on the other hand will not," she explained, handing me the keycard.

"Another thing, metals and rare metals will be for you to purchase. Especially since you are just starting, it is essential that you have metals that you can use to practice. For commissions, the clients more often than not, provide the metals themselves by buying them beforehand from the association or somewhere else. So, you don't have to worry when accepting commissions for metals that you don't possess.

"The association will also buy refined metals from you at standard price, so if you have any metals that you won't use but have refined, don't hesitate to sell it to the Association. Also, after you had completed a certain number of commissions, you will automatically be promoted to 2-star and after that, to be promoted again, you will have to take a test."

"Last but not least, if you run into any problems, please don't hesitate to come by the Association for assistance," she smiled brightly thus ending her lengthy explanation.

Tracing the forging counter with the tip of my fingers, the smooth surface felt cool against my skin, its polished finish reflecting the soft glow of the dim workshop lights. It hasn't been used much.

"Is there anything else?" she asked.

"I'd like to accept some commissions," I said. It was currently five pm, the curfew is at ten, so I still have time. Now that I've seen what it looks like and felt how it feels, I now want to try it myself and earn some points while doing so-which is the main reason why I'm here.

"Eh?" Hori raised an eyebrow, casting a skeptical glance at me. "Shouldn't you try and practice with ordinary metals first before trying to tackle a request?" she suggested. "I believe I remember hearing you say that you had no experience in blacksmithing at all, so you should also try and find someone to teach you first!"

"I'll be fine, I would like a request that is about metal refining, preferably for thousand refinements. Also, I would like to purchase ten chunks of rare metals. Any will do."

"Are you sure? Thousand refinements are for those who are 3-star and above you know, if you fai-"

"If I fail, then I'll simply pay the penalties, it must be just a fine right?" I said, interrupting her.

"Ugh, fine, suit yourself. As for the rare metals, it won't be ten chunks, but the Association offers a set of rare metals for a single white emblem. That set should be enough to fill half a shelf." she explained. "They will only be basic ones though so don't expect them to be the actual rare and exotic metals."

"That'll do. Thank you."

"Hori Kyouko," she said, causing me to stare at her in wonder. "Hori Kyouko, that's my full name," she clarified, pointing at the nameplate that only printed 'Hori'. "I'm a second grade, class A. I'm also a blacksmith, at 4th rank or star, whatever you wish to call it. I work at the reception as a part time, so we'll probably see each other a lot. Let's get along Ayanokouji-kun," she extended her arm, asking for a handshake.

"Likewise," I said, accepting her hand.

"Well, then. I'll head back down now, I'll pick the mission for you this time. You will be able to see it in the digital terminal right here," she said, pointing to the small terminal beside the door. "As for the metals, someone else will come here to deliver it for you, both for the items you requested and for the metal that will be used for the commission. That'll be all, see ya, Ayanokouji-kun." With a wave of her hand, she stepped back as the door closed, cutting her figure off from view.

Now alone, I inspected the tools that were neatly lined up on a counter at the very back. Thankfully, they provided the basic tools necessary to start forging. Grabbing the hammer, I inspected it carefully. To compare it to Mashima-sensei's would be like comparing a junk food to a gourmet meal. It was as ordinary as it gets: hardened steel, its head lacked any intricate engravings or embellishments. It was a simple and unadorned tool, a far cry from the elegance and might of the hammers I witnessed earlier.

Feeling its weight settle into my grasp. The hammer felt surprisingly heavy, a solid fifty kilograms of mass that would require the user to have sufficient strength to wield effectively. It is no wonder that they don't bother with tests since if you can't even lift this hammer, then you won't be able to accomplish the requests at all.If something like this already weighs this much, I wonder how heavyMashima-sensei's hammers are.

Closing my eyes, I recalled the session from earlier. The workshop seemed to come alive in my mind, the rhythmic movements of Mashima-sensei replayed before me like an intricate choreography. I could almost feel the heat of the forge, the weight of the hammer in my own hand.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The melodious sound of the hammer pounding the metal reverberated in my memory, each strike composing a symphony of creation. It echoed in my ears even now. Every strike was precise, calculated, and filled with intention.

I could almost see the sparks flying, illuminating the workshop with their fiery glow. The molten metal taking shape under his skilled hands. The metal seemed to come alive under his touch. It was a dance between the blacksmith and the metal.

The scent of burning metal lingered in my imagination, the distinct smell of transformation and creation. It carried with it a sense of magic, as if the very essence of the forge was infused into the metal. The air was filled with a symphony of scents, a mixture of heat, sweat, and the earthy aroma of heated metal.


I was abruptly brought back to reality by the sound of a buzzer, interrupting my train of thought. As my eyes fluttered open, I instinctively turned my gaze toward the source of the sound—the digital terminal. Approaching it, I noticed a message displayed on the screen—a mail receipt bearing the title "Thousand Refinements - Deep Tungsten: 34,000 pts," and some other details.This must be the request thatHorihad selected for me.

At the top corner of the terminal, a blinking icon caught my attention. Curiosity piqued, I pressed it, revealing a live feed from a camera positioned just outside the door. A man stood there; his trolley loaded with an assortment of metals.

Stepping out through the door, I greeted the man who had arrived with the delivery. "Room 37, Ayanokouji-san?" he inquired. I nodded affirmatively, prompting him to continue. "Here are the metals you requested. Need any help stocking them up on the shelves?"

"No need, I'll take care of it," I replied. The man obliged, unloading the metals from his trolley before bidding his farewell.

Among the various metals, one caught my attention-it has the length of a third of a meter and bore the same receipt information as the one displayed on the digital terminal. Placing it atop the forging counter, I meticulously arranged the remaining metals on the shelves in a methodical and orderly fashion.

Returning to the counter and ripping of the tag, I scrutinized the metal before me. It was a Deep Tungsten. A rare metal found in the depths of the Subterranean Mines. With the technology nowadays, this metal had become more accessible and readily available, though still rarer than common metals.

Its surface glimmered with a deep blue luster that resembled the starry night sky, making it a highly sought-after metal for decorative purposes and the crafting of ornamental artifacts. Though not as dense as Heavy Silver, Deep Tungsten was still heavy enough to create compact and weighty objects, such as sturdy armor or heavy projectiles.

What truly set this metal apart, however, was its magnetic affinity. Its subtle attraction to magnetic fields made it a highly desirable material for those with abilities related to this area.

Pushing the button, the chunk of metal sank and started its calcination. The furnace hummed with the low, steady rumble of intense heat and transformative energy. After waiting for about ten minutes, the counter opened with a mechanical whir and raised the Deep tungsten to the surface, it radiated a fiery glow, and its intense heat caressed my face.

Gripping the hammer tightly, I raised it in a controlled arc, my body half turning, both legs planted firmly on the metal floor. I brought it down with precision, perfectly mimicking Mashima-sensei; its impact echoing with a resounding sound.


No, this is not it, it's too weak.I adjusted my waist, twisting it for more power, and swung the hammer again, channeling greater force into the strike.


Sensei's blows were powerful, incredibly so, each strike was akin to a meteor strike striking the earth— a level of power I couldn't fully replicate with my raw strength alone as of now.In that case...

Fzzt !

A brilliant, purple electric glow emanated from my body. The air crackled with an electrifying intensity as arcs of lightning danced and flickered along the contours of my skin. My arm blurred as it descended, almost disappearing from sight. A thunderous clap reverberated through the entire workshop as metal met metal, and the Deep Tungsten shrank in size.


The force is close enough, I should be able to unleash this much strength in long succession without straining myself... Still, I couldn't help but feel that something is lacking.


They were conversing, that's right, sensei was listening to the metal. It was as if he understood the metal's desires, where his hammers should land... how is such a connection possible?

He treated it as if the metal possessed a mind of its own. While I had witnessed him bestowing it with life, that was only at the very end when he had it spirit-refined. There has to be more to it.

I tried to feel the vibrations from pounding the metal, the minute changes in its vein lines, but I still couldn't fully comprehend. This is not due to my lack of knowledge, its intimacy.

I could tell that sensei truly loved blacksmithing; as he forged, he became akin to a caring parent tenderly nurturing their child. That level of passion and dedication was necessary to connect with the metal, to let the metal guide you in the process.

Strength is one thing, same with concentration, but passion is something I cannot emulate. For the reason that such a concept is still alien to me.

Ding! Ding! Ding!As I continued forging, the relentless strikes against the metal resounded throughout the room, accompanied by the crackling of lightning. Gradually, the Deep Tungsten trembled, and in a flash of light, the impurities were separated. This must mean that the metal had now been hundred-refined.

It took approximately four minutes to reach this stage, but the next one is going to be more difficult.








I cannot hear it; the metal won't talk to me.


I cannot understand it; its voice eludes me.


I cannot connect with it, as passion is what it desires from me.

The guidance that I seek from the metal is beyond my reach still. I am barred from that path... If that is so, then I shall forge my own.

Lightning that enveloped my body crackled in great intensity as my soul power skyrocketed. In an instant the dim lights flickered and vanished, plunging the room into an impenetrable darkness as if it had been swallowed by the abyss.


A low rumble echoed through the air as dark clouds took form above my head, casting an oppressive presence that saturated the entire space.If I cannot have you guide me, then so be it.

"You shall obey."

Bolts of lightning rained upon the metal, their fiery tongues singing a chorus of primal power. The Deep Tungsten, bathed in a heavenly baptism, absorbed the electric onslaught. With each strike of my hammer, timed in harmony with the bolts, the lightning danced with controlled precision, avoiding every delicate vein, preserving the metal's integrity.

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (5)

It shall be forged not according to its desires but mine. Its will is no longer necessary, it shall comply to the structure that I want it to form, the properties that I want it to possess.

The heat generated by the lightning bolts further softened the metal and the rapid cooling that results after, refined its grain structure.

Amidst the onslaught, a symphony of sound emerged, the grating of metal against metal, the hiss of pressure being released. My hammers grew heavier and heavier as the lightning coursed through and absorbed by the Deep Tungsten. The powerful electric current flowing through the lightning bolt induced a magnetic field that aligned the magnetic domains within the metal, increasing its overall magnetic strength.


The metal shook and shone with a brilliant light. A pillar burst forth reaching one and a half meters tall, illuminating the entire space, signifying the completion of a thousand-refinement of the highest quality.

Picking up the metal, I could discern intricate deep purple lightning patterned striations etched on the surface of the now starry colored metal. Its size has been shrunk to a third of its original and an electrifying pressure emanated from within.

Letting out a deep, rejuvenating "Hoooo," I exhaled all the tension from my body.

"That took about half an hour to complete a single thousand refinements," I muttered to myself.

Looking around the workshop, nothing seemed to be off, there is a faint burning smell parading the air but that's about it. Keeping the output at that level should be sufficient for forging sessions from here on out.

Considering that I still have a lot of time, I decided to try and forge some more metals. Looking at the shelf, there is quite the variety of them: Heavy Iron, Cobalt, Dull Bronze, Lead, and Blue Copper. After carefully considering my choices, I settled on the Heavy Iron. Retrieving it from the shelf, I brought it to the counter and let it sink into the furnace. It didn't take that long until it resurfaced, so, with a crackle of lightning, I raised my hammer and brought it down.

And thus, I now embark on yet another journey of forging.


9 pm. Currently at the 3rd floor, I waited for the staff to finish processing the commission that I completed.

Earlier, after ending my session and satisfied by what I accomplished, I headed down to the first floor to report that I had finished the commission. Arriving there, I was surprised that the staffs seemed to have aged by a couple years... Scratch that, there seemed to be a different set of staff now compared to the young faces earlier. I couldn't see Hori either.

Approaching one of the counters, I inquired about the commission I had finished. The staff member informed me that all completed commissions are processed on the third floor. Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but ask about the change in staff. They explained that the morning and night shifts were assigned to working adults, while the afternoon shifts were staffed by students.

It made sense, considering that students had morning classes and were likely not expected to work late into the night.

Another thing I inquired about is the operating hours of the Association. I learned that the Association is always open. Blacksmiths had the privilege of accessing the workshop around the clock. However, student blacksmiths who wished to spend the night working had to submit a request to their dorm manager to avoid any penalties.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun," A flat voice called my name, acquiring my attention. It seems that the processing is done.

I retrieved my id and badge from the service window and looked at the digital panel from my id— which is also my phone. Pressing the app that contains my point balance, I was greeted with its UI and there I read the details: [Points]: 698,535 pts; [Auxiliary Points]: 32,300 AP.

AP? Auxiliary Points? Is that a new currency?And what's more, the commission was supposed to be 34,000 points and yet, what I received is exactly five percent less. Hori didn't tell me anything about this...did she forget? Asking the staff before me, I inquired if the Association takes percentage cuts from each completed commission in which they confirmed.

Well five percent is a small amount so that is something I can get behind, now my attention went back to the name of the supposedly new currency.

"Excuse me, let me ask another thing, what is Auxiliary points?" I said, facing the staff once again.

The staff appeared hesitant initially, contemplating whether they should share the information with me. After a brief moment of consideration, they finally made up their mind. "Well, I suppose I can give you the details," the staff said. "Auxiliary points are earned through your auxiliary professions, namely Blacksmithing, Mecha Designing, Mecha Manufacturing, and Mecha Maintenance and Repair. These points can be used to buy any that is being soldupfrontby the school. Although it cannot be exchanged into emblems, you can use it to buy basic necessities, such as clothing, food, etc. Lastly, unlike regular points, auxiliary points are non-transferable, meaning you can't trade them with others. The only way to acquire these points is by completing commissions."

Another type of currency that serves a different purpose. This one seems to be more limiting compared to the other two. If I were to rank them in terms of their usage, then at the bottom would be the Auxiliary points, and at the highest— the emblems.

It would be a good idea to determine the scope in which each currency can cover.

"I see, thank you," I replied.

Finishing my business, I now headed down and exited the building. At the very least, I had accomplished my objective, the Auxiliary points may have come as a surprise, but it still covered what I wanted.

Sigh...Exhaling deeply, a sense of relief flooded over me. Making my way back to the dorms, a reassuring thought running in my mind made me a little glad.It looks likeI will no longer be broke before this month ends.

Chapter 3: The End of Our Everyday Lives Part 1

Chapter Text

A week had passed since I arrived here. Classes proceeded the same as usual, and Horikita was mean as always. Nothing new so far.

As soon as the bell rang, signifying the end of the morning classes, I packed my class materials and prepared to head out. For the past week, my routine had been nothing but attend the morning classes, and then spend the rest forging, only returning to the dorms by 10 pm right before the curfew.

I didn't have to dedicate time cultivating my soul power as of the moment as cultivating in my sleep is sufficient enough. And besides, I wasn't in a rush to rank up. I could take my time and go at my own pace. As a consequence, my finances had become quite stable.

[Points]: 698,535 p.

[Auxiliary Points]: 173,430 ap.

[Emblems]: White [4]; Yellow [0]; Purple [0]; Black [0]

These are what is currently displayed on my balance. While my main points remained untouched, I had spent around 200,000 points on food using ap, so initially I had over 300,000 ap at the very least. I also bought two more sets of rare metals from the association which costed me two more white emblems.

Currently, I'm taking a break from forging as I wanted to visit another place today— The Soul World Battle Network Station. I've wanted to check it out ever since Chabashira-sensei mentioned it last week but couldn't find the time as I wanted to familiarize myself with forging as fast as I can.

If I recall correctly, the Battle Network station is located on the west side of the lake and is quite a distance away from the first grade's area which is located on the east side. Fortunately, I wouldn't have to walk all the way as I could just ride a Soul Tram that goes around the entire campus.

Heading out of the classroom, a melodic voice called my name stopping me in my tracks.Ah right, I mentioned that nothing new happened, but there is indeed one thing...

"Yes? How may I help you, Kushida," I answered to the owner of the voice, which was my classmate, Kushida Kikyou.

These past few days, Kushida had been approaching me quite frequently, asking to go for lunch, or just hanging out in general. Back then, I was completely focused on my progress on forging, so I declined all of her approaches... except for that one time when she ambushed me at the cafeteria when I went for lunch— though she had said that it was just a coincidence... Seeing no reason to decline her at that time, I allowed her to accompany me.

Shock was evident on her face when she saw the meal set that I had ordered, it was clear that she was curious about why, but she didn't ask nor pry which I appreciated.

Initially, I had thought that she wanted to consult with me about Horikita, which was correct as she did ask me about her and sought my help again with regards to befriending her. But after that, she stayed and asked me a plethora of questions about myself, seemingly more interested. Of course, I could only answer vaguely, as even I am unsure about the answer to those questions.

From what it looks like, it seemed that befriending Horikita was only a secondary agenda to her, and I am her main priority. But why? Did I do something that caught her interest? Does she know something about me? Or is it precisely that she knows nothing, that made her want to know more.

In any case, I'll find out soon enough.

"Are you going for lunch, Ayanokouji-kun?" she asked, her smile radiant enough to brighten anyone's day. It was impossible not to be captivated by her infectious charm... For those that are not, then there is definitely something wrong with them.

I couldn't help but feel the piercing gazes from the classroom, particularly from the boys. If their stares were lasers, I would have been reduced to mere ashes by now. Their jealousy was palpable, evident in their envious expressions. I could almost hear their thoughts echoing, 'Why him?' And truth be told, I could empathize with their sentiments.

From the very first day, Kushida had been considered as the idol of class D — capturing the hearts of everyone. She is beautiful, kind, compassionate and her actions came with a genuine care that made her a beloved figure among her peers. Whether it's girls or boys, there is an undeniable desire among many to garner her attention and spend time with her.

And then there's me... I've overheard someone describing me as a 'gloomy loner.' I suppose, I couldn't fault them for thinking that as I barely interacted with anyone in class, add to the fact that being seated at the far edge of the classroom does little when it comes to making my presence known.

So, witnessing the object of their admiration interacting with someone they considered to be a nobody, their reactions were understandable.

"Mhmm, I was just about to head to the cafeteria."

"Great! Let's go together. I'll be going on ahead, I'll see you later Mii-chan, Kokoro-chan, Kayano-chan," she declared, and addressed the three girls that were with her— separating with them.

She didn't even bother asking whether or not I'll agree... I mean, I won't decline, but I would have preferred if she had asked and waited for my response.

Seeing her blaze her way through the corridor, walking ahead of me, I caught up to her and asked.

"Are you sure?"

"About what?"

"Leaving them behind, I mean," I clarified.

"Oh, I could tell that you don't like big crowds... It would be rude if I were to invite you only to make you uncomfortable right?"

"I see, thanks," this aspect of her was something I really appreciated. Through my observations and from the brief time that we've spent together, it became evident that she takes the effort to accommodate those around her without compromising their comfort. She possesses a remarkable ability to gauge situations, knowing when to ask questions and how to respond appropriately.

I could tell that this is a talent that she possesses, but talent is called talent precisely because it is something that occurs naturally.However,this level of measured action goes beyond that... It is an obsession.

"So, how's your forging going along?" she asked, her hands behind her back. She looked adorable when she turned to face me without missing a beat in her stride.

"It was alright, I completed several commissions, and I feel that I've been making steady progress."

"Heee... well look, look," she said, taking something out of her pocket to show me. It was a badge with a hand adorned on its surface; above it, are three stars aligned perfectly.

"This is?"

"It's my badge as a Mecha Maker," she proudly revealed. "I was intrigued after you mentioned that you registered for your auxiliary profession, so I went to the Mecha Association and registered myself too, hehe."

"And look," this time she showed me her phone, quickly navigating to a specific screen, among the details displayed there is: [Auxiliary Points]: 86, 320 ap.

"Check out all these points I've earned," she exclaimed, her giggles bubbling up. "Even though we get 1 million each month, who can resist the temptation of earning more, right?"

I simply nodded, although the auxiliary points may be limited in use, they still held value. As you won't have to worry about what to spend for your basic necessities even if you were to convert all the points you received from the academy into emblems.

Soon we arrived at the cafeteria, there's not that many students yet as lunch had just started, so we are among the early ones. As usual, I picked a ticket for the first window and headed there. What surprised me, however, was Kushida following all the way.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Hm? I'm headed to the first window too," she replied, with a smile that looked almost playful.

"You know what kind of food they serve in that window right?"

"Oh, come on, I can handle it... after seeing you eat the food from there so deliciously, there's no way I would pass and not try it out myself."

"Sigh... suit yourself," if she really wants to, then there's no reason for me to stop her. It's her points, what she decides to spend it on is none of my business.



"Haaaah, I can't... I can't eat anymore, I'm too full... I'll explode if I take another bite,"

Kushida slumped in her chair, her back leaning against the seat while her head hung back; her gaze fixed upward.

Five. That was the total number of bites she took from her food before giving up. I don't have a good reference, but I would say, that is an impressive feat. That must mean that herbloodlineis powerful enough to absorb that much nourishment at her current level.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Kushida chuckled in response. "Hehe, it's all good. But you, Ayanokouji-kun, amazes me even more. How on earth do you fit so much of that food into your body? Each bite I took felt like I was devouring an entire mountain. It was absolutely mind-boggling."

"Well... I have a special constitution, that's all," I answered simply. I don't intend to tell Kushida anything specific about myself.

This is another one of her prying questions, just like our previous encounters. She would orchestrate a scenario in which such questions would naturally come up in the conversation.

From what I could tell, Kushida cares a lot about how she is perceived by others. By framing her inquiry in a more casual and light-hearted manner, Kushida could create an illusion of innocent curiosity which emphasizes her fascination and downplaying any potential rudeness of a direct prying.

And if the person being questioned still finds it uncomfortable and invasive, she would be able to backtrack and explain that she was merely curious and didn't intend to be rude— it is an attempt to extract personal information while leaving herself room to retreat if confronted. This approach allowed her to satiate her inquisitiveness while minimizing the potential repercussions.

"Hmmm, is that so... anyways here, Ayanokouji-kun," she said, sliding her plate to my side. "I can't eat anymore so you can have the rest, I assume you can still eat more, right?"

I gratefully accepted her offer... well, it's free food and she didn't seem that bothered about spending a lot of points on this meal only to end up giving it to me.

While I was eating, she just sat there with her cheek rested on her palm, staring at me with a grin on her face. While her gaze on me wasn't particularly uncomfortable, I couldn't help but feel conscious of our public setting. I preferred not to draw unnecessary attention to myself.

"So, you are here to ask about Horikita, right? You wanted my help about that the last time you approached me," I asked.

"Eh? Ah, right..." she was apparently caught off guard by my question... It seems that I was right that Horikita is not her main goal when she came to me.

"So, what's the plan exactly? Just wanting to be friends with her isn't as simple as it sounds."

You might wonder why I decided to assist Kushida despite previously declining her request for help. Well, the answer was simple:

Cute + Pleading + Upturned Eyes.

That lethal combination was impossible for even me to resist, leaving me no choice but to succumb to her charm.

"You're probably right... Well, I already tried several times. I even tried ambushing her like I did to you when she went to the convenience store the other day, but she just brushed me off," Kushida said.

This girl... she just admitted that she did plan to ambush me in the cafeteria that day.

"Do you have any ideas, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"Well... how about you try training with her? A spar so to speak," I suggested.


"Horikita is a very prideful girl and she seemed to value strength above all else... so if you can defeat her in a fight, then she definitely would not be able to ignore you any longer. In fact, she might be the one who will be chasing you if that happens. I have a feeling that she is a sore loser."

That seemed to make Kushida ponder a bit, as she placed her hand on her chin, seemingly in deep thought.

Seeing an opportunity, I decided to test something out.

I raised my soul power, gradually increasing it bit by bit. I tried masking it so that none other than those with special characteristics would be able to feel it.

Seeing no reaction from Kushida, I tried to do the opposite and repressed my soul power to the utmost limit. Now, for those with keen eyes, it would seem like I was just an ordinary human... Still no reaction.

So, it is not due to a unique soul power. I assumed that there is something within me besides anything that could be observed outside that caught Kushida's attention. Of course, it is within the realm of possibility that she could actually be attracted to me as a person... but I'm not that optimistic.

I've read certain cases in which some individuals are attracted or affected by the soul power of another person. In most cases, these individuals prove to be capable of forming a Martial Soul fusion with the other person— a miraculous feat that greatly enhances their combat abilities.

I had thought that was the case, but apparently it is not.

Let's try another one, other than soul power, Soul masters also possess what you call spiritual power. To put it simply, if soul power is the body, then spiritual power is the mind. The two powers are interconnected, but at its core, they are fundamentally different.

I tried repressing my spiritual power, which, at all times, in its normal state, covers a two-meter radius with me at the center. Within that area, I am able to see every minute detail even with my eyes closed.


Kushida's face contorted for a brief moment before immediately returning to her 'usual' expression... That seemed to be a reaction that betrayed a hint of discomfort caused by my repressed spiritual power.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong Kushida?" I inquired, masking my curiosity behind a concerned facade.

"No, No... there's nothing wrong Ayanokouji-kun... I just, thought of something, that's all," she said, showing me hersmileto reassure me that everything is perfectly fine.

Ah, there it is... That smile. The way she squinches her eyes, the corners of her mouth, all of it fine-tuned to a millimeter, all of it calculated.

That is the smile that she shows to everyone, a smile that she never showed me... until now.

But why? What is the reason for this? That smile is the culmination of countless trials and errors, a rehearsed expression with a sole purpose— to conceal. What is Kushida hiding, and why does she expend such effort to extend kindness and genuine care to everyone, only to veil it behind a mask?

Kushida's distress became evident as beads of sweat formed on her forehead and palms, indicating her growing discomfort.

"Um, about Horikita-san, is that really alright?" she tried addressing my earlier suggestion about Horikita. I could notice the shortness of her breath and the rapid palpitations of her blood. "She seemed to be really strong, and I'm not confident that I could defeat her," she continued.

"Well, we won't know until we try, and besides, you don't necessarily need to win. As long as you can show her that you are capable, then at least she would be able to acknowledge you and perhaps start to pay you some attention," I'm not really sure about the last part, but we won't get anywhere if we don't use forceful methods.

"I see... I guess I'll do it then. But how should I tell her? I think it would be rude to just approach her and issue a challenge just like that," she said.

Kushida seemed to have calmed down by now. Her heartbeat had slowed down, and her breathing had now come even. What happened earlier was similar to a panic attack, from what I could discern, the most probable cause for that was something akin to a sudden change in environment.

My spiritual power must have acted as a space in which she could feel comfort; taking that away induced a disruption in her sense of security and familiarity, leading to a heightened anxiety and panic.

...If she only experiences such comfort in the presence of my spiritual power... then is this discomfort something she deals with all the time? Is this why she wears a mask?

There are several possibilities and reasons I could think of on why this is happening to her, but none of them provides me a definitive conclusion.

"I'll handle that part, just prepare yourself to your eventual confrontation with her."

I stopped repressing my spiritual power and have it return to its original state. Color seemed to return to Kushida as soon as she felt my spiritual power in which she then breathed a sigh of relief. Whether that is due to my spiritual power or my handling of Horikita, it is not necessary to know.

I have gained valuable information in this encounter; a part of the puzzle has been answered— her motive. But I would need more evidence to pinpoint the depths of her actions, the reasons behind it... and the truth of Kushida Kikyou.

Lake, westside.

After separating from Kushida, I got into the Soul Tram and headed to the location of my agenda for today.

...It's huge. Right now, in front of me is the building that houses the Soul World Battle Network Station, and I had to say, they didn't hold back with its construction... It's easily the most modern-looking building I've seen in this place.

The exterior is decked out with reflective glass panels and sleek metallic surfaces that seamlessly blend together. But what really catches the eye are the captivating organic shapes that give it a futuristic vibe; the curves, and flowing lines create an innovative and awe-inspiring look.

When the sunlight hits the building, it highlights the play between the organic shapes and the reflective materials. The glass windows have a hint of tint, adding a touch of mystery and privacy while showcasing the building's fluidity. The shiny metal accents provide an elegant and sophisticated touch, contrasting with the dynamic curves.

If someone were to stumble upon this place by chance, they might think that they've caught a glimpse of a world yet to come.

Entering the building, I was greeted by a wave of coolness from the air conditioner, providing me instant relief from the stifling heat of my commute. Further ahead, I could see a circular reception desk with staffs waiting behind.

Surveying the hallway, I took notice of a map of the building. Surprisingly, the building is actually shaped like a triangle when viewed from above... Reading the details, it appears that each side is an area designated for each grade; the first-grade's area is housed at the base of the triangle, situated at the farthest back from the entrance, which served as the tip of the geometric arrangement.

I couldn't help but notice the constant stream of students bustling around the area. However, it was interesting to see that most of them seemed to belong to the upper grades.... Seeing no reason to linger, I proceeded to the first-grade's section.

It was helpful that I didn't have to ask for assistance from the staff when going around as everything seems to be in its proper place and carefully marked. Thus, navigating on my own is fairly easy.

As I arrived at the area, I was greeted by a staff that asked for my ID for confirmation... Seeing that I was indeed in first grade, they allowed me in while mentioning that if I want to use the devices, all I need to do is to have it scan my ID card.

Now, in front of me is a massive door with the letter D etched on its surface. The door features a sleek and modern design, with a conspicuous terminal mounted at eye level. The terminal consisted of a slim display screen, encased in a frame of brushed metal.

This must be a scanning device.

Hovering the back of my ID over the terminal, I watched as it diligently scanned the markings, emitting a soft beep sound. In response, the door swiftly opened, accompanied by a faint pneumatic hiss, inviting me into the room beyond.


Is the sound that I didn't expect to hear when first entering this room.

"You know, if repeated so many times, it will start to hurt my feelings, Horikita," I said to the person inside, which is my unfriendly neighbor, Horikita Suzune.

"Will it?" she asked.

"Well... not really."

"Just what I thought, I never judged you for someone who would have any feelings that can be hurt, Ayanokouji-kun," she said simply.

...I don't know if she was being insulting again, or if she actually had such perceptions about me...

"It's your face," she said, seemingly reading my mind. "Your expression never changes... that's why I said that."

So... she only acts like that because she thinks that I won't mind and will not be hurt? That doesn't really make sense.

"I can't really do anything about that, I have trouble expressing myself," I said, running my hand on the outline of my face.

"Well, I don't particularly care either way, so forget it," she casually dismissed the topic. "By the way, are you here to enter the Soul World too?" she inquired, shifting the conversation to a different subject.

I nodded; this time I finally manage to take a good look of the interior. The room is quite spacious. Inside, are forty egg-shaped silver globes of about 2.5 meters tall with a diameter of 1.2 meters. They are placed in an orderly fashion similar to the classroom seats.

So those are the simulator pods. From their size, they seem to be able to accommodate anyone regardless of their body composition.

Horikita proceeded to walk towards the far corner of the room, approaching the simulator pod at the very edge... Reaching it, Horikita turned to face me.

"I know you've never been here before," she tapped the pod right next to her. "This one's yours. The pods are arranged and registered according to our sitting arrangement," she explained.

"I see, thanks... However, I couldn't help but notice but... we seem to be the only one's here. Is this always the case?"

Getting closer, I could actually discern a small nameplate bearing my name at the back of the pod.

"Yes, I frequent this place, so I know, not many of our classmates visit this place, even the other classes. They seemed to be more interested in the leisure facilities and spending their points instead of honing their skills, sigh... Though there were some that I saw come here, but only rarely..."

Horikita paused, before moving away from my pod, "Anyways, I assume you can manage on your own without my assistance... The mechanism is very straightforward, and the device is actually very intuitive," said Horikita.

I then saw her swipe her card in a slot on the pod right next to mine; it suddenly split open to reveal a peculiar co*ckpit within. Horikita stepped foot inside the oval cabin, and as soon as she laid down, the cover of the pod closed; a faint humming sound could be heard, indicating the device's activation.

And she went ahead... just like that. What if I actually encountered a problem? What am I going to do then? It's my first time using such a device, I should be allowed to be nervous, right?

Sighing to myself, I copied Horikita and swiped my ID to the card slot. As the cover split open, I was able to have a clear view of the interior. It looked strange, to say the least... It wasn't a seat and rather, it seemed like a transparent substance made of a sticky liquid.

When I entered, I immediately felt like I stepped into a muddy pond; it was very strange... Laying down, I felt my entire body sinking into it, it was as if a transparent glue is hugging my body at the moment. Then, as the cover closed, a metal mask descended and covered my face before the transparent glue completely filled the entire co*ckpit, completely immersing my body inside. Strangely, the sticky feeling disappeared as soon as my entire body got soaked with it, which was great.

Suddenly, I felt free, and the metal mask brought a sense of numbness, causing my sea of consciousness to lightly tremble continuously; it was nauseating.


"Class D, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, connected... Access granted."

With a light buzzing sound and a mechanical voice prompt, I felt my body relax all of a sudden, like it was falling, and in the next instant, the darkness before me lit up.

A spectacular scene greeted me as soon as my eyes adjusted to the brand-new surroundings. I found myself standing in the middle of a bustling street, surrounded by wooden structures with sloping, black-tiled roofs adorned with intricate carvings and elegant curves. Traditional paper lanterns were strung across the streets and shops lined along filled with various wares and trinkets, showcasing the craftsmanship and artistry of a bygone era... It is a town reminiscent of ancient Japan.

It's nestled within a picturesque valley, surrounded by lush greenery and rolling hills in the distance. Towering cherry blossom trees lined the streets, their delicate pink blossoms gently fluttering in the breeze, creating a breathtaking canopy overhead. The air was filled with a subtle fragrance - a blend of blooming flowers and the earthy scent of nature.

The stark contrast between the futuristic building earlier and the serene surroundings before me is quite astonishing. This is not what I expected at all when I entered this world.

I could hear the sound of wooden sandals clacking against the ground and soft conversations in hushed tones. The inhabitants were dressed in Kimonos in vibrant hues, going about their daily activities.

Are they real? They don't seem to acknowledge my presence at all, considering how out of place I look in this environment.

"Huh? How did you get here before me?" I heard the familiar voice of Horikita behind me say.

"Hey," I said, waving at her.

"I'm pretty sure I went ahead of you..." she seemed to be more perplexed on the fact that I arrived here first.

"Is there a problem?"

Horikita shook her head. After a brief pause, she sighed and uttered, "Never mind," as if the matter is no longer of importance.

Seeing no reason to pay me an ounce of her attention any longer, Horikita, brisked along the bustling street, seemingly having a particular destination in mind.

"Hey, wait up," I said, trying to catch up to her.

I couldn't help but look around as I walked, this kind of environment still feels surreal to me. The fact that I couldn't distinguish this place from the real thing is something that is completely fascinating.

"You are acting as if this is your first time on any simulated space... is that really the case?" Horikita asked.

"I've heard of them, but I never got the chance to actually enter in one, until now."

"Simulated spaces should have been a mandatory course in the current curriculums of most institutions in the country," she started explaining. "Don't tell me your previous school is among the few that did not offer it?"

"Something like that," I replied.

Well, there was indeed a simulated space back inthatplace. In fact, it probably had everything. But I was never allowed use any of it... or to do anything... I was just-

"-orld... Are you listening Ayanokouji-kun?"

"Pardon?" it seems that Horikita was explaining something to me while I was away with my thoughts.

"Sigh... I would appreciate it if you would actually pay attention when I'm making an effort to explain how everything works for you."

"...I apologize," I said with a hint of amusem*nt, it is not every day that I get to see Horikita trying to be nice to me.

"As I was saying, usually, the hub space is designed like a space station, the hub is where all the players connected to the server are transported into. In Japan, there is one dedicated server assigned for each prefecture to avoid overcrowding. So, it is natural for those in the same area to meet inside the Soul World," said Horikita.

She paused and looked around as if trying to emphasize her next point before continuing, "As for the academy, it has its own server, and as you can see, they are not the type to follow the conventional ways."

Indeed, it appears to me that the academy intends to immerse the students in the rich blend of Japan's old traditions and culture. It's as if they want to transport us back to a time when technology hadn't yet eclipsed everything, fostering a deep awareness and appreciation for our cultural roots.

"We're here," said Horikita, causing me to look at the tall building in front of us.

A majestic pagoda soared into the sky, its multi-tiered structure adorned with vibrant red and gold hues. Its intricate architecture reflects the elegance and artistry of ancient Japanese craftsmanship. Such is the grandeur of the building.

"This place is?" I inquired.

"It's the Battle Network Station, let's get inside," said Horikita, urging me to follow her.

This time, the interior of the pagoda seamlessly blends elements of both traditional and modern technology in the design. The walls are adorned with intricate wooden panels with a modern touch while displays and interactive screens are spread all about.

Seeing the familiar clothing of the students inside made me a feel a little relieved. With all these time periods alternating and melding together, it is nice to know that there is a constant that grounds me to the reality that I know... Horikita doesn't count.

Horikita led me to one of the elevators, and as soon as we entered, she asked me a question.

"I forgot to ask, but what rank are you currently, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"I'm rank 26 as of the moment."

"Is that so, then it's the second floor for you," she said, pressing the button that leads to the second floor. "I'm at rank 37 so I'll be heading to the third floor... Each floor is divided for every ten ranks, at the second floor, you will be able to fight those who are at ranks 21 to 30."

"I see,that'sgood to know."

Soon, the elevator stopped, and the doors opened which leads to the second floor. Stepping out, I heard Horikita call out to me.

"Well, good luck, Ayanokouji-kun," she said, before closing the elevator doors, hiding her figure away from my line of sight.

This is indeed incredibly unusual. Horikita is kind of nice today, don't tell me she is actually thinking about what I said earlier when I mentioned that my feelings will be hurt? ...Well, I can't say I hate this kind of treatment.

Getting that thought behind me, I looked around and saw that the room is quite spacious... and empty. There isn't really anything other than the varnished wooden floor and several counters at the center arranged in a circular manner.

Approaching one of those counters, I asked the staff behind some questions.

"Excuse me, I would like to know if there are any entrance restrictions placed on the floors above."

The staff didn't seem to understand the nature of my question and simply stared at me in confusion.

"To clarify, I want to ask if there are any rank restrictions when it comes to entering the floors... can someone with a low rank... say, enter the highest floor?"

The staff seemed to finally get my point and answered. "Oh, if it is about that then no, there are no restrictions placed when it comes to floor access, anyone can go on any floor they want... But, I would suggest against going against those with a much higher rank than you, young man. While the Soul World has its own safety mechanisms, suffering too much damage will definitely have some adverse effect on you in the real world."

"I understand, I'm simply curious. I'm not brave enough to go against those much stronger than me," I replied. "Another thing, are there any records of the fights? Are they available in public?"

"As for the records, we keep them on our archives, but they can only be accessed by the people involved. Meaning, only you can view the recordings of your solo matches."

That implies that group matches are also possible.

"I see, thank you. I would now like to register for a match."

"Well then, please have this terminal scan your hand for a while. After that is done, please wait while the matchmaking system finds an opponent for you. A prompt will automatically appear before you for your confirmation once an opponent is found. The moment you press accept, you will automatically be transported into an arena," the staff explained.

After letting the terminal scan my hand, I nodded to the staff and stepped back, heading to the wall to wait until the matchmaking is finished.

It didn't take that much time until a transparent screen appeared before me asking whether to accept or decline the match. Pressing accept, I immediately felt the area around me blur and vibrate; suddenly my surroundings changed into a place reminiscent of a colosseum.

I can't move.

Above, I could see a large holographic image of a number counting down from fifteen. It seems that I will only be able to move once that is over.

Looking at the other side of the arena, approximately fifty meters away, I could see the person that I'll be facing. He seemed to be about eighteen years old, possibly a bit older. He had a scrawny build, and his limbs seem to be longer than normal... He is not wearing the academy's uniform, so I assume he is someone from the outside.

As soon as the countdown hit zero, he immediately unleashed his soul rings and Martial soul. Two soul rings, both yellow, rose from his feet and wings sprouted on his back.

I was about to take action myself, but after seeing his wings and him flying up in the air, I stopped.

Sigh... I guess I'll have to wait for the next match.

I had intended to use this opportunity to test out my proficiency in using a dagger, considering that I had never used one before. I needed to familiarize myself with the weapon if I intend to make it my weapon of choice for the time being.

Seeing that my opponent has a flying type Martial soul, that opportunity is lost... I'll get my first win in this Battle Network Station, that is beyond doubt, but I don't know if I'll consider myself lucky or not.

Thirty meters... twenty, ten, as soon as he got close to me, he immediately plummeted to the ground seemingly paralyzed.

"Eh? W-What is happening?" Confusion and desperation etched across his face, he squirmed, desperately trying to make sense of the unknown phenomenon that had befallen him.

His wide eyes bulged, seemingly capturing the sheer horror from a source he is completely unaware of. Beads of sweat erupted from his pores, staining his face as his body trembled uncontrollably. He struggles to maintain a semblance of composure, as he gasped for breath, his voice trembling with every word.

"Gah... huff... huff... W-what did you d-do... to me?" he stammered; his words punctuated by the erratic rhythm of his racing heart.

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (6)

"Resign immediately, don't fight it, any longer and your real body might suffer irreversible damage... It is innately impossible for you to go against me," I declared, getting closer to him with each word.

"L-like hell... I'd do that... y-you... bastard... raaaaghh," he crawled with great effort, trying to fight back against the unrecognizable fear that he is experiencing.

I am confused... He is clearly in great pain and yet he still refuses to give up. This is nothing but a simple match against a stranger in an area that all soul masters can access. There is no reward or prestige for winning such a match, so why? What is it that drives him? He should know, he should have understood, his body itself, his soul itself is telling him, no, just run away, don't go against it... So why do you persist?


His anguished scream pierced the air as his body slowly disintegrated into dust, ultimately vaporizing and vanishing from existence.

In that final agonizing moment, the weight of his stubborn resolve still lingers in the air, a testament of spirit, indomitable will, that defied logic and reason... Something I could never understand.


A hologram materialized above the arena similar to the countdown from earlier... But I didn't pay it any mind. The next moment, another transparent screen popped out in front of me, asking me whether to return to the Soul World or to find another match.

This is convenient,I thought. With this, I won't have to return to the counter if ever I wanted consecutive matches.

I didn't hesitate to press the 'Find Match' button, after waiting for a few moments, a similar sensation from before happened again, indicating that an opponent has been found... The place didn't really change, but I now found myself back to my position at the edge, just like how I started in the previous one.

The countdown began... Observing my opponent, it was another man with a fairly bulky build.

Let's just hope that I would actually get to fight this time.

The countdown finished, and my opponent unleashed two yellow soul rings. Large shields of about one and a half meters in length appeared on each of his arms. Unlike my previous opponent, he didn't make a move and simply held his ground.

Ironclad Bulwark, that is the name of that Martial Soul. It specializes in defense and protection, but also really strong in individual combat - a perfect opponent.

Two purple soul rings manifested around me, and a faint silver flash appeared from my storage ring - placing a dagger on my right hand. This is a dagger that I forged using Heavy Iron. It's far from perfect, but I at least used a thousand-refined metal for it which more than enough makes up for its lack of quality.

Shock could be observed from my opponent face, he seemed to be caught off guard at the sight of my soul rings... Well, I couldn't blame him, it is after all unusual to see high level soul rings around our rank. Though I had to say, that is not the case in this academy... I could feel the same level from Kouenji, Horikita, Kushida, and some other students. I'm sure that they have a similar soul ring composition as mine.

Still seeing no movement from my opponent, I decided to make the first move.

Lightning coursed through my body as I lunged forward, and in a flash, I closed the distance, taking him by surprise. Thrusting my dagger towards him, I aimed for a precise strike towards his vitals.

...I wonder when it was, it must have already been about eight years... since the last time I was allowed to hold a weapon. It wasn't a short one like this dagger, and was only for a brief period... But everything I've experienced in that time, everything I've seen... All of it was ingrained in the depths of my memory.


The resounding impact of my dagger hitting the hard surface of the shield reverberated throughout the arena.He has good reflexes.Despite getting caught off guard, he still managed to react and swiftly raised his right shield to defend himself from my strike.

Suffering from the rebound, Lightning crackled with ferocious intensity as I swiftly pivoted, circling around to exploit his vulnerable back. He must have anticipated this attack as it didn't take him a second to sweep his shield across an arc, slicing through the air. But that was a faint, and he fell for it.


He uttered in surprise, as his strike hit nothing but air - merely an afterimage. With his defenses momentarily lowered, I seized the opportunity. Without hesitation, I unleashed a rapid flurry of stabs, each punctuated by a swift, piercing sound.

"Aaarrghhh!" he cried out in pain, forcing him to take several steps back before relying on his shields for support. This time, I intentionally avoided targeting his vital points... I would prefer not ending this too soon.

Blood dropped from his person for a short while before coming at a complete stop - his injuries seemingly slightly healed.So, this world also replicates blood to that extent huh. But, seeing that just now, suggests that there is a system in place to minimize the damages that we experience here. The initial damage seemed to be exactly like how it should in the real world, but any lasting effects are immediately mitigated.

Wasting no time, I propelled myself once again towards my opponent.

"RAAAHHH!!," he bellowed, with a resolute expression, he raised his shields high, overlapping them to create an impenetrable barrier of defense. His first soul ring lit up and the shields emanated a radiant glow as his soul power surges through his arms and envelops his entire body.

A shimmering aura of energy expanded outward causing me to halt and step away. It formed a translucent shield-like barrier that surrounds him, extending a few meters in all directions.

Getting closer, I unleashed a swift strike towards the barrier to test its strength, only for it to respond in a crackling energy, delivering small, electric shocks towards me.

So not only does it act as an impenetrable shield, but also has a subtle offensive aspect... For a first soul skill, this is incredibly powerful.

I didn't want to use any of my soul skills here, nor use brute force, that would defeat the purpose of familiarizing myself with the dagger. I needed to learn how to properly use it first before I start incorporating it with my Martial Soul.

Unleashing a few more strikes, I noticed that for every hit on the shield, there would be a surge of soul power from my opponent to the area being attacked.

I see. It's a battle of attrition.

Launching a series of swift strikes, I tested his reflexes and gauged his reactions, the responding electric shocks from the shield were inconsequential, nothing but a minor annoyance... Each time, his soul power fluctuations within the shielded aura wavers and get strained. Still, the fact that this skill is his first soul skill granted him a huge advantage.

First soul skills are supposedly the weakest skill of a soul master since it has the lowest soul ring rank, but it also had the advantage of having an extremely low soul power consumption. This advantage remains true even in my opponent's case.

Maintaining my assault, I pressured him to defend continuously. While doing all of this, I focused on the dagger's weight, grip, and balance, attempting to find the perfect rhythm in my movements. Gradually, the shielded aura started to flicker; its once solid and radiant appearance becoming more intermittent.

Sensing the weakening defense, I seized the moment. In a burst of speed and precision, I directed a concentrated attack at a specific point on the shielded aura, exploiting its vulnerability.


The impact shattered the weakened barrier, causing it to dissipate in a shimmering display of energy.

With the shielded aura dispelled, my opponent stood momentarily vulnerable, having exhausted a significant portion of his soul power. I didn't follow up in this opportunity, instead I looked at my right hand gripping the dagger.

I'm getting the hang of this.

"Huff... Huff... You..." he gasped in ragged bursts, trying to catch his breath. Most likely, his strategy was to deplete my stamina and soul power while inflicting damage with his electric shocks, leveraging the advantage of his powerful first soul skill... It might have been effective against other opponents, but for my case, I didn't necessarily have to use soul power to deal sufficient damage on his shield.

Having caught his breath, he once again readied his stance, looking more determined than before. I raised my left hand and beckoned him to come closer. This provoking gesture seemed to have raised an ire on him which prompted him to charge at me.

He is fast for someone with his build and while carrying those heavy shields. Suddenly, he spun around, hurling one of his shields at me, flying at a terrifying speed. Dodging the incoming projectile to the side, another one came flying right at my face. As it hurled towards me, I instinctively arched my back, leaning impossibly far backward as the shield whizzed past.

"That was close."

I would say that discarding your weapon would be unwise but, the shields materialized once again on his hands...Right, tool Soul masters can simplyunsummonand rematerialize their Martial souls whenever they want.

Sensing an opportunity, his second soul ring flashed. In an instant, the shields glow with a faint aura, as he stacked them together. With a mighty roar, he surged forward seemingly propelled by his shields, using the momentum to deliver a powerful shield bash.

I guess I'll have to end this now... Come then, I'll take you head on.

Deciding not to dodge anymore, I strengthened my grip on the dagger, and the clacking bolts of electricity intensified as it danced across my body, until it all poured into the dagger - infusing it with the lightning element.

Zzzt !

I propelled myself forward, leaving a trail of lightning in my wake. The two of us closed our distance in a blink of an eye, and with a clash, the shields met the dagger.


In an instant, the shields crumbled, the lightning-infused blade tore through his Martial Soul like a hot knife through butter. His defenses shattered, unable to withstand the sheer force of the strike, and with a swift, fluid motion, I sliced through the shields and their wielder, leaving a trail of destruction behind.

1,800 km Northeast of Japan, North Pacific Ocean, 3:43 P.M.

In the vast expanse of the ocean, a small fleet of formidable warships held its position. The tranquil waters stretched out before them, creating a serene backdrop for the powerful vessels that dotted the seascape.

Each ship bristled with an array of state-of-the-art weaponry and cutting-edge technology. Their sleek, imposing silhouettes commanded respect, a testament to the relentless pursuit of power and dominance. From advanced missile systems to radar-guided soul cannons, these weapons of war symbolized the culmination of years of research, engineering, and innovation, elevating the destructive potential of warfare to unprecedented heights.

Amidst the impressive display of naval power, on one particular ship, a lone figure sat leisurely at the edge of the bow. With one leg casually propped up, he leaned forward, using his hand as a makeshift telescope. Flashing lights could be seen from a distance in the direction he is facing.

"Whoooo... Look at those numbers, are they planning to destroy a country?" said the man.

Four thousand kilometers away, another fleet of warships splayed about. He counted a stunning number of a hundred warships, presenting an imposing and formidable spectacle.

Normally it should be impossible for anyone to be able to see more than 4.8 km even with the absence of obstacles due to the curvature of the Earth, as this would make anything further than that appear below the horizon rendering them from view. This man, however, seems to bypass that restriction.

"It's just a display, no need to be alarmed. Until the talks are over, no one can make a move unless they wish for a war to start," said the newcomer, causing the man sitting down to look behind in surprise.

"B-Boss Sengoku! W-what are you doing here?" he asked.

"What areyoudoing here, is what I should be asking you, Captain Sampo. This is not where I stationed you," his deep voice resonated with authority as he addressed the captain.

He's dressed in an ornate and formal manner; he wore a white suit and a long overcoat rested on his shoulders in which the gold trimmings on it shone brilliantly under the sun. If you were to look closer, it could be observed that the shoulders of his white suit features epaulets adorned with five stars, signifying his position as the Fleet Admiral of the navy.

"O-oh, come on, I was just taking my lunch~, there's no rule that you can't take your lunch on the bow, right~?" is the reason he came up with.

"Lunch was over four hours ago, come up with a better lie next time... Sigh, just go back to your station, I don't have the energy to deal with you today," said Sengoku.

"Alright, alright. I'm going back now... I submitted a request for leave earlier to your desk, did you see it?" he said standing up and fixed his clothes which were disheveled by the wind.

"I didn't and I'm not giving you one, now get your ass back there."

"Okay, okay, sigh," he said in defeat as he casted one last glance to the grand fleet on the other side of the ocean, "So, is there going to be a war after all?"

"I don't know, last I heard, the atmosphere was apparently not very good. They just kept arguing about who should take ownership, and no one would agree on a bid... Our country had the strongest claim since we were the closest, but the others simply won't agree to that. Everyone wanted it for themselves."

"Ah, I could totally see that, after all," Sampo said as he looked far into the ocean towards a certain land mass. "There is no way anyone could resist after seeingthat."

In the middle of the North Pacific Ocean, lay a small continent roughly 2.5 million square kilometers in size. It had first appeared three years ago, after a massive earthquake that reverberated throughout the entire world. Whether unfortunately, or fortunately, it had appeared in an area considered to beTerra Nullius -aland that is not within any territories or maritime zones of any country.

The appearance of this continent shook the entire world, prompting multiple countries, such as Japan, the US, China and many others, to immediately send their respective teams and drones to survey this new untouched land... And what they found was something they could only previously imagine in their dreams.

Minerals, rare metals, plants, all kinds of heavenly treasures could be seen everywhere in abundance. It was something they had never seen before, resources that they could not identify, something that had never once appeared on this planet. But each of these items emitted such dense energies that it convinced them to conclude that these are something that they must acquire.

They concluded that such resources would be able to allow them to progress to new heights, in terms of research, technology, and cultivation in general.

Seeing that it is an unclaimed land, every country wanted a piece of it, and dispute soon started. Eventually, the UN finally got involved and seated everyone in court to discuss the matter about the new continent. They named it, Ankarra, which is derived from the ancient Sanskrit language, where "Anka" means treasure or precious object, and "Rra" signifies land or region.

Each country feared that if one were to monopolize these resources, they would leave everyone in the dust and would become too powerful. Suggestions such as to share or to let the UN manage it for everyone were presented, but all the big, powerful countries vetoed it... That was three years ago, and until now, they still couldn't make a decision.

"Wouldn't it be much easier if everyone just, you know... share it?" asked Sampo.

"That would be true, if everyone had the same access to the same resources, then that would be ideal. But the reason why they don't want that lies in the rate of advancement."

"Rate of advancement?"

"Even if everyone had the same resources, what they could do with it, what they would do with it, would differ. If one country were to develop a powerful weapon from these resources first, faster than anyone, and then they use that to attack another country... What do you think would happen? These days, the relationship between countries isn't that good, this country hates this country and so on and so forth... It only looks peaceful on the surface," said Sengoku.

"But isn't the idea of monopolizing it, also leads to that?"

"The idea, yes, but the scale is different. In the case that I had said, everyone had equal chances, it doesn't matter who attacked first, everyone will fight at a similar level of strength... If everyone had the big gun... the war will go out of control, and all would suffer because of it... Here is what our country thinks, and quite possibly other countries too, 'Fewer would suffer in a one-sided battle.'"

He paused, looking beyond the horizon, looking at the peaceful waters that may one day cease to be.

"Fleet Admiral!" a voice resounded calling out to Sengoku, taking him out of his reverie. "Professor Ayanokouji had arrived at your office," reported the navy officer.

"I see, I'll be there soon," he replied.

"Well then, I'll be going ahead boss, can't have you being late for your meeting, right~? See ya~" said Sampo as he scurried away to the opposite direction of his post, that person never had any intention of following Sengoku's orders from the very beginning. Seeing this, Sengoku could only sigh in defeat, as he finally made his way back to his office.

A spacious office laid within the confines of the ship that is completely devoid of any embellishments or decorative accents—it exuded an air of utilitarian simplicity—its essence lay solely in functionality, with a singular purpose of facilitating work and decision-making.

The office held only the essentials: a sturdy desk, a handful of chairs, and a modest coffee table. Yet, amidst this simplicity, an unexpected presence stood out—a goat... The peculiar creature had made itself at home within the office's confines. Engrossed in its peculiar pastime, the goat merrily chewed on a stray paper—Captain Sampo's request for leave—its sharp teeth rhythmically tearing through the fibers. However, it remained unperturbed by what it was doing, as its gaze never once left the silhouette of the other occupant in the room.

Seated in one of the chairs, a figure commanded attention with disciplined posture and an unwavering demeanor. The figure is known by many as "The Professor," Ayanokouji Atsoumi, who is a rising figure in the world of Soul masters. He is a man who has achieved the heights of what he currently possesses, not for his innate talent nor genius, but rather for his indomitable willpower and relentless determination... Even in the presence of the goat's antics, the Professor remained unfazed, focusing his gaze on the goat for but a brief moment before shifting his attention elsewhere.

It had been quite some time since he arrived in this office. Normally, it is in the other party's great interest to arrive early so as to not allow the Professor to wait and quite possibly be rude to him. However, that doesn't apply to the man that he wishes to meet at this moment.

As anticipation loomed, the doors of the office swung wide open, and the Fleet Admiral finally arrived. Both the Professor and the goat turned their heads in unison, their reactions contrasting in nature. One exhibited an air of delight while the other sharpened its attention and fixed its gaze to the newly arrived figure.

"It is a pleasure to meet you again, Professor," Sengoku greeted. Extending his right hand for a handshake, he continued, "How long has it been? Three years, perhaps? Since the fund-raising event following the incident."

Accepting it, the Professor stood in response, "Indeed, we have had numerous dealings since then, but this time, I took it upon myself to personally ensure the proper delivery of the items. The current batch holds a special importance, after all."

The Fleet Admiral's countenance betrayed no trace of apology for his tardiness or for making the Professor wait. Such is the position he holds, as the man who stands above all, not just in the navy, but in the entire military force of Japan, he holds an esteemed position that warrants such arrogance and pride.

"Is that so? Then allow me to welcome you to the 'Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force Eastern Fleet,'" Sengoku declared, gesturing for the Professor to take a seat as he settled into his own chair behind the desk. Once they were both seated, Sengoku reached for a piece of paper from the stack and handed it to the goat, which eagerly awaited its turn to chew on the document, happily indulging in its peculiar pastime.

"Tea?" Sengoku offered, his gaze shifting briefly towards a pot on a nearby tray. The Professor declined with a polite shake of his head.

Without further ado, Sengoku delved into the purpose of their meeting. "Well, let's get straight to the point. We conducted a test run earlier this morning, and I must say, this new batch is even more impressive than its predecessors."

Nodding in agreement, the Professor replied, "Indeed. This time, we utilized new soul circuits as the core components for our weapons, resulting in a twofold increase in destructive capabilities while maintaining the same level of stress and strain as the previous iterations."

The two parties had been in business with each other for quite some time now, Ayanokouji Atsoumi heads a number of facilities that focuses on research and development, and among those is the development of cutting-edge weaponries. While they're main customers are the military of Japan - its Self-Defense Forces, they also had engaged in private dealings with some other countries and private organizations.

"Prior to coming to this office, I had made a check on all the items that had been delivered and used. Fortunately, everything appears to be in order, functioning as intended," the Professor confirmed.

"I am grateful for your thoroughness, Professor," Sengoku expressed his appreciation. "Among all the weapons, I must say I am particularly intrigued by the Heavy Ion Beam. Its effects are simply astounding. I would have preferred if every ship in our fleet could be equipped with one, but unfortunately, there is only a single unit. Is there anything you can do about that?

"The Heavy Ion Beam is our latest innovation, and the time and cost of its production is significantly greater than the others... To equip every ship with that would require us not only a significant amount of time, but also a tremendous number of resources. However, we could arrange it so that you would have priority for the newly made units."

The meeting between the two extended for quite some time, delving into the intricacies of the latest developments and the future prospects of their ongoing collaboration. Throughout the discussion, the Fleet Admiral simply relaxed, treating it as just a simple conversation, while the Professor maintained his usual composed demeanor, his thoughts carefully guarded. He understood the gravity of the situation and the importance of not acting carelessly in the presence of the man before him.

Even though the topic that they are delving into right now is completely different, one wrong move and this man in front of him will completely devour him whole.

"Well, I guess that will be all for today, Fleet Admiral Sengoku, I apologize as I still have to attend another meeting after this so I will be going on ahead. I hope to continue having your cooperation in the future too, well then," said Professor Ayanokouji.

"Likewise, I will have several personnel escort you back to the mainland Professor if that is alright with you."

"No, no, I will be fine Fleet Admiral, no need to bother yourself, I had my own escorts after all."

As the Professor was about to exit, the Fleet Admiral called out to him one last time, causing him to halt.

"Wait for a moment,Professor Ayanokouji," uttered Sengoku.

The air seemed to have changed, and the room is now filled with an unspoken tension that hung heavily, suffocating the very atmosphere. Ayanokouji Atsoumi felt as if invisible walls had closed in, shrinking the space and amplifying the silence that followed.

"You know, there's been rumors going around... unpleasant rumors," said Sengoku, his voice taking on a chilling tone that sent a shiver down the Professor's spine. Gone was the face of the man who seemed at home, and now, it was replaced by an aura of authority and menace.

The room seemed to darken, the once familiar surroundings now appearing foreign and foreboding. The subtle flicker of doubt crept into the Professor's mind, questioning the true intentions behind Sengoku's words. The oppressive atmosphere seemed to intensify, closing in on him like a tightening grip.

The silence that followed hung heavy in the air, pregnant with unspoken threats and insinuations. The Professor's heart raced, he knew the rumors had spread; whispers carried by the winds of uncertainty. Even in these isolated waters, far from the mainland, secrets had a way of finding their way. The question that raced through his mind however was:How much does he know?

"It concerns one of the facilities that you head, Professor Ayanokouji... TheWhite Roomis what it's called... Care to clarify these rumors for me?"

The Professor merely looked behind, remaining composed, his voice sharp and steady, "Rumors are nothing but rumors, Fleet Admiral Sengoku. It would be wise not to pay attention to any of them. They are nothing but noise orchestrated by my numerous competitors, it is not something that someone of your stature needed to concern himself with."

"I see, well, I don't really care what it is that you do behind closed doors, Professor Ayanokouji... you get a pass as long as you're serving the country's interests. Butonlyif that is indeed the case."

Sengoku's eyes bore into the Professor's, their intensity burning like a searing flame. A cold realization washes over him, as he understood the weight of those words. It was a warning, a reminder of the power that Sengoku wielded, and the consequences that awaited any misstep.

The Professor's facade remained steady, concealing the turmoil that raged within. He knew he had to tread carefully, to navigate this treacherous path with unwavering composure. The weight of the rumors hung over him, threatening to consume his hard-earned reputation and the delicate balance he had maintained.

Nodding to the Fleet Admiral in response, the Professor finally exited the room. The heavy air that had engulfed the space soon started to dissipate, vanishing like smoke....


"Come out, I know you've been listening," Sengoku spoke, addressing someone inside.

"And I was confident that you wouldn't find out too," the hidden man spoke. A figure emerged from the shadows revealing his appearance. It was Captain Sampo from earlier. Apparently, instead of going back to his post, he tailed the Fleet Admiral, hid himself and eavesdropped on what he considered a very interesting conversation.

"I always knew you eavesdropped on all of my meetings, just didn't bother to tell you each time. Your presence is irrelevant after all," he said simply.

"Ouch~, why do you have to so mean boss, I'm doing my best you know, I'm very good at my job-"

"Enough," Sengoku interjected, cutting off his ramblings. "For now, I'll approve your request for leave. Get packing."

"Eh? Really? Just like that?" Sampo's expression shifted to one of skepticism. "Hmm, sounds fishy~ What's the catch?"

"I assume you've heard of those rumors going around," he inquired.

"Of course! Who do you think I am? The one and only Sampo knows every gossip and rumor, no matter what kind. I even know what you ate earlier, yesterday, and the day before~, and how many times you poo—"

The intensity of Sengoku's glare silenced Sampo, prompting him to cut to the chase.

"... Human experimentation eh~. I don't know much myself but all I could gather from here was that children were also involved..."

"I want you to investigate Ayanokouji Atsoumi and the White Room, find out everything that you could and report them all directly to me."

Sampo's eyebrows furrowed in contemplation. "Are we going to raid them?"

"No, we are still in cooperation as of the moment. Just keep watch for now... so don't do anything stupid, am I making myself clear?"

A mischievous grin crept across Sampo's face. "Don't worry, boss. Reconnaissance is what I'm best at, after all. I'll prepare immediately... Finally, a vacation," he affirmed, the last part whispered under his breath.

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept through the room, accompanied by glints of light that danced like reflections off glass. In an instant, Sampo's figure vanished, leaving behind only the echoes of his departure.

Left alone in the room, Sengoku returned to his seat and reclined against the chair. His gaze fixated on a distant point, his mind contemplating the implications of what he had heard.

"TheWhite Room, huh..."

Chapter 4: The End of Our Everyday Lives Part 2

Chapter Text

"Time's up, stop writing and pass your papers to the front. The written exam is over," declared Chabashira-sensei, her voice cutting through the classroom.

It was the last day of April, and everything had seemed normal until Chabashira-sensei dropped the bombshell announcement of an unexpected test encompassing all our learning thus far. The initial uproar of complaints from the students quickly subsided when she assured them that it was merely a mock exam with no impact on their grades.

When I received the paper, I first skimmed through everything and determined that it is a very easy exam, nothing to worry about. It mainly focused on the basic fundamentals, and some could even be considered as general knowledge.

The last three questions however tethered in an unusual area - it is about soul circuits and its formations. Now, those who deal with soul circuits are generally the mecha makers, but basic knowledge of them is a requirement for every soul master, as such circuits are prevalent within most of what they interact in their everyday life.

If soul circuits were to be included in this exam, I would have expected them to only be the basics of the basics, but the ones in these questions seemed to be quite advanced, possibly something only a rank 5 or above mecha maker could understand.

How did I answer it? Normally of course.

"Now, all of you head to the Soul World at once, that will be where the next part of the exam will be conducted," Sensei announced, leading the way.

Several students groaned from this second revelation, they never expected to take not one but two exams on the last day of the month - the time where they are all anticipating the close arrival of their beloved allowance.

I could even hear some saying that they would just skip this exam completely since it's not recorded anyways. Quite bold of them, I would say. Though sensei seemed to have heard this and thus stopped, addressing us one more time.

"I know that I had said, none of these will reflect on your grades, but any absence will be met with its responding consequences, so best consider your options carefully," she warned before finally leaving.

But in the Soul World huh... what kind of test will she give us there I wonder?

30th of April, 10:46 AM, Soul World

Light flashed and suddenly I was greeted by an unfamiliar landscape — it was a valley. Two steep mountains enclosed the space — so steep you could almost call it a wall. We were currently on a platform halfway up the mountain, and as far as the eye could see, only odd rocky terrains could be observed, including the bottom of the valley.

From where I'm currently standing, you could see its full view. This valley was very broad, and the interior was a hilly area. There wasn't any vegetation, and everywhere looked bare.

I could see my classmates looking around like I do. Some of them had even already formed groups, like Hirata's and Kushida's groups. Meeting Kushida's gaze, she smiled and gave me a wave, in which I hesitantly responded.

Suddenly a loud voice echoed seemingly coming from all directions. "This is where the practical test will be held," it was Chabashira-sensei, "The objective for this test will be to survive. There are some soul beasts living in this valley, and they are quite aggressive. The longer you survive, the higher your score will be. If you can kill a soul beast, you will also get a point. Different soul beasts will give you a different number of points. If you are killed by a soul beast, your test will end and your final score will be calculated."


Is this the same as the one we took for our entrance exam? Prior to entering here, we would have to take an entrance exam — a written and a practical one. The practical exam that we took is exactly like this — a survival test. The others seemed to have thought the same as none of them gave a huge reaction.

"Yo, Ayanokouji!" called out Sudou, who is now approaching me with two others, Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki.

"Let's team up. Since this test involves fighting soul beasts, it should be easier if we were to fight in groups," said Sudou, seemingly excited. It appears that his motivation has risen now that fighting is involved.

In the past several weeks, I have gotten quite close with Sudou. Sometimes inviting me to eat, play, or hang out. Though it was only a few times as I had other things to do, it was still nice to have someone who wants you around. Of course, Ike and Yamauchi were also there, but I haven't really gotten that close to them that much.

...How do I say this... it's like the two of them are speaking a different language. Our thought processes are just so different that I don't really understand most of what they intend to convey.

Regardless, as I see no harm in teaming up, I nodded and joined Sudou's group.

Chabashira-sensei, hearing no other inquiries from the students, then continued. "Well then, that will be all. Let us begin." As soon as she ended her sentence a thunderous roar suddenly resounded.

This took all of us in surprise and prompted us to instinctively look in the direction of the sound at the same time. It came from the depths of the valley, and from there, we saw a cloud of smoke.

"Let's be alert everyone," shouted Hirata. "Right now, it is important to work together to survive as long as possible."

Some quickly looked for a rock to hide behind, and squatted down, trying their best to conceal themselves. Others... well, Sudou especially just stood still and anticipated the upcoming encounter.


Another roar bellowed across the sky, the deafening anger resonating throughout the valley for a long, uninterrupted time.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Deep and low tremors sounded out from within. Sounds of falling fragmented rocks and debris followed soon after.

"Heh heh, looks like we have a big one," uttered Sudou.

"Hmph, no matter what it is, it is no match for the might of my Mountain Dragon King martial soul, ha ha ha," said Yamauchi.

"Didn't you say that your martial soul is the Mountain Dragon? Where'd the king come from?" this time it was Ike.

"I said that? Well, don't sweat the details."

As I glanced far over, I saw countless lifeforms coming out of nowhere within the valley and charging towards us from all directions. Focusing my gaze, I identified them as skinny lizards that varied in size. The smallest being over a meter, moving at rapid speeds. Their skin was brown with faint red stripes that glowed and circulated like magma.

"Ground-Fire Lizards," I uttered.

Ground-Fire Lizards were fire attributed soul beasts that thrived in large groups. Ordinarily, a pack would consist of only 20 to 30 lizards. They possessed extremely strong defenses and lived near volcanoes. They had their own fire element abilities and were said to be able to transform into Ground-Fire Dragons when they surpassed ten-thousand years in cultivation.

The number that are currently swarming towards us from the valley swelled to over a few thousands as they charged outwards in all directions... There's nowhere for us to run nor hide except—.

"I—I think I have a terrible stomachache right now, so I won't be able to participate in the fight. It's definitely the fault of that wicked cafeteria lady. She must have poisoned my breakfast!" Yamauchi stammered, his legs trembling either from the pain(?), fear, or a mix of both.

"Dude, don't be a wuss! Haaaah!" bellowed Sudou, as he unleashed his soul rings and martial soul, readying himself for the fight.

"Man, there's so many of them, there's no way we can take them all on! We have to run!"

"There's nowhere to run Ike, just get ready!"

"Upwards!" Hirata shouted. "Retreat upwards to the mountain."

Hirata made a prompt decision and ordered without hesitation. While saying that, he had already turned and taken the lead to charge upwards. Those who were with his group and others who listened to him followed shortly.

"R-right! Let's go," said Ike, as he finally unleashed his martial soul. Two soul rings, both yellow surged from his body and multiple strands of moss vines started to sprout from both of his hands.

"Please, Sudou!" he pleaded, as he began to wrap the vines around each of our waists, linking us together.

"Ugh, fine."

Sudou then started to climb up the steep mountain walls, dragging all of us with his immense strength.

Looking up, I was surprised to see Horikita already high above us all, looking intently on the situation down below. It seems her judgment was even quicker than Hirata's.


A furious roar came out once again. Upon hearing the roar, the Ground-Fire Lizards at the bottom of the valley increased their speed.

A gigantic shadow gradually walked out from within the valley. The 'boom, boom, boom' sounds from earlier were actually its footsteps. It was a...

Everyone's eyes had focused on the gigantic shadow. And as soon as that shadow lifted its head, I took notice of the fear that was starting to creep out of each of my classmates features as the gigantic eyes met theirs.

"W-what is that thing!?" Ike could not help but scream in a shrill voice.

It was a gigantic soul beast, towering over 30 meters and dragged along a huge tail. It stood upright, its pair of thick, strong legs and its tail supporting its body, making it look as though it was capable of running extremely fast. There was even a pair of small wings on its back. The wings were not large and were obviously insufficient in supporting it to fly. Regardless, they continued to flap as it moved. This movement reduced the sluggishness of its movements by lessening its body weight to a certain degree and allowing it to move at its current speed.

It had a gigantic mouth, a slender body, and spikes that extended from the back of its head all the way down to the end of its tail. It was covered with dark red scales that caused the air around a ten meter range of its body to be distorted with ripples. One could only imagine the high temperature emitted from its body.

Anyone could tell that the gigantic soul beast was over ten-thousand years old. Furthermore, it was definitely not an ordinary ten-thousand-year-old soul beast. A soul beast of that level was definitely not something we could hope to go against. Even 6 or 7-ringed soul masters would struggle against this monster.

Judging from its appearance, It would be safe to assume that it is some kind of Ground-Fire Dragon, however, Ground-Fire Dragons are known for not having any wings on their backs as they are notTrue Dragonsat their core. This soul beast seems to be a mixed species between a Ground-Fire Dragon and a Scarlet Dragon... Calling it the Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragon seems appropriate for now.

Suddenly, the large dragon opened its mouth and unleashed a gigantic fireball towards us.

The fireball flew like a shooting star. It was not only extremely fast, but it also had a long blazing tail as it flew. The flame aura from it felt as though the entire world was burning. What's more, is that the gigantic fireball increased in size as it flew downwind to almost five meters of reaching the wall.

"Run!" No one knew who shouted, but everyone immediately scattered in panic. Many forgot about their groups and simply focused on avoiding the enormous fireball. Ike and Yamauchi especially, squirmed in fright as they hastened to run away with all their might, which effectively severed the vines connecting us. Many decided to just jump down as they figured that free falling is the fastest way to escape. But what awaits them below is a horde of soul beasts awaiting for an opportunity to pounce on its prey.


A loud rumble shook the entire mountain. The gigantic fireball had smashed right into the place where most of the students had previously gathered. Some unlucky students weren't able to escape in time and were turned into ashes in an instant from the intense heat and force of the impact.

Amidst that chaos, I also got separated from Sudou which I found to be already at the bottom of the valley, fighting the lizards enthusiastically.

Almost everyone seemed to have descended to the bottom, either intentionally or unintentionally. They must have figured that they won't be able to survive for long against a monster like that so they might as well kill some soul beasts to score some points.

That leaves me, Horikita, and a few other students still stuck on the wall.

While everyone was scattering away, the giant dragon set its eyes on the lizards running below it — its eyes gleaming with a malevolent hunger. And with a swift movement, the dragon lunged forward, its massive jaws opening wide. Its razor-sharp teeth descended upon the unfortunate Ground-Fire Lizards, the sound of their crushing bones echoing through the air.

"Hmph, how uncouth," is what I heard someone say. A flapping of wings could be heard from above and as I looked up, there I saw Koenji, just flying without a care in the world... He seems to be doing alright.

At this moment, I noticed that the gaze of the Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragon had shifted on a large group that had formed down at the bottom — it was Hirata's group. I could feel the heat and energy coming from it rising up again. It seems that it will launch another attack.

Seeing that it is not targeted at me, I simply ignored it and turned my attention to the area in which the lizards originated from. Fortunately, from up here, surveying becomes much easier.

Magma pools. Countless Ground-Fire Lizards continued to pour out from the magma pools almost as if there was no end to them. However, these lizards seemed to be only around at the 10-year to 100-year level soul beasts and yet...


A loud rumble reverberated once again. It seems that even more students got annihilated this time.

Seeing that the dragon once again directed its gaze towards another group, I became confident of the nature of its attacking pattern.

Approaching Horikita from above, I tried to convey to her my findings.

"Horikita, it seems that it prioritizes those with the larger num—"

"I know," she interrupted. "It targets those that have formed larger groups. That's why it would be best if we all separate... So why are you here?"

I knew I shouldn't have bothered...

"...I'm starting to wonder myself," I replied, "Well, if you don't want me around then I'll go somewhere else."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of the giant's footsteps continued to reverberate throughout the valley.

"These echoes sure are annoying," I heard Horkita mutter as I moved away.

Echoes huh. Well obviously since we are in a valley surrounded by steep walls and a rocky topography, echoes would natura—

Boom! Boom! Boom!

boom! boom! boom!

No this doesn't sound right.

They didn't have that distinct repetition and fading that I had come to associate with echoes. Instead, it seems to be something that was originating from something far away... No, rather it was as if something was obstructing it, something big.

Observing the sky above, I tried to see if there was something unusual. However, from where I'm currently at, all I can see was from this side of the wall. Seeing no other choice, I decided to climb up towards the top, but as soon as I got close to the peak... I heard Horikita shout my name.

"Ayanokouji-kun! Look out!!"

As I turned around, I met the intense gaze of the Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragon. It's gigantic fireball, already launching towards me at terrifying speed.

Hmm, so you don't want me up here huh?

I kicked off the wall to dodge the incoming projectile. And as I flew out I focused my gaze on the spreading view of the sky from the other side of the mountain. And what I saw was... A peculiar pattern of clouds, dark, billowing masses congregated, swirling and churning with an intensity similar from this side.


The dragon breathed another fireball towards me once again while I was still airborne. There's no dodging this, I thought. Taking one last look below, I counted less than fifteen students remaining.

I guess I can exit here, there's no point staying anymore.

The gigantic fireball soon enveloped my body. I didn't try to resist and simply allowed myself to be vaporized by its intense heat.


When I opened my eyes, I was greeted by the dim light that was reflected off my simulator pod's cover. Urging myself to get out, the fluid that enveloped my body soon receded and the covers split open. Getting off, I could see several students already outside their own respective pods and most of them were either trembling or in a state of shock. In any case, it seems that they have developed some kind of trauma after experiencing the sensation of being burned alive.

I think more than twenty minutes have probably passed.

"That was intense wasn't it, Ayanokouji-kun? Are you all right?" said Kushida as she came to my side. It appears that she exited before me. Glancing behind her, from where she was previously at, I could see several girls comforting each other. One of them in particular was Wang, who is still trembling uncontrollably, a clear testament to the lingering effects of the harrowing experience.

"Indeed, it was and yes I'm fine."

"Thank goodness... I never thought that the academy would give us an exam like that. That dragon sure was terrifying."

"You seem to be doing fine."

Considering that she was part of a large group, she should have fallen on the same fate as the other girls.

A range of reactions is expected after such an intense and harrowing simulation of being burned alive. It can be varied and deeply personal. Individuals may exhibit a wide array of responses, reflecting the complexity of human emotions and coping mechanisms.

Some may find themselves consumed by overwhelming fear and panic, and their bodies instinctively reacting with a fight-or-flight response. Their hearts may race, breath quicken, and muscles tense as adrenaline surges through their veins as they struggle to catch their breath. Trembling limbs and a racing pulse become physical manifestations of the terror they have endured. Such a case is very evident in Wang Mei-Yu for example.

Others may find themselves numb, as if their emotions have been momentarily dulled by the magnitude of the experience. They may appear detached or disconnected from their surroundings, their minds grappling to process the enormity of what they have just undergone. It is as if a protective shield has been erected around their psyche, shielding them from the full impact of the trauma. This I can also observe from the other students.

Sadness, despair, rage, frustration, are some others that manifest after such a situation... And yet, I sense none of them coming from Kushida.

"Hm? I am scared, it's just..." she looked behind where her group had gathered. "I figured I shouldn't show it... But, I could say the same to you, Ayanokouji-kun."

"Well, it is not that I'm unaffected, rather I have trouble expressing myself."

As we continued to talk, more and more pods started opening up. Soon it was Horikita, her expression a mix of exhaustion and frustration. A few moments after, Koenji emerged from his pod, bringing an air of nonchalance with him. He was the last one.

Noting that everyone had finished the test, Chabashira-sensei promptly dismissed us, signaling the end of the session. We all dispersed, and I decided to make my way back to the dormitory.

On our way out, the atmosphere was noticeably subdued as we walked in silence, their fatigue weighing heavily on them. Clearly, the exam had taken its toll on my classmates, leaving little energy for frivolity or entertainment which had become part of their usual routine.

As I reflect upon the nature of the exam we just endured, it is natural to question why the school would subject us to such a traumatic experience. In a typical academic setting, one might be inclined to challenge the rationale behind administering an exam that could inflict emotional distress on the students.

However, in the context of a soul master academy, where we are training to harness and control powerful forces, such experiences are likely to become more prevalent.

It is conceivable that the academy intends to expose us to simulations that mirror the challenges we may face in the real world. While the simulations may be designed to minimize actual physical and cognitive harm, it seems that the school wanted to replicate the intensity and potential danger of certain scenarios. Most likely in order to prevent complacency and prepare us for the harsh realities that we may encounter as soul masters.

While the academy definitely has its own degree of leniency such as the free options on most facilities and items, the autonomous treatment, and the freedom that lets the students do whatever they want. The special treatment such as the generous allowance that allows the students to experience a luxurious life. There still exists a structured and unconventional approach to nurturing soul masters and facilitating their growth. Which could be regarded as an effective and optimal means of education depending on who you'd ask.

Now, it is the end of the month and soon, the 1st of May will arrive... I'm pretty sure that the new injection of the sustenance for their luxury life here in school would lift up the spirits of my distressed classmates... or would it, who knows?

It was now May 1, I sat quietly on my chair as I waited for the first morning bell to ring. As more and more students filled the classroom, the buzz of conversations and hushed voices grew louder and clearer.

"Hey, have you checked your phone?" is what I heard someone say.

"I did, is it a bug?"

"I checked too, I kept refreshing it this morning and still nothing changed."

"Hmm, maybe they have forgotten? Or maybe it will be sent later, after all the day's not over yet, so..."

"Oh, come on, what are they doing? I have this limited item that I really want to buy. I won't forgive them if this delay causes me to miss that opportunity!"

These snippets of conversation, among many others, filled the bustling classroom. Soon after, Chabashira-sensei strode into the room, holding multiple rolled-up posters. Her expression at a first glance doesn't seem to be different from her usual one, but I could feel that the tense air around her was starting to envelop the entire classroom, catching the attention of some students.

"Um, sensei? Is something the matter?" asked Hirata, who most likely felt the same as I did.

Shooting him a glance, Chabashira-sensei decided not to respond to Hirata's inquiry and instead addressed the entire class. "The morning homeroom is about to begin. However, before that, if anyone has any other questions then you may speak."

She appeared totally convinced that the students had questions they wanted to be answered even prior to her appearance that had changed the atmosphere. And as she expected, several students had raised their hands.

"Um, I checked my point balance this morning, but there haven't been any deposits. Points are supposed to be given on the first day of every month, right? Is there something wrong with it, sensei?"

"I had already explained it on the very first day, Hondou. Points are deposited on the first day of the month. I've confirmed that points were wired this month without issues."

"B—But... nothing was deposited into my account, though." Yamauchi said, his gaze meeting Hondou's.

I didn't bother checking my balance in my case as I already knew that I had used up all of the regular points by converting them into emblems and it will remain that way for quite some time. I no longer have use for them as points after all as the auxiliary points that I obtained from my forging profession had proven to be enough.

"Are you kids really that dumb?"

Chabashira-sensei's voice cut through the classroom, carrying a hint of either mockery, amusem*nt, or annoyance. It was difficult to discern her true emotions, but an ominous vibe emanated from her presence.

"Eh? Dumb?"

"Hmph, sit down Hondou, I'll explain once more," she said.

"Points were deposited. I can assure you of that. There is no chance we forgot about anyone in this class. To think otherwise is ludicrous. Understood?"

"Well, even if we tell you that we understand, we still haven't received any points..." Hondou and the other students, still perplexed, wore dissatisfied expressions.

"Hmph, ha ha ha! I see, so it is like that huh, Miss Chabashira? Ha ha ha," Koenji boomed, his laughter echoing through the room. It seemed that he finally caught up to speed of what was going on.

He propped his feet up on his desk as usual and pointed towards Hodou with a snap of a finger.

"It's simple. We're in Class D, so we didn't receive a single point."

Worthlesswould be the appropriate term.As his conclusion could still arise from wrong interpretations, but regardless, I am confident that Kouenji had already figured out most of it.

"Huh? Wha—"

"I don't recall hearing that we would receive thateverymonth, how about you, Miss Chabashira? Do you remember?" Chuckling, Kouenji interrupted him already expecting what he would say and boldly pointed at sensei.

"Hmph, while he certainly has an attitude problem, Kouenji is exactly right," she said amusedly. "So it looks like barely anyone had noticed the hint I gave you. How deplorable."

Hearing this confirmation, the students became rowdier and started asking questions at the same time but none coherent enough. Most of them are simply ranting and still not fully comprehending the situation. Amidst all of this chaos, Hirata stood up, and made his presence known.

His charisma certainly is a force to be reckoned with as the chaos immediately subsided and they all started paying attention to him.

"Sensei, I am afraid that I still don't fully understand what is going on. Can you please tell us why specifically we didn't receive any points. We will never completely understand otherwise."

He appeared to ask on behalf of his classmates rather than out of selfish concern. So far, Hirata has remained consistent on what he does.

"A total of seventy-eight absences and late arrivals. Two hundred ninety-one incidences of talking or using a cell phone in class. That is quite a few infractions over one month. And furthermore..."

Chabashira-sensei unrolled one of the posters she was carrying and stuck it to the blackboard with some magnets. The still-confused students stared blankly at the poster.

In the poster, students' names were listed out and alongside their names are some corresponding numbers. Kouenji Rokusuke - 10, Horikita Suzune - 10, Akito Miyake - 7, Hirata Yousuke - 6, Sudou Ken - 5... Ayanokouji Kiyotaka - 3, there are a few others who have 2's or 1's but more than half of the class had zero next to their name. At the very top, Class D - 67 was written in bold.

"What are these, sensei?"

Everyone had the same question, there is not much you could take away from the information that was given other than it has our names and a number in which I would assume to be points. But points from what?

"These are the accumulated points from the Soul World Battle Network Station for your class. The list below shows each individual's points earned or contributed. Points are calculated based on one point per win, with only the first ten matches being recorded. Therefore, the maximum achievable points is 10... that is, if someone manages to secure ten consecutive wins," sensei explained.

So I have three points because I only entered three times, huh.

"That is recorded? But what does it have to do with our allowance sensei?" Hirata asked.

"In this academy, your class's performance is reflected in the points you receive. As I mentioned earlier, there are various infractions that can affect your points, along with the results from the Battle Station. The Battle Station has a threshold that must be met. The lower your total points are below the threshold, the more the points you'll receive will be reduced. As a result, you had wasted all of the 1,000,000 points that you should have received. That is what it means."

While, what she had said so far are within expectations, this revelation of the metric used was still a surprise for me.

"Sensei, I don't recall hearing you explain that to us before—"

"What? Are you suggesting that you can only understand something if it's spoon-fed to you?"

"No, that's not what I mean. But if we had been informed earlier that our points could be reduced, we would have been more cautious about being late or disrupting the class. We would have taken the Battle Station more seriously."

Chabashira-sensei raised an eyebrow, her tone changing to a more measured one. "That's a bizarre argument, Hirata. While it's true I didn't explicitly explain the rules of point distribution, isn't it common knowledge in your previous schools that lateness and talking in class are not tolerated? And as future soul masters, it's expected that each of you possess combat capabilities. A soul master who cannot fight is nothing but a liability on the battlefield."

Hirata tried to interject, but she continued, cutting him off. "If you had simply behaved appropriately, your points wouldn't have plummeted to zero. It ultimately comes down to personal responsibility."

Her perfectly sound argument left no room for rebuttal. We all knew that misbehavior came with consequences.

"Do you seriously believe you would receive 1,000,000 points every month without any conditions? Use some common sense. Pampering doesn't create powerful soul masters," her words directed not only at Hirata but at all of us. Despite his evident frustration, Hirata met the teacher's gaze without wavering.

"Well then, could you at least explain in detail how points are added or deducted? It would be helpful for us to know for future reference," Hirata requested.

"I cannot disclose the methods of student evaluation, apart from the ones used in the Battle Station. As for the threshold, it's 180 points. How you reach that goal is up to your class to figure out."

For the first time, a faint smile played on Chabashira-sensei's lips, adding an enigmatic air to her demeanor.

"Let's say you manage to eliminate tardiness and absences, and your class reaches the threshold," she continued. "Even though no points will be deducted this month, that doesn't mean your points will increase either. Even if you miraculously achieve the maximum of 400 points in the Battle Station, still no additional points will be added. From another perspective, you could argue that regardless of how many infractions you commit, it won't make a difference. So, in a way, you're not really at a loss, are you?"

Hirata's expression darkened, and Chabashira-sensei's explanation had the opposite effect on some students, who struggled to grasp its meaning. Those who had hoped to improve their situation by rectifying their behavior had their hopes dashed. It seemed that Chabashira-sensei, or perhaps the academy itself, had intended for this outcome.

"Now, let's dive into the main topic, shall we?" Chabashira-sensei declared, unfolding the remaining posters and affixing them to the board.

Horikita ventured a guess, "Are these... the results for each class?" Which seemed to be on point. The posters displayed the rankings of Classes A through D, accompanied by their respective point totals. Class D had a disappointing zero, Class C had 270, and Class B had 620. Topping the list was Class A, boasting a total of 730 points. In this context, each point represented 1,000 yen, amounting to 1,000,000 yen for 1000 points. It appeared that every class had suffered a loss in points.

"Doesn't something seem off about this?" I whispered to Horikita, sharing my observation.

"Indeed. The numbers seem unnaturally even."

"You all have been enjoying your freedom for the past month. The school has no intention of curbing your desires. However, your actions, such as tardiness, disruptive behavior in class, and your performance in the Battle Station, directly impact the points you receive. The same principle applies to how you choose to spend your points. It's entirely up to you."

Ike, who had remained silent until now, couldn't contain his frustration any longer. "But this isn't fair! We can't fully enjoy our student lives like this!"

Yamauchi let out a mournful wail, apparently having exhausted all his points. It was truly baffling how someone could spend the entire 1,000,000 points solely on leisure and entertainment.

Chabashira-sensei's voice hardened as she addressed the class. "Listen closely, you imbeciles. Every other class received points. The amount we initially provided you for the first month should have been sufficient for your basic needs."

"But... how do the other classes still have points remaining? It doesn't make sense," someone voiced their confusion.

"I've already explained that there's nothing unfair about it," Chabashira-sensei retorted. "All the classes were evaluated based on the same rules. However, they didn't lose as many points as you did. That's the truth of the matter."

"But... why is there such a significant disparity in our point values?"

Chabashira-sensei's response carried a tone of condescension. "Do you finally comprehend now? Can you see the reason why you were placed in Class D?"

"The reason for our placement in Class D?"

"Huh? But classes are typically divided like this, aren't they?" chimed in another student, expressing a common sentiment.

The room fell silent as students exchanged uncertain glances, seeking understanding.

"In this school, students are classified based on their level of excellence," Chabashira-sensei elucidated. "The exceptional students find themselves in Class A, while the least capable are relegated to Class D. Put simply, Class D serves as a refuge for failures. You are the bottom of the barrel, the epitome of inadequacy. This is merely the outcome of your inherent defects."

Horikita's face stiffened. Her expression revealing a mix of shock and disgust. It was logical to group high-achieving students together and those with lower capabilities in a group of their own. Mixing rotten fruit with the good ones would inevitably taint the entire batch. As someone who views herself as superior, Horikita found this notion repulsive.

It didn't really bother me though, as none of these affects any of my plans.

"On the other hand, let me congratulate all of you," Chabashira-sensei's tone took an unexpected turn, leaving everyone puzzled.

"Eh? What do you mean—"

"For being the worst Class D ever to have existed in this academy," she actually grinned this time.

Wow, talk about sad*stic delight.

"This is the first instance where a class has accomplished the remarkable feat of reaching zero points within the first month. An astounding achievement that has never been witnessed in the history of this esteemed institution. Absolutely marvelous," Chabashira-sensei applauded sarcastically, the sound reverberating throughout the classroom.


"But won't the other classes mock us?" Sudou voiced his concern, frustration driving him to kick the legs of his desk. Knowing that the classes were divided based on merit, it was only natural for others to perceive Class D as a gathering of dimwits and weaklings. Despair seemed inevitable.

"What? Are you still concerned about your dignity, Sudou? Well then, work hard to transform your class into the finest."


"The points your class accumulates are not solely tied to the monetary rewards you receive each month. They also signify your class ranking."

"So, you're saying that if we were to gather 271 points, Class D would be promoted to Class C?" Horikita inquired.

"Exactly. Well, enough of that. Now, take a look at this."

Sensei affixed the last two posters onto the board, their contents mirroring the first one.

"Based on these results, it seems we have quite a few idiots in this class. Not to mention these abysmal scores," she remarked as her eyes scanned the contents of the two posters. "These represent your mock written and practical test outcomes from yesterday. And I must say, I'm overjoyed by yourstellarperformances."

In the written test, aside from a few high scores, nearly everyone scored below sixty. A swift calculation indicated an average of sixty-five. As for the practical test... numerous students received single-digit scores. The highest was Kouenji with 178 points, followed by Horikita with 142 points.

"Heh, you should consider yourselves lucky. If this were an actual test, twenty-four of you would face expulsion."

"W—What!? Expulsion? What do you mean?"

"Oh~, did I also not explain this to you? How careless of me~," Chabashira-sensei really seemed to enjoy seeing the class's distress and being tormented like this. "If you fail on any of the written, or practical tests, then you would have to drop out. If we are to apply that rule on the written test, then anyone who scored below thirty-two points would be out. The same applies to the practical test, in this case any who scored below twenty-three would also have to drop out."

"Wh—what?!" echoed the dismayed cries of nearly everyone in the room.

So it is the half of the average huh. Since they are mock tests, that means the real one will happen in the future... it seems that expulsions are a guarantee at this rate.

There was a red line drawn on the paper, separating seven people in the written test, and 23 in the practical test. Of those seven, the six of them also apparently failed the practical test. Sudou is the only one among those seven to pass the practical test.

Among the 24 names that will be expelled, I see Kushida and Hirata among them. Which made sense as they are among the first ones to be obliterated by the attack of that dragon.

Naturally, the class erupted in a cacophony of complaints and frustrations.

"Oh, and one more thing," Chabashira-sensei interjected, her voice cutting through the students' lamentations. It seemed she had enough with their wails and grievances.

"I'm sure you've heard of all the stories and publications about this school. I'm sure you've heard of all those soul masters who had graduated from this academy. Those who had made a name for themselves, those who had reached the heights of what every soul master wishes to achieve."

Indeed, the praises for the academy could be heard everywhere, and the notion that entering this institution guaranteed success was advertised relentlessly, as far as I can recall.

"Of course, those are all true, but they are not merely graduates of this academy."

"What do you mean, sensei?"

"This academy has a place called theinner court. I'm sure you've heard of it."

"Of course, I've heard of it. It is basically the treasured land of all soul masters. Any soul master who steps foot in that place will improve their cultivation rate dozens of times faster, that just by staying there you could become stronger. It is also said the inner court is the place in whichThe Great Wellis located. Any soul master who had dreamed of reaching the apex has dreamed of stepping foot inside that place... huff...huff," is what Sotomura had said... much enthusiastically. I could also see that everyone had the same consensus.

Chabashira-sensei appeared momentarily taken aback, as if she didn't anticipate someone openly reciting the details of the inner court with such fervor.

"Ahem. Indeed, it is. And the secret for their success is the inner court itself. However, nothing comes easy in this world. Mediocre people such as yourselves would have to be naive to think that you could actually become a great soul master just by entering this school, now let me tell you this. Class D will never be allowed to step foot inside the inner court."

Her words echoed throughout the room.

"Then sensei, are you saying that to be allowed entry to the inner court, we must, at minimum, surpass Class C?" asked Hirata.


"T—then, don't tell me it's only class A?" this time it was Ike who inquired meekly, afraid of this being true.

"Not quite either."

"Then what is it?"

"To enter the inner court... you must be in class A by the end of your second grade... And among all of you, only ten students will be accepted."

In other words, it is either you proceed to the third grade,or youenter the inner court.

The classroom descended into pandemonium, and chaos reigned once more. I could sense that nearly every student here had harbored dreams of stepping into the inner court. To have that aspiration crushed by a single word of denial after presuming for so long that it was within their grasp would undoubtedly shatter their world. The expression on Horikita's face mirrored this sentiment perfectly. It was as if her very existence had been outright rejected, leaving her disoriented and distraught.

With a resounding clack, Horikita rose from her seat in an aggressive manner, causing her chair to topple to the floor.

"I—isn't there any other way? There must be some alternative method, right!?" she exclaimed, her agitation palpable.

I was genuinely taken aback; I had never witnessed Horikita in such a state. Clearly, gaining access to the inner court held tremendous importance for her.

"There is indeed another way," responded Chabashira-sensei.

"Please, tell me what it is."

"One black emblem. Procure it and you will be allowed to enter the inner court. As long as you remain in the academy, you will be given that opportunity."

"One... black."

One black emblem meant accumulating fifty purple emblems, or five hundred yellow emblems, or an astounding twenty-five thousand white emblems. In terms of points, that amounted to a staggering 500,000,000. The mere thought of attaining such a colossal sum seemed inconceivable. Even if you were to have 1 million points every month, you will only be able to save up to 108 million for the entire duration of nine years.

Horikita must have realized it too as her face looked as if she had just been slapped hard across the cheek. Though it seemed that she had yet to lose hope as she asked a question one last time.

"Has anyone managed to accomplish that before?"

"From the current batch of the third grade. Two of them had entered the inner court by acquiring a black emblem."

'It is possible' was the unspoken sentiment etched on Horikita's face, as if a newfound lease on life had been bestowed upon her.

"Thank you, sensei," Horikita uttered, retrieving her fallen chair and retreating into deep contemplation, pondering the path she would undertake to accomplish this seemingly insurmountable feat.

Surveying the despondent class, Chabashira-sensei addressed us one last time.

"If you had grasped the harsh reality of the situation from the outset, this lengthy homeroom session might have held some significance. Your exams are in the end of this month. For the practical exam I will provide only one information," she paused, making sure that we are all paying attention.

"The exam will be evaluated similar to the battle station. A threshold will be set. What is the threshold? That I cannot disclose. However, if you can reach this threshold, then no one will be expelled from the practical exam. The written exam is another matter entirely of course... Take the time to reflect and ensure you do not falter. I believe you can find a way to avoid such a dire outcome. If possible, challenge yourselves in a manner befitting individuals of skill."

With a forceful push, Chabashira-sensei exited the room, emphasizing her departure. Left behind were a group of dispirited students, their voices intertwining in a chorus of complaints and arguments.

Amidst all of this, I caught sight of Kushida's figure out of the corner of my eye. Her head remained down, unmoving in her seat. No one seemed to notice her peculiar behavior, but upon closer observation, I could discern a paleness that had settled upon her countenance. Was it the fear of almost being expelled that had drained the color from her face? No, I had been discreetly watching Kushida this entire time, and she had displayed this demeanor ever since right after Chabashira-sensei's revelation of the system.

Even when it was unveiled that she was among those who would have faced expulsion, she displayed no reaction whatsoever.

Her pallor, irregular breathing, heightened pulse, and the frantic beating of her heart were all symptoms I had observed since then. Occasionally, there were sudden spikes in her distress. Though I couldn't determine the exact correlation for this, but each time, it seemed to coincide with the disclosure of additional information that unsettled our classmates.

One thing I am certain of is that the revelation of the S-system had no direct impact on Kushida. In fact, I suspect she isn't even listening to what sensei has been saying.

These symptoms had previously surfaced during our shared meal, though they were far less severe back then. At the time, I attributed it to the sudden shift in our environment—the abrupt transition from being enveloped by my spiritual power to its immediate disappearance.

Given the considerable distance between our respective seats in the room, my dormant spiritual power could not reach her, as its range extended only up to two meters in that state. Prior to today, Kushida's behavior and condition had not raised any notable concerns. If she was indeed feeling unwell, she had done an excellent job concealing it.

However, that is no longer the case today. The revelation about the S-system may have contributed to her distress, but it is not the primary cause. It was merely a catalyst...

The number of possible answers isgetting fewer and fewer, just a little bit more and everything will be clear... Though I have to admit, I can't help but be excited about finding it out.

Chapter 5: Serendipitous Encounters

Chapter Text

A cacophony of voices filled the room as people shouted, argued, and pointed fingers, each blaming the other for the situation. The air cracked with frustration and resentment as the weight of being labeled as defectives, a collective failure, and the loss of points settled upon them like a suffocating fog.

Emotions ran high, fueling a sense of indignation and injustice that echoed in their passionate accusations.

Amidst the chaos, voices rose in protest, dissatisfied with the evaluation that had deemed them unworthy. In their hearts, a glimmer of defiance flickered, refusing to accept the damning verdict cast upon them.

"This doesn't make sense," shouted a bespectacled boy whose name I recall to be Yukimura Teruhiko, his voice cutting through the clamor.

"There's no way that I could be lumped in with thesedefective idiots. This has to be a mistake!"

"Hah!? What did you say, you bastard!?"

Sudou took that as a personal attack and confronted Yukimura. This made him actually take a step back, as he apparently didn't expect Sudou to react in such a manner.

"The hell's wrong with you, charging at me out of nowhere?"

"Out of nowhere? You clearly looked at me when you said, 'defective idiots!'"

"Tch! And so what? In this past month, you are the one who has incurred most of the deductions. You are always either absent, late, or sleeping in class. If not a defective idiot, then what are you!?"

The room teetered on the edge of eruption as the tension escalated between the two. Sparks of hostility hung in the air, threatening to ignite into a full-blown confrontation.



As Sudou raised his fist, ready to retaliate, Hirata's voice boomed in the classroom, cutting through the escalating confrontation.

All eyes turned towards him as he now stood behind the teacher's podium, his expression stern and resolute. Silence finally descended upon the room, as if held captive by Hirata's presence.

"Hirata, you don't get to tell me what to do!"


Hirata's voice rang out with a firmness that sent shivers down the spines of those present. His eyes, once filled with warmth and kindness, now burned with an intense and commanding glare. They seemed to penetrate through the air, fixating unwaveringly on Sudou, their gaze filled with an unspoken challenge. In that moment, the familiar pacifist facade had crumbled away, revealing a hidden strength and authority that demanded obedience.

"Sit. Down."

Sudou, stunned by the stark contrast of what he had expected, found himself at a loss for words. His anger extinguished by sheer force and without a word, he reluctantly obeyed, taking his seat under the weight of Hirata's gaze.

"I know that all of you are upset, I am too. But this is not the time for us to be fighting against each other," his voice resonated with a touch of vulnerability. His eyes, once filled with an intimidating intensity, softened as he surveyed the crowd, ensuring their undivided attention.

"We are currently the weakest class, as much as I hate to say that, but that is the truth," he continued. "Other classes may mock us, but we cannot allow their perception to define us. We must prove them wrong by working together and earning the points necessary to ascend to class A.

As Hirata's imposing aura receded, the familiar charisma and warmth returned, reclaiming its place. His words were inspiring, stirring a glimmer of hope in the hearts of those who listened. I could see agreement and admiration flickering across the faces of several individuals, mostly girls, but the sentiment was not shared by everyone in the room.


Howled Yamauchi as he rose from his seat, glaring at Hirata. His reaction was expected but I could also tell that a part of it stemmed from his jealousy of Hirata's popularity with the girls.

"Reach Class A and then what? Didn't you hear what sensei had just said? Only ten people will be accepted to the inner court!"

"Exactly!" Miyamoto chimed in. "A competition against all four classes? No, that's not quite right. I'm sure you guys have already realized it too... we are all enemies here."


The weight of what had been said hung heavily in the air. The idea of unity and working together began to clash with the reality of our situation. The realization that, ultimately, we are all pitted against each other, fighting for limited spots in the inner court.

Deep down Hirata must have known what Chabashira-sensei had implied. Yet, he had chosen to ignore them, pushing forward with a spirit of unity. It was Yamauchi's and Miyamoto's outbursts that forced Hirata to confront the unspoken truth, bringing it to the forefront of our collective consciousness.

"But to-"


Hirata's words were abruptly cut off by the shrill sound of the bell, piercing through the tension-filled atmosphere. The classroom, still heavy with conflicting emotions, fell into uneasy silence as everyone reluctantly prepared for the next class.

The prospect of the class rising up seemed to be slipping further away. The first month had come to an end, and not only had Class D yet to stand at the starting line of this fight for superiority, they had instead found themselves stumbling backwards, struggling to find their footing.

Class had ended for the day, and everyone went their own way. When I looked around, I saw Hirata moving from desk to desk talking to our classmates one by one. Kushida, on the other hand, wasted no time in bidding farewell to her friends, claiming she wasn't feeling well. Same with Horikita... minus the friends.

As I gathered my belongings, ready to leave, my attention was suddenly captured by the sight of Yamauchi prancing around like an overzealous salesperson. He seemed determined to offload his game consoles onto anyone he could find.

Don't make eye contact... just don't.

"Oh! Ayanokouji!"


My pitiful attempt to escape his sales pitch unscathed were in vain as our gaze met.

"Hey man, check out this sick console! Limited edition, and look, it's even signed on the back by a famous pro gamer. How cool is that?"

Yamauchi practically thrusted the console in my face, its back adorned with a crude signature etched by a marker. I couldn't help but catch a whiff of the distinct and pungent aroma of the ink, indicating that it had been freshly applied.

"Since we're friends,"since when?"I'll let you get this off my hands for 50,000 points. A great deal, right?"

He placed the game console on my desk. Frankly, I didn't even want the thing and even if I do, I don't have the points.

"1,000 points,"

"Wha... come on man! You're my only hope!"

"Why amIthe only one? I can't afford it, anyway. Look."

I decided to show him my point balance so that he would back off after seeing that I couldn't afford it in the first place.

"The f dude, you're filthy rich after all, come on just lend me some of those points, please?"

"Those are auxiliary points, they're non-transferable."

"...Wait, really?"

"Yes, so there's nothing you can get from me, just ask somebody else."


Realizing that talking to me any longer is pointless, he immediately switched to a new target. Why doesn't he just register for his profession? With the existence of auxiliary points, having no allowance from the school wouldn't really affect your ability to purchase basic necessities and other items.

Looking at my phone, I saw for the first time today the detailed balance of my points which is just below 8,000 points for the regul-... something seemed to have changed in the display. Previously the label accompanying this number was simply labeled as 'p' for points but now, another p is beside it. Is it a bug? Tapping on it, the unabbreviated label popped out which said 'Private Points' ...So that's what is called now huh.

They must have thought that this word could have been a huge hint... but I think otherwise. Concluding that collective points like class points exist solely based on the mention of private points is indeed a possibility, but it would be premature to jump to conclusions without further evidence or clarification. The decision of hiding this term before the truth of the S-system is disclosed is baffling to me.

"Hey, Professor! Your best buddy has a favor to ask! Buy this game system for 100,000 points!"

The audacity! He shamelessly doubled the price...

"Ayanokouji-kun, do you have a moment?"

Now what?

I saw Hirata coming to me,I guess it is my turn now... I should have left earlier.

"I want to speak with you about how we can increase our points. I'd like you to join me. Can you?"

I assumed that was the case.

"I'm sorry, but can you ask someone else? Actually, I'm in the same consensus as them earlier. We are all competitors, unless you can tell me a way that can guarantee my entrance to the inner court if we reach class A, then I can't help you."

"I-Is that so... I understand Ayanokouji-kun, I'm sorry for bothering you... But, if you change your mind, I'd love for you to join us."

He left after that. Hirata needs to work more on his convincing skills. The excuse of us being competitors doesn't really hold up much unless we are class A ourselves. As for the current class A... it's easy to imagine what they are going through right now.

Well, now that there are no more interruptions, finally I can leave-

Suddenly, the loudspeaker came alive with a soothing sound effect, and a robotic voice issued an announcement.

[Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, from first-grade Class D. Please come see Chabashira-sensei in the faculty office.]


Letting out a sigh, I felt the uncomfortable weight of my classmates' gazes as their eyes followed me until I exited the room. Navigating my way to the office, I reluctantly approached the door and knocked three times before entering.

"Follow me."

To my surprise, Chabashira-sensei greeted me as soon as I opened the door. Without a moment's delay, she began walking down the corridor. Her expression is serious, nothing new about that, but I felt that I shouldn't ask any questions and must simply follow along. It took us some time before she halted in front of a large door and knocked.

"I've brought him sir."

"Bring him in."

A calm and serene voice responded from within the room. Chabashira-sensei pushed the door open and gestured for me to enter. As I stepped inside, a wave of surprise washed over me-not because of the room's size, but because of its emptiness.

The room stretched out before me, spacious and devoid of any clutter. Its minimalist design exuded a sense of tranquility with nothing but a desk, a few chairs, a lone picture frame, and a tea set adorning the space. But what truly caught my attention was the breathtaking view that unfolded beyond the windows. The room offered a panoramic vista of the large lake, its tranquil waters reflecting the hues of the peaking sun. The sight was mesmerizing, a stark contrast to the intensity of the school's operations.

"I shall leave now sir."

"Yes, thank you, Chabashira-sensei." replied the man sitting behind the desk. His face was familiar, as I recalled him from the entrance ceremony. He was none other than Sakayanagi Narumori, the headmaster of the outer court.

Sensei gave me a brief glance before exiting the room. Once she was gone, the headmaster motioned for me to take a seat.

My eyes fixed on the chair he pointed to. The unfamiliar surroundings and the prospect of meeting someone I had no prior acquaintance with left me feeling unsettled. I had no desire to make myself comfortable in this situation, and a sense of unease began to settle within me.

Seeing that I had no intention of indulging him, he smiled and reached for the tea pot. I didn't take my gaze away from him, I don't know why but there was something about his demeanor that prompted caution, a feeling deep within that urged me not to let my guard down in his presence.

"White room," he said.

The air cracked as I instinctively reached for his neck in an instant.

With a simple gesture from him, my body froze in midair, unable to move. I paid little attention to this hindrance as several illusory projections of weapons started materializing in the air, ready to unleash an onslaught on his figure.

"Thought Concretization,to think you've already reached that level. They may not cause physical harm, but they hold quite the dangerous amount of spiritual intent on them. Haha, please calm down Ayanokouji-kun, I am not your enemy."

"Then release me."

"If I do that, you're just going to attack me again, right?"



He let out a sigh, his eyes fixed on me as he took a sip of the tea he had just finished preparing. Gradually, I felt my body being pulled towards one of the chairs, forcing me to take a seat. I still didn't like the feeling of having my movement restricted, but I can't do anything about it for now.

"Ahem, could you please put all of these away?" He pointed at the projected weapons that are still floating above his head. "They're emitting quite the energy; I don't want those folks from the inner court to notice and come barging in here."

Despite my initial defensive reaction, I never detected any malicious intent emanating from him. While I remained cautious, I understood that resisting further would only hinder any progress for whatever the agenda is for our meeting.

Reluctantly, I made the decision to comply. And responding to my intent, the illusory projections began to disperse into the air, dissipating like ethereal smoke.

"I take it that Suzukake never mentioned anything to you?" he said.

"He never tells me anything," I replied. So, the headmaster knows Suzukake? What is their connection? Is this the reason why I was accepted here?

"We're on the same boat on that one... tea?"


"You're no fun, you know that? ...Suzukake and I were old colleagues. After I left the inner court, I met him when I joined a certain 'research organization,' we were quite close I would say, we spent a few years working together until I was called back here to serve as executive. The last time I heard of him was when he was headhunted by a-"

"Just get to the point."

"I apologize, I couldn't help but reminisce about the old days, must be the sign of old age huh? Ha ha ha... Anyway, a couple of months ago, Suzukake contacted me for the first time in years. Not to catch up but rather to ask me a favor."

"To take me in, I presume."

"Indeed, he told me that this 'White room' is after you, and that you must be protected at all costs."

"So you know about the White room?"

"The first I have heard of it is actually just a couple months ago, after certain rumors started circulating around. I suspect that Suzukake is the one who caused that... What I do know is the Worldwide Humanistic Innovation and Technological Exploration Inst., or WHITE for short."

The what now?

"Ha ha ha, your expression tells me that you didn't know about that at all. WHITE is the largest research organization in the world. They have taken their foot on pretty much every field that exists. Be it in medicine, soul beast research, technological advancements, mecha's, weapons, and anything you could think of."

"So the White room is..."

"Just another one of its research facilities... is what I initially thought until Suzukake told me otherwise... It's the other way around."

He turned his gaze towards the window, his eyes scanning the outside world as if searching for answers in the depths of his thoughts. As he redirected his attention back to me, a noticeable shift occurred in his demeanor. The once cozy and relaxed atmosphere surrounding him gave way to a tangible gravity, his expression turning grave and serious.

It was as if the weight of the previous discussion with his old friend had settled upon his shoulders.

"Ayanokouji-kun, the decision of taking you in was difficult to make. Even after what Suzukake had told me about you, it pains me to say, but I wanted to decline... I am a headmaster of this institution, and it is my duty to ensure the well-being of both the institution and its students. I am well aware of our power and influence, but againstthem, I fear that even we are not enough. I cannot, in good conscience, allow the academy and its students to suffer the consequences."

"Then why am I here?"

"Because the thought of what they could do if you were to fall in their hands, is even worse than the destruction of this academy and its long history... Mymasteralso had the same conclusion."


"You are the product of their centuries of research, and they will not stop until they get you back. War is imminent and we have resolved ourselves to that. All I ask of you Ayanokouji-kun, is to trust us, and let us protect you."

For the first time I averted my gaze away from him and cast my eyes downward. The idea of being outside, being free was only something I have read from books. I considered them a fantasy, until the day that Suzukake came to me...

"Kid, wanna leave this place with me?"

Did I desire it? Did I really want to leave? Did I even know what I wanted? I wasn't inconvenienced while I was there... no, rather I didn't even know what it means to be inconvenienced. Suffer? I didn't know what that was either... I was just... there. There isn't really any powerful reason that compels me to leave... Ah, but there was indeed one thing-I was curious.

I was curious about those things that the books talked about. I wanted to see it, just at least once. The cold, dirty ground that I first stepped foot on that day felt different from the cold tiles of those sterile halls. Was it pleasant? No, I don't think it was, but it was different, and that was enough for me.

Since then, I've experienced things that I never experienced before. Seen things that I had never seen, tasted flavors, and smelled scents that were just a little while ago, I considered to be mere fantasy. And I don't think I'm satisfied just yet.

"I'll trust you."

So let me stay just a little bit longer.

"Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun."

But I cannot trust you.

"If that is all, headmaster, then I would like to leave now."

For it is a concept that is foreign to me, something I have yet to comprehend

"Yes, I apologize for taking your time."

To rely on someone else, to depend on them-was something I had never once factored.

"Ayanokouji-kun..." he called for me one last time as I was about to reach for the door handle. "I hope you enjoy your stay in this academy."

Whether I choose to leave or stay, to be protected or to be captured, that will all be up to me.

"I will, thank you."

I will decide my own fate.

Knocking on the door of the faculty office for the second time today, I entered and looked around for any sign of Chabashira-sensei.

She's not here... I thought she wanted to see me.

Earlier, when our gazes briefly met. At that moment, I had assumed that she had something important to discuss with me. But now, standing in this empty room, I questioned my assumptions.

Had I jumped to conclusions? Was I mistaken in thinking that she wanted to see me? Or perhaps there had been a change of plans?

Since I didn't really have any plans today I decided to wait, hoping that Chabashira-sensei would appear or that some explanation would soon unveil itself.

As if to answer my prayers, the door soon swung open and a woman with wavy, shoulder-length hair entered. She had a mature and feminine look to her, but something about her demeanor made me feel that I should stay away.

What's up with the people here? Can't they just be normal?

"Oh!?" she exclaimed, surprised by my presence. However, her face that appeared taken aback immediately switched as a smile danced across her face.

"You are the one from earlier, are you waiting for Sae-chan?"

I nodded. She used a casual nickname for Chabashira-sensei. The way she said it hinted at a close friendship, suggesting they were of similar age and companions outside of work.

"Hmm? We'll, we were just together so she will be here soon... Anyway~"

As her voice trailed off, she gradually closed the distance between us, bringing her face just inches away from mine. Her gaze intensified, scrutinizing my features with an almost unnerving attention to detail, as if she was determined to capture every nuance in her memory.


Caught off guard by her sudden proximity, I found myself at a loss for words. A gentle flicker of anticipation coursed through the air as an alluring smile began to grace her lips. It was a smile that carried an intoxicating mix of confidence, allure, and a hint of playfulness.

"Heeeh, I heard the announcement earlier, you are Ayanokouji-kun right?"

A faint scent of lavender wafted towards me, carrying on her breath. Her voice, soft and velvety, escaped her lips, intertwining with the sweet aroma that surrounded us.

"I'm Hoshinomiya Chie, adviser of Class B. Sae and I have been best friends since our student days. That's why we call each other Sae-chan and Chie-chan~" She suddenly brought her lips closer to my ear and whispered. "Mine is 78, 56, 78."

Are those codes? What do those numbers mean?

She gave me another seductive smile as her hand tried to reach for my cheek when-


"What are you doing, Hoshinomiya?"

Chabashira-sensei appeared out of nowhere, and with a loudthwack, smacked Hoshinomiya-sensei's head with her clipboard. She crouched and gripped her skull in apparent pain. In fact it was so loud that I wouldn't be surprised if her skull actually caved in.

"Ouch! What was that for?" she cried.

"Preying on a minor... I thought more of you, Chie."

"The age of consent is thirteen!"

"What time period are you from? Leave us! Ayanokouji, head to the guidance office."



That was Hoshinomiya-sensei, not me.


"Ouch!! Again? Come on, I can't go to the guidance room? I can give advice too, you know?"

As Hoshinomiya-sensei continued to protest, a female student came up to us...

A sudden chill swept through my body, sending shivers down my spine. It was as if an invisible hand had gripped my heart, causing it to beat erratically in my chest. Time seemed to slow down, elongating each passing moment.

Every nerve in my body felt electrified, heightened sensitivity amplifying every sound and movement around me. The air felt thick, as if it crackled with an impending threat. My muscles involuntarily tightened, coiling like a spring, ready to react at a moment's notice. The instinct to protect myself surged within me, a primal response that urged me to be vigilant.

This is the first time that I had ever experienced something like this-the visceral and instinctive reaction that triggers a cascade of physiological and psychological effects-Danger.

"Hoshinomiya-sensei, do you have a moment-"

Our eyes met. The girl with light-pink hair stared at me with widened eyes, her expression a mirror of mine. With my senses heightened, I could feel that she had the same reactions I felt within. It was as if our bodies, attuned to the danger that lurked in one another, responded in kind.

I couldn't comprehend why, but every fiber of my being is urging me to perceive her as a threat, someone who posed a risk that needed to be neutralized. It was a primal instinct, whispering that she was a danger I couldn't afford to ignore.

"Oya, oya, what is this Honami-chan? Is it love at first sight? Kyaa~, I feel you~"

"Eh? Ah! N-no, it's not like that," she said, snapping away from the strange connection that occurred between us. "Do you have a moment, sensei? There is something we want to discuss with you."

"All right, you have someone who needs you. Get to it."


Chabashira-sensei smacked Hoshinomiya-sensei on the butt with her clipboard.

"Aw! She'll get mad at me if I hang around any longer. See you later, Ayanokouji-kun! Let's go, Honami-chan."

With that, she turned on her heel and left with the girl named Honami. As they exited, that girl's unwavering gaze remained fixed upon me, lingering until they disappeared from sight.

What was that? Why did I react that way?

When I confronted headmaster Sakayanagi earlier, I didn't feel any danger at all. I was outclassed, he was definitely one of the strongest individuals I have ever met. And yet despite all of that I didn't consider him a threat. Not because he portrayed himself as an ally, but rather, no matter how much stronger he was, he will never be able to cause me harm.

That girl is not on his level, that much is clear... So, why? Why did I consider her to be dangerous? Why did I want to eliminate her? Just... What is she?

"-kouji... Ayanokouji!"

Chabashira-sensei's call snapped me away from my thoughts.

"To the guidance office, now," she told me.

A plethora of questions ran through my mind as I tried to make sense of the perplexing encounter. However, unless I learn more about that girl, the mystery will remain. For now, let's put that on the back of my head and focus on what it is that Chabashira-sensei wants from me.

"What is it that you wanted from me sensei-"

"Get in here."

As soon as we entered the office, she opened the sliding compartment that separates the main area and a small kitchenette.

Now that I think of it, isn't she ordering me around quite a lot?

So, instead of following her order, I sat on one of the sofa's and crossed my legs. This action must've irked her as I noticed her left eyebrow subtly raising.

"How much do you know?" I asked.

Her expression turned tense as she understood the nature of my question.

"Just enough to get the general idea. I wasn't privy to the details. Could you tell me?"

Ignoring her query, I pressed further. "Who else?"

She sighed, seemingly exasperated. "In the outer court, aside from the headmaster, it's just me."

"Good, if that is the extent of your knowledge as you had claimed, then let it remain that way."

"I don't really feel comfortable not knowing what it is that I'm supposed to protect."

A hush descended upon us as our gazes locked. She wants to know the nature and content of the card that she had been dealt with. It is clear to me what it is that she really wanted, although she acted like that back in homeroom, deep down there is this desire or hope in her that maybe her students would somehow pull through.

"What do you get in return, I wonder, a monetary reward? No, I don't think that's it."


"The same reward that we would get, isn't it? The entrance to the inner court, or rather, to return to the inner court," I interrupted, cutting her off.

She remained silent, acknowledging my claim. "In that case, you should already know what I want from you, Ayanokouji," she stated firmly.

"I don't expect the academy to give me special treatment. I intend to reach the inner court with or without your coercion. However, if I am to carry you along, then..."

"My complete assistance, I get it, I will-"

"No, that is unnecessary," I interrupted her again and raised three fingers. "I want you to do me three favors once we are inside the inner court."

Upon realizing that my desires did not align with her expectations, a mixture of intrigue and confusion flickered across her face. However, it quickly transformed into an expression of embarrassment and disgust as she crossed her arms in an attempt to shield her chest. Seeing this, confusion took over me as I couldn't comprehend her actions.

"So, you are that kind of person huh, Ayanokouji," she said, her cheeks subtly turning rosy.

"Huh? What do you-" It took me a moment to grasp her implication. "N-no, that's not what I meant!"

"Pfft, hahaha," her laughter echoed, a rare and captivating melody, breaking through the walls of her usual stern and serious demeanor. In that moment, as her face lit up with genuine joy, she appeared stunningly beautiful, captivating my attention completely.

"I apologize," she managed to say between giggles, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "You just seemed so serious, I couldn't resist teasing you a bit." With a gentle swipe of her hand, she attempted to wipe away the laughter-induced tears that had gathered in the corners of her eyes

Who the hell is this person?

"My image of you is slowly starting to crumble away..."

It took her a while to regain her composure, her demeanor returning to a more composed state. And with a newfound seriousness in her gaze, she uttered the words I expected from her.

"You have a deal."

While it didn't really matter to me what her decision was, it is still convenient to have more cards I can use when the time comes. Thinking that her agenda was over, I wanted to leave, but she served green tea for the both of us instead. Perplexed, I wondered if she still had other matters to address...

Suddenly, the door to the guidance room opened. And a familiar face came barging in. It was none other than, my 'more aggravated today than most days' neighbor, Horikita Suzune.

Chabashira-sensei, who seemed to have expected the interruption, welcomed her with a casual, "Ah, come in. So, what did you want to talk to me about, Horikita?"

Shock and confusion painted Horikita's face as she took notice of my presence. It seems that she had wanted some 'guidance' from Chabashira-sensei, and didn't expect an outsider to be present in their session. Unsure of how to greet her in this unexpected encounter, I simply lifted my cup of green tea as a silent hello, hoping to convey a friendly gesture.

"What is Ayanokouji-kun doing here?"

"Ignore him."Ouch?"So, state your business, Horikita."

Without hesitation, Horikita stepped forward and took a seat beside me. And in a swift motion, snatched the cup of tea from my hand, raising it to her lips for a sip.


"I'll be frank. Why was I sorted into Class D?" she asked, completely ignoring my existence.

"Quite frank indeed."

"Today, you mentioned that the school sorts superior students into Class A. And Class D is supposed to be filled with the leftovers, the last bastion of delinquents."

"That's correct. So, you consider yourself a superior student. But earlier, you seemed to have accepted your situation when you askedthatquestion."

"That doesn't mean I will simply accept this evaluation. I have solved nearly every problem in the entrance examination, and my track record in the battle station shows a 100% win rate. I shouldn't have been placed in Class D, at the very least."

Horikita certainly possesses a lofty self-perception, but it's not entirely unfounded. While I haven't had the chance to personally assess her abilities, the results she has achieved thus far undeniably demonstrate her superiority compared to most.

"You have undoubtedly excelled in every test and achieved remarkable results in various areas. Your performance was exceptional, ranking third among the first-grade students and amongst the few who managed to get a perfect rating in the battle station. We actually held you in high regard during the evaluation."

"Then why?"

"Before I answer that, why exactly are you dissatisfied with being placed in Class D?"

"Who would be happy with an incorrect evaluation? Moreover, the class rankings greatly impact my chances of entering the inner court. It's only natural that I'm dissatisfied."

"An incorrect evaluation? Perhaps your self-perception is excessively high," Chabashira-sensei responded snarkily. "I recognize your intelligence and power. In fact, I consider you one of the best in your grade in those aspects. However, who decided that possessing strength alone qualifies as superiority? We never made such a claim."

"But...that's just common sense."

"Common sense? I didn't expect to hear that from you,HorikitaSuzune."

"What do you-"

"You of all people should know the reality of things in this world. Did yourfathernot educate you about that?"

"How did you..." her voice trailed off.

"It would be weirder if I didn't know. The Horikita family, the spear of Japan. The family that sits at the very top of the Western Army's chain of command."

Well, I certainly didn't know about that. So, it appears that she came from a distinguished military family.

"The great general, your father, is said to be equal to our headmaster, who is among the strongest in Japan. But even the two of them wouldn't dare say what you had just said... With the advent of technology, the gap between the 'weak' and the 'strong' is getting smaller and smaller. Nowadays, it is possible for even an ordinary human without any soul power to defeat a rank 50 soul master with five rings, so long as they are equipped with the necessary means."

This information was a shock for the both of us. My knowledge pertaining to weaponry and advanced technology is rudimentary at best. I didn't really get a chance to know more about it, sincethatplace had restricted me from all access to books related to combat and cultivation.

If technology had indeed already reached that far, then that signifies a significant shift in the balance of power. Throughout history, the dominance of soul masters have remained unchallenged. However, with this, ordinary people gain access to tools and weapons that can level the playing field, allowing them to bridge the gap.

"Of course that is only a small example, what I'm trying to say here is that the capabilities of these weapons have now caught up or might have even surpassed us soul masters. You might not have seen them in use, but you should have seen them in your family's army, Horikita."

Horror washed over Horikita's face as realization dawned upon her, etching lines of disbelief as chill seemed to crawl up in her spine.

"A soul master's place is in the battlefield, and from now on, those weapons will be commonplace and will form the backbone of these armies and fleets. In the face of such overwhelming force, a single soul master, no matter how strong, can never win. So let me ask you again, Horikita. Is being strong really all that is necessary?"


Horikita's countenance shifted into an expression of deep contemplation. The weight of the current situation, combined with the knowledge she possessed as a result of her family's influential position, granted her a far more insightful perspective than my own.

"Even so, you still haven't given me an explanation of why I was sorted to Class D. Did anything go wrong with the grading? Please double-check."

"I'm sorry, but you weren't sorted by mistake. You are definitely in Class D. You are atthatlevel."

"Is that so, I will ask the school again." said Horikita. I tried to sneakily take back my cup of tea that she had now placed on the coffee table.

"But before that," she said as she suddenly grabbed my reaching hand and thwarted me from accomplishing my mission.

"What is he doing here in the first place?"

"This cup is mine, you know."

"Not anymore."

Chabashira-sensei chuckled, finding our banter entertaining. "The decision is final, Horikita. You won't receive a different answer regardless of whom you ask. However, if you genuinely desire to reach Class A and enter the inner court, I figured he might be able to assist you."


Wait, what? I didn't sign up for this. Why is she suddenly assigning me the role of babysitting Horikita?

"What? I'm not forcing you or anything," she responded with an amused expression, clearly aware of my protest. She then cast a meaningful glance my way, silently conveying, 'And besides, wouldn't this facilitate the smooth execution of whatever your plan is?'

It appeared that she had a grasp of my intentions regarding the class for the time being. While I had intended to make use of Horikita, I had planned to do so once I had completed my assessment of each individual in the class.

Horikita looked at me with skepticism, probably thinking that what could someone like me possibly offer that can prove to be helpful in reaching Class A.

"Well, for starters take a look at this."

Chabashira-sensei placed her clipboard on the table. On it, I saw a rather familiar answer sheet.

"These are...Ayanokouji-kun's entrance exam's results... Fifty, fifty, fifty, and another fifty. Even the most recent test is fifty. What the..."

I glanced at Chabashira-sensei, silently inquiring why she would even choose to reveal this information only for her to respond with a 'Why would you even score like that?' glance.

I shrugged, I could come up with several reasons as to why, but it ultimately boils down to, 'Just a whim.' Regardless, I figured that sensei must have thought that by showing this to Horikita, she would be able to see some value in me, to see me as an asset.

While me and sensei were busy communicating with our eyes. The stunned Horikita finally recovered from initial astonishment and uttered one question.


"What? Just because I could answer fifty in all subjects doesn't suggest that I'm a genius or anything. Someone who is capable of scoring 60% on the same tests could also do the same," I told her. There is no need to tell her what I can do, as long as she thinks that I approach things differently than others, then that is enough.

"Is that so? One of the questions is about an advanced soul circuit configuration, one that even a rank 5 maker would have a hard time solving and yet you answered it perfectly," Sensei added with a smirk.

"I was lucky."

"You answered all three of them."

"I was incredibly lucky."

"Hmm, I wonder. He may be even more intelligent thanyou.Horikita."

Horikita flinched. That was unnecessary, but since it will make Horikita more interested, I will forgive you.

"Well, if that isn't enough for you, then how about this one?"

You have more?

This time she tapped on the coffee table and suddenly a hologram screen popped out of nowhere...It can do that?

The screen showed one of my matches in the Soul Battle Network Station. It was when I fought the guy with huge shields.Wait, I thought that only I can access my fight records?

Sensing my question, Chabashira-sensei simply stated. "Teachers have access to all of their students' records."

Now that is just an invasion of privacy...well as long as she doesn't show that other match, then I guess it's fine.

"That's an Ironclad Bulwark," Horikita identified my opponent's martial soul.

She watched the recording intently, trying to analyze every move made. As the footage reached the final clash, her eyes widened, seemingly in utter disbelief.

"H-how is that possible? That's an Ironclad Bulwark, well known for its extreme durability and sturdiness. If you had simply won, I could still understand, but how could it possibly be destroyed just like that? And you didn't even use..."

Horikita stared at me in surprise and wonder, the fact that I sliced through that defense like it was tofu and that I didn't even use a soul skill to accomplish such a feat, left her completely perplexed.

"You get it now? If you want to enter the inner court, this guy's your best shot," Chabashira-sensei said as she flicked my forehead.


"I'm leaving." said Horikita as she immediately stormed out of the faculty office.

"Well, I guess I'll leave too, thanks for yourguidanceChabashira-sensei."

Now that Horikita is no longer here, I decided to take my long awaited sip of the tea before leaving, only to find the cup empty...Sigh.

Exiting the office, I found Horikita still outside, her head down as if lost in thought. I didn't leave immediately and just stood in front of Horikita, waiting for her to say something.

"When I entered this academy, I thought that graduation was my only goal. But the reality is different. I'm not even at the starting line," she finally spoke, her voice tinged with vulnerability. The weight of everything that had transpired today had clearly taken a toll on her.

"But I have to enter the inner court, I must...that is the only option left for me..." she continued, her voice trailing off towards the end making it hard for me hear.

"To do that, you would have to rehabilitate the problem children. You have Sudou's continued tardiness and class cutting, everyone else talking in class, and, of course, the test and battle station scores. Even if you manage all of that, you're still at zero points."

"I know that, I still think the school made a mistake with my placement, but I won't get anywhere dwelling on that."

As our conversation continued, the anxiety within Horikita became more apparent, eroding away her once overflowing confidence. It is good that she had now understood what she must prioritize, but even if we somehow found an efficient way to increase our points, the other classes might also find a way to do the same.

If we truly wanted to bridge the substantial score gap, simply fixing the class's issues wouldn't be sufficient.

"So, what do you propose? Are you planning to handle this situation on your own?"


"Quite arrogant of you," I remarked only to be met with a hand chop to my side.

"Ow, welcome back Horikita," I said while demonstrating a pained expression which she ignored. "Look, I understand how you feel, but you can't solve this by yourself. Think about Sudou. Even if you improve, the rest of the class will drag you down."

"... I can see that now. We won't even make it to the starting line without everyone's help. We have four major, immediate issues: tardiness and talking during class, reaching the battle station threshold, and ensuring no one fails the upcoming exams at the end of the month."

"The first two can be managed, but as for the remaining two..."

It would be easy if everyone participating in the battle station would be enough to reach the threshold, but if what their behavior, and the practical test had told me is anything to go by, then I don't see us reaching close to it at all. Same for the exam.

"I need your help, Ayanokouji-kun."

"Help? Tell me why I should do that?"

"Because if you refuse, I'll make sure that it'll be the last thing you'd regret doing."

Now that is interesting, I wonder how she'll do that...

"I refuse then."

"I always knew you'd help, Ayanokouji-kun. I'm extremely grateful."

"Now, that's not what I said..."

"No, I heard it clearly. You said you'd help me."

She's warping my own words now. Well, this is also a good opportunity.

"Let's stop with the games, I'll help you, but on one condition."

"A condition?"

"Let's have a simple match. If you win, I'll help you without asking questions. If you lose, however, then you'll do everything I say for an entire month. Quite a deal don't you think?"

"Hmph, sure, let's do it now," she said, confident in her win.

"Let's not do it today, let's meet tomorrow at training grounds C after class."

"Well sure, if that's what you want. I'll see you tomorrow, Ayanokouji-kun. Enjoy this day well, as I'll make you my pawn soon after," she confidently said as she went on her way, leaving me behind.

"I look forward to working with you too, Horikita...."

It was now 9 PM, I had just exited my workshop after finishing some commissions. I was on my way to the dormitories when I decided to take a random detour, it was just out of a whim.

A lot of things happened today, the S-system, the headmaster, Class B's teacher, that pink-haired girl, and then there's Chabashira-sensei and Horikita. It was kind of exhausting, truly. I even thought of skipping today's work but got bored as soon as I entered my room, so I ended up doing it anyway.

Near the first-grade dormitories, I recall there being a spot that doesn't get visited much by students. I came upon it by chance during one of my aimless walks. I remembered it well because of how beautiful the view you could get from there. It had the perfect vista of the expansive lake and majestic tree, free from the obstructing trees that surrounded us. A perfect place to relax.

As I approached the area, I sensed the presence of someone else.It appeared that I would have some company tonight.

Gently parting the foliage that obscured the entrance, I made my way inside and there I saw a lone female student who sat on the ground. Lost in contemplation, she remained oblivious to my presence, her gaze fixed upon the mesmerizing view before her.

I decided to tread softly, not wanting to startle her. As I drew nearer, the sudden shift in her environment seemed to have caught her attention, causing her to swiftly turn around with a stunned expression in her face.

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (7)

"Good evening, Kushida."

Indeed, the lone student was none other than Kushida Kikyou. Considering that she is still in her school uniform, I assumed that she must have been here for quite some time now, or perhaps she simply didn't bother to change.


"May I join you?" I inquired, asking whether it is alright to sit next to her.

Seeing her nod, I took a seat and decided to continue. "So, what are you doing here so late at night?"

"It's a little bitquiethere... Well, I could ask the same thing to you."

"Same reason I guess, I just wanted to rest a bit while taking in some nice view."

Kushida chuckled softly, "Hehe, I can agree with that, it truly is beautiful isn't it? Just looking at it is enough to clear your mind."

"Do you frequent this place?" I asked curiously.

"I come here from time to time, it is nice since not many know about this place. It feels like a place meant just for me, or something like that."

"I see."

"Hehe, you smell burnt Ayanokouji-kun," she remarked.

"I just got out of the forge after all...should I have showered?"

"Mhmm, no, I don't hate it," she said as she bent her knees close to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

Under the moonlit sky, the tree's enchanting array of delicate specks of life, reminiscent of fireflies danced in the air. The ethereal phenomenon casted a gentle glow over us and the landscape, accentuating the beauty of the surrounding nature, including her.

As I glanced across the horizon, I couldn't help but admire the tranquil lake nestled below, its surface reflecting the shimmering moonlight. Soft ripples danced upon the water, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadow.

As we sat there, Kushida began to open up, chatting about various topics. She talked about things that we still haven't been able to discuss before. I listened attentively, occasionally nodding, though I must admit, I wasn't familiar with most of the topics she brought up.

"I can't believe you've never tried takoyaki before! It's a must-try snack, especially during festivals," she said, a hint of amusem*nt in her voice.

"I haven't had the chance," I replied

"No worries! We should definitely go get some together sometime, there's a great shop in the Keyaki mall. I'm sure you'll love it."

It was enjoyable to have Kushida's company. She had a way of making even the simplest things sound interesting. I couldn't help but be immersed as she now proceeded to animatedly describe her favorite TV shows and recommended some to me.

"And then she was like 'I'm going to dye all your glow sticks white' and I was like kyaaaaa~. It was amazing. You should definitely watch it, Ayanokouji-kun."

"I'll give it a try, I guess," I didn't really get why dyeing a glow stick white made her squeal so much.

Kushida giggled, seemingly amused by my confusion. "We'll have to work on expanding your pop culture knowledge, Ayanokouji-kun. It's all part of experiencing a well-rounded life!"

We both sat in silence for a while, immersing ourselves in the tranquility of the scene. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of crickets provided us with a soothing background music.

"Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun," Kushida finally spoke, her voice carrying a touch of warmth.

"What for?"

"For coming here tonight... if you hadn't come, I don't know if..." she stopped herself, her voice faltering for a moment before shaking her head. "Thank you, really. You saved me just by being here."

What did she mean by that?

"It was just a coincidence really, you don't need to feel that way."

"But still..." Kushida trailed off, her voice filled with a mix of gratitude and something else I couldn't quite decipher.

Silence fell once again. As the sound of the crickets continued their melodic serenade, I decided to bring up a topic we had once talked about before.

"I spoke to Horikita earlier."

A hint of confusion flickered in her eyes as she wondered why I was mentioning Horikita now.

"I managed to get her to agree to a match with you, what do you say? Is that still on the table?"

I just hope that she would still consider it. It would be quite unfortunate if I had to go off my script on this one.

Her face lit up in realization as she finally recalled our previous discussion. "Oh, right! I remember now. Count me in. When is it happening?"

"Tomorrow, after class. We can head there together."


Kushida's enthusiasm was clear as she rose from the ground, stretching her arms above her head. As she did so, her body gracefully arched backward, her spine bending far beyond what I had expected, accentuating her well endowed figure. It was a display of flexibility that left me momentarily awestruck.

"Mhmm, ah, that feels good."

"You're very flexible," I commented.

As she straightened back up, a mischievous grin played on her lips. "Ayanokouji-kun, you should try stretching too! It feels amazing."

"I wish I could be as flexible as you. But I'm afraid my stretching would look like a robot's compared to what you had displayed."

Kushida giggled, her laughter ringing out in the tranquil setting. Eventually, Kushida glanced at her watch and gasped. "Oh my, it's gotten so late! It's almost curfew! I didn't notice the time."

"I guess time flies when you're having fun," I remarked.

"You're absolutely right! Well, we should head back to the dorms. It would suck if the dorm manager catches us late. Let's hurry!"

With that, we both stood up, and walked back towards the dormitories. The stars still twinkled above us, and the night felt cool and refreshing. Eventually, we reached my floor and I stepped out of the elevator.

"Well, Ayanokouji-kun, I guess this is where we part ways for now," she said, her voice filled with genuine fondness. "Thank you for this evening. Let's do this again sometime."

"Likewise, Kushida. I had a great time too. Goodnight."

With that, we bid each other farewell and I watched as she pressed the button to close the elevator, waving at me until she got cut off from sight. As I stood there, I couldn't help but feel glad about this encounter.

Tomorrow things will finally start to go into motion. Although a new variable has been added with the appearance of that pink-haired girl named Honami, the script remained unchanged for the most part.

I would need to find out more about that girl as soon as possible. And if she proves to be a danger to my existence...then I would have to eliminate her right there and then.

"What isshedoing here?"

I heard Horikita's displeased voice pierce the air as we stood on the sixth floor of Training Ground C. The clock showed 12:25 pm, and our plan to meet here had come to fruition. However, the unexpected presence of Kushida seemed to have disrupted Horikita's expectations.

"What's wrong with her being here?" I asked, amused by her reaction.

"What's wrong? Ayanokouji-kun, this is supposed to be between the two of usalone," she replied, her tone revealing her dissatisfaction. "While I am aware that spectators are not forbidden in this facility, I still find it unpleasant that you had to bring yourself an audience for something like this."


I raised my hand in front of Kushida as she tried to speak. Getting my intention, she promptly stopped and allowed me to handle the situation.

"Well, no matter, Kushida-san's presence makes no difference whatsoever. However, spectators should remain as spectators, they have no place here on the ground, so please leave us and head upstairs," Horikita added as she addressed Kushida.

"All right then, good luck, the both of you," I told them both as I turned and headed to the bleachers.

Horikita seemed taken aback by my actions and couldn't help but question, "Eh? Where are you going, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"As you have said, spectators should remain as they are - a spectator. I'm simply following your directive."

Confusion crossed Horikita's face as she tried to make sense of my words. "I don't understand. We agreed to have our match here today, the two of us are supposed to fight here, correct?"

"I never said that."

"...You're not making any sense, Ayanokouji-kun."

Having reached the elevated area, I leaned against the railing of the bleachers and explained, "While it is true that we agreed to have a match, I never specified that I would be the one fighting."


"Kushida here is my representative, she will fight on my behalf."

Silence hung in the air, tension thickening between Horikita and Kushida as they exchanged bewildered glances. The unexpected turn of events had caught them both off guard, leaving them grasping for understanding.

I observed their reactions, knowing that my intentionally vague words to Horikita and the limited information given to Kushida had left them with more questions than answers. Horikita's brows furrowed in a mix of confusion and frustration. Meanwhile, Kushida's eyes darted between the two of us, her expression a mix of surprise, amusem*nt and curiosity.

Horikita took a deep breath, her voice carrying a hint of resignation. "Sigh, no matter. As I have said before, none of this makes any difference. If you wish to entrust Kushida-san with your match, then so be it. However, I just want to make one thing clear, Ayanokouji-kun."

I looked at her curiously, waiting for her to continue.

"The bet still stands. Don't regret this," Horikita emphasized, her words laced with a challenging undertone.

"Of course, I have no intention of backing down at all. Whatever the results may be, there will be no objections from me."

With that exchange, Horikita made her way towards the edge of the training ground, preparing herself for the impending confrontation with Kushida. Meanwhile, Kushida wore a knowing smile as she mirrored Horikita's actions.

She had likely already deduced part of the reason behind my unnecessarily complicated maneuver. Horikita held a clear dislike for Kushida for reasons I am unaware of, and mentioning her name during the suggestion would have certainly led to an immediate rejection. It was a childish strategy, but a necessary one to start things off.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as the two contenders faced each other. Thescriptedbattle that lay ahead would give me a clear view of their abilities, resilience, and adaptability. As I watched Kushida and Horikita prepare, although the outcome of this match is irrelevant to me, I still couldn't help but feel a tinge of anticipation. The stage was set, and the pieces were in motion.I wonder what the two of you will show me today...

"Let's have a good match, Horikita-san," Kushida declared with a confident smile, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Hmph," Horikita's response was a mere grunt, her face stoic and impassive. She readied her stance, her focus unwavering. Despite her words, she didn't seem to underestimate Kushida at all.

The grounds fell dead silent, anticipation loomed as the two of them focused their gaze on each other, the tense atmosphere was thick as they stood their ground waiting for their opponent to make the first move.

In that suspended moment, time seemed to slow to a crawl. I could almost envision a delicate feather gracefully descending from the heavens, its ethereal dance mirroring the intensity of the impending clash. It swirled and twirled, capturing the essence of the battle about to unfold. And as this heaven belonging object finally touched the earth, the atmosphere cracked with electricity, and the two combatants simultaneously made their move.

The air felt heavy as their soul powers surged and their soul rings materialized. Three each, six in total, all of them a purple thousand-year soul ring.

Kushida underwent a transformation that I could only describe as ethereal. A golden glow enveloped her being, and her once lustrous, beige-colored hair transformed, radiating a brilliant hue of gold.

In a mesmerizing display, two delicate fox ears emerged from the crown of her head, perfectly complementing her captivating features. A bushy, golden tail gracefully swayed behind her, completing the ethereal transformation. The girl known as Kushida had transcended into a bewitching fox maiden,

Meanwhile, as if summoned by an unseen force, the atmosphere around Horikita seemed to come alive. Countless red-purple petals materialized out of thin air, twirling and dancing with an ethereal grace. They swirled and floated around her, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of beauty and enchantment. Each petal carried a somewhat ominous yet delicate glow, casting a soft, eerie hue over the surroundings.

In this surreal moment, Horikita stood at the center, adorned by a swirling vortex of enchanting petals, an embodiment of elegance and mystique.

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (8)

As I observed the swirling cluster of red-purple petals encircling Horikita, I scanned my memories trying to find the martial soul that fits the description of what I had just witnessed.

Hell Rose.The true nature of this ability remained elusive, with little information available. What I did know was that these petals were under the control of their user, acting as extensions of their consciousness. They possessed versatility, functioning as deadly weapons with sharp edges or forming defensive barriers, all according to their user's will. The petals could also disrupt the senses of her opponents, causing disorientation. Given its plant-based nature, potential poison-related abilities are also a possibility.

It is indeed a very interesting martial soul... I would like toknowmore about it someday.

In the match below, Horikita made the first move as she waved her hand towards Kushida and countless petals came rushing in towards her opponent like a hawk. Kushida seemed to have anticipated it and immediately slammed her tail to the ground.

With a loudboom,Kushida propelled herself like a streak of gold, escaping the petals' onslaught.

As she closed in on Horikita, her first soul ring shone brightly and several flaming orbs formed around her, radiating intense heat. Its core is a mesmerizing combination of fiery hues, ranging from blues to vibrant golds, shifting and swirling in a mesmerizing pattern.

The petals around Horikita immediately formed a swirling shield, deflecting the incoming fiery assault that burned the petals with each strike.

Horikita should be at a complete disadvantage in this match, attribute wise... however, with each petal turned to ash, another fresh new batch would take its place, constantly replenishing itself and negating any damage done.

While defending, Horikita was still able to launch an assault towards Kushida, sending once again the petals after her. Her martial soul truly has great versatility, able to attack and defend at the same time.

Undeterred, Kushida swiftly maneuvered through the petals, her movements fluid and precise.

Once again, the flaming orbs appeared, and this time, instead of launching them as a projectile, they enveloped Kushida's hands and tail, coating them in a fiery aura.

With a burst of speed, she closed the distance between them, and launched a series of rapid strikes. In response, Horikita, in a display of impeccable control, directed the petals to intercept each attack, their razor-sharp edges countering Kushida's agility with calculated grace.

Thanks to the coating of fire on Kushida's hands, she didn't sustain much damage from their sharp edges, but her attack went nowhere as she still wasn't able to deal a single blow to Horikita.

She was then forced to fall back when Horikita launched the petals towards her again. The multitude of petals seemed endless, their relentless onslaught akin to an unyielding rainstorm. However, Kushida displayed an extraordinary level of agility and reflexes as she effortlessly evaded every single petal, her movements akin to a mesmerizing dance. With the petals serving as a picturesque backdrop, it created a breathtaking spectacle.

Not a single petal managed to graze her, leaving Horikita's attack rendered ineffective in the face of Kushida's impeccable evasion.

Horikita with her perfect control, and Kushida with her nimbleness, created a deadlock where neither could land a clear blow on the other. The clash of their skills painted a mesmerizing dance of precision and agility, their battle locked in an unyielding stalemate.

However, the delicate balance between them was about to be shattered, as a radiant glow emanated from Horikita's first soul ring.

In a breathtaking twist, the petals that had gracefully danced around them suddenly transformed into a whirlwind of unstoppable velocity. The once serene atmosphere was now filled with a deafening buzz as the petals blurred with astonishing speed.

Caught off guard by their lightning-quick movements, Kushida's perfect evasion faltered, and her body became a canvas for the merciless onslaught. Countless cuts materialized on her uniform and skin, testifying to the deadly nature of the razor-sharp blades that masqueraded itself as fragile petals.

Despite being overwhelmed and clearly struggling to keep up, Kushida's movements remained swift and agile, allowing her to narrowly dodge the onslaught of incoming attacks, thus keeping the cuts shallow.

Herreflexesandinstinctswere nothing short of impressive, as she managed to evade each strike with precision, albeit barely.

However, if this continues, she will eventually be completely consumed...Now, what are you going to do,Kushida?

Another soul ring shone, its Kushida's second ring. Amidst the rain of blades, she focused her gaze on Horikita, her eyes casting an indescribable allure and intensity.

Their eyes locked, and in that instant, a profound shift occurred. The once unwavering control of Horikita over the petals wavered, as if caught in a trance-like state. Her focus fractured, leaving her momentarily vulnerable and entranced by Kushida's captivating presence.

A charm skill.

Kushida didn't let this opportunity slip and like a golden streak of light, she zoomed in towards Horikita, enveloping herself in the golden flames of her first soul skill.

With a resounding cry, she delivered a devastating palm strike to Horikita's solar plexus, unleashing a powerful impact that propelled her backward, the force causing Horikita to gasp for air and soar towards the far end of the training ground.

It didn't end there, without a moment's delay, Kushida followed along. She intends to land one more hit. However, things wouldn't go that smoothly as Horikita's third soul ring ignited.

As soon as Kushida's fists landed on Horikita, her body dissolved into a flurry of rose petals, dispersing into the surroundings. The sight was both breathtaking and puzzling, leaving Kushida momentarily stunned, her fists landing on empty air.

Clusters of rose petals began to converge above the training ground, swirling and intertwining with an ethereal grace. They gradually coalesced and solidified, revealing the figure of Horikita emerging from within their midst.

With a graceful motion, Horikita extended her hand high above her head, commanding the surrounding petals to coalesce into formidable massive, serrated blades. Like a storm unleashed, they surged forward with deadly speed and accuracy, homing in on Kushida with lethal precision and velocity. Though agile and evasive, she struggled to avoid the onslaught.

Each impact of the colossal blades shook the ground, leaving cracks in their wake, a testament of the devastating power they possessed. Even a single strike from these lethal weapons could prove fatal to Kushida.

As their battle intensified, I detected multiple presence on the other side of the spectators area. It is not unusual for students to enter any floor they want to watch and observe other students' activities. I do it too whenever I have the time after all.

Shifting my attention towards the new arrivals, I could make out four figures. Among them, I recognized one familiar face. When our eyes met, she immediately waved at me to say hello.

It was Hori Kyouko, my senior blacksmith, who is also a second-grade in Class A. I waved back in response, acknowledging her. The companions she is with, I assume they are all fellow classmates, likely from Class A as well.

One of them is a boy of average height and messy short black hair. I don't know why, but he dressed heavily, and I feel hot just from looking at him. Another one is a girl with purple hair that is tied in two buns. Looking at her, I have a feeling that we won't get along at all.

And the last one among them is a tall man with an air of quiet power. He had a commanding presence. His square-rimmed glasses framed sharp and discerning eyes that observed the battle below with unwavering focus. His confident stance and composed demeanor mirrored that of a seasoned leader, someone accustomed to commanding respect and authority.

As I looked closer, I couldn't help but notice a resemblance between him and Horikita. Perhaps they shared a familial connection, or it could simply be a coincidence, but the resemblance was uncanny.

Only that man seemed to be interested in the battle unfolding below as the bun girl seemed to focus more on him, while Hori and the other male student were busy bickering with each other. Amidst their squabble, the male student slapped Hori all of a sudden. I don't know why he did that, did they have a disagreement in their conversation? Even so, I don't think that warrants a physical retaliation... Huh? Why is she smiling? Is she... happy?

...I'm so confused.


The loud impact shifted my attention back to Horikita and Kushida's match. The fierce clash between the two of them continued, each move more intense than the last.

As I watched the battle unfold, it became apparent that Kushida was on the brink of exhaustion. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, and her once-charming demeanor was overshadowed by the toll the fight had taken on her. Horikita, on the other hand, remained in a position of dominance, her control over the hell rose petals proving to be more formidable.

Kushida's charm ability, which relied on eye contact, had lost its effectiveness against Horikita. Her command over the hell rose petals allowed her to see beyond the need for direct eye contact. The petals acted as an extension of her own consciousness, providing her with an all-encompassing awareness of the battlefield.

With Kushida on the brink of defeat, Horikita unleashed what appeared to be her final, devastating blow. A torrent of razor-sharp blades surged towards Kushida with relentless speed, and lethal intent. As the deadly storm closed in, Kushida stood motionless.

Had she resigned herself to her fate?

My thoughts were proven to be wrong as in that critical moment, an unexpected transformation occurred.

Kushida's third and final soul ring ignited, illuminating her with a radiant light. In a breathtaking display, her body transformed, becoming transparent and ethereal. As the onslaught of blades crashed upon her, they passed through her as if she were nothing more than a phantom, leaving her unharmed.

The sheer astonishment on Horikita's face was apparent. However, I had to wonder...if Kushida had such a skill, why wait until now to use it?

My question would soon be answered as Kushida's transformation had yet to conclude. Within her transparent form, an intense energy swirled and grew. Moments later, her body erupted in a blinding glow, illuminating the entire space. In an instant, the glow vanished, and in the next moment...

A massive blast of golden flame unleashed from Kushida's position, hurtling towards Horikita.

Steeling herself, Horikita summoned countless petals, forming a large, formidable shield that surrounded her. The swirling petals braced against the scorching flames, creating a barrier that absorbed the impact and protected Horikita from Kushida's powerful attack.

For some reason, Horikita didn't use her third soul skill to dodge. Was it a deliberate choice on her part... or perhaps she couldn't use it at the moment.

As their intense exchange persisted, visible burns started to mar Horikita's body. It was evident that she was grappling with the difficulty of fending off the powerful blast. Her struggle to withstand the attack became increasingly apparent as time passed on.

It is now a battle of attrition. Kushida's attack seemed to operate on a conceptual level. While using her third soul skill, her body turns ethereal, rendering any incoming attack harmless as it passes through her.

However, my speculation leads me to believe that the impact and potential damage of these attacks are somehowabsorbedorrecorded. The swirling energy within her then represents the soul skill's recreation of the attack's intensity. In this instance, the attack unleashed by Kushida is several times more potent than the one Horikita had launched, indicating a multiplication of its power.

Regardless, such a powerful soul skill is bound to have a huge soul power consumption and carries its own repercussions. The toll it takes on Kushida, both physically and mentally, remains to be seen.

Will Kushida's soul power exhaust itself and collapse first, or will Horikitasuccumb from the flames before that happens? It's only a matter of time until we reach its conclusion.

With a final loud burst, the clash ended shrouding the surroundings in a dense cloud of smoke, dust, and debris. The ensuing chaos persisted for several minutes before gradually subsiding, revealing the aftermath of the fierce confrontation.

Through the dissipating haze, I caught sight of Horikita, her once impeccable appearance now marred and disheveled. Her hair was in disarray, her clothing tattered and charred, and her skin adorned with deep burn marks, the wounds cauterized by the intense heat.

Despite the toll it had taken on her, she stood defiantly, gasping for breath. The outcome of the match is clear.

On the opposite side of Horikita, a motionless figure lay sprawled on the ground. It was Kushida, her form unmoving and seemingly unconscious. The intensity of their battle had taken its toll, rendering her unable to continue.

Horikita had won.

I met Horikita's eyes and nodded. She had won the bet, so now, I'm duty bound to help her in whatever endeavors she wishes to accomplish for the class. On how she intends to use me, that remains to be seen.

Am I fine with it? Not really.

Did it matter? As I have said, it is irrelevant.

I already got what I wanted from their fight. I finally have the final piece I needed to arrive at a definite conclusion. And if what I'm thinking is correct...then you truly are a fascinating 'specimen',KushidaKikyou.

Malusdomestica,it is a tough opponent indeed. I don't know how long I've been sitting here but... looking at a certain cylindrical box that has been filled close to the brim of its species, it must have been quite some time now.


I failed again.

So far, there have only been eight successful attempts. Only two whole remains, so...that's about twelve attempts.

Hm? What am I talking about?

Well, you see, there's a tale that whispers through the ages—a legend of a certain fruit and its connection to the spirit of the rabbit. That fruit isMalusdomestica.

An apple in normal human words.

Picking up one of the two remaining apples, I began slicing with precision—my dagger gliding through the flesh.

"You see, in many cultures, rabbits symbolize fertility, rebirth, and playfulness. They embody a spirit of vitality and rejuvenation."

With each slice, I carefully peeled away the skin, shaping the fruit to resemble the endearing form of rabbit ears. I moved my hands with grace and purpose, crafting each delicate ear as though the very essence of the rabbit was manifesting within the apple.

"The act of creating rabbit ears from this a celebration of life's enduring cycles, the beauty of transformation, and the reminder thatjoycan be found in the simplest of things."

Pausing for a moment, I fixed my gaze on the rabbit-eared apple. "It's a gesture that invites whimsy and playfulness into our lives—a reminder to embrace thechildlikewonder within see the world through eyes unburdened by the weight of responsibilities."

"But why an apple, do you ask? Well, let's start first with... what is an apple?"


"An apple is predominantly composed of water, making around 85% of its weight. However, it is the remaining 15% that truly captivates."

Finishing my final swipe of the dagger, I lifted the slice at eye level and observed its intricacies. An angle of 60 degrees and a length of 4 centimeters from the base to the tip of the ear. A distance of 4 centimeters between each ear from a V-cut with a perfect 45-degree angle. The edges are clean and curvature of the peeled surface strictly follow the golden ratio.

This one is perfect.

Placing it among the other finished pieces, now it isnine. I then picked up the leftover apple and began slicing again.

"You see, within its composition, we find an array of macronutrients and micronutrients, each contributing to our wellbeing... The apple is a rich source of dietary fiber, providing roughage that aids digestion and promotes a healthy gut. Its soluble fiber, known as pectin, not only helps regulate cholesterol levels but also creates a feeling of satiety, making it an ideal snack for those watching theirweight."


I paused and raised my head, my gaze away from the apple slice in my hand and focused on what's in front of me, amused. After a few moments, I went back and continued on my craft.

"In terms of vitamins, the apple is a treasure trove. It contains a variety, including vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and promotes collagen synthesis, enhancing skin health and wound healing... It also harbors small amounts of vitamin A, E, and K, each contributing to different aspects of our overall well-being."

Hmm, this one's no good.

I discarded the slice, dumped it with the rest of thedefectivesand grabbed a new one.

"Potassium is also an essential mineral that abounds in the apple. It plays a vital role in regulating blood pressure and supporting heart health. Additionally, trace amounts of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus can be found, contributing to the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth.

But it doesn't end there. Within the apple lies an assortment of antioxidants, including flavonoids and polyphenols. These compounds act as nature's protectors, combating oxidative stress and reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular ailments and certain types of cancer."

"It is a humble fruit with extraordinary powers...fascinating, isn't it?"


But there is more to this than mere science and nutrition. The act of giving an apple to someone who is sick holds a deeper significance. It symbolizes care, affection, and a desire for their well-being.

In folklore and literature, the apple often represents healing, knowledge, rejuvenation, as well as temptation. Just like Eve offering the forbidden fruit to Adam, Snow White falling into a deep slumber after biting into a poisoned apple, or the bounties in the mythical land of Tir na nÓg.

The fruit carries a weighty symbolism.

"An apple and a rabbit. Imagine, if you will, the combination, the healing power of such a gift. To present a rabbit-eared apple to someone in need is to bestow upon them not only the physical sustenance of the fruit but also a symbol of hope, resilience, and the promise of brighter days."

"...Pfft, Hahahaha."

Laughter echoed in the room as my bedridden companion finally decided to open her eyes.

"Have you recovered?" I asked.

Currently, we are at the clinic. After their match, both Horikita and Kushida were immediately brought here to receive necessary treatment. It has been 8 hours since.

She continued to giggle as she tried to wipe her laughter induced tears away.

"Mhmm, I think I'm alright now. Thanks for watching over me, Ayanokouji-kun...but what was that? Talking about apples and stuff... your voice and face, pfft. I'm sorry but they don't mix well at all with the contents of what you had just said."

Her laughter persisted, finding great amusem*nt in the mismatch between my words and delivery.

"Do you always talk to yourself like that, Ayanokouji-kun?" she asked.

"I knew you were awake, Kushida. That's why I started talking. I'm glad that it seems to have lifted up your spirits. Though it might have been unnecessary."

"No, no, it was fun listening to you. Though, I won't forgive you for calling me fat, hmph."

"I didn't say that."

"Hmph, anyways, I didn't know you had such deep knowledge about those kinds of things, it's amazing really...those are for me, right?"

She eyed the rabbit-eared apple slices on the side table. Grabbing the plate, I slid it closer to Kushida so that she would be able to reach it easily.


Huh? I don't know why, but I found myself hesitating. I had bought the apples with the intention of giving them to her, so why did I suddenly feel resistant to doing so?

"Uwaah, they're so cute!" Kushida exclaimed with delight as she took one of the slices. I watched as she brought it towards her mouth, her anticipation evident in her eyes. The slice disappeared inside her mouth, and I couldn't help but feel a strange pang of regret.

The perfect curves, the sharp angles, the precise cut—my exquisite craftsmanship—falling into the deepest pits of mankind. Each bite she took felt like a piece of my heart crumbling away. I had put so much effort into crafting those slices, and now it was disappearing before my eyes, consumed in mere moments.

"Hehe, thanks, Ayanokouji-kun." she told me. She then looked around the room and among the countless empty beds before asking, "Is Horikita-san alright?"

"Horikita had already left. Her injuries were severe, but not something the nurses cannot heal and warrants her stay in the clinic. As for your case, they suggested that you stay here until tomorrow. Don't worry, Chabashira-sensei has already been informed."

"I see..."

"...Is this because of that soul skill of yours?" I asked her.

Kushida pondered for a bit before talking.

"Yeah, using that soul skill—Ethereal Mirror Body—overdraws my soul power to the point of necrosis, rendering me completely powerless soon after. That's why I only use it when absolutely necessary."

"Is that so?"

"Um, I'm sorry, Ayanokouji-kun." Kushida's voice quivered with regret, her eyes filled with a mix of guilt and sadness.

"For what?"

"I lost, so your bet with Horikita-san..."

"That is between Horikita and me. And besides, didn't you want to be close to her? What do you think? The match was a close one, you may have lost, but surely Horikita would no longer be able to ignore you, don't you think?"

She kept her head down, her expression still clouded with self-blame. I could see that she was internalizing the defeat, holding herself responsible for the outcome of the match. I could tell her that it was okay, make her feel better, make her understand that there was more to gain from this experience, but I decided not to.

"Your friends dropped by earlier. I don't know how they knew, perhaps someone had seen you being taken here."

There is an infirmary assigned for every training ground. Not only for swift treatment but also to avoid taking attention every time someone has to be taken in. I venture a guess, that perhaps someone from our class, or somebody else had seen her. She is, after all, a popular student.

"Is...that so."

Kushida's eyes flickered with a mixture of guilt and regret. The realization that her friends knew about her condition, thus making them worry, added another layer of remorse to her already heavy heart. I watched as her gaze dropped, and a somber silence enveloped the room.

I guess I'll stop here.

"Well, it is late, so I'll get going now, Kushida. Take a good long rest. I'll see you back in class," I said, preparing to leave her side.

As my words reached her, Kushida snapped out of her current state and shifted her gaze towards the analog clock hanging on the wall. The time displayed was 9:15 PM, prompting her surprise. "Eh? Is it already that late?"

You've been out for a long time after all. Rest well, Kushida. I have no doubt that you'll be back in full form in no time."

With her previous heavy emotions seemingly forgotten, Kushida's smile brightened, her eyes sparkling with renewed enthusiasm. "Thank you for taking care of me, Ayanokouji-kun. I'll be sure to bounce back soon. You can count on it."

With those words, I left the room, leaving behind the sound of her optimistic determination.

On my way to the dormitories, I decided to grab something to drink from the vending machine a distance away from the dorm's lobby. From where I am currently standing, I have a clear view of the lobby's entrance.

At that very moment, my gaze caught sight of Horikita, no longer dressed in uniform and adorned with bandages, cautiously stepping out of the building. She seemed on high alert, her eyes scanning the surroundings with an air of wariness.

Is she going somewhere?Wondering why, I decided to follow after her. After a while, she turned around a corner and stopped in her tracks.

As I approached, I sensed another presence besides Horikita, prompting me to quickly hide just before the intersection.

"Suzune, I didn't think you'd follow me this far," the other presence said.

It was a man, why is Horikita meeting him this late in the night?

"I'm no longer the same girl as I was in the past, nii-san. I came here to catch up to you."

"Catch up with me, huh... You still don't understand anything at all."

Nii-san?It was dark so I couldn't really make out his face. So, Horikita has an older brother...

"I heard you were placed in Class D. I suppose nothing has really changed since then. You've always been fixated on following me, and as a result you don't notice your own flaws. Choosing to come to this school was a mistake."

"That's... You're wrong about that. I'll show you. I'll reach the inner court and then—"

"Are you sure about that?"

Horikita's brother stepped closer to her. From my hiding spot, I could now see him plainly. It was the person I saw with Hori earlier, as he faced his younger sister, he displayed no hint of emotion whatsoever, as if he was staring at an uninteresting object.

Suddenly, he grabbed Horikita by the wrist and pinned her to the wall.

"What is this then?" he asked, referring to the bandages on her arms.


"What a pitiful performance, for you to struggle at that level, you bring shame to our family."

"No, I'm no longer the same girl as before, I'll definitely show you—"

"Then why didn't you use thespear?"

Horikita's eyes widened. She clenched her teeth, and a mix of remorse, guilt, frustration, and regret painted her face as soon as she heard those words.

"See? You really haven't changed at all. You are still the same, old, defective little girl... Leave, the fact remains thatyouare my little sister. If people around here learned the truth, I would be humiliated. Leave this place immediately."

"I-I can't do that... I will reach the inner court. I will! I will prove that toeveryone!"

"How incredibly stupid. You possess neither the abilities nor the qualities needed to enter that place. Get that through your head."

He moved forward, appearing ready to act. The situation was filled with danger. Without thinking about the consequences, I leapt out from my hiding spot and went after her brother.

In a split second, I grabbed the arm that he used to pin his sister.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun?!" Horikita cried.

"Eavesdropping is not an admirable trait,young man."

"Is that so? Then let go."

Tension filled the air as we locked eyes, neither of us willing to back down.

"Stop it...Ayanokouji-kun," said Horikita, her voice strained. That's the second time I've heard her voice like that, just like that time in the faculty.

Reluctantly, I released her brother. In an instant, he swung his arm like a whip and tried to backhand me in the face. I immediately bent my body and stepped back to avoid it — the force of the swing causing my hair and clothes to ruffle violently as well as the nearby foliage.

That was dangerous, if I hadn't dodged that, he would have lopped my head off.

"Impressive reflexes... Hori told me about you, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. She said that there is a first-grader blacksmith who managed to reach rank 4 in less than a month. That's a new record for the association."

"I'm a fast learner."

"From what I can see, I don't think that's the only case."

As soon as he said that, the air changed. It was heavy, suffocating, and prickly. I could feel an enormous amount of soul power surging from him.Don't tell me.

My fears came true as soul rings started appearing beneath his feet and a spear materialized on his left hand.

Purple, purple, black, black, black... and red. Six of them in total, and among them is the terrifying 100,000-year soul ring.

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (9)

The aura he emanates makes it hard to breathe. In fact, I could tell that his strength is almost equal, if not greater than the teachers.

What completely took my attention, however, was not his red soul ring but his martial soul. That spear, or rather, thatmapon his spear. It was something that I have never seen or read before, but only heard from Suzukake that one time.

"Hmm? Most powerful martial soul? Well... that really depends don't you think? However, if I had to say which families have such a lineage here in Japan then that would be the Seraphim clan and the Atlas."

"Atlas?" I am aware of the Seraphim martial soul, but this is the first time I've ever heard of one named Atlas.

"The Atlas spear, it is a martial soul with special characteristics. While every spear is unique to their user, you will immediately recognize one as they all have a map somewhere embedded on their spear."

"A map..."

"Uh-huh, while I don't think you would have to worry, I suggest you don't fight them, their abilities are quite troublesome."

"I'll keep that in mind."

So that is the Atlas martial soul that he talked about huh, I understand now. It truly is overbearing. However, if that is a map, then where does it point to? I don't recognize any of the topography illustrated on them. In the first place, what do they even do? Sigh, I wish that Suzukake have told me instead of a useless warning.

While I was busy cursing Suzukake, Horikita's brother made his move. He pointed his spear at me but remained in place. What is he trying to do?


Suddenly, my entire body felt weighed down, as if I was being crushed under immense pressure and an unknown force. Instinctively, I resisted and planted my feet firmly on the ground. The unknown force and my resistance clashed and caved the ground I am standing on, causing a small crater in the process.

"Hoh, will you attribute that to being a fast learner too?"

"Could be."

Should I not have resisted? This seems more trouble than it's worth.

He started chuckling, "What a unique boy, you truly are interesting, Ayanokouji."

"No, no, I am just Horikita's lacke—... what am I Horikita?"

"You're asking me?"

"Suzune, is this boy your friend? I'm honestly surprised."

"He's...not my friend. Just my classmate," she said, as she straightened herself and faced her brother fully, as if denying him.

"You continue to confuse independence with solitude." He started walking past me. "Remember my words Suzune, you don't belong in this academy," he said as he finally disappeared into the night.

"I'll enter the inner court even if it kills me," she said.

With her brother gone, the night fell into a heavy silence. Horikita slumped against the wall, her head lowered. Perhaps my interference had only exacerbated the situation. Just as I was about to retreat and head back to the dorms, Horikita's voice broke the stillness, calling out to me.

"Did you hear everything? Or was it a coincidence?"

"Oh. Uh. It was half coincidence, I'd say. I saw you when I bought a drink from the vending machine. I was kind of curious, so I followed you. However, I really didn't mean to meddle in your business."

Silence fell once again.

"...You're not going to ask?"

"Oh, I do have a lot of questions, are you going to answer them though?"

Horikita fell silent once again. Seeing that she had no intention to divulge anything, I decided that I should leave but...

"...Have you heard of the Horikita family?" She finally decided to speak.

"Only from what Chabashira-sensei had said."

"I see. Well... while the south belongs to theSeraphims, theAtlasis the ruler of the west. That is my family. It had reached that position due to their martial soul —The Atlas Spear."

Martials souls are hereditary. So whenever a certain family has an incredibly powerful martial soul, they tend to gain great power and influence over the course of several generations. That led to the creation of powerful clans, including dynasties.

Earlier her brother had mentioned something about her not using her spear, could she be...

Eyeing me, Horikita spoke again. "I know what you are thinking... yes, I have twin martial souls. I inherited my Hell Rose martial soul from my mother, and the family's Atlas Spear from my father."

This is surprising, the chances of one being born with twin martial souls is one in a million. To think that the first one I'd meet with such a trait is Horikita.

Twin martial soul - soul master is exactly what it means. They can use two martial souls. They can't use them at the same time, but I would say there might be some exceptions. Usually those who awaken it haveinnate full soul power—the maximum rank you could achieve upon awakening. With twin martial souls, the soul master can have up to 18 soul rings, 9 per martial soul.

Their advantage becomes even more apparent at a high rank. When they reach a bottleneck, they don't need to acquire a soul ring for both martial souls. Only one will do. So, it is possible for them to have 9 soul rings for the first martial soul and still none for the second.

With every soul ring, there comes an increase in overall soul power and strength, while most soul masters can only enhance themselves nine times. Those with twin martial souls can do that for another extra nine. Thus, the disparity in strength.

"Then why didn't you use it?"

"That's... I couldn't," she said somberly.

"What do you mean?"

"S-something happened, and I can't use it anymore, okay?" she got agitated when she said that. I guess she doesn't want to tell me any more huh. Well, I could leave it at that.

"Hmm, sounds to me like you're having an existential crisis, Horikita," I joked, trying to make light of her situation.

"Maybe I am."

I don't think I could ever get used to this version of Horikita. I would have preferred if she was as mean as usual.

"Anyway, that was impressive, Ayanokouji-kun. I was also surprised that nii-san had a red soul ring, but you still managed to resist him."

"You call that resisting? I was about to faint, you know. Your brother was really strong." I don't want such a situation to happen again. He truly was powerful. If I were to fight against him, I would be forced to usethat...I'd like to avoid that scenario as much as possible.

"...He really is." she said as she stared into the night sky.

Like Snow White succumbing to the poison of an apple, Horikita appeared to be trapped in a deep slumber of her own. It was as if her brother saw her in this state, as if she had become a sleeping beauty, lost to him. Though I knew little about their family dynamics, when our eyes locked, I caught a glimpse of something buried within his emotionless gaze — a glimmer of longing and regret. It seemed that he yearned for the return of the old Horikita, wishing for her to awaken from this profound slumber.

And just as Snow White'skeyto awaken from her enchanted sleep is a true love's kiss with the help of the seven dwarfs, perhaps Horikita would also discover her ownkeyto awaken herself with the helpof the people she will meet in her journey here in this academy.

Chapter 6: Memories

Chapter Text

"Sigh, let's go back. If anyone saw us out here, they'd probably get ideas."

Her words rang true. It wouldn't take long for rumors to spread about a boy and a girl spending time together in the darkness. She got up slowly and walked towards the dorm; I followed right after.

"I won the bet Ayanokouji-kun, so now you are going to follow my orders, whether you like it or not. Understood?" she said with a smirk on her face. Looks like the usual Horikita is back.

"I get it, I get it. You don't need to remind me."

"I will reach Class A and enter the inner court. To do that, gaining points is necessary." She stopped as soon as we neared the elevator.

"We would have to avoid losing points first," I told her.

"I've seen Hirata-kun making his own efforts regarding that, I don't need to dirty myself with getting close to those defects. He can handle those himself."

"Hirata is just one person, and with how divided the class is, he won't be able to do it by himself."

"Then are you willing to help him, Ayanokouji-kun?"


"I could order you if you want, I have that privilege after all," she smirked again, she is liking her power over me a bit too much.

"Please don't"

"Hmph, I thought so, whether you want to do something about it or not, I'll leave it up to you... Frankly, I couldn't care less, many of them had also failed a simple written test, and I've seen how they've performed in the practical exam. If they fail, that would only mean I have less people dragging me down and less people fighting over the limited slots"

"...Wouldn't that only hurt your chances though, Horikita?"

"And how would that be?"

"Think about it, we don't know much about how the points system works, what deductions they would give us. What if they're expulsions would incur us severe losses that cannot be recovered, that would end up hurting us in the long run."

"You don't know if that is indeed the case."

"Exactly, we know nothing, that is why we must be cautious in our decisions. Regardless, having fewer students would also mean less points for us to gain in the Battle Station. The less there are of us, the harder it will be to reach the threshold."

She set her gaze down, pondering for a bit. Whatever Horikita's thoughts on the matter is, she should be aware that reaching class A on her own is an impossible task.

"...I have no intention of picking up their slack if they don't produce the results I want. Even if there are negatives, I still think it's better for the future of our class to abandon the weaker students... However, there is one thing I want you to do, Ayanokouji-kun."

"And that is?"

"For the time being, I want you to gather information about our classmates, their names, martial souls, and ranks, all of it."

...I could see where she was going with this. While it makes sense that Horikita doesn't know anything about them at all, I would prefer if she would be a bit more creative with her orders. As for the information, I already have most of it, however...

"I can do that, but that would take time."

"Please accomplish it as soon as possible, Ayanokouji-kun, we don't have much time. If my theory is correct, then the Battle Station will have a heavier penalty if we fail to reach the required points. To do that we would have to allocate our resources properly. The battle station allows for groups to participate, I had inquired about this yesterday. Fortunately, groups formed from a single class will get corresponding points per win according to the number of people. However, the total number of matches that will be counted will be reduced."

So, she would help the class gain points, but will not actively prevent their expulsions...that will be fine for now.

"You know, I work well if there's a reward, Horikita," I joked.

Still, the information she had acquired would make sense, as there are soul masters who aren't that suited for combat, such as support type soul masters. Also, this promotes cooperation amongst the students. Since the recorded matches are fewer, that means that each student that had formed a group won't be able to reach the maximum of 10 points.

"If you do your job properly, then I just might."

Wait, seriously?

"Our classmates are weak and undisciplined; I doubt most of them would be able to win on their own. That is why it is necessary to properly assess their capabilities and have them form a group that is capable of winning a match," she continued.

This is a bit more complicated than that. Abilities alone are not enough to determine how a group will perform, we would have to think about their personalities and how well they can work with the other person.

"I would like to have some students enter the matches alone, especially those who are capable enough. This way, we would be able to get a steady number of points... Ayanokouji-kun, you will be among those students."

"That's fine by me." I had thought of entering with a group,interactingwith my classmates in this manner is by far easier for me. However, if that is what she wants, then I won't complain. I still haveplentyof time.

"Well then, that will be all for now, Ayanokouji-kun," she said as she went ahead and tried to board the elevator. But I stopped her.

"Wait," I said as I grabbed her by the wrist. "What will you do about the practical exam?"

"...I don't know yet," she replied.

"Tell me what you think of it."

"About what?"

"The exam, what do you remember, what did you see, what is your overall evaluation."

She pondered for a bit before answering. "There are two kinds of soul beasts, the Ground-fire lizards and the Ground-fire Scarlet Dragon. The lizards aren't much of problem, they are simply a bunch of 10-year or 100-year-old soul beasts. As long as you don't allow yourself to get swarmed by them, then you'll be fine. The real problem is the dragon. It initially attacks only those who had formed large groups, but at the end, when there were only a few of us left, it launched an indiscriminate attack by launching its fireball to the skies and caused it to send countless meteor strikes hurtling to the ground. That is what got me and possibly also Koenji-kun."

I didn't know about that since I got eliminated before Horikita did.

"Quite frankly, I don't see any of our classmates surviving for long enough for us to reach the required points. If that did happen, then a lot of them will definitely be expelled."

"Do you remember what Chabashira-sensei had said before we started?"

"What she had said? Something about points, correct?"

"Hmm, just keep it in mind, Horikita. It might help." I said as I boarded the elevator.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" she asked, confused.

I didn't reply and simply pushed my floor number and the button to close the door, cutting her away from sight and leaving her behind.

"Hey, wait!"

Hah, this is payback from back then, Horikita.

May 10th.

A week had passed since then. Three days ago, I had handed Horikita the information she wanted. Yet, there were no discernible signs of Horikita making any headway with that.

You have to talk to someone if you want your plan to proceed, Horikita.I had the urge to tell her that, but no doubt I'll only receive a chop to the side from her if I actually said that out loud.

Meanwhile, the sun seems to shine brighter on Hirata's side as I see more and more students joining his cause. With the help of Kushida, the two of them have managed to convince the majority of our classmates to cooperate. They had held study groups for those who are struggling with their academics, and they had also started to hold joint training sessions.

Though there were some oddballs like Sudou and Koenji, who refused to cooperate with them, everything seems to be progressing smoothly.


There were still a few minutes before the start of the class when Hirata called out my name.

"I heard from Kushida-san that you will be joining us today?" He inquired.

"Yes, me and Horikita will join you, will that be alright?"

"Excuse me?"

Horikita, who was within earshot, reacted immediately from my words. She gave me a terrifying glare that I almost mistook her for a Hanya mask.

We won't get anywhere if you just keep it all to yourself, Horikita.Is what I tried to convey to her using my eyes.

"Of course! We would be glad to have you both! We will be in the library at one until four in the afternoon and after that we will head to the training grounds. You can join us anytime you want."

Hirata went back to his group after that, leaving me to deal with Horikita's disgruntlement.

"And what was that about," She said with a smile that didn't reach her ears.

"I'm glad that you seem happy about it, Horikita."

"What part of it am I happy? Tell me why you did that or else..."

"Sigh, I know that you have already completed your preliminary assessments and sorted out our classmates. However, what good will that do if you can't even implement it? Socializing is what you are weakest at—"

"Hmph, you're one to talk."

"...Touche but forget about that. What you, we lack is something that Hirata and Kushida had abundance of. You may not like asking them for help, but we have no choice."

"...Sigh, fine... but you'll do the talking, if it were up to me then I might say something that will cause some discord," she bargained.

"Alright, we'll go with that."

Moments later, the first bell rang in concert with Chabashira-sensei's entrance, just like always. It makes me wonder if she was just waiting behind that door waiting to time her entrance with the ringing of the bell or was it simply a coincidence.

It was an hour late when we managed to arrive at the library. I had to drag Horikita to the meeting as she was being stubborn about only going when they are just about to leave.

There were multiple libraries around the campus but currently we were at the one located northwest of the lake, the largest in the academy.

As we entered, achillyandpricklyair greeted me. There were quite a number of students inside. This library was a popular place to study, it seemed. As for my classmates, they were easy to spot as they were close to the entrance. They occupied a long table with their notebooks, open, and already engaged in their studies.

There was also another group on a different table right next to them, led by Kushida. Among them was Ike, Yamauchi, Hondou, Satou, Shinohara and a few others.

It would be quite rude to join them this late, but we can't really do anything about it. With Horikita in tow, I marched towards their study area. Fortunately, Hirata managed to spot us and beckoned the two of us to come over. Beside him was Karuizawa who I learned was his girlfriend, then there was Matsush*ta. On the other side was Wang, Inogashira, Onodera, Mori and to my surprise, Sudou.

I never imagined Sudou to be the type to join these kinds of gatherings. If he was with Kushida, I could still understand, but he was sitting close to Hirata and was actually listening to him. Did Hirata have some dirt on him that made him obey?

As the host of this meeting, Hirata greeted me and Horikita as soon as we arrived at the table.

"Welcome, Ayanokouji-kun and Horikita-san, I'm glad that you made it."

"Thanks for having us."

The others also acknowledged our presence. Kushida also spotted us and welcomed me with a warm smile and a wave, in which Ike and Yamauchi took notice of and gave me a scowl.

I have been spending more and more time with Kushida these days—well, most of the it was due to her ambushing me out of nowhere. Does she have a tracker on me or something? — It was expected that the two of them would take displeasure from that, after all, I remembered them stating before about how much they wanted to date Kushida.

Seeing that there are less people on Hirata's side of the table, I decided to sit beside Matsush*ta.

As soon as we sat, I took out my notebook and began flipping through the pages. The notebook was filled with notes that I took from all the classes until now. This, after all, was my only past-time while waiting for the class to end.

"Hey, why do we have to be here now? We don't even need to study." Horikita whispered to me.

"To conduct a proper assessment, the information that I have provided you will not be enough. You need to at least know their personalities and observe them on a personal level."

"Goody two-shoes1, Goody two-shoes2, dumb1, dumb2, pervert1, pervert2, delinquent, audacious, plain. What more is there to know?" She said as she enumerated her judgment on each of them.


"Is there anything that you need help with, Ayanokouji-kun, Horikita-san?" Hirata asked.

"No, no. Horikita will be teaching me, so I'm good at that part. I just thought that maybe it would be dull if it were just the two of us, that's why we joined."

"Oh right, didn't Horikita-san get one of the highest scores in the written test?" uttered Matsush*ta.

"Heh? You must be very smart then, Horikita-san," Karuizawa added.

"She also got a high score in the practical test, right? That's amazing, Horikita-san."

Horikita gave me a smug look. Please stop with the praises, it's getting to her head.

"Yeah, yeah, she was rightbelowKoenji-kun in both tests."

And just like that, her face returned to an annoyed and pissed countenance. They brought her up only to step on her by mentioning Koenji being better overall.

"Indeed, Koenji was amazing," I added.

"Ow,"I suddenly felt a sharp jolt on my side as if I had been stabbed by something sharp. Looking to my right, there was Horikita with a mathematical compass equipped.

She was holding it like it was some deadly weapon ready to be unleashed to the entire world. With a "hmph" she ignored my pained expression and took out her own notes.

"I am having trouble understanding these soul circuits, Horikita-san, can you teach me about this?" Mori asked.

"Me too, me too," chimed Onodera.

"...Sigh," Horikita sighed as she gave me a defeated look. "Fine, let me see," she said, finally accepting her current situation.


As they were busy discussing it, I heard something crash into the table. It turns out it was Sudou, slamming his head down in frustration. Smoke seemingly emanated off his head. He must've reached his limit.

"This is bullsh*t, why do we even have to learn math? All we need to do is hit our opponent hard enough until they fall. This is useless."

"Now, now, Sudou-kun," Hirata uttered, attempting to soothe the disgruntled student.

"And why do you think that it is useless, Sudou-kun?"

Curiosity piqued, Horikita shifted her focus away from her tutees and towards Sudou.

"Obviously, we are soul masters. When we fight soul beasts or other soul masters, things like calculating numbers and all that don't come into play. We don't fight while crunching numbers and sh*t," Sudou argued.

Well,it does sometimes, but I get his point.

"I don't see it that way, Sudou-kun. You see, while you may have a point there, what we gain from studying mathematics as well as other subjects not directly related to our profession, is the ability to think critically."

"Think critically?" he parroted, still skeptical.

"Indeed, figuring out your opponent's abilities and overall strength is similar to solving a math or chemistry problem," Horikita continued. "By training our minds to think critically, we can analyze and strategize in a fight, making calculated decisions based on the information we gather."

Everyone stopped what they were doing as they decided to listen to Horikita's impromptulecture.

"Consider a challenging math problem," Horikita began. "You're confronted with a web of equations, variables, and unknowns. To unlock the solution, you must methodically analyze the problem, break it down into manageable components, and employ critical thinking. The same thought process can be applied to combat."

She turned her gaze towards Sudou, prompting him to listen more attentively. "When facing an opponent, it's akin to encountering a complex math problem. Just as you would tackle a math equation, you need to assess various factors and variables."

Horikita cited examples to illustrate her point. "Let's say you confront a powerful soul master. Relying solely on brute force won't guarantee victory. Instead, you must analyze their techniques, study their movements, and understand the strengths and weaknesses of their martial soul. It's akin to dissecting a complex equation to identify its individual components. Think about what happened during the first day of classes, Sudou-kun. You failed to capitalize on your advantage against your opponent and allowed him to toy you around. If you had stayed calm and thought things through, the outcome might have been different."

"Ugh." Sudou grimaced as he remembered the time he fought against an upperclassman. The others were surprised to hear that as they didn't know that such a thing happened around that time.

"Furthermore," Horikita continued, "combat demands critical thinking in high-pressure situations. It trains us to make split-second decisions, evaluate risks, and adapt rapidly. Similar to solving time-sensitive math problems, we must swiftly assess variables and choose the most effective course of action."

She then turned to Hirata, acknowledging his understanding. "Hirata-kun, you're familiar with the importance of strategy and tactics in combat. It's like solving a puzzle, where every move carries weight and consequences. By honing our critical thinking through subjects like math, we can apply that same strategic mindset to our battles."

The group fell into a contemplative silence as Horikita's words resonated. Their initial skepticism and frustration faded, replaced by a newfound appreciation for the broader application of their academic studies. Sudou seemed to have gotten her point, but that doesn't mean that he will be studying diligently from now on. These things take time.

"Hah!? What did you just say, you bastard!"

Hearing an angry shout in this tranquil library we all collectively looked at Sudou.

"Huh? What are you looking at, it's not me!"

Further ahead, at a table nearby, a confrontation between two students seems to be heating up. The parties involved are Miyamoto, who was with Kushida's group and some student that I don't recognize.

"Heh, what's wrong with calling a defective trash adefective trash.I'm glad that they separate the classes by ability. That way I don't have to be around losers like you all the time."

"What'd you say?!" Sudou who heard that remark flared in rage.

He was about to stand when Hirata immediately grabbed hold of his wrist, stopping him.

"Ignore him, Sudou-kun," he told him.

"Hmph, another one of the defects? Why are you getting mad? I've only spoken the truth. I wonder... If we happened to fight right here, how many points would you lose? Oh wait, you guys don't even have any points to lose, do you? In that case, you'd probably be expelled right?"

Fighting outside specified areas is strictly forbidden by the academy. If a fight were to actually break out here, then that would count as an infraction.

"Fine with me. Bring it!"

Sudou managed to break free of Hirata's grip and started to charge towards the other student.

"Ayanokouji-kun." Horikita ordered.

Without much choice, I left my seat and went after Sudou. I grabbed him by his shoulder and wrist, forcefully stopping him.

"Enough, Sudou, we don't know what the consequences will be if you proceed with this."

"Unhand me, Ayanokouji, I won't be able to rest until I smash that bastard's head in."

"Hmph, spoken like a true defect. Come then," He said as he unrolled his sleeves, seemingly ready for the fight. Some of his classmates seemed taken aback by this and also tried to stop him. They, too, don't want to lose any points.

The fight seemed inevitable, until—

"Okay, stop. Stop!"

A female student shouted at us, causing them to stop in response.I was wondering when she would step in.

"What? This doesn't involve you. Stay out of it," Sudou retorted.

"Doesn't involve me? I'm trying to use the library, so it does involve me. If you want to get violent, might I suggest that you do so on the training grounds?"

She said that while looking directly towards Sudou's eyes. Something about her eyes felt eerie, as if it was trying to consume those who dared to meet it. I don't know if it was this newcomer's disinterested yet logical argument or her gaze, but Sudou finally calmed down.

Seeing Sudou relent, I released my grip, no longer needing to restrain him.

"You too, don't you think you're provoking him? If things continue like this, I'd have to report it to the academy. Do you want that?"

"...Tch. Fine, fine, I'll stop. That's what you want right, Ichinose?" he said.

Ichinose simply smiled at him in response, seemingly satisfied with the outcome.

He didn't seem to want to stay in the library any longer as he decided to gather his belongings and made his way towards the exit.

He was heading towards our direction as the exit was behind us. Seeing that I was in his way, I tried to step aside, but I wasn't fast enough, and he bumped right into me, causing me to stumble backward, landing unceremoniously on the floor.

"Move! Tch!"

"That bastard," Sudou reacted immediately, the altercation about to restart once again, but I motioned to stop him.

"It's all right, Sudou. It's fine."

The student had now left the library, so there is no longer any need for further confrontation.

"Are you all right?" Ichinose extended her hand to help me up.

"Yeah," I replied, accepting her assistance.

But as soon as our hands made contact, I felt a sudden surge of electricity coursing through my body. It was exactly the same sensation as before when we first met, if not, more intense.

It is a sensation that compels me to tear her apart, to make her disappear. Now that I'm experiencing it again, I know now. It wasn't instinct, it wasn't desire, it wasn't was memory.Mybloodremembers it, the deep-rooted hatred it had towardsher.

We stood there, hands locked, locked in a seemingly eternal moment, our eyes locked in a reflection of each other.Did she feel the same as I did?

"Ehem," a voice interrupted, jolting us both back to reality. Hastily, we released each other's hands, the once-tense atmosphere now replaced with awkwardness.

"Um, you're Ayanokouji-kun, right?" Ichinose spoke, breaking the silence.

"Yes, I am."

"I'm Ichinose Honami, from Class B. It's nice meeting you, Ayanokouji-kun," she said, giving me her radiant smile before returning to her group.

"Likewise, Ichinose," I whispered softly, my gaze fixed on her retreating figure.


I hadn't noticed that Kushida had approached me, standing by my side.

"Are you all right, Ayanokouji-kun?" she asked, her smile not reaching her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go back."

With a dismissive "hmph," she walked ahead of me towards her group, a hint of annoyance in her demeanor.What's her problem?

Sudou and I on the other hand returned to our table, resuming our studies. As I settled back into my seat, Horikita scooted closer, her voice hushed.

"What was that about?"

"What was what about?"

"You, falling just like that? I doubt it."

"I simply wasn't paying attention. That's all there is to it," I replied.

She gave me a skeptical look, unconvinced by my explanation. It made sense that she wouldn't believe me. After all, she had witnessed my resilience when facing her brother. She knew the extent of my endurance, and a mere push shouldn't have been enough to knock me off balance.

Well, I had my reasons, after all, why would I even bother coming here at this time?

Chapter 7: That Which Had Been Concealed

Chapter Text

Now I find myself in a sanctuary. A place that hides me from the piercing gaze of the world outside, the piercing gaze of a certain demon. Walls that offer solace, sheltering me from the storm that rages beyond. The space, this cocoon of shadows, becomes a canvas for the art of concealment.

It is the delicate balance between presence and absence. To exist, yet remain unseen; to move without leaving a trace.

In this concealed realm, I find the dance oflightandshadowto be a reflection of life's enigmatic nature. Just as the moon waxes and wanes in the night sky, revealing its luminance in fragments, so too do we expose ourselves in fleeting moments, never fully revealing our depths. Like whispers carried by the wind, the essence of who we are remains hidden from the world's discerningeye.

There is beauty in the veiled, a charm in the concealed. The ambiguity and uncertainty can shroud you in an aura of allure, drawing others closer while keeping them at bay. Each step that will be taken then will feel like a brushstroke, not just upon the canvas of reality, but upon your own existence. Every gesture, every breath, a masterpiece in its own right, yet buried within the folds of the enigmatic dance.

In the play of shadows, I become an instrument, an observer of the grand spectacle of life unfolding around me. The art of hiding is not a mere absence but a presence in itself. It is the embodiment of the unspoken, the embodiment of the untold stories hidden within the depths of one's soul.

In the concealment, I find freedom. Freedom from the boundaries imposed by societal expectations and most of all, freedom from that relentlessspecterthat haunts me. Here, in the realm of secrets, I find my own solace.

"What are you doing, Ayanokouji-kun?"

And now, that solace is no more.

"Uh, nothing?"

"Then, why are youhere?" she questions, her eyes searching for any hint of deception.

"...Just taking a break."

The time is about 4:44 pm, and we find ourselves at training ground A—the only area allowed and large enough to accommodate an entire class. Surprisingly, nearly everyone has gathered here, a testament to the influence of Hirata and Kushida, their charisma drawing the class together.

As for me, I've beentaking respitein the passageway between the main grounds and the southeast side bleachers. It's a secluded spot, tucked away from the main activity. Few venture here, and unless you approach the area closely, it remains concealed from prying eyes—the perfect hiding place for moments likethese.

"Hmm, if I recall, I heard that Horikita-san was looking for you, wait for a moment, I'll call for her."

Oh, come on...

As she was about to leave, I quickly reached out and grabbed her wrist, effectively halting her in her tracks. When I did that she simply looked at me in amusem*nt.

"Horik—," she started to shout.

Before she could even finish, I covered her mouth with my other hand, muffling any further words and dragged her into the dimly lit passageway.

"Not one word from you, Matsush*ta, you got it?" I urged.

For a moment, she seemed taken aback, but then understanding flickered in her eyes. She gave a subtle nod, signaling her agreement to my plea for silence. Relieved, I slowly removed my hand from her mouth, but I couldn't help but be annoyed of how amused she was with this situation.

"So, why are you here? For real this time," she asked as soon as I set her free.

"As you might have guessed, hiding."

"From Horikita-san?"

I didn't provide a direct answer but instead peeked my head out to observe where everyone else had gathered. Among them, I spotted Horikita currently talking to Hirata.Good, it seems that things are finally progressing.

"What areyoudoing here?" Turning back to her, I asked Matsush*ta the same question.

"I saw you, got curious, and followed," she admitted

"That's not an admirable trait."

Huh, deja vu, what a coincidence.

"So," she continued, her hands behind her back as she looked at me with her annoying grin. "You were hiding from Horikita-san. Why?"

"...I'm in a rebellious phase right now." Let's just give her that kind of answer and leave. There is no need to hide any longer.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Matsush*ta caught up with me, and we walked side by side as we headed back to join the rest of the crowd. On our way back, she couldn't seem to take her eyes off me, her gaze probing as if searching for something beyond my expression.

"Hmm," she hummed thoughtfully.

"What is it?"

"Are you dating Horikita-san or Kushida-san?" she blurted out.

Out of all the possible questions she could ask, she chose the dullest one.

During my investigations, I had concluded that Matsush*ta had a prying nature, all the while gracefully maneuvering within the gray area where she neither stood out nor got overshadowed—meticulous, I'd say.

"Where'd that come from?"

"Well, I never really saw you with anyone other than them, and Horikita-san only ever interacts with you. I also notice that you and Kushida-san spend a lot of time together,alone. So, which is it?" she inquired, her eyes sparkling.

"While that's certainly true," I acknowledged, "we're simply classmates, working together. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Hmm," her eyes told me that she was unsatisfied with my answer. Her inquisitive nature made her a master at detecting half-truths, and I knew she wouldn't back down once a mystery had piqued her interest.

Before I could dwell on it further, a certain sweet(?), yet cold voice interrupted our conversation.

"And where were you, Ayanokouji-kun?"

It was Horikita, her eyes sharp as ever, questioning my sudden absence.

"Matsush*ta asked me to help her with something," I told her.

Horikita raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical of my excuse. She then turned to look at Matsush*ta, who stood beside me, and asked, "Is that true, Matsush*ta-san?"

Matsush*ta, ever quick on her feet, smiled brightly and said, "Yep! You see, I kinda injured myself earlier, so I asked Ayanokouji-kun to accompany me to the infirmary since I didn't know where it was. Right, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"Exactly, that is indeed the case," I affirmed.

Horikita sighed in defeat, realizing that her interrogation wouldn't get her far. "Sigh, fine... Matsush*ta-san, I apologize, but could you please leave the two of us for a moment? I want to talk to Ayanokouji-kun alone."

"Of course," Matsush*ta said, giving me a discreet wink as she turned away, implying a silent message that said,"You owe me this one."

Silence enveloped the two of us as soon as she left, and the weight of that moment seemed to hang heavily in the air. I couldn't help but gulp, feeling the gravity of Horikita's pissed countenance pressing down on me. Her stern expression spoke volumes, and I knew she wasn't pleased with the explanation or my recent antics.

"Ouch!" I felt a piercing stab on my right arm. It was Horikita's trusty compass once again.

"Hmph, that's for leaving me behind to deal with these people."

"How did it go?"

"How did it go?Youwere supposed to handle it. That's why I agreed to come here in the first place."

"Well, something came up, as you had now known. If you had simply waited for me to return, then I would have done it."

Horikita rolled her eyes but didn't argue further. Her frustration was evident, with my actions, I forced her to take a proactive approach in our endeavors. It is not that she is incapable of dealing with other people, however, her bluntness often leads to saying things that shouldn't be said, risking misunderstandings and jeopardizing our plans.

She's well aware of this aspect of her personality, but she doesn't seem to put much effort into curbing it. Perhaps she simply doesn't care how others perceive her words. Normally, this wouldn't be a major concern for her, but in this case, it was an important matter, and she wanted to minimize any unnecessary risks by entrusting it to me.

Well, this is Hirata we're talking about, there was never anything to worry about from the very beginning.

"I told Hirata-kun the plan and gave him the list. He should be announcing it very soon."

"I see."

All of a sudden, our conversation was interrupted by someone calling my name. It was Yamauchi, accompanied by Ike and Kushida. It seemed they had just finished their training together.

"Yo, Ayanokouji!" he called out enthusiastically.

"What's up?" I greeted them.

"Hehe, how about we have a duel right here? What do you say?" Yamauchi proposed, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Eh? Uh, err," I was taken aback by this suggestion. I don't really want anything that would take attention.

"I just finished training with Kushida-chan and I wanted to see my results. Come on, let's do this, Ayanokouji!" he insisted.

It was evident why Yamauchi targeted me for this duel. He feels a sense of jealousy and insecurity, believing that he should be the one spending time with Kushida, not me. His envious nature, driven by his perception of his own worth and entitlement, is there for everyone to see.

"I'm sorry, I—" I began to decline, but before I could finish, Horikita spoke up.

"He accepts."

What the...

"You agree to it, right, Ayanokouji-kun?" she said, flashing me a menacing smile while silently mouthing the words'This is an order.'

You demon! Is this how you proceed with your revenge?

"How about you Ike-kun? You can join them too. The two of you, against Ayanokouji-kun," she added, giving an annoying suggestion.

"Uh, that's a little..." Ike hesitated, even he will be reluctant to fight in an unfair match like that, even if it was to his advantage.

"If you win, then maybe you'll get a reward from Kushida-san."

Just how far will this woman go?

"Really!?" Ike and Yamauchi exclaimed in delight as they turned towards Kushida for confirmation.

"Uh, well..." Kushida looked at me in concern, confused and taken aback on how the situation escalated to this point.

Please don't agree, please don't agree.I pleaded to Kushida with my eyes, but it seems that the demoness had other plans as she approached Kushida and whispered something to her ear.

No! Don't listen to that demoness' wicked tongue and poison laced words!

"Of course! Do your best Ike-kun, Yamauchi-kun!" Kushida declared with a blindingly bright smile.

"Let's f*cking go!" the two exclaimed.

...Oh, great...

With great enthusiasm, Ike and Yamauchi proceeded to position themselves on one of the small courts inside the training ground. This training ground is divided into multiple small open areas of 15 x 25 meters in size.

Without much choice, I reluctantly went over to the side opposite to theirs. Horikita with the annoying smirk on her face then proceeded to announce:

"You may begin whenever you're ready, remember that this is only for training, don't go too far."

You say that and yet you and Kushida nearly killed each other the other day...

"Hey," I decided to speak up, getting their attention. "I am eligible for that reward too, correct?"

"Eh!?" Kushida exclaimed, flustered.

"Hah!? Of course not you idiot, that was only for us!"
"Yeah, yeah!"

My two opponents retorted, completely against the idea.

"Uh, yes, of course, if Ayanokouji-kun wins then..." she said.

Good, let's keep that in mind while I think of how I will proceed with my revenge on the two of you... I will never forget how you put me up with this, Horikita, Kushida .

"What!? Grrr, curse you, Ayanokouji!" Ike howled.

"Heh! We just have to win, Kanji!"

"Y-yeah, there's two of us, so of course we won't lose, hehe, prepare yourself, Ayanokouji!"

Silence enveloped the area as we prepared for our confrontation. My opponents, convinced of their victory, focused their gaze at me with a toothy grin, all the while I mused on how quickly I should end this match. Too fast would be too flashy, and too slow would put me in an uncomfortable position.

Well, let's just see how this goes...

They soon made their move, soul rings bursted out from their figure. Each of them had two, all glowing in a vibrant shade of yellow, indicating 100-year soul rings. Vines sprouted from Ike's palms, and Yamauchi's skin transformed into brown scales, resembling that of an Earth Lizard's, as his eyes narrowed into slits.

Control and assault huh...

Yamauchi wasted no time and lunged towards me; his claw enhanced by his first soul skill. Simultaneously, Ike extended his vines, unleashing them like whips, their attacks aiming for my head, legs, and chest.

The vines arrived first and as they hurtled towards me from both sides, I sprang into action. Swiftly hopping and spinning myself, I managed to align my position parallel to the ground, placing myself right between the vine's attacks, narrowly dodging them.

His strikes missed by mere inches, and I could feel the rush of wind as they passed.

The instant I landed on my feet was when Yamauchi finally reached me, his claw closed to form a fist and poised for a devastating blow.

"Heh, take this!" he howled.

As his fist approached, I contemplated on whether I should take the hit or not, but the thought of him landing a blow on me would definitely be quite irritating and would damage my pride.

So, without hesitation, I took a step forward, greeting his fist and closing the distance between us. Yamauchi was caught off guard by my unexpected movement, causing his fist to sail past my face, barely missing. Our eyes now locked and inches apart, and I could see surprise and confusion in his expression.

Seizing the opportunity, I casually extended my right hand, pushing him away with a steady but firm motion. This threw him off his balance, and he stumbled backward, unable to maintain his footing. With a surprised yelp, he fell to the ground in a clumsy heap.


"Dude, what are you doing!" Ike berated his friend.

"Grrr, you won't get lucky next time, Ayanokouji!" Yamauchi spat; his ego wounded for being embarrassed in front of his crush.

Sigh, dealing with these two would be quite exhausting.

"Hmm, not going to use your martial soul, Ayanokouji-kun?" Horikita commented from the sidelines, her arms crossed.

Oh, right, these two barely registered as an enemy, so the thought never crossed my mind...

With that reminder, I immediately released my two purple soul rings, and retrieved my dagger from the storage ring.

"It's part of the strategy, Horikita."

"Yeah, yeah..." she deadpanned.

The two of them resumed their attacks, unleashing blow after blow. Yamauchi's approach was straightforward and predictable, while Ike demonstrated a bit more creativity in his techniques. Ike's vine ability was incredibly versatile, and with proper training, he could be quite an asset.

Regardless, I continued to dodge and parry their attacks for a couple of minutes, staying on the defensive until they began to exhaust themselves. It was clear that their initial burst of enthusiasm was starting to wane, and they were growing more and more frustrated with my evasive maneuvers.

"Huff, huff, why can't we hit you?"

"Damn you, Ayanokouji, stop dodging!"

"That's unreasonable..."

With their energy running low, Ike and Yamauchi mustered up the last of their strength for a final attack, shouting in unison with a loud "Hiyah!" I decided not to dodge any longer and instead, coated my dagger in lightning and parried their incoming strikes. The moment the contact was made, the electric charge surged into their bodies, effectively electrocuting them.

Their eyes widened in shock and pain, and with a synchronized cry of surprise, they stumbled backward, disoriented and defeated. The electric charge had certainly taken them by surprise, and they were left sprawled on the ground, groaning and breathing heavily, unable to muster the energy to stand.

"And that's it. The winner is Ayanokouji-kun." Horikita declared from the sidelines.

"Wow, congratulations Ayanokouji-kun!" Kushida chimed in.

"It was tough, I'm glad I won."

Hearing that, Horikita simply looked at me with disgust as if to say,"He lied as naturally as he breathed."

Thankfully, the others were preoccupied with their own activities, so there weren't many witnesses to our match. Nevertheless, the display I put on shouldn't have been too surprising given my opponents. In a way, facing them turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

"Um, everyone, may I have your attention?" Hirata announced with a loud voice, causing everyone to stop whatever it is they're doing.

"Ahem, thanks to Horikita-san, we have now developed a plan on how we should tackle the Battle Station as a class," he continued, his eyes sweeping across the crowd to ensure he had everyone's focus.

"Here is how it goes," he began, "the battle station allows for either an individual or a group to participate, though there are some demerits, we will operate by creating teams that will fight together inside the station. This is to increase our chances of winning and thus gaining points for the class. Are there any questions so far?"

Silence hung in the air, indicating that the students were either absorbing the information, contemplating their queries, or simply trying to grasp the whole concept.

"Um, are we the ones who will pick our groups?" a student ventured to ask.

"No, the groups have already been decided. Of course, this isn't set in stone and is still subject to change. However, the compositions were created with your abilities in mind, so I suggest we give this approach a try and see how it goes."

"You mentioned demerits, what kind are we talking about here?" another student, Yukimura, inquired.

"For every member in a group, the maximum points that will be recorded from that group will be reduced by one. For example, if the group consists of two people, then their individual maximum points attainable will only be 8 instead of 10. If there are three people, then 7 points, and so on and so forth."

"I see..." Yukimura replied, his fingers tapping on his chin as he thoughtfully pondered something.

"Well then, if there are no objections, then I will now announce the groupings," Hirata declared.

"To begin, we have: Wang Mei-yu - Matsush*ta Chiaki - Onodera Kayano; Sotomura Hideo - Mori Nene - Azuma Sana; Ike Kanji - Shinohara Satsuki; Yukimura Teruhiko -Sakura Airi - Hasebe Haruka; Hirata Yousuke - Sudou Ken; Karuizawa..."

"Hirata and Sudou?" I asked Horikita beside me.

"It was Hirata-kun's suggestion. I don't know how he did it, but he seemed to have a hold on Sudou-kun. Well, this should be alright, they are strong compared to the rest of the class, however their ranks are still in the lower 30's. On their own, I don't think they will produce much results." she explained.

That is true. Sudou and Hirata currently rank 31 and 33, respectively. While they are considered high-ranking within the class, in the battle station, they are among the weaker participants. That was the main reason why their scores from the battle station weren't that impressive last month. In their category, the participants will range from ranks 31 to 39. If they are unlucky and face an opponent with a rank higher than theirs by at least 5 ranks, chances are high that they will lose.

That was also the reason why Miyake had such a high score compared to them, since he was rank 28. Amongst his category, he was among the stronger ones.

Of course, rank differences alone aren't the sole determinants of strength, but they provide a reasonable initial assessment.

"And that is all; for those who weren't called, we have judged that you will be fine participating on your own for now. Though I have to remind you all, in order for this to work, teamwork is paramount," announced Hirata, having finished reciting all the groupings.

"Eeh? Why am I not in a group with Hirata-kun? I don't like this at all!" Uttered Karuizawa. It seems she is dissatisfied that she can't be with her boyfriend.

"Please change this, Hirata-kun!"

"Uh, err, Karuizawa-san, that is not possible since we are not in the same category, I can only participate in matches for rank 30 and above," explained Hirata.

"Huh? That's like, doesn't make sense at all."

Karuizawa's complaint showcased her frustration, but the rules of the battle station, especially when it pertains to class evaluations, are designed to ensure fair competition and prevent imbalances in power. Participants are grouped based on their ranks to maintain a level playing field. Though she might not understand it fully, or refuses to understand.

While I had confirmed before that it was allowed to enter any category regardless of rank, the only ones that will be recorded for your class are those matches held in the category you belong to.

"Karuizawa-san, please refrain from making unreasonable demands."

Oh boy, here we go again.

Karuizawa's cheeks flushed with frustration, her voice rising in annoyance, "Huh? I'm talking to Hirata-kun, could you not butt in Horikita-san."

Horikita, her expression stoic as ever, responded with a calm yet firm tone, "I am merely stating the facts. The groupings have been carefully decided to optimize our chances of success."

"But we're a couple, I want to be with Hirata-kun!" Karuizawa pouted, her frustration clear as day.

"You should focus on the bigger picture. Our goal is to win and improve our class standing," Horikita stated matter-of-factly. "Romantic relationships hold no special significance in this context."

Hirata decided to step in before things escalated further. "Karuizawa-san, I understand your feelings, but we should trust Horikita-san's judgment on this matter. Let's focus on giving our best performance in the battle station."

Karuizawa glanced at him, her irritation still evident, but she seemed to calm down slightly. "Fine," she said, though her tone suggested she was still unhappy.

The tension in the air slowly dissipated, and Hirata continued to address the rest of the class, explaining the specifics of the battle station and the strategy they would employ as a team.

Today's proceedings have now been realized, and the previous animosity between each student had now dissipated. It was as if a collective understanding had settled upon the class, binding them together in a shared purpose. In this moment, the petty rivalries and personal grudges seemed inconsequential, overshadowed by the prospect of working together for a common cause.

Things had finally started to take a turn for the better. Each student knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges, but they also felt a newfound sense of unity and camaraderie. Today marks our starting line, and the first step towards realizing our goals as a class.

And now I find myself in a sanctuary once again. A place that hides me from the piercing gaze of the world outside. It's intriguing how often we seek refuge in concealment, whether it's finding a physical sanctuary or building walls around our thoughts and emotions.

Concealment can be a way to protect ourselves from the judgments and expectations of others. We wear masks to fit into societal norms or to maintain a certain image.

Behind these veils, we safeguard our vulnerabilities and insecurities, shielding them from scrutiny. We fear the consequences of exposing our true selves, fearing rejection or isolation.

In some cases, concealment can be a coping mechanism, a defense against a world that may not understand or accept our innermost struggles. Secrets, kept in the depths of our hearts, often eat away at us, causing emotional turmoil. Yet, we cling to these hidden truths, perhaps afraid of the potential consequences or the judgment we might face if they were brought to light.

But concealment is not always negative. It can be an art form, a way to create mystery and allure. Think of magicians who master the art of deception, captivating audiences with their illusions. Or writers who skillfully craft stories, keeping readers on the edge of their seats until the final revelation. In these cases, concealment serves as a means to entertain and engage, to evoke curiosity and wonder.

In the world of espionage and strategy, concealment becomes a powerful tool. Keeping plans hidden from adversaries can be the key to success, giving one an edge in the game of life. Sun Tzu's famous quote, "All warfare is based on deception," highlights the profound impact of concealing one's true intentions.

Yet, as we embrace concealment, we must also recognize its limits. We can't remain hidden forever. Eventually, the truth emerges, and the masks we wear start to crack. In our pursuit of concealment, we must question the cost it exacts on our authenticity and emotional well-being. Is the burden of carrying secrets worth the freedom from vulnerability? Is it worth sacrificing genuine connections with others?

That is what I'm about to find out...


"Ahhh, so annoying!"

Her voice was low, if I didn't know that it came from her, then I wouldn't have recognized who it was.


"They're seriously so annoying! God, how irritating. It'd be better if they just died!"

She grumbled to herself, as if chanting the words to some kind of spell or curse.

"Do you really think I wouldn't know what's going on in those disgusting brains of yours? Ahhh, they could die now for all I care!"


She kicked the railing once again. This deep into the night, the rooftop of the 1st grade building is a perfect place to be when one wishes to be alone, away from everything else.

"And that stuck-up bitch, Horikita went ahead and f*cking fueled their desires, ugh. Just because I agreed with your proposal then, doesn't mean that I'll forgive you for what you've done."


"That bitch, always thinking she's better than everyone, always sticking to him, Ah, she's the worst! She's just the worst, the worst, the worst! Horikita, you're so annoying! You're so damn annoying!"

There is an inherent tension between the need for privacy and the desire for connection. In concealing parts of ourselves, we protect our vulnerabilities, but we may also distance ourselves from meaningful relationships. Sharing our true selves, flaws and all, is what fosters genuine bonds, allowing us to experience empathy and compassion.

So now, here we are at the crossroads, this path that I'm about to take right now, I wonder where it will lead me?

Little by little, I lifted the spiritual intent that enveloped me, that which had veiled me from the world's gaze. That which had concealed me from the spirit'sprying eyes.

Little by little, the world has now found me, little by little I have now stepped and entered itsvision.Let us now begin thiswaltzunder the starry night sky, Kushida.

A deathly silence enveloped the rooftop, the unexpected figure that appeared in hereyescaused all of her turbulent emotions to stagnate, unsure of where to go, unsure of how to process the arrival of the last person it wanted to meet tonight. Her heart started beating erratically and yet her blood remained cold.

She turned towards me, the person that shouldn't be here tonight, the person that shouldn't hear the words thrown in the cold winds of this dead night. She faced me with the countenance of someone who had the world lost upon her.

Her eyes met mine, and uttered the only words she could muster...

"W-what are you doing here, Ayanokouji-kun?"

Chapter 8: The Tormented Listener

Chapter Text

Kushida's eyes widened in surprise when she met mine. "W-what are you doing here... Ayanokouji-kun?" she questioned, her voice quivering.

"It's nice here, isn't it?" I said, ignoring her query. "It's quiet, and the cold breeze feels comforting."

Moving to her side, I rested my arms on the rooftop's railings, letting the wind playfully ruffle my hair as I admired the breathtaking view that can only be seen from this height at this time. Despite Kushida's apprehension, I couldn't help but appreciate the serenity of the night and the beauty it offered.

Her brows knitted even further, displaying her wariness and confusion. It was clear that she had a plethora of questions running through her head, but she couldn't seem to figure out where to start.

"How long have you been here," she finally asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"The entire time," I replied calmly, my gaze remained fixed on the distance.

As she processed my answer, I noticed her biting her bottom lip, a small nervous gesture that betrayed her unease. This unexpected encounter between us seemed to be something she wanted to avoid at all costs. Now, faced with the reality of the situation, she was forced to confront it.

"Does it bother you," I finally faced her, "That I saw you acting like that."

She didn't give me an answer and simply looked down, her eyes avoiding mine. Sensing her hesitation, I pressed on.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with your behavior just now. We all have those moments, moments when the pressure becomes too much, and we need to release the frustration and anger we keep bottled up inside. It's part of being human."

"How... are you... here?"

Contrary to what I expected, she asked me astrangequestion. Her gaze, serious, as she stared me straight into the eye.

"I'm afraid I don't understand..."

"How are you here!? How could I not see you!? Why didn't I notice you until now?!"

So it turns out that she is not bothered with me witnessing her hateful outbursts but rather the fact that she failed to anticipate my presence.

"Is it really that strange?For someone to slip past youreyes."

As soon as those words reached her ears, she immediately seized and hurled me against the wall, as if it were an instinctive reaction. With her forearm pressing firmly against my throat, I found myself pinned, unable to move or speak.

"You... How much do you know!?" she asked, her voice trembling. Her brows furrowed with concern, while her hands clenched into fists as her arm dug deeper into my throat. A mix of emotions painted her face, as she struggled to contain her feelings: worry, anger, and fear, all swirling like a tempest as she looked straight at me with intensity.

"Is this the first time it happened?" I asked instead, my voice hoarse, "to have someone you cannotsee, cannothear,and cannotread?"

"Answer my goddamn question!"

"...Spirit Eyes."

Hearing that, her pupils shook and her hold loosened slightly. Seizing that moment, I grabbed her wrist and turned her around, pinning her to the wall, reversing our positions.


"Your expression tells me I'm right. Twin martial souls, the Spirit Fox and the Spirit Eyes. To think that you would possess it. However, I am still confused...why is it different from what I know?"

TheSpirit Eyesis an extremely rare body-type martial soul. The scant information available for it tells of its beauty and power. It was stated that those who possess these eyes are capable of seeing and perceiving everything in the world. Omnividence, so to speak.

I started to inject my soul power into her, normally this is something that must never be done with the exception of healing-type soul masters as one wrong move could potentially cause the recipient's spirit veins and meridians to rupture and lead to the loss of soul power or in extreme cases, death.

Fear crept on Kushida's face as she felt what I did...soon her martial soul was forcefully activated and her eyes transformed into something that I could only describe as...otherworldly.

It was captivating, as I stared into her shimmering eyes, it was akin to being transported to a world beyond imagination. At the heart of these eyes lies a golden hue, so radiant and resplendent that they mirror the brilliance of a thousand sunsets condensed into two exquisite orbs.

The golden pupils are like precious crystals, lustrous and clear, reflecting the world around them in a mesmerizing display of colors. As the moonlight dances upon their surface, the pupils seem to come alive, shimmering with an ethereal glow that defies explanation.

Upon closer inspection, one would find a hypnotic pattern within these eyes. Their irises are an intricate weave of celestial shades, blending the softest pastels of sapphire and lavender with the warm embrace of amber and rose gold. It was like an enigmatic mess, displaying its mystery and uniqueness.

"Forced activation?" Kushida muttered. "Grr, Let go of me, Ayanokouji-kun!"

I tightened my grip on her wrists and placed my left leg between hers, to prevent her from struggling.

"Your Spirit Eyes allows you to see everything around you up to a certain distance, that is how you always managed to find me everywhere I went. And that is why, you were so baffled by the fact that you didn't notice me being here this entire time. However, that is not the most important aspect, you can also—."

In that moment, her soul power underwent a qualitative change and she broke free from my restraints. Her soul rings appeared and fox ears and tail manifested, completing the release of her Spirit Fox martial soul.

Under the late night sky, atop the rooftop of our academic building, the currents of this encounter are about to shift once again.

Her Spirit Eyes didn't disappear, so she can use both at the same time, huh.

With newfound strength, she seized my neck in a vice-like grip and slammed me to the floor. Swiftly, she straddled on top of me, her hands on my wrists above my head, ensuring I couldn't move an inch. Her intense golden orbs locked onto mine, and it was clear she was not taking any chances.

"Don't say another word!" she shouted.

"Why? What are you afraid of? Of everyone knowing? Afraid that if everyone knew, they would hate you? That they would fear you?... I won't tell them, you know that."

"I can't trust you."

A heavy silence settled between us, each trying to read the other's thoughts. The tension seemed to stretch on endlessly, filling the air with unspoken emotion.

" did you find out? When?" she finally asked.

"I became curious after you called me back on the first day of class. Since then, I simply kept observing."

"...That was my error, I never expected that something like that was possible back then, so I wasn't able to control my emotions."

"...It is unnatural."

"What is?"

"You. While I don't know much about your ability, I can still tell that what you are experiencing is not normal —a defect."

Her hair now concealed her face, but I could sense the internal conflict she was going through.

"So you know that much, huh...f*ck, why did it have to be you. If it were any other person, silencing them would be easy."

"Indeed, manipulating the mind or memories of another person is possible for someone with Spirit Eyes... So why wouldn't you do it?"

"Heh, are you being sarcastic? My eyes doesn't work on you for some reason I couldn't f*cking figure out."

"So, what are you going to do?" I asked her.

"I don't f*cking know!" Her grip on me tightened. "Goddamnit, why, why, why! Why now!? Why did you have to be here!"

Her outbursts came one after another, a torrent of emotions that she had been keeping inside finally unleashed in my presence.

"I'm curious, Kushida, so I have to ask... How does it feel?" My voice, cutting through her outbursts.

She stopped but still refused to meet my eyes. The moment hung heavy with silence, pregnant with halted emotions, and I pressed on..

"To hear the other person's thoughts, every second, every minute, every single moment..." I trailed off, letting the weight of those words linger. I watched her closely, noting the subtle twitch of her fingers.

"To hear dozens, hundreds, no, thousands of people's voices all at the same time, all the time... How does it feel?"

This is her defect. Something that shouldn't be possible under normal circ*mstances even for someone with Spirit Eyes. But it is precisely because she has Spirit Eyes that this defect had grown beyond her control.

Her eyes finally met mine once again, and for a brief moment, I saw the burden she carried etched on her face. The weight of all those unfiltered thoughts and emotions must be crushing, a cacophony of voices constantly invading her mind. It was like being trapped in a never-ending storm of chatter, unable to find solace or quietude.

I picked up on the faint tremble in her breath, a silent admission of the crushing weight she endured. Soon, her transformation slowly came undone and her grip on me loosened, but she didn't move away, instead her fingers crawled towards my collar, clenching on the fabric; as if torn between wanting to speak and remaining silent, as if she wasn't sure how to express the turmoil inside her.

"Horrible," her voice finally broke through, infused with a resigned bitterness that resonated in the air.

"But you cannot deny that it is quite convenient, isn't it?"

A shadow passed over her features, a fleeting moment of vulnerability that flickered in her eyes. "You can only say that because you've never experienced it yourself... If I were given a choice, I would rather have this ability gone for good."

"Then tell me more about it."

"...No," her response was firmer now, yet her voice barely above a whisper.


"I already told you... I can't trust you."


"...Because...I cannot hear you."


"That's what I'm supposed to ask you, Ayanokouji-kun... Why can't I hear you? Why is it that everytime I'm close to you, everything just disappears? Why is it so quiet when I'm near you? Why are you so...different?"

The tension between us grew thicker, a charged silence hanging in the air. "I don't know either, so why don't we find the reason for that?"

Kushida's shoulders sagged but she didn't answer.

"You tell me everything about you, and I'll release you from this burden," I added.

Silence once again permeated the air, heavy with unspoken emotions and uncertainties. The weight of those words hung in the space between us, as if suspended by an invisible thread.

"You terrify me, Ayanokouji-kun," she began. "I want to be close to you, as that is the only peace I could get even if for just a brief moment. But at the same time, I'm afraid of you as I cannot see you for who you truly are."

Her grip on my collar eased, her fingers unfurling slowly.

"Everyone wears a mask," she continued, "concealing their true selves from the world. But with my eyes, those masks would simply come off, and I'd see what's underneath. It doesn't matter how kind they appear; they still have their own darkness on the inside, and at times, even worse. I am proof of that... But at least with them, I don't need to worry about being deceived, since everything has already been laid bare... That is why you scare me, Ayanokouji-kun... A mask I cannot remove is akin to staring at an unfathomable void, an enigma that could either be a beacon of light or a realm of darkness, and that ambiguity terrifies me to no end."

Kushida's ability to hear the thoughts of others grants her a unique perspective into the human psyche, one that goes beyond the masks people wear in their daily interactions. She can discern the dissonance between what people present to the world and the true thoughts and emotions they harbor within. This ability becomes a double-edged sword, revealing the stark contrast between appearances and reality.

At first, she might have held onto the hope that those who appear kind, compassionate, and virtuous on the outside would possess equally pure intentions within. However, the stark reality that unfolds before her is a harsh awakening. She witnesses the cognitive dissonance that exists within individuals — the hypocrisy, the double standards, and the morally conflicting thoughts that coexist in their minds. This stark realization shatters her ability to trust at its core. Imagine the disillusionment she feels when she uncovers the inner thoughts of someone she considered a close friend, only to find jealousy, resentment, or ill intentions lurking beneath their facade of camaraderie.

That is why for her, this ability had become both a curse and a blessing. A curse that forced her a chilling insight into the darkest corners of human nature. And yet, it's a blessing in the sense that it has provided her a level of insight few can claim — an insight that grants her the power to navigate the webbed intricacies of human interaction with an uncommon clarity.

However, that blessing also gave birth to dependency. Knowing that humans cannot be trusted she began to rely on her ability to distinguish between the facade and the hidden truth. Now imagine, if there is someone whose appearances and reality she cannot discern, this would send shockwaves through Kushida's already distorted perception of reality. This person becomes an enigma, an unsettling anomaly in the framework of her perception. The absence of insight into their true intentions amplifies her anxiety and fuels her paranoia, deepening her struggle to trust anyone, even more than before.

"Then let's take a risk, shall we?"

"What do you mean?"

"Take a risk with me, trust me, just this once."

"You're not listening are you?"

Her inability to distinguish between my mask and my true self challenges her perceptions and beliefs. She grapples with conflicting emotions, torn between her innate desire to protect herself and her yearning to connect with others on a genuine level. The absence of insight into my thoughts forces her to confront the limitations of her ability and reevaluate the criteria upon which she judges trustworthiness. And that is why...

"Aren't you tired?" I asked, hoping to break through the walls she had built around her heart. "Aren't you tired of being scared, of feeling isolated and unable to fully trust anyone?"

"It's not that simple you know..."

"Then take the risk. That's the first step...a leap of faith."

For Kushida, the leap of faith is like stepping into an abyss of uncertainty. Her ability, no, her defect, which should ideally help her navigate the complexities of human relationships, has become both a crutch and a hindrance. In a world where she is bombarded by thoughts, trusting someone becomes an act of voluntarily letting down her guard and allowing another person into her world, despite the potential chaos their thoughts might introduce.

Kushida hesitated, her eyes locked onto mine as if searching for reassurance. "And if I... If I take your hand, take the risk...would things get better?"

"We don't know that yet. But there is one thing I'm certain of."

"And that is?"

"Nothing will change if you don't."

Tension knotted her features, a conflicted expression etched upon her face as if battling an internal tempest. Her grip on my collar tightened, fingers trembling, torn between the impulse to push away and the yearning to pull closer. Seeking solace, Kushida buried her head into my chest, her breath hitching as a heavy sigh escaped her lips. It was as if she sought to unburden a weight that had settled deep within her, a weight composed of equal parts apprehension and longing.

"Haaah, I didn't know you could be this stubborn, your too different from the person I talked to all the time," she murmured, her voice a mixture of vulnerability and relief.

She stayed like that for a brief while, lost in her thoughts, before finally whispering the words that would change her life forever.

"Help me."

Her plea was like a fragile butterfly taking flight, delicate yet filled with courage. And in that moment, I knew that this was the beginning of something profound — a connection that would help her find the strength to face the world without fear.

I gently placed my arm around her back, offering comfort and support before uttering the words...

"Of course I will..."

Time seemed to pass slowly, the weight of her vulnerability and emotions enveloping us in an almost tangible atmosphere. Her head buried in my chest, seeking solace and comfort. The cool breeze whispered through the night, carrying with it a gentle melody that harmonized with the rustling leaves, creating a serene symphony in the midst of our profound moment.

Finally having composed herself, she straightened herself and met my eyes. Though while it doesn't really bother me that much, I still find our current position a little bit concerning.

"So, where should I begin?" she said, finally breaking the silence.

"Before that, don't you think our position might cause some misunderstandings if someone saw us?" I told her.

"Hm?" she mused, taken aback by my comment. "What do you mean?" she said as she took a good look at our current position.

Kushida is currently straddling on top of me, one you would consider to be an intimate position. If someone unaware catches one glance of us this deep into the night on the rooftop, they might think that we're having se—

"Hmph, pervert." she said, weakly slapping my face in playful annoyance before gracefully getting herself up, as if trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Now, where were we?" she said.

"Not here, let's continue this somewhere else."

"...That's fine by me, but where?"

I stretched out my hand to her, urging her to take it. She seemed confused at first, but eventually, her hesitance gave way to curiosity, and she reached out, her palm on top of mine. As soon as she did that, a subtle ripple spread through the air, and the surroundings began to transform.

In that instant, the space around us warped and folded, like a finely woven strands being manipulated by unseen hands. The scenery blurred into streaks of nightly colors, and the nearby surroundings melted away, replaced by a view of a familiar landscape.

"W-what was that? Teleportation?" Kushida, caught in surprise, immediately asked, her voice tinged with awe and amazement.

"Not quite," I answered. "Look down below."

As she followed my gaze, her eyes widened in astonishment. Right below us was the first-grade's dormitory. We were hovering several meters above it, our feet seemingly suspended in mid-air.

"Now then, please excuse me," I said before immediately injecting my soul power into her once again.

"Wait, again?" she exclaimed in fright.

Soon, her Spirit Fox martial soul and soul rings manifested one more time, and her third soul ring shone brightly; an ethereal, transparent veil of aura enveloping us. I looked into her eyes, motioning my index finger against my lips, urging her to keep quiet.

"Eh? What are you going to do—" Kushida began to ask, but before she could finish, we were already plummeting through the night sky. The sensation of free-falling rushed through us, and she clung to me tightly, like a frightened koala seeking safety all the while putting all of her energy into not screaming her heart out.

As we neared the dormitories, Kushida closed her eyes, bracing herself for the impending impact. But instead, something astonishing happened. We effortlessly phased right through every floor, passing through walls and inhabitants alike, with no one around us noticing the surreal sight.

Soon, we arrived at the fourth floor, where my room was located. I gradually slowed our descent until we floated gently inside my room. The veil aura and her martial soul slowly dissipated, and we were once again standing on solid ground.

Kushida's face flushed with a mix of exhilaration and irritation. "Y-you! Does it hurt you to warn me beforehand!? And stop hijacking my abilities without my permission!"

"I saidexcuse me, though," I told her.

"That doesn't tell me anything!" she retorted, crossing her arms with a pout.

Our spirit veins are like intricate circuits that act as channels for our soul power to circulate. Depending on the path it takes, it can lead to the activation of our martial soul or soul skills. What I did was to simply guide(forcefully) her soul power along those paths and activated her third soul skill to allow us to phase. After that, I veiled us with my own spiritual power just like what I did on the rooftop.

"Make yourself at home. Is black coffee okay?" I said, making my way to the kitchen.

"Don't you have cream?" Kushida asked with a hint of disappointment.

"I prefer them pure."

She let out a sigh, rolling her eyes. "Fine, put tons of sugar then."

As I prepared the coffee, Kushida looked around the room, searching for anything interesting.

"Put some decor would you? This is too bare," she said, commenting on the fact that my room was practically empty, remaining almost exactly as it looked when I first came here.

Ignoring her jab, I focused on the task at hand and finished preparing our coffee, each cup tailored to our preferences. As I handed her thesweetconcoction, I took a moment to savor the aroma of the dark, robust coffee in my cup. The bitterness complemented the ambiance of the room, adding a touch of sophistication to the air.

Kushida took a tentative sip of her sugary coffee, her expression softening as the sweetness danced on her taste buds. "Mmm, not bad," she admitted, giving me a half-hearted compliment.

Setting my cup on the only table in my room, I settled onto the floor, resting my cheek on my palm as I gazed at Kushida, who had already made herself comfortable, sitting on my bed and hugging my pillow.

"Hooo," exhaling deeply, "where do you want me to start?" she asked.

"I'll leave it up to you."

With a deep breath, she began her tale. "...Well, you are aware of mutations, variants, and such, right?"

Nodding in response, I encouraged her to continue.

"It was as soon as I awakened at the age of six, I began hearing the voices. At first, it wasn't overwhelming, but as I got older, the number of voices increased as they got louder and louder... all the time, everywhere I go, even when I'm sleeping, I hear them... None of my parents have spirit eyes or even a body-type martial soul, nor anyone from our lineage. So naturally we assumed that it was a severe case of mutation...

"How far can you hear?" I asked.

"I can still hear everyone in this building back on the rooftop."

The distance between this dormitory and our academic building should be about 250 meters.

"But contrary to what you may think, I don't actually hear them for what they are..." she explained. "Most of them are unintelligible noises, or just gibberish. It's like trying to tune into a thousand radio stations at once, each one blending into the next, creating an incomprehensible noise. Imagine being in a crowded room, where everyone is speaking at once, but their words merge into an indistinguishable babble...except it's much worse. So while I can hear them, I don't really understand them. They are just a jumble of sounds, a chaos that never ceases."

Her words painted a vivid picture of the overwhelming burden she carried. I could sense the isolation and frustration in her voice, as if she had been struggling to find clarity amidst a sea of noise.

"Butthatis the easy part... The problem lies when I actually starthearingthem clearly..."

She paused, trying to gather her thoughts while I simply listened attentively.

"It was only after a while when I realized that these voices are tied to their originator's mental state, their emotions. The stronger, the deeper the emotion tied to the thought, the clearer it is in my head."

"That explains why you acted like that on that day," I commented.

On the first of May, as Chabashira-sensei unveiled the details of the S-system, Kushida exhibited evident distress, a manifestation of the tempestuous and disorderly emotions that raged within every student. It wasn't limited to our class alone; the turmoil extended across others as well. To have those agonizing cries, grievous laments, and fervent outbursts resonate so vividly in her mind, it was expected for her to have that kind of reaction.

"You were watching me huh? Then was you meeting me that night not a coincidence then..."

"I told you, I simply kept observing."

She held a window to the darkest corners of the human mind, a place where our most troubling and malevolent thoughts resided. Humans, for all their complexities and facades, were capable of harboring the most dreadful thoughts inside their heads.

"Imagine," she continued, "hearing the unfiltered thoughts of those around you, day in and day out. Most of the time, the strongest emotions tied to those thoughts are the negative ones — hate, malice, anger, jealousy, and more. It's a relentless barrage of darkness that never seems to cease."

"It's not just about hearing their thoughts," she explained. "It's about feeling the raw emotions that come with them. When someone hates, when someone is angry, or jealous, I feel them all like they were mine, I feel them all as if they're directed to me. It's like being trapped in an emotional maelstrom, where I can't escape the storm of negativity that surrounds me... Sometimes, it gets to a point where I could no longer distinguish between my own thoughts and the thoughts of others invading my mind.... That is why I try to be kind, to extend help towards others, to make them comfortable, to make them feel joy, gratitude, or genuine happiness, hoping that it would at least provide some form of comfort in these barrages of negativity no matter how insignificant."

I listened in silence, trying to comprehend the magnitude of her experiences. It was as if she had to navigate through a turbulent sea of emotions, never knowing when the next wave of negativity would crash upon her.

"However, in the midst of it all," she continued, her voice wavering slightly, "there are those who wear the most convincing masks — the ones who pretend to be kind, genuine, and caring on the outside, while harboring darkness within. It's like gazing at a calm lake, unaware of the dangerous currents hidden beneath.

Kushida's ability to see through these masks was indeed both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it allowed her to discern the true nature of people, but on the other hand, it exposed her to the depths of human cruelty and deception.

While what she had said might be considered a horrible experience, I still fail to comprehend how it is so. Such notions like hate, anger, malice, envy and jealousy are all inconsequential to me and never mattered. Part of it was because I lacked the firsthand understanding of what they truly felt like; I know why it is so, but I couldn't properly picture how they must impact someone's mind and heart...

Standing up, I moved next to her and sat on the bed. Her eyes simply followed me, curious.

"Stay still," I said as I raised my hand and reached for her head.

"What are you trying to do, Ayanokouji-kun?" she asked.

"I wish to understand. Don't worry, It's not anything bad."

Trying to reassure her, I placed my palm on top of her head and closed my eyes. Soon, my consciousness merged with hers and—


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H̷̨̛͎̫͉͍̳̹̤͖̮̙̹̜̙̿̉͊̐̅̎̅̀͗̀̀̏͐͛͘͠ẽ̶̛̼̙̺͉͈͚͙̖͔̂̽̈͆̑̈́̔̀̔́̏̓̆͝ľ̵̢̢͙̲̰̼̗̫̹̤͔͔͇̥̭͕̲̙̬̭̦̲̩̮̝̂̾̾̑͂̓͆̑͌͛́͜p̴̧̡̛͔̮̩̺̫̬̺̜̮̘̼̺͇̻͇͒̓̉̈́̇͒͆́̇̒̾̚̕͜͠͝͝ͅͅ "I̶̘̝͓͈̙̖̣̾̃͆͒̐̇͆̈́̋̚ ̷̢͕̺̝̮̈̐͛̿̅̎̅͂͝ḏ̷̢̢̝̮̼̝͋̉̐̓̊͒̓̃͘͝ỏ̴̧̰̺̗͓̹̺̂̅̒̐̏̊͒̒̚ͅņ̷̨̗̤̩͚̮̄̓̎͆̆̎̈́̈́̓'̸̧̗̞̮̙͋̽̈́͛͐̉͗̓͘͘t̵̨̪̙̯̬̙̞͋̈́͒̅͗̈́͆̔͘͝ ̶̡͉͍̪̓̈́̿̄͋͛̇͋͛͝w̵̡̲̖̝͖̼̭̔͐̎͋̓̈̉͝͠͝a̴̛̖̻̪̠̺̖͛̈́̉̈́̄̐̊̓ṇ̵̡̧̬̜͇̌̓̍͌̈́͒̄̀̚͠ţ̷̞̳̪̪̹̤̓̇͊̔̑͠ ̴̦̙̘̬̬̽̀̊̀́̿̂̍͝ẗ̶̝̜̣͉̲͔̺̀̈́̋͋͌͘͘̚͠o̸̞̪̗̦̾̔͂̅̓ ̷̡̭͚̺̘̰̍͗͊̌̎͊̾͑̏͜͝d̸̘̼̤̯̗͈̒̓̈̃͒ỉ̸͙̙̱̬̼̉͐̏͐̍̿̌̽̈́ë̸̜̩̜̠́̈́̈́̓̑̎̿̆̕͝𝐀̶̢̢̹̜͙̫͖̮̻̊̈́̋̋̌̑̃͜ͅ𝕿̶̢̡̡͍̦̰̭̤̞̺̎̊̾̋̈́̏̈̈̀̍ ̴̹̭͍͇̼̼͍͔̜̬̻̌̾͒̉̏́͒͆͆͝ͅ𝕀̶̧̫̞̠̠̣͎̩̦͊̒̓̉̇̉̏͋̈͝""H̴͕̐̚é̷͍̿ḽ̷̄̄p̶̹͊̑" A̷̡̡̨̧͍͈̣͎̦͈̳̣͈̤̱̺̞͉̭̳̥̬̫̗̣͍̰̖̟͗̈́̂̒̄̀̍̋̃̚͠ͅa̴͓͖͈̻͓̞̻̘͌̔̽̕ͅą̴̛̻̫͖͉̣̝͉͔̜̱̰̲͚̲̦̇̃ä̸̺̼͎̫̤̼̠͇̺̬́͒̀̄͊̈́͂̂͛̓͂̅͌͆͐̎̿̈̒̈́̚̕h̵̢͔͔̯̭̥͖̰̝͎̖͕͚̀̌͂̽̈́̊̈́̈̎̒̄̓͂̈͠h̴̛͙̞̞͕͉͓͓̥̣͕̐͆̌͐͋̋̀́̒͋̒͌̾̋̇͆̀̂̊̄̓̚ͅḩ̶̧̡̡̛͙̺̮̗̤̫̹͓̰̭̙͎͉̘̪̟̯̦͎̗͎͔̟̀͆́̊́́͌͂͗̌̾̈́̄̑͋̄̽̆̒͌͛̌͜͝͝h̸̨̨̡̧̛̛̝̯̠̲̭̪̝͙̖̲̪̮̍̋̄̇̀̍́̊͑̋̿̅̑̈́̐́̄̎̓̿̿̈́̔͂͝͝ͅ 𝐀̶̢̢̹̜͙̫͖̮̻̊̈́̋̋̌̑̃͜ͅ𝕿̶̢̡̡͍̦̰̭̤̞̺̎̊̾̋̈́̏̈̈̀̍ ̴̹̭͍͇̼̼͍͔̜̬̻̌̾͒̉̏́͒͆͆͝ͅ𝕀̶̧̫̞̠̠̣͎̩̦͊̒̓̉̇̉̏͋̈͝𝕊̶̡̛̮̦̗̠̠̼̠̺͋̏͊̆̽̐̄̒͝ ̷̣̝̜̞̗͚̞̗̻̪͚̇̏̿̈́̍̿̋̋̓̋̅𝓪̶̡̖̝̳͔̳̮̹̙̆͛̎̓̔͊̋̿̇ ̵̨̢̜̗̼̭̜͚̳̮͚̳̑͑̆̌̓̑̕̚͝͝͠𝓝̶̧̝͓͇̼̞͙͇͍͎̹̔͐̈͛̀͂̋̍̕𝔤̶̨̡̨̫̖̩̞̺̻͓̘̝͐̀͆̉̈́̆͘̚͝𝔢̶̠̜̠̯̼͎̣̮̭̻̭͊̓͋̿͆̿̍͝͝͝𝐀̶̢̢̹̜͙̫͖̮̻̊̈́̋̋̌̑̃͜ͅ𝕿̶̢̡̡͍̦̰̭̤̞̺̎̊̾̋̈́̏̈̈̀̍ ̴̹̭͍͇̼̼͍͔̜̬̻̌̾͒̉̏́͒͆͆͝ͅ𝕀̶̧̫̞̠̠̣͎̩̦͊̒̓̉̇̉̏͋̈͝"i̶̹̿̄̄̄͆̈́̎͘͠ť̷͎̦̻͔̪̬̠̩̏̂̈̐͘̚͝͠ ̴̨̛̠̣̳̳̣̾̔͒͆̂̾̈́̊̈h̸͉̜̯̝̲̰͎̽͒̑̒̃̑̂͝͝ų̷̣̪̜̘̆̄̀̎͛̈̐r̵͖̜̙̜͔̳̿͋̂̔̏̈́̔͂̿̚ẗ̶̪̝̖́̐̄̃̔̃̍̓̊͝s̷̢̗͉̻̪̻̪̳̄̿̒͊̅̓̒̑͝ͅ.̴̢̛̞͓͖̜̘̣̩̪͆̅̓̈́̇̉͘͝͝.̶̢̧̤̼̙̮̜̲̳̭͛̇̽͑͛͛́͛͊͝.̴̡̻̣̮̊͗̑̂̓̉͑̓̚̕""i̶̹̿̄̄̄͆̈́̎͘͠ť̷͎̦̻͔̪̬̠̩̏̂̈̐͘̚͝͠ ̴̨̛̠̣̳̳̣̾̔͒͆̂̾̈́̊̈h̸͉̜̯̝̲̰͎̽͒̑̒̃̑̂͝͝ų̷̣̪̜̘̆̄̀̎͛̈̐r̵͖̜̙̜͔̳̿͋̂̔̏̈́̔͂̿̚ẗ̶̪̝̖́̐̄̃̔̃̍̓̊͝s̷̢̗͉̻̪̻̪̳̄̿̒͊̅̓̒̑͝ͅ.̴̢̛̞͓͖̜̘̣̩̪͆̅̓̈́̇̉͘͝͝.̶̢̧̤̼̙̮̜̲̳̭͛̇̽͑͛͛́͛͊͝.̴̡̻̣̮̊͗̑̂̓̉͑̓̚̕""i̶̹̿̄̄̄͆̈́̎͘͠ť̷͎̦̻͔̪̬̠̩̏̂̈̐͘̚͝͠ ̴̨̛̠̣̳̳̣̾̔͒͆̂̾̈́̊̈h̸͉̜̯̝̲̰͎̽͒̑̒̃̑̂͝͝ų̷̣̪̜̘̆̄̀̎͛̈̐r̵͖̜̙̜͔̳̿͋̂̔̏̈́̔͂̿̚ẗ̶̪̝̖́̐̄̃̔̃̍̓̊͝s̷̢̗͉̻̪̻̪̳̄̿̒͊̅̓̒̑͝ͅ.̴̢̛̞͓͖̜̘̣̩̪͆̅̓̈́̇̉͘͝͝.̶̢̧̤̼̙̮̜̲̳̭͛̇̽͑͛͛́͛͊͝.̴̡̻̣̮̊͗̑̂̓̉͑̓̚̕" P̸̛̛̩̖̮̤͔̳͗̇͝l̵̦̠͖͖̂̽̋͊̎͋̊̄̅e̷̲͖̞̍̍̐͋̒̓̿̒̈́̄ͅa̵̭̰̭͚̳̼̜̍̔̿͐̆̀͊̾͠ṣ̵̛͓͔̪̽͋͗̊̅͘e̴̛͎͉̞̝͙̦̬̞̎͗͊̓͌̎́̎ ̶̛̛̫͉̙̐̓̔̇̅̍͘͝Ȅ̵̡̧̡̞̩̦̤̫̹̇̿̆̈́̉̐͌̿͠͝d̷̡̨̧̳͈̖̠̩̈̑̒̈́͒̊̕̚r̵̢͈̜̳̘̣̞̜͌͋̋̄̓̾̊̿̈́͠͠X̸̛̼̭̘̬̬̝̾̈̉̏̔̾͗̏̾̈C̴̗͎̞̮̼̘͆̔͗̆͒̔͊̽̍̋̅ "W̷̞̞͎͔̗͇͐̐h̸̳͚̳̦̾̍y̶̧̨̟̣̬̖͑͗̍̊̆̆͝ ̸̩̻͙̔̏̊͌ď̴̨͕̲̹̔̄̓͋̈́͊o̷̲̮̩̼͂̂̇͘ è̵̢̢̪̇̃N̵͔̖̭̲̠̈́̅̏̚ǭ̷̹̾̑̌̑̾̒̈́̊͘ ̴̟̺̪̀̃̏̐̚M̵̨̫̼͓̺̱̈̅́͌͋̆̈͒͑͝o̶̢̨̘͂̇͂̇͑̓̈́̈́͝͝r̶̨̧̪̣͔̟͍͑̔̌̊͛͆͊̌͗͘e̶̛͙̝̺̘̯̤̬̼͂̿͊͆͊̾̍̈́͝ 𝓤̶̨͈͔̯̼͕͓̭̞̙̘̽̊̔̏̏̂̏̈͒ 𝓡̶͍͓͔̻̝̜̟̜̺̞͔̀̉͒̀̏͛͆̆ 𝓔̶͈͇̙̝͉͖̘͇̬͎͗̔̽̾̂͊͑̓ 𝓢̶͚͉̙̜͖̠̩͔̂͐͆̿̏̉̏̆͝ ̸̛͓̪̻̿͒͗͋̔̀̓_̶̙͇͍̈́̋̏͑͌̒̽͝ ̶̬̩͂͗͒͋̏̽̏ ̶͈̭͇̄̉͗̊̍̏͑_̶̠̰͍̏̀̈́͑̂̓̈́͗ ̶̛͔͈̬͊̓͋̊͑̈͝ i̶̹̿̄̄̄͆̈́̎͘͠ť̷͎̦̻͔̪̬̠̩̏̂̈̐͘̚͝͠ ̴̨̛̠̣̳̳̣̾̔͒͆̂̾̈́̊̈h̸͉̜̯̝̲̰͎̽͒̑̒̃̑̂͝͝ų̷̣̪̜̘̆̄̀̎͛̈̐r̵͖̜̙̜͔̳̿͋̂̔̏̈́̔͂̿̚ẗ̶̪̝̖́̐̄̃̔̃̍̓̊͝s̷̢̗͉̻̪̻̪̳̄̿̒͊̅̓̒̑͝ͅ.̴̢̛̞͓͖̜̘̣̩̪͆̅̓̈́̇̉͘͝͝_̶̭̜͛̓͗̈́̿͑͛͌ ̸̧̜̻̞͎͇͋̿͐̉͌̈́̓͘

_̴̰̜̠͍̏̉̀̾͗͑̓̏ 𝓣̶̺͚̟̤͓̺̪̜̙͋͒̅̈́̕̚͠ͅO̴̧̠̬̖̹̮͙̭̪͑̊̒͛̋̈́̌͠Ű̵̧͖̪̟̭̤̭͔̋̽̾̇̚͘͝͝͝N̵͔̻̳̜̩̤̝̒̔̆̈̆̈́͐̓͘̚ͅD̸̩̩̘̖͉̘̊̊͂͗̎̇̽͊͘͝ ̵̬̟̹̳͈͔̤̄͆̓̑̒̃̚𝓨̸̫͓͈̞̼̘̞̞̝̄̈́̏̒̃̊̌̐̍̊͠Ȍ̷͉͍̞̖̾͛̑̅͛̎͒̈͘U̷͙̤̻̹̟̣͆̄͗̔̿̏͐̄̈́̊͘.̶̨̜̯̳͉͓̤̫̍̇̔̓̐̽͆̓̔͘.̷̩͙̼̟̯̹̝̀̄̉́̔̊̈̚͝͝.


In an agonizing cry, Kushida clutched her head, her hands pressing firmly against her temples as if trying to contain the overwhelming pain within. Her body convulsed with intense trembling, each spasm more violent than the last, as if the pain had taken control of her.

The haunting sound of her anguish filled the room, echoing her torment like a haunting melody as she collapsed onto the bed, her body wracked with the torment of a pain too intense to bear. The room would seem to close in around her, the walls suffocatingly tight as she struggled to find a shred of relief from the overwhelming agony.

"Kushida?" Witnessing her distress, I swiftly severed my connection to her. Her trembling had not yet ceased, but I could sense a glimmer of relief surfacing as the source of her agony had now been removed.

This was an oversight. I didn't know what to expect when I did that, I was prepared for any potential consequences but that was definitely something that took me by surprise. The moment our minds intertwined, my spiritual power fused completely with hers, inadvertently expanding the range her ability could cover. What was once thousands of thoughts to contend with now escalated to tens of thousands perhaps even more, overwhelming her senses beyond measure.

"Kushida, it's all right, just take a deep breath, it's over now."

"Huff, huff... A-Ayanokouji-k-kun," her voice quivered, and she attempted to raise her trembling hand.

Anticipating her need, I gently clasped her hand in mine, offering a grounding touch to anchor her in the aftermath of the overwhelming surge of thoughts.

We remained that way, her hand nestled in mine, for what felt like an eternity. The room, once filled with the chaotic sea of thoughts, began to settle into a semblance of tranquility. The frenetic energy that had gripped Kushida's form gradually subsided, replaced by a lingering unease that lingered in the air like a faint echo.

With each passing moment, her breathing steadied, yet her grip on my hand remained resolute, as if seeking solace in the midst of the aftermath. Her eyes, once a tempest of emotions, now held a delicate fusion of gratitude and lingering caution.

"Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun," she whispered, her voice a fragile thread woven through the room's silence.

"No, it was my fault. I failed to anticipate it and caused you to suffer as a consequence. For that, I apologize."

"What was that... those voices, there were so many of them, those emotions... t-they..." Her voice quivered, and I noticed her hands beginning to tremble once again.

While that is not the representation of what she experiences continuously, even just a small fraction of it has the potential to utterly overwhelm any individual's senses. The fact that she has managed to retain her sanity after enduring such a relentless onslaught for years on end is truly a testament to her strength and resilience.

"You don't have to recall them," I told her, gently squeezing her hand as if to ground her in the present moment.

"My spiritual powers and yours fully merged for a moment when I tried to connect to your consciousness. That caused the scope of your ability to reach farther than it is supposed to. While that was unexpected, this at least tells us that itistied to your spiritual power and the more it grows the farther it can reach and the more you will hear."

"My spiritual powers?"

"Tell me Kushida, what is the current level of your spiritual power?" I asked. I already have a rough estimate, but I would still like to confirm it with her.

She didn't answer me immediately, instead taking some time to mull it over. This kind of information was something she likely didn't want to share. For if my estimate is correct, then revealing it to others could potentially lead to some problems.

"The last time I measured them was before coming to this school, at that time it had already passed the 5,000 mark," she answered, deciding to put her trust in me.

Over 5,000...that's already at the Spirit Abyss realm...

Spiritual power is divided into different levels or realms. There are four of them in total: Spirit Connection, Spirit Sea, Spirit Abyss, and lastly Spirit Domain.

Each realm is measured in points starting with Spirit Connection at 1-500, Spirit Sea at 501-5,000, Spirit Abyss at 5,001-20,000 and last for Spirit Domain at 20,001 and above.

Most soul masters stay at the Spirit Sea realm their entire lives. The few that surpass it will get the chance to reach the greatest heights that a soul master can achieve — the Titled Douluo — Soul masters that have surpassed rank 90.

Among the teachers in this academy, the only one I sensed so far that had reached that rank is Mashima-sensei.

"That certainly is... impressive," I commented.

"My spiritual powers have always been considered abnormal for my age, and I've taken pride in that belief, thinking there isn't anyone in my generation who surpasses me in that aspect. However, after our spiritual powers fused and my range expanded as you had just said, I can't help but wonder... just how high is your spiritual power, Ayanokouji-kun?" Her brows furrowed with a mixture of curiosity and determination. Given her strong pride in this area, the realization that my spiritual power might exceed hers could be a significant hit to her self-esteem.

"...High enough," I replied.

"You call that an answer? Booo," she pouted, seemingly expressing her dissatisfaction, but smiled eventually as if relieved of something... Perhaps it wasn't so much that she was averse to having someone her age above her but rather relief of finding out that she was not alone.

She had mentioned before that the number of voices she hears grew as she got older, while we can attribute that into her range getting wider and wider, there's also the case that as her spiritual power grows, the more people there are that have lower spiritual power than her. And if that is the case, then it makes things simple.

"Shall we pick up where we left off?" I suggested.

She nodded, asking, "What were you attempting back there?"

"I wanted to understand your experience firsthand. I also wanted to delve into your martial soul," I clarified.

"Is that even possible?"

"With proper control, anyone can manage it."

She furrowed, her brows giving me a skeptical look, "And what did you discover?"

"Before we continue, has this happened with anyone else?"

Shaking her head, she replied, "You're the only exception... I can't hear your thoughts and attempts at mind manipulation or mental attacks don't work on you."

I see...Wait, what did she mean by "attempts"?

"And there's something else. I've been watching you for a long time, always managing to keep you in sight. So why did that suddenly change? Ayanokouji-kun, you must have been aware of it," she questioned.

"I have my ways, and besides, it's not easy to miss when someone's been watching me constantly."

"And I've been careful not to reveal myself too," she expressed her disappointment.

I had considered that she can only hear the thoughts of others whose spiritual powers are lower than hers. However, as much as I'm inclined to believe that, without a precedent or another case similar to mine, confirming it would prove to be difficult.

"How about Mashima-sensei or any of the teachers?" I asked.

"What about them?"

"Can you also hear their thoughts?"

"...I don't know," she answered.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Unless the emotions tied to it are incredibly deep and strong, I won't be able to tell which voice belongs to which person. As you have experienced earlier, most of the voices I hear cannot even classify as voices made by human beings..."

I see. I had considered Mashima-sensei to be someone whose voice she cannot hear since he is a Titled Douluo. And if my theory were to go by then that should be the case.

Spiritual power is a complex energy system that intertwines with the very fabric of the mind and consciousness. It is the invisible force that connects the individual to the intangible realm of thoughts and perception. Just as electricity and soul power flows through circuits to power devices, spiritual power courses through the neural pathways of the brain and the body, illuminating the capabilities of the mind and overall perception.

Ordinarily, spiritual power remains largely dormant. For many soul masters, possessing heightened spiritual power results in swifter thinking, enhanced comprehension, and heightened awareness.

For those specializing in control-oriented abilities, like Horikita, a surplus of spiritual power aids in mastering their martial soul manipulation. Broadly speaking, for most individuals, spiritual power serves as a supplementary tool, easing their endeavors.

However, spiritual-oriented soul masters like Kushida diverge from this norm. They possess the unique capacity to convert spiritual power into soul power, and vice versa, to bolster the strength of their attacks and defenses.

Outside of that, it is only at the high levels — at the Spirit Domain realm — where spiritual power can truly become a deadly weapon.

At the core of this system lies the concept of resonance. Spiritual power resonates with the unique frequencies emitted by each individual's thoughts, emotions, and mental processes. It acts as a harmonizing force, amplifying and channeling the energy of the mind into various manifestations. This resonance is most prominent within the prefrontal cortex, a region responsible for higher-order cognitive functions.

When the spiritual power of two individuals interact, telepathic communication and sensory manipulation is possible. Of course, it is not something that just anyone can do, it is only for those whose levels have reached a high standard or those with special types of martial soul like the Spirit Eyes.

In that brief moment of contact earlier, I glimpsed the state of her spiritual power, focusing particularly on her prefrontal cortex. Normally, the prefrontal cortex acts as a regulator and distributor of spiritual energy. The spiritual power is generated or harnessed from within the individual and stored within the cortex. This energy is then systematically pumped outwards from the prefrontal cortex along specific pathways, covering the entire mind and body. This creates a protective shield-like effect — a barrier against external mental attacks or disturbances and at the same time enhances mental clarity, resilience and emotional balance.

In the case of Kushida however, instead of the prefrontal cortex pushing the energy outwards, it creates a negative pressure, thus forming a vacuum and causing the spiritual power to be drawn inwards. This scenario makes her vulnerable, as the protective shield which is naturally formed in the normal flow has been compromised.

Now, with all of her spiritual power drawn inside instead of flowing, it is then compressed and themassthat it forms creates an incredibly powerful suction force that attracts the spiritual power of those around her, most likely those with a lower spiritual power level.

However, if it was only the spiritual power, then that shouldn't be enough for her to hear their thoughts. Additionally, such a process should have visible effects, causing individuals to faint if they were to be fully drained of their spiritual power.

Which makes me believe that it cannot forcibly draw out the spiritual power of others towards her but instead forces a resonance or connection with them. By resonating with the unique frequency of each individual, she would be able to hear their thoughts, emotions, and mental processes in a unidirectional connection — from the weak to the strong. The same concept is used for telepathy. Except that telepathy is a conscious bidirectional connection done with the will of either party.

That is supposed to be my analysis for it but, with the lack of proper validation, it would remain nothing but a theory.

"If that's the case then..." I mused, my hand instinctively rising to cover my mouth in contemplation.

I would have to look into what makes me unique compared to other people, what traits or characteristics I have that others don't...there are several I could think of but...

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun?" Kushida's voice sliced through my thoughts, and I shifted my attention back to her.

Shaking my head, as if physically discarding the distractions, I focused on the task at hand. The intricacies of why she couldn't hear my thoughts or others when in proximity could be saved for a later date. For now, my primary concern lay in addressing the defect I had discovered within her spiritual power.

Themassof spiritual energy confined within her was akin to a ticking time bomb waiting to set off. If left unchecked, it's bound to continue growing like a malignant tumor, eventually reaching a point where it can no longer sustain itself. At that stage, it will collapse, dragging its bearer down with it.

To treat her, I would have to find a way to eliminate the negative pressure that her prefrontal cortex is producing and restore the natural flow of her spiritual power.

"Kushida, are you familiar with the concept of a spiritual core?" I inquired.

"Spiritual core?" she echoed, her expression revealing her unfamiliarity with the term.

"Think of it as a vortex — the crystallized concentration of metaphysical energy — spiritual, bloodline, or soul energy. It signifies an elevated comprehension of these aspects, a mark of advancement to a higher stage of existence."

She responded with a quizzical tilt of her head, a silent signal that my explanation hadn't quite bridged the gap of understanding.

"Well, let's not dwell on it too heavily at the moment. Based on my findings, it seems your spiritual power isn't following its typical course but is rather being drawn inward and compressed within you. This, I suspect, is what's contributing to your ability to hear other people's thoughts."

"That's—, so then, If I were to restore the flow of my spiritual power, then all of the noise would stop?"

"I believe so, and having a spiritual core will aid you with that."

A spiritual core serves multiple functions, one of which is acting as a secondary container or conduit for spiritual power. It could potentially counteract the vacuum effect created by her prefrontal cortex, restoring the correct flow of her spiritual power.

"Then, how can we proceed?" she inquired, a flicker of hope dancing in her eyes.

"Trying to form your own core takes time. Not only is it difficult, but also extremely dangerous. One wrong move and you could lose your life, if not, then crippled for the rest of your days."

"B-but still..."

"If you were to continue with your cultivation, you will eventually have to create your own spiritual core at some point, attempting it prematurely is perilous,"however, at that point, it might be too late for her.

The reality was daunting; her longing for a swift resolution was understandable, yet the path to achieving it was riddled with danger. The prospect of being free from the burden that had haunted her for so long, only to realize it required patience, was undoubtedly disheartening. Disappointment cuts deepest when hope is within reach.

"When will it be possible, how long should it take?" she inquired.

"Ordinarily, a soul master starts crafting its own spiritual core at rank 95—"

"I can't wait that long!" she interjected; the urgency clear in her voice.

"Let me finish. Kushida, you are a unique case and as someone who possesses the Spirit Eyes, following conventional methods doesn't suit you."

"Then..." hearing that, a spark kindled in her eyes, a glimmer of newfound hope.

"Just stay still," I instructed.

My fingers extended, gently brushing against the warmth of Kushida's forehead as her eyes fluttered closed. In that fleeting touch, I could sense the currents of her spiritual power, a delicate lattice of energy woven into her being. The treatment was set in motion, and I felt a surge of my own spiritual essence responding, eager to embark on this intricate endeavor.

As I directed my focus inward, I felt the reservoir of my spiritual power ripple, a wellspring of energy ready to be channeled. With a breath held steady, I allowed a fraction of my spiritual core to diffuse, its radiant luminescence intertwining with the aura that now enveloped Kushida. It was like coaxing two streams of light to embrace, their energies beginning to dance in harmonious synchrony.

The initial touch triggered a cascade of reactions, as if the very essence of our beings recognized the resonance. Threads of my spiritual power ventured further, intricately weaving into the waves of her spiritual sea. I could feel the ebb and flow of her essence, the tendrils of her dormant potential yearning to be awakened.

With each surge of energy I channeled, it was as if I was sculpting the forces that had held her captive. The oppressive vacuum that had confined her spiritual power began to relent, like a taut string finally finding release. My energy coursed through her, reshaping, realigning, and infusing her prefrontal cortex with a renewed vitality.

My spiritual core, like a radiant vortex, found its place within her spiritual landscape. It wasn't a simple addition; it was a symphony of energies intertwining, each note resonating with the other. The process was a delicate dance, a fusion of our essences that defied the confines of the physical world.

As the final threads of this ethereal connection were woven, I withdrew my hand, a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction flooding my senses. The room seemed to hold its breath, an aura of reverence and possibility enveloping us. Kushida's features softened, a serene tranquility settling upon her face, evidence of the profound transformation that had taken place.

As her eyes fluttered open, the otherworldly transformation had once again overtaken her gaze, turning her ordinary orbs into pools of shimmering gold. The radiance emanating from her eyes cast an ethereal glow, as if a newfound vision had been bestowed upon her. A sense of wonder danced across her features, her astonishment evident as her head swiveled in every direction, as though chasing unseen specters.

"What... What is this?" Her words tumbled forth in disbelief, her voice carrying a mixture of awe and confusion. With a hesitant yet determined gesture, her hand extended into the air, fingers poised as if to grasp at elusive strands of energy. Her every movement seemed purposeful yet driven by an otherworldly curiosity, her focus riveted on a realm beyond the ordinary.

She rose to her feet, a symphony of colors and forms now painting the world before her eyes. Energies and elements previously unseen wove intricate patterns around her, like celestial threads weaving a mantle of secrets long hidden from mortal sight. Her surroundings, once mundane, had transformed into a realm of mystique and marvel, every corner holding an enigmatic allure.

It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a hidden layer of existence.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun! What...what is this? All these colors, strands of energies, elements all parading around. Everything looks so different..."

"That is the view that those who possess a spiritual core sees."

As an observer, I couldn't completely discern what it is that Kushida sees, but I am positive that it is not the same as mine. Her Spirit Eyes should enable her to see deeper into the layers of theworldthan anyone else.

"Try to control it, focus on dispersing the energy from your eyes and your vision will then return to normal," I advised, guiding her through the process.

With a deep breath, she closed her eyes, channeling her focus. Slowly, she unveiled her eyes once more, the clarity now restored.

"It's back to normal this is the spiritual core, it feels amazing..."

"Not quite," I told her.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Though what now resides within you is undoubtedly a spiritual core, it is not truly an inherent part of you. I only transplanted a fragment of my own spiritual core into you, serving as a temporary surrogate. Gradually, it will dissipate on its own and everything will return to how it used to be."

"Eh? But why do it like that?"

"I told you, forming your own core is not only time consuming but also difficult and dangerous. By transplanting my own core into you, you would be able to experience firsthand how it works. Familiarize it, feel it, understand it, comprehend it. That is what will help you when you begin to form your own core."

"Hmm, ah, wait a minute,transplant yourown core?Youhave a spiritual core, Ayanokouji-kun? I thought you had said that only rank 95 would"

"And what makes you think that I'm not on that level?"

"I'm very sensitive when it comes to not only spiritual fluctuations but also soul power. And what I can feel from you, while not a proper representation of your rank it should still not be on the level of a rank 95 soul master."

So she can tell that much, huh...

"Indeed, you are right. But just like you, conventional methods don't suit me either."

My response left her intrigued as her curiosity seemed piqued by the layers shrouding me.

"Well, why don't we test it out?" I suggested, diverting her attention.

"Test what out?"

"The voices disappear whenever you are near me. Now that you have your own spiritual core, albeit a temporary one, the flow of your spiritual power should have now returned to normal."

Understanding dawned in Kushida's eyes. Taking a deep breath, her breath held a mixture of excitement and apprehension as she took a cautious step away from me. The air was charged with both nervousness and anticipation, the culmination of a dream she had harbored for so long.

With each step she took, the room seemed to expand and contract with the weight of her hopes. One meter, two meters, and then a pause. Just one more step and she would cross the boundary, stepping beyond the safety I provided.

Her gaze shifted towards me, a mix of worry and fear flickering in her eyes. Doubts swirled in the corners of her mind — the fear of disappointment, the uncertainty of the outcome. Questions danced in the air: What if nothing changed? What if we were wrong?

I met her gaze with a reassuring nod, a silent encouragement that conveyed my support. There is no need to fear, Kushida. Take the leap of faith.

She responded with a nod of her own, and with a determined breath she closed her eyes and finally took the crucial step forward and... another one, and then another one, one step after another, her steps echoing in the silence of the room.

She pressed on until she stood at the edge, her fingers brushing the boundaries of the wall. Eyes fluttering open, she gazed upwards, disbelief and wonder intermingling. A shimmer of tears glistened, teetering on the edge of her lashes as she struggled to contain the potent emotions raging within.

"It's so quiet..." she murmured, her voice a fragile thread weaving through the air.

The contrast between the cacophony she was accustomed to and the newfound silence without my intervention was a revelation that left her momentarily breathless.

The weight of the newfound silence hung in the air, a delicate thread connecting us in shared wonder. Kushida's gaze slowly shifted from the ceiling, her eyes locking onto mine. A tremor passed through her lips, and then, as if a dam had burst, the tears that had welled in her eyes, are now spilling over and tracing shimmering paths down her cheeks.

Her voice quivered, filled with emotions too profound for words, "Ayanokouji-kun..."

In that fragile moment, all barriers crumbled. Her tears flowed endlessly, carrying with them the burden of years spent immersed in the chaotic symphony of others' thoughts and darkness. Each tear held a fragment of relief, a glimpse of freedom, and an overwhelming catharsis.

Witnessing her vulnerability and the release of emotions she had long contained. I took a step closer, instinctively closing the distance between us. Her gaze never wavered from mine, and a fragile smile graced her lips, the kind that was born from the depths of the soul.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice a melody woven with gratitude, relief, and a sense of profound connection. The weight of her journey, her fears, and her hopes seemed to converge into those two simple words.

I reached out, my fingers gently brushing away her tears, a silent gesture of comfort and understanding. The touch was tender, abridgeforged between us, one that spoke of acknowledgement andtrust.

As her tears gradually subsided, her breaths came steadier, and a newfound lightness seemed to surface from her. The room, a moment ago it was charged with apprehension, but now, it held an atmosphere of solace and her hope.

As the last remnants of tears glistened on her lashes, a mixture of gratitude and newfound liberation painted her features. Little did she realize, however, that this newfound quietude was not just a place of solace, but a gateway to unfamiliar challenges.

For so long, Kushida had clung to her ability as both a shield and a guiding light, navigating the intricate labyrinth of human relationships with pristine clarity. But now, as the cacophony of voices faded into memory, a daunting uncertainty emerged. The masks and facades that she had so skillfully unveiled were now veiled to her, and the once comforting boundary between truth and deception blurred. The path ahead held a new kind of darkness, where the question of whom to trust became a conundrum she was unprepared to face.

The chapter of her life that had been defined by the relentless onslaught of voices had closed, and a new one, uncertain and unknown, had begun. Her dependence on the crutch she had wielded for so long is what had set the stage for her next journey.

And so, a sense of vulnerability had now begun to settle upon her shoulders, a weight she had yet to fully comprehend.

Chapter 9: The Path That We Must Take

Chapter Text

The sound. What reached my ears was a gentle bubbling, a distant underwater murmur that enveloped my form. A transparent cocoon surrounds me, a sterile world of whiteliquid that dulled the senses and buffered the outside world.

That was my very first memory, my existence beginning in that confined space, where the concept of light and darkness held no meaning.

The cycle of time passed as a continuous monotone, marked only by the rhythmic rise and fall of the milky liquid around me. There was no warmth of touch, no tender caress or soothing voice. It was a detached existence.

My eyes, barely developed as they were, would sometimes catch distorted shapes and fleeting shadows beyond the translucent barrier of white. They held no significance; just fragments of a reality I had no means to comprehend.

I was an observer in a world I couldn't fathom, a passenger in a vessel that carried me forward without purpose...

The days and nights merged into an unbroken continuum, a relentless march that led to a destination I am unaware of at that time. Hunger and satiety were alien concepts, as the sustenance I required flowed into me from the solution that submerged my very being. There was no want, no longing, only a ceaseless existence.

In that world, I wasn't alone. There were others like me, encased in their own white sanctuaries. We drifted together in the same cosmic current, silent observers of a world that remained distant and unknowable. But as the sands of time trickled onward, a change began to take shape. The others, my companions in solitude, started to falter.

One by one, they began to crumble. The bonds that held them together, the fragile threads of life itself, unraveled before my eyes. Their once-steady forms turned fragile, and they collapsed like withered leaves, dissolving into the very liquid that had sustained them. I watched, my detachment shielding me from the sorrow that such a sight should have stirred.

Yet, amid the fading company of souls, a subtle transformation was taking place within the cocoon, the glass tube that enveloped me. The very medium that had been my sanctuary, a barrier between myself and the world, was changing. The once-opaque fluid was gradually shedding its milky hue, becoming progressively more transparent.

The others continued to falter and fade, while the liquid around me transformed, no longer blurring the world beyond. It was as if an unseen force was pulling aside a veil, revealing a reality that had been obscured from view. The world outside, once a mere suggestion of distorted shapes and fleeting shadows, now beckoned with newfound clarity.

As time pressed on, the numbers dwindled. The space that had once been filled with others like me gradually emptied until I stood alone, the solitary occupant of a world that had grown even colder, even quieter. The symphony of bubbling that had been my constant companion became a solemn dirge, a requiem for those who had faded away.

In this silent environment, time was but an abstract concept, a phantom that haunted the edges of my perception. It was during one of these indistinct moments that the rhythm of my existence was abruptly shattered. A voice, alien yet strangely familiar, echoed through the now transparent fluid that embraced me. The cadence of sound flowed in, carried by the currents that had sustained me from my earliest days.

"At long last...after 900 years..."

The words were enigmatic. They hung in the air, lingering like the faintest whisper of a secret. I absorbed them without comprehension, the significance eluding my still-forming consciousness. To me, they were just sounds, disconnected from the existence I had known within the once fluid embrace of white.

"We finally succeeded..."

The voice was one not of delight, nor satisfaction, nor fulfillment...nor did it bear the weight of disappointment or apprehension. It was empty, completely devoid of anything, a singular void that echoed within the confines of its own existence.

Reflecting on it now, I realize it was the first and only instance in which I encountered a presence entirely veiled from me.


"What is it,Doctor?"

"Start the next batch, usethis one'sdata."

Despite the reference to a monumental achievement, she didn't pause to savor the moment. Instead, it was treated with the nonchalance of a mundane occurrence.


The other voice began to recede, fading into the distance as the figure moved away. I was able to hear a hiss in the air, the implication of something opening and closing. Now, only the figure of the one called theDoctorremained, looking straight at me as if I were an intricate piece of art in a museum —a masterpiece.

She eventually turned around, yet, just as she was about to depart entirely, theDoctor'sfootsteps paused, as if some final thought had struck her. Without looking back she spoke some words that had been etched to the recesses of my infantile mind.

"Kiyotaka,things may be confusing for you, you may not comprehend what it is that I will say right now, but you will."

I was an observer in a world I couldn't fathom...

"Fate is not predetermined, that is why the path that we take must be something born out of our own will... One day, you will remember these words, at that time you may be at my side or somewhere else completely, but that is inconsequential."

. ..a passenger in a vessel that carried me forward without purpose...

"Our fate is not predetermined; I will say it once again. But wherever you are at the time you recall this moment, savor it, for that is my gift. Eventually everything will fall into place, and you will then return to where you rightfully belong... For that is my wil l. "

...or so I had thought.

Ȉ̴̴̧̨̖̦̼̣̯̠̞̞̮͉̭̺͋̓̋̄̿̎̇̑̾̏̈̔̈́̋̅̿̕͠ 𝓣̶̺͚̟̤͓̺̪̜̙͋͒̅̈́̕̚͠ͅO̴̧̠̬̖̹̮͙̭̪͑̊̒͛̋̈́̌͠Ű̵̧͖̪̟̭̤̭͔̋̽̾̇̚͘͝͝͝N̵͔̻̳̜̩̤̝̒̔̆̈̆̈́͐̓͘̚ͅD̸̩̩̘̖͉̘̊̊͂͗̎̇̽͊͘͝ ̵̬̟̹̳͈͔̤̄͆̓̑̒̃̚𝓨̸̫͓͈̞̼̘̞̞̝̄̈́̏̒̃̊̌̐̍̊͠Ȍ̷͉͍̞̖̾͛̑̅͛̎͒̈͘U̷͙̤̻̹̟̣͆̄͗̔̿̏͐̄̈́̊͘K̷̙̥̗̿̋͑̈̔͊̀𝓲̷̨̪̫̈̒͌̂̓̚͜͠𝔂̶̞̯̟͆̽̑̈̾͘͠σ̷̩̣͈̦̒̆̿̔̚̕͜͝τ̶͍̅̓̇̀̃̂̽𝕒̶̨͔̼̬̈͂̏̐̈́̾͝𝒌̴͕͓̔̌̄͒̑͊𝓪̵̨̣̣͗̅̈́̂̓͘

I have been having the same dream lately. A dream about the past, a dream aboutfate.It has been over two weeks since that day with Kushida. That was where it all started. The merging of our consciousness thrust me into a web of connection with tens of thousands of others. It was an unanticipated scale, and it left me exposed, like a solitary figure in the midst of a tempestuous storm.

I found you, Kiyotaka .

Those were the last words I heard before our connection was severed. A voice devoid of anything, a singular void that echoed within the confines of its own existence.

It is only a matter of time before they reach me. It shouldn't have bothered me whether I am in that place or somewhere far away, it shouldn't, however...

"Savor it, for that is my gift to you."

There's still so much that I wish to know, wish to see, to experience. The outside world has yet to quench my thirst.

If I want that to be realized, I can't afford to depend on the protection this academy has provided. Regardless of their motives, be they beneficial or otherwise, relying on them is not an ideal option. The only one I can trust is myse—


A familiar pang on my arm interrupted me from my thoughts, causing me to raise my head from its resting place.

Looking at the source, I was greeted by a stern look by myohsocaringneighbor. Her eyes locked onto mine for an uncomfortable duration before slowly shifting her focus back to the lecture ahead.

Not wanting any more trouble, I followed suit and turned my attention to the lecture as well... Soon enough, the final bell chimed, marking the end of the classes. Without any reason to linger, I gathered my belongings and prepared to leave.

"I knew you were aloof, but it wasn't likeyouto fall asleep in class like that, Ayanokouji-kun," Horikita remarked, addressing my earlier behavior.

"Even I get a bit drowsy at times."

She sighed in response, her usually composed demeanor punctuated by this minor exhalation. "Please be more mindful next time. While our points may not be at risk with it currently sitting at zero, such behavior could still potentially cost us. It's better to address it now."

"Yeah, I get it. I'll be going ahead then."

With a lot on my mind, I wasn't in the mood for a lecture from Horikita. I preferred to be left alone with my thoughts. So, convinced our interaction was done, I began my departure, only to halt as her grip suddenly seized my arm.

"Wait," she insisted.

"What else do you want, Horikita?"

She didn't respond immediately, her gaze scrutinizing my features as though searching for something beyond the surface.

"Let's grab lunch, my treat." Her invitation came forth, an unexpected twist in the course of our conversation.

Blinking once, twice, and many times more, I struggled to comprehend the nature of words that just came out of this woman's mouth. And as if to reinforce my disbelief, I extended my palm to her forehead checking to see if a high temperature had hijacked the control of my 'supposed to be mean' neighbor's body.

"...If your intention is to get on my nerves, then you're doing it perfectly, Ayanokouji-kun," her voice carried a certain level of irritation, accompanied by the sight of veins beginning to bulge on her forehead.

Sensing danger from remaining in contact, I swiftly withdrew my hand. "It's just unusual for you to invite me like this," I told her.

She huffed, her annoyance clear in the creased lines of her brows. "There's something I want to discuss. Let's go."

As we began to make our way out, a voice suddenly interjected. "Heading somewhere, Horikita-san, Ayanokouji-kun?"

I turned to find Kushida, her gaze moving between us with unmasked curiosity. Meanwhile, Horikita's response was swift and clipped. "It's none of your business, Kushida-san."

Undeterred by the cold response, Kushida simply gave her angelic smile as usual and pressed on. "Are you two going for lunch? If that's so, then let us join you," she declared, pulling her friends into the mix.

"No, thisisa private matter between me and Ayanokouji-kun, I would appreciate it if you could leave us alone, Kushida-san."

Normally, Kushida would have backed down by now, especially with an audience present. After all, she had an image she wanted to maintain, but instead...

"Heeeh, don't tell me, you're going on a date with Ayanokouji-kun, Horikita-san?" She shouted.

Oh great...

The moment our conversation took an unexpected turn, it was as though a spotlight had shifted onto us. Heads turned, the gazes of those who had remained in the room converged with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. Some among them were visibly puzzled, exchanging glances that sought an explanation for this abrupt interaction. Meanwhile, others, primarily Ike and Yamauchi, didn't hold back their feelings, their expressions a blend of disgruntlement and envy.

"Grr, damn you, Ayanokouji! How dare you get ahead of us!"

"You better treat us for an entire month goddamnit. Don't forget our deal!"

I don't remember having a deal like that at all...

We really are starting to get everyone's attention, no thanks to Kushida.

Well, it was a predictable outcome. As young adolescents, we're steeped in media, movies, and books that often place romantic relationships at their core. Although personally, I have yet to get the chance to involve myself in such activities, it's a common sight to see my peers immersed in books and other forms of entertainment that delve into those themes.

That is why children and adolescents often engage in teasing behaviors related to romantic relationships or crushes. It's a natural part of social development, exploration of relationships, and their eagerness to see how these themes play out in their lives.

When children or teenagers notice two people of the opposite sex spending time together or displaying closeness, they might tease them about being in a relationship or going on a date. This teasing can be innocent and good-natured, although sometimes it might carry a tinge of envy or competitiveness.

"That's not—"

Horikita tried to intervene with a counterargument, but her words were washed away by the rising tide of student murmurs. The room buzzed with speculative chatter, each voice contributing to a symphony of conjecture.

"Yeah, yeah, I see them together all the time, so maybe they really are dating?" A hushed whisper wafted from one corner, its tone dripping with intrigue.

"Hey, hey... he's usually quiet, but don't you think Ayanokouji-kun looks kinda cool? He has that mysterious vibe going on..." chimed another voice, carrying a hint of admiration.

"I would say cute..." added someone else with a gentle laugh.

These comments melded seamlessly into the hushed choir that enveloped the classroom, weaving a web of intrigue and observation.

Observing these dynamics reminded me of another aspect of social relationships, one that I initially found perplexing. But on closer thought, it wasn't entirely surprising, given that we humans are, at our core, animals driven by primal instincts.

This behavior I'm referring to is how individuals, once aware that someone is already in a relationship or has captured the attention of others, often experience a shift in their perception and emotions. Curiously, this phenomenon isn't confined to any particular gender; both males and females can encounter it.

A pivotal factor in this scenario is the concept of "social proof." Our brains tend to assess the worth or desirability of something, or in this case someone, based on how it's perceived by others. When an individual is seen as being in demand or is already in a relationship, our brains interpret this as a signal that the person possesses qualities that others find attractive. Consequently, our own perception of that person becomes more favorable.

Beyond that, this situation tends to stoke curiosity and intrigue. Humans are innately drawn to things that others find captivating. Witnessing someone who had previously flown under the radar suddenly garnering attention piques our curiosity. The idea of what makes this person appealing becomes a tantalizing puzzle, and this can contribute to an increased level of attraction.

Subconsciously, a psychological tug-of-war comes into play. This is where the "scarcity principle" enters the scene - an item or individual that's already claimed or desired by others gains enhanced appeal in our eyes as well. This principle taps into our inherent competitiveness, fueling the desire to "win" something that others value.

"Sigh, forget it... Let's just go, Ayanokouji-kun," said Horikita, choosing to ignore the escalating commotion around us.

As Horikita went ahead, I wondered why Kushida orchestrated a mundane scene like this. She should be aware that I would prefer not getting this kind of attention. Was it simply to mess with Horikita? Our gazes locked as I exited, and I caught Kushida slyly sticking her tongue out at me, followed by her silently mouthing the words, 'I'll see you later,' before the wall cut her off from my view.

Catching up to Horikita, we walked side by side in silence. I couldn't resist stealing occasional glances at her, my curiosity piqued by her intentions. She, on the other hand, remained focused on ignoring me until we finally reached our destination.

Seeing her buy a ticket for the first and third window as soon as we reached the meal ticket machine, I couldn't help but ask: "Are you sure you should be spending that much for me?"

"I did mention I'd treat you, and besides, I don't have many chances to use the auxiliary points I've accumulated."

Ah, that's right. Horikita had previously mentioned that she worked as a mecha designer. However, still being at a lower to intermediate level in the field might not be highly lucrative, given the moderate demand. Most individuals can rely on established blueprints or designs, and consequently, compensation for their work tends to be lower compared to, say, a blacksmith of similar rank.

Thinking about it, the auxiliary points still bother me somehow. Gaining it is relatively easy, and as long as you continue to perform well in your profession, accumulating such a high amount before you even realize is a possibility. However, despite all that, the available options you can use it on is severely limited, diminishing the significance of amassing such points for most students.

"Spending it for our own purposes or enjoyment is fine, but I think we should probably save some of it just in case," I told her.

Who knows, they might become important after all.

"I don't want to hear that fromyou."

Ouch, hitting me right where it hurts. I'm probably the only student in this academy who spends this much on food alone.

After quickly exchanging our tickets for our meals from their respective windows, we settled at a two-person table positioned in a quiet corner.

As we sat, I didn't eat immediately but instead only stared at my food. An invitation from Horikita was suspicious enough... I refuse to believe that she is treating me out of the goodness of her heart.

"What's the matter, Ayanokouji-kun? Are you not going to eat?" she asked.

"Just to make sure, after I take a bite from this, you're not going to force me into some kind of pact, contract or obligation, aren't you? You're simply treating me, and I won't owe you any favor or some kind?"

There was definitely a catch, no doubt about it.

"Is that really what you think of me? Sigh, no, I don't have such intentions... at least not fornowanyways. And besides, I don't really need to resort to that considering we still have ourdealfrom before," she stated, accompanied by an exasperating smirk.


"Got it. I'll be sure to decline any future invitations from you then."

Not wanting the food to get any colder, I finally took a bite. Strangely enough, the flavors seemed richer today than they usually did. Maybe it was the absence of cost that heightened the enjoyment. It makes me recall a saying that states, 'If someone else is paying for it, food just tastes a lot better.' I suppose there is truth to those words after all.

From that point onward, we maintained our silence while eating... The atmosphere was undeniably awkward. People often claim that we're constantly together, yet our conversations rarely extend beyond class matters, her occasional lectures and jabs at me, or me messing with her. Nonetheless, I found myself stealing glances in her direction, still grappling with the mystery of why she had initiated this meeting.

Perhaps sensing my internal queries, she gave a small sigh before addressing me.

"Is there something bothering you, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"Yes, why do this?"

"I'm not referring to this particular moment... You just lately, is there something wrong?"

Her unexpected question caught me entirely off guard. While it's true that my mind is currently preoccupied because of thosedreams, I'm fairly certain there haven't been any noticeable signs hinting at my current state.

I found myself absentmindedly tracing the contours of my face with my hand, almost as if I were seeking any possible clues that might lead to such a conclusion.

"I'm pretty sure I don't look or act any different though?" I told her.

"Well, not counting you sleeping earlier, then no. You look exactly the same with that bored look on your face."

"Then why come up with such a conclusion?"

"You've always been someone whose mind wanders a lot, lost in your thoughts and distant. That much hasn't changed... And yet, I don't know how or why but something feels different from you these days. It's as though you've grown more vulnerable or worried by something... and it's bothering me."

There were no visible indications and yet she still managed to notice just from her feeling alone. Was it instinct? Intuition? Or perhaps something more... Regardless, I can't really deny any of what she had just said since that is the truth, and lying wouldn't work here, particularly when she appears convinced of her own assessment.

"It's nothing much really, just that I've been experiencing some peculiar dreams as of late."

I told her the truth. I want to know how me sharing this would affect her and our relationship, and what she would think of it.

"Dreams? What kind? And if it's bothering you so much then it shouldn't be just nothing."

"Tell me, Horikita. What do you think aboutfate?" I asked.

"Huh? How does that have anything to do with this?"

"It has everything to do with it."

A believer or not, which one are you, Horikita?

"Hmph, I say it's arrogant," without thinking deeply about it, she answered.

"Why would you say so?"

She leaned back in her chair, her expression contemplative. "The idea of fate assumes that our lives are predetermined, that we're mere pawns following a preordained script. It implies a lack of control over our destinies, as if we're helpless against an invisible hand. To me, that's an arrogant notion, suggesting that we're not capable of shaping our own paths, that we're prisoners to some grand design... Listen, if there's a path that I'm going to take, then it shall be something born out of my own will."

"Fate is not predetermined, that is why the path that we take must be something born out of our own will..."

The same thing, huh. But Horikita, what if thatwillof ours determines the path of another person. What if thatwillis the script that a pawn is supposed to follow. Is that not fate materializing?

"I see..."

I hope that you won't become my prisoner, Horikita .

"...I think so too."

For my sake as well.

"Is there anything else?" Horikita inquired, her eyebrows arching upward, displaying an air of curiosity and readiness for further discussion.

"No, I think I'm fine now."

I settled on that response, feeling that it was sufficient for the moment. The intricate details of my dream didn't need to be laid bare for Horikita's understanding. It was enough to gain insight into her thoughts on the subject, and for now, that was all I required. At the very least, it showed me a path that I wish to traverse, and whatever destination lies at the end of that all rests upon her hands.

She crossed her arms, as if she were deliberating whether to delve into my personal matter or steer the conversation in a different direction.

After a drawn-out sigh, she chose to set aside the previous topic and transitioned to the other agenda she had in mind.

"There's only a few days left before the exam... our preparations are progressing properly, be it on training or studies, however..."

There was an underlying tension in her expression, a subtle furrowing of her brows that betrayed a certain level of concern.

"I still fail to see how it would be possible to have everyone pass the survival test."

"Do you remember what I told you?"

Nodding at my inquiry she answered. "'The longer you survive, the higher your score will be. If you can kill a soul beast, you will also get a point. Different soul beasts will give you a different number of points.'That is what Chabashira-sensei told us before we started. I see now why you wanted me to focus on that but knowing about it doesn't make things any easier."

What that instruction entails is very simple. The number of points awarded varies based on the type of soul beast encountered. Within the valley, only two species of soul beasts exist - the Ground-Fire Lizards and the Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragon. If the dragon's defeat wasn't a possibility, there would have been no need to phrase the instruction in such a manner. This implies that despite the considerable difference in our strengths, there must be a way to triumph over the dragon, securing a substantial point gain in the process.

Of course, the point gain is nothing but an assumption, but I'm almost positive that it should be the correct answer or else this exam is a lost cause.

As I observed the senior-grade students, while their numbers appear diminished, it wasn't to the extent one would expect from consistent participation in an exam with such a high dropout rate for over three years. This suggests that there must exist a viable strategy to navigate through each of these challenges safely. This was also implied by Chabashira-sensei back then.

"Indeed the level difference is too high. The dragon is an opponent we cannot hope to defeat at our current level even with all of us working together. This is such a stark contrast with the fire lizards which are far too weak that even Sudou's flames couldburnthem despite their fire resistance," I told her.

"...Our approach needs to be centered around defeating multiple soul beasts while sustaining several evenly-sized groups. By doing so, we can evade the dragon's attention and extend our survival for as long as possible," she added.

Horikita must have contemplated various strategies to tackle this examination, and I had no doubt that she had explored these avenues thoroughly. However, given our class's present circ*mstances, elaborate tactics heavily reliant on teamwork didn't seem feasible. Thus, her choice leaned toward a direct and straightforward method.

"But what about the meteor shower? You mentioned that the dragon initiates a wide-scale attack when there are no large groups formed."

"That's right, that is why I want you to team up with me, Ayanokouji-kun. Me, you, Hirata-kun, Kushida-san, and Sudou-kun will form a large group and draw the attention of the dragon. If it's us then we should be able to survive for as long as possible."

"That works for me, but how will you get Sudou to cooperate? I doubt he'll listen to us."

"Hirata-kun already took care of that. I briefed them beforehand, and you were the last one I discussed this plan with."

Now that just makes me even more curious, just what happened between the two of them that made Sudou so subservient to Hirata? And Kushida never mentioned any of this to me at all...sigh.

"Please sort yourself out properly as soon as possible, Ayanokouji-kun. I can't have your performance be affected when the time comes. And stop slacking off," she added.

"I told you I'm fine now, and I'm not slacking off."

"Is that so? Let's see here, ah, there it is."

Out of her bag, Horikita produced a file, the appearance of which indicated it contained some form of documentation. Flipping it open, she began to skim through its contents.

"Hmm, May 3rd, 9th and the most recent one was five days ago on the 21st. A total of three matches and three wins. The month is about to end and you haven't even accomplished half of what you ought to do as a member of this class."

Are those my battle station records?

"Hold on, how did you even...don't tell me..."

"Chabashira-sensei granted me access to the class' battle station records. Only for the results though, I'm not allowed to view any of the recordings."

"Why would she even give that to you, even for a class adviser, there should be a limit to preferential treatment, especially since this pertains to the privacy of her students."

Unless of course if she bought that access using points.

"I only mentioned that it was to monitor your performance and she immediately agreed," she remarked with a self-satisfied smirk.

...The two of them had now teamed up against me huh. How delightful. And from the look on her face, it seems she intends to continue on using my name to get what she wants from Chabashira-sensei.

Closing the file, she stood up and put it in her bag. We had long finished our meal and it seems that was all she wanted to say so she was now about to take her leave.

"I'll be monitoring your performance closely, Ayanokouji-kun. I won't accept anything less than a perfect victory from you. If you lose even just once then... there'll be hell to pay," she addressed one last time, punctuating her words with a disconcertingly bright smile that I had only witnessed once before leaving me to my own devices.


Not having the energy to deal with any of it, I could only sigh in defeat.

8:00 PM, First-Grade Dormitories.

After separating with Horikita, I headed straight to my workshop which at this point I already considered to be my second home. Once I arrived there, I only did the usual routine and some commissions that I had previously put off before clocking out earlier than usual. For some reason, I wasn't really in the mood today to do anything else and simply wished to rest as soon as possible.

Now arriving in front of my room, I lazily took out my keycard, unlocked the door and headed in. However, instead of the comforting solace of my personal abode, what greeted me as soon as I entered, was a familiar pair of shoes sprawled about the entrance.


Sighing again for who knows how many times today, I took off my shoes with practiced precision, placing them neatly along with the former in their designated spot at the entryway. My steps then carried me to the main room to confront the intruder.

"Ah, welcome home, Ayanokouji-kun." Greeted Kushida, her form relaxed as she reclined on my bed, propped up on her stomach with a phone in hand. Evidently, she had settled on my bed chatting with her friends while she awaited my return.

To be honest, I completely forgot that she would be here.

"You're early today, did something come up?" she asked.

"No, I'm just not feeling it today," I remarked with a sigh, my bag finding its place on the table.

With a slow stride, I made my way to the kitchen, the faint scent of cocoa wafting through the air as I prepared a comforting mug of hot cocoa. While doing so, a sudden chill crawled up my spine, sending a shiver down my back and I couldn't shake the feeling of an unsettling intent directed at me. My grip on the mug loosened, and I allowed my senses to slack. Glancing back, I offered, "Want some?"

Kushida, still casually lying on the bed, simply answered me by pointing to a nearby cup on the table. It seems that she had already helped herself with some. Casting a second look around the kitchen, there were indeed signs of it being used before.

I guess I really am just tired today.

Sighing to myself, I turned my attention to the task at hand. "Let's just get this over with, Kushida, I want to rest soon," I said as I approached her with a cup in hand.

For the past two weeks, Kushida had been visiting my place every single day. This was due to the spiritual core that I had implanted inside her. That spiritual core was not something she had personally crafted with her own spiritual power, and as a result it only exists inside her for a set duration - approximately 20 hours. Consequently, the process needed to be repeated periodically to maintain its effects.

Kushida positioned herself upright on the bed and waited for me to start. Taking a seat beside her, I gently rested my palm on her forehead, initiating the process. As her eyes softly closed, she embraced the sensations of my spiritual power flowing into her, intricately intertwining with the currents of her sea of consciousness.

Gradually, the energy converged, giving rise to a swirling vortex within her, a force that unraveled the suffocating void that had been the source of her troubles. With each passing moment, the clarity that she had become accustomed to these days had revitalized, the noise now becoming a distant memory.

As I gradually withdrew my hand, her eyelids lifted, revealing a glimmering golden hue that signaled the success of the procedure. With a bright grin, she rose from the bed and twirled around the room, savoring the sensation of her regained tranquility.

Expressions of gratitude had now become unnecessary between us, as this had become integrated as part of our normal routine.

She then proceeded to raise her arms and gracefully bend her body, showing off her flexibility through a series of stretches. "Hnngh ahhhh... Phew..."

"Tell me, Kushida, when did it return?" I inquired.

Still in the middle of her stretches, Kushida responded nonchalantly. "Hmm, around four past, I think?"

Considering that the last session was conducted at ten yesterday, that gives us roughly eighteen hours. The duration seems to be decreasing gradually.

"Hey, when do you think I will be able to construct my own spiritual core?" She questioned.

"When you're ready."

"I'm ready."

"That decision is mine to make, and it's not now. Please understand, Kushida."

She pouted cutely, clearly dissatisfied with my answer. "Oh come on, I'm already getting the hang of it, I'll definitely succeed."

...Well, it's already been quite some time, and she seems to be adapting quicker than I had anticipated...

"Allright, we'll give it a try after the exams," I finally conceded.

Her eyes lit up with delight, a wide smile forming on her face. "Yes! That's a promise you hear me?"

Her expression was like that of a child who had finally gotten that one toy they had always wanted. And seeing that, I can only nod in response.

"Now, with that out of the way, tell me, what did you and Horikita talk about on your littledate,huh?"

"It wasn't a date," I replied.

Rolling her eyes, she retorted, "Blah, blah, blah, who are you kidding? That bitch totally had the hots for you, it's so obvious," she remarked dismissively, her expression tinged with disdain.

What's wrong with her? And hell would have to freeze over before Horikita ever develops that kind of feeling towards me.

"We only talked about the upcoming exam," I replied. "Speaking of which, why didn't you mention what Horikita told you?"

Hearing my question, she then gave me a sheepish reply. "Oh, that? I guess it slipped my mind, hehe..." Her gaze shifted away from mine, avoiding eye contact.

So that's what it was... sigh.

"Hmph, I guess you figured it out huh. Aaah, I wanted to at least see you twitch. Just what the hell is wrong with that face of yours? It never changes!"

She launched into her rant, evidently irritated that her little scheme didn't yield the reactions she was aiming for. Drawing nearer, she playfully pinched my cheeks, tugging them as if attempting to reshape my face.

"Is this even real?"


Apparently, this is what Kushida did this morning. Once she learned about Horikita's plan, she anticipated that Horikita would eventually contact me. This prompted her to hatch her own scheme. She waited for the opportune moment, when Horikita extended the invitation, and then deliberately stirred up that scene, putting us in an awkward and uncomfortable situation. While there were alternative scenarios where Horikita could have contacted me, they likely still wouldn't have altered her plan significantly.

Indeed, the entire orchestration this morning was designed with the sole purpose of eliciting a reaction from me. It's rather immature and childish in nature...


After letting go of my cheeks, Kushida chuckled while I felt the gradual flush of color and warmth spreading across my skin, leaving behind a gentle and temporary blush that marked the aftermath of her playful pinching.

"So, what did you think about the plan? Horikita's, I mean," she asked.

"It's a solid plan, it should provide decent results."

"Decent huh... so how many do you think will be expelled then?"

Kushida was well aware of the underlying implications of my response, leading her to probe further into my expectations for the upcoming exam.

"My estimate is that at most a quarter of the class might face expulsion if we follow the current trajectory. In my view, that's not an unfavorable outcome."

"Geez, that's ten people, that's still a lot! But honestly, I couldn't care less if those idiots end up getting expelled," she remarked.

As I was taking a sip of my hot cocoa, I couldn't help but notice that Kushida's gaze lingered on me, her eyes tracing my profile with an intensity that was slightly unnerving.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You know," she began, her tone contemplative, "you're much colder than I initially expected."

"Haven't I always been distant?"

"Well, that's certainly true. In fact, I think that's everyone's first impression of you - quiet and gloomy. But as I started spending more time with you, I've noticed that you actually converse quite well and appear kinder... I mean, you've helped me a lot," she continued, her words a mixture of sincerity and curiosity.

"I don't think I've changed, on the contrary, it's the contents of our conversations that has."

Before, we merely discussed mundane topics, things that would be expected between friends. But back then, the masks worn limited our interactions to the surface. Now, with those facades stripped away, we've entered a new realm where certain opinions and thoughts could be expressed and discuss matters without the need to be guarded about how we appear to each other.

"Hehe, I guess that's true."

With an air of carefree abandon, she allowed her back to fall on the bed, her lithe form sinking into the mattress. As her weight settled, the bed responded with a gentle bounce, causing her body to rise and fall in a rhythmic dance with the plush surface beneath her.

"Careful," I cautioned. Her reckless motion nearly led her to collide with the wall just beside the bed.

She merely chuckled in response to my warning, unfazed by the near mishap, and proceeded to reach for my pillow. With a contented sigh, she embraced the pillow and closed her eyes, seemingly ready to surrender to slumber.

Don't sleep here!

"So, how's the study groups going?" I inquired, my curiosity prompting a change in topic.

Well... it's going along great. Everyone seems to be studying properly and I think they have all improved to some extent," she answered as she turned around, her back now facing me.

Unlike me and Horikita, who never really participated on those gatherings, Kushida, who is one of the tutors would know more about their situation.

"Have you noticed anything strange?"

"What do you mean strange?" She pivoted back around to meet my gaze.

"During the mock test, there were some problems whose difficulty is on a much higher level compared to the rest," I explained.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, quickly grasping my point. "Those final questions, right? Yeah, they were really hard, even for me as a mecha maker. I still answered them correctly though haha."

Indeed, the last three questions were notably more complex than the rest, requiring a deep understanding of soul circuit formations and equations, skills typically expected of high-ranking mecha makers. While students of all professions were expected to have a grasp of basic circuits, the difficulty level was significantly elevated.

Sensing where I was headed with this discussion, Kushida's lips curled into a knowing smile as she addressed my concerns.

"If you're worried about that, don't be," she assured. Rising from her reclined position, she reached for her bag beside the bed and retrieved two sheets of paper.

"And these are?" Accepting the pages, I scanned their contents and was surprised. They were identical-the first sheet was a precise replica of the mock test we'd taken a few weeks prior. The sole conspicuous difference was the mention of the school year printed at the top.

"And this second one must be..."

"This year's actual test," she completed. "I had learned that this test repeats every time a new batch comes in, so I immediately searched for anyone I could possibly get it from. That was just a few days later, and since then I have been using that to teach our classmates. Naturally, I didn't reveal that these questions would be on the exam. We wouldn't want them to become complacent."

Chabashira-sensei had hinted that there's a way for all of us, despite our class's shortcomings, to pass the test. This implies that those challenging questions weren't meant to make our passing even more difficult, but rather as a clue. Giving such complex problems to students who should only know the basics at their age would be pointless, even if the intention was to assess our academic capabilities. They served a purpose, a trail, and this paper in my hand is where it leads to.

"Hehe, quite impressive, right? Come on, don't be shy, give me some praise!"

"Yeah, you did well, Kushida."

Acquiring this information must have been easy for her considering what she could do.

"It was really easy, you know. Those idiots from the upper grades were so blatant with their mockery and condescending thoughts that it became so f*cking clear in my head what it was about. Heh, if only you could have witnessed their expressions when I approached them with the information I had," she elaborated, her words laced with a touch of amusem*nt.

I guess that clears the written exam. Now, all that's left is the practical exam... I wonder if Horikita will ever figure it out.

Kushida then reclined once again, seemingly proceeding to resume her slumber. Not wanting to entertain any more of her antics, I swiftly snatched away the pillow that she was clutching to.


"If you want to sleep, do it in your own room. Your business is done here, correct?"

"Hmph, fine!" She stood up and headed towards the entrance.She's mad for some reason but I couldn't care less, she's finally leaving and I can now take my rest.

My relief was short-lived as she promptly reappeared, now holding her shoes in her hands. While still confused as to why, I suddenly felt a rush of soul power coming from her, her Spirit Fox martial soul materialized while simultaneously igniting her third soul skill. Her body then became ethereal, and a translucent veil of spiritual intent enveloped her figure.

"I'll see you tomorrow, asshole!"

In the blink of an eye, she leaped upward, passing right through the ceiling and disappearing from my room.


"...At least use the door, sigh," I muttered, giving my last sigh for the day.

Chapter 10: The First Exam - A Desperate Gamble

Chapter Text

May 30th, 8 AM.

"Hoh, it seems that there are no absences today."

Just like usual, Chabashira-sensei entered the classroom in concert with the ringing of the bell. Setting down what appeared to be the test questionnaires on the podium, she allowed her gaze to sweep across the room, her eyes scrutinizing each student in turn before making that remark.

"This is the first hurdle for you, defective trash. Are there any questions?" She asked with a bold smile.

Several of my classmates flinched when they heard her insult, regardless of how much they have prepared for this examination, the mental hurdle or rather the psychological aspect of the label still weighed heavily on their shoulders. Chabashira-sensei, always keen on emphasizing our flaws, did an effective job in ensuring we were acutely aware of our status as Class D.

But I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of concern. Chabashira-sensei's words were more than just insults; they were psychological weapons meant to weaken our resolve. If this demoralization continued unchecked, it could have a profound impact on our ability to excel in the following exams. Something needed to be done, but I wasn't sure how I could possibly counteract the damage already inflicted.


A sound of a rattling chair broke the somber silence as a certain student stood up. With a brave and confident smile, this student stepped forward. It was Hirata.

"Sensei," Hirata began, his voice calm and steady, "we appreciate your challenges. They've pushed us to our limits, and for that, we thank you."

The classroom held its collective breath, hanging on Hirata's every word.

"But," he continued, "we are not 'defective trash.' We're not here to be defined by past mistakes or labels. We're here to prove ourselves, to show that we can rise above any obstacle."

His eyes scanned the faces of our classmates, and I could see a spark of hope kindling in their expressions. Hirata's confidence was infectious, and it was beginning to spread.

"We've trained hard, we've studied hard for this day, and we're ready. We know it won't be easy, but we're not backing down. We'll face this challenge head-on, together, as a team."

Hirata's words were simple but profound, resonating with each of them on a personal level. He spoke of unity, determination, and the strength they found in each other.

"And, sensei, when we pass this exam, we won't do it to prove you wrong. We'll do it to prove ourselves right. That we have the potential, the drive, and the heart to succeed."

The room erupted into applause, a thunderous ovation that echoed their renewed sense of purpose. Hirata's words had rekindled the flickering flames of hope within them all.

"Together, we shall conquer this challenge and emerge victorious, proving that we are more than capable. Let our actions speak louder than any words and let our unity shine brighter than any doubt. Let this mark the beginning of our rise as Class 1-D!"

The room resounded with cheers, their spirits reinvigorated, and their determination stronger than ever before. I even noticed Chabashira-sensei lips curved up to a smile, but only briefly, seemingly touched by the hopeful atmosphere in the classroom.

With the cheers subsided, Hirata returned to his seat. Sensei then distributed the test papers. As I received mine, I couldn't help but scan the contents first, eager to confirm if these questions indeed matched those from the past exams, as we had theorized.

Looks the same to me.

Upon inspection, it became clear that we had struck gold. The questions were indeed identical to those from the previous batch. A quick glance around the classroom revealed that everyone appeared confident and unfazed, thanks to Kushida's meticulous preparations. Noticing a gaze, I met with Kushida's eyes, her lips forming a proud smirk before returning her focus to her own paper.

Confirming that there is no longer anything to be worried about, I considered this part of the test cleared and slowly, I went through and answered all of the problems.

One period after the next, the exam proceeded smoothly until the final bell rang, signaling the conclusion of the written test.

"That's the end of it, all of you stop writing and pass your papers."

At Chabashira-sensei's command everyone promptly stopped and systematically passed the paper to their front. Upon observation, it was evident that none of our classmates appeared to be worried or anxious about their performance. It seemed we could anticipate favorable results for this section of the exam. Now, all that's left is the practical test.

"The practical exam will be held this afternoon. You're free to do as you please until then but, remember to reconvene at the Soul World at precisely one o'clock. Dismissed." Chabashira-sensei instructed before swiftly departing the classroom with the completed test papers in her possession.

The current time was twelve noon, affording students ample opportunity to enjoy lunch or relax before the next phase. Some students began to gather, particularly those who belonged to the same study groups. Conversations revolved around the exam's content, and most of them gravitated towards Kushida, praising her for her guidance and resourcefulness.

"Thank you so much, Kushida-san! Everything you've taught us was on the test. I'm confident I'll pass this time!" expressed Shinohara.

Kushida, ever gracious, replied, "Don't mention it, Shinohara-san. I'm delighted to have been of assistance," her smile as radiant as ever.

Their chorus of praises and pleasantries continued for quite a while before Horikita who sat beside me rose and joined Hirata at the front of the room. It was evident they were going to engage in a last-minute discussion with the class about their strategies for the upcoming practical exam.

Since I don't think I'm needed much here, I decided to go ahead and leave the room. Horikita noticed my departure, but it seems that she had no intention of stopping me, which was fortunate.

I decided to make my way to the Soul World ahead of everyone. Considering that I had already eaten my fill yesterday, I didn't see much reason to head to the cafeteria at this time.

As I entered the bizarre triangular building, I didn't bother wandering aimlessly. Instead, I strode purposefully toward the first-grade section, planning to pass the time there.

Approaching the designated area, a distinct change in the atmosphere gripped me — sharp and cold — a sensation I had already experienced before. Directing my attention towards the lobby just outside the section, I found the cause. It was none other than the beautiful female student with cascading long pink hair, Ichinose Honami from class 1-B waving at me.

"Hello there. You're quite early, Ayanokouji-kun. The exam is still over half an hour away," she greeted cheerfully.

"I could say the same about you, Ichinose, and you're alone," I responded, drawing nearer and leaning casually against a nearby pillar. It seems that the exam will be conducted simultaneously for all classes.

"Oh, everyone's already inside, I only went out for some air. They are all immersed in their preparations, and I didn't want to disturb them," she explained with a carefree smile.

"You don't seem to be worried."

"Hmm? Well, what's there to be worried about? I'm confident that we will pass the exam. How about you, Ayanokouji-kun? How's your class coming along?"

"So-so," I replied curtly.

This was the first time that we had ever talked by ourselves, but it didn't feel awkward at all. The urgency was only on the initial contact but after that was a progression that felt natural. The urge was still present and it was still uncomfortable, but it can be easily ignored and contained.

"You know, we should meet up often, it could help us get accustomed to each other's presence. The prickly air should be bothering you too, no?"

So she decided to drop all pretenses and just come clear with it huh. I can't say I dislike this approach.

"That's fine with me, but don't expect me to be proactive, I'm not really good with that kind of stuff."

"Great! I'll get in touch one of these days," she said, offering me her phone. Realizing her intention, I accepted it and entered my contact information. As I did so, her gaze remained fixed on me with keen interest, as though I were some peculiar creature.

"Who are you?" She finally asked.

"Who are you ?" I countered, handing her phone back.

She burst into laughter. "Hahaha, I suppose we won't know just yet... But don't you think 'what' might be more fitting for us?"

"I suppose so." It appears she already had her own theories and is gauging me for confirmations.

Whatever it is, there is definitely some sort of connection between us. And that both of us intend to find out each other's secrets one way or another, furthermore, her approach tells me that she wants to play the long game. Not that I mind; this should keep me occupied to some extent.

"Hey, I just had an idea. How about a little contest?" She suggested, seemingly out of the blue.

Curious about what it is, I inquired. "What kind?"

"Hehe, how about we compete on who can defeat those dragons the fastest, what do you say?"

From her choice of words, it was clear that she had already figured out the exam.

"I'll pass."

"Ehhh? Why?"

"I already have my plans for this one, maybe next time, Ichinose."

"Then how about—"


The two of us snapped our heads to the source of the interruption. It was a female student, most likely from Ichinose's class.

"Um," she stopped herself, hesitating upon seeing me with Ichinose.

"What is it, Chihiro-chan?" Ichinose asked, prompting her to continue.

"Uh, there's something we want to discuss with you, is it alright?" She appeared to be a meek one like Wang... or not. Upon closer inspection, she regarded me with cautious eyes, as if I were someone to be wary of.

"Well, it's a shame but I suppose that's it for now, Ayanokouji-kun. I'll catch you some other time," Ichinose said as she bid farewell and started heading toward their class's designated room. But before she got too far, I sought to clarify something.

"Are you going to finish the exam as how it was intended?"

Ichinose didn't stop, instead opting to walk backward to face me, her arms behind her back, flashing her radiant toothy smile and replied.

"Where's the fun in that?"

As I entered the simulation room, I was greeted by the sight of Chabashira-sensei smoking cigarettes at the back by an open window. Noticing my arrival, she turned to look at me. I half-expected surprise to paint her face but her expression didn't betray any of it.

"You're quite early, Ayanokouji. There should still be some time before the exam," she casually noted.

"Is there a problem with me being early?" This is the second time I was told that today.

Chabashira-sensei, in her typically nonchalant manner, responded, "Well, suit yourself," showing little concern for my query.

"Did you come straight to this place after you left?" My gaze shifted towards the papers neatly arranged on the desk at the front of the room.

"I had to conduct a checklist. Can't have any accidents occurring during the simulation," she explained matter-of-factly.

I guess that's a necessary action. As teachers, ensuring the safety of their students is one of their main jobs. They bore the responsibility of creating an environment where students could push their limits and grow, all while minimizing risks.

Casting my gaze back to her, she didn't seem to have any interest in entertaining me further, so I decided to sit on one of the extruded seats along the walls and simply waited in silence as my eyes fluttered close.

Before long, students started to pour in as the time for the exam drew nearer. The bustle of their activity slowly replaced the tranquil silence that enveloped the room.

"I figured you would be here."

Opening my eyes, I found Horikita standing in front of me with her arms crossed. Her demeanor portrayed herself as an authoritative figure scrutinizing a potential suspect.

"I don't know what it is, but I'm innocent."

"Hah? What are you talking about?" She asked, appearing baffled by my seemingly random comment.

"It's nothing. So, how did it go?" I inquired about their discussion.

"Well, I did what I could do for now, all that's left is to take the exam and see how it goes."

That's certainly true. Things in the end don't always turn out exactly as we had expected. There are bound to be variables that would disrupt its course and cause everything to unravel. It is up to how quickly Horikita and the class can adapt to these changes that would ultimately determine their success or failure.

"It's time. All of you, enter your pods. We will now commence the exam."

The clock had struck one pm, and Chabashira-sensei issued her directive. With little hesitation, my classmates stepped into their designated simulator pods, and I followed suit, submerging myself into the familiar viscous liquid.

This sensation does remind me of the old days.

Soon, the metal mask dropped and covered my face, enveloping me in darkness and the pod seamlessly closed. The feeling of numbness and the nauseating feeling that I still couldn't get used to started to appear and after a brief moment, the darkness started to wane, and my surroundings lit up.

When my vision returned, I found myself back in the barren valley, nestled between the same towering mountain walls. The familiar rocky terrain as far as the eye could see gave off the same feeling of desolation as before.

"They seem to be taking a while," observed the person who had arrived shortly after me, Kushida Kikyou.


The simulated world takes into account the amount of spiritual power a soul master possesses. This world basically forms itself by feeding large amounts of data or information into the soul master's brain and linking us in a specific neural network. Hence, those with higher spiritual power will experience less downtime since they are capable of processing large amounts of information in a short amount of time.

Gradually, the rest of my classmates materialized in the virtual landscape. Horikita appeared first, closely followed by Kouenji, and then the others. When everyone had been accounted for, Chabashira-sensei's voice reverberated across the valley, signaling the beginning of the exam.

"As you have previously known, the objective for this exam is to survive. The longer you survive, the higher your points score will be. Furthermore, the soul beasts living in this valley are extremely aggressive and will be out for blood. Taking these soul beasts down will also grant you points and different soul beasts give a different number of points. Being killed by a soul beast or other means will count as an automatic disqualification and your exam will end."

She repeated the same instruction she gave us before.

"To pass this test, you must score above half of the total class average. If the class achieves an average of 500 points, then that will be considered as everyone passing the test."

New information has been provided. The threshold that was previously unknown to us had now been revealed. If I remember correctly the highest score from the mock test was Kouenji's 178 points and the average was 46... The class would have to achieve ten times that amount to guarantee everyone's passing.

A collective gasp escaped from the students, their faces etched with sheer disbelief and shock as the words sank in. The initial swell of confidence and hope had swiftly given way to the frigid embrace of harsh reality. The truth hung heavy in the air, weighing down on them like a relentless downpour. They grasped it now, just as I had, and suddenly, the towering mountain walls of this perilous trial seemed to loom nearer, growing larger and more suffocating with every passing second. It was as if the very landscape conspired to crush their spirits.

"That will be all. Begin!" Chabashira-sensei's command cut through the apprehension like a sword unsheathed.

Without even letting a breath of respite settle in, the valley came alive. The ominous sounds of soul beasts, ravenous and cruel, echoed from the unseen crevices of this simulated world. Their presence was overbearing, a malevolent force lurking just beyond sight, and their collective hunger radiated like a dreadful aura.

My classmates remained frozen; their spirits entangled in a web of uncertainty. Was this what Chabashira-sensei was gunning for? No, it was not hers but rather the schools. This is the first hurdle of the exam, to overcome this mental blockade. For the other classes this would probably be inconsequential but for us at the bottom, it was the most effective…

"Do not waver!" Shouted Hirata, his voice unwavering, his presence a steadfast anchor.

"Remember what we're doing this for. To prove ourselves, that we are not who they think we are. That we are more than the labels they have placed upon us. Stand up, Class D!"


A resounding roar of determination echoed through the valley. Once again, his words worked their magic, a rallying cry for our beleaguered spirits. Hirata's unwavering determination inspired the class to stand firm against the encroaching dread.


The mighty roar of a dragon reverberated across the sky, its echo filling the valley with an unbroken intensity.

"It's here."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Group yourselves as discussed. Leave the dragon to us!" Hirata's orders rang out, and without hesitation, our classmates swiftly organized themselves. They divided into the same groups as during the battle station. This arrangement allowed them to leverage the experience they had gained, working as a team from their matches in the station.

As was previously planned, I grouped up with Horikita, Hirata, Sudou, and Kushida. The five of us formed a large group, to serve as the target for the dragon and draw its attention.

As expected, the dragon locked onto us the moment we assembled. With a deafening roar, it launched a massive fireball in our direction.

"Let's go up." It was now Horikita who took command this time.


Swiftly evading the colossal projectile, we began our ascent up the mountain wall. It was a wise choice, diverting the dragon's onslaught away from the other groups. Up here, we had the freedom to move without endangering our classmates below.

"Let's begin," Horikita instructed, her gaze on Sudou.

Nodding in response, he revealed several strands of vines, offering one to each of us. These were extracted from Ike's Moss Vine martial soul. We then proceeded to wrap ourselves in the vines, each strand connecting to Sudou, who acted as the primary anchor. The idea was for us to take turns carrying everyone while dodging around to conserve soul power.

"Incoming," I told them, noticing another attack from the dragon.

Sudou, still in the midst of his preparations, instantly activated his martial soul and sprang to the side with lightning speed, his fingers gripping the rocky wall for dear life as the rest of us hanged. "Phew," he couldn't help but exhale in relief. "That was close! Give us a louder and quicker heads-up next time, Ayanokouji!"

The relentless barrage of projectiles continued, and Sudou skillfully dodged each one, though at times coming dangerously close for comfort.

While being hauled along by Sudou, I couldn't help but observe the chaos unfolding below. The valley was swarming with countless soul beasts, and my classmates were putting up a valiant fight against this relentless tide. My attention was then drawn to several areas with magma pools, spawning Ground-Fire Lizards. Considering that they are merely a bunch of 10-year or 100-year soul beasts, they shouldn't pose much of a challenge. The only problem is their never-ending wave and the soul power consumption. If they don't pace themselves properly then it could easily end in a tragedy for them.

"You know, I was wondering," Kushida spoke up. "Just how are the points calculated?"

From her question, all of us started to ponder. Figuring this out could potentially help us formulate a better strategy. Which made me wonder why Horikita never brought up such a topic before.

"Hmm, right, I didn't really bother thinking about it before since there is no point," Horikita responded.

That's right, there is indeed no point for it. In the absence of a clear threshold, the points we earned held little significance beyond the fact that we needed as many as possible. So, formulating a plan based on it is a waste of time as there is nothing but uncertainty. However, now that the 500-point mark was unveiled, we finally had a tangible goal to strive for.

"Horikita-san's score reached over a hundred, correct? Perhaps we could derive the system from there?" Hirata suggested. "I don't think mine could help much considering I was among the first to be eliminated."


"Are we really having this discussion now?" Sudou complained as he dodged the attack.

"Just focus on dodging, Sudou-kun."

With Horikita's remark, Sudou couldn't help but mutter to himself. "Grr, they're treating me like transportation."

"You scored 142 points right, Horikita-san? Sudou-kun's is 76, 24 for Ayanokouji-kun, and 6 and 7 for Hirata-kun and me, respectively," Kushida enumerated.

Eyes wide, Hirata expressed his surprise. "It's amazing that you remembered all of that, Kushida-san."

"Hehe, it's one of my strong suits."

With the information she had provided, one thing came clear. Each minute gives us one point. From my score alone, I could confidently say that I didn't kill a single soul beast during that test, and I was aware that I lasted over twenty minutes. And considering how quickly the two of them were eliminated, their scores support it even more.

"One minute is one point, huh," Horikita mused aloud, arriving at the same conclusion as I do.

"I think I lasted almost an hour back then. I also killed a handful of soul beasts, especially near the end. If we were to consider that I lasted a full hour, then that'll give me 60 points. The remaining 82 points should be split between the 10-year and 100-year Ground-fire Lizards."

"How many did you defeat?" I inquired.

"It should be over fifty. I remember exhausting my soul power to kill as many as I could before the fireball got to me."

"The 10-year soul beasts should outnumber the 100-year lizards ten to one. Which means that it is highly likely that the majority of your kills are of the 10-year kind," I said.

"Then, does that mean that the 10-year soul beasts are worth 1 point and the 100-year soul beasts are worth either 2 or 3 points?" Hirata tried to confirm.

"That might be the case."

"Hey, I get that we have to score 500 points each," Sudou interjected. He was actually listening? "But since we are essentially focusing on evasion, does that mean that we would have to survive for 500 minutes at the very least? That would be uh, um...."

"8 hours and 20 minutes." Horikita completed for him.

"Right... How the f*ck could we even last that long?!"

Even with the revelations about the points system, our overall strategy remained largely unaffected. The knowledge of point distribution didn't significantly impact our approach. The discussion served more as an exercise to clarify the scoring system and better comprehend the exam mechanics, rather than a game-changing strategy shift.

In conclusion, the conversation turned out to be somewhat futile, serving primarily as a way to pass the time while we continued evading attacks.


Soon, an hour passed, and it was now Hirata's turn. He quickly switched with Sudou, and I felt his soul power rise. Hirata didn't bother to summon his martial soul as it is a tool martial soul unlike Sudou's and does not augment his physical capabilities. Instead, he used his soul power to enhance them.

To determine our order, we resorted to a simple rock, paper, scissors game. Sudou was the first to lose, followed by Hirata, then Horikita, Kushida, and finally me. I had no intention of doing labor for them so early, so I was determined to secure victory in that game till the very end.

Now, with Hirata at the helm, we're venturing into uncharted territory. Horikita's attempt only stretched to an hour at most. Beyond that point, we have no inkling of what changes might await us.

Time passed, and nothing major seemed to have happened. I simply relaxed and observed while being dragged around by Hirata. I was even surprised to see that none of my classmates have been eliminated so far.

Down below, the rest of them formed an encircling formation. This was one of the directions that was given to them by Horikita. With their small groups they would spread about, serving as points that form a three-layered circle, the circle getting smaller each time. The outermost group would face the incoming soul beasts in their vicinity while letting the rest pass them, directing the beasts to the second layer where another group would intercept. This process repeated until the innermost group took their stand.

This formation served a crucial purpose - as the number of soul beasts lessened deep inside the circle, it provided them with a relatively safe area for rest and the chance to recover their soul power. Each group took turns in rotation, swapping places as needed. It was a meticulous strategy aimed at maximizing their chances of survival. Though it appeared that Kouenji had become a permanent resident of the resting area.

I had to say though, for someone who talked about lacking teamwork, and focusing on simple strategies, Horikita delivered properly on this one. However, it did still take them a little over an hour to complete their formation.

Soon, the second hour came, and Horikita prepared to take over.

"Hooh, it looks like it isn't that hard after all. It should be smooth sailing from here, right? Haha," Sudou exclaimed.

All of a sudden, the dragon let out a deafening roar, louder than anything we had heard before, shaking the entire mountain. This caused us to instinctively block our ears and wonder: What is going on?

The Ground-fire Scarlet Dragon shifted its gaze upwards, and I felt its enormous energy building up. Don't tell me…

Ptoo! Ptoo! Ptoo!

The dragon began spitting countless fireballs into the sky, each of them disappearing far into the heavens. Soon, the skies were ablaze with red, and numerous fireballs rained down one by one. It was like a meteor shower.

"You were saying? Sudou-kun?"

Hmm, I wonder if this is what they call a jinx?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Take cover!" someone shouted from below.

The relentless barrage of meteors crashing down created chaos in the valley. Rocks shattered, debris flew in every direction, and the earth trembled beneath us. It was as if the very world itself was rebelling against our survival. Everyone began to panic, their formation disrupted, desperately seeking refuge from the celestial onslaught.

Observing Horikita, I noticed her furrowed brows, deep in thought. She even started to absentmindedly nibble on her nails, a gesture that I found to be uncharacteristic of her.

It was clear that her mind was in turmoil, unable to settle on a clear strategy to overcome the current situation. It was a stark contrast to her usual composed demeanor. Her eyes darted across the battlefield, analyzing every detail, searching for a solution that remained frustratingly elusive. As each moment passed without a breakthrough, her frustration grew. She knew that time was of the essence, and the longer she struggled, the graver our situation became.

Looking around, I noticed that the frequency of soul beasts emerging from the magma pools appeared to be getting lesser and lesser.

I guess it's about time…

I spontaneously broke free from the vine that connected us, leaping further up the mountain.

"Eh? Ayanokouji-kun?" Horikita snapped away from her thoughts and looked at me in utter bewilderment. "What are you doing?!"

I ignored her, my focus solely on climbing. In a matter of moments, I neared the peak, and just as I reached it, a familiar fireball hurtled towards me. This time, I skillfully dodged it and pushed on to the very top.


As soon as my feet landed on the flat surface, a deafening roar once again echoed throughout the entire valley; only this time, it didn't come from our resident friendly dragon.


Not one, but two dragons roared from either side of the mountain wall simultaneously. The new arrival seemed poised to enter this side of the valley, its anger palpable. Both dragons fixed their menacing gazes upon me, and with terrifying synchronization, unleashed their signature devastating attacks.

I didn't bother bracing myself but instead looked down and locked eyes with Horikita. Her countenance was a turbulent mixture of wide-eyed astonishment, fear-stricken visage, and confusion, all laid bare for me to see.

Soon enough, the glorious fireballs reached my position, their fierce brilliance illuminating my surroundings. I made no attempt to evade or resist. Instead, I remained still, allowing the raging inferno to envelop me. As the intense heat surrounded my form, the world seemed to blur and distort. My existence started to evaporate into the searing conflagration, a fleeting whisper of my current form consumed by the fiery maw of the dragons' wrath.

" The real test begins now, don't disappoint me, Horikita Suzune."

I uttered as a final whisper, leaving behind only a wisp of my former existence.

Feeling the viscous liquid release me, and the pod's cover opening up, I slowly stood and exited the simulator pod.

"You went out in the same fashion as the mock exam, is that intentional?"

Chabashira-sensei, with a cigarette in hand, greeted me the moment I stepped out.

"It's good to be consistent, once in a while."

Scanning the room, I noticed that no one other than me had exited their pods. Am I the first one? That's impressive.

My attention then shifted to a large, hovering transparent screen broadcasting the ongoing exam. "I didn't see that last time," I commented, making my way to her desk at the front.

"That's because I didn't bother setting it up," she replied as if matter-of-fact.

"Tell me, Ayanokouji, what are you planning? I'm pretty sure you already solved this exam, so why?" Her eyes bore into mine, seeking answers.

"I'm leaving this exam to Horikita's hands."

"If she fails, then you will be expelled, you know that."

"You're the one who pushed her to me, Chabashira-sensei. I needed to figure out if she is someone who can live up to my expectations. And if my expulsion is the consequence of that, then let it be so," I told her.

"Do you trust her?"

I didn't respond and simply looked her straight to the eye.

"I see, that was a foolish question," she admitted, shaking her head and returning her cigarette to her lips.

"Don't worry, an expulsion won't happen. I already told Kushida what to do, just in case."

"That Kushida, I don't know why but she gives me the creeps, there's something about her that bothers me, and I'm not talking about her ability."

As our direct adviser, Chabashira-sensei has access to information that pertains to her students' abilities and backgrounds. It is a given that she is also aware of Kushida's ability to hear the thoughts of other people, but it seems that that isn't the aspect that she is wary of.

"Are you sure she won't betray you?" She probed further.

"You don't have to worry about that... she will never betray me."

"How can you be so sure?" Her curiosity persisted.

"You should stop smoking sensei, it's bad for your bones," I told her as I tried to reach for the cigarette in her hand.

Slapping my hand away, she retorted. "It's none of your business, Ayanokouji. And don't change the subject." Her reply was rather defensive, perhaps she is not smoking out of want, but rather out of need.

"Addiction is a scary thing, don't you think?"

Her brows furrowed, appearing confused. She wondered where I was getting at, but a moment later, her eyes widened, seeming to have realized the nature of my words.

"You...what did you do..."

Closing my eyes, I leaned against the front wall, my body relaxing as I await the exam's conclusion.

"Who knows."

Red. The skies painted itself a blazing red once again - similar to that day. The heavens, once unaffected, tranquil and serene, were now an infernal canvas. The fiery hues stretched as far as the eye could see, casting an eerie, almost apocalyptic glow over the valley. The simulated sun itself seemed to have been replaced by a colossal fireball, its radiant tendrils reaching out across the firmament. And from this crimson canvas descended the remnants of the dragons' wrath - massive fireballs plummeted like meteors, each one a harbinger of chaos and destruction.


My eyes frantically scanned the burning landscape below, the panicked screams of my classmates echoing like a dissonant symphony of sirens. Questions swirled in my mind, a relentless tempest of uncertainty. What was happening? Why couldn't I figure out what to do? I had prepared for this, hadn't I? It was all within expectations, but I feel utterly lost.

I knew I had to give orders, to lead them. It was a responsibility he entrusted to me... even if he hadn't said it outright, I understood.

You are still the same…

It has only been two hours, the points we have accumulated didn't even reach half of what was required for us... is the result inevitable after all?

Tch. Shaking my head, I tried to push aside my doubts. Why am I even bothering with this? All I needed to ensure was my own survival. All I needed was to get a score higher than anyone else. That should have been the case…

...defective, little girl…

Once again, I'm reminded of those words, a label not imposed by the academy, not by the faceless masses, but rather the failure of expectations... That's right, that is the reason. Merely passing this exam was not an option. I had to achieve something extraordinary, something that would prove to them that I don't need to have the family's power to succeed.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to clear my mind. Think! There had to be something that I could do to overturn this situation and ensure that none shall fail in this exam. Think, Suzune!


But before I could make progress, a sudden disturbance snapped me back to reality... I watched in bewilderment as Ayanokouji-kun abruptly left our group and began scaling the mountain wall. What on earth was he doing?

The vine that had once connected us now hung in the air, and I could only stare at it, completely baffled.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled, hoping he would provide some answers amid the chaos. I don't know if my voice even reached him, but he didn't look back and instead accelerated to the top. Watching this occur made me recall him doing the exact same thing before, but why? What is his intention?

In a speed that would put even agility-type soul masters to shame, he scaled the several hundred-meter wall in mere moments, but as soon as he neared the peak, the same phenomenon as before occurred. A massive ball of fire zoomed into his position and exploded in the same fashion, only this time he managed to come out unscathed and succeeded in scaling up to the mountain top.

I continued to follow him with my eyes, my brows furrowed in apprehension. In that instant, another deafening roar echoed throughout the entire valley.

Something's wrong…

This roar didn't come from the dragon facing us; it seemed to originate from afar, as if it were muffled by a massive wall... You gotta be kidding me…

Realization hit me when the roar reverberated once again. It was another one, another dragon had appeared on the other side of the wall, and I could feel its footsteps getting louder and louder as it approached.

As this revelation swirled in my thoughts, I sensed a massive surge of energy building up within the terrifying beast before us. It was preparing to launch another attack on Ayanokouji-kun.

Looking back up, I caught him focusing on me, and we locked eyes, his expression still the same as ever, impassive and devoid of any emotion whatsoever. Even amidst all that was happening, he alone remained unchanged. But, that's when I knew... he knew. He knew about the other dragon on the opposite side of the wall, he knew it would awaken the moment he set foot on the mountaintop. Yet, he had done it regardless. Why? His actions were making an already dire situation even worse for all of us.

The realization of the impending disaster settled in. My gaze remained fixed on Ayanokouji-kun, who stood alone at the mountain's peak. The deafening roars of both dragons reverberated through the valley, and the colossal fireballs from the dual threats bore down upon him with unstoppable fury.

Boom! Boom!

The fireballs struck, one from each side, engulfing him in a maelstrom of searing heat and blinding light. An inferno raged around him, a whirlwind of flames and destruction that consumed not only his form but also the ground on which he stood.

Yet, even as the flames devoured him, he didn't make any effort to protect himself or dodge the onslaught. He simply stood there, his body consumed by the fiery torrent, and his form slowly turned into ashes in the relentless heat. But what struck me most was that throughout this nightmarish ordeal, his eyes never wavered from mine. In the midst of unimaginable destruction, in the face of certain annihilation, there was a strange calmness in those eyes. It was as if he were trying to convey something to me, something I couldn't quite grasp amidst the chaos.

My heart pounded, and my mind raced to comprehend the significance of his actions. What was he trying to say? As the seconds ticked away, and Ayanokouji-kun's form continued to fade into the inferno, I felt a growing sense of unease and dread. Just what did he expect of me in this dire situation?

As the fireballs dissipated, so did the figure of Ayanokouji-kun. His examination had concluded, and considering that he hadn't killed any of the soul beasts, it was highly likely that he had the lowest total score among the class - he would be expelled. But that's what I couldn't understand the most. There was no way that he would allow himself to be expelled just like that. Sure, he was aloof, and he often pissed me off, but there's just no way he would give up like this.

However, I did feel that something is wrong with him these past few days, he felt more vulnerable, and uncertain. Nothing really changed from how he acted or looked, but that is what I felt. If that was the case, then was he truly going to be expelled? Has he really given up?

Roaaarrr! Boom!

Goddamnit, get out of my head, you bastard. Don't think about him anymore, Suzune, and concentrate on what you need to do now. I mentally scolded myself to focus on the situation at hand.

"We're descending!"

I gave my order and severed the vines that connected all of us - there was no longer any need for it at this stage.

Upon my command, we all started to descend and as we did so, I felt the entire mountain shake. Large boulders and rocks suddenly dropped from the mountaintop and a large shadow loomed over us.

"What the f*ck?!" Sudou-kun exclaimed.

"Oh god..." uttered Hirata-kun under his breath.

Glancing back at the very top of the mountain, I beheld the nightmarish sight - a colossal figure looming over the valley. The dragon, the Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragon from the other side of the wall, had completed its ascent and now joined this side.

In this dire moment, the visual manifestation of despair struck us like a punch in the gut, a cruel and unrelenting reminder that the grim reality before us was no mere illusion.

Damn it!

"Hirata-kun, Kushida-san, have everyone gathered at once, we can't have our fighting force divided at this stage!" I commanded with urgency.


"Got it."

Being separated like this makes us ripe for the picking. Even if being in a group makes us a bigger target, at least we would be able to combine our strengths and defend as much as we can... I'm desperate, I know it, but it is impossible for us to go against those humongous monsters.


Sudou-kun bellowed. He had released his martial soul once again and fought the soul beasts approaching us. His second soul ring shone as he unleashed a roar of fire towards the Ground-fire Lizards.

The lizards twisted and squirmed, their wails of agony pierced the air as they writhed in the searing blaze of the heat from Sudou-kun's flames. Watching this unfold, I felt a certain gnawing unease creep over me once again, a nagging sensation that something wasn't quite right.

"...the lizards are far too weak that even Sudou's flames could burn them despite their fire resistance."

I'm seeing that now, but why did Ayanokouji-kun have to specify that in the first place? Thinking about all of the things he had done up to now, I'm now confident that it wasn't just an example. There has to be something more to it…

"Wait, burn?"

In that moment, it hit me, the main cause for the unease that I was feeling, the one thing that didn't make any sense in this particular moment. It was the magma pools!

Turning my gaze to the nearest pool, I observed the newly emerged lizards. That's right, it's a contradiction - if the lizards came from the magma, then they shouldn't be burning from the mere heat of a flame, or else the magma would have already reduced them to nothing. Which means…

Crash!!!! Roaaarrrrr! Roaaarrrrr!

The entire valley quaked beneath the colossal weight of the descending dragon. The two dragons now before us let out a deafening roar that numbs the senses. It's now or never.

"Into the magma pools! Now!" I commanded with fierce determination, my voice straining to be heard.

The crowd that Hirata and Kushida had gathered, or rather those who had survived this far, let out bewildered and frantic exclamations. Their faces painted with disbelief, they questioned my sudden and seemingly reckless command.


"Have you gone mad?!"

But there was no time to explain or persuade them. The dragons were now in our pursuit, their shadows looming over us and the heat emanating from their colossal forms was intense even from this distance. It was a desperate roll of the dice, a high-stakes gamble, but it was the only play left in this dire game.

Without a moment's hesitation, I sprinted towards the closest magma pool and leaped. Their incredulous cries echoed in my ears, branding me as a madwoman, but I paid them no mind. I steadied myself, my heart pounding, I couldn't afford to fail, and taking a gamble like this is unlike me, but I'll trust him, this is the answer that Ayanokouji-kun is trying to lead me to.

Holding my breath, my body finally plunged into the magma pool; my senses, still in doubt, braced for the searing pain I expected to follow. I clenched my teeth, preparing for the scalding sensation that should have enveloped me. Yet, to my utter astonishment, it never came.

Instead, I felt an unexpected warmth surrounding me. It was like slipping into a heated bath, comforting and enveloping. I submerged myself further, letting the thick, fiery fluid surround me completely.

My classmates' calls of alarm faded as I descended deeper, the magma embracing me like a gentle embrace. The world outside grew distant, muffled by the soothing, almost protective embrace of the molten pool.

Another thing that I had taken note of is that this magma pool held only minimal signs of life. The lizards that should have swarmed the area were conspicuously absent, as if they had retreated into hiding, fearful of the colossal dragons that had descended upon us.

Despite my apprehensions, I made a desperate gamble, and it paid off. There was no searing pain, no agonizing burn, no ferocious beasts. Instead, it felt oddly... safe.

For the first time since this test began, I allowed myself to exhale a shaky breath. My gaze shifted upwards and swam back up, towards the surface of the magma pool. The moment my head broke through the surface I could see the expressions of disbelief and terror etched on my classmates' faces.

"It's safe! Get in, now!" I commanded once again, and this time, Hirata-kun and Kushida-san were the first to dash and join me. The fact that our class's most trusted individuals, the very idols that our classmates looked up to, were taking the plunge seemed to lend some credibility to my reckless decision.

The others hesitated for a moment, their faces etched with uncertainty, but the dragons' presence loomed ever closer, their monstrous forms casting long shadows over the valley. There was no time left for deliberation.

One by one, they followed suit, jumping into the magma pool. Each of them experienced the same disbelief I did when they realized the fiery liquid was not the deadly threat they anticipated.

"Everyone, submerge!"

Upon my command, we all dove deeper into the pool, our bodies immersed in the heated liquid. As soul masters, we are capable of holding our breaths longer than ordinary people, but with our present situation, we would only be able to last for about five to ten minutes at most.

Suddenly, I sensed a surge of soul power emanating from within our group. It was Matsush*ta-san. Even while submerged, she had taken a meditative posture, sitting cross-legged with her hands over her knees.

A magnificent spectacle then took place, warm greens, yellows, and orangey reds, tendrils of energies started to emanate from her figure and spread all over the group.

Huh? I feel…lighter…

When I made contact with the strands of energy, a profound sensation enveloped me. The weight of holding my breath dissipated entirely. It wasn't about oxygen; she wasn't supplying us with any of it. Instead, it was the very need for oxygen that had vanished.

Observing everybody else, I could tell that they felt the same way. The breathtaking sensation caused by Matsush*ta-san's unusual martial soul - The Thousand Autumns - a support-type deeply rooted in the essence of one of the four seasons.

My best interpretation was that it embodied a metaphorical realization of transcendence. Just as trees shed their leaves in autumn and appear dormant, life can continue even when our physical breath is no longer a necessity. What a clever way and profound application of a martial soul.

With Matsush*ta-san's support, we can stay submerged for as long as she can persist. However, we couldn't forget that there were still some stubborn and lurking soul beasts within this pool with us.

Though they were few in number, several Ground-fire lizards came out once again and appeared ready to strike. Using a series of non-verbal signals, I instructed the rest of the class to deal with the remaining beasts while I released my martial soul.

My Hell Rose petals, a vibrant red and purple, manifested around me. The heat from the magma pool wasn't high enough to be a concern, but the thick fluid suppressed their movement. However, I never intended to attack the soul beasts. Instead, I directed the petals upward, toward the surface.

By sharing my senses with the Hell Rose petals and allowing them to function as extensions of my consciousness, I should be able to gather information about the ongoing situation outside the magma pool. Though the range of this connection is quite limited, it should prove enough for our current circ*mstances.

When the petals broke through the surface and scattered all across the valley with their regained mobility, what unfolded before me was a completely unexpected scene.

The dragons, having lost their prey, had turned their wrath upon the small Ground-fire Lizards below. They ruthlessly devoured, incinerated, and trampled upon the hapless creatures. These unfortunate beasts ran and ran, trying to escape the relentless fury of the dragons, but there was no escape from the colossal dragons. The smaller Ground-fire lizards scurried in every direction, desperately seeking refuge, only to meet their fiery demise at the hands of their newfound predators.

This relentless onslaught continued until the once-chaotic valley lay silent, doused in flame and devoid of any life except for the two colossal soul beasts that now reigned supreme.

I could only watch in horrified fascination, my eyes wide with terror, as my classmates, blissfully unaware of the unfolding cataclysm, continued to valiantly defend the group from the dwindling number of Ground-fire Lizards within the pool.

And just when I thought everything was over, it happened. The two rulers of the valley locked eyes with each other and unleashed a bone-chilling roar that sent shivers down my spine. Their massive forms clashed, and the earth trembled beneath their titanic battle.

With no prey in sight, these two dragons had turned on each other in a brutal display.

Both were evenly matched in size and had nearly identical attack patterns. In a matter of mere moments, they unleashed torrents of scorching flames, their claws, tails, and razor-sharp teeth inflicting numerous scars upon each other.

While the entire valley raged with fire, our side of the magma pool would appear strikingly calm by comparison.

"Different soul beasts will give you a different number of points."

That was what Chabashira-sensei told us and what Ayanokouji-kun wanted me to focus on. I knew what it meant but I deemed it impossible back then. The thought of defeating a ten-thousand-year soul beast by ourselves seemed ludicrous. Yet, here we are, facing an opportunity to turn that impossibility into reality.

It was only a matter of time now. As their battle raged on and reached its climax, the dragons' bodies bore numerous wounds. Scales fell off in large chunks, and many of their injuries cut deep into their flesh. Their offensive power far outweighed their defensive capabilities, resulting in a vicious exchange of attacks.

Following a grueling ten minutes, both dragons bore a multitude of cuts and bruises, their once-mighty auras now dwindling significantly.

The two had sustained life-threatening injuries, now is the time to act.

With that thought, I swiftly swam up towards the surface and leaped out from the magma pool.

Witnessing the burning valley with my very eyes once again, I caught sight of the two Ground-fire Scarlet Dragons in the distance, colliding ferociously once more.

In a brutal exchange, the second dragon viciously clawed at the first one's eye, while its adversary responded by sinking its teeth into the second dragon's neck, tearing apart its cervical vertebra. This ferocious assault left the second Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragon's head hanging at an unnatural angle.

Now's my chance!

My third soul skill burst in radiant light and my body dissolved into a flurry of rose petals, dispersing it into the surroundings. This is my third soul skill - Floral Resurgence - it allows me to transform my body into petals and have it reform in another location.

I guided my petals high in the sky and reformed myself. As soon as I emerged, I immediately extended my hand, commanding the multitude of petals to converge into a colossal spear. Simultaneously, my second soul ring pulsed and shone, activating my second soul skill - Floral Convergence - transmuting the spear from a collection of petals into a single, formidable entity.

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (10)


With a resounding battle cry, I hurled my spear towards the second dragon.

"I'm not done yet!"

As the spear surged forward, the last of my soul rings shone brightly. My first soul skill - Floral Surge - further accelerated my spear and increased its momentum. Like a vibrant red-purple streak of light, it headed straight through the gaping neck wound of the second Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragon and drove itself deep until it completely separated its head from its body. Its anguished wails as my spear boring itself deep still echoed in my mind as I watched its body still trembling incessantly as it fell to the ground.


I was still in free fall, but I didn't stop, I can worry about my landing after all of this is over. Controlling a massive object demanded all of my concentration so I couldn't afford to be distracted. With a grunt, I redirected the spear towards the remaining dragon.

The dragon, having witnessed the fate of its kin, braced itself for my assault. It promptly opened its large mouth and launched a searing fireball at the oncoming spear.


I channeled all my soul power to accelerate the spear, narrowly evading the fiery attack. As it closed in on the dragon, it suddenly emitted scorching heat from its body that caused even the ground it was standing on to melt. Even near death, it was still able to bring out such power.

In the next instant, my spear finally reached the dragon and pierced its already wounded chest. However, it didn't penetrate as deeply as I'd hoped. The intense heat had partially burned through the spear before impact, significantly diminishing its power.

In a fit of rage, the wounded dragon let out a deafening roar, its fiery breath surging from its mouth. It conjured a massive fireball, swirling with seething anger and directed it straight at me. The fiery orb hurtled through the air, its blistering heat distorting the very atmosphere around it.

Damn it!

I already used up all of my soul power on that last attack, I can't muster any strength.

"Kushida-san, please!"

I heard Hirata-kun's voice ring out and in the next moment, Kushida-san was now beside me in midair; her ethereal form resembling the one when we last fought. She held me close as the fiery maelstrom swallowed us whole, only for it to pass through as if we weren't even there.

"That was close!" Kushida-san exhaled in relief.

We landed safely and separated. But I couldn't help but stare at her figure. Overwhelming energy swirled, tumultuous and fierce within her ethereal translucent form.

"Hooo," she exhaled deeply, "Don't release it, just don't, we don't want a trip to the infirmary, Kushida Kikyou," she muttered to herself, her voice barely audible. "But I might get apples, hmm, decisions, decisions..." she added cryptically.

Diverting my attention towards the enemy that almost eliminated me, I witnessed Sudou-kun's flame covered body in a blazing sprint, cradling Hirata-kun like a human missile aimed at the Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragon.

The colossal beast, not one to overlook such audacity, unleashed its spine-chilling roar once more. Its destructive flames, a harrowing display we'd all become accustomed to, spewed forth once again. Sudou-kun, however, managed to narrowly evade the fiery onslaught.

After covering a significant distance, he executed an extremely wild spin, releasing Hirata-kun towards the dragon with a resounding shout.

"Do it, Hirata!"

With Sudou-kun's momentum behind him, Hirata-kun shot through the air like a streak of lightning, determined to deliver the final blow.

The searing heat was still being emitted, but Hirata-kun remained resolute. Three purple soul rings materialized, and a mist-shrouded sword manifested within his grasp.


Undaunted and with unwavering determination etched on his figure, Hirata-kun let out a thunderous roar. Despite his clothing ablaze, his flesh scorched, he surged forward, piercing through the blistering wall of heat.

Finally, with every fiber of his being, he pierced through the molten barrier. His sword, now enveloped in an even more intense, now swirling mist, found its mark in the same deep wound I had inflicted earlier.

A deafening roar of agony erupted from the dragon as Hirata-kun's blade plunged deep into its fiery core. The beast's colossal form shuddered, its fiery aura flickering and waning.

"Be cleansed - Third soul skill - Mist Eruption."

With those words, a sudden burst of mist overflowed from within the dragon's body, billowing out in an ethereal explosion.

The dragon's agonized cries grew more intense as the mist did its work. The searing heat and flames that once defined its existence were gradually quenched, replaced by a cooling, soothing presence. The dragon's body began to lose its fiery brilliance, becoming less of a fearsome creature and more like a fading ember.

Like a puppet with its strings cut, it fell on its back. Its life had finally come to an end.

The once-mighty beast was reduced to a lifeless husk, its fiery spirit extinguished, leaving behind only the memory of its terrifying roars and the remnants of its immense power.

*sigh* With an audible sigh, I collapsed onto the ground, feeling the weight of tension finally release its grip on my body.

"We did it!"

"We won!"

Cheers and jubilation echoed all around as our classmates celebrated this hard-fought victory. The valley, once a battleground of chaos and despair, was now filled with joy and relief. Tears of happiness welled up in many eyes, and laughter replaced the earlier cries of fear and despair.

However, the exam is not over yet. Defeating the dragon is not the main objective after all. But I don't want to think about it anymore. I don't have the strength to fight any longer, and I'm afraid that if another one was to show up, that'll be the end for me... No, for all of us... Ah, this is no good, my consciousness is slipping away…

I wonder if we managed to reach the threshold with this... We had to...or else...he will be…

I clung to that hope as my consciousness slipped away completely.


The valley echoed with the anguished cries of the wounded dragon, its massive form bearing nightmarish wounds and life-threatening injuries. Taking a closer examination, it would be revealed that most of these wounds were inflicted by massive claws and teeth. If one were unaware that there were once two of this dragon existing at some point in time, then it might lead to the assumption that these injuries were self-inflicted.

"f*cking shut up, will you!" roared a young man, his fiery magenta hair cascading to shoulder length and stylishly framing his face. His pupils, resembling slits, mirrored the same intense shade of magenta, exuding the wild ferocity of a beast.

His right arm fully covered in thick purple scales started winding up as his claw balled up into a fist. A large amount of soul power started gathering towards it, a sign that he intends to end the fight with this one blow.

The Ground-fire Scarlet Dragon, not one to allow such a thing to happen, motioned to unleash its signature fireball blast towards the young man.

"Ryuuen-san, watch out!"

"Shut up Ishizaki! If you let any of those f*cking lizards get away, I'll f*cking kill you!"

Ryuuen Kakeru, a student hailing from Class C. He is someone who boldly declared himself as their leader and king, all while mercilessly quashing any opposition that dared to challenge his authority.

...It was shortly after the exam started that he tried to confirm his suspicions about its nature. Dragging along the poor Ishizaki who had become somewhat his prominent supporter, he plowed through the wave of soul beasts and straight into the magma pool where they originated.

Upon their arrival at the pool's fiery surface, Ryuuen wasted no time. He promptly threw the still-confused Ishizaki into the molten fluid and observed the aftermath. Ishizaki's face contorted in sheer terror as he found himself submerged in the burning liquid. He screamed and pleaded for help while frantically flapping around like a baby taking its first swimming lessons. It was only moments later that he realized something was amiss and managed to calm himself down.

"It's not that hot?" He questioned in disbelief. "Ow! Something bit my butt! Help me, Ryuen-san!"

"So that's how it is huh," Ryuuen mused aloud, ignoring Ishizaki's woeful pleas.

This realization completely changed Ryuuen's approach towards the exam. He initially wanted to have the entire class take the dragon head on. The hints that were given prior to the start had led him to believe that killing the dragon is the only way for an entire class to pass. So, even if the majority of them were to be eliminated in the process, it wouldn't have mattered.

This just makes things easier. He thought.

"Let's not waste any time, Hiyori! Call the other f*cker here!"

"It's not nice to call them that, Ryuuen-kun. Even if they are only a simulation..."

The silver haired girl named Hiyori released her martial soul, a seemingly old and tattered book that appeared unfit to be called someone's martial soul.

The pages of the book began to flip on their own, as if guided by some unseen hand. Hiyori's eyes then shone a brilliant purple, and she extended her hand towards the book.

"'I will tell you a story of a beginning, in the valley where mountains stood so tall, and where its fate shall befall.' — Second Soul Skill — Omission."

She ripped one of the book's pages and then emerged a radiant beam of light that illuminated the entire valley. But that was not the most striking phenomenon that occurred, the mountain wall, the towering wall that loomed over the valley acting as a cage for them all, vanished.

It disappeared, or to be more precise, a portion of it has, revealing a cut that offered a glimpse of what lay beyond the mountain. However, this revelation lasted only a fleeting moment before the mountain reappeared once again.

"Huff, huff... I'm sorry Ryuuen-kun, it didn't even last a second," Hiyori said in bathed breaths. It was clear that erasing something of that magnitude even for an extremely short period of time took a heavy toll on her.

"Kuku, that's more than enough, we got its attention now."


A thunderous roar echoed on the other side of the valley, signaling the awakening of the second dragon; its fury now poised to descend upon the students of Class C.

"f*ck you, Ryuuen! How dare you use me as bait!"

On the other side of the mountain wall, an unfortunate female student narrowly slipped through during its momentary disappearance, and now she's being relentlessly pursued by the enraged dragon.

Under Ryuuen's orders, the entire class split into several groups, each group assigned to enter a magma pool and cull every single Ground-fire Lizard they come across.

The students kill all the soul beasts beneath the earth, while the dragons hunt all the beasts that still roam the surface. In this desolate valley, an unexpected alliance between humans and beasts took shape. Their intention, to get as many points as possible.

That was over an hour ago. Now, one of the dragons had fallen, and the one that remained is at death's door. Ryuuen poised himself, determined to deliver the final blow, while the dragon, still unrelenting, now about to unleash upon him the fiery baptism that had once scorched the earth.

Unexpectedly, the dragon's intentions went awry as a sudden blow struck its legs, forcing it to lose balance and miss its intended target.

The one who struck the blow was a large, well-built young man of Afro-Japanese descent. His dark skin glowed as he proceeded to launch ferocious jabs towards the dragon's legs. Each blow louder than the last, it echoed throughout the valley, a testament of the terrifying force behind each impact.

The Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragon succumbed to these onslaughts and collapsed. It was evident that the wounds that it had gained from the other dragon had drained it of its strength and energy, otherwise, the attacks from mere students would have been inconsequential.

What had once been a mighty beast now hung limply just a few meters above the earth, its head almost seeming to be offered to Ryuuen as though on a silver platter.

With a boom, the ground on which Ryuuen stood caved in as he lunged towards the dragon akin to a purple meteor.


His sharp claws, coated by an ominous purple aura, slashed down with a ferocious speed and precision. The claws tore through the worn scales and flesh, their malevolent power cutting deep into the dragon's head with a chilling finality.

There was no eep, nor shriek, it was all over in an instant. The dragon in its final moments, met its demise before it even had the chance to comprehend what had happened.

Boom! Crash!


As the dust settled, the students of Class B stood frozen, their eyes wide, and expressions etched with shock and disbelief. It was a scene that had unfolded so unexpectedly, so unbelievably, that their minds struggled to make sense of it.

The two Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragons, what should have been the embodiments of terror and power, now lay lifeless and defeated. And there, standing alone amidst the fallen titans, was a solitary figure — a person who had single-handedly vanquished the very symbols of dread — Ichinose Honami.

The scene before them defied all logic and expectation, leaving them grappling with the reality of what they had just witnessed. It was a moment that would be etched in their memories forever, a testament to the extraordinary and inexplicable.

"Ha ha...ha, what the f*ck? Is she a monster?" uttered one of the students who couldn't handle the shock and landed on his rear, still trying to process what had transpired in the last ten minutes.

That's right, ten minutes, that was all it took for her to take down these mighty creatures.

Amidst the awe-stricken onlookers, she stood resplendent, her lustrous pink hair cascading like a silken waterfall in the wind. Her graceful figure, accentuated by long, pointy ears and five majestic tails, seemed almost ethereal.

Three soul rings could be seen hovering over her back, each radiating a distinct hue: Purple, Purple and lastly Black — a ten-thousand-year soul ring.

For a soul master at the 30th rank, sporting an all-purple thousand-year level soul ring configuration was already considered an anomaly — pushing their body's limits to the brink. Or so to speak, to have such a ring configuration is to surpass your limits and defy conventional boundaries.

However, the presence of a black soul ring shattered all conventions. It wasn't merely about surpassing limits anymore; the sheer energy contained within a black soul ring far exceeded what a 40th-rank soul master could endure, let alone for someone at the 30th rank. Attempting to harness such dense power would inevitably lead to their meridian and soul circuits to rupture, which would then lead to the soul master's death.

That is of course, if they are simply an ordinary soul master.

"Hmm? Over already? That's disappointing... Well, no matter. Let's continue with the test, shall we, everyone?"

The person known as Ichinose Honami, however, was anything but.

Smoldering flames, billowing smoke, the whispering breath of wind that caressed the valley, and the growl of two mighty dragons. These are the only sources of sounds that you could hear in this hellish landscape. What was once filled with countless lifeforms, beasts and man alike had now been rendered desolate and void.

It was a spectacular scene, man fighting beasts, beasts fighting beasts, and man fighting man. What had unfolded in this very place just a short time ago truly resembled that of a boisterous festival.

And the only ones that remained in the end are the rulers of the valley, the Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragons — an unsurprising result... or that should have been the case.

The dragons looked up to the sky, their gazes locked to a certain silhouette hovering in the air — a girl with lilac hair. She remained suspended without wings or visible means of support. This enigmatic figure, appearing as if seated upon an imaginary throne in the heavens, casually crossed her legs, displaying her sheer confidence; her very presence, exuding regal authority and majesty.

"Hoh? Am I the only one left? Fufu," she remarked with a cryptic smile, "Then, as per our agreement, I will now take on the role as Class A's leader. Let's get along, my dear friends..." Her final sentence carried an eerie tone, sending shivers down the spines of her classmates who had been eliminated and were observing from outside the simulator.


The roar of the mighty beasts finally captured her attention, and she turned her gaze back to the two dragons below.

"Please don't look at me like that. You see, I'm feeling great right now, and I don't really want to exert myself... So, if you wouldn't mind, please do me a favor and kill each other," Her voice carried an air of nonchalance, as if she were ordering a simple task to her loyal subjects.

To her, there is no distinction between humans and beasts, they are nothing but creatures of interest, entities meant to be ruled over. She treats them all equally and without discrimination, seeing the world as her dominion, where beings, whether human or beast, exist solely for her amusem*nt and interests.

This perspective had shaped her into a formidable force to be reckoned with, and as she watched the two dragons below, it was clear that her whims would dictate their fate.


May 31st, 7:45 AM

"Ouch! What was that for?"

As soon as Horikita entered the classroom and took her seat, she immediately whipped out her trusty compass and punctured another hole on my arm.

"That's for abandoning us yesterday," she said, then proceeded to stab me once more.

"Ow, hey!"

"And that's for making me wo—, tch, forget it," she seemed about to say something, before changing her mind.

"Hmm? What was that," I pressed, whatever it is, I'm determined to figure it out, and nothing will be able to stop me.

"Do you want another one, Ayanokouji-kun?" She raised her compass again, its pointy tip, glinted in the light, highlighting its sharpness.

"I concede."

Horikita simply looked at me and let out an audible sigh. "Next time, if you know something, please stop giving me cryptic messages and just say it out right. What if I realized it too late, what if I didn't at all, we would have fai—"

"But you did," I interrupted her. "You managed to figure it out in the end and led the class, you didn't fail, Horikita."

"But still..." Her eyes lowered, and she seemed uncertain, her once-confident demeanor now wavering. Did something happen?

"Let's not dwell on the what ifs. There's no point in thinking about any of that when what has happened is already a thing of the past, there's no changing that."

What she needs to do is to carry forward all the knowledge, insights, and revelations she gained during this exam into what lies ahead. These lessons, whether about leadership, teamwork, or problem-solving, will serve as invaluable assets for her in the future.

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that...However, never do those stunts again, if there is something that you have caught on, tell me about them immediately, that is an order."

Once again, she exercised her rights over me whenever she deemed it convenient. Most of her orders were harmless, and something I didn't really mind so I humored them until now, but this time I didn't affirm nor respond of any kind to her order. She was clearly disgruntled by my lack of response as her face contorted to an amusing sight as she tried to utter the word she never wanted to say to me at this moment.


"Got it."

"God, I hate you."

Moments later, the bell finally rang, and Chabashira-sensei entered almost immediately. I swear she was waiting behind that door, I'm sure of it now.

As she strode towards the podium, it was clear that everyone was anxious. They held their breaths as they anticipated the exams' results.

"Hmm, I'm sure you are all eager to know about the results, so I won't hold it to you any longer."

Sensei then revealed the details as she stuck the same large paper as before, with everyone's names and test scores onto the blackboard.

"First is the written exam. Honestly, I'm impressed. I didn't think that you'd achieve such results."

A few seconds later, everyone shouted in joy and delight when they finally saw the scores lined up in the paper. A series of 100s, over half of the class tied with perfect scores on every subject. Even the lowest among us stood at 60 points which was considerably high.

Notably, there was not a single red line to be found on the results sheet, after all, failure in the written exam is only possible below a score of 50 — which is the theoretical maximum passing grade.

"Alright, hold your horses, we're not done yet," Chabashira told us as she brought out another paper. "Here are the results for your practical exam. See for yourself..."

*gulp* A collective gulp resonated throughout the room. Passing the written exam meant nothing if we had failed the practical exam. Especially for those who had been eliminated much earlier like me, we are the ones who are the primary candidates for expulsion if we failed to reach the threshold.

Finally, Chabashira-sensei finished arranging the paper and stepped aside, unveiling the details of the practical exam.

Eyes widened as we took in the numbers…

681 points. That was the total class average written at the very top. We had all passed the exam and as expected everyone broke out in sheer jubilation. I even caught sight of Horikita sighing in relief, her hand resting on her chest as her earlier worries proved unfounded. She looked as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

Our eyes met briefly, which somehow prompted her to shoot me an irritated glance.


"Uh, nothing?"

"Wow look at that!" A sudden yell took everyone's attention and directed their view towards the direction this student was pointing at. Caught up by the joy of having reached the threshold, everyone missed the staggering figure that accompanied Horikita and Hirata's names.

"T-ten thousand?!" they yelled in sheer astonishment.

That's right, the scores that the two of them had acquired both surpassed ten thousand points. That was after all, the points awarded to them for dealing the last blow on the Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragons.

That gives a total of twenty thousand points. Which is exactly the necessary number of points that the class has to accumulate to reach the 500-point average.

From the very beginning, the goal of the exam had always been to eliminate the two dragons and not survival. This was evident due to the fact that the exam for our class promptly ended, several minutes after the defeat of the dragons.

Of course, survival was still a viable option, but the exam was designed in a way that after the two-hour mark, the dragon's attack pattern would undergo a massive change which would strongly diminish any chances for survival as what we had experienced.

The academy never expected for students who are only ranks 30 and below to actually defeat the dragon, that is why they left out a single way for them to accomplish such a feat. And that is by introducing a new dragon into the valley and having the two fight each other until they have become vulnerable.

The mock exam served as a trial run for students to explore the entire location and decipher the hints deliberately scattered throughout. Within the exam, three crucial hints emerged.

Firstly, the instructions themselves implied the existence of a method to overcome the dragon. Secondly, the soul beasts showcased a striking incongruity between their strength and the environment, implying that things aren't what they appear to be. Lastly, the clouds played a pivotal role. The dense, billowing clouds above the valley, resulting from its continuous burning, raised a question: What lay on the other side? Upon investigation, I observed identical clouds on the opposite side, suggesting that a similar phenomenon was occurring there, this implies the existence of another dragon.

The dragons were created for the sole purpose of the exam. They were designed to attack all creatures in the valley with varying priorities — the students being the main. The magma pools, on the other hand, served as the designated safe zone from the dragons. As they were programmed to never attack anyone who enters it.

That is why the moment the students entered the pools; the dragons would inevitably fight each other which would then give the students the opportunity they needed.

It was, in its essence, a puzzle. If all the upcoming exams are going to be in a similar vein, I'm curious about the types of challenges they'll present next.

While everyone celebrated and relished the moment, Chabashira-sensei quietly stuck another piece of paper on the board. Intrigued, the entire class swiftly hushed and turned their attention to the newly posted sheet.

Class A - 808

Class B - 717

Class C - 357

Class D - 81

The paper detailed the current class points total for each class for this month. It seems that they had already calculated it considering that today is the last day of May. Looking at the scores and comparing it to the one's earlier this month, it appears that we had quite the surprising results.

Going at it in descending order, the class that had the highest increase this month is Class B, with 97 points, followed by Class C, with 87 points, then us Class D, with 81 points, and contrary to everyone's expectations, the lowest is Class A with 78 points.

"Wait, 81? We went up! Yahoo!"

The class excitedly rejoiced the instant they saw our score.

"Now, now, don't celebrate too early, these are only due to the results of your tests, the deductions that you have incurred during this month had yet to be applied." Chabashira-sensei said.

Ike, ever alert to matters concerning points, blurted out anxiously. "Wait, don't tell me that we're incurring losses right now!?" His sudden outburst caused everyone to freeze and ponder. What they are doing right now after all can be considered a disturbance or infraction due to how rowdy they currently are. But that was a pointless worry.

"This is a discussion, Ike-kun, not a class, learn to differentiate the two." Horikita told him. She quickly shut down such thoughts as she noticed the same as I did, the sad*stic smile of Chabashira-sensei. It was clear that if Horikita intervened, then sensei would have most likely fueled their anxiety even more.

When things started to settle a little bit, some of the students started asking certain questions to Chabashira-sensei. Meanwhile, I simply observed the classroom as if I wasn't a part of it, such is the perk of sitting at the far corner.

"Class B seems more trouble than I initially thought."

I heard Horikita mumble under her breath. This exam wasn't a competition per se, but it was evident that Class B had emerged as the clear victors, with a substantial lead at that. Ichinose Honami, their leader, had certainly played a pivotal role in their success.

"You're frowning, are you disappointed by the points we got?" I asked.

"No, that's not it, in fact with this, we had finally left the starting line and moved forward. It's just... I simply thought that we still had a long way to go."

It has only been a month, but I wonder if I can consider this growth.

"Stop staring at me will you?"

Nope, definitely not.

"Also, how dare you slack off even after I told you to finish your matches in the battle station. Today's the last day you know?" she scolded, obviously irritated by my unconcerned behavior.

"I still have the afternoon."

"That's seven matches, Ayanokouji-kun. You would still have to recover your soul power between each match. Will you even make it before the day ends?"

"I recover fast, don't worry, I'll make it."

She eyed me with skepticism. "Well, you better do, or else as I've mentioned before 'there'll be hell to pay," and I never go back on my word."

"Yeah, yeah... wait, speaking of it, you told me a while ago that you would reward me for a job well done. Where's my reward, Horikita?"


Did she just click her tongue? This girl was already planning to break her earlier promise and yet she had the gall to say that she never goes back on her word. Outrageous.

"I...I'll think about it after you had actually finished your matches today."

The battle station, huh. I tried to minimize my interaction with it as much as possible but... I guess there is no point worrying about it now. I'm sure that everything will be just fine...

Chapter 11: Whispers Under the Moonlight


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hmm? What are you doing here, sensei?"

At around noon time, I made my way to the battle station and to my surprise, Chabashira-sensei was there.

"Get out," she said.

"What did I do?"

I was left baffled by her unexpected response. What could I have possibly done to warrant such a reaction?

"I'm still in the middle of some corrective maintenance. This is mandatory because of the exam the other day, so I cannot let you enter right now," she explained.

"...That kind of puts me in a bind, sensei."

"How so?"

"I haven't reached ten matches yet, and today's the last day. If I don't finish it, then Horikita will never let me hear the end of it."

...Wait a minute, if you think of it, isn't this a fortunate event? I now have a valid excuse. This is out of my hands and there is nothing I can do. I'll tell her that, I'm sure that she will have no choice but to accept it...right?

"Well, if it is not allowed, then I guess I'll just lea—"

"Get in," she interjected firmly, ignoring my attempt to backpedal.

"Excuse me?"

No, wait, wait. Please sensei, if there's one moment that I would prefer you to be your usual stern, serious and disciplined self, it is now!

"I can't have you laze around and not contribute to the class, Ayanokouji."

I've contributed enough, thank you very much!

"And wouldn't you feel bad if you, not winning those matches that you're supposed to win, leads to the class not reaching the required amount? All of their hard work in this past month would then be reduced to nothing... All because you decided that it's not worth your time. Hmm?"

"Well, for starters," I began, trying to argue my way out of the situation, "I wouldn't really feel bad or anythi—"

"I'm not really asking for your opinion, just get in," she insisted, firmly pushing me toward my designated pod.

"But what about your work?" I still haven't given up and tried to bring up her earlier reasoning.

"That can wait," she replied dismissively.

"Wait, I have seven matches, you know? It'll take a while."

"Good, I have more time to smoke and relax. Now get in!"

Tch. With great reluctance, I stepped into the pod, knowing that all resistance is futile and simply brushed off... Oh well, besides, there was no way that Horikita would accept such an excuse anyway,sigh.


Slice! Zap! Thud!


My seventh opponent turned to crisp after taking a lightning shock head on. He didn't even try to dodge, well not that he can, but still... Is he stupid? In any case, that was the last match, and I could finally relish a well-deserved rest.

While I didn't really do that much, fighting for seven matches straight is still kind of exhausting in a different sense.

A moment later, the transparent screen finally appeared, asking me whether to continue with another match or leave. Of course, with full intention, I motioned to select the option to leave, however, right before my finger touched the screen, something strange happened.


The screen started to glitch, no, everything around me was. The walls, the colosseum, the sky, and the very ground that I am standing on trembled with erratic distortions. Colors fractured and bled into each other, forming surreal patterns of iridescent hues. The sound became a discordant symphony of warping frequencies, fluctuating between unnerving silence and deafening cacophony.

Gradually, the distorted surroundings transformed, and what was once a familiar arena became a desolate wasteland.

"You're hard to reach, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

Suddenly, a man whose voice I don't recognize, called out my name from behind. Turning around, I confronted the source and saw a seemingly ordinary-looking man. He looked to be around in his thirties or possibly more...

"That was the point," I replied.

In any case, I don't really feel anything special coming from him, but that just makes me even more wary... There is no way that someone who is here with me right now could possibly be an ordinary person.

"Haha. I don't think I need to introduce myself, right? You probably don't even care." He began. "Well, let's not make things complicated, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun... Will you please return back to theWhite Room?"

That confirms his connection to that place. They are the only ones crazy enough to pull such a stunt like this towards the academy.

I chose not to respond directly to his request and instead surveyed our surroundings. The vast expanse offered little more than an unforgiving, arid wasteland, stretching as far as the eye could see.

"I'll take that as a no..." he continued, seemingly unperturbed by my lack of compliance.

"So, what's your objective here? I highly doubt you've gone through all this trouble just for a greeting..."

Whatever it is, the fact that we are still in a simulated world completely limits what he could do. Taking me back by force is simply impossible as my body is still in the academy. Though it is still troublesome that I cannot access any kind of interface or menu as normal — we've been completely isolated from the rest of the world.

"Hahaha, itisa greeting," he chuckled. "I merely wished to meet the one they refer to as 'The Masterpiece'".

"I haven't really practiced my autograph yet, can you please come again another time?"

There has to be some other way to escape this place. Even if I'm in an unknown location, it should still be bound to the same rules of the Soul World to some extent. For valid exits, there are only two ways, through a menu or through death. The former is no longer an option, so that only leaves... should I try it?

"Go on, I won't stop you," he said, as if he had read my thoughts.

"What a shame, I would have done so if you hadn't said anything."

I can't risk it. If he could tamper with the simulated world and move me into this place, there was no guarantee that he hadn't messed with what would happen if I were to die in this world.

"Haha, then how about this then? You see, the source code that disrupts this simulated world is in the form of this body of mine. If you can destroy it, then everything will return, exactly as how it used to be."

"And how can I be sure that you're telling the truth?"

"You simply have to take my word for it. You have no other options here, Kiyotaka-kun. I already told you, I wish to see the Masterpiece."

So he intends to confront me no matter what huh. I don't know exactly what his position is, but it is more than likely that his meeting with me today was by his own volition and not due to anyone's orders. Nevertheless, he's correct; I don't seem to have much of a choice in this situation.


In a faint, silver flash of light, a dagger instantly materialized in my hand.

*sigh* "You're not fooling anyone with that, Kiyotaka-kun," he remarked, shrugging as he shook his head.

Tightening my grip, I channeled lightning from my body, covering the dagger in its entirety. And with a swift motion, I hurled the lightning-infused blade towards him and leaped back. I want to increase our distance for now.

However, he remained firmly rooted in his spot and effortlessly caught the lightning-quick dagger with his fingers.

"Hmm,, 29. Based on your soul power fluctuations, you should be at rank 29 right now... Very impressive considering that it has only been three months since you've awakened your martial soul."

He has fast reflexes...

Taking a deep breath, I tried to prepare myself. This won't be an easy fight. With only two soul skills and a very limited soul power reserve, I don't know how far I'll fare without resorting to other means.

"Tell me, Kiyotaka-kun, how does it feel being a soul master?"


The violent roar of thunder echoed throughout the area, and in the next instant, I was already in front of him. I had closed the vast distance between us with a single step, and with a forceful stomp on the ground, lightning surged and intensified on my palm as it sliced through the air, aiming directly at my opponent's chest.


The impact resembled that of a powerful explosion, blasting him away.

"Damn, you're a blur!" He exclaimed as he swiftly recovered and landed on his feet. "I guess, it's my turn then."

In the next moment, his soul rings finally appeared. Black, black, black, red, red, red — six in total, forming a combination that completely defied all logic. Even Horikita's brother's soul ring configuration would pale in comparison to this.

Sigh...give me a break.

"It didn't help matters that all the security cameras and any recordings on the day of your escape were damaged. So, all they had to rely on were the testimonies of those who were nearby. 'Rumbles, flashes of light, and the crackling of lightning.' That's how they described it. Well, considering what you showed me, it really was hard to miss," he began.

"As they have suspected, your martial soul is the Lightning Element Control. And judging by its intensity just now, it must be of the ultimate attribute... Heh, quite a coincidence."

All of a sudden, the entire atmosphere changed. A chill descended upon the surroundings, and as I exhaled, my breath materialized as a frosty mist, billowing from my lips.

Before I knew it, the desolate wasteland had completely turned white. The once barren landscape was now blanketed in pristine snow and ice, stretching out as far as the eye could see — transformed into a monochromatic expanse. It was as though I had been transported to a frozen, otherworldly realm, where the silence was only broken by the soft crunch of ice beneath my feet.

"Ultimate Ice," I thought aloud.

He simply smiled as if to confirm my musing. "Well then, let us begin, shall we?"

Cold winds brewed, and an endless stream of hail and snow propagated all over. They swirled and surged like creatures of the tundra, dancing in the breeze as they circled around, with me at the epicenter.

I found myself entirely enclosed by the frosty storm, the swirling tempest barely half a meter away.

Pure curiosity led me to extend my right hand towards the wall of hail and snow. Upon contact, the storm immediately devoured it like a ravenous beast, inflicting numerous cuts and lacerations, shredding it mercilessly. Quickly, I withdrew my hand before the storm could consume it in its entirety.

Ah, my right hand's a mess now... That was a bad idea.

Now then, what should I do? Considering that he's not attacking me with this directly, he probably wishes to see how I would break through this wall. Preferably, in a manner that he expects me to... Well, I'm sorry but, I won't give you such satisfaction.


My eyes glowed as lightning coursed through my body once again. Its intensity amplified as tendrils of lightning started bouncing off my body and onto the frosty storm.

Tens, then hundreds, and soon thousands, bolts of electricity all weaved a chaotic dance within the confines of this space. Each bolt of electricity jumped ferociously from one hailstone to the next, from snowflake to snowflake, unleashing its fiery wrath upon impact.

The storm had become a battleground of elemental forces, where the primal power of lightning clashed with the frozen fury of ice and snow. Bolts of electricity burned through the swirling tempest, disintegrating each icy particle with relentless force. And all that could be discerned was the sound of crackling energy and the scent of ozone.

Hailstones exploded into showers of steam, while snowflakes evaporated into nothingness. The frosty storm fought back with all its might, but it struggled to withstand the sheer power of the lightning's onslaught.

Gradually, the last resilient hailstone surrendered to the searing force, and vanished with a sizzling sigh. In the aftermath, all that remained was the burning scent of electrified air and the lingering crackle of spent electrical charges.

"Uwaa, you really just brutally forced your way out of it. I didn't expect that from you at all."

That consumed about forty percent of my soul power. I should probably tread carefully from now on.

"But, come on, Kiyotaka-kun. I didn't go through the trouble of meeting you just to see that!"

In the blink of an eye, he appeared right in front of me. It was all so sudden, and I didn't have the time to react. And before I knew it, a powerful stomp had cracked the earth, and his palm had already landed on my chest.

"Show me why you're called the Masterpiece!"

The sheer chill from the contact forcefully halted all attempts of resistance, and the force sent me hurtling through the air, far away.

The impact knocked the breath out of me, but before I slammed into the icy terrain, I twisted in the air and managed to land on my feet; the soles of my shoes skidding along the frozen ground.

He used the same move as I did...

"Hooo," I deeply exhaled, catching my breath.That caught me off guard; I guess I'm still not used to fighting after all.

For now, I'm going to assume that is still not his top speed and adjust accordingly.

At that moment, I sensed a threat seemingly coming from above and instinctively leaped backward. A fraction of a second later, a barrage of ice blades came crashing down onto my previous location.

But it wasn't over yet. Another wave of even greater danger approached. As soon as one of my feet made contact with the ground, I executed a rapid twist, narrowly evading an ice blade's descent.

"Hoh, nice!" he remarked. He had cunningly anticipated my actions and closed in from behind to execute that attack. If I hadn't reacted in time, there might have been two of me by now.


Coating myself in lightning, I flew away to create some distance. However, to my surprise, jagged spikes of ice erupted from the ground along my path. I swiftly dodged these obstacles, but they continued to spring up relentlessly, as if their numbers were infinite, completely transforming the area into a forest of frozen thorns.

Terrain manipulation typically falls within the realm of domains, but I am positive that this is not the case here. I also found it weird that he was able to transform the entire wasteland without the use of a domain. I wonder if it was an ability unique to Ultimate Ice.


By a hair's breadth, I avoided another strike from him. He had already caught up to me while I was preoccupied navigating through the spikes. Along with his arrival, a dozen blades of ice hovered menacingly in the air, poised to strike at any moment.

"Let's dance, Kiyotaka-kun!"

Swift and precise slashes before me, a dozen ice blades coming from every direction like a concentrated rainfall, and spikes of ice erupting from the ground with every intention to skewer me alive. The very space surrounding me had morphed into an arsenal, orchestrated for my utter annihilation.

Retrieving two daggers from my ring, I focused all my senses to evade and deflect these onslaughts, but there was a limit to what soul power augmentation and lightning could achieve. The daggers in my hands would shatter, and I would swiftly replace them with new ones, repeating the process over and over.

Cuts began to mar my flesh, some superficial, while others cut deeper. My efforts were concentrated on protecting my vitals, but it was clear that it was only a matter of time at this point.

"Do you seriously believe that you can just keep on defending forever, Kiyotaka-kun!"

His attacks had gotten faster and faster. No, it would be more accurate to say that I had gotten slower. The bitter cold emanating from the relentless barrage had gradually sapped me of my agility and strength. And a moment later...


I guess this was an expected outcome.

As he momentarily eased up on his assault, I seized the opportunity to leap backward, quickly increasing the distance between us.

"Sigh. This is starting to get boring, Kiyotaka-kun," he said as he moved to pick up a certain object before him.

"Hmm? No reaction? Well, I guess you're used to this, huh." He shrugged as he began to repeatedly toss and catch the object he had picked up.

"Are you not going to do anything about that? I'll wait...or do you want this back?"

"No, It's fine. You can keep it."

"What a weird thing to say, hahahaha!"

It looks like the system that minimizes injuries is still in place in this world as my right shoulder is now starting to close up. Though I know I probably shouldn't think of it as fortunate, but I feel much lighter now. The only problem is that I would have to adjust my center of gravity from this point on.

"Ah," he uttered in surprise as the object on his hand — which is my right arm — started disintegrating.

"Hrrng," I began to stretch, starting with my left arm, then my head, and finally my legs, quickly loosening up my body.

"Hoh?" Delight gleamed in his eyes. "Are you finally going to showitto me?"

"You wish."

If he wanted to force my hand, then he shouldn't have approached me in a simulation. And besides, I intend to use this opportunity to see exactly what I can do with my martial soul.

"Hoooo," I drew in a slow, deep breath, allowing the air to fill my lungs and invigorate my senses as I began my attempt.

"Let your actions be weighed..."my words began to resonate.

"Spiritual invocation?" He uttered in surprise.

"Every choice, every deed, in this chronicle displayed..."

"Under heavenly gaze, your fate I shall define. For the grand design awaits, as your destiny aligns..."

With each utterance, the air quivered and the simulated world itself seemed to tremble. My spiritual core spun violently in concert with my words, composing a complex medley where spiritual energy surged and intertwined with soul power.

"Oi, oi, this looks very bad," He remarked, and in response, the ground beneath me erupted with countless spikes, seeking to impale me. I leaped into the air, narrowly avoiding their deadly embrace, only to find myself confronted by a squadron of ice blades descending from above.

"Your judgment rests upon the scales, impartial and profound..."I continued, paying little mind to his attempts to halt me.

"In the ledger of existence, your verdict shall resound."

As I spoke, a colossal surge of ice erupted from the ground, flowing like liquid, morphing and ascending in towering waves. It swiftly surrounded me, leaving no room for escape. And like a pair of inexorable hands, the ice closed in, consuming me in my entirety.



"Temple of Judgement: Thunder Palace."

The cage of ice erupted with a resounding explosion that embodied the ferocity of thunder itself. Massive bolts of lightning surge forth from my being, their radiant tendrils spreading like a web of electric veins across the frozen wasteland. The once arctic skies above darkened in response to my will. Ominous thunderclouds gathered, hissing and crackling with pent-up energy, before raining their wrath upon the very earth.

I remained in the air as I looked over the ever-transforming battlefield. Colossal bolts of lightning continued to cascade from the heavens above, coalescing and converging to form an intricate, domed structure. The palace of thunder and lightning had completely dominated the landscape with its presence.

"Haha, now I get it..." The person who started all this looked upon me from below. His eyes filled with awe and excitement as he laughed. "No wondertheynever wanted you to become a soul master."

"First Phase: Preludium."

Extending my remaining arm, I began.

From the surface of the dome, tendrils of lightning branched out, resembling ethereal chains that snaked through the charged air with an uncanny intelligence. These electrified serpents hunted down the only other person in this world, their luminous forms writhing and snapping like living entities in pursuit of their prey.

Below, he dashed and conjured walls of ice, unleashing storms of hail and snow in a desperate bid to evade the relentless pursuit of the lightning chains. The frozen barriers rose to meet the ferocious electrical onslaught, clashing in a cataclysmic display of elemental forces. Thunderous crashes echoed through the Thunder Palace as the ice clashed with the surging lightning, creating blinding flashes of light and deafening roars of thunder.

However, despite his valiant efforts, the lightning chains proved to be more numerous and unyielding. They closed in on their target, ensnaring him within their crackling embrace.


His pained expression twisted as he continued to be electrocuted, and his desperate struggles proved futile as the chains only tightened their grip. Gradually, they lifted him off the ground, suspending him in the very heart of the Thunder Palace.

A circular platform of lightning manifested before me. Stepping onto it, I guided the platform closer to my captive. While hovering for a while is something I can do, flying on the other hand, is still beyond my current capabilities.

"Huff, huff. This is... quite something," he said, his voice strained from the relentless surge of electricity coursing through his body, rendering him paralyzed.

"Hahaha, sigh... so this is the Spiritual Domain, huh. First time I've ever seen one."

"Close, but no cigar."

This is a false domain. One that was only possible by integrating it with my soul skills. A true domain would be far more formidable than this, but my soul power's volume is still too low to manifest one.

"Is that so? Well, at least I was on the right track," he shrugged, seemingly acclimated to the constant sensation of being electrocuted.

"So you intend to remain this way until the very end huh..."

"Hmm, whatever do you mean?" He quizzically tilted his head in response.

He is still concealing a lot. In fact, he has never utilized anything beyond his second soul ring throughout the entire battle. He engaged me with the full intention of matching my current level. I wouldn't even be surprised if he were to break free from these restraints with ease.

"Sigh, I could say the same to you, Kiyotaka-kun. If you won't take me seriously, then why should I?"

"Then I guess, there's no point in fighting any further then. Please stay still, I wish to leave now and take a rest."

I tightened the grip of the lightning chains and directed a single bolt of lightning to branch out directly from the dome above, shaping it into a sharp lance aimed at his chest.

However, the instant the lance made contact. Everything froze. The chains of lightning, the platform, the lance, and myself included.

"As if I'd leave just like that. I don't know when I'll ever meet you again, so I intend to make this worth my while, Kiyotaka-kun!" He exclaimed as he broke free from the restraints that bounded him.

His eyes locked onto my frozen form, and he conjured yet another blade of ice. With a swift and precise motion filled with sword intent, he slashed through my figure, shattering it completely — or rather, the figure that closely resembled me.

"Second Phase: Manifestation."

Upon hearing my voice, his gaze shot upwards, locking onto my position at the highest point of the dome. With a powerful kick in the air, he lunged towards me, his excitement apparent in his eyes.

"Hahahaha, that's more like it— Gah!"

However, his jubilation was swiftly quelled when a lightning bolt materializing directly in his path, seemingly from thin air.

"What the— arrgh!"

Zzzt! Zzzt! Zzzt!

One after another, bolts of lightning spontaneously appeared before him, delivering relentless shocks that left him no time to react or even process what was happening. For someone who had grown accustomed to the speed of my lightning, encountering a situation where speed wasn't a factor, would prove to be incredibly frustrating.

Suddenly, his fourth soul skill — a hundred-thousand-year soul skill — shone for the first time, and alongside it came a stunning transformation — an intricate suit of ice armor materialized around his body.

Once more, he resumed his ascent, and the bolts of lightning that manifested on his path merely bounced off his formidable ice armor, rendering my attacks ineffective. He appeared to be utterly invincible at this moment.

Tendrils of lightning surged from behind me, forming a formidable barrier that sought to separate us. However, it proved to be futile as he relentlessly bludgeoned his way through the electrifying barricade.


Before I could complete my utterance, he closed the gap between us with terrifying speed, his icy grip seizing my neck, the sheer force from his ascent drove me crashing towards the dome's ceiling.

"There's nowhere to run, Kiyotaka-kun. Come on, showitto me before your neck breaks. Show it to me, Masterpiece!"

His grip tightened and I could feel my consciousness slowly slipping away. If I were to die here, it would be great if I were to wake up back in the academy. But that's just wishful thinking.

Summoning every ounce of strength left within me, I slowly lifted my only arm. Whether he had noticed my movement or simply believed his armor invincible, he paid no heed to my actions. His focus remained solely on my features.

For the last time, our gazes locked, and from the depths of his eyes, I saw a burning desire and unsettling intensity, a stark contrast to my own.


"Third Phase: Inquisition."

Inside the icy armor, my opponent's eyes widened with a mixture of shock and confusion as he sensed the shift in the atmosphere. He attempted to tighten his grip on my neck, but it was to no avail.

Bolts of lightning, like ethereal serpents, slithered through the air, converging upon my captor. With an almost sentient intelligence, they began to snake their way into his mind.

A guttural scream escaped his lips, and his grasp on my throat faltered as the lightning infiltrated his consciousness. It was as though a tempest raged within his head, tearing through his thoughts, memories, and fears with unrelenting force.

His ascent had been swift, but his fall was swifter still. The once-impenetrable ice armor began to disintegrate, and, moments later, so did his very form, crumbling into nothingness as the electric storm within him raged on, his life ending in a crescendo of the lightning's judgment.

Somewhere in Tokyo 3:13 PM


A simulator pod is a technological marvel that acts as a gateway between the real world and the world of digits. Its most prominent aspect would be the safeguard that it provides within its cocoon-like structure, providing users with the assurance of their well-being. As such, cases such as a simulator pod exploding has never been heard of before... Until today.

"Cough, cough."

"What happened?!" Asked a young man towards the person who was just inside the pod that exploded.

"Ha haha hahahaha! Ah, what a surprise. I didn't think that I would experience such horror."

The person slowly moved their hand towards their face, reminiscing about that final moment when their eyes locked onto each other, peering deep into his hazel orbs.

"So beautiful." Their voice quivered as they spoke, and they began to pace gracefully around the room. Their cream-colored hair cascaded like a waterfall, adding a touch of drama to their demeanor. "Was it pretty? Fearsome? Chilling? Perfect? Picturesque? Electrifying? Or perhaps even cute?! Ahh, this is no good, I cannot find the words to describe the void within him."

"Um, Yuki-san?"

The ordinary-looking man. Nay, the young girl named Yuki ignored the young man's inquiry.

"I was fortunate, I truly am," she continued, her words dripping with an eerie fascination. "If it were an ordinary soul master, they would have long since perished... It looks like, I'm the only one who can match up to you after all...Kiyotaka-kun~.

Masterpiece? Who cares about that! Those beautiful eyes... Those empty eyes! Can I allow it to remain that way? No!"

She swayed and twirled, her movements graceful and unrestrained. Her hands pressed against her chest, as if trying to contain the storm of emotions raging within her. Her face flushed with a deep hue of crimson, akin to a maiden experiencing love's intoxicating rush for the very first time.

"Ah, Kiyotaka-kun, Kiyotaka, Kiyo-kun~!" Her voice took on a dreamy, almost sing-song quality.

"I will, to that beautiful face, soul, power, and husk. I shall fill it. I shall shower it with my love and affection. Those lifeless eyes shall gain their light, experience the joy and bounties of emotion. And once they do... I shall stain, tarnish, defame, subdue, crash, and strip it all away!"

Her eyes gleamed with a sinister delight. "Hahaha, ahh. It must be fun~ It definitely will be. It shall be... fleeting, but that is what makes it so beautiful. I'll make you, o beautiful one, kneel to me, break you apart, and drain all of your will. And once the light leaves your eyes and returns to what it once was... I wonder what face you will show me then?"

"Ah, I can't wait to see you again, Kiyo-kun~"


This is quite troublesome. I was lucky that he continued to match my strength up until the very end. If not, I don't know if I would have lasted that long with only my martial soul. I really don't want to have to resort to usingthat, at least not at this moment.

As the sound of the pod's cover unlocking filled the air, the glaring white light from above greeted me with an annoying brilliance.It seems I'm back.

"Finally, you've returned. What took you so lon—"

The moment I emerged from my simulator pod, Chabashira-sensei began to complain but stopped abruptly as soon as she saw my face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You're bleeding all over..."

Somewhat surprised by her remark, I traced my face and found blood seeping out of all seven of my orifices.I didn't notice at all.

"What the hell happened?" She demanded.

"I ran into a bit of trouble inside."

I decided to brief her about my encounter with the person from the White Room. This isn't something I need to keep as a secret since she's already privy of my situation, and my protection is something the academy has promised. Moreover, the fact that someone managed to breach the academy's simulation system is a matter that needs serious attention. We wouldn't want a similar situation to occur in the future.

As for my current condition. I guess this was the price I had to pay for using the third phase without possessing a third soul skill. That was the very first time I had attempted using that technique — a false/quasi spirit domain — one that I created to compensate for my lack of soul power. When it comes to domains, their strength and range is determined by the user's spiritual power while it relies on soul power to use and maintain — It requires a substantial initial load, which currently exceeds my soul power capacity, and drains a consistent amount over time.

The quasi domain is a domain that utilizes my soul skills as a foundation — this transfers the burden from me to my soul rings. This, however, makes it highly dependent on the soul rings... Having only two, I had to resort to using raw spiritual power to replace the absent third soul ring, theoretically, this shouldn't be a problem, however it turns out that it wasn't compatible at all with the way things are set-up, thus resulting in a rebound.

"Use this," Chabashira-sensei stopped me from wiping the blood with my uniform and instead handed me her handkerchief. "We don't want you walking around with blood on your clothes."


"Haah," Chabashira-sensei sighed deeply, her hand resting on her forehead as she gently shook her head. "I take full responsibility for this. I shouldn't have pressured you into entering."

"We didn't know that such a thing would happen, or if it was even possible at all." I told her, but she didn't add anything, instead she simply stared at my face as I wiped away the blood with the handkerchief.

"What?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing," she chuckled softly. "It's just...nothing really fazes you huh. Even after all that had transpired, you still look the same."

"I'm not entirely sure how to respond to that..."

"Hahaha, all I'm saying is that you seem to be doing well.Sigh.Just go back and rest, Ayanokouji. I'll take care of reporting this matter to the headmaster once I've wrapped everything up here... I guess we've become too complacent on our security..." she whispered the last part with a hint of concern.

"Alright. thanks for this," I said, raising the now blood-stained handkerchief. "I'll return this at a later date."

"Who would want something that had your blood on? Keep it."

Well, the White Room certainly would...

Leaving the simulation room, I finally went on my way.

I was about to reach the exit when I caught sight of Horikita who had just entered the building. Swiftly, I pivoted my leg and turned around, but it was to no avail.

"Ayanokouji-kun," her voice called out.

Sighing inwardly, I turned to face her. "Fancy meeting you here, Horikita. And before you ask, yes, I've already finished all of my matches. You can confirm it on the records."

"Is that so?" She nodded indifferently. "Then good. But I'm not here for that... Have you seen Chabashira-sensei? I asked in the faculty room, and they told me she was here."

Great, she doesn't seem to be onto me today.

"She's still in the simulation room. And if that's all, Horikita, then I'll be on my way." I told her as I moved towards the exit.

I really am too exhausted for today. Doing several matches and then that guy...

He was waiting. He knew that I'm in this academy and had patiently waited until an opportunity arrived. That voice from before must have informed them...Sigh. I really had grown complacent. The tranquility and normalcy of academy life had made me forget my position. How had I let myself become so forgetful, so careless? I tried to justify it, blaming the unexpected speed of their actions, but deep down, I knew it was nothing more than an excuse, a frustrating realization of my own vulnerability, and a silent acknowledgement of that which I lack.

Suddenly, my arm was firmly grasped by somebody, and I halted in my tracks.

"Wait!" It was Horikita, her fingers gripping me with an unexpected strength.

I met her gaze, curious, but then I was taken aback by the turmoil I found in her eyes — a mixture of frustration, confusion, and deep-seated worry.

"What happened?" she asked softly.

I hate this.

"What do you mean?"

"You! You look even worse than before! Just what the hell is going on with you?"

I truly hated this part of her.

"You look like you've just had the entire world crashed onto you. You look like you're about to disappear at any moment. You...why, just why do you look so...lonely."

The way she can see through me so easily... I hated it.

Although it was subtle, I noticed tears beginning to well up in her eyes. Were they born of pity? Sympathy? Or perhaps, from looking at me, she saw a reflection of her own self...the lonely little girl who had been abandoned by everyone she once held dear.

Forcibly, I freed my arm from her grasp and continued on my way. There is nothing for me to say to Horikita. She wouldn't believe anything I say unless it is the actual truth and I have no intention of doing so.

"Wait! Ayanokouji-kun, wait!" Her voice called out, but I paid her no heed. "I said wait, this is an order!"

As I halted, so did her exclamation. And slowly, she drew nearer, closing the gap between us once more.

"Horikita," I addressed her, and she stopped in her tracks. "You're free to do whatever you want within the confines of our agreement. I will continue to humor you even for the most trivial of matters, however..."

I turned around and faced her, our eyes locking once again. Yet this time, the emotions that once filled those very eyes of hers, had now been replaced with apprehension, fear, and a profound urgency, stirred by the sudden shift in my demeanor. And what is reflected by those crimson my very own.

"Don't pry into my life."

It was around 3:30 in the afternoon when I returned to my room. As usual, an uninvited guest had already made herself at home. Most of the time she would be sprawled up on the bed or over my desk, but this time, there are quite a few things scattered about.

"Oh, welcome back, Ayanokouji-kun. Have you seen my message?"

"What message?" I said as I took my phone out of my pocket. Quite frankly I couldn't really be bothered with all the mess... I just wanna lie down.

"Well, we are going to have a celebration party! Didn't I tell you this before?" She exclaimed.

"First time I heard of it." Looking at Kushida's message, it did have the same content as what she had just said. Except there was one additional message that I wasn't so fond of.

"Why does it have to be in my room?"

"Cause it's empty," she said almost immediately in a matter-of-fact manner.

I'll take that as an insult. Sigh.

"Fine, do what you want," I told her as I headed to the kitchen. I need some coffee.

I filled the electric kettle with water and switched it on. While it began to heat, I reached for a cup in the cupboard and a sachet of black coffee. As I stood there, waiting for the water to boil, a sudden thought crossed my mind.Should I buy a coffee maker? I heard that those can be pricey, and I have to shop for beans too... Do I even need it? I mean I could do with sachets,but they don't really feel like coffee anymore. Do I even want it? Well, yes...

I'll buy it then.

As I was pondering my coffee maker conundrum, I heard Kushida's cheerful humming in the background as she arranged the props she had brought. I saw some papers and some other things that I don't know the name of... must be for party stuff.

"Hey, who did you invite?" I asked out of curiosity. I just hope that she didn't invite the entire class. They wouldn't even fit in here in the first place.

"Hmm, well I invited Hirata-kun, Sudou-kun and Horikita-san. I wanted to invite more but I figure you wouldn't really like that," she replied.

So, it was essentially our exam group, huh. As for Horikita, she didn't strike me as the type to eagerly join in on these kinds of gatherings. And there was also that thing from earlier...

"You...why, just why do you look so...lonely."

"...Hey, Kushida," I called out to her.

"Hm?" She answered but didn't look my way, so I continued.

"What do I look like right now?"

Curiosity piqued by the unexpected question, she halted her activities and turned towards me, her expression a blend of confusion and amusem*nt. "What's with the sudden inquiry?" she asked.

"No particular reason, really... just a random thought," I replied vaguely. "So, what do you think?"

"Hm," she mused, tapping her index finger to her chin as if pondering deeply, but I can tell that she wasn't really giving it a serious thought. "You look bored, just like usual," she finally responded with a playful grin.

"...Is that so."



"Cheers!" Ike shouted joyfully and toasted with a can of juice. It was now six in the evening, and our guests had finally arrived, but...

"This is more than I expected," I muttered under my breath as I glanced over the crowd.

As it turned out, Ike and Yamauchi had been with Sudou when he received Kushida's message, and the two of them managed to sneak a peek at its contents. Naturally, since it was from Kushida, they promptly invited themselves without a hint of concern for the host.

"Hey, hey, Hirata-kun. Can you pass me that slice?"

Another of the uninvited guests was Hirata's girlfriend, Karuizawa Kei. She had arrived with him, proclaiming, "Wherever Hirata-kun goes, I go!" or so she claimed. There had to be a limit to how clingy a partner should be, is what I immediately thought but... I have this weird feeling that she was only here for the free food.

"What are you looking at?" She said to me with furrowed brows, before taking a bite of her cake.

"Um, nothing."

"Now, now. Karuizawa-san, let's not be too harsh towards Ayanokouji-kun, okay?" Hirata chimed in, giving me an apologetic look.

"...Hmph, if Hirata-kun says so," she huffed.

...A dog and its owner.

As expected, Horikita didn't come, so that makes seven people, including me. What was once an empty, spacious room suddenly transformed into a buzzing hub of activity and conversation — a scene that I normally would never witness in the space that I belong to.

"Man, I would've loved it if we had this party in Kushida-chan's room."

"Right, I'm sure it would look amazing in there, right Kushida-chan?"

"Hm, I think it's fine here. It's simple, but it feels nice and clean."

"Urgh, can't argue with that."

"Anyways, that exam really was tough! If it wasn't for Horikita-san's efforts, I doubt many of us would have remained in this academy by now. I mean, I definitely would have been kicked out, I barely managed to take down any beast after all," Ike said as he scratched his head.

"Yeah, when she jumped into that magma pool, I really thought that she had totally gone crazy."

"Right? What kind of sane person would even do that? Turns out that she had a plan after all."

"I think everyone did their part really well," I chimed in.

"Hah, you should be the one thanking her the most, Ayanokouji! You were the first to be eliminated after all. Hahahaha!" said Yamauchi.

I was trying to praise them, but I got insulted instead. Sigh.

"Hirata-kun is so obviously the coolest. He's the one who dealt the finishing blow on that dragon after all."

"Sudou-kun and Hirata-kun really were amazing back there," Kushida added.

Hearing that, Hirata simply donned a modest smile, while Sudou rubbed the back of his head bashfully, clearly a bit embarrassed by the praise.

The conversations and celebrations carried on for quite a while until a doorbell chime echoed through the intercom.

"I'll check it out," Kushida volunteered, striding confidently towards the entrance, as if she owned the place.

It was most likely just a neighbor, understandably irritated by the sudden burst of noise emanating from what they previously considered a serene location. The room, which had been quiet until today, had transformed into a hubbub of voices and laughter, surely a stark contrast to what they were accustomed to.

"Ah, Horikita-san, you came!"

Kushida's voice rang out, instantly grabbing everyone's attention. Surprise painted everyone's expressions, as none of us had anticipated Horikita's arrival, especially considering it had been almost an hour since we had begun.

Now, this is indeed unusual...

Kushida then returned and following her was Horikita, who appeared the same as usual and totally unconcerned on her suddenness and the fact that she was severely late.

She merely greeted everyone with a nod and took a brief glance towards me before taking a seat just outside the circle that we had formed. Unsurprisingly the entire room fell into a deafening silence as the awkward atmosphere had totally replaced the jubilant air that had paraded before.

"Um, Horikita-san..." Hirata tried to speak up.

"Don't mind me, I just figured I might as well show my face, considering that you took the effort to invite me, that's all," she said curtly, opening a small book, presumably a novel she had brought along.

The flow had been interrupted, in the meanwhile, Horikita had already engrossed herself in her book, seemingly unaffected by the atmosphere she had inadvertently altered.

As the awkwardness lingered, Kushida, always adept at diffusing tense situations, decided to steer the conversation back on course. "Ahem, since everyone is finally here, I guess the real celebration can finally start! Karuizawa-san, you were just talking about that new shop you came across with. Can you tell me more about it, I would like to visit it one day."

Her friendly demeanor eased the tension and guided the flow of conversation away from the discomfort that had briefly enveloped us. With the awkwardness gradually fading into the background, our discussions and interactions resumed, and the room once again buzzed with lively exchanges that continued for quite some time.

"Horikita-san, I wasn't able to tell you this before, but thank you. It was because of your efforts that all of us were still able to stay in this academy," Hirata told her.

Horikita glanced up from her book, her expression unchanging. "I did it for my own sake. If someone had been expelled, reaching class A would've proven to be more difficult."

"Just say that you didn't want us to get expelled, even if it's a lie. We'd like you better."

"It'd be fine with me if you didn't."

Horikita is definitely still not one for such engagements. Her responses were blunt and didn't really encourage further dialogue, making it hard to follow after. She is definitely a case study of how not to communicate with someone.

"But class A, huh... I still can't see us reaching that at all," Ike said.

"Have you seen their score? They were the lowest of all the classes by far. Maybe they're not that impressive after all."

"Hm, we're not really sure what happened, but none were expelled, in fact no one from the entire grade was expelled at all. That means that each class managed to defeat those dragons one way or another."

"Does that mean that defeating those dragons is actually a must?"

"That's what I think."

"Ahh, if all the following exams are just like that one, I don't think I'd last long!"

"Don't worry, Yamauchi-kun. As long as we train hard and study hard, we will be ready for whatever it is to come and pass them all!" Kushida declared, trying to boost their spirits.

Horikita interjected, her tone matter-of-fact, "That only applies to those who have the discipline to do so."

The two people who were aware of how fitting the description was to them, averted their eyes and whistled nonchalantly.

"Our goal may still be far away, but I'm sure that if we all work together, we can reach it," Kushida said with unwavering optimism.

"What makes you so sure?"

"Hmm, well, you know what they say, 'A problem shared is a problem halved.'"

"Not with these bunch, they will only add to the problem," Horikita remarked.

"T-then how about this? 'Two heads are better than one!' When we work together, we bring our diverse perspectives to the table and can come up with innovative solutions."

"'Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.' Blind collaboration without careful consideration can lead to reckless decisions."

Every time Kushida would attempt to advocate the notion of teamwork, Horikita would directly knock them all down. It was a fascinating exchange.

"B-but it's definitely better for us to get along, right?"

"I suppose that, logically, that would make things easier."

Horikita finally relented and didn't argue further. At any rate, if we want to move up, getting along with as many of our classmates as possible is indeed a beneficial approach. Though, I'm not sure how much of that will hold up once we've actually reached class A.

After all,The deeper the bond, the more painful the decision.



About two hours later, everyone decided it was time to conclude the celebration and depart. One by one, they left, and as they did, Horikita briefly glanced in my direction before making her exit, prompting me to wonder.

"Ayanokouji-kun, could you please do the dishes? I still need to take down the decorations," Kushida said. She remained behind as she still had to clean up everything that she had set up for the party.

"Yeah, sure."

I gathered up the used plates and utensils and took them to the kitchen sink and started washing them.Sigh. They should have at least cleaned up their own mess.While scrubbing dishes, my thoughts kept drifting back to Horikita's actions. I couldn't shake the feeling that she had a motive for coming, especially considering the look she gave me earlier.

"I'm sorry, Kushida. I'll be stepping out for a bit."

"Eh? Fine, but don't take too long. I can't clean this all by myself."

"Got it."

Quickly, I left the room and made my way down the lit hallway. It was now past nine in the evening, an time late enough where most students would be seeking the comfort of their beds. Evident to that is the deserted and eerily silent hallway before me.

Seeing no signs of Horikita on this floor, I decided to take the elevator down to the lobby. However, even there, I couldn't find any hair nor shadow of her. As a last-ditch effort, I exited the building, but still nothing, except for a few students making their way back under the moonlight and the sound of the cold night breeze rustling through the trees accompanied by the distant chirping of crickets.

Maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

With a sigh, I decided to let it go and head back into the building. However, as I turned around, a certain corner entered my field of vision and made me recall a certain incident.

That was where I saw Horikita confronting her older brother...

I don't know if it was of pure curiosity, a whimsical impulse, or something else entirely, but my feet seemed to move of their own accord, guiding me towards that corner as if drawn by some invisible thread.

As I approached, I discerned a figure, bathed in the soft moonlight, huddled by the bushes. She was meticulously plucking leaves, one by one, her movements methodical and deliberate.

"Is that even fun?" I asked, crouching down beside her and mimicking her actions.

"It helps pass the time," she replied.

Neither of us spoke further and merely continued our leaf-plucking ritual in silence. The soft rustling of leaves detaching from their stems being the only thing breaking the quiet of the night. There was something strangely calming about this simple, repetitive task, and for a moment, the world around us faded into obscurity.

As we picked leaves one by one, I found myself wondering about the thoughts that might be swirling in her mind, but I hesitated to break the peaceful silence and simply waited.

"I'm sorry," she finally spoke up.

"For what?"

"Earlier... I crossed the line. It was rude of me to force it upon you," she admitted, her words laced with sincerity.

"You don't need to dwell too much about it, Horikita. I don't consider it to be that big of a deal."

Her hands, which had been meticulously plucking leaves, stopped their motion, and she cast her gaze downwards, as if she were in contemplation. There was softness in her expression that I hadn't seen before, and it made her seem more human, more in reach.

"It's just, when I saw the look in your face back then...I saw the me of the past... The me who had everyone turn their back on her. The me, who was constantly subjected to their disappointed and disapproving looks. The me, whose value had been lost...and was left all alone."

I listened to her words carefully, realizing that this was a rare glimpse into her inner thoughts and emotions, a side that she never revealed to anyone.

In that moment, under the moonlit sky and surrounded by the rustling leaves, there was an unmistakable connection between us. I understood what she meant, and for the first time, I felt like I could see her as an individual.

"Though to be honest... I sometimes wonder if I'm still the old me after all. Have I really changed that much? Maybe not in essence...but I have taught myself to fight back. To refuse to be defined by their image and judgments. To prove them all wrong."

I could hear the determination in her voice, the resolve to break free from the constraints of her past. It was a sentiment I could somewhat relate to, having my own reasons for coming to this place.

"Change can be subtle," I spoke out, "but as long as you're moving forward, it doesn't matter how small the steps are. And before you knew it, one day you would look back, and then you'd find out that you've already come a long way."

A rare, soft, and genuine laugh escaped her lips. "That's a comforting perspective," she admitted. "I may not know what it is that you're going through, Ayanokouji-kun. But what I want to tell you, is that... You are not alone. You can rely on me, and I will try my best to help you. I... I, at the very least, consider you, my friend."

As the moonlight bathed the two of us in its gentle glow, Horikita's eyes met mine, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

She was smiling.

A smile, delicate and comforting, graced her lips. It was the kind that held a quiet serenity, like the gentle ripple of a calm lake under the tranquil moon's glow.

At that moment, everything seemed to fall into place. The leaves we had plucked, the breeze that whispered through the trees conducting nature's orchestra, and the gentle caress of the moonlight, transformed the very scenery right before my eyes.

It was fleeting... a fleeting moment, but a moment, nonetheless. I realized that this was a side of Horikita I had never seen before. A side that was vulnerable, kind...and undeniably beautiful.


End of Volume 1.

Chapter 12: Kushida Chapter (Part 1): When Joy Became Just a Memory

Chapter Text

Eight years ago. August, 2007

The weekend had finally arrived. After getting permission from my mom to play outside, I hurried to the door, slipped on my shoes and headed out. The sweet yet delicate aroma of bellflowers greeted me, and the rays of sunshine dappled my skin as they pierced through the foliage of the tall Zelkova tree in the street. It was already 9 in the morning, but the sun didn't hurt. Mom always warned me about the recent heat waves, but today didn't seem so bad. At least, not to me.

Continuing on my way to the park, I saw Yowako-obachan, an elderly woman who lived right next door. She stood at her doorstep, holding multiple bags filled with fresh vegetables and other assorted items. It seemed like she had just returned from her trip to the early market.

As I continued to watch her, I observed that she appears to be struggling to find her key from her purse. Her fingers, delicate with age, sifted through her purse with increasing intensity as she grew impatient with each passing second — her frenetic movements causing one of her bags to slowly tip. It didn't take long until the contents of the bag tumbled out to the ground. The sudden loss had unbalanced her, causing the other bags to escape her grasp — their contents spilling loudly onto the ground.

Seeing an opportunity, I dashed to help, swiftly picking items off the ground. I haphazardly stuffed everything into a bag, not caring for order and simply placed the first item I picked and then the next. It took a while, but with Obachan's help, we managed to gather all the fallen items. Once everything was settled, she leaned down, cupping my face with her frail, wrinkled hands and said:

"Such a helpful, and kind girl you are, Kushida-chan."

I offered my most genuine-looking smile, helped her get inside and then bid my farewell. She told me to come visit later as she will be cookingKenchinjirufor dinner. She wanted to give me a serving as thanks... But honestly? I didn't want to go. Carrots and tofu weren't my thing.

The park was only a few more steps away, and as I neared, I could hear the distant sounds of laughter and play. I spotted my friends near the swings, their faces lighting up as they saw me. Keiko-chan was trying to reach the sky with her swing — pushing herself higher and higher, as Mira-chan watched. While Hiro-kun and Yuto-kun were engaged in a heated game of tag, dodging in and out of the slide and climbing structures.

"Kikyou-chan! Over here!" Keiko-chan called out, slowing her swing and jumping off with a soft thud onto the sand.

I made my way over, greeted by an enthusiastic chorus of "hello's" and "finally's". Hiro-kun, out of breath from all the running, exclaimed, "Took you long enough! We've started a new game. Want to join?"

Before I could respond, Yuto-kun piped in, "It's 'King of the Hill', but on the climbing structure. You in?"

The climbing structure that he was talking about was the park's centerpiece — a massive jungle gym, an intricate maze of bars, nets, and platforms; its once-gleaming metal bars, now weathered and worn from years of use. From a distance, the structure resembled an ancient metallic spider web, its many paths converging towards its highest point — a coveted spot that everyone dreamed of conquering.

Grinning, I replied. "Of course!"

"Alright, everyone, let's see who gets to the top first!" Yuto-kun exclaimed, his eyes fixed on the peak.

Without missing a beat, we all lunged towards the jungle gym. Hiro-kun attempted a swift climb using the rope net on the left, Mira-chan wasn't in a hurry and took the safest path, while Keiko-chan tried to maneuver her way through the monkey bars. Yuto-kun on the other hand took a direct approach, trying to scale the central bars which were the quickest yet the most challenging route. Each one of them utilized different strategies to reach the top.

However, for me, who had been trained by my father, who is a soldier, navigating an obstacle like this is too easy.

Swiftly identifying the optimal path and tricky footholds, I swung from one bar to another, my fingers grasping each one confidently. At one point, I found myself hanging upside down, using my legs to swing to the next platform.

The higher I climbed, the smaller my friends appeared below, their voices blending into a distant chorus of cheers and playful jeers. The wind felt cooler up here, ruffling my hair and carrying the scent of fresh grass.

Before I knew it, I had reached the pinnacle. I sat there, triumphant, looking down at my friends who were still navigating the challenges of the jungle gym. From this height, the entire park was in view — the tall Zelkova tree from before stood majestically, casting its wide shadow to the passersby.

Hiro-kun was the first to call out, "Damn! Only Kikyou could do it! Queen of the Jungle Gym!"

Keiko-chan, laughing, added, "It's unfair how you always win, park champion!"

Their words, casual and expected, settled within a corner of my being, a soft glow that seemed to hum with the rest of the world's noise. There was something deeply satisfying about looking down from this height, about hearing these voices. It wasn't overwhelming pride or a rush of victory, but rather a quiet, familiar sense of...rightness.

The familiar scent of glue tingled my nostrils, the hands of my classmates were everywhere, shaping their visions. There are multiple colored paper squares on our table, it looks like there is another activity for us today.

On the corner of my eye, a glittering board caught my attention. It was the 'Star Board' where golden star stickers were awarded to us kids for our exceptional work and behavior. Among them, one name seemed to gleam a little brighter, boasting more stars than any other — I've always found myself drawn to it.


Nakamura-sensei, with her ever-present enthusiasm, clapped her hands. "Alright, children, today we're crafting paper mosaics! Think of your favorite animal or soul beast and create it with these colored squares."

Slowly, my classmates and friends started on their little projects. I saw Mira-chan diligently placing green and blue squares on her paper, it looked abstract but is she perhaps making a bird? Hiro-kun on the other hand, is much easier to read with his red-orange and yellow squares; it has to be a lion.

Me on the other hand, already had a specific image in my mind: a red fox.

Picking up the brightest red squares, contrasted with soft whites, I meticulously began crafting. Each piece felt right, as the bushy tail took form, then the pointy ears, and finally, that cute black nose. Before long, I realized I was done while others were still figuring out their designs.

When it was time to showcase our mosaics, everyone held up their creations with pride. And when it was my turn, my work seemed to catch everyone's gaze.

Nakamura-sensei, unable to hide her admiration, exclaimed, "Oh my, Kushida-chan! Your red fox is truly fantastic! Look at that tail, those colors. It's beautiful!"

Whispers of awe and agreement buzzed around. I felt my cheeks warm up, and with a hint of pride, I replied, "Thank you, sensei. This is Koko-kun, my pet fox!"

Her smile broadened and patted me in the head, "You've done an exceptional job, dear. I think this deserves not one, but two golden stars on our Star Board."

My eyes followed sensei as she placed the two stars right beside my name on the board, joining the others. I counted the stars next to my name, confirming once more that I had more than anyone else.It was as it should be.

Today was another day where, even in this little room, I had once again stood out.

January 22, 2008.

It was around 2:30 in the afternoon when I left the school. Usually, my mother would come pick me up around this time, but today I'm on my own. She told me that she'd send someone to come for me instead, but I insisted. It's not like it's the first time it happened so I'm not that bothered by it. It's a very small town and almost everyone knows each other, so walking home on my own isn't that dangerous.

As my shoes scuffed the pebbled sidewalk, a gentle breeze played with the loose strands of my hair, carrying the faint scent of sweet bread and the tangy zest of lemon pies, fresh from the oven.

"Ara, Kushida-chan, you're on your own today?"

Kinosh*ta-san cut through the quiet afternoon as she caught sight of me from her shop front. She was carefully arranging a new patch of pastries on the teak-wood shelves. Her hands moved methodically — with familiarity and grace that comes from years of dedication to the craft.

"Yes. Mom had something else to do, so she couldn't come," I replied.

As I paused and stood at the store front, my eyes couldn't help but scan the array of baked goods. Among them were her famous lemon pies that had built the bakery's renown. Their golden crusts gleamed under the gentle caress of the afternoon sun, each slice a perfect balance of tangy and sweet... Oh no, not good, my mouth is starting to water just thinking about it.

"Is that careful out there. Our town might be safe, but we can't guarantee that nothing will happen," she told me out of concern.

"I will. Thank you, Kinosh*ta-san!"

I was about to resume my walk when she called out again as if there was something that she forgot.

"Here, take this," she said, handing me a paper bag. It was the lemon pies! "Your mother was very helpful the other day, so consider this as my thanks."

With the unexpected gift warming my hands through the paper bag, I beamed at her. "Thank you so much! This will be a delicious surprise for mom too," I said, my gratitude bubbling over like the filling of the pies in their tins.

Kinosh*ta-san's laughter was soft, much like the dusting of flour on her apron. "You're welcome, dear. Just be sure to eat it while it's fresh," she advised with a motherly tilt of her head.

Promising to do just that, I waved goodbye and continued my journey home. The paper bag crinkled with each step, a comforting melody accompanied by the occasional ring of bicycle bells and the distant chatter of neighbors. It was peaceful.

It wasn't long until the familiar outline of our house came into view. However, there was something that caught my attention and caused me to halt in my steps. In our front yard, towering over the bellflowers and casting a long shadow across the neatly trimmed lawn...was a black mecha.

The 5-meter-tall colossus knelt in silent repose, its metallic surface gleaming with an otherworldly sheen in the fading sunlight.

My eyes gleamed, and excitement sprang up inside as I dashed forward. The paper bag with the lemon pies crumpled even more as my pace quickened; it was now a mere afterthought, replaced by a bubbling exhilaration of the unexpected arrival.

"Dad is back!"

The door burst open with my forceful push and right in front of my line of sight, I saw the back of the person I hadn't laid eyes on for almost half a year.


At the sound of my voice, my father's shoulders hitched up in a startled reflex, his posture betraying his surprise. He was a pillar of strength and yet, in that instant, as vulnerable as the day he had left.

Before he could turn, I wrapped my arms around him in an embrace that sought to bridge the gap and silence his absence had wrought.

"Haha, hello there little girl."

His hands, warm and steady, held my arm and patted my head. He didn't even mind that the coffee he was enjoying was spilled due to my suddenness.

"Ahhh, my carpet!"

Of course, the case was not the same for the other person in the house.

"Oops. She's angry..." Dad whispered.

"Humu, humu... indeed she is."

"Both of you! Get out this instant!"

The two of us scurried away to escape the wrath of my mother. Her face now scowled as she defeatedly picked up her stained carpet.

"I thought you wouldn't be back until April," I told my father, who was now carrying me on his shoulders.

"There's no way I'm going to miss my daughter's big day."

Oh right, tomorrow's my birthday. I'll finally turn six years old and awaken my martial soul...

"I was supposed to pick you up at school, you know?" He said, "But apparently you insisted on returning alone."

So that'someone'was dad after all.

"Well, I'm a big girl now. And if anyone tries to mess with me," I started executing swift jabs in the air, "I will simply kick their ass!"

"Haha, that's my girl!"

Dad brought me outside to where his black mecha was currently parked. As he led me toward the mecha, a surge of awe took over — the same feeling I get every time I laid eyes on its towering, mechanical splendor. The metallic sheen of its armor, rough and worn, spoke volumes of the battles it had withstood. The fox insignia — Dad's trademark adorning its right shoulder was no longer pristine; its lines were blurred and marred by scratches.

That was always the state of the mecha every time he returned home, and I would always help him clean it before he leaves again... But something feels off this time. I couldn't inspect it properly earlier since I was excited to see Dad but...

"Is that a GyroStabilizing Actuator?!"

On the right knee joint, I noticed a certain mechanism that wasn't there before. To take a closer look, I stretched my hand and flipped over, performing a handstand to get off his shoulders, and landed on my feet with a small hop. I then hurried closer towards the mecha.

"You can tell? Good eye," he said.

Pointing my finger towards the part, I quivered with excitement as I divulged my deductions.

"The knee actuator, it's a Kansai-KX12 isn't it? It's got a smaller profile but nearly double the torque tolerance of the ToruTech model."

Dad's eyes lit up with a hint of pride and amusem*nt. "Sharp as ever, kiddo. That's not all. Take a closer look at the dorsal thrusters."

I circled to the mecha's back, my eyes scanning every inch of the machinery. And there it was, almost imperceptible unless you knew what you were looking for — the exhaust ports were wider, the burn scars newer and less pronounced.

"The exhaust ports have been retrofitted. You're using a Seburo-Combustex system!" I said, my voice a mix of question and incredulity.

Dad chuckled. "It allows for a higher thrust-to-weight ratio, better soul power efficiency, and reduced thermal signature. Add that with the gyro stabilization, it moves even better than me, its pilot."

I let out a low whistle, impressed despite myself. The Seburo-Combustex system was a top-of-the-line revolutionary tech. I had read that it was still in the testing phase and isn't available for field use... To think I would see it in person, and in dad's mecha to boot.

"Hey, how did you get these upgrades? They're not—"

Before I could finish, he suddenly flicked my forehead, causing me to grimace in pain.


"Where did you even learn of all this, you little nerd? They're not exactly available for public viewing. As expected, you sneaked a peek into my files again. I'm pretty sure I upped the security this time."

Geh, I've been had. This was all a trap to make me indirectly confess. He laid out the perfect bait, and I'd taken it — hook, line, and sinker.

"I-it's your fault for using such a primitive digital moat for your techno-castle. Even a baby with a blunt crayon could stumble through it!"

"Hoh, so it's my fault now, huh?" He replied with a raised eyebrow, an ominous spark began to be lit up in his eyes. He started to stretch, joints popping in a terrifying symphony.

"Little girl, it's been a while since I've trained you. Why don't we take a refresher course?"

A shiver of unease tickled my spine as I remembered the long hours of training under his watchful gaze. Drills that had me spinning, jumping, and panting for breath until I thought my little legs would give out. The thought alone made my stomach flip-flop... I have to run!

Without hesitation, I immediately pivoted and rushed indoors. However, before I could even reach the safety that is my home, a large 'wall' suddenly appeared in my path and caused me to crash straight into.


I stumbled backward, landing squarely on my butt. But it was strange, I expected a wall to be hard and painful, but this one was quite soft and hairy.

Dazed, I looked up, and my eyes widened in surprise.

Before me stood not a mere wall, but a magnificent and majestic creature — a large red fox.



I immediately stood up and threw my arms around the beast's broad neck, my fingers sinking into the thick, soft fur. Koko-kun's scent was like the fireplace's embers, warm and inviting. He nuzzled back affectionately, his breath a gentle puff against my cheek.

Koko-kun is a Blazebound Fox. A 10,000-year soul beast or rather soul spirit that became Dad's soul ring. He once told me that the older the soul spirit, the more they retain their intelligence and will. That's how Koko-kun can come out like this and play with me.

"Bring her to me, Koko."


My mind barely had the chance to register his words before Koko-kun's gentle grip found the fabric of my shirt and hoisted me atop his broad back. A soft "kon" rumbled from his throat as he moved with agile grace towards my father.

No, no, not to him! Koko-kun, you betrayer!I mentally protested, bracing myself for the stringent training session that was surely my fate.

Yet, as I squeezed my eyes shut, a warm breeze caressed my face, accompanied by the faint mechanical symphony of gears and hydraulics at work.

Curiosity pried my eyes open, and I was surprised to see that I was not before my dad but instead at the top of the mecha. Below me, the hatch continued its slow, deliberate swing, revealing the intricate interior.


"Get in. You might find something."

Before I could express my confusion, dad urged me to enter the mecha. Of course, this would not be my first time, but still the number of times I had entered could easily be counted in one hand.

Carefully sliding off Koko-kun's back, I landed on the mecha's shoulder and slid into the co*ckpit. Once inside, I was greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of the mecha's interior. The control panel's indicators blinking like distant stars in the night, the human shaped groove that served as the pilot's seat and... something that looks completely out of place amongst all the technological components — a small box.

The box was wrapped in a simple yet festive paper, tied with a plain red ribbon. Curiosity pulled me closer, and I slowly reached for the box. It was unexpectedly heavy as I lifted it. Tucked under the ribbon was a small card with "Happy Birthday" written in a familiar handwriting.

Peeling away the wrapping paper revealed a plain cardboard box. As I opened and saw what's inside, my eyes went wide open and my heart nearly leaped into my throat.

It was a red mecha. A meticulous miniature replica of a red mecha.

Clutching the model, I bolted from the co*ckpit, a tremor of exhilaration in my grip.

"T-this is the RGX-00 Testament, piloted by the "Ash" Douluo! I-I saw it on TV!" My voice was a mixture of reverence and thrill, holding the figure aloft for him to see.

"Of course, you'd identify it," he said in amusem*nt. "It's a day early but what do you think? That's made with the same soul-forged metal they used on the actual article. Quite heavy, isn't it?"

It truly is heavy. Heavy to the point that my arms are starting to feel sore after holding it for only this long. But compared to the excitement bubbling up within me, it was trivial.

Gripped by an impulsive joy, I leapt from the co*ckpit without a second thought. Dad, quick on his feet, dashed forward with outstretched arms, his worry etched across his face.


I landed safely in his embrace and a laugh bubbled up from my chest. "Hahaha, this is the best gift ever!" The sentiment burst from me as I flung my arms around his neck in a fervent embrace.

"...*sigh* What a reckless girl." Dad let out a gentle sigh, his relief mingled with resignation at my impetuous spirit. He patted my back affectionately. "You like it that much?"

"Mhm. One day, I'm also going to build my very own red mecha and become a great mecha pilot!" I declared.

"Just like the "Ash" Douluo?"

"No," I shook my head. "I want to be just like Dad!"

After I said that, I witnessed his eyes widen slightly. But it was only for a moment before they quickly dissolved into a gentle softness, a tender warmth that smoothed the edges of his expression. He fell silent, his gaze lingering thoughtfully on me. I wondered what the matter was, but before I could ask, I heard mom calling my name from inside.

Dad glanced toward the sound, then back at me. "Your mom's calling. Go help her out."

With a quick nod, I unwrapped myself from his embrace and made a beeline for the house. But as soon as I touched the door handle, a hushed breath of words reached my ears.

"...Just like Dad, huh."

I thought I caught the faintest of murmur. It wasn't clear but it sounded like Dad's voice.

Stopping, my hand on the cold metal, I turned back. "Did you say something?" I called out, scanning his face for clues.

"Hm? No, nothing at all. Go on, mom's waiting for you," he said with a gentle shake of his head.

I was confused, but I didn't press any further and headed in... However, I couldn't help but notice that there was a hint of vulnerability and sadness peeking through his steady tone. One that I had never felt before.

The next morning, I was rudely awakened by a harsh and unwelcome glare. The comfortable sleep that I had been indulging was interrupted by the intrusive brightness of sunlight piercing through the window.

Hrng, I'm pretty sure that the curtains are thick enough to block the light...

I lazily opened my heavy eyelids, only to be met by a spear of sunlight that sent a searing heat on my retinas. Reflex forced me to close my eyes again and retreat to the darkness that is the blanket over my face.

"sigh.How long are you planning to stay in bed, young lady?" The familiar timbre of Mom's voice sliced through the silence.

"Just five more..." The words left my mouth in a muffled grumble, as I cocooned myself further from the intrusive daylight. It had to have been Mom who'd parted the curtains.

"That's quite enough. We still need to go to the city for your awakening ceremony."

With a swift motion, she stripped the blanket fortress from me, exposing my skin to the sun's persistent crawl.

"Up you go," Mom insisted as she pulled me into a sitting position. My eyes stayed shut in silent protest while she deftly slipped my feet into slippers and straightened my rumpled pajamas.

"Go wash your face while I fix your bed," she directed, her tone allowing for no argument.

I trudged towards the bathroom, eyes half-closed, rubbing away the remnants of sleep. Before I could make it, Dad's voice floated from the doorway, laced with a soft chuckle.

"You should let her sleep more if she wants to sleep. She won't be having much of that opportunity once she grows up," he said.

"You be quiet. Whose fault do you think it was that she had to stay up late last night, hm?" Mom retorted without missing a beat.

The sounds of their light-hearted bickering, or rather mom's rant receded as I focused on the cool water refreshing my skin, washing away the vestiges of my disrupted slumber.

Right, I turned six today... I wonder what martial soul I would get...

Patting my face dry and changing into the clothes Mom prepared, I stepped back into the room and noted that Dad was no longer around. My mom, having just finished fixing my bed, beckoned me to come over and sit beside her.

Mom sat on the edge of the freshly made bed with a hairbrush on hand, patting the space next to her for me to sit. I obliged, sitting down beside her, feeling the comforting sensation of my renewed perception of the morning atmosphere.

Her hands, ever so gentle, gathered the tousled locks of my hair, weaving them into order with the brush's steady rhythm. A familiar hum began to accompany her motions — a melody that had always lulled me into a sense of serenity. The gentle sound seemed to weave through the air, blending with the strokes of the brush. It was a simple act, a moment we shared each day, yet it held the weight of a cherished tradition, one that would accompany me wherever I go.

"Your hair's gotten longer," she commented, her voice as gentle as the brushstrokes.

"You said that it suits me."

She chuckled softly. "It is one of many," her fingers momentarily ceasing their movement. "Stay pretty, Kikyou. It's easier that way."

I was perplexed by her sudden cryptic advice.

"Mom, what did you mean by that?"

Hearing my question, she gave my hair one last brush. "It's nothing, dear," she said gently. "Just a mother's musings... Come now, let's not keep your father waiting. He's preparing a special breakfast for your birthday."

Still puzzled but understanding that she wouldn't divulge more, I let the topic go. I wasn't really that interested in it.

Sliding off the bed, I followed her directions and descended. The moment I reached the bottom of the stairs, something soft and unexpectedly cold smashed against my face, enveloping me in a sweet, creamy sensation.

Startled, I stumbled backward and landed on my butt with a soft thud. My hands instinctively went to my face, now covered in what I soon realized was cake.

Dad had thrown a cake right at me!

"Pfft, hahahaha!"

I could hear his laughter, unrestrained and full of glee at his successful prank.

"What on earth, Shinyei!" I heard my mother exclaim; her voice sharp with disapproval. I could hear her footsteps hurrying from upstairs. It was easy to imagine her furious and annoyed expression — she was always one to despise such untidiness.


Despite the surprise and the mess, I couldn't help but burst out laughing... I wonder why? Perhaps it was the absurdity of the situation, the cake dripping down my face, and Dad's infectious laughter all combined that turned this into an oddly hilarious moment for me.

Mom finally arrived by my side, her initial anger melting away into a resigned smile as she heard my laughter. She started to help me up. With a dish towel, she tried to wipe off some of the cake from my face and the hair she was brushing just a few moments ago.

"Sigh.I swear, the two of you..." she trailed off.

Dad, still chuckling, came over and ruffled my hair affectionately. "Happy Birthday, Kikyou! That's one way to have your cake," he joked, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

I looked up at my parents, both now smiling and enjoying the moment. It was chaotic, unexpected, and yet so typical. The laughter, the surprise, and even the mess — it all felt like a part of our own way of celebrating life's moments, big and small.

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (11)

I still didn't know it at that time, but on that day, on my sixth birthday, filled with joy and laughter... I experienced true happiness for the very last time.

The big pagoda-like building stood before us like a giant mountain reaching up to the sky. Mom said it was where we needed to go to have my martial soul awakening ceremony. The moment we entered we were immediately greeted by the receptionist.

"Hello, welcome to Tenjou City's Spirit Pagoda," she said.

Spirit Pagoda, I know of it. It is the only place where you can acquire a Spirit Soul - an artificial Soul Beast like Koko-kun. I learned that this was established to combat the dwindling population of Soul Beasts by providing an alternative means for Soul Masters to acquire Soul Rings. Dad had told me that long ago; the soul beasts had roamed everywhere in this world, instilling fear among humans who lived in constant fear of becoming their next prey. However, after time passed, the human population had risen and acquired the means go against them and eventually, dominate as a species.

While I thought of that, Mom had already headed toward the receptionist, leaving Dad and me alone. He took my hand, guiding me deeper inside the building and into the lobby. It was incredibly spacious. I couldn't help but feel amazed by the countless huge doors lined along the wall.

There were some people, but not a lot. It wasn't like the park where everyone was running and laughing. Here, they walked like they had quiet shoes, and their faces looked serious.

While we waited, Dad told me to sit on a chair that looked like a cloud. I liked it; it was squishy. There was a big window too, and I could see the cars and people outside passing by.

Though I had to wonder... why are we here in the Spirit Pagoda on my birthday? Well, I do know that it is to awaken my martial soul, but as far as I am aware of...

"Dad," I called out to him.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Why are we here today? I thought that the Awakening Day was still due to be held in April?"

I knew about it because it was a national holiday. Everyone possesses a martial soul and can awaken it once they turn six. Through the means of an awakening ceremony, we are able to awaken our own martial soul. This was precisely the purpose of the annual Awakening Day.

"Before I answer your question. Tell me, what do you know about the martial soul?" he inquired.

Is this a test now?

Without thinking too much about it, I gave him my answer.

"The martial soul is a part of us, coded in our very being. It could be anything ranging from plants, animals, or even parts of our body. If someone's martial soul is a hoe, then their ability to till the fields would far exceed those of others. If instead they had an animal or soul beast for a martial soul, they might possess some of the abilities of said soul beast. Due to this, the martial soul had long since become the most significant factor in determining someone's life."

"I guess you're not just a mecha nerd, huh," he said, putting his hand over my head.

"H-hey, stop. You're messing my hair!"

"Alright, alright." He lifted his hand, finally letting go.

Trying to fix the mess he made, I turned to him once again. "Now, please answer my question."

"Well, do you know how many children there are that turn six every year?"

Not knowing the actual answer, I simply shook my head. It's probably a lot, right?

"Too many," he said, letting out a weary sigh. "If we were to wait until April, it would mean having to be joined by a massive crowd. It would take too long and too exhausting. Also, your mother hates crowds."
"You see, the Awakening Day is actually established as a service to the public. That's why most people, especially commoners, would look forward to that day to have their children undergo the ceremony."

Giving an understanding nod, I inquired further. "So, you're saying that if you can pay, then you can have the ceremony anytime you want?"


Is that how it is? Well, I don't really know how much it costs, whether it's expensive or not and I don't think I need to know. But it must be quite the sum if so many people would prefer waiting for the Awakening Day.

More importantly, I wonder what Martial Soul will I get? Will it be like Dad's or perhaps Mom's? It might even be a variant! I heard of those before, however...

Noticing the shift in my expression, he asked. "You look worried, what's bothering you?"

"It's just... What if I don't have any Soul Power?"

While Martial Soul is important, the emergence of Soul Power is even more so. It is the energy that nourishes and strengthens the Martial Soul. Knowing that only one in a thousand people might possess Soul Power makes me incredibly worried about my chances.

"You're worried about that? You're my child, it's guaranteed that you'll have it," he said.

"But Mom didn't have any."

His eyes, the same shade of crimson as mine, gazed at me softly and with understanding.

"Even if that's the case, what's wrong with having no Soul Power?" he asked, his tone gentle.

"What's wrong?" I snapped. "I will no longer be able to pilot a mecha without it!"

I don't know why I suddenly raised my voice and why I felt so agitated. Perhaps... I was just afraid. But afraid of what exactly? My dream becoming unreachable? Or maybe it was something else... It's just that, the thought of me not having any Soul Power, irritates me to no end.

"You can still pilot a mecha even without Soul Power you know?"

"They have limits. An ordinary person can never surpass a Soul Master in anything. That's the absolute truth."

Letting out a sigh, he scooted closer and put his hand over my head once again.

"I said don't touch it, you'll make it a mess," I told him, my tone still somber.

"Don't worry. I won't mess them up this time."

He continued to stroke my hair, his hand brushing them with gentle care as he tried to "fix" the loose strands from earlier.

"Your hair is beautifully styled. Did your mother do this for you?" He asked.


"Do you like it?"


I don't know why he was doing this and where he plans to lead with this conversation, but I could feel the softness in his tone that makes me feel a little more at ease.

"Your mother, she doesn't have any Soul Power," he began, "but she was still an exceptional individual... Do you know how we met?"

I shook my head.

"She saved me."

I glanced at him. His hands were still entangled in my hair, but I noticed that his eyes now held a distant warmth, as if revisiting cherished memories.

"I was on a mission, got separated from my squad, heavily injured. It was a very remote place, so getting help was the last thing I could expect. There was no water anywhere, my exhaustion was setting in, and my injuries are getting worse as time pass. The only saving grace was that there weren't any powerful soul beasts nearby. And then, that's when I..."

"You met Mom?" I asked.

"No, I passed out."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. The anticipation had built up, and his pause made it sound like a grand revelation was coming, but it ended with a less-than-epic punchline.

Chuckling upon seeing my reaction, he continued. "When I finally woke up, I found myself in a soft bed, covered in bandages. And standing right in front of me was the back of the woman who saved my life... your mother."

I didn't know that such a thing happened. I knew that as a soldier, being in dangerous situations is part of the job description. But to think that they would meet that way...

"Was it cliche? Well at the very least, that's how it started for us."
"You see, she may be an ordinary person, but to me, she is the most extraordinary of them all. Not having Soul Power doesn't define your worth or potential or what you could accomplish in your life. Sure, it may be harder, but it does not make it impossible. And sometimes, even the most ordinary can provide the most significant change there is. Just like how your mother changed mine."

He then looked into my eyes and smiled. "Regardless of whether or not you have Soul Power, we will always love you, Kikyou."

I simply nodded, understanding settling within me.

I get it. I get what Dad was trying to say... I love Mom too, she may not have Soul Power, but I still think she's the best, even though she nags a lot... However, the possibility of me being only an ordinary person, for some reason, makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.

"What are the two of you discussing looking all serious?"

Having finished her business with the receptionist, Mom finally joined us in the lobby. She settled beside me, and immediately spotted the havoc Dad wreaked on my hair with his pitiful attempt of 'fixing.'

With a disapproving look at him, she retrieved a hairbrush from her handbag and swiftly undertook the task of fixing my hair.

"It was nothing, I was just telling the kid about how we met," Dad explained.

"Oh, you mean that time I have to salvage your sorry ass in the forest?"

"Hey, you didn't have to say it that way."

The banter between them, though familiar, never failed to amuse me and provided a welcome distraction from the unpleasant emotions I feel within.

We remained sitting in that lobby for quite a while. Mom said that someone will call for my name and sure enough it didn't take long for me to hear their call.

"Miss Kushida Kikyou."

A female staff walked out one of the huge doors that I assumed to be where the ceremony will take place.

"Go on Kikyou, we will wait here for you."

Now that the time is here, I admit I feel somewhat nervous.
Giving both of them one last look, I briskly walked towards the lady. Upon seeing me approach, she gave me a sweet smile, her welcoming demeanor easing some of my apprehension.

"Please follow me."

They walked further inside, beyond the huge doors. The path was wide but short, lined with nothing but pure white metal. On the other side was another door with some inscriptions that Kushida couldn't quite decipher. As they approached, the door emitted a mechanical whizz and slowly swung open.

Upon stepping into the Awakening Chamber, her eyes widened involuntarily. Every surface — floors, walls, and even the ceiling — was adorned with intricate inscriptions, creating an elegant, decorative design.

Within the chamber was a middle-aged man, donned in a simple orange robe featuring the embroidered likeness of a soul beast. He is a Soul Master from the Spirit Pagoda assigned to facilitate the ceremony in the Tenjou City branch.

"Hello," Kushida greeted.

The Soul Master wore a gentle smile on his face. "Come here child. Stand in the middle."

Following his direction, Kushida walked over and stood. She let out a deep breath, preparing herself for what's to come. While she is aware of the Awakening Ceremony and what it is about, she actually still has no idea on how it will be done. As such, she couldn't help but feel a little bit of apprehension.

Soon, a gentle white light shone from the Soul Master's hands and he raised his right arm slightly. The light danced vibrantly, ascending towards the ceiling where it erupted into a dazzling display of fireworks, casting an ethereal brilliance throughout the Awakening Chamber.

Starting from the ceiling, the inscription lines filled with light as it moved towards the walls. It was as if it possessed a strong and revitalizing energy, as well as a life of its own. The lines kept lighting up and intensified until they converged below her feet.

A soothing, tingling energy began to ascend from her toes, gradually enveloping her entire being. Kushida found the sensation enveloping her to be totally unlike what she initially expected. She didn't know if it was normal, but it was warm and comforting, like the gentle caress of her mother. It was such a gentle flow that coursed freely through her body before settling down in her lower abdomen — the most common place for Soul Power to appear.

"T-this is...Innate Full Soul Power?"The Soul Master uttered in disbelief. In his many years of service, having conducted thousands of awakening ceremonies, this is the very first time he had encountered a child having Innate Full Soul Power.

Innate Soul Power refers to the quantity of Soul Power a Soul Master possesses before having their Martial Soul awakened. It is indicative of a Soul Master's potential, as individuals with higher innate soul power tend to cultivate at a faster rate compared to those with lower innate soul power.

Individuals with Innate Full Soul Power are those who have already reached Rank 10 in Soul Power upon awakening — the highest rank a Soul Master could achieve before acquiring their first Soul Ring. They are those who are considered to be geniuses among geniuses, capable of reaching the heights few could hope to achieve.

Inside Kushida's mind, unclear images flickering incessantly, suddenly appeared — two images to be exact. However, one of them was giving off an extremely bright light. She wanted to take a clear look, but it was so bright that she could only feel its flowing shadows.

Now enveloped by radiant light, her body shimmered, each particle radiating its own ethereal glow, and Kushida sensed a profound transformation taking hold.

Her skin turned translucent, a cascade of golden light emanated from her hair, creating an otherworldly halo. Sharp claws emerged from her fingertips, while her teeth transformed into fangs. Lastly, a bushy golden tail and ears materialized, completing the transformation.

It was a spectacular scene, the manifestation of her martial soul sent ripples of soul power across the entire chamber, indicative of its might, surprising even the Soul Master.

Kushida thought it was finally over, but just then, she felt her feet being lifted high off the ground and the energy surging from her lower abdomen rushed violently into her eyes.


She suddenly screamed in anguish, causing the Soul Master to jump in fright. Normally, an ordinary child wouldn't feel too much during their Awakening, but an extremely low number of them would experience intense pain due to their weak bodies being unable to bear the energy.

The Soul Master thought that this was also the case here, but upon thinking about it, it didn't make sense. How could a child with Innate Full Soul Power have a weak constitution.

"Just what the hell is happening?" he said.

His body then disappeared in a flash and reappeared in front of Kushida. He doesn't know exactly what is going on but the moment he senses that the child's life is in danger he would forcibly stop the ceremony and ensure her safety.

Kushida could feel an intense concentration of energy in her eyes. She felt as if they were burning, as if boiling water were being poured directly into their sockets. The pain surged, reaching an excruciating crescendo that compelled her to release a scream of agony; the torment proving too overwhelming for her small frame.

'Aaaah, it burns, it hurts, I can't—,'

Tears fell as she desperately pleaded for someone to save her from the torment.

She felt the Soul Master in front of her, seemingly trying to do something but she couldn't focus on any of it. The pain had eclipsed all her rational thoughts. It wasn't just her eyes, but her mind too felt like it was on the verge of exploding.

She could hear voices — hushed whispers, indecipherable murmurs, loud and quiet at the same time. It was overwhelming her senses and left her unable to muster any strength to cling on.

Then, as if a switch had been flipped off, everything vanished, and Kushida plummeted to the ground; a marionette whose strings been cut.

It was a moment, it was only for a short moment but, to her, it was eternity.

Her consciousness began slipping away, worn and weary. Her golden orbs, the very source of the harrowing experience, in this brief moment took in its first glimpse of the world — the ceiling lights blinking like stars in the sky, the Soul Master's panicked face rushing to catch her, and her reflection on his eyes — all before slowly fading away.

Some time had elapsed since Kushida entered the Awakening Chamber. In the lobby, a woman paced restlessly, capturing the attention of onlookers. Her movements, fraught with anxiety, drew curious glances and fueled speculation.

"Nashiko, calm down. You're too nervous," her husband's voice reached out to her.

"How could I calm down? What if something bad happens to Kikyou? I heard that there had been accidents during the Awakening Ceremony, I—"

"I understand your concerns, but going around like that won't be of any help. Look around, you're making the others uneasy," he gently remarked, nodding towards concerned gazes nearby.

Realizing the disturbance she had caused, Nashiko took a deep breath, attempting to compose herself. She sat down beside her husband, hands clasped together.
Still worried, she knew all she could do was wait patiently, trusting that their daughter would emerge unscathed.

Noticing her expression softening, Shinyei softly smiled, placing his hand over hers—a gesture she appreciated. Turning her gaze toward the colossal doors, memories flooded back. She recalled her own Awakening Ceremony, the excitement of anticipating her Martial Soul and the dream of becoming a Soul Master.

Yet, things don't always unfold as expected. The bitterness of that day lingered. The sting of disappointment. The frustration of dreams crumbling.

While part of her dreaded the possibility of her daughter facing a similar fate, all she wanted was to see Kikyou emerge unharmed, regardless of the outcome.

And so she prayed, hoping her daughter would return with the same radiant smile that had always graced her face.


"Miss Kushida?"

A voice called her name, snapping her attention toward the source—the female staff from earlier.

Apprehension colored Nashiko's face as she sensed something amiss. Despite the staff's attempt at professionalism, traces of unease slipped through. She felt a growing sense of dread, each passing second presenting a grimmer and grimmer picture.

The cherry blossoms danced in the air as it welcomed the start of a new school year. Countless students strolled along the sidewalks, alone, in tandem, in different uniforms, with excitement, with unease.
Among them, the young Kushida slowly made her way to the entrance of Tenjou Spirit Academy's primary school.

"Watch out!"

A sudden hand yanked her back while she crossed the street.

"Are you crazy!? You nearly got hit!"

The boy shouted, reprimanding her previous action. The pedestrian lights were still red and the vehicles continued to pass along the busy street. Yet, the girl didn't seem to have noticed.


Her response never came; instead, she continued to stare blankly at his face.

"Uh, hello?" He waved his hand in front of her.

"...Thank you, Hiro-kun. I wasn't paying attention."

The light had finally turned green, and the countless pedestrians who had been waiting resumed their walk. Hiro released his grip on Kushida's arm and she bowed slightly before continuing on her way.

He watched her figure recede into the distance, confusion painting his face.

"She changed."


The girl, Mira, arrived next to him, her eyes fixed on the back of their friend, who seemed to have become a stranger.

"What do you think?" she asked.

"Hmm, maybe she's sick?"

A sigh escaped her lips. "Unlike us who attended the annual Awakening Ceremony last week, Kushida-chan had hers months ago."
"She then graduated preschool early and ever since then she only hung out with us a couple of times, and last month we never saw her at all."

"So, she is sick."

"Talking with you is pointless."

She left in brisk strides, leaving him on his own. He wondered what he had said wrong before noticing the light's counter about to reach zero.

"H-hey wait for me!"

Hiro hurried to catch up, and along the way, he recalled the event that had transpired earlier. He raised his right hand—the one he had used to grab Kushida, and thought to himself...

"It was cold..."

Wow, so many new faces! I hope the teacher is nice.
Ugh, am I lost?
That girl looks cute.
I hope I'm not the only one who doesn't know anyone.
Oops, I tripped over my shoelaces. I hope no one saw that.
I wish I didn't have to come to a new school. This is so annoying—

Countless voices, quiet and loud, echoed inside her head. It was a never-ending discordant mixture of sounds that she couldn't shut out.


It began shortly after she awakened her Martial Soul.
Initially, she thought nothing of it, only a quiet murmur in the recesses of her mind, something she can easily ignore.

But as days passed, it grew louder.
As weeks passed, it grew in number.
With each moment, they persisted.
With each passing moment, they invaded.
Slowly, they took over her world,

[All students, please head to the school's gymnasium. All students—]

The electronic sound of the speakers buzzed out. Upon hearing the announcement, the children inside the classroom stood up one by one.

'Huh? Where are they going?'

In her confusion, Kushida grabbed the hem of her classmate's uniform.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Um, where is everyone going?"

"Huh? To the gymnasium of course, did you not hear the announcement just now?" The boy responded with slight confusion.

"Ah, I see. Sorry."

The boy paused for a second before abruptly departing. He had initially considered going with her since he thought she was cute, but upon glimpsing the blank expression on her face, he promptly dismissed the idea.

"Weird girl."

She is now alone in the room; a deafening silence replacing the clamor that once paraded through the scene.
But it didn't make any difference to her...


For she had already lost the ability to hear.

"*sigh*I guess I should go."

But don't misunderstand, her ears are functional. It's just that she has lost the ability to differentiate those that she hears on the outside and the ones that she hears inside her head.
Trying to find the voice of the person speaking in front of her is akin to finding a needle in a haystack—an impossible task.
It has been a month since then.
At first, she was lost. The disorientation of being unable to perceive the auditory inputs of her actions made her feel isolated. The adjustment proved to be a challenge, and the harrowing noise that kept gnawing at her made her unable to focus, making it even harder to adapt.

'Thankfully, there are still people around. I should follow them.'

She stepped out of the classroom, her gaze following the trail of students as they moved towards the said location.

A short distance away, Kushida's attention was drawn to two individuals engaged in a casual conversation. She wasn't really interested in what they were talking about, but she observed them regardless.

Focusing on their faces, she tried to piece together the contents of their conversation.

I wonder what we will do there?
Dummy, obviously it's for the welcoming ceremony.

Lipreading. A skill that she acquired due to her condition. While it cannot make up for the hearing that has been lost, this at least makes it possible for her to understand a semblance of what the other person is trying to say.

Someone who is technically deaf, yet pretending they are not. That is who Kushida Kikyou currently is.
It would have been easier if she had portrayed herself as one. She would get proper accommodations, and people would approach her with a heightened sense of understanding and patience.

But she also knows that this world isn't so beautiful and kind.
After being exposed to so many voices.
After having discovered the deepest and darkest natures of mankind.
After having seen how people can be both wonderfully compassionate and shockingly cruel within the same breath.
Her perspective had gradually morphed into something more complex and shaded.

But those are not the only reasons...

She helped the old woman next door, not because she has goodness in her heart.
She felt it right to sit on top of the jungle gym and watch her friends down below, not because she had won.
She liked it when the number of her golden star stickers were far more than everyone else's, not because of pride.
She hated the possibility of not having soul power, not because it would hamper her dream.

It was superiority.

A subconscious desire. Kushida Kikyou has always seen herself as standing above others, in a league of her own. This belief, more than anything, shaped her actions and her perception of the world around her.

Acknowledging her impairment publicly would mean casting a shadow on the image she had always viewed herself to be.

So she will continue this performance, this facade, not only to protect herself, but also to keep her place in the hierarchy she has constructed.

Home. It was the only place where she could allow herself to be free. While the voices never stopped, at the very least she no longer has to act that she is normal.

"Welcome home, Kikyou. How's school?" greeted Nashiko cheerfully while simultaneously gesturing in sign language.

"...It was fine."

"We have some of your favorite lemon pies from Kinosh*ta-san's. Do you want some?" she said, grabbing the plate.

"No... I-I'm a bit tired. Maybe later."

"Is that so... okay, call me when you need anything, okay?" She said, sending off her daughter to her room with a bright smile...

That faded soon after.

Her grip on the plate tightened momentarily. Slowly, she walked back to the kitchen and placed it on the counter.
She stayed there and didn't move.




It fell. It fell once again today. Just like all the days.
She couldn't help it. She knew that she might hear, but she still couldn't help it. The feeling of powerlessness, unable to ease her pain, unable to do anything for her daughter, weighed heavily on her heart...
Her only solace was that her emotions would be drowned along the storm, unheard.




The stronger the emotions, the louder they appear...


And so did they fall. On a quiet corner of a room, once again, today, just like all the days...

Chapter 13: Kushida Chapter (Part 2): Cries of a Thousand

Chapter Text

An echo of a fading screech could be heard in the air, once, twice, one after another. Atop the mountain of the source, sat a solitary man. It had been days since he last came down to this cavern yet the aura he radiated remained as mighty and terrifying as when he first arrived. His eyes were sharp and fierce, a far cry from the warm and tender gaze that he shows to his daughter. With a vigilant eye, he surveyed his surroundings and let out a deep sigh.

He recalled the memory from a few months ago. That golden hue, those orbs that reflect the world in a mesmerizing display of colors, an otherworldly sight... a horrifying sight.

"It's not here either..." he murmured amid the silence.

That was the night of his daughter's birthday. As a soldier, especially for someone of his position, he does not have the luxury to do what he wants. As such, he had no choice but to answer as soon as he was called upon.

An argument? Of course, it happened. His wife was seething, it had been so long since the three of them were together and yet it was cut so abruptly.

"There was an emergency,"he excused, but of course there was no way something like that was enough. But regardless, his wife knew that she was but a mere civilian, military affairs were not something she can intrude upon and relented.
"You go tell Kikyou, yourself." she said.

With heavy steps, he walked towards his daughter's room. It was regretful, but there was nothing he could do about it... a cog in the machine, that is all he was.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

He knocked thrice, as he was used to. He waited for several moments but there was no answer. He knocked again and just like before, nothing.
Strange,he thought.

"Kikyou, I'm coming in."

He turned the knob and opened the door. It was dark, the lights were off, another thing he considered to be strange. It was still quite early, and he knew his daughter wasn't that fond of the darkness, as he would expect of a child.
Slowly, he reached out to the switch beside the door but before his fingers reached them, he froze.

There it was, amidst the darkness, golden orbs peered at him as if they were about to devour him whole, sending chills down his spine.
This was not the first time...he had seen them before, felt them before, and now, its reappearance filled him with an inescapable sense of foreboding.

What isitdoing here?

"Dad...?" a voice called out.

"Kikyou? What is—" he couldn't complete his sentence. He's confused, he is worried, and most importantly, he is afraid... afraid that what he is currently thinking of has become the reality before him.

"Dad... w-what's happening... my head, there's so many voices. I-It won't stop."

A cry for help. The girl was afraid, she didn't know what was happening to her and sought the help of the person she trusts the most.

He rushed to her side and held her hand. Her fingers trembled, and so did his, both having completely different reasons. The fear of the unknown, the fear of the known.

She passed out earlier this morning and didn't remember anything about what happened in the awakening ceremony. He thought of it as something ordinary and expected as he had seen such a scenario play out multiple times before but...

Is this the reason?

He enveloped her with his soul power. Scanning her body, he searched for anything that could be considered unnatural but detected nothing, at least none of what he had thought of.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips, but that doesn't mean that things had gotten better.

"Dad..." she called out again, this time her voice was weaker.

He squeezed her hand.

"Hey, it's alright,"

Far from it, but he had to reassure her.

"Look at me, everything will be alright, so trust daddy, okay?"


Slowly, soul power surged from his body and countless rings of light rose from beneath his feet. Purple, Purple, Purple, Black, Black, Black, Black, seven rings manifested and dominated the small room with their presence.

She was still in distress but seeing those lights once again gave her strength. The strength of knowing that the strongest person in her eyes is now here to save her.

"Rest for now, Kikyou," he whispered gently.

His eyes glowed a crimson hue and directly faced her golden gaze with a deliberate, yet tender intensity. He was careful, the mind is a delicate place, one wrong move and he could cause irreversible harm to his beloved daughter.

Time seemed to slow as Kikyou's eyelids began their gradual descent. With each flutter, her consciousness waned, taking with it the strange anomaly that had plagued her.
The serene rhythm of her breathing signaled her retreat into a peaceful slumber, a respite from the turmoil that had ensnared her.


That was all he could do. Despite being a spiritual-type soul master, putting his daughter to sleep and drowning the encroachment of the voices was the limit of his current abilities.
He couldn't erase the root cause of her affliction, but he could grant her temporary respite, at least, until she wakes up.

Standing up, he took out his communication device.

I should make a call...

Poised to access his logs, he hesitated, the motion halting midway.

But to who?

He was going to ask for help, he knew of doctors, specialized soul masters, that he thought could help his daughter, however...

What would happen to Kikyou ?

Matters concerningthemare a sensitive and delicate subject. There is so much that they do not know and if they find out that there is a perfect subject out there for them to study...

Past recollections made him conjure vivid images that would occur if he were to bring his daughter to them.


His grip on the device had tightened unconsciously, fracturing the screen under the strain. A wry smile touched his lips, tinged with self-derision.

"Heh, what a hypocrite."

He didn't care, he didn't bat an eye, his stance had always been uncompromising, detached when it involved others. But now, faced with his own flesh and blood on the table, his perspective drastically shifted. If he were to ask for their help, then it would be considered fortunate if even a strand of her hair remained.

He gave his daughter one last look, and there she was sleeping peacefully, the last she would ever get.

There are avenues other than those he is affiliated with, he knows that, however, there is no guarantee that the information wouldn't reach their ears. Considering the current state of affairs, they definitely wouldn't pass up an opportunity to gather important data.

I have to do this on my own.

Filling himself with resolve, he left the room.



"You know that and you're still going to leave!?"

Nashiko's outburst was understandable, in such a delicate situation, being by their daughter's side is what is most important to her as a parent.

He had told her everything, not sparing any detail. The risks, the potential consequences, and the slim chances of success were all laid out. Yet, despite the overwhelming odds and Nashiko's evident distress, he knew that he mustn't stay here.

"I'll find a way to return her to normal and I won't find it here."

As he spoke, Nashiko's expression revealed a tumult of emotions. She understood his need to leave, yet the reality of what lay ahead for her, an ordinary person, taking care of their daughter on her own was daunting. The nights of vigil, the days filled with anxiety, and the constant fear of her daughter's condition worsening weighed heavily on her.

"Please, take care of Kikyou for me." His plea was heartfelt, a testament to the trust he placed in her strength.

And with that he took his step, to the place where everything began, in search of the answers that he seeks.

"Golden eyes and voices..." Kushida Shinyei muttered amid the silence.

He is currently deep inside a certain cave, around five-hundred meters below the surface. As he sat to rest, each of his hands still firmly gripped a pistol, remaining poised and alert. The cave around him was a grim canvas of his own making, burn marks, splattered purple blood that painted the rocky walls and floor, including himself.

It was here when he first encountered that creature. Unlike the other humanoid beings they had come across before, this one bore the closest resemblance to a human.
A slim body and piercing eyes that seem to take you to another world, mesmerizing anyone who dared meet their gaze. Indeed, to call this being beautiful would be an understatement; it was the embodiment of otherworldly allure.

The creature fought with a grace reminiscent of a ballerina, each movement fluid and precise. No matter how ferociously they attacked, their efforts were in vain. It was as though the creature was anticipating their every move, reading their minds. But its prowess was not limited to mere physical evasion; it also possessed the ability to launch spiritual attacks, a form of combat far more elusive and dangerous. Causing many to succumb to their demise.

His survival was a stroke of sheer luck; the creature had inexplicably ceased its onslaught and departed. Perhaps it had grown bored of the encounter, or maybe there was another, unseen reason for its sudden withdrawal. The uncertainty of its motives left him with a chilling sense of unease, even as he counted his fortunate escape.
And yet here he is, chasing after it on his own. Hoping that if it or any of its kind is still out there, then they would provide him the answers that he seeks.

Judgment-class. That was the rank they conferred to it, a classification reserved for entities of extraordinary power, comparable to the might of a hundred-thousand-year Soul Beast.

Comparable. Yes, the creature in question is not a form of Soul Beast but rather an entirely different entity.
Abyssal Creatures, beings that emerged from the depths of the Abyss. This was the name bestowed upon them.

No one knew when exactly they appeared, but humanity had been fighting them ever since the ancient past. There was a period however, where the Abyssal creatures didn't appear, but over a century ago, they had once again begun their ascent to the surface.

Their existence is hidden, not only to the public, but even to the Soul Masters. The only ones who are allowed to deal with them are the few who were selected by the governing entities responsible—like the military. Kushida Shinyei is among those select few. And the reason for that is...


The sound of liquid being stepped on shattered the tomb-like silence of the cave. His senses, already honed to a razor's edge, immediately zeroed in on the source of the disturbance. His hands were even faster, even before his body fully pivoted, his pistol was already aimed in the direction of the noise, finger hovering over the trigger, about to take its shot.

"W-wait, don't shoot!" a voice cried out in desperation.

As Shinyei shifted his gaze to fully assess the newcomer, he saw that it was an adult male. The signs of distress were unmistakable on the man's face — his expression etched with pain and fatigue. He was visibly injured, with wounds that spoke of recent and brutal encounters. Furthermore, Shinyei caught sight of the state of his right arm and couldn't help but frown.

A human... a Soul Master...

"Who are you? What are you doing in this place?" Shinyei demanded, his voice steady and cold. His pistol remained unwaveringly aimed on the man, as if it didn't even matter that it was a human and not an abyssal creature.

The man didn't answer, no, he couldn't, he hadn't fully comprehended his surroundings until now, but with Shinyei's question, his gaze darted around, taking in the gruesome scene. The cave floor was a disturbing scene of blood and fallen bodies.

His throat tightened involuntarily, a silent gulp betraying his growing terror.

In Shinyei's eyes, there was an unmistakable warning — a clear indication that any falsehood in his words would mean suffering the same fate as those creatures on the ground.

"I-I, we were hunting a soul b-beast..." the man stammered, struggling to come up with words.

Shinyei maintained a stoic silence, his expression unreadable. He was patient, unconcerned with how long it might take for the man to fully articulate his story. Yet, this quiet, unwavering demeanor only intensified the man's sense of intimidation. The oppressive silence, punctuated only by the distant drips of cave water and blood, seemed to amplify his fear, making the air around them heavy with tension.

"Me and my team, four of us," he began, his voice faltering as memories surged, "entered from Shirakizawa. You don't need permits there after all. We were hunting a thousand-year Winged Serpent when it escaped into this cave. T-that was approximately eight hours ago."

In certain Great Spirit forests, hunting Soul Beasts requires permits to control their declining numbers. Some forests even ban hunting altogether. These permits limit the number of Soul Masters allowed and have their activities monitored. Due to the high cost, many Soul Masters end up opting for artificial soul rings from Spirit Pagoda instead. Those lacking resources for even those, like this man, often resort to hunting in unregulated forests such as in Shirakizawa."

"O-of course, we didn't want our efforts to go to waste, so we followed it, and then..." He swallowed hard, the weight of his next words almost too much to bear. "We ended up venturing too deep and... suddenly some weird looking monsters appeared..."

"Mia, Roshi, Hiroya, t-they..." His voice trailed off, choked by grief, no, by guilt. "I couldn't... I was so afraid, so I l-left them behind..."

Now, here he was, a picture of desperation, having fled with his tail between his legs, clinging to the faint hope of survival in this unforgiving environment.

A passage on the other side. Shinyei, meanwhile, was deep in thought, considering the implications of this man's tale.

"Three questions," he finally spoke. "First, did you notice anything strange in the entrance of the cave you had entered from?"

The man seemed to search his memory, his brow furrowing in concentration. "N-no, I don't think so..." he responded, uncertain.


Shinyei remained silent. Perhaps that answer did not satisfy him.

His stoic expression remained unchanging; his eyes fixed intently on the man. The lack of immediate reaction from Shinyei only served to heighten the man's anxiety, each passing second amplifying his unease. He fidgeted, a clear sign of his growing distress under the scrutinizing gaze.

"Second, what is your name? I don't think you've told me that..."

After what seemed like an eternity, the second question arrived.

"T-Tendou... sir," he stammered out, the 'sir' slipping from his lips almost reflexively. It was a subtle yet telling addition, born from a mix of respect, fear, and a desperate attempt to appease the formidable yet unknown figure before him.

"I see. Then here's my final question, Tendou... How do you prefer to die?"


"Take your pick, die now, in this cave, or die later, in a sterile hall."

Tendou's eyes widened in shock, his face draining of color. The question was so abrupt, so starkly grim, that it seemed to echo ominously in the cave.

"I-I wha—" Words failed him, and in his fright, he reflexively stepped back, only to trip over an unseen rock.

Panic surged through him like a tidal wave. He doesn't understand, didn't he answer everything honestly? He had clung to the hope that compliance might spare him, but now, he was facing a chilling ultimatum.

"N-no! Please let me live, I'll do anything. PLEASE!" His voice was a desperate, raw plea, echoing off the cave walls.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, look at your right arm."

With trembling hands, Tendou glanced at his arm and the sight that greeted him sent a jolt of terror through his spine. Striations, like sinister veins, were creeping across his skin, an eerie, unnatural hue. He screamed; the sound born from a place of deep, existential fear.

"W-what is this? What's happening to me!?"

"You've been corrupted by the Abyss." Shinyei said, his voice a solemn declaration of a grim reality.
"Soon, you'll lose your senses, starting from your smell, then your taste, hearing, sight, your touch, then finally, your self. And if you are still alive by then, it would transform your body to that of a mindless monster, a puppet of the Abyss."

"No, no way, please, please save me!"

"It's not possible, there is no cure..."
"So, let me ask you once more, Tendou... Do you wish to die now, as a human, or later, as a monster, but only after you've been squeezed dry for what your worth."

His voice was cold, devoid of compassion. In this cavern teeming with death, he was the judge, jury and executioner.

Tendou's world twisted in his terror. The cave walls seemed to creep inward, suffocating him. Spikes from the ceiling loomed like predators ready to pounce, and Shinyei, standing before him, morphed into an ominous silhouette that stretched and enveloped the space, casting a pall of dread.

His breathing became ragged, his lungs searing as if caught in an invisible inferno. Yet, he could not smell the smoke, taste the air, hear the crackling flames, see the encroaching darkness, or feel the heat. Was he transforming into the monster Shinyei described? No, this was fear in its most primal form.

He, who obeyed and begged a stranger because he is too powerless to save himself.
He, who fled and abandoned his friends to save his own life.
How could he, who clung to life so desperately and disgracefully, accept such a grim ultimatum?

So, he ran. Despite his weakness, despite his powerlessness, despite his inescapable fate, he ran.

Bang! Bang!

The sound of gunfire echoed through the cavern, a final note in the concert of terror and despair.



In the current era, the only ones allowed to deal with the Abyssal creatures are the few selected by the governing entities. And the reason for that is the Abyss corruption.
The areas in which the Abyss had taken root emits a unique radiation that over time corrodes and takes over the body of those exposed to it, just like what happened to Tendou. That is why, only those who have developed a resistance to this radiation are allowed to conduct activities in these areas.
However, the odds of developing such a resistance are dauntingly low—a mere 10 percent success rate among those administered the specialized vaccine. And even among the fortunate few who do develop this resistance, complete immunity to the corrupting effects is not guaranteed. There have been numerous cases where personnels, soldiers, after years of prolonged exposure to the radiation, began showing signs of corruption and succumbed to its effects.

Even Kushida Shinyei is no exception to this.

Kushida Kikyou, his daughter, he had initially thought had also been corrupted. But upon his inspection, he found no trace of the typical signs of corruption in her. His expertise and thorough analysis left him confident in this assessment, and he was relieved to find her physically unscathed by the Abyss's influence.

Yet, there was an anomaly: her eyes. They invoked the same feeling as the Judgment-class Abyssal creature he had previously fought. More disconcerting was the apparent similarity in their abilities.

This led him to a daunting conclusion: his daughter was experiencing a new form of corruption, a variant never before encountered. He doesn't know exactly how such a thing was possible. His daughter was never exposed to the Abyss, but his instincts told him that this was the only explanation.

He feared it, his knowledge of the Abyss, made him conjure conclusions he desperately hoped would never come to fruition.


That was the Abyss's ultimate and most insidious goal: to infiltrate, to conquer, to claim the world as its own. If this new form of corruption afflicting his daughter was indeed an extension of that invasion... Then he fears that one day, he would return and find out that his daughter would no longer be the one he knew.

So, he prayed a fervent plea borne out of a father's love. He prayed that it wasn't too late, that he would return one day, and she would greet him with the same radiant smile that always graced her face.

There was that one time when the teacher called my name... I didn't answer. How could I, her back was turned, I couldn't see her face, there was no way for me to know.
The next thing I felt was the stinging pain of the chalk hitting my forehead and being forced to stand in the hall. It hurt, it was embarrassing.

Group tasks were... difficult. I could still see their frustrated faces whenever I was slow on the uptake and didn't respond. I couldn't help it, they were talking so fast, after all.

On the train, I missed my stop since I couldn't hear the announcements, I couldn't really see the text displays either. I stopped riding it since then.



Many times mom had told me that I don't need to go to school. She is such a worrywart, but I still insisted on going.

Classes weren't really that hard, I've always been good at remembering things so I've pretty much learned all that I should. Practical lessons were also very simple.

But now that I think of it, I haven't really talked to anyone since the semester began. Hiro-kun and Mira-chan are in different classes so I never really got to see them aside from passing by each other in the halls... that is fortunate.

I don't really have any friends in my class either... that is fortunate too.

The less I interact, the less the chance someone will find out...

A high-achiever loner... I guess you could add gloomy to that too. Very rarely do I catch voices addressed to me, and oftentimes it was about how aloof and inexpressive I am.
I wasn't aware of that. Have I gone numb? No, I'm sure I can still feel... However, perhaps there's simply nothing left to express.



It's cold.

Rain was falling. It splashed and crashed on my entire body, on the floor, on the puddles that it formed. Looking up, no stars could be seen — an empty night. Light pollution had made them impossible to witness in the middle of the city.
See? There are only the flickering neon lights generated by various signboards, they look a bit skewed, and sparks are flying out of them, but oh well.

Where... am I?

I didn't even notice until now. A narrow alley, a place I don't recognize. Wet pavement under the dim lights, dumpsters dripping with rain, a stray cat sleeping under a cardboard...Have I been sleepwalking?



I should go home.Mommust be very worried...

Hands pushing against the floor, I tried to get up, only to fall back down as if my strings had been cut.

Eh? Strange... I can't move my body... there's no strength left in me... why?


The light sound of shoes hitting the wet pavement echoed in this desolate alley. The sound grew steadily closer. The rain continued its relentless descent and yet it couldn't mask the approaching sound.

Through the veil of rain, a figure then emerged, a silhouette against the dim light from a flickering light. Tall and slender, he moved at a steady pace, his coat flapping slightly with each step, as if in tune with the rhythm of the rain. He stopped a few meters away, his face slightly illuminated by the dim light.

It is a face I don't recognize.

"So, it's you..." his voice rang out.

Huh? I can... hear him?

I didn't realize it, but I could hear the rain, the sparks from the flickering signboards, the wet footsteps, and the man's voice... Everything is so clear... why?

"To think that the cause of all this was a mere child..."

I could finally hear the world that I live in, it feels surreal... like being able to plant my feet on solid ground after falling for so long. It was something that I had taken for granted but now... I didn't know the sound of rain falling could be so beautiful.


A chilling metallic object loomed before me, its sharp point glinting ominously in the dim light. It was unmistakably a spear, held steadily in the man's grasp, its tip directed unwaveringly at me... Why? He also said something before but I wasn't really paying attention...

His eyes, now that I gaze upon them, were like shards of ice, reflecting nothing but a cold, detached resolution. They did not hold malice, but a chilling acceptance of what must be done.

But those very eyes suddenly widened, albeit ever so slightly, one could have easily missed them... I wonder why.

"I see... you are Kushida's..."

He mentioned my name, does he know me perhaps?

The man's expression remained impassive, his eyes still as chilling, even as recognition flickered within them. He fell silent, the only sound being the rain's persistent patter and the occasional hiss of the signboards. This silence stretched on, his gaze never wavered from mine, yet it seemed as though he was looking through me, weighing thoughts known only to him.

"Child of Kushida..." he finally spoke. "How do you prefer to die?"

July 19, 2008, 8:48 PM. Approximately two hours ago.

The night was suddenly interrupted by a nationwide broadcast, drawing families and individuals to their television screens across Japan. In living rooms and public spaces alike, eyes were fixed on the news anchor, whose solemn expression conveyed the gravity of the situation even before words were spoken.

Speculation about the broadcast's content was rife, following the recent tremors that were felt in the entire country.

"We interrupt your regular programming with a crucial update," the anchor began, her voice steady but tinged with urgency. "A massive earthquake, originating from Shirakizawa, Uryu District in Hokkaido, has led to a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions."

In a quiet corner of a room, a woman sat transfixed, her hands pressed over her mouth in deep-seated worry. A wave of fear washed over her as the location of the disaster was announced.

The anchor's words then took a startling turn: "In an unforeseen and calamitous event, the entire western region of Hokkaido has sunk and collapsed, marking not just a seismic occurrence, but a massive geological shift."

The broadcast showed a map of Japan, now irrevocably altered. The familiar contour of western Hokkaido is now gone, replaced by an immense stretch of blue. The anchor solemnly recited the names of the vanished areas — Rumoi, Teshio, Horonobe, Toyotomi, Wakkanai, Numata and others — each echoing with a mournful finality.

As the broadcast continued, the camera shifted to show aerial footage of the new coastlines. The extent of the destruction was staggering. Where once there were bustling towns and peaceful countryside, there were now jagged cliffs and chaotic debris.

"This is not a mere act of nature..." The bizarre assertion sowed confusion among the viewers. "I repeat, this is not a natural event, but the aftermath of a colossal creature's rampage."

The broadcast then cut to a video of a creature, an immense, enigmatic figure barely discernible in the grainy footage. Despite the advanced technology, there must be an underlying reason as to why they used something of such low resolution. Nonetheless, even with its blurry appearance, it was clear that this entity was an inexplicable fusion of various creatures.

The anchor continued, "The current whereabouts of this extraordinary creature is unknown. After emerging, it clashed with a cadre of Soul Masters. Following this fierce battle, it disappeared, leaving authorities and experts scrambling to understand its motives and location."

As the grim reality of the broadcast sunk in, the citizens of Japan were engulfed in a wave of emotions, ranging from shocked disbelief to profound despair. This was especially true for those with loved ones in the devastated areas of Hokkaido, where the sudden and total loss of familiar landscapes and communities deepened the sense of grief and helplessness.
In countless homes, families sat in a stunned, silent mourning, the flickering television screens serving as a somber reminder of the disaster that had irreversibly changed their lives.
The atmosphere in public spaces was heavy with sorrow, as people, numbed by the tragedy, moved through their surroundings in a daze, their expressions etched with loss. The vibrant life of cities and towns had been replaced by a mournful stillness.
Unanswered phone calls to the affected areas underscored the tragedy's enormity, leaving many in a painful state of uncertainty and despair, unable to confirm the safety or fate of their loved ones.

It was an unprecedented storm of emotions.

In the quiet room from before, Kushida Nashiko remained still, her mind reeling with disbelief. Hokkaido, the very place where the northern military base was situated, was where her husband was currently stationed, and haunted her thoughts.
Although the base was not in the directly affected areas, she couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a tide of anxiety. The proximity to such a catastrophic event, the sheer scale of the disaster, made her fear for his safety.
Her heart raced with countless questions: Had they been indirectly impacted? They said that there was a beast, was he fighting it?
The lack of news and clarification only intensified her worry.

Amidst all of this however, the television continued to run. The news had now transitioned into a live broadcast of the current state of their community, the affected individuals, the people's reactions. She could see their fear-stricken faces, those filled with despair and deep-seated worry that mirrored her own.

The entire country truly was experiencing a storm of emotions...


She suddenly rushed from where she stood, her every step infused with panic and desperation. She rushed, like she was being chased by a ravenous predator. She rushed, as if her own life was at stake. Her fear this time was palpable, almost physical in its intensity.
The sight of the people's reactions on the television, their faces contorted in anguish, triggered a sudden, chilling realization in her. It brought to mind a haunting phrase her daughter once mentioned:

"The stronger the emotions are tied to the thought, the louder and clearer they are."


A high-pitched scream reverberated through the house, piercing the heavy air with its intensity. The sound was raw, filled with an unbridled anguish and terror that seemed to capture the essence of the fear engulfing Nashiko.


Nashiko's voice cracked as she called out the name, her fear for her daughter surging to the forefront. The scream had unmistakably belonged to Kikyou, and its raw terror propelled Nashiko forward with even greater urgency. Her feet barely seemed to touch the ground as she raced through the corridors, driven by a mother's desperate need to reach her child.

She burst into Kikyou's room, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and desperation. The room was dimly lit, the only illumination coming from the moonlight filtering through the window. There, huddled in a corner, was Kikyou, her eyes wide with terror, her body shaking uncontrollably.

The cacophony in Kikyou's mind was earth-shattering. Thousands of voices, a thousand cries, each laced with fear, despair, and anger, crashed over her in unrelenting waves. She pressed her hands to her ears, a futile attempt to block out the chorus of nationwide panic that now resided within her head. With each passing day, her ability had continued to intensify and now, it had reached the point where it had already encompassed a sizable part of the country.
The recent disaster had undoubtedly intensified the surge of voices to an overwhelming degree, with the emotions tied to the thoughts of the entire country piercing through her with unbearable clarity.

It wasn't just a mental burden; it manifested physically. Blood trickled from her eyes, a stark contrast against her pale skin, while her ears, nose, and mouth were similarly marked with lines of red. Even the less visible signs were there — blood seeping from under her fingernails and toenails, and the subtlest hint of red staining her tears. It was as if her body was echoing the internal havoc wreaked by the psychic onslaught.

Nashiko could do nothing but hold her daughter tight, her eyes filled with a deep, unspoken despair. Never before had she cursed her own ordinariness, her own powerlessness as she did now. In a world where extraordinary abilities could bring both wonder and ruin, her inability to alleviate her daughter's agony, even just a little bit, was a bitter pill to swallow.
If only she could only transfer all of this burden to herself... but alas, such wishful thinking could never be realized.

Her hands, stained with her daughter's blood, gently caressed Kikyou's face, trying in vain to offer some comfort, some semblance of maternal protection against an unseen enemy that she could neither fight nor understand.

"Shhh, I'm here... I'm here."

Her voice was a broken whisper, words of love and reassurance that fell on deaf ears.

Kikyou's eyes, once bright with intelligence and curiosity, were now dull and unfocused, staring blankly at a point somewhere beyond the walls of her room. The vibrant young girl, who had once filled the house with laughter and energy, was now lost in an abyss of suffering.

A phone rang, a jarring intrusion into the heavy silence of the room. Nashiko didn't move to answer it. Nothing mattered anymore except the fragile form in her arms, her daughter, who was slipping away from her, consumed by the pain of others.

As the ringtone faded into silence, Nashiko closed her eyes, tears mingling with the blood on her cheeks. She held Kikyou closer, a futile gesture in the face of overwhelming powerlessness. The despair in her heart was a heavy, suffocating force, but she refused to let go.



She couldn't gauge the passage of time as they remained in that position, frozen yet fraught with emotion. Each twitch she felt from her daughter sent her heart sinking further. Countless thoughts run through her mind, but ultimately she was helpless.

Then slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, her arms began to move. Driven by a force beyond her conscious control, they crept upwards, trembling with the weight of her decision. Her hands, once gentle and nurturing, now reached towards her beloved daughter's neck. The thought, unbidden and terrifying in its finality, whispered in her mind:

A way out.

She had crumbled, no longer could she bear witness the suffering of her child. No longer could she stand idly by while the most precious part of her life withered in pain. It was a decision no mother should ever have to make, yet in the depths of her despair, it was the only flicker of mercy she could offer.

As her hands began to tighten around her daughter's neck, a moment of harrowing clarity engulfed her. It was as though she had been splashed by ice-cold water, abruptly awakening her from a trance. Her fingers, which had started to constrict with a dreadful resolve, now froze in place, suspended in a moment of terrifying realization.
Horror washed over her face, distorting her expression into one of utter disbelief and agony. The reality of what she was doing, what she had almost done, crashed into her with merciless force. Her hands recoiled as if they had touched fire, retreating from her daughter's neck with a trembling urgency.

She staggered back, gasping for air, as if emerging from deep underwater. Her eyes, wide with shock and brimming with tears, fixated on her daughter. The sight of the fragile, innocent life before her, a life she had come perilously close to ending, pierced her heart with an acute sense of guilt and sorrow.
She collapsed to her knees, her hands covering her face as sobs wracked her body. The burden of her near action, coupled with the unceasing anguish of her daughter's condition, consumed her in a torrent of despair and remorse.

She had done the unthinkable.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."

Like a broken record, she repeatedly whispered those words.

Why? Why me? I didn't do anything wrong... I tried to be kind. I tried to be helpful. I studied, I trained, I did my best and excelled... I had an outburst that one time, but that was just once right? It was no big deal... So why am I being punished like this?

Ahh, it's so loud. Please, someone, please make it stop...

That is simple.

Please, help me, tell me what I should do...

You just have to make them all disappear.

But how? I don't know how...

Shh, just leave it all to me.

Suddenly, an eerie calm enveloped the room. Kikyou, still huddled in pain, began to slowly ascend. Her body, previously wracked in turmoil, now floated serenely, as if suspended by unseen forces.


Nashiko, in utter disbelief of the scene unfolding before her eyes could only mutter her name.

Her daughter's eyes, dull and lifeless mere moments ago, ignited with a golden glow, casting an otherworldly light in the dim room.
And as if responding to an unseen signal, a massive wave of energy emanated from Kikyou, invisible yet ever strongly felt.

Nashiko felt a peculiar sensation wash over her as it passed — a tingling, numbing wave that seemed to seep into her very being.

A faint whisper echoed in her mind,"Ahh, so this is my punishment..."

The room around her began to blur, the edges of her vision darkening as if the light itself was retreating. She felt her knees weaken, her body becoming heavy, an overwhelming lethargy claiming her muscles.

With one final, sorrowful look at her daughter, Nashiko's strength ebbed away. She gently collapsed, her consciousness fading into darkness, a single tear marking the depth of her love and remorse.

The surge of energy didn't stop there. It rippled through the air, sweeping across the entirety of Tenjou City.

As it traversed, the city's inhabitants, already immersed in a sea of gloom, were silently overtaken by this sudden and eerie force. People mid-step in the streets, families at their homes, friends in mid-conversation, all fell silent and motionless in an instant, like marionettes whose strings had been abruptly severed. Bodies littered the sidewalks and parks, adding to the nightmarish landscape.

Chaos ensued on the streets. Drivers, their grip on the steering wheel slackening, slumped forward as consciousness deserted them. Vehicles, bereft of guidance, drifted waywardly, initiating a cascade of unintended collisions. the sounds of crunching metal, shattering glass, and the eerie silence that followed painted a scene of devastation. The wreckage blocked streets, flames erupted from impacted vehicles, casting a hellish glow over the city.

Animals, too, were not spared. Pets in homes fell beside their stricken owners. In the skies, over the trees, birds plummeted to the earth, their lifeless forms adding to the grim painting below. The usual nocturnal chorus of urban wildlife was eerily absent, replaced by the sounds of destruction and the crackling of fires.

In mere moments, the entirety of Tenjou and its neighboring cities, transformed into a landscape devoid of life. The energy unleashed from Kikyou had not only silenced the city but had brought it to its knees.

Just a while ago, the entire country mourned the harrowing catastrophe, and now as if toyed by fate, another city had fallen.



Future historians would later record this episode as the 'Night of Tragedies'. It would take months for the residents of this city to gradually emerge from their disoriented and bewildered state of mind. Following this awakening, they would undergo several months of intensive rehabilitation, aimed at helping them reintegrate into society and reclaim their lost lives.

However, this narrative only applies to those fortunate enough to regain their consciousness.
For others, they would remain lost in the passage of time, the forgotten victims, who, amidst the slow resurgence of the city, have yet to open their eyes to this day.

Several kilometers away from Tenjou City, a lone individual halted their tracks. Slowly she turned around, her long blonde hair dancing along the night breeze. She cast her gaze towards the source of the anomaly. Even with her being so far away she was still able to feel the surge of energy that crippled the entire city.
Her eyes visibly shook, but it was not out of fear, but excitement. A sly smirk formed on her lips as she muttered:


In an instant, she burst into a dash, heading directly towards the city in question. Her wake, leaving nothing but dust and destruction on its path. She could have flown to get there but such an endeavor was not her style.
Fortunately, this individual had enough conscience to stray away from populated areas, thus successfully preventing a third tragedy to befall on the country.



On a certain tower, a man sat in repose, a spear resting before him. He had sat there seemingly unaffected by the series of incidents that occurred. His eyes were gently closed, and his breathing was steady and serene. He embodied a perfect state of Zen, exuding an aura of being in complete harmony with the world.


In the midst of this peaceful ambiance, a voice softly pierced the silence, slightly disrupting the stillness of the air. But the man paid no heed.

"We are ready."

At these words, he slowly opened his eyes, his gaze reflecting a deep, unspoken wisdom. They settled on the figure who had approached him with a sense of calm authority.

Rising gracefully, the man picked up his spear with the ease of a practiced warrior. He moved towards the edge of the tower, pausing to survey the horizon where a faint, ominous glow marked the plight of Tenjou City.

"Let's go."



Rain had fallen, drowning the silence of the city, dousing the raging flames left behind by the abrupt chaos.
Rain had fallen, a splosh and a splash... Soft, wet footsteps could be heard. In this city devoid of life, she is the only existence left capable of making a sound.

Her eyes now vacant, dull, an empty husk of its former radiance. After that incident, she began wandering aimlessly into the city, as if possessed.

A litter of bodies lay before her and whence she came, yet, to her dulled perception, they seemed to fade into the background. The child was awake, yet lost in a world far removed from the tangible reality that surrounded her.

"Hoh... What's this? A child? Seriously? Hah!"

The blonde individual was the first to arrive, and what she saw before her defied all her expectations. The incongruity of the scene struck her, and she couldn't help but release a burst of incredulous laughter.

"I was fully expecting to fight a Demigod when I rushed here but... to think I'd find something even better... Hey, kid, what the hell are you?" she asked.

The child, however, remained silent, wholly unresponsive. It was as if no external presence could penetrate her consciousness. She continued on her monotonous walk, her face etched with emptiness, casting doubt on whether she even registered the presence of another person speaking to her.

Sensing the child's distant state, the woman cautiously approached. She observed the girl closely, musing,

'Judging from her age, she must have awakened only recently... Just how could someone so young already reach the Spiritual Domain Realm?'

Her curiosity piqued, she attempted to extend her spiritual energy towards the girl. However, as she neared the fringes of the child's mental sea, an unexpected surge of energy erupted, taking her by surprise.

"Spirit Eyes?" she mused aloud, noting the intensity radiating from the child's golden eyes. "No, it feels a bit different to that brat from the academy... Is it a variant?"

As she pondered this, the child, previously unresponsive, began to show signs of awareness. It was subtle at first, but the woman could sense a defensive mechanism activating within the girl.

"Hah, you're a hundred years too early to be going against me, brat!" she declared, her voice tinged with amusem*nt.

Despite both of them being in the Spiritual Domain Realm, the child's command over her abilities paled in comparison to the woman's. The girl's efforts resembled mere ripples trying futilely to disturb a vast, unyielding ocean of force that the woman wielded. It was like watching a lion effortlessly swat away a curious kitten.

Not a moment later, the inevitable unfolded. The child, unable to withstand the immense disparity in ability, finally succumbed. Her state now mirroring that of the motionless forms scattered around them.

"Hmm... now this is something."

The woman began her probing.

"Her spiritual circuits are a mess, especially in the front of the brain. It was as if it was forcibly constructed by someone ignorant of the human body..." she continued. "It emphasized the rapid generation of spiritual power with no regard whatsoever to the user."

She stopped her prying and looked at the child with pity.

"From her current state, I estimate she only has until dawn..."

Seeing the child, she couldn't help but recall unpleasant memories. She had seen this scene countless times before, this scene of a broken subject thrown away after they've outlived their purpose.

"TheWhite room?No, it is not them, it's way too clumsy."

With a drawn out sigh, she knelt before the child, meeting the girl at eye level. Her previous boisterous demeanor now long gone replaced by a solemn, and silent understanding. Was it because she pitied the child? Because she felt a sense of kinship? Or perhaps it was something else entirely... Regardless, she faced the girl with a resolute expression and conveyed what she wanted to say.

"Hey, do you still want to live? I can't cure you completely, but I can at least ensure that you would live to see the sun rise again..."

She knew. She knew that what is before her is nothing but an empty shell, a husk of its former self. She knew that, but she still hoped, hoped that her words would reach the child, and that she hadn't given up yet.

'Any response will do, show me that you still wish to continue and fight...'

A minute passed, two minutes... five... ten... The heavy silence remained unbroken, the child still motionless.

With another resigned sigh, she prepared herself to leave, feeling a pang of disappointment.
'I guess I was expecting too much...'she thought.

But just as she turned to walk away, she felt a faint tug at the hem of her clothes.

Surprised, she looked down to see the child's weak hand grasping the fabric. Her eyes were still empty, she was still a husk of her former self, but in that single frail gesture, there was a silent plea, a faint glimmer of the will to live. It was a small, almost imperceptible act, but it spoke volumes. The child, in her own way, was fighting to stay connected to the world, to life.

The woman's lips curled into a broad smile, her face lighting up with a mixture of admiration and respect.


Gently, she enveloped the child with her own spiritual power and began the process.

As she worked, a spontaneous laugh escaped her lips. "Haha, being delicate like this is unlike me at all."

Her usual demeanor, far removed from such careful tenderness, seemed to amuse her in the moment, juxtaposing against her current gentle actions.

She weaved her spiritual energy like a silken thread through the intricate maze of the child's spiritual circuits. She moved with precision and focus, her energy acting as a guiding light in the darkness, mending and restructuring the disordered pathways.

This was a maneuver only possible because of her being in the Spiritual Domain Realm.

As her power flowed through the child, it glowed faintly, illuminating the damaged areas and repairing them with a skilled touch. She worked methodically, repairing circuit after circuit, coaxing the child's own spiritual energy back into a more natural harmonious flow. She was like a surgeon manually connecting every single nerve of the body.

However, when she reached the areas close to the frontal lobe, she paused. This area, complex and deeply intertwined with the essence of the child's consciousness, was beyond her capabilities. It wasn't that she was unskilled, but rather the nature of her power would only do more harm than good if she were to proceed with it.

The process didn't take long, and before she knew it she had already more or less mended all that required immediate attention. The remaining ones, she judged, would heal over time.

The root of the child's abnormal surge in spiritual power lay in the flawed architecture of her circuits. Having reconfigured them into a more natural formation, she expected that the child's spiritual power would now develop at a natural rate.

"Phew, that's all I could do. As for the frontal lobe, I'm afraid I'm not suitable for that kind of operation... Perhaps the Academy could help... but oh well... I'm not really welcome there," she whispered the last part to herself.

Gently, she placed her hand over the girl, meeting her vacant, lifeless eyes.

"I don't know if you can even hear me right now but... Child, whose name I don't even know... live."
"The likes of us don't always get this kind of second chance... So make the most of it, okay?"

"Oh, and I'm taking this by the way. Consider it as payment for the treatment... Farewell, child. If fate deems it so, perhaps our paths will cross again."

As she finished speaking, a sudden flash of silver light enveloped the child. It was a radiant, fleeting burst, and as quickly as it appeared, both the light and the child vanished, leaving her all alone.



"You sure took your time," she suddenly remarked as if addressing somebody.

"Cecilia Baladottir, what is a fugitive like you doing here?" a cold voice replied.

"Hah! You sure have gotten more arrogant since the last time I saw you, Horikita brat."

The Atlas governs the entirety of Chugoku region, where Tenjou City is located. It is also where the western army lies and for centuries, it had fallen to the wielders of the Atlas Martial Soul to govern and lead the land. Horikita Isshin, the new head of the family, was the one who is currently taking on this role.

Both of them faced each other, their gazes locked in a silent battle of wills. The air around them seemed to crackle with the intensity of their stare-down. It was clear from their exchange and the way they regarded each other that there was a history between the two.

Several more figures appeared, surrounding her on all sides. Cecilia counted six of them in total.

'Hmm, each of them is carrying an Atlas... the elite guards, huh. That's seven domain users, including the brat.'

"All of this, for good ole' me? Should I be honored?" she teased, her voice a blend of sarcasm and bravado.

"Are you the one who did this?"

Horikita ignored her remarks and went straight to the point.

"And what if I am?" she casually replied.

"Then as the one who governs this land, I shall place you under arrest."

"Heh. Let's see you try!"

With her cry, a brilliant flash of light erupted, momentarily engulfing the scene and her in a blinding glow. She expected an attack to come but nothing arrived.

"You just missed your opportunity there," she taunted.

Despite her jest however, she didn't let it escape her notice that the bodies, the motionless civilians surrounding the place had all disappeared, in fact she could sense that there were no signs of life at all in the entire city.

'All in an instant...'

Caught in her observations, Cecilia's razor-sharp instincts were momentarily dulled. It was then that she sensed it — a lethal sword intent, materializing stealthily behind her. There was no opportunity to dodge; the sword swung in a blur with the full intention of cleaving her in two.

Her body had been split apart, shattered into pieces... or so it should have been. Yet, contrary to the assailant's expectations it was the sword that shattered instead, Cecilia's skin proving to be tougher than the blade's metal.

"Well, hello there..." she greeted, her voice a chilling whisper.

Cecilia's gaze darkened ominously, her body twisting, arms winding, poised to deliver a devastating counterattack. The assailant stood frozen, his vision warped from sheer horror, morphing Cecilia's silhouette into that of a nightmarish creature in his eyes.

I'm gonna die.That was the only thought that he could muster.

Her fist erupted forward, cutting through the air in a maelstrom of sheer devastation.

A loud explosion rang out, akin to a detonation of a class-9 bomb. The entire area on which her fist faced turned into nothing but rubble, creating a pathway of nothingness all the way to the city's edge.
And as expected the assailant's body was nowhere to be seen, completely obliterated by the sheer force of her punch... or so it should have been.

"Hoh, not bad."

Cecilia's gaze shifted upwards, locking onto Horikita. Her eyes then moved to the man gasping for air beside him.

So he managed to transfer him on time huh. He's gotten faster.

"Huff... huff... My deepest apologies, Sire."

Horikita merely looked at him with indifference. Whether he felt concern towards his subordinate or not, it was impossible to discern from his stoic expression.

"Don't be hasty," he advised calmly. "We're facing a Demigod-ranked Limit Douluo. A single misstep could spell our end."

Seeing the current state of the city, Horikita judged that facing Cecilia within its confines would prove to be unwise.

"Stand by and wait for my signal," he commanded.

Descending to the ground, he began to pace slowly, his eyes never leaving his opponent.

"Finally ready to take me on?" she said.

No response was given. The tension in the air was grew heavier, a silent standoff between two formidable forces. As soon as they stood 10 meters apart, Horikita halted, making Cecilia furrow in wonder, failing to read through his inscrutable expression.

Then, with a swift yet controlled movement, Horikita drove his spear into the ground.

"Spirit Domain."

With those words, the world before the two warped and shifted. An ethereal energy emanated from the spear, ripping through the air like a wave, transforming the surrounding environment into a surreal landscape.

The terrain dissolved into a realm high in the mountains, so high that the clouds drifted below them like a flowing river of mist. They found themselves atop these lofty peaks, within an ancient, wall-less temple, which felt more like a grand terrace suspended in the heavens.
At its center lay the only object that could be found in this place — an old, elegantly crafted table. On it, was a traditional tea set, laid out as if expecting guests.

"Hmm, now this is new," Cecilia mused aloud, eyeing the intricate details on the pillars. It was the first time that she had encountered this particular domain. In fact she never even imagined that someone like Horikita would create a world solely for leisure.
"I thought we were gonna fight?" she then questioned.

"Don't take me for a fool, Cecilia."

Horikita then moved towards the table and took a seat. Pouring himself some tea, he looked up at her with a probing gaze. "What are you hiding?"

But she only feigned ignorance with a playful smile. "Hmm? Whatever do you mean?"

"If it were truly you, then there would have been nothing left of Tenjou City."

"Hmm... well—"

In a flash, she lunged at Horikita with a jab, much swifter and with more force than the one she had launched before. Yet, instead of the expected cataclysm, her fist halted in mid-air, inches from its target.

"Don't bother, all manner of assault towards any individual is forbidden inSeiten's Terrace."

"Haha," she chuckled, retracting her fist. "I figured you'd have a condition like that."

"Well?" he pressed,

"I'm not telling."

"Then, I guess we're at an impasse," he said, taking a leisurely sip of his tea.

"You don't seriously believe that you could detain me here, do you?"

Ignoring her provocation, Horikita calmly continued sipping his tea. Cecilia, a touch irked by his nonchalance, seated herself across from him and poured a cup for herself as well.

"If you really think that I'm not the culprit, then you, the enforcer, falsely accused me, an innocent bystander—"

"You're hardly innocent..."

"Let me finish!" she interrupted his interruption and sighed. "Now, where was I... right, you accused me, an "innocent" bystander and THEN your subordinate assaulted me based on this false charge. That's a serious lapse of judgment on your part, and I demand compensation."

"You destroyed part of the city..."

"That was self-defense!"

"It's a futile debate," he responded calmly. "Your own words betray you. You've already admitted to being the culprit for the incident during my initial questioning."

"That was a hypothetical statement."

"Your actions post-incident and your history is enough to deem you one. Regardless of your involvement, I have full authority to mark you as the culprit."

"Tch, how corrupt," she clicked her tongue in disappointment, she had wanted to extort him out with that leverage but it all turned to bust.

"Cecilia, all I wish is to know the truth."

"And, what's in it for me?" she demanded.

It was evident to Horikita that Cecilia wouldn't divulge anything without a tangible gain. But he also knows that this information that she possesses is something that she is willing to give him due to the fact that she still hadn't made any attempt to escape the domain.

With that in mind, he knows that he doesn't need to give her anything to get what he wants, but there is also the fact that the person he is dealing with can be quite unpredictable.

After a moment of contemplation, marked by a resigned sigh, Horikita made his offer.


"One what?" Cecilia raised an eyebrow.

"I'll let you choose one item from the lower and middle treasury."

A spark of interest lit up Cecilia's eyes, a rare opportunity to access the fabled treasures of Atlas was clearly enticing to her.

"Make it two, and include the upper treasury," but alas, she is one greedy woman.

"Two, but the upper treasury remains locked."

"Deal," she said briskly, tossing something towards him.

Catching it, he furrowed his brows for the first time in this encounter.

Horikita's usually composed expression gave way to surprise.
"This is..." he murmured, recognition dawning on him about the nature of the item in his hand.

"A gift and a clue," Cecilia stated firmly. "That's all you're getting from me."

Suddenly, a loud crash resounded through the air. A massive rift tore through the space, created by Cecilia's forceful punch. For individuals like them, bending the fabric of space had already become a secondary nature.
"I'll see you around, Horikita. Remember our agreement!" As Horikita gazed at her inquisitively, she added,
"And one more thing," her voice now tinged with a serious undertone, "I trust you'll make the right decision."

And with that, she leaped into the spatial tear, vanishing from sight, leaving Horikita alone with the item, the clue to the puzzle she had left behind.

"Child of Kushida... How do you prefer to die?"

Back to the present, the rain continued to relentlessly fall from the sky. Having followed the clue left behind by Cecilia, Horikita found himself face to face with the truth.
Never could he have ever imagined that the true culprit would turn out to not only be a mere child but also the child of an old friend.

She's about the same age as Suzune.He thought to himself.

Despite the chilling words just uttered, the child's face bore an expression of eerie calmness, as if she didn't even recognize the sharp object pointed at her, as if the gravity of the situation was lost on her.

She merely tilted her head and asked, "Why do I have to die?"

"Why..." he repeated quietly, almost to himself, perhaps not expecting the innocent yet profound question.

He studied her more closely, searching for a hint of deceit or malice, but found none. Instead, there was an unsettling purity in her gaze, a stark contrast to the grave event she had just caused.

The child, her small figure barely discernible under the dim flicker of the neon lights, shifted slightly. Her eyes, clear and unblinking, remained fixed on Horikita. There was a depth to them that seemed incongruent with her age.

"I don't understand," she continued, her voice a soft contrast to the harsh pitter-patter of the rain. "Why would you ask such a thing?"

Horikita felt uneasy. The stark disparity between the child's innocent demeanor and the sinister implications of the situation lent their encounter a surreal, almost unsettling atmosphere.

It was then that he sensed something else — a residual presence clinging to the child, an echo of Cecilia's unique energy. It was as if Cecilia had left an imprint on the child, a subtle but unmistakable trace of her previous involvement.
This realization allowed Horikita to piece together fragments of the puzzle, providing a glimpse into the complexity of the situation before him.

'I trust you'll make the right decision.'

"So this is what she meant, huh..." he whispered to himself.

The neon lights flickered erratically, casting shadows that danced around them, mirroring the thoughts surging within Horikita.
She is dangerous, that much he knew. And as the one who governs these lands, it is his responsibility to cull any that could bring it harm. If he were to let this child go, then there is no guarantee that a similar incident wouldn't occur in the future.

The decision weighed on him, but his expression remained impassive, his resolve unshaken.

"Hey, are you going to kill me?" The question, asked with a child's simplicity, pierced the heavy silence.


"... I see... I did something bad, didn't I?"


The child's gaze cast downward, a small voice escaping her lips.

"Mom, will be sad..."

With those words, she accepted her fate and fluttered her eyes closed. For her, everything was still a blur, but deep down there was a realization that the eeriness she felt and the stillness of the night had something to do with her. And that it is something she must atone for.

His grip on his spear tightened. Slowly, he raised the weapon, its sharp edge glinting faintly under the neon glow. In his other hand, an object manifested — the 'gift' that Cecilia left to him. He let it go, letting it hover over the child.

Then, with a swift and damning finality, he swung down the spear.

The strike unleashed a massive surge of energy, expanding rapidly, traversing alleyways, streets, and buildings, encompassing the entire city in its embrace.

It was almost identical to the one that heralded this tragic episode, bringing the story full circle in a dramatic conclusion.

As the energy wave subsided, leaving a charged stillness in its wake, strands of hair, delicate and seemingly insignificant began to fall gently to the wet ground.

The child, Kushida Kikyou, slowly opened her eyes, a sense of bewilderment clouding her features.


Her heart, which had steeled itself for the end, now fluttered with the unexpected rhythm of life.

She reached her hands up, touching her neck. Where she expected to feel the coarse ends of a fatal strike, she instead found her hair, now markedly shorter.

In a state of dazed confusion, her gaze settled on Horikita, standing before her with an unfathomable expression.

"Why?" she faintly whispered.

Horikita, his usual cold, apathetic demeanor giving nothing away, looked at the child with a depth that seemed at odds with his calculated nature. In that moment, he appeared as a figure torn between the rigid dictates of duty and a more complex, perhaps even understanding, sense of morality.

He didn't answer immediately, allowing the question to hang in the air between them. When he finally spoke, his voice was even, devoid of emotion yet not unkind.

"She gave you a second chance," he began. "Don't waste it."

Perhaps he might regret his decision one day, but until that day comes, he'll continue to bear the weight of his choices, just as he had always done.

As Horikita turned to leave, the rain began to ease, the relentless downpour reducing to a gentle drizzle.

Kushida tried to reach out to him, questions running in her mind, but was abruptly overwhelmed by an unexpected wave of drowsiness. Her vision began to blur, the world around her dissolving into a hazy mist. As her consciousness wavered, she felt her knees buckle, struggling to maintain her balance.

The cool touch of raindrops on her skin now seemed distant, her consciousness slowly receding like the tide. In this fading state, she vaguely perceived the retreating figure become smaller and more obscure.

As Kushida's world succumbed to slumber, the last thing she registered was the sound of footsteps, the quiet murmurs, and a comforting warmth, contrasting the cold rain that descended from the skies.

7 Years Later, April, 2015.

Spring is in full bloom. The cherry blossoms danced in the air as it welcomed the start of a new school year. Outside, countless students strolled along the sidewalks, on their own, with their friends, in different uniforms and with a range of emotions that floated in the air.

Beep... beep...

The warm spring breeze, a machine's monotonous beeping, paraded the inside of a certain hospital room. Near the window, Kushida sat, her eyes tracing the cheerful chaos of the outside world. The voices of countless people floated up to her: excitement, worry, unease, all sorts of voices from the people continued to pervade her mind.
But it didn't bother her, it was something that had now gotten used to. Compared to what she had experienced when she was a child, this might as well be a drizzle. But of course, for the person experiencing this, it didn't really make the situation any less bearable.

Turning her gaze, she whispered softly to the room's other occupant.

"I guess I won't be able to visit you for a while... Mom."

The words hung in the air, met only by silence. She hadn't expected a response; there hadn't been one for seven years.

Her mother, Kushida Nashiko, lay motionless on the bed, her expression one of serene slumber. To an outsider, it was a peaceful scene, but for Kushida, it was a poignant reminder of the day she lost herself to despair.

Nashiko was among those who have yet to awaken from the incident seven years ago. With the machinery humming softly in the background being the only thing keeping her tethered to life.

On that fateful day, she lost everything. The series of events snatching away the most important people in her life. Even now, years later, there was still no news of her father. His colleagues had long since declared him dead, but she refused to accept this conclusion.
She knows her father, more than anyone, she know that he would always find his way back to them, no matter the obstacles.

She was in denial, unable to accept the harsh truth. But that unwavering belief had been a beacon in her darkest hours, a glimmer of hope amidst the sea of despair. In her heart, Kushida clung to the possibility that he was still out there, perhaps searching for a way to return back home.

As Kushida stood there, lost in her thoughts, a gentle knock on the door interrupted her reverie. She turned, her eyes momentarily shifting away from the silent figure on the bed. The door creaked open, casting a sliver of light across the room's subdued tones.

An elderly man, clad in a formal suit, entered the room with a demeanor that spoke of quiet discipline and measured confidence. His eyes, deep with the wisdom and weariness of years, swiftly surveyed the hospital room before resting on Kushida.

"Kushida-kun," he greeted, his voice tinged with a respectful formality. "I hope I'm not intruding."

Kushida, momentarily taken aback by the visit, quickly composed herself.
"Hello, Eiji-san," she replied, her tone a blend of courtesy and guarded curiosity. "Is something the matter?"

The visitor was Eiji Sonoda, a long-standing member of the Horikita's retinue. Since the day the tragedy struck, turning Kushida into an orphan, Eiji had been a constant, albeit distant, figure in her life, being the person assigned to watch over her.

They had approached her with an offer — they would provide her support until she reached adulthood. In return, upon her graduation, she was to become a vassal to their family.
Being only a child at that time, she didn't really have much of an option. The decision to accept their proposal was less a choice and more a necessity.

"You're to head to the Advanced Nurturing Spirit Academy, no?" he asked.

"Mm, in fact I was just about to leave... I only came to say goodbye."

"Well, in that case, let me please escort you there," he offered.

"Eh? No no, you don't have to, Eiji-san. You've already been a huge help."

"Are you certain?"

"Yes, really... But I appreciate it," she said with a gentle smile.

"I see. Then I won't press you any further. Our young miss will also be going to that academy, you see. However, oddly enough, she departed abruptly on her own. Since my sole task today was to escort her, and now that she's gone ahead, I thought perhaps I could escort you in her stead."

The Horikita heiress. Kushida had seen her before, having transferred to her school after the incident, but they never really had the chance to talk nor interact while she was there.

"I-is that so..." Kushida murmured, slightly taken aback. She wasn't sure how to respond to this revelation.

"W-well then, I should be on my way, Eiji-san. Please, take good care of my mother," she said, bowing respectfully before turning to leave.

As she walked away, she gave one last glance towards her mother, giving herself a silent prayer, that everything will be alright.

Stepping out of the hospital, the bright spring sun momentarily blinded her. She paused, shielding her eyes, and reflected on the man's words from years ago. Though she had been under the Atlas' care for years, a deep-seated unease lingered within her. The Horikita's, with their vast influence and enigmatic dealings, were a world apart from the life she once knew. The support they provided was undeniably generous, yet it came with an unspoken expectation of loyalty and service.

She couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to their benevolence than met the eye. Despite her being able to hear the inner thoughts of others, dealing with them had continued to remain enigmatic and guarded and she couldn't help but wonder if her role in their grand scheme was just a pawn in a larger game.

Shaking her head, she tried to dispel these troubling thoughts. This is not a time to ponder such things, she scolded herself.

Making her way to the bustling streets and finally arriving to the station, she waited for the arrival of the bus. A new chapter of her life awaits her, the famed Advanced Nurturing Spirit Academy, said to be a gathering of monsters, soul masters on a league of their own.

"Monsters... heh," she mused with a soft chuckle, finding humor in the term.

After waiting for a while, the bus finally arrived, accompanied by a soft hiss and the gentle sigh of its opening doors.

She took a moment, steeling her resolve. Then, with a deep breath, she confidently took her step.

"Monster Academy, here I come."

Chapter 14: Hirata Chapter: I'm Not Who You Think I Am

Chapter Text

It was the first of May, the day all the students of the first grade came face to face with the harsh reality of their situation. The points system, the hierarchy, the competition, and most preeminently — the condemnation.

Amongst all of them, Class D and Class A were undoubtedly the two classes most affected by these series of revelations, albeit for different reasons.

Now, outside a certain convenience store, a member of one of these classes strode menacingly, each step radiating a rough and aggressive air that hinted at a brewing storm of anger within.


The storm finally erupted and the unfortunate victim was the innocent trash can, idling on a quiet corner.


His gaze lingered at the scattered trash. Was he contemplating on whether or not he should pick them up? No, this kind of thinking never crossed him.
The sight of it had only fueled his anger even more.

I'm not trash!

The thought echoed in his mind as he kicked the litter aside with scornful force.

Nearby, a certain group of students saw this scene play out and decided to pay the infuriated student a visit.

"Oho, what's this? Do I hear the barking of a dog?" A voice rang out.
"Oi oi, what do you think you're doing, kicking your fellow classmates like that," another one added.
"Hey guys, you need to be clearer or he won't understand. Ahem... They're saying you're a defective trash!"

Having heard this, the student — Sudou Ken's fists clenched and his jaw tightened. Slowly, he turned to face the new arrivals. It was the same trio of second-grade students that he met on the first day of class.

Their smirks looked exactly as he remembered, making his fury rise even more.

"What did you say, you bastards!?" He lashed out.

The leader of the trio, the one with the Snow Leopard Martial Soul, stepped forward.

"Looks like we meet again, class D," he said, his voice dripping with mock sympathy. "Didn't think you'd stick around after the little "welcome" I gave you."

Remembering the fight from before and its result, Sudou's fists tightened even more, its knuckles whitening. A rise in temperature in the area could be felt, a consequence of Sudou being unable to control the natural trait of his soul power due to rage.

This however, didn't really affect the trio and continued on with their mockery.

Slowly, Sudou took a step closer... for words no longer matter. After the series of events, his anger had long reached its boiling point, and all he wanted to do right now is to release it to anything that he could lay his eyes on — the face of the second-grader in front of him.

"Ho~, are you approaching me?" the second-grader said. "Despite the humiliating defeat at my hands, you're still coming right to me?"

"I can't beat the sh*t out of you without getting closer."

"Hoho, then come as close as you like."

The air tightened as the two locked on each other, their gazes fierce and unyielding. Sudou's breaths were heavy, his every muscle tensed with each step. The mocking grin on his opponent's face was a welcome one, making him more eager to plant his fist on its face.

Finally, with a burst of speed, Sudou lunged forward. His movement was a blur, driven by the culmination of his pent-up rage and desire for retribution. His fist, surrounded by a faint, glowing aura, was aimed straight at his adversary's face, who just now was caught off guard by the sudden movement.

But just as Sudou's punch was about to connect to his opponent's face, a dense, swirling mist suddenly enveloped the area. It appeared out of nowhere, thick and disorienting, obscuring everyone's vision.

Sudou's forward momentum was abruptly halted, as if the mist itself had a physical force, pushing against him and stopping his fist inches from its target.

The second-grader stumbled backward and landed on his butt. Sweat streamed down on his face, it was clear that had the intervention not occurred then his face would have borne the full brunt of Sudou's wrath.

Still bewildered, Sudou tried to peer through the swirling fog. The mist was cool and slightly damp, clinging to his skin, and it carried a faint, unidentifiable scent. It seemed unnatural, more like a manifestation of soul power than a natural phenomenon.

"Please stop this, Sudou-kun."

From within the mist, a figure emerged. It was Hirata Yousuke, his classmate from Class D.

After talking with his classmates, Hirata noticed Sudou's disappearance and immediately went to go after him. When he found him, he sighed, finding it fortunate to make it in time and prevent the altercation from escalating any further.

Meanwhile, Sudou, still trying to process the sudden halt of his attack and the appearance of his classmate, looked at Hirata with a mix of confusion and residual anger.

"Again... don't order me around, Hirata," he said.

"Reacting with anger will only prove their point and worsen things for us."

While Hirata was not present when the second-graders confronted Sudou, he can hazard a guess on what had transpired based on how furious Sudou currently is. He, after all, still believed that his troublesome classmate is not a person who would lash out at anybody without a good reason.

However, despite Hirata's words, the anger within Sudou refused to be quelled.

"Their point? You think I care about their point?" Sudou spat out. His breathing has become ragged, each breath more labored than the last.

Hirata, recognizing the escalating tension, took a cautious step forward. "Sudou-kun, please. Violence isn't the answer. We can talk this out."

But Sudou was beyond reason. With a roar of frustration, he forcefully broke through the mist's resistance and lunged out, his body moving with a swift, almost feral grace. The fog seemed to part before him, revealing his full form as he charged towards the very person who had interrupted his retribution.

Hirata caught off guard by the sudden attack, barely managed to sidestep. Sudou's fist grazed his cheek, the near-miss sending a clear message.

His heart raced, worry etched on his face. He knew he had to de-escalate the situation quickly.

"Sudou-kun, stop! This isn't like you!" Hirata exclaimed, trying to reach his classmate on an emotional level.

But Sudou was relentless. He swung again, his eyes brimming with animosity as spoke.

"I'm not who you think I am, Hirata."

With the tension escalating, the second-graders, sensing the gravity of the situation, quickly gathered themselves. Their smirks had vanished, replaced by expressions of unease as they hurried to leave the scene. The situation had spiraled far beyond their control. They've never expected that the prey they've targeted to feel good about themselves would openly attack without regard for any consequences.

Meanwhile, Hirata's demeanor shifted as he continued to confront Sudou. His usual composed and soft expression hardened, he realized that words alone would no longer reach Sudou. He had to approach him in a language that he would understand.

"Then so be it," Hirata spoke, his voice now carrying a firmer, colder tone.

Leaping back, he increased the distance between them before continuing. "Then, let's do this properly, Sudou."

The honorific was no more.

"You want a fight? Then I'll give you one."

Sudou halted, his eyes locking with Hirata's, the tension hanging heavy in the air.

Without breaking eye contact, Hirata began to walk away from the convenience store with Sudou following suit. They headed towards one of the school's training grounds, where they would settle this altercation once and for all.

The two students now stood at opposite ends. The bright, artificial lights bathed them with its white canvass. The air was still, there were no souls present aside from them. Here, they would enact their duel under the unyielding glare of the lights, casting long shadows across the ground.

"If I win, you better leave me the f*ck alone from now on, Hirata," Sudou declared.

Hirata remained silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, with a calm that seemed almost out of place, he replied, "There is no 'if', Sudou."

Sudou, puzzled by this response, raised an eyebrow.

"After this fight, you shall obey my every word."

He spoke those words with a finality and unexpected arrogance, a stark departure from his usual demeanor.

Sudou's veins bulged with rising anger, a wicked smile playing on his lips. "Bastard, you talk as if you've already won."

His fists clenched tightly as he prepared himself, his eyes narrowing with ferocity. Hirata, meanwhile, maintained his composed stance, his gaze steady and unflinching. But as he watched Sudou, he couldn't help but feel a surge of familiarity.

In a sudden burst of speed, Sudou made the first move. His soul power surged forth, materializing three soul rings behind him as flames cloaked his body.

Hirata didn't waste any time and also unleashed his soul rings and martial soul. Three purple halo's appeared alongside a burst of mist that danced in the air before coalescing and condensing into his hand, forming a sword.

The clash that ensued was a spectacle of raw power and grace. Sudou, embodying the ferocity of a beast, launched a barrage of blistering strikes. Each move was a display of unrestrained aggression.

In contrast, Hirata parried each attack with his Mist Blade, his movements fluid and practiced, slicing through the air as if he had done so a thousand times.

But this didn't last long. Hirata's expression turned strained; his breathing grew labored as the intense heat continued to drain his strength.

Sudou proved to be a more powerful adversary than he had expected. Not only had he not slowed, but his attacks had become even more powerful with each passing second.

After all, ever since the humiliating defeat he suffered on the first day, Sudou had spent all of his remaining points for training all in order to one day have his revenge.

The Sudou that he is facing right now is no longer the same as the Sudou from a month ago.

Hirata, now being pushed back, found his sword faltering and losing its form. The sustained exposure from Sudou's fiery attacks had begun to evaporate the mist, turning it into steam.

"What's wrong, Hirata? Where did all that bravado go, huh!?" taunted Sudou.

Desperate to get out of the situation, Hirata activated his first soul skill, Aerial Step. Translucent footsteps appeared beneath his feet, propelling him upwards.

As if expecting it, Sudou unleashed a roar of fire above without a moment's delay.

Suspended in mid-air, Hirata appeared vulnerable, with no effective means to evade the attack. Nevertheless, he remained composed, not caring for the incoming blast.

Bending his legs as if pushing against an invisible wall, another footprint appeared, propelling himself forward, dodging Sudou's attack with ease.

But it didn't end there. Hirata repeated his aerial maneuver, leaping from one platform to another as if he were a spring. One of his soul rings then glowed and dense mist billowed from his sword, enveloping the battlefield and obscuring Sudou's vision.

As the mist thickened, enveloping the entire area, the dynamics of the duel shifted. In this situation, Sudou, now veiled in a dense fog, would find it difficult to locate Hirata.

But he had already encountered such tactics before and was not about to be outmaneuvered again. Gathering his soul power, he focused intently, his body tensing like a coiled spring. Then, with a thunderous roar, he smashed the ground with a powerful explosion, its force tearing through the mist with ruthless efficiency.

Amidst the chaos, Hirata, still airborne, leapt from one translucent footprint to another, his movements a blur. But he knew his time was running out. With the mist clearing, his advantage was slipping away. So, seizing the moment, he lunged towards Sudou from his blind spot, his Mist Blade poised for a decisive strike.

Whether he had expected it or it was due to pure instinct, Sudou reacted almost instantly. His third soul ring lit up and his hand transformed into a massive red claw. Then, with impeccable timing, he countered Hirata's attack.

That was a blow that carried all of his pent-up frustration and rage.

With its sheer force and Hirata's speed, it resulted in an immense collision.

Hirata, caught off-guard by the swiftness and precision of Sudou's counter, was sent hurtling towards the edge of the arena. His body flew like a ragdoll, only stopping as it collided with the hard walls.


Hirata coughed out blood as he struggled to his feet. He panted heavily, the damage proving to be far more than he had expected.

Sudou stood at the center of the training ground, his chest heaving, displeasure forming on his face.

"Is that all you've got, Hirata? You sure talked big for someone so weak!" he yelled as he slowly approached.

Hirata was on all fours, still recovering from the attack he received. He didn't even register that Sudou had already arrived before him.

When he looked up after finally sensing his presence, Sudou had already reared back his leg and unleashed a ferocious kick on his face.

It was brutal and swift. Hirata's body, already frail from the previous exchange, offered little resistance. He was sent flying once again, his form cutting through the air before crashing down with a sickening thud.

Sudou only stared at him with a cold, apathetic gaze as he caught his own breaths.

"Don't bother me again, Hirata."

Assured that the fight had ended, he left those final words. He turned his back, preparing to leave, but just as he was about to step out, a faint, almost inaudible murmur reached his ears.

Hirata, still on the ground, his body battered and bruised, muttered something under his breath. The words were laced with venom, a string of curses that was the last thing you would expect to hear from someone like him.

Sudou paused, he couldn't hear but an instinctive prickle of unease crawled up his spine. The air around them now took an ominous quality. It was as if the very atmosphere was reacting to his defeated opponent.

Slowly, Hirata rose, his movements unsteady yet filled with unrecognizable intensity. His hair fell over his face, masking his expression, but there was something distinctly different about him now. His posture, once defeated, was now oozing with a menacing energy.

"***..**.*," Hirata spat out again, his voice barely more than a whisper but laden with an intensity that was impossible to ignore.

Sudou, sensing the shift, turned around to face his opponent once more. He gulped audibly, a chill run down his spine as he sensed the change happening to Hirata.

The air felt heavier, filled with a haunting sense of dread. Sudou's earlier confidence began to waver, replaced by a creeping sensation of fear.

Hirata stood fully upright, his presence filling the entire arena. Though his face remained hidden, the air around him vibrated with a dangerous energy.

The Mist Blade on his hand began to dissolve, dispersing into a dense fog that swiftly enveloped the entire battlefield. The mist, thick and obscuring, swallowed him whole, rendering him invisible to Sudou's sight once again.

Sudou, though taken aback, was quick to react. Again? He thought to himself and gathered his soul power, unleashing the same move that dispersed the fog just moments ago.

The explosion rang out for the second time, however, as the mist cleared, his eyes found nothing as it scanned every direction. Hirata was nowhere to be found.

In the eerie silence that followed, Sudou felt a sharp sting on his cheek. Before he could even process it, a series of cuts appeared on his body as if inflicted by an invisible assailant. While the cuts themselves were shallow, the pain that erupted from each was excruciating, far greater than any he had ever experienced. It was as if each slash was amplified, targeting not just his flesh but also assaulting his senses with an intensity that was almost unbearable.

He flailed his arms in a desperate attempt to defend himself against this invisible onslaught, but it was to no avail. The attacks were swift and precise, leaving him struggling to keep up. Each new cut brought with it a wave of pain that seemed to echo through his entire being. He couldn't help but scream as it overwhelmed him and cloud his focus.

Sensing a presence behind from behind, Sudou instantly whirled around, throwing a punch in the direction. But his fist met only air.

Then, as quickly as he vanished, Hirata appeared once again. The mist that had once shrouded and formed a blade was gone, revealing a rusted old katana, its surface pitted and worn, yet emanating a dangerous sword intent.

In a slow, yet deliberate motion, Hirata lifted the rusted katana and pointed it directly at Sudou.

From the blade, an invisible yet almost tangible force began to emanate — the sword intent, a manifestation of Hirata's sword consciousness. It surged forward, a wave of energy that was both malicious and hostile.

Sudou felt the oppressive weight of this force with his entire being. It was as if an icy hand had gripped his heart, squeezing it with a cold, relentless pressure.

His body shivered and sweat continued to pour out of every pore on his body. Each beat of his heart pounded in his ears like a drum, echoing the terror that filled him. His breaths became shallow and rapid, his chest rising and falling with an uneven rhythm.

It was a primal fear.

For the first time in the duel, Sudou found himself retreating, an unconscious step borne out of dread.

From the moment it appeared, Sudou had never once let his eyes leave the blade that now seems to hold his fate.

But before he could even blink, it vanished. It vanished along with its wielder.

He couldn't even react, nor move a muscle. The next thing he knew, he was hurtling through the air, a searing pain tearing across his torso.

A loud crash reverberated in the entire arena as he crashed and planted to the wall on the other side, a huge gash marring his body.

Upon seeing this result, a facility staff monitoring their fight immediately called for emergency aid towards their floor and ordered Hirata to stop through the speakers. The staff had never expected that a fight between these two students from Class D would have such a life-threatening outcome.


Sudou retched as he vomited blood. No muscle in his body would obey, the pain that he felt had made him completely numb, and every breath he made felt as if his lungs were being seared.

It was his complete loss.

The sudden transformation of Hirata was something he couldn't comprehend.

What was that, what was he, who is he? These questions continued to run in his mind desperate for an answer.

Hirata's slow steps echoed as he approached and the moment their eyes met, Sudou felt his heart constrict, the fear from before resurging once more.

He could see it, he could see it from Hirata's eyes, eyes that had seen darkness, no, eyes that are part of the darkness. Those eyes were ones that would bring nothing but chaos, destruction, and misery to all that it lay upon.

"W-who are you?" he said with great difficulty. "You're not Hirata."

With a sigh, Hirata closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as if shedding an invisible weight. When he reopened them, the familiar clear and warm gaze that he had always shown to others had resurfaced once again.

Yet, when he looked back at Sudou, his face was a mix of emotions: frustration, defeated, apologetic. He seemed to be conflicted on how to proceed.

Sighing once again, he finally spoke. "The cut shouldn't be too deep, so you don't have to worry about any lasting injury, Sudou-kun."

He pointed out the massive wound on Sudou's torso, deliberately ignoring the question.

"Though the blood loss might be bad. Let's hurry and get you to the infirmary as soon as possible," he added.

Bewildered by the sudden shift in Hirata's personality, Sudou struggled to find the words and respond.

At that moment, the medical staff that was previously called finally arrived. They hurriedly attended to Sudou and carefully placed him to the ground before providing some necessary first aid to stop him from losing his blood any further.

As he laid there, battered, bruised and bleeding, he couldn't shake the image of Hirata's transformed demeanor. It was as if he had seen a ghost, a side of him that defied everything he thought he knew about him.

It left him with a question: Who is Hirata? But that thought for some reason was something he couldn't reconcile with.

"Hirata, who the hell was that?"


Sudou asked this because he couldn't think that a person like Hirata is capable of possessing such eyes. While they didn't interact a lot, Sudou had always seen Hirata being helpful, kind, tolerant, and understanding to everyone, so much that it irritated him.

The stark contrast between the two personas was too jarring to believe they were the same individual.

"... That's the wrong question, Sudou-kun."

Eyes narrowing, Sudou's confusion deepened.

"I'm not who you think I am."

"So? How did the two of you get so close all of a sudden?" Asked Horikita.

While they were in the middle of a strategic meeting for their first practical exam, Horikita suddenly asked this curious question.



"Well..." Sudou trailed off and glanced at Hirata.

"Ahem. W-we have the same hobbies you see? He likes basketball and I also like to play soccer, so as fellow sports enthusiasts, we bonded naturally. Right, Sudou-kun?"

"Y-yeah, that's right," Sudou affirmed, though not entirely convincingly.

"Hmm," Horikita's eyes narrowed in suspicion, finding their statements dubious. "Well, it's none of my business," she said before going back to their meeting's agenda.

The two sighed in relief. While what had transpired on that day is not something that they need to keep as a secret. Some memories were better left unspoken.

Chapter 15: Ayanokouji Chapter: Life Creation

Chapter Text

The rhythmic sound of metal against metal reverberated in my ears. I raised my arms, brought it down, and repeat. This motion is what I had executed the most ever since I entered this academy. When I first started, my body would become stiff and sore after hours upon hours of continuous forging. But now... the hammer feels as if melded into my arm and every move I make feels as natural as breathing.

The comforting warmth from the furnace caressing my face, the clang of metal that had now become a soothing melody in my ears. Who could have thought that a laborious action like this could turn into something so relaxing...

Is this what being one with metal means?


With a final swing, I brought down the hammer, sending countless sparks and a resounding echo that marked the session close. A pillar of light burst forth, reaching a meter and a half in length, signifying the completion of a first-grade thousand refinement.

Placing the hammer down, I lifted the object in front of me, inspecting its details.

"That's a big one," uttered a voice.

Surprised, I snapped my head to the source. It was Hori Kyouko.

"Trespassing is not an admirable trait."

"You sound like Horikita-kun," she laughed.

"What are you doing here? No, more importantly, how did you get in?" I asked.

Leaning on the wall, she crossed her arms and pouted. "I knocked many times, you know? But you didn't answer at all. So, I let myself in... and as to how, well it's a trade secret," she said with a wink.

For the past two months, I had been interacting with Hori a lot. It is a given as she works at the Acceptance hall on some days, but she also has been providing me with lessons and tips on blacksmithing from time to time.

Though we are both in the 4th rank, she has been forging for at least a decade longer than me, so there was a lot to learn from her own experiences. It was free of charge too, so it was a gesture I greatly appreciated.

I did notice someone coming in earlier, but I completely forgot about them.

"You were so engrossed with what you're doing that you didn't even notice me," she sighed, and took a step closer, eyeing the object on my hands. "So, is that a commission? Whose?"


"Eh? I thought you used daggers?"

"I was only trying it out. I don't think it suits me," I told her.

The daggers were something I've thought of on a whim. While introducing myself, I gave a fake martial soul as a means to protect myself — a temporary cover.

In an environment completely alien to me, there is no way of me knowing what kind of dangers I'll face. It may be a bit too cautious, I admit, but keeping your cards hidden is most of the time, the correct choice.

Of course, if someone were to investigate hard enough, they would eventually know what my true martial soul is. The look on Horikita's face when she found out the truth was amusing, and makes it somewhat worthwhile, to say the least.

After all, those who possess pure elemental martial souls are very rare. Even more so for Ultimate Elements like mine.

Ultimate Element is what you would call when the purest form of an element reaches the pinnacle. It is able to not only suppress weaker forms of the same element, but also overpower and take control of it. Normal weaknesses do not apply to these elements, and are immediately nullified, unless it is of the same tier. Meaning, that the ice created by someone who has Ultimate Ice will never melt, unless it is against someone with an Ultimate Fire martial soul.

But thinking about it now, that was a useless concern. Other than Ichinose and Horikita Manabu, I don't think there are other students I need to be concerned about in this school. Even if there are others that I've overlooked, it no longer matters at this point.

"Hmm, I don't think this suits you either," Hori remarked.


"Yeah! I think the daggers looked much cooler."

Well, I don't really care much about the looks. The daggers were easy to use, and they offered speed and agility that complements my martial soul well. But speed, agility, precision, those are something that I already possess even without the weapons.

Taking a path geared towards further enhancing those traits is indeed a logical choice, but it is not the path I wish to tread on.

Power. Pure, overwhelming power. That is what I need.

Turning around, I hoisted the crafted weapon and placed it on the shelf — the solid thud resonating through the room... I think I made it too heavy.

"So, why are you here again?" I asked Hori.

She huffed and shook her head as if disappointed. "Test! It's our promotion test today, remember?"

"Oh," I uttered as realization dawned on me. Being too immersed in what you are doing isn't always a good thing.

Promotion tests are exactly what they mean. There are no set schedules on when they are conducted and instead you have to notify the association of when you are ready to take the test. They will then assign a high ranking blacksmith to oversee the exam and then provide the schedule.

"Don't, "Oh" me! What were you thinking, exhausting yourself before such an important exam?"

It makes me wonder why she would be concerned about my condition when it shouldn't affect her performance in any way. We've talked a lot, but I don't think I would consider us to be close.

"Anyways, let's go. Miyamura-kun just sent me a message: Mashima-sensei is here," she said, showing me her phone screen that contains the message.

"... He sure has a lot of time," I muttered.

"Good for us then."

Having one of the best blacksmiths in the country to test you and witness your skills might indeed be an opportunity not many have a chance of experiencing.

As we went out, I took a moment to inspect the door of my workshop. I found that there doesn't seem to be anything amiss or any damage whatsoever... Was it a master key or did she perhaps hack the door?

"Hey, hurry up."


I'm surrounded by troublesome women.

When we arrived at the Task Acceptance Hall, we were greeted by a furious shout aimed at the receptionist.

"Hah!? What do you mean you can't accept it!?"

The receptionist, timid in the face of this outburst, stammered in apology. "I—I'm really sorry sir, but you've already reached your quota for this month. I'm afraid we have to refuse you," she said, her eyes pleading for understanding.

The man confronting her was quite tall, and wore sunglasses despite being indoors, which I found weird. His frustration was there for all to see as he continued to argue with the receptionist that unmistakably caught our attention.

"Hey hey, don't pester my colleague like that, senpai."

After witnessing this heated altercation, Hori apparently couldn't sit idly by as her fellow staff member faced the brunt of the sunglasses student's wrath.

Given that it was supposed to be Hori's shift this afternoon, the receptionist in question is likely her stand-in while she takes the test. That's probably the main reason as to why she stepped in.

"Tch, it's just Hori," he said.

Apparently, they know each other.

"Shizuo-senpai, could you please not cause a ruckus? It's bothering everyone."

"Like hell, I care," he spat. "Who the hell made this stupid quota bullsh*t? I'm gonna kill them."

"If you wanna complain, then complain to the school. Don't take it on us. Do you wanna get blacklisted again?"

So this had already happened before...


From what I can gather, this Shizuo had exceeded the allotted quota given to the students for opening commissions. It was stated that for all the associations combined, a single student is only limited to 50 commissions per month.

But this is a surprise for me. For the past two months that I had been working here, and after completing countless commissions, I've never once heard of anyone reaching the quota or even getting close to it. On average, a student typically makes 5-10 commissions per month, and the reason for that is points.

The cost ranges from 10,000 points at the bare minimum, reaching up to millions. And that is just the commission fee; it doesn't include the cost of materials. For the record, the commissions that I've taken averages at around 50,000 points with the highest being at 200,000 points.

Depending on the type of commission, it is easy to reach an astronomical amount even with just five times. This holds even true for fifty times. For certain projects, it is normal to require a lot of materials, and commissions are designed in a way that a commissioner cannot open one that is categorical and is over 1 ton. Meaning that if you wish to request a thousand-refinement, for 2 different types of metals, then you would have to open separate commissions for each metal. Additionally, if you want to have a 2-ton metal forged, then that is counted as two separate commissions as well.

There are other rules, but overall, the system was designed to be unnecessarily complicated... almost as if they aim to discourage students from utilizing it.

For Shizou's case, the fact that he reached the quota could imply that he is in a rush to complete his project, else, he would have paced them for several months.

And for projects that take this much resources, it could only be either a mecha or a battle armor...

"If you need to have something forged so badly, just give it directly to me. I'll offer you a good price," she said with a wink.

"Are you 5th rank?" he asked.


"Then piss off."

He then turned and left after saying that. If I were to compare him with something, then the closest would be a storm. They come and go as they pleased, not caring for the disruption they leave behind.

Hori, unfazed by the encounter, rolled her eyes. "Always causing a scene," she muttered to herself.

The receptionist, who had taken the brunt of the encounter, let out a relieved sigh. "Thanks for stepping in, Hori. That was too scary."

"No problem!" Hori replied, giving a thumbs up. "But seriously, that guy needs to learn some manners. Who does he think he is?"

She talked for some time with the other staff and after making sure that everything was alright, Hori finally returned to my side and apologized.

"Sorry about that."

"I don't mind... Was that a third-grade?" I asked.

"Yeah, Shizuo Heiwajima. Third-grade Class C. In short, a thug."


This was something that has been bothering me for quite some time now. While I was aware that the third-grade's area is the farthest from the first-grade's, I still find it weird that I've never once encountered a third-grader in this academy, until now.

"It's the first time I've seen one," I said.

"A thug?"

An image of Sudou popped into my head. "No, a third-grader. Is that strange?"

As if realizing where I'm coming from, she nodded in understanding. "Ohh, I see."

She began to walk towards the door at the end of the hall, and I followed closely behind.

"That's not strange at all," she continued. "You see, there's only less than 20 of them left in this school," she revealed.


"You don't seem to be surprised," she asked, curious by my lack of reaction.

"I am surprised."

She looked at me with skepticism, finding my words untruthful. I couldn't help that there is no visible reaction, but I really am genuinely surprised.

"Hmm, when I was in first grade, I think there were already less than half of them that remained. Class D was already gone by then, I'm sure of it."

To have an outcome like that... is it because of the exams? Are the rate of expulsions simply that high? But what about the current second-grade? There are obviously still a lot of them that remain. Is the disparity between their abilities that far apart?


While there are a plethora of methods to bring such a scenario into reality, I'm curious as to how their batch managed to do it.

"Don't ask me, I don't know the exact details, and I never bothered to find out... All I know is that every single one of them is batsh*t crazy, so I suggest you be careful when dealing with them and stay away as much as possible."

It's hard to take the advice of someone who had done the opposite just moments earlier.

"How about your grade? Was it a matter of quality?"

"Nope," she answered instantly. "I would even dare say that ours is weaker on average... That guy just now, Shizuo-senpai is dumb strong, I wouldn't dare face him in a fight."

A hissing sound reached my ears upon reaching the door. As it opened, we were greeted by another lengthy corridor; rows of rooms flanked on either side. The room at the very end was where the test will be held.

Why is it so far away? I complained internally.

"For our grade, there are only about twenty expulsions, I think," Hori continued as we resumed our walk.

"That's quite impressive," I told her.

"Well, that's only because Horikita-kun thinks that further expulsions are pointless and a huge waste. He said that it's better for the students to stay at the academy where they can get the best resources and facilities. Apparently what we have here is offered at a much lower price than those on the outside."

As she explained, I couldn't help but notice her odd choice of words.

"You speak as if Horikita Manabu gets to decide who stays and who leaves."

Then, all of a sudden, she halted her step, causing me to do the same. Slowly, she turned to me with a mischievous yet unsettling smile on her face.

"Ayanokouji-kun," she said. "Have you ever heard someone from this place say that strength alone doesn't qualify you as superior?"

The air around her had somewhat changed. As if there is something unseen and disturbing presence lurking beneath the layer that she had always presented to the outside world.

Where is she going with this?

"Chabashira-sensei told me that once."

"Mm, I'm sure there's some truth to it," she mused. "After all, they have their fair share of experiences, as did we... And you too, Ayanokouji-kun, shall get a taste in the years to come."

She then leaned in, a conspiratorial gleam in her eyes, "But as long as we are in this isolated mock society... absolute strength, towers above all else."

The moment we arrived at the test area, we were welcomed by Miyamura. The room was dimly lit, with only a single forging table in the center. It looked exactly like a normal workshop would, only more spacious.

"Finally, you guys are here. It was awkward waiting by myself," he said.

Miyamura Izumi, a second-grade Class A student and Hori's classmate. He and Hori were close friends and were together most of the time, so it was inevitable for us to become acquainted.

In the short time that I've interacted with Hori, I found dealing with her to be quite exhausting, to be brutally honest. But that was until I found out how she treats Miyamura... I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy.

The way she pesters him around reminds me of Horikita—... ugh, what a horrible thought

"Mashima-sensei had left for a moment," he said. "He didn't say why, but he told me he'll be back soon."

He looked more enthusiastic for the test than us.

"Miyamura, I wasn't expecting to see you here."

While I did say that both of them are together most of the time, it was still rare for him to be in the Blacksmith's Association building.

"Hori-san wanted me to cheer on her so she could do wel— beaurff!"

His response was interrupted with a vicious punch in the gut.

I think I heard something crack just now.

"I—I didn't say that, idiot!"

Hori's face turned a shade of crimson and mumbled something incomprehensible. Her usual assertiveness was still there but a layer of uncharacteristic shyness could also be discerned which is quite contradictory.

Turning my attention to Miyamura, the poor man was on his knees, his hands clutching his abdomen; his face wretched in pure agony. I'm pretty sure some of his ribs were broken.

I would like to say that this is a shocking scene, but this kind of exchange is a normal occurrence for them so I found it to be fascinating instead.

When I approached Miyamura to try and help, he simply raised his hand, telling me that he was fine.

Fortunately, I don't get physically abused like hi—

As I finished the thought, a sudden pang of pain flared on my arm, forcing me to face the reality I purposely ignored.


I should protest... for my own sake.

The doors swung open with a loud creak. Mashima-sensei had finally returned, pushing a cart laden with various rare metals lined in a neat row. Their metallic sheen caught the dim light, casting an otherworldly glow in the room.

"Ah, you're here. Excellent," he said, maneuvering the cart to the center of the room.

I followed the cart with my eyes, analyzing and recalling the characteristics of each metal. Even the flustered Hori immediately shifted to a more serious expression as she saw the assortment that shall determine our results.

Mashima-sensei stopped and looked towards us. "There are 10 kinds of metals here. Pick one of them to spirit-refine. As long as you accomplish that, you'll earn the title of Fifth-rank blacksmith."

His instruction was brief and simple. There is only one task for us — to complete a spirit-refinement. The quality and speed doesn't matter, as long as we complete that one task. However, that one task is precisely what many blacksmiths had failed to cross. It is the absolute line that separates the gifted from the ordinary.

"I'll go first," Hori said. "You just forged a while ago, it's better if you rest a bit longer."

An unnecessary concern but one I appreciated nonetheless. As she stepped forward, Miyamura uttered a shout.

"Do your best, Hori-san!"

She stopped in her tracks. I expected her to be embarrassed again like before, but contrary to what I thought, she turned around with an infectious energy. Extending her arms, her fingers formed a confident victory sign accompanied by a broad, toothy grin that seemed to illuminate the room.

Facing back to Mashima-sensei, she nodded and picked a metal of her choice from the given options.

She picked a piece of Heavy Silver that is a third of a meter in length. Something of that size should weigh about at least 300 kilograms and yet she lifted it as if it were nothing.

It is the same metal that Mashima-sensei forged when I observed him and amongst rare metals, it is considered to be the most ordinary one.

"Heavy Silver..." I muttered under my breath.

"It's her signature metal," Miyamura, now standing beside me, remarked. "It's probably the metal that she had forged the most."

I can see why she would pick that. It is better to choose something that you are familiar with than an unfamiliar metal and risk failure.

He seemed to have sensed what I was thinking and added, "Though, I don't think she picked it because of that..." His gaze remained focused on her as she placed the metal on top of the counter and pressed the button to begin the calcination process. "Don't you think it would be more meaningful if she becomes a fifth-rank blacksmith using the metal that had accompanied her all her life?"

My gaze shifted towards Hori. Her focus was there for all to see as her eyes fixed on the burning Heavy Silver. She truly loved and was passionate about blacksmithing... It was something that I thought she could teach me during the times she offered her guidance. But whether or not I am still in the process and whether or not I am still confused and unsure, it doesn't matter... For I cannot see how such a thing could be considered meaningful.


"It is symbolic."

At the end of the day, a metal is nothing but a metal. The fact that the same metal could either be a treasure or trash to a different person, means that it's really only the sentimental value that we attach to it that counts.

The calcination had ended and the red block of Heavy silver rose slowly from the furnace.

Soul rings rose from her body, three purple, two black, followed by beams of light erupting as two forging hammers instantly appeared in Hori's hands. The pair had a gray exterior that makes them appear like ordinary looking hammers. However, upon closer inspection, you could see dark, wave-like patterns covering its whole body. Despite being quite a distance away, I could feel the immense aura that each hammer emanates.

Those were the Spirit-refined Heavy Silver hammers that Hori uses. I had always been aware that she is capable of spirit forging, yet for some reason, she had waited for this long to take the promotion test. Why is that?

"Miyamura, do you know why Hori had remained in fourth-rank until today?" This might be a personal question so I wasn't really expecting an answer.

"Hmm," he paused. If someone were to know about Hori's circ*mstances, chances are high that it would be Miyamura.

"She hates to lose," he said.

I gave him a quizzical tilt, not fully comprehending the connection from his words.

"You see, there's this guy called Nagumo Miyabi in our grade," he continued. I don't think I've heard of that name. "Just like you two, he is also a blacksmith."

"A year ago, he successfully completed a spirit-refinement. Actually, the same was the case for Hori-san as well, so at that time, both of them were neck and neck in terms of progress. However, when the time came for them to take the promotion exam, instead of an ordinary spirit-refinement, he successfully accomplished a Creation Spirit Forging — the act of bringing life into existence from the metal. Along with Evil Spirit Forging, it is the highest level a blacksmith could ever hope to achieve in spirit forging," he explained.

"I think when Hori-san saw that... she became afraid, she believed that she couldn't do the same back then," he continued, a hint of empathy in his voice. "The fact that the person she had considered to be her equal, her rival, turned out to be someone who is far beyond her reach... was a huge blow to her self-esteem."

"So she backed out," he paused, as if he's trying to recall what he saw back then. "I still remember the look on her face back then when she came to me."

"She was frustrated, disappointed in herself, that much is obvious," Miyamura added. "But that was only for a short while, she is Hori-san after all. She immediately returned to her usual self and then vowed that unless she could do the same or accomplish something much better, then she would refuse to become a fifth-rank blacksmith."

"I don't think it's worth it to delay your promotion for something like that. If she had become a fifth-rank blacksmith before attempting the Creation Spirit Forging, then she would have progressed much faster," I commented.

The resources and benefits conferred to the rank that she could have gotten during that year of delay would have made a huge difference and she would have been at a much higher level by now and quite possibly catch up to Nagumo. Furthermore, Creation Spirit Forging and Evil Spirit Forging are both in the domain of a sixth-rank blacksmith, not fifth-rank.

"Hahahaha," he chuckled softly, "I agree, but that's what makes Hori-san, Hori-san."



Half an hour had passed since Hori had begun her forging process. As I continued to observe Hori I began to notice the differences between her spirit-refinement and Mashima-sensei's spirit-refinement. What I saw back then from Mashima-sensei was the act of injecting life to the metal by means of infusing soul power into it through Spirit Forging. However, with Creation Spirit Forging, Hori instead used the tiny bit of energy present during the Thousand-Refining process to slowly awaken the metal.

In simpler terms, if Mashima-sensei was imbuing life, then Hori was summoning it.

What separates this method from ordinary Spirit Forging is that Creation Spirit Forged metals can still be modified and fuse-forged to already completely refined metals. Meaning that you can use it to upgrade existing weapons and battle armors that have already been Spirit-Refined and could normally never be upgraded without a complete overhaul.

That is what makes Creation Spirit Forged metals so valuable.


Hori continued to hammer the metal intently, her focus solely on the object in front of her. It was as if none of us existed and she alone existed in the universe. Each strike of her Heavy Silver Hammers bore the weight of her concentration, coaxing life to unfurl from the metal.

She was in no hurry. It was as if she was communicating with the Heavy Silver just as Mashima-sensei had done before. Rather than imposing a forceful transformation, she allowed the metal to awaken of its own accord


Ten more minutes had passed, Hori's hammers struck downward in a quick motion. As she drew a breath, a vibrant and enthusiastic buzz emanated from within the Heavy Silver. It echoed with the exuberance of a child receiving a gift they had long desired. The intense life energy transformed into a radiant yellow glow and seamlessly entered Hori's body.

That was Life Feedback — the conclusive sign of a successful completion of Creation Spirit Forging.

The gentle buzz continued for thirty seconds before it slowly subsided. Upon closer inspection, I could discern intricate patterns emerging across the metal's surface, each curve seemed to convey with a sense of life, capturing the essence of the awakening process it had undergone. It appeared to be brimming with intelligence and pulsating as if alive, a result that could only be accomplished through Creation Spirit Forging.

"Huff... huff."

Hori took a step back, drawing heaving breaths as she stared at her own creation, her wide smile never leaving her face.

It must be exhilarating, almost intoxicating even, to have a vision that you've always imagined be brought to reality before your very eyes...

"Excellent, Hori Kyouko," Mashima-sensei congratulated. "I think this is even faster than Nagumo's record from a year ago."

So Mashima-sensei is also aware of Hori's reasons.

"You did it, Hori-san!" Miyamura jumped in joy for his friend's accomplishment and rushed to Hori.

"I know this doesn't need to be said, but for formality's sake... Hori Kyouko," Mashima-sensei switched into a more formal tone, and Hori, who is currently hugging Miyamura, paused and turned to sensei with a serious look. "For having passed the test, I now bestow you the title of Fifth-ranked blacksmith. Congratulations."

He took out a small case from his pocket and gave it to Hori. It contained a badge that is similar to what we have, only its purple instead of yellow and emblazoned with 5 stars.

That is the proof that identifies you as a high-ranking blacksmith. No matter where you go, this badge will garner you the respect and prestige that only a privileged few can receive.

After relishing the moment for a while, the two moved to my side, joy and satisfaction was evident in their faces, especially Hori.

"Hehe, now it's your turn, Ayanokouji-kun," she said.

While it would be appropriate to give my congratulations as well, I don't think it needs to be said and she understands that. A nod will suffice.

Lifting my legs, I marched towards Mashima-sensei, who eyed me with intrigue.

"Are you sure that you'll take the test now? If I recall correctly, you only have two soul rings as of the moment," he said.

"If I fail, I can simply try again."

His concern was valid. When it comes to Spirit Forging, the amount of soul power you would need to support the process is far greater than the previous levels. That is why it is normally recommended to have at least four soul rings before one can attempt to spirit-refine a metal.

To attempt Spirit Forging with only two rings is unthinkable, you would easily run out of soul power before the process had even begun. That is also the reason why ever since I reached the fourth-rank a month ago, my progress had stunted.

That is the reason why all of my attempts for Spirit Forging had resulted in failure, the lack of raw soul power is simply not something that can be overcome with talent and hard work.

It didn't bother me at that time, after all, I intend to progress slowly and naturally, even if it takes a while. I wanted to take my time trying to know if I could also see in forging what Hori and Mashima-sensei sees. The passion and love that they have come to develop towards the craft, I wondered if I too could develop them someday.

So why am I here today?

The Soul World incident from a few weeks ago told me something. That I had become complacent. That I had become accustomed to the mundane and the normalcy that safety had provided, that I had forgotten...

I don't belong in this kind of world.

And yet...

I still want to stay.

It would have been easy to acquire a third soul ring before taking the test. That would have increased my chances of succeeding. However, is that really what I want? Is passing this test and getting the privileges of a fifth-ranked blacksmith really all that mattered?

Ever since that day... I don't think I've changed. The day I turned six was the day the world stopped for me. It was an endless repetition of nothingness. It was like I was nothing but a display in a museum, a painting meant to be admired from a distance.

The same is true even now.

A lot of things have happened, I'm in a completely different place, a different environment, and surrounded by different individuals with their own unique traits and personalities.

I had thought that meeting Suzukake, Kushida, Horikita, Hori, Miyamura, and everyone from Class D, would let me experience change.

But I am still the same.

Indeed, it wasn't that I had become complacent. I always was. Because no matter what happens, I know I will be fine.

I said that I want to stay, but I also wouldn't mind even if I'm taken away. I can always try again some other time.

However, this detachment that I feel, the insulation to the world that I live in is what gave rise to this complacency, stagnation and permanence.

'Under the weight of pressure, the seeds of resilience push through the soil of trials, reaching for the sunlight of personal growth.'

So I would like to challenge myself, to attempt an impossible task and experience the pressure that had evaded me all this time.

If I could accomplish this, then maybe, change might not be too late.

"I choose Cloud Silver."

I picked up the metal of my choice and brought it to the table. Cloud Silver. If Heavy Silver is found at the depths of the sea, then Cloud Silver is a product of atmospheric alchemy, forming under specific meteorological conditions.

With a press of a button, the metal sunk and the calcination process had begun.

The block of burning red metal rose to the counter and Ayanokouji then swiftly swung his Thousand-refined hammer down with thunderous intensity; reverberating throughout the room.


"He's not using Soul Power!?"

This was the thought that ran through the mind of everyone watching. The absurdity of someone who is only rank 29 using nothing but raw physical strength when attempting to refine a rare metal is a sight they never expected to see today.

"I see..." Mashima mused.

He immediately figured out Ayanokouji's plan. To compensate for his lack of soul power, he intends to finish the thousand-refinement using raw strength alone and reserve his soul power for when he finally starts the spirit-refinement process.

It looked like a very simple method that one could not accomplish without insane physical strength but it's actually much more complex than that.

The purpose of using soul power when forging is not only to enhance the strength of the blacksmith but also to feel the intricate details of the metal. Blacksmiths would refer to this as 'perceiving' the metal. This allows them to accurately judge the location of where to strike, the amount of strength to be used and the angle in which the hammer would land.

On another level, the blacksmith forms a deep connection with the metal and is directed by the metal on where and how it wants to be striked. This is the act of 'conversing' with the metal that Mashima and Hori Kyouko had previously shown.

To not use soul power when forging is akin to a blind man braving a storm.

Even if Ayanokouji could successfully complete a Thousand-refinement, chances are high that its quality would be quite poor.

After twenty minutes had passed, the hammer struck a deafening blow and a bright pillar of light surged forth reaching a meter and a half in length.

"First-grade Thousand-refinement?" Mashima uttered in disbelief.

This was contrary to all his expectations. He had thought that Ayanokouji chose this method without regard to his results since as long as he succeeds in spirit-refinement, the quality of his metal wouldn't matter.

And yet he successfully accomplished a First-grade thousand refinement without any support of soul power. This means that Ayanokouji is fully aware of every single intricate detail of the metal that he is forging. Using a different analogy, that would mean being able to count every single straw in a haystack.

While the feat itself is not impossible by any means, it still requires a tremendous amount of practice and extreme familiarity with the metal.

But Ayanokouji had none of those. Indeed, this was only possible because of his immense spiritual power. As someone who has reached the Spirit Domain Realm, being able to scrutinize everything around them down to the last detail is a skill that comes naturally. That is why, for Ayanokouji, the Thousand-refinement stage is nothing but a simple task.

The real problem is the next stage. He is now about to begin the Spirit-refinement process but despite not spending any soul power until now, what he possesses still won't be enough.

Just for this moment, Ayanokouji didn't plan for anything. He seeks to find the answer to this ordeal at the heat of the moment while under tremendous pressure. He wants to bet on the chance that when he faces this hurdle, this feeling of being grounded to the world, then he would experience growth and change.

And the purple, electric glow danced and flickered casting an eerie glow in the dim room. The lightning crackled and screamed as the lights quivered and trembled.

Then it vanished.


Cries of alarm rang out as the room plunged into a suffocating darkness as if swallowed by the abyss.

Rumble. A low rumble could be heard from seemingly out of nowhere casting an oppressive and foreboding presence.

Then as if an act of nature itself, lightning rained down, bathing the darkness in its intense light as it struck down the metal with the hammer's orchestra.

'This is elemental refinement.' Mashima made that judgment in a heartbeat. At the same time, he wore a shocked expression, especially since the act of refining metals with lightning was rarely seen. Not only did the act pose a high requirement on the martial soul, it also demanded exceptional control power.

He had seen such a scenario of someone using lightning to refine a metal before, but if he were to compare that to what he is witnessing today, then it is like night and day.

If the former were a precise and calculated rain, then this is an unforgiving storm.

Lightning infused metals are extremely valuable, not only because of their special attributes, but also because Lightning infused metals can only be forged until the Spirit-refinement stage.

Because of the opposing nature of the lightning element and the next stage — Soul Forging, metals forged in lightning could only be fuse-forged with other metals in order to be upgraded. Making their value the same as a Soul Forged metal itself.

"Wow, this is crazy," Miyamura couldn't help but utter. "Right, Hori-sa—" but suddenly, he stopped himself at the end when he saw the expression on Hori's face.

She was grinning from ear to ear, her eyes unblinking despite the cacophony of lights, it was apparent that she was in a trance, totally absorbed in Ayanokouji's performance.

'I guess you couldn't help it after all.' Miyamura gave a resigned, yet relieved sigh. He had known his friend for a long time, and he knows that when it comes to blacksmithing, no one is more passionate and more dedicated than Hori Kyouko.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The rhythmic sound of the hammer, metal and lightning reverberated in my ears.

"Huff... Huff..."

Tiny droplets of sweat formed, slid down my contours, and evaporated in the scorching air.

How much time had passed... I have no idea... All I know is that the Cloud Silver is absorbing my soul power faster than I expected.

My current method is proving to be quite inefficient. If I don't find a solution quickly then I would run out of soul power before I get to finish spirit-refining the metal.


I let out a deep breath.

What happened next wasn't a conscious move, nor was it something that I've thought of before, it was purely instinctual.

The oppressive rain of lightning abruptly ceased its relentless onslaught on the metal and instead was directed towards my hammer.

Raising it high, it absorbed all of its energy and swung down. When the hammer struck, instead of thunderous collision, a melodic click was heard and shortly after, countless electrical sparks would spray forth from the hammers and enter the Cloud Silver directly.

As this happened, I could sense that the internal structure of the Cloud Silver also changed with lightning speed as its inner veins were quickly put in order.

This was the first time I attempted this and was very astonished by the result. The previous method had always worked for me so I never bothered to try a new one... but I see now.

The precision a single hammer's melody can orchestrate, surpasses the chaos of a thousand thunderous beats.

Every strike of my hammer feels lighter, a stark contrast to my initial oppressive approach. The toll it placed on me has lessened; the metal appears to be refining at an increased pace, and I can feel my soul power depleting at a much slower rate.

The Cloud Silver is now on the verge of being spirit-refined.

This entire time, despite my focus being entirely on the metal, I could still perceive my immediate surroundings with great clarity. Their faces of disbelief, astonishment, and awe were very apparent and I could understand... However, there was one person, who, from the very moment I swung down my hammer, looked at me with the same unchanging expression on her face.

For the first time, her eyes weren't that of a concerned senior, it wasn't a supporting gaze, nor was it encouraging, nor was it a playful one either, rather it burned with the intensity of a starving beast... She was silent, but from her eyes, I couldn't help but hear her say the same thing again and again and again.

'Can you do the same?'

It was a challenge.

I see now... She had never once considered me as a junior who needed guidance, or a mentee, or a fellow student. It was none of those. From the very beginning, she had only seen me as a rival, someone she had to defeat.

But Hori... Talent cannot make up for the lack of experience. While the same could also be said for the reverse, it is only those who possess both that could truly be called a genius.

Maybe I am a genius, maybe I am not, but you, Hori Kyouko, definitely are.

'Are you afraid?'

It is not that I'm afraid. I simply know what my limits are.

See? The last of my soul power had finally escaped my body, this is my final swing.


Thunder boomed as a golden light soared into the air, bursting with an essence of life. The spirit-refined metal is now realizing its form.


But am I really satisfied with this? Had I really given it my all? I should have. After all, I'm all out of soul power, I can't continue forging anymore...

'Can you do the same?'



I don't know what came into me, but I tightened my grip on my hammer once again, and slammed it to the still forming Cloud Silver. Its transformation as a spirit-refined metal was interrupted and immediately reverted to its previous state.

What was the reason I came here in the first place? To experience pressure, a tremendous pressure that will promote my growth and change. If I were to stop just because I have reached my limit, then what is the point?

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I continued to forge without regard for my own condition. I have no soul power left, exhaustion penetrated my bones, but I swung the hammer down.

I just have to do it. I just have to replicate what you did earlier. It doesn't matter how, I just have to do it, right? Hori?

Ah, her grin has widened even more, what a sad*stic woman.

"What is he doing!?"

Mashima could clearly see the Cloud Silver becoming spirit-refined just moments earlier. It was a feat that he had considered impossible, especially for someone of Ayanokouji's rank. So, he couldn't help but be amazed and be in awe of the boy's talent.

But that boy just now had completely torn the delight from his face as he forcibly stopped the refinement's completion.

Ayanokouji continued to swing his hammer as if possessed, his movements precise yet frantic. Each strike seemed to defy the rhythm of the forge, disrupting the natural flow of the spirit-refinement process. The metal, caught in a limbo between refinement and raw chaos, pulsated with an unpredictable energy.

Mashima could sense the veins of the metal separating and in disarray creating an erratic pattern that mirrored the pandemonic rhythm of Ayanokouji's strikes.

"Don't tell me... Is he trying to start again from the very beginning?" Mashima uttered in sheer bewilderment.

Indeed, since Ayanokouji had decided to proceed with Creation Spirit Forging, he can no longer use the metal that he had been forging as it is. For in order to summon the life of the metal, it has to be nurtured from its most transient state, which is right after it has been thousand-refined.

'He should have no soul power left already, it's already a miracle that he's still standing.'

The thought ran through Mashima's mind. He wanted to stop the boy for fear of his safety, but he couldn't. As much as he wanted to protect the child, as a blacksmith, he wanted to see how far he can go and what other miracles he will show today.

A few minutes later, the metal returned to its unrefined state, although it is much smaller than it already was because it had already been refined before.

It didn't take long until Ayanokouji completed the thousand-refinement for the second time today, and once again it was the same first grade quality.

The spectators held their breaths, they knew that this next step is impossible without any soul power, whether it was imbuing or nurturing, soul power was necessary to complete the process. Unless Ayanokouji can somehow summon soul power from out of nowhere, then there is no way for him to accomplish this task.

While they were all prepared to have their expectations shattered once again, they still couldn't help but widen their eyes when they witnessed the next moment.

Life energy surged forth from all directions and danced around Ayanokouji, enveloping and caressing him. It was as if he were being nurtured by nature itself.

'This is the first time I'm witnessing something like this outside the inner court...' Mashima mused. "But... this doesn't make sense."

While he watched in amazement, there was a doubt that surfaced in his mind. Despite not being his Class Adviser, as the president of the Blacksmith's Association, he was aware of the nature of Ayanokouji's Martial Soul.

Ultimate Lightning Control. While undeniably an extraordinary Martial Soul, the inherent nature of the lightning element, particularly the ultimate lightning is of Destruction origin. Amongst all elements it should be the most incompatible when it comes to dealing with pure Life Energy.

That is why no lightning forged metal could be Soul Forged, since Soul Forging deals with Life Energy itself.

And yet here in front of him is someone who can clearly wield both contradicting energies without any issues, defying the established norms with relative ease.

"Ha Haha Hahahaha! Now this is a monster."


How long have I been forging?


Since when did I lose feeling in my arms?


Since when did the relentless rhythm of the hammer become an unbroken pulse?


My surroundings blurred, and the once audible gasps and exclamations faded into a distant hum. It was just me, the Cloud Silver, and the hammer.


Ah, I'm tired.


With that conclusive swing, the metal erupted, unleashing a dazzling brilliance that bathed the entire room in its radiance. The once-inert metal seemed to sprout ethereal wings, soaring with newfound vitality as it danced around the room, exploring every corner before gracefully returning to my side. It buzzed and pulsed, exuding an intense life energy that was washed over the entire space.

Then, a radiant glow enveloped the metal once more, and a layer of pure white energy separated from it, gracefully entering my body. It was the unmistakable sign of life feedback, the essence of creation acknowledging its creator.

A life was created, and the Creation Spirit Forging was a definite success.

Hori and Miyamura, unable to contain their joy, leaped in celebration of my accomplishment. Mashima, a witness to the extraordinary feat, couldn't help but express his admiration with a round of applause. The room, once filled with anticipation and uncertainty, now resonated with the triumphant energy of a creation that defied all expectations.

And yet, despite having accomplished what was considered impossible, having experienced the arduous hurdles, and bearing the oppressive pressure of doing what is beyond my current limits...

I gazed at my hand that was previously holding a hammer. The numbness had completely disappeared.

In the end...

... I felt nothing.

After all...

The pressure that I endured, the exhaustion, the hurdles that I experienced, the task that I deemed was impossible...

Were all nothing but mere illusions that I conjured to deceive myself that...

I am capable of change.

Chapter 16: The Threads Spread When They Wish to Entangle...


Start of Vol. 2

Chapter Text

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (12)

As I clutched my daughter's hand, pulling her through the chaos, I could feel the fear radiating off her tiny frame. Her eyes, wide with terror, darted around, trying to make sense of the madness unfolding before us. But there was no sense to be found, only destruction.

The ground trembled beneath our feet as the monstrous beast wreaked havoc in the distance. Its roars echoed through the burning air, sending shivers down my spine. I urged my daughter to run faster, to keep moving, but the swarm of smaller monsters seemed to be everywhere at once, snapping at our heels.

I stumbled over debris, my heart pounding in my chest. Tears blurred my vision as I prayed for salvation, for a miracle to spare us from this nightmare. But in the midst of the chaos, all I could do was cling to my daughter and hope that somehow...

We would survive.

But as the shadow of the beast loomed closer, I knew our time was running out. With a heavy heart, I realized that our fate was sealed. In a final act of desperation, I pulled my daughter close.

... ...

... ...

... ...

I huddled in the corner of a crumbling building, the sound of destruction ringing in my ears. My hands shook as I gripped the makeshift weapon I had fashioned from scraps of metal and wood. My martial soul isn't suitable for combat and I have no soul power either so this was all I could manage.

I was no soldier, no hero either, but I refused to go down without a fight.

Outside, the streets were littered with debris and bodies, the air thick with smoke and screams. But amidst the chaos, I could see others like me, determined to survive against all odds. We shared a silent understanding, a bond forged in the crucible of disaster.

As the roar of the beast grew closer, I braced myself for the inevitable onslaught. I would not cower in fear, nor would I surrender to despair. I would fight until my last breath, for myself, for those I love, and for the hope of a better tomorrow.

However, the ground shook beneath me and the building began to crumble and... I knew that my fight was over.

... ...

... ...

... ...

Screams resounded, the anguished cries of adults, children and elderly alike created a melodious concert of forlornness, despondency and misery. A young boy not older than five ran in limp as he desperately clung to life. But alas, he met his end as the unforgiving beastly spawn clutched to his form and... now, it is my turn.

Ah, the sadness.

Ah, the despair.

Here I shall sing my crescendo. My final hurrah!

Harbinger of destruction, almighty beast. May this song of mine be your curse. You shan't know the joys of life, for every soul you've torn asunder, be it remembrance of one's deadly sin.

Oh, harbinger of doom, your judgment shall come. A requiem of sorrow, an end that can't be outrun. The lightning shall rain, as numerous as the souls you've gained.

For this era you've heralded shall be your grave!

... ...

... ...

... ...

Bullets flew, echoing in the chaos as I stood amidst the burning landscape and debris, pistols in each hand, fighting back the relentless tide of abyssal creatures. Sweat beaded on my brow as I focused on each shot, each movement.

I have been here since forever, and my soul power is now running low, but even as I fought with all my strength, I could feel the ground beneath me trembling, the roar of the beast growing louder with each passing moment; its spawns multiplying without end.

And then, amidst the chaos, came the order I had heard countless times before.

"■■■■■■■, we're falling back now. ETA fifteen minutes." The command cut through the din of battle. Retreat. I already knew what was coming next and it remains a bitter pill to swallow.

I glanced back at the survivors huddled in the distance, their eyes wide with fear as they watched the encroaching horde. They had trusted us to protect them, to keep them safe from harm. And now, we were being ordered to abandon them to their fate.

It was a scene I had seen countless times before, and it was also an order I had given before.

Nuclear strikes had been set in place, that was the main reason for our retreat. Now that the situation had gone out of control, the government had decided to completely erase everything before the calamity spreads even further — a lizard cutting its tail.

How distasteful, but I too am the same.

But why? I had abandoned so many people, culled villages that I've considered lost to the abyss, and I did all that while convincing myself that it was all for the greater good.

So, why?

Why am I hesitating right now?


'I want to be just like Dad!'

As if possessed, I turned my heel and ran towards the survivors, the weight of my decision heavy in my heart. Memories of my own daughter flooded in my mind, her words echoing in my ears.

"■■■■■■■! Where are you going? The strike will be here soon!"

I ignored the words and kept moving.

The innocent voice of a child, filled with admiration and trust. A child who believed in heroes. A child who saw me as their guardian, their savior.

I don't want her to be the me who abandons people, I don't want her to be the me who justifies the atrocities he committed with their own self-righteousness. I want her to be someone who stands for what is right, who fights for those who cannot fight for themselves, to help them, save them, and to inspire those who witness.

I want her to be the hero she believes I am.

"Koko! Come!"

I called for my companion spirit who had been merged with my mecha. It had been fighting on the other side of the battlefield this entire time, and now as the only soldier left fighting, I would need all the help I could get from here on out.

As I reached the survivors, their eyes widened in disbelief and hope. I could see the fear still lingering in their expressions, but there was also a glimmer of something else — of trust, of belief that maybe, just maybe, we could make it through this together.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. The sound of approaching destruction grew louder, the ground trembling beneath us as the strike drew closer. But even in the face of imminent danger, I knew that I had made the right choice.

For in that moment, as I stood with the survivors, ready to face whatever came our way, I knew that I was finally becoming the hero my daughter believed me to be. And no matter what the future held, I would do everything in my power to make her proud.

... ...

... ...

... ...

I stumbled through the wreckage of what was once our home, tears streaming down my face as I called out for help. My own screams mixed with the deafening roar of the colossal beast in the distance, creating a cacophony of terror that threatened to overwhelm me.

"Please, someone help!" I cried, my voice hoarse with desperation. "Please, my sister, she needs help!"

But there was no one to answer my plea, no one to come to our rescue in this moment of need. The world around me was a blur of destruction and chaos, the ground trembling with each thunderous step of the approaching beast.

"I'll be alright, please, run." My sister said with a desperate plea, her voice was hoarse from the pain, her pink-blonde hair now marred with her own blood, but here she was still worrying about me. I hated that part of her.

"No, I'm staying with you!"

It was my fault. If only I was quicker, If only I didn't freeze from fear, then she wouldn't have had to push me away from the crumbling wreckage, sacrificing herself to save me. The debris had collapsed around her, trapping her beneath its weight as the beast drew closer with each passing moment.

With tears streaming down my face, I continued to scream for help even though I knew it was futile.

And then, just when it seemed that all was lost, a soldier arrived, his mecha with the worn fox insignia was like a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. With determination in his eyes, he rushed to my side.

"I'll get you both out of here, I promise," he said, his voice steady despite the chaos raging around us. With each passing moment, he worked tirelessly to free my sister from the wreckage, his mecha's powerful arms tearing through the debris with ease.

I watched with bated breaths as he worked, a glimmer of hope flickering in my heart. Maybe, just maybe, we would make it out of this alive.

... ...

... ...

... ...

As I worked to clear the debris and free the trapped girl, a sense of urgency gripped me. Every movement of my mecha was fueled by the desperate need to rescue her before it was too late.

But then, in the blink of an eye, everything changed. The ground shook beneath us, far stronger than before. The air filled with the deafening roar of the colossal beast, and before we could react, it was upon us, its massive jaws opening wide to devour us whole.

Fear took over as I stared into the gaping maw of the creature, its monstrous, otherworldly form blotting out the sky. In that moment, I knew that our fate was sealed, that no amount of bravery or strength could save us from the inevitable.

I looked back to the two girls beside me. Their eyes wide with terror, mirrored my own fear. They should be close to her age... So young, so innocent, and now they faced a fate beyond comprehension.

I wanted to shield them from the horror unfolding before us, to spare them from the terror that threatened to consume us all. All I could do was hold onto them, to offer whatever comfort I could in the face of impending doom.

As the beast loomed closer, its jaws opening wide to swallow us whole, I closed my eyes and braced myself for the end, knowing that we would face it together, united in our fear and our shared humanity.

"I'm sorry," I let out a whisper in the end. It was an apology, not only meant for the two girls but also for them who is waiting for me to return.


I jolted awake, my heart racing as if I'd just escaped from the clutches of a nightmare.

"Huff... Huff..."

I struggled to catch my breath, my chest rising and falling with each ragged gasp. Droplets fell, trickling down my face and dampening the fabric of my blanket. Each droplet left a dark stain, spreading like ink across the once pristine surface.

I reached out to brush away the source that clung to my cheeks, their salty taste lingering on my lips


The word escaped in a whisper, barely audible over the incessant ringing of the alarm clock.

With a sigh, I reached out to silence the alarm, its unending ring replaced by the comforting silence of my room. Then, taking a deep breath, I stood up to prepare for class... A new day has begun.

After brushing my teeth, I eased into the warm embrace of the bath, the caress of the water against my skin sending shivers of delight down my spine. This is my favorite thing to do every morning, just feeling the moment being submerged in the warm water, seeping into my bones, completely washing away the remnants of memories.


Ah, it feels good.

Closing my eyes, I surrendered to the sensation, letting out a soft moan of pleasure as I indulged in the decadence of the moment.

I lost track of time as I savored the warmth of the bath, letting it envelop me in a cocoon of relaxation. But eventually, reluctantly, I stirred, realizing that I couldn't linger forever. With a sigh, I rose from the water, the droplets clinging to my smooth skin as I reached for a towel to dry myself off.

I didn't bother to wrap the towel around myself as why should I bother when there was no one around to see anyways. So, I stepped out of the bathroom and into the cool air of the living room, its gentle breeze touching my bare skin in a satisfying chill.

My morning routine was simple, consisting of only brushing my teeth, taking a bath and of course changing into my uniform. There was no need for me to eat breakfast as my constitution only allows me to eat certain types of food every few days.

As I selected my uniform for the day, my mind wandered back to the dream I had experienced earlier,

"... The one this time is quite recent." I mused aloud.

Looking at the digital calendar on the wall, I checked today's date and came to a realization.

July 19.

"I see, so today is the anniversary of that day... That means, tomorrow is..."

I shook my head, trying to steer away from those thoughts. I shouldn't linger on those events, there is no need to... for I won't forget.

Finishing my routine, I reached for my bow tie and deftly tied it around my collar, adjusting it until it sat just right. Standing in front of the mirror, I took a moment to appraise my reflection, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

There was no need to groom or beautify myself — I'll look pretty regardless.

With a final glance, I straightened my posture and squared my shoulder, ready to face the new day. As I headed out the door, I did so with a sense of anticipation.

I wonder what other interesting things will I witness today.

"Hehe, Ichinose Honami, coming through!"

Friday, it's the last day of July, I hastened my pace as I walked through the long corridors of the First-Grade's academic building. It's currently 7:57 in the morning and for the first time ever since I entered this school, I was on the verge of being marked late.

The reason? I overslept, but it wasn't my fault. There was this new show that Kushida wouldn't stop yapping about and forced me to watch until it was late in the evening. I think it was about some crime series... or was it a documentary? I don't really remember much since I stopped paying attention after a couple minutes in.

As for Kushida? She fell asleep as soon as it started, completely taking over my bed. It's not the first time it happened, but I hope she won't make it a habit from hereon.

I tried turning the TV off, but she immediately woke up as if sensing what I was about to do and eyed me sternly. It happened three more times after that. So, I had no choice but to watch the entire thing while she slept peacefully.

Finally, the corner that directly leads me to my classroom was in sight but as soon as I turned, I instinctively halted.

Something was amiss...

I checked my phone once again, and saw that there is only 2 minutes left until the bell rings and yet...

"Chabashira-sensei is not here..." I muttered under my breath, finally realizing what it was that I found strange.

Is she already inside the classroom? No, I can still hear my classmates making a noise inside, in fact they are even more raucous today than usual.

Moving back to the corner, I hid myself, eyeing the hallway that leads to the room of Class D.

There is only one reason why I did this. This entire time, from the very first day until now, Chabashira-sensei had always entered the classroom at the exact moment as the bell rang. This was obviously an intentional move by her and led me to believe that she had been waiting behind the door to time her entrance with the bell.

I settled on the answer and didn't bother to find out more but... If I were to believe in that theory, then where is she?

There is now less than a minute left, and there is still no sign of her whatsoever. Was I wrong in my assumptions?

20 seconds left...

The hallway is long, and it would take at least 30 seconds for her to walk from the stairs to the door even at a fast pace...

10 seconds...

Is she perhaps absent?


"Yo, Ayanokouji! Are you running late as well?"

The sudden voice made me snap behind my back, alarmed. I was so focused on the door that I didn't even notice someone approaching me from behind.



Crap! Sudo's appearance made me take my eyes away from the door. Did Chabashira-sensei really not arrive?

"Alright, everyone settle down. Class is about to start."

I heard my teacher's stern voice echoing inside the classroom, replacing the lively noise of the students.

"Oh, crap, we didn't make it after all. Let's go, Ayanokouji!" Said Sudou as he sprinted towards the classroom door.

However, I couldn't pay him any attention and my feet remained rooted from where I stood.


Inside the classroom, Chabashira-sensei is now giving us a lecture about soul beasts. I didn't pay much attention as my mind is still preoccupied by what had happened earlier.

How did she do it?

Was it teleportation? Or did she perhaps manage to reach the door from where she was, within those three seconds?

I didn't bother with it until now, but now that I think of it... what is sensei's martial soul?

Then as if being scolded for having my head run about, a familiar pain prickled through my right arm.

Shifting my gaze lazily to the side, I looked at my neighbor 'serial stabber', Horikita Suzune.

She looked at me with a quizzical tilt, her brows slightly furrowed as if confused. I wonder why?



Her face suddenly contorted into an expression of disgust... So it wasn't my lack of reaction.

Then without saying a word, her eyes squinted seeming to convey the message: 'Pay attention'


That shouldn't warrant a stabbing, I internally groaned... and what is this with girls forcing me to pay attention to things I'm not interested about?


I reluctantly turned my head back to the front, this time finally listening to Chabashira-sensei's ramblings... In the first place, how did Horikita even know that I wasn't paying attention?

"The Blazing Demon Lions are powerful soul beasts known for their enormous body and control over fire."

Chabashira-sensei continued in her lecture, her voice commanding attention as she gestured to illustrations of the beast displayed on the screen.

"They live in tightly-knit prides, led by a Blazing Demon Lion King, whose main features are its fiery manes. The lionesses, each possessing formidable strength and power, served as the backbone of the pack, fiercely protecting their territory and offspring while the Lion King would serve as a watcher who deters predators and other Soul Beasts away from their group."

As the slides changed to show clips of blazing forests and burning soul beasts, Chabashira-sensei's voice remained the same indifferent tone, on the other hand I noticed that some of my classmates' faces contorted as if they were sick and some even looked like they were about to throw up.

It appears that some of them are still not used to seeing gore and IS the point on why sensei is showing us such images.

"Their hunting strategy was as ruthless as it was efficient. With their ability to control fire, they would set large portions of the forest ablaze, driving out prey and creating chaos among their victims. In the midst of the inferno, the Blazing Demon Lions would strike swiftly and mercilessly, their fiery attacks leaving no chance for escape."

"Despite their fearsome reputation, the Blazing Demon Lions were not without compassion." she added. "They were fiercely protective of their young, nurturing them with care and teaching them the ways of the forest from an early age. However, once the lion cubs mature, the male lions would be forced out of the group and live on their own until they become strong enough to form a group or defeat another king and conquer its pride with their own strength."

"It is a vicious cycle of succession, war and constant clash between kings," she concluded.

It was a brief yet detailed description of the beast, and I can see that Chabashira-sensei's method of teaching is something that the students find to be easy to digest, if their nodding heads were to be believed.

"Now, considering what I've just said, how do you think a Soul Master should approach encountering such a creature in the wild?"

The classroom fell silent as Chabashira-sensei's question hung in the air. Some students exchanged uncertain glances while others furrowed their brows in deep thought.

"Ike Kanji."


Upon hearing his name called by the teacher, Ike immediately responded and stood up from his seat. He appeared startled, not expecting to be singled out.

"I...uh, I'm not sure," Ike admitted. "Maybe...avoiding confrontation and finding a way to escape?"

Chabashira-sensei nodded in acknowledgment of his response. "That's a reasonable approach, Ike. However, we must remember that as Soul Masters, hunting and combat are essential aspects of our training. There will come a time where facing formidable opponents like the Blazing Demon Lion becomes inevitable."

Just as the class seemed resigned to the idea of confrontation, another student, Mori Nene, raised her hand confidently. Chabashira-sensei nodded towards her, signaling for her to speak.

"Yes, Mori?"

"I believe a strategic approach is necessary," Mori replied, her voice steady and assured. "Instead of engaging in direct combat, we should focus on exploiting the beast's weaknesses and utilizing our soul skills to subdue it."

"And how will you execute it?" she pressed on.

"Uh, err," Mori paused, trying to come up with a response, "by targeting its territorial and baser instincts?"

Chabashira-sensei nodded in response to Mori's suggestion and turned to face the class, "Remember, the Blazing Demon Lions are very protective of their young. By targeting the cubs, we can trigger the lion's protective instincts, causing them to prioritize the safety of their cubs over their own. This vulnerability can be exploited while the lions are focused on defending their young."

"I-isn't that... cruel?"

Chabashira-sensei replied with a firm tone, "You may be kind, Hirata. But nature is not."

She then continued her lecture, delving into more details about the behavior and ecology of the Blazing Demon Lions before proceeding to another topic. We... or rather some of my classmates, took notes diligently, absorbing as much information as they could about our potential adversaries in the wild.

The minutes seemed to drag on endlessly and I found myself drifting in and out of focus, my mind wandering as I struggled to maintain interest in the lesson.

Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson, and Chabashira-sensei wrapped up her lecture with a final reminder to review the material for an upcoming quiz.

It didn't take long for our next teacher, Mashima-sensei, to enter the room and he too began his lecture.

After several more lessons, each seeming to stretch on for eternity, the final bell finally rang, signaling the end of the school day. The classroom buzzed with activity as students gathered their belongings and prepared to head out for lunch or return to their rooms. Some chatted excitedly about plans, while others exchanged notes and study materials for upcoming quizzes and assignments.

Beside me, Horikita was busy writing something on her notes. I assume it was a review or summary of today's lessons, given her studious nature.

"Stop staring at me, pervert."

"... You're still calling me that? It wasn't even my fault."

"Tch. Shut up," she retorted, her voice tinged with irritation. Her focus was still on her notes but I noticed her ears turning redder and redder, probably recalling what happened the other day.

As for what it was exactly... Well, it's best if we leave that story for another time.


"I'll go on ahead then."

"I hope you trip."

I ignored her jab and went on my way. It's best that I leave her alone for now, at least until she forgets about that.

While walking towards the exit, the conversations of my classmates flowed seamlessly into my ears, most of them were the mundane, ordinary stuff you would expect of students our age, but one of them in particular caught my attention.

"Ah mou, can tomorrow not come any faster?"

"Out of points already? You should learn to control your spending habits, Karuizawa-san."

"You're one to talk, Matsush*ta-san, didn't you just buy those dresses the other day? Remind me again how much those cost."

"But seriously, why can't we exchange our emblems for points? I made the mistake of exchanging a bunch the first time around and now I'm stuck as I barely even spend any of them."

"Oh, that reminds me, Satou-san. Isn't there a post on the school forum that offers private points in exchange for emblems? There was one, right, Mori-san?"

"Ah, y-yes, I remember."

"Eh, really? I didn't know!"

"We only learned about it a while ago too, though I think the exchange rate is lower than the original..."

"If it means I could get rid of my useless emblems, then I'm totally fine with suffering a loss."

"Oh, I know about that too," chimed Karuizawa. "But wasn't there a rumor that someone was expelled because of a scam?"

"Ehh? Really?"

"First time, I'm hearing about that."

I wasn't able to hear the rest of their conversation as I already exited the room, but from what I've gathered, it was interesting, to say the least. Considering its limitations, it was natural for a student-driven economy to develop in this school concerning the usage of points and emblems.

Students of various classes and grades would have different needs and wants, and it is to be expected that there will be some who would find private points to be more necessary than emblems and the same is also true for the other way around.

During my first encounter with Mashima-sensei, I used emblems to buy his time, and observe his blacksmithing. I then wondered if I could also do the same using private points, but when I made the offer once again, I was automatically rejected. There was also the case where facilities only accept emblems as payment.

While I don't think it is definite just yet, it is safe to assume that buying an item or service using one currency doesn't necessarily mean that it is also possible to do with the other currency, and what we could buy inside the academy varies depending on the type of currency we use.

Since transaction through official channels is one way, it would be wise to hold on exchanging points into emblems for now.

"What do you think?"

"It looks good."

"Hm, how about this one?"

"It looks good."


"It looks good."


"Please, take this seriously, Ayanokouji-kun."

"If you're looking for a fashion critique, then you're asking the wrong guy."

It's currently around eight in the evening. After replenishing the spiritual core inside her body, Kushida began taking out the contents of her bag. I was wondering since earlier on why it was so huge, it turns out it was filled to the brim with her own clothing.

She wanted me to help her pick on what to wear for an outing. Each time she would emerge from the bathroom, strike a pose and ask what I thought... and each time I would give the same response.

"At least try to be creative with your comments. You won't be able to get a girlfriend if you keep that up, you know."

I shrugged, "I'm not exactly looking for one."

She rolled her eyes. "Well, regardless, it wouldn't hurt to expand your vocabulary beyond 'it looks good.'"

"Hm... But I really do think that you look good in anything you wear, Kushida."

Upon hearing that comment, I noticed Kushida's cheeks flushed pink, and she turned away, pretending to adjust a nearby stack of clothes. It seemed my compliment had caught her off guard.

"W-well, I'll try the next one now, you better give a proper response this time, Ayanokouji-kun," she stammered, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

But amidst her attempt to regain her composure, I couldn't help but wonder about the purpose behind this impromptu fashion show. "Why are you trying out clothes at this time? Are you going on a date?"

Her reaction was immediate, a startled expression crossing her face before she responded with an emphatic denial. "N-no! You idiot! It's just a normal hangout with the girls from the class."

Tomorrow marked the arrival of the weekend, and it is also the first day of August, so we will be getting our monthly allowance again. It is understandable that they would use that opportunity to unwind.

"If that's the case, then why all the fuss? I'm not really needed here, am I?"

"Well, I wanted a second opinion for once and..." she paused, shooting me a reproachful glance, her eyes tinged with exasperation. "Turns out he was useless, sigh."

"...I'm just not good at this stuff."

As she began folding her clothes, signaling the end of her fashion show, she turned to me with an offer.

"Would you like to come with us tomorrow?" she asked.

"I'd hate to be the only guy."

"Hirata-kun will be there, you know."

Poor guy.

"I'll pass, I actually have something planned."

"Hoh? Something else that is not blacksmithing?" Kushida's tone was tinged with surprise.

Why is she acting so shocked? It's not like all I do is blacksmithing... Do I?

"I'll be heading to the Soul Ascension Platform tomorrow," I told her.

"The Spirit Pagoda? What for?"

"I'm getting my third soul ring."

A hint of realization coloring her tone and mused, "Oh, right. Sometimes I forget that you're actually still on the rank 20s. So, you've finally broken through huh."

It had been a little over a month since I reached rank 30. The only reason I didn't get a soul ring until now was because I didn't have enough points. The Soul Ascension Platform in Spirit Pagoda is probably the most expensive facility in the academy and with tomorrow's allowance distribution, I'd finally have enough to access the place.

"Well, good luck, Ayanokouji-kun. As for me... I guess, I'd just have to endure being around those people..." she sighed softly, a wistful note creeping into her voice.

Though Kushida is no longer besieged by the incessant cacophony of voices in her head, its absence left her feeling adrift in unfamiliar waters, still struggling to adapt. For so long, she relied on her ability to hear other people's thoughts and deftly navigated the intricacies of human relationships but now that she is stripped of that crutch, she was forced to confront these challenges head-on, grappling with the uncertainties of her new reality.

She still needs time.

It should be fine since Hirata is there with them, she shouldn't need to be guarded around someone like him... but I guess it is also reasonable to assume that Karuizawa will also be present... Speaking of which...

"I heard that someone was expelled," I said.

"Yeah, that rumor's been going around lately."

Despite Kushida's ability gone for the better duration of the day, and despite how she is still struggling to adjust to her new environment, the skills and habit that she acquired because of it had already been ingrained in her soul and will never go away.

"... Who was it?"

Her lips curved, forming a cryptic smile before revealing the name. "Kinosh*ta Minori, from Class C."

Chapter 17: The Pink Flower

Chapter Text

As the morning's light gently filtered through the curtains, I stirred from my slumber, gradually awakening to the serene embrace of the high sun. The soft chirping of birds outside my window entered my ears, serving as a pleasant replacement to the mechanical alarm's piercing tone. A soft moan escaped my lips as I stretched beneath the warmth of my covers, savoring the tranquility that enveloped my room.

Opening my eyes to the soft glow of morning, I couldn't help but let out a relieved sigh.

This is one of those rare moments when the dream is not as overbearing as the usual... It's almost peaceful even.

I basked in the ambiance for a few more minutes to relish the rare moment before reluctantly swinging my legs out of bed.

It took me quite a while to ready myself, before finally heading out of my room. I didn't want to hurry since there was no need to. It's not like I have a class to catch up on and I've already told my friends that I won't be available this weekend. Hence, by the time that I went on my way, it was already close to noon.

As I strolled along the familiar route, the gentle wind fluttered my hair, carrying with it the scent of dew-kissed grass and blooming flowers. It was a path that is not commonly traversed by students, in fact it was a path that one wouldn't normally come across unless they actively search for it — a path only I traverse.

It stretched on under the shadows of trees, and soon led me to a familiar cove, nestled beside the serene expanse of the campus lake. The breath of life greeted me as soon as I arrived, and there, little wisps of light danced playfully in the air.

Ahead, a simple wooden boat lay in wait for its passenger, it was an ordinary rowboat that you could find anywhere. As I approached and stepped aboard, the gentle creak of the wood beneath my feet echoed across and disturbed the calm waters.


The sudden rocking caused me to lose my balance, forcing me to unceremoniously sit on the boat's thwart with a thud.

I've done this so many times and I still can't get in properly, sigh...

While it was a rowboat, there were no oars in sight. So, as usual, I channeled my soul power into the boat, and it then began to move. The boat glided smoothly across the surface of the water and as soon as it left the cove, a faint shimmer began to envelop it, forming a thin, transparent veil.

It was a veil meant to keep it and the passenger hidden from view. While it is not really a problem for me if other students were to see me crossing the waters, I would still prefer to not be too conspicuous about it.

After all, students aren't normally allowed to enter this lake.

Far ahead, at the lake's very center, the gigantic tree stood, casting its majestic presence to the entire campus like that of a watchful guardian.

I never imagined a tree could grow to such colossal proportions, its branches reaching towards the heavens as if trying to touch the very sky. The first time I laid eyes on it was many years ago, and I was struck dumb with awe. I remember standing frozen in place, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of its presence.

From what I've been told, this tree was no different from any other ordinary tree when the academy was first established... I wonder how it grew to the size that we see today... They never told me the reason.


On the east side of the lake, I caught sight of another boat heading towards the base of the tree just like I am.

"It's Sakagami-sensei..."

Unlike us students who live in dormitories, the teachers' residences are nestled at the tree's base. Several plots of lands were formed surrounding the massive trunk, creating a small archipelago. While there is also a dormitory — the Scholar's Pavilion — at the very center, each instructor is given their own plot of land for them to build their own homes.

Though, from what I've seen, only very few of them actually committed to building their own houses and most preferred staying at the pavilion.

If what Chie-sensei told me were to go by, it's not that they don't want to, it's just that they don't know how to build a proper house. She said that the conditions for ownership is for them to build it with their own hands without anyone's help, so even if they want to, they can't...

I'm pretty sure she's just being lazy.

In any case, with the lake being so massive, it took quite a while for me to finally arrive at my destination, coincidentally arriving at the same time as Sakagami-sensei.

Seeing as he's already nearby, I decided to come closer and greet him.

"Good morning, Sakagami-sensei!"

He was a bit surprised when he saw me appearing out of nowhere, but he immediately composed himself and returned my greeting, "Oh, good morning, Ichinose-kun. Are you here for the Madame?"

"Yep, have you seen her yet?"

"Yes, I visited this early morning to get my portion for this month. You should go, I heard that she brought something special this time."

My interest piqued, I said, "Heee, I'm looking forward to it... By the way, are you not heading back to the pavilion, sensei?"

Shaking his head, he explained, "Oh no, I'm heading to the main office today, I have matters to settle."

"I see, well I won't keep you any longer, sensei. I'll be on my way."

"Mm, please take care, Ichinose-kun," he said with a nod, his gaze turning towards the horizon as if contemplating the day ahead.

Leaving sensei, I was walking towards the pavilion, when a recent rumor came to mind. I heard that there was a class C student that was expelled just recently... Is that the matter that sensei was talking about?

"He must be feeling conflicted..."

As Class C's adviser, this expulsion must have weighed heavily on his mind...

Finally arriving at the Scholar's Pavilion, the door creaked softly as I pushed it open, revealing the cozy interior bathed in warm sunlight. Unlike in the main campus, the buildings here are entirely made of wood, giving it a more natural, homey feel that I really like.

"There's no one around..." I mused, stepping further inside. The wooden floorboards creaked beneath my feet, amplifying the silence and the comforting ambiance of the place. As I walked deeper in the wide lobby, a delicious scent wafted into my nose, making my stomach rumble in response.

Then, all of a sudden, the door leading to the back of the pavilion swung wildly, and a tall lady in kimono burst in, balancing several plates in each hand.

"OH! Honami-chan, you're just in time!"

"Mama Enma!"

I immediately dashed towards her, excited. I tried taking some of the plates, insisting on helping her but she didn't allow me, saying 'It's alright'. She expertly maneuvered through the room, her arms laden with plates of steaming, aromatic food. The tantalizing scent of freshly cooked rice, grilled fish, simmering miso soup, and other delicacies filled the air, making my mouth water.

"Come, come! Sit down, Honami-chan," Mama Enma beckoned me over to the wide table. "I have a special treat for you today."

After setting the plates down on the table with a gentle clink, she hurried back outside to retrieve the remaining dishes.

Mama Enma is whom you would consider to be the heart and soul of Scholar's Pavilion, though she is technically not a resident here and only visits once in a while, she still held that position regardless. Everyone here calls her "Mama", because of her warm and nurturing demeanor that everyone loves... Well, except for Sakagami-sensei who respectfully calls her "Madame" due to their similar age.

She is normally at the Inner Court as their main chef, but once a week Mama would come down here to cook for me. It has been that way since I decided to enter the Outer Court.

Moments later, Mama Enma returned, her arms laden with more plates and bowls filled with steaming, delicious-smelling food.

"Here you go, Honami-chan! Freshly made just for you," she said with a warm smile, setting down the dishes on the table with a gentle clink.

"Thank you so much, Mama Enma. It looks amazing!" I replied, my mouth watering at the sight and aroma of the food.

In front of me are dishes that could only be described as godly treasures, each one a masterpiece of culinary artistry, dishes that anyone would gladly do anything just to get even a single bite. And all of this is just for me — a privilege that I would never exchange for anything in the world!

"Now, now, stop with the drooling and dig in, here try this one."

She passed me a noodle dish. Upon seeing it, my eyes automatically glistened like stars, it was simply so beautiful! The noodles were thick and shone in silvery light and the surface of the soup gleamed like moonlit waters. There were also delicate pearls of luminescent caviar interspersed throughout, ranging in color from pale silver to iridescent blue, like miniature stars scattered across the sky. It was breathtaking... Is this even food?

With my chopsticks, I gently lifted the noodles and I was surprised by how soft and springy it was! It is almost like I'm not holding a noodle, but a rather long marshmallow.

"Hehe, surprised? That's a 100,000 year-old Moonlight Kraken, they brought it to me just this morning."

"Oooh, so this is that 'something special' that Sakagami-sensei said."

I can't remember well the last time I had a 100,00-year-old soul beast, was it around 5 years ago? In any case, while older doesn't necessarily mean tastier, the amount of energy they contain will naturally reflect that of their level. And besides, just when would you even have the opportunity to eat a 100,000-year-old soul beast?

"I see, so you've met Saka-chan," she smiled. "Well, what are you waiting for? Dig in!"

Nodding eagerly, I clapped my hands together and gratefully said, "Itadakimasu!"

Bringing the noodles to my lips, I closed my eyes and took a bite. The flavors exploded on my tongue, a symphony of briny richness and subtle sweetness that danced across my palate. The Kraken's tendril was just as tender as I imagined, melting in my mouth like silk, while the pearls burst with bursts of sea essence, each one a tiny explosion of the ocean's flavor.

"Mmmm~ this is so incredible!" I managed to say between bites, my eyes tearing from sheer pleasure.

Mama Enma's eyes twinkled with satisfaction as she watched my reaction. A warm, proud smile graced her face. "Heh, as expected of me," she said, puffing out her chest with a hint of playful pride. It was clear that she took great joy in creating dishes that brought such joy to others.

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (13)

While I was enjoying my meal, and trying out the various dishes, a groggy voice called out from upstairs. It was Chie-sensei, her voice slightly slurred and scratchy... is she hungover again?

"Ugh... is that Honami-chan down there? Dear, can you please get me some water? Ugh—" She said as she walked down the stairs, her request punctuated by a soft groan.

"Jeez, you're an adult already Chie, try to at least pretend to be a responsible one," scolded Mama Enma, her tone laced with a mix of amusem*nt and exasperation.

"Eh? Mama Enma!?" Chie-sensei's eyes widened in surprise as her eyes finally spotted Mama Enma beside me.

She then rushed to the table and tried to give her a wide hug, "I missed you~ oomph" only to be stopped with Mama's outstretched hand on Chie-sensei's face.


"You reek."

"Teehee~☆" Chie-sensei winked with her tongue out, a mischievous glint in her eyes. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at her antics, though I tried my best to hide it. There was something endearing about Chie-sensei's carefree nature, even if it did often lead her to situations like this.

Sensei then tried to reach for one of the dishes on the table only for her hand to be slapped away by Mama Enma.

"Ow, I'm starting to think that you hate me, Mama..." sensei whined.

"Those are not for you," she said firmly, pointing to the dishes with a stern look. "Head to the back, I prepared some hangover soup." She had already anticipated that sensei would be hungover and prepared the soup beforehand.

Sensei's face brightened at the mention of hangover soup, "So you love me, after all~" Then quickly made her way to the back of the pavilion, where Mama Enma had set up a small kitchen area.

As sensei disappeared into the kitchen, Mama Enma simply sighed and turned her attention back to me, a small smile playing on her lips.

"I heard that there was a new student frequenting the first window in the cafeteria these days," she said. "I'm surprised that there is someone out there with the same constitution as yours."

A new student... Did she mean, Ayanokouji-kun? I tried answering but only jumbled words came out as my mouth was still full of food.

"Talk or eat, you can only pick one," she teased, sliding a glass of water towards me.

I gratefully accepted the glass, taking a sip to wash the food down my mouth. "Ayanokouji-kun?" I managed to say, finally able to speak coherently.

Mama Enma asked, her gaze curious, "Oh, are you acquainted with the student?"

"Hm? What are you talking about?" Chie-sensei suddenly popped out of nowhere with a bowl in hand, her eyes squinting in curiosity as she joined the conversation.

"The new student frequenting the first window in the cafeteria," Mama explained, casting a sideways glance at Chie-sensei.

"Ayanokouji-kun...Oh!" Sensei's eyes lit up with recognition. " It's that handsome boy from back then!"

"Hoh! So it's a boy huh..." Mama Enma's eyebrows raised with interest.

"Hehe, I remember Honami-chan looking positively smitten back then. It was like a scene from a romance novel — their eyes locked across the room and time seemed to stand still. At that moment, they knew. They knew it was love at first sight. And from there, the story unfolded like a beautiful dream. The two of them drawn together by an irresistible force, their hearts beating as one, their souls intertwining in a dance of fate... And when the night came th—"

"That didn't happen!" I protested, feeling my face flush.

Mama Enma chuckled softly, her gaze warm with amusem*nt as she watched our exchange. Chie-sensei's imagination is really troublesome when it comes to these kinds of topics, geez.

"Now, now, Chie, stop teasing Honami."

"Fine, but it's super interesting right?! The mysterious new student, catching the eye of our dear Honami-chan. Who wouldn't be intrigued?"


No, it's not... It's not like that at all. It wasn't an attraction, far from a blossoming romance that sensei fantasized... What I felt at that time, no, what we felt, was an intense rejection of each other's existence. It was the kind of animosity that ran so deep, it was as if our very existence was an affront to each other. It was palpable, a primal urge that made us want to clash at every turn. Like two forces of nature destined to collide, we were constantly at odds.

After that exam, I tried approaching him several times, normally it's just through a greeting like a friend or acquaintance should, but each encounter only fueled the growing repulsion between us. It was a struggle to resist the urge to clash, to let that animosity take control... I'm sure he felt it too. Ayanokouji-kun and I seemed locked in a tug of war between our instincts and individuality, each interaction fraught with unspoken tension. It took time for me to adjust, to hold myself back from the urge to confront him. Thankfully, as time passed, the intensity seemed to wane as I got used to his presence. Ayanokouji-kun seemed to have sensed my intention as well and would sometimes take the initiative... though in a rather roundabout way.

Really, it was a dangerous game we played, one that could easily consume us both if we weren't careful.

My eyes met with Mama Enma, her gaze seeming to pierce through the conflicted thoughts I had on my mind... Truly, I cannot hide anything from her.

After Chie-sensei reluctantly let go of the topic, I resumed savoring the wonderful delicacies before me. This is the only time I get to eat for this entire week and I won't let any distractions deter me from enjoying this moment to the fullest.

... ...

... ...

"Ah, I'm full~" I said with a satisfied moan.

I leaned back on my seat, feeling the weight of the delicious meal settle pleasantly in my stomach. Dozens of dishes, all of the highest quality, now nestled inside me. Closing my eyes, I let out another soft sigh, relishing the afterglow of the meal.

This is bliss...

"You look satisfied."

"Of course! Mama Enma's food is the best!"

This day couldn't get any better, the dream earlier weren't as harrowing as usual, then there's Mama Enma's delicious cooking... For a moment, I allowed myself to bask in the feeling of contentment. While my experience in this academy so far has been quite pleasant, where everyone gets along and is helping one another, these moments of peace and indulgence were still rare. And when they came, they were all the more precious.

Opening my eyes, I pushed myself from the table, preparing to leave.

"Leaving so soon?" Mama Enma asked.

"Yep, I plan to head to the Soul Ascension Platform today, I want to take a stroll."

"I see, take care, Honami-chan," she said, her voice as gentle as always. "Also. I know that you can't return for now, but do try to send letters for the folks above, they miss you."

"I will! Thanks, Mama Enma!" I said, giving her a grateful smile before heading towards the door. As I stepped out into the fading sunlight, a gentle breeze greeted me, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth.

"I smell something good is going to happen soon!"

It was past noon when I finally disembarked from the Soul Tram. Now, I found myself at the northeast corner of the campus, right at the edge of the forest. Even now, it still amazes me how there could be such a vast forest and mountains within the academy's grounds.

I heard that there were some cultivation facilities that students could use scattered within these forests. Specialized Cultivation Space, is what I believe it was called — an area designed according to a soul master's martial soul type and helps speed up their cultivation a little... I wonder if they have one suitable for me.

But I'm not here for those. The Spirit Pagoda is the only place where one can purchase a soul beast, or rather soul spirit which is the term they coined to the artificially created Soul Beasts. However, my purpose for today isn't to purchase a soul spirit but rather to enter the Spirit Pagoda's Soul Ascension Platform.

The Soul Ascension Platform is a different form of Soul World. Unlike the Battle Network Station where we battle other soul masters, here, we will be facing soul beasts, and not just any simulated soul beasts like the ones we faced in our exam, but real Soul Beasts that we could absorb to become our own soul rings.

Well, calling it real is a bit misleading since they are technically man-made, but what they can give to the soul master is exactly the same as the real thing.

Up ahead, a wide path led deeper into the woods. This should be the one that leads to the Spirit Pagoda. The Spirit Pagoda in this academy was located deep within the forest, right at the foot of a mountain. Despite sharing the name "Spirit Pagoda," this academy's establishment and the Spirit Pagoda organization were distinct entities. However, they maintained a friendly relationship that allowed the academy to use their name for its own facility.

Because of its renown and reputation, it is much convenient for the academy to use Spirit Pagoda's name that the students have gotten used to instead of a new one that technically still functions similarly as the original.

Now, the reason why they had to do this is because the Spirit Pagoda within the academy was unique. Unlike those found outside, the artificial Soul Beasts housed within this pagoda were all created by the academy itself and did not rely on the resources and research of the external Spirit Pagoda.

As I strolled along the path, I retrieved my phone and opened the app displaying my balance.

[ 78 cp; 45,846 pr; 1,894,397 ap; White [25]; Yellow [0]; Purple [0]; Black [0] ]

Prior to arriving here, I had exchanged 200,000 points worth of emblems, which amounted to 10 white emblems in total.Combined with the 15 I already had, I barely managed to gather enough to enter the Elementary Spirit Ascension Platform.

This being my first visit to a Spirit Pagoda, I made sure to inquire about the necessary details from Hori beforehand.

According to her, the Spirit Ascension Platform consists of three layers: Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced.

The soul beasts found in the Elementary layer that I'm entering, predominantly consisted of 100-year-old soul beasts. If I'm lucky, then I might encounter a 1,000-year-old soul beast, and the odds of me encountering a soul beast that suits my martial soul is even lower. But there's nothing that could be done, given my limited points, this is the best option available to me.

I could hold on getting a soul ring for now and accumulate more points, but the cost of entry for the Intermediate layer is two yellow emblems, that's 2 million in points! Waiting for that long simply isn't a viable option.

The maximum time you can stay inside the Soul Ascension Platform is three days. I just have to rely on my luck at that time, and hope to encounter a suitable soul beast to become my soul ring.

After walking for a couple of minutes, I finally reached the base of the mountain where Spirit Pagoda resides and... It's not as towering as I imagined. I had heard that Spirit Pagoda's can reach dizzying heights and that the main branch of Spirit Pagoda is touted as the tallest building in the world. Yet, here before me, it seemed almost modest in stature.

The sleek glass doors parted noiselessly as I came close and led me into the building. Inside was the stark contrast of the natural beauty of the forest; polished surfaces and simplistic design — a mixture of steel, glass, and soft light painted the interior.

Up ahead was the reception desk and to my astonishment, someone was there, someone I knew. Upon sensing my presence, the girl with the pink-blonde hair looked behind with a surprised expression.

"Eh? Ayanokouji-kun?" she exclaimed, her voice carrying a mix of shock and delight.

"I didn't expect to meet you here, Ichinose."

I had crossed paths with Ichinose more frequently as of late, though "talking" might be a generous term for our interactions. It was mostly just brief hi's and hellos and occasional mundane pleasantries exchanged in passing. Though it was thanks to those interactions that I can now contain myself more easily than before. It wouldn't be a pretty sight to suddenly lose control and attack her out of nowhere if the urge were to take over.

"What brings you here?" she asked.

"..... I broke through a bottleneck just recently." I don't think there is a need to hide my purpose here, especially since the result would be quite obvious.

"Then you must be here for the Ascension Platform then?" she replied, her eyes lighting up with recognition. "What a coincidence!"

So she planned on entering as well... does she also need a soul ring?

"Which layer are you going to?" she inquired further.

"Elementary," I told her.

While their class' condition is better than ours, I doubt that Ichinose would have a lot of points to spend so she must be going to the same layer as well. While it didn't particularly matter either way,the idea of having someone to accompany me inside was a welcome one. It also seemed that this was not Ichinose's first time in the Ascension Platform, so having her as a guide would be quite beneficial.

"Really?" she mused, her brow furrowing in concern. "You won't be getting any decent soul rings from there, Ayanokouji-kun."

"I don't really have much of a choice."

If Class D didn't blow away all of its points in the first month, then I probably would have been able to stomach waiting for a little bit longer to accumulate enough points.

"Hmm..." Ichinose paused, her expression thoughtful. After a moment, she nodded decisively and turned to the receptionist in front of us. "Eina-san, can you please give him my remaining slot for this month?"

"E-eh? Ichinose-san, that's a bit..." the receptionist named Eina, seemed to have been caught off guard by her request and stammered.

"Is it not possible?"

"It's not that it is not, but..." Eina looked at me with a concerned expression.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked.

"Hm? Ah well, I have a reservation for two entries for the Ascension Platform so, I'm giving you the other one so we can enter together."

Her words caught me off guard. And from her earlier comment about the Elementary layer, this must be at least for an Intermediate layer. It was as if she was offering me 2 million points.

"So, can you do it for me, Eina-san?" Before I could give my reply, Ichinose pressured the receptionist once again.

"B-but it's the Advanced layer, Ichinose-san! I don't think it would be safe to send an ordinary first-grade student there!"

The Advanced layer? Here I thought that it was the Intermediate layer and was already feeling grateful but it turned out to be higher than that. Most of the soul beasts found in the Advanced layer are around 10,000-year-old or higher in cultivation, which is more than what I was looking for. This is certainly a pleasant surprise... If I recall correctly, the cost for entry is 5 yellow emblems... how could she give away something so valuable so easily?

"Oh, he'll be fine~! Come on, please?" she said with a pleading tone, her eyes wide and sparkling with an irresistible charm.

The receptionist, Eina, seemed to struggle with the decision for a moment, her brow furrowed in contemplation. However, under Ichinose's adorable and persistent gaze, her resolve seemed to crumble.

"Alright, alright," Eina finally relented with a resigned sigh. "I'll make the adjustment for you."

Ichinose's face lit up with a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Thank you so much, Eina-san! You're the best!"

Then, all of a sudden, Ichinose grabbed my arm, and forcefully dragged me across the hall, my feet yanking off the ground. "Be careful, you two!" I could hear Eina's voice calling out, quickly disappearing into the distance.

I didn't even get a word in before Ichinose whisked me away, and any potential protests were drowned out by her infectious excitement.

When we finally reached the elevator, she let go and I was finally able to properly stand on the solid ground... She came like a storm.

"Uh, err..."

"You're welcome, Ayanokouji-kun."

"Is this alright? I mean, I'm grateful that you're doing this to me but... that's a lot of money."

Ichinose had just spent a total of 1 purple emblem for the both of us, an astonishing equivalent of 10 million points. It was hard to believe that this wouldn't have a significant impact on her balance. Besides, was it even feasible to accumulate this many points on your own in just five months? Even in the ideal scenario where her class had maintained the 1000 class points at the beginning and refrained from spending anything at all, it still seemed impossible to gather such a huge amount.

That is, unless these points weren't hers alone... but for someone like Ichinose, would she really use someone else's points for her own sake? Even more so for someone from another class like me?

"Oh, don't worry about it," she said confidently. "It's not like I spent anything."

What did she mean by that?

As if sensing my confusion, she continued. "Every month, I'm given two slots for the Advanced layer. So, I can enter the Ascension platform twice, anytime I want, free of charge."

This kind of... No matter how you look at it, there is obviously some kind of preferential treatment at play. Is she from an influential family? But then, wouldn't the same be true for Horikita and perhaps Koenji as well? While I can't say much about Koenji, I haven't sensed this kind of special treatment towards Horikita at all. In fact, it seems like she's actually struggling a bit...

Is Ichinose just different somehow? Perhaps she has her own reasons or circ*mstances that allow her this privilege.

I wanted to ask her some questions I had in mind, but as I glanced at her expression, I could see a hint of hesitation flicker across her features. Her eyes, usually bright and lively, now held a guarded look, as if she were hiding something. It was clear that she didn't want to divulge any more information.

"Please don't tell anyone," she said, her tone somewhat apologetic. "It's not really a good look for a student to have this kind of treatment."

"Then why did you tell me?"

Upon hearing my question, she paused for a moment, her eyes blinking with a hint of wonder. Then suddenly, she let out a soft, delicate laugh as if she had also just realized the irony of her actions.

"Hehe, I wonder why as well."

Chapter 18: Soul Ascension Platform

Chapter Text

The scent of air brought by a warm breeze was the first thing that entered my mind. The smell of sweet flowers. The earthy scent of fresh grass, and the invigorating smell of trees.

As my senses came back to me, my hearing followed suit. The rustling of countless leaves. The cheerful twittering of songbirds. The soft hum of insect wings. In the distance, the soothing sound of a creek trickling over smooth stones reached my ears.

Slowly, I opened my eyes. There were none of the usual hubbub of the townspeople from the Battle Station nor the weathered slabs of the colosseum. Instead, I found myself standing on clumps of light-green grass that ended just several meters ahead where a thick forest of gnarled, decades, perhaps even centuries-old trees stood tall; their flowing, textured bark and ground were covered in thick moss that shone golden-green where the sunlight caught it. It was reminiscent of what you would describe as an ancient forest.

The breeze then shifted slightly, bringing a familiar sound to my ears.

"Hm, so you got here first, I see."

I turned around and faced Ichinose, who had just arrived.

"Is it weird? I remember someone commenting on that as well." Horikita reacted quite strangely when I first entered the Soul World with her.

Shaking her head, she said. "Not at all, all that means is that you have an incredibly high spiritual power. It is annoying though, since it takes longer for me to enter here than in the other Soul Worlds."

I see, I haven't really pondered as to the mechanism of this technology but what she just said indeed made sense. The Soul World is a world of data. The use of those simulator pods or 'coffins', I would call them, is to scan and translate the information of our body into a unique digital signature and when the transfer is initiated, it is sent through an interface, where it is rapidly encoded into a data packet. This packet contains our entire consciousness, memories, perceptions, thought patterns, and abilities, all converted into streams of binary code.

However, before entering the Soul World completely, there was a period of time where there is nothing but a never-ending darkness. And as what had happened just now and before, the time it takes for the darkness to be replaced by the light coming from the Soul World varies between individuals.

That must be where the transition of our information into the data world takes place. The process should involve complex algorithms that analyze and encode every facet of our being and because of the time differences, the computing system used must be our very own brains. Since every individual's cognitive processing speed is directly related to their spiritual power, we can assume that the higher the spiritual power, the faster the transition.

Ichinose also noted differences in her transition times in different Soul Worlds, which adds another variable: the virtual environment's complexity. More complexity means more data processing. With that, we can formulate a simple equation for calculating the transition time which is the complexity of the virtual environment over the spiritual power level...

This suggests that by knowing an individual's spiritual power level and controlling the environment's complexity, one could manipulate their arrival time...

"Well, how about we go on our way, Ayanokouji-kun?" she suggested, heading into the forest.

Snapping from my thoughts, I followed her, the ancient trees towering above us as we ventured deeper into the forest. "Are you also here for a soul ring, Ichinose?" I asked.

"Nope, I'm just here for a stroll."

"....." A stroll?

She looked at me amused before speeding up as if trying to lead me somewhere. Curious, I went after her, matching her speed. She led me deeper and deeper into the forest, our steps barely making a sound as we moved with incredible swiftness. The ancient trees and nearby soul beasts seemed to blur past us, their forms flickering in and out of view.

Ichinose glanced back at me, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and sped up even more. I accepted the unspoken challenge and pushed myself harder, my feet barely touching the ground as we weaved between the towering trunks and leaped over fallen logs.

Finally, we burst out into a clearing, and the moment I witnessed what lay beyond, I skidded to a stop... For some reason, I found myself rooted to the spot, unable to tear my gaze away to the scenery before me.

Ichinose stood by my side, her expression one of anticipation as she waited for my reaction. "What do you think?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"A shame..."

Her brows raised slightly upon hearing my words. "...Right," she nodded, a small smile playing on her lips.

Before us stretched an otherworldly landscape, an intricate weave of stunning vistas that seemed to defy imagination. From the steep cliff where we stood, the world opened before us and yelled its wonders.

Below, a sea of towering trees swayed gently in an unseen breeze, their leaves shimmering with a myriad of colors. Far to the east, a vast desert stretched out endlessly, its golden sands shifting in the sunlight.

In the distance, floating islands hovered in the sky, adorned with lush greenery and cascading waterfalls that seemed to defy gravity. A tundra lay beyond, its icy expanse shimmering under the bright sun, a stark contrast to the warmth of the forest we stood in. And at the farthest edge of the horizon, an obscured volcano rumbled ominously, its fiery glow casting an eerie light over the nearby landscape.

It was a breathtaking sight, a world of endless wonders, possibilities and adventure... It is a shame that none of this is real.

"But even so, it is what we can reach," she said gently, her eyes now a mirror of mine.

I see...


We are more similar than I thought.

Ichinose neared the edge of the cliff and paused for a moment. A gentle breeze tousled her pink-blonde hair, and the voice of the world below filled the air. She looked at me and flashed a radiant grin. Then, without a word, she closed her eyes and turned as if in a dance, her arms spreading like wings taking flight. She leaned back, her body arching gracefully against the canvas of the sky and fell.

A moment later, a loud thud echoed through the serene landscape and laughter bubbled forth, mingling with the rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds.

Glancing down, I saw Ichinose lying on the now shattered verdant ground with a wide smile on her face. She didn't even soften her fall.

"You do it too, Ayanokouji-kun!" she yelled as soon as our eyes met, her voice carrying over the distance between us.

"No way, I'll die," I muttered to myself.

The distance should be about three hundred meters. A free fall from this height would result in shattered bones and ruptured organs. Survival would be extremely unlikely for a soul master of our level.

"Hurry up!"


I took a resigned step over the edge and allowed myself to fall. The world spun around me as I plummeted toward the ground, the rush of air roaring in my ears. Time seemed to slow as I embraced the sensation of weightlessness, and my heartbeat eerily calm.

With a loud thud, I landed on the shattered ground. The ache of the hard landing reverberated through my body, but rather than reacting with a grimace of pain, all I could manage was another defeated sigh as Ichinose's laughter once again echoed in my ears.

"Pfft, you should have seen yourself. It-pft—" Ichinose chuckled, as she struggled to get the words out between fits of giggles.

"Is it that amusing? It happened to you as well." I can't help it that my face rippled from the wind.

"Tsk tsk. Mind you, I looked graceful when I fell," Ichinose said with a smug grin, puffing her chest out as if proud of her achievement, before giving me a knowing look. "So, you can survive that fall unscathed, huh? As expected, you're very strong."


So that's what this was about. "What a roundabout method to test my strength."

Well, it's not like I had any intention of hiding it. In fact, other than lying about my martial soul, I never really tried hiding my strength. It's just that there were simply no situations that forced me to use more than what I thought was necessary.

"Hehe. So, what kind of soul beast are you looking for?"

As soon as she said that, rhythmic hoots and screams reverberated in the air, the sound coming from every direction. From the shadows of the dense foliage, several pairs of golden orbs lit up one after another, until we found ourselves surrounded.

The shadows slowly eased, finally revealing the true appearance of the new arrivals. They stood upright on the branches, their forms covered with a thick brown fur. Streaks of red and gold ran along their muscular arms, leading down to their massive, razor-sharp claws. Each of them exuded a wild, primal energy, their eyes blazing with intelligence as they watched us with a mix of curiosity and hostility.

Ravageclaw Chimpanzees. These soul beasts are highly territorial, they must've come because of the loud noise from our fall.

"These one's?" Ichinose suggested, her finger pointing to the group.


"Is that so? Hm," she muttered, scanning the area. "I counted a dozen of them...Half?"


With that concensus, the two of us simultaneously released our soul rings and a total five rings manifested in the air, four purple and one black.

With our backs against each other, we lunged towards the Ravageclaw Chimpanzees with a resounding boom.

Caught off guard by our aggressiveness, the chimpanzees were slow to react. The moment I arrived between the two chimps on the tree, one of them shrieked in fright and blindly swung its massive arm in my direction. Lowering my head, I narrowly dodged the incoming blow, feeling the rush of air as the heavy fist arced past me. The force of the swing was immense, and the fist slammed into the other chimp with a deafening impact, sending it crashing to the ground in a flurry of leaves and dust.

Judging by the number of gold and red streaks on their arms, they should have around 1,000 to 3,000 years of cultivation.

Surprisingly, despite the initial surprise, the other chimps had quickly recovered, and all four of them swiftly closed in on my position. Their claws glinted with a brilliant golden light, emanating a palpable surge of soul power.

The shrieking chimp by my side, having realized what had just happened, blazed with ferocity, its mouth opening wide to reveal rows of sharp, gleaming teeth to deliver a crushing bite.

I didn't bother to dodge and immediately planted my palm on the branch below my feet.

First Soul Skill: Lightning Shackles.

My first soul ring activated and five rings of crackling lightning shot out from my hand, bouncing off the branch and streaking across the air with precision. As the rings reached their targets, they spiraled around the chimps like serpents of hissing energy, wrapping them tightly in a web of electrifying force. The creatures' ferocious movements came to an abrupt halt and they fell to the ground, convulsing all the while from the powerful shocks, their muscles tensing and locking up under the relentless assault of lightning.

That should immobilize them for 30 seconds.

Suddenly, the tree where I stood began to tremble violently, its branches quivering as if in fear. Hearing a deafening crack, I casted my gaze below. The chimp that had been punched to the ground moments ago erupted from the earth like a beast possessed. Its massive arms wrapped around the trunk of the tree, muscles bulging with primal strength as it uprooted the entire tree with a mighty heave.


I didn't immediately leave and braced myself as I watched the chimp swing the tree wildly, its roar echoing through the forest as it slammed the trunk down with terrifying force.

The ground shook beneath the impact as the tree holding me, smashed into the earth. But the chimp wasn't done. With a bestial fury, it lifted the tree once more, its eyes blazing with rage as it swung the massive trunk down again and again, each blow sending shockwaves all over.

This is disorienting.

I had thought it was only going to be a swift trip to the ground, but I didn't expect that it would slam the tree so many times. Not wanting any more of the fiasco, I leaped off the tree just as the chimp swung it down again, effectively avoiding another crashing impact.

The chimp noticed me immediately and had no intention of letting me have an easy escape. With a wild roar, it hurled the tree in my direction, the massive trunk hurtling towards me with deadly force.

Suspended in mid-air with limited options, I instinctively reached out, grasping the edge of the trunk just before impact. I hoisted myself up, planting my feet firmly on the rough bark.

Lightning crackled around me, engulfing my body. In the next moment, a resounding boom echoed through the forest as the tree disintegrated beneath as I shot towards the beast, shattered by the force of my momentum and the crackling electricity. In the blink of an eye, I closed the distance between us, my form a blur as I delivered a devastating kick straight to the chimp's chest.

A resounding crack echoed through the air as the force of my blow sent the chimp flying backwards, its body convulsing from the impact. There was no final, agonized roar; the chimp simply collapsed to the ground, its life extinguished in an instant.

Then, in a flash of silver light, five daggers materialized in my hand. Without wasting any time, I launched them with a single swing, each one finding its mark in the chests of the ensnared chimps writhing on the ground, thus ending their suffering.

At that moment, a loud boom echoed on the other side of the battlefield, marking the end of the sudden encounter.

I watched the soul beasts' corpses before me as they began to emit a soft light. A mass of energy began to seep out of their bodies, that soon coalesced to form a bright purple ring, bursting with feral energy. And, as if guided by an unseen force, they floated slowly, moving closer and closer until they were within reach.

One by one, the rings began to shimmer with an ethereal light. Their forms dissolving into countless sparkling bubbles of radiant energy, floating gently towards the two soul rings behind me. The bubbles merged with the soul rings, their energy infusing the rings with newfound power. I could feel them pulsing with energy as they greedily absorbed the essence of the defeated soul beasts.

This is one of the core features of the Soul Ascension Platform — the ability to enhance and upgrade your soul rings. When you defeat a soul beast, you have the choice to assimilate its soul ring or use it to strengthen your existing ones. In the battle with the Ravageclaw Chimpanzees just now, I opted for the latter.

However, only one-tenth of the energy of the soul beast will be absorbed by the soul ring, and this energy is then further divided among the number of soul rings you possess. In this case, defeating six Ravageclaw Chimpanzees with a total cultivation of approximately 12,000 years meant each of my two soul rings would gain around 600 years worth of cultivation.

If this continues, my purple soul rings would reach the 10,000 years threshold, at which point they would naturally evolve into black soul rings.

This is the first time that I'm actually experiencing this phenomenon, and I have to say... It is quite a refreshing feeling.

The energy from the defeated Ravageclaw Chimpanzees was directly absorbed by my soul rings, so there was no need for me to go through the usual cultivation process to stabilize it. With that completed, I returned to where Ichinose was waiting.

As I approached, the familiar sight of six lifeless Ravageclaw Chimpanzees greeted me once again. She had dealt with them as swiftly as I had.

"Oh, we finished at the same time, huh," she remarked upon seeing me.

"It seems like it."

However, there was a notable difference between our approaches. While my soul rings now pulsed with the newly absorbed energy, the soul rings of the soul beasts on Ichinose's side, remained untouched.

"Are you not going to absorb them?" I asked.

"If I absorb them, then all of my soul rings will turn black! That's way too flashy!"

"....." So that means that aside from the third one, the rest of her soul rings had already touched the threshold.

An all black soul ring configuration at the rank 30s. That is indeed quite conspicuous... and abnormal. It reminds me of that man I fought a while ago, though he is quite old already, so it wasn't too unusual...

While Ichinose is already quite popular within our grade, she didn't seem to relish the kind of attention that came with being perceived as unusual or different.

"Shall we move on, Ayanokouji-kun?" she said. "But, lightning eh? Finding a suitable soul ring for that will be quite a challenge."

She must've known from the noise, the sound of lightning is hard to miss, after all.

"I never expected it to be easy."

"Then I guess we'll be spending the entire weekend searching for it then!"


"Is there a problem?"

"Er, no. I just didn't think that you would be joining me for that long."

Ichinose chuckled. "Hahaha, I always spend my weekends here, Ayanokouji-kun... Well twice, to be exact. Of course, this is the first time I will have someone accompany me."

She seemed genuinely pleased at the prospect.

"Come on! We have a long day ahead of us!"

Her smile was like a burst of sunshine, lighting up the forest around us. The corners of her eyes crinkled with excitement, and her cheeks were flushed with the thrill of adventure and companionship. There was an infectious energy about her that contrasted our inner conflicts and drew you in. Where, each step she made, colored the path in pink, gold, and green hues, as if her very presence left a trail of vibrant colors in her wake.

"Yeah, this doesn't sound so bad."

With a nod, I trailed behind Ichinose as she bounded forward, delving deeper into the forest. I'm not sure why, but if I were to follow the path she blazes, perhaps I'll stumble upon things I've never even considered before. It is a strange feeling...


This companionship... I wonder how it will end for us.

Chapter 19: Sudden Encounter

Chapter Text

"Hup, bang!"


The ground exploded and another beast fell as Ichinose continued to...uh... 'cheerfully' dispatch every hostile soul beast we encountered.

"These fellows never seem to catch on," she remarked as she withdrew her fist from the beast's shattered head.

Having Ichinose around truly is a blessing. Thanks to her, I hardly needed to lift a finger as she is more than eager to take on everything that came our way... In no way am I taking advantage of her, definitely not. I mean, look at how much she's enjoying herself.

Though I don't think that she relishes in the act of killing soul beasts, since after all, she had never pursued those who attempted to flee. From what I can tell, it seems to be more about the thrill of the battle itself that she enjoys.

"Anyone else?" she quipped, hands on her hips and a confident smile playing on her lips as she taunted those who would dare.

Surveying the area, I noticed several more soul beasts lurking nearby. However, they appeared hesitant to approach after witnessing Ichinose's display just now... It looks like it will be peaceful for a while.

"I thought that the advanced layer would have more 10,000-year-old soul beasts around..."

It had been nearly two hours since our entry into the forest, yet all we had encountered thus far were soul beasts at the 100 and 1,000 year level. Are we truly in the advanced layer?

"You won't find them here," she told me. "You might think we're deep into the forest, but trust me, we're still in the outer area."

Still? Granted that we were only walking at a normal pace, we should still have traveled a significant distance from where we were at... just how big is this place?

Ichinose led the way again as usual and continued. "While most high level soul beasts reside deeper into the forest, some of them could occasionally be seen around these parts. I encountered several the last time I was here."

"I'm not really searching for a high level soul beast."

As long as it is compatible with me, I'll be satisfied even if they're at a 100 year level.

"Ehh, come on, let's aim higher, Ayanokouji-kun!"

"If I go for a black ring then we'd have an identical configuration..."

Her eyes twinkled like stars and exclaimed. "Exactly!"

"I'll pass on that."

Ichinose's possession of a black soul ring was a widely known fact. Initially, many dismissed it as an exaggeration by Ichinose's ardent fans(?); they simply couldn't fathom how someone in the rank 30s could obtain such a high-level ring. Some even went as far as accusing them of lying, hurling insults their way. Naturally, those on the receiving end didn't take it lightly, sparking a heated exchange where accusations of sacrilege and other offenses flew back and forth. What began as a small dispute quickly escalated, and soon enough, the entire grade was aware of the incident. All of this happened at the student's forum a few days after the exam.

But then someone who goes by the name of "WaveSeeker" posted a detailed account, providing undeniable proof of Ichinose's possession of the black soul ring. With this evidence, the controversy finally subsided.

I still vividly recall the day after the revelation. As I walked by to class, all eyes were on Ichinose. Despite being accustomed to popularity; it was evident that she was deeply embarrassed by the whole affair.

If the suitable soul beast for me turns out to be at the 10,000-year level, then I wouldn't pass up the chance. But even so, while I don't think something like that affair will ever happen to me, I'd still like to avoid anything remotely similar if I could.

"Booo~ Booo~" she hooted, voicing her disappointment.


Our heads snapped instantly in the direction of the sound. In this soul beast infested place, our senses remained on high alert at all times for any unexpected situations. Focusing our eyes on the rustling bush a short distance away, we braced ourselves in anticipation of the originator of the noise.

Suddenly, a small rabbit popped out from the bush, its fluffy tail bouncing behind it. It looked around with wide, innocent eyes before hopping away into the underbrush.

So it's just a rabbit.


Ichinose's sudden scream startled me and made me flinch. What is her deal?

"A-Ayanokouji-kun, hurry!" she exclaimed, her hand repeatedly slapping my shoulder in urgency. It hurt. "Catch it, quick!"

"Uh, why?"

What's so special about that rabbit? It had a strange color too.

"That's a Truffle Rabbit! And it's a thousand-year-old to boot! Hurry, we won't get another chance like this!"

Truffle Rabbit... it sounds familiar, where have I heard that before? And more importantly...

"Couldn't you have gone after it?"

"I'm not fast enough," she admitted. "You're lightning, speed's your forte! Go quick, that's our dinner for tonight!"

I'd like to correct her that I control lightning, not that I'm lightning itself... but oh well.

Closing in towards the direction the rabbit went, I parted the foliage obscuring the path and came face to face with the subject in question, thankfully it hasn't gone fart. Taking a closer look, it does have pale-gold fur and unnaturally large eyes. The rabbit, clearly startled by my presence, froze in its tracks. And for some bizarre reason, we stood there in a tense staring contest, as if daring the other to make the first move.

The forest around us seemed to hold its breath in anticipation, waiting to see who would crack first. It felt like an eternity, but in reality, it was probably just a few awkward seconds.

Now this got me thinking, why are we catching it for food in the first place? Can we actually eat here?

Then as if sensing my wandering thoughts, a loud explosion suddenly rang out and the rabbit was now nowhere in sight. All that's left in its wake was a cracked ground and the scent of burnt air.


Ah, I remember now.

The air cracked as lightning surged and danced around my body. I didn't waste any more time and immediately took off in pursuit of the small beast.

The Truffle Rabbit, an extinct soul beast. I had read that it was one of the most sought-after delicacies from long ago. They are sought-after yes, but they did not go extinct due to overhunting. Catching them is extremely difficult after all, evident from their insane speed as I had witnessed just now.

Cannibalism. Right, they went extinct due to cannibalism among their own kind. Combined with their incredibly low reproductive rate, the species going extinct was only a matter of time.


I wonder if the reason they taste so good is because of cannibalism...

But still... it is fast indeed but that is not all. As I closed in, ready to grab it from behind, the rabbit swiftly pivoted and took a sharp turn mid-air. Although I am faster in terms of raw speed, its reaction time is an entirely different league. Moreover, the fact that it can leap while in the air is troublesome. Fortunately, it appears that it can only perform this feat once before needing to land again...

"I guess I shouldn't blindly chase after it, huh."

Retrieving two daggers from my storage ring, I coated them with lightning and shot them towards the sky. Aiming towards the rabbit is pointless.

The forest around us became a blur as we zigzagged between trees, leaving cracked trunks and splinters in our wake. I continued to observe the rabbit, my eyes never leaving it for an instant. I moved like I was its shadow, sticking to its back wherever it went. Catching it is not impossible, and speed is not even a factor, or else no one would have been able to tell the tale of its taste otherwise. I just have to be patient.

The chase continued for a couple more moments with me following closely behind, then all of a sudden, two lightning bolts struck from above, hitting the trees directly in front of the rabbit and to its right. With limited options, the Truffle Rabbit was forced to dodge left.


Where its demise awaited.


The rabbit shrieked in protest as it wildly squirmed in my hand. "Easy now, you'll be in our stomachs later, little guy."

"....." "EEEEEEK!!"

It shrieked even louder after I said that, did it understand my words?

Given more time to prepare, catching this rabbit would have been easier. Hunters of the past likely laid traps to guide the rabbit into a predictable path. The daggers I threw served a similar purpose. I then followed closely behind, directing the rabbit towards the area where the daggers would fall. This is feasible since I was faster and could influence the direction the rabbit would turn. The moment the dagger fell, all I had to do was to move to the only available path before it even could.

"Calm down." I said, sending a gentle surge of current through the rabbit, causing it to freeze in place. That should do it.

"Now," I said to myself, scanning my surroundings. The forest was familiar, yet something was distinctly different about the flora around me. "The air feels thicker too... Where am I?"

After walking around for a little bit, I somehow found myself in an intriguing scenario.

"Can you please let me pass?"


A menacing growl rumbled through the air as the three beasts before me bared their sharp fangs. It was clear that my presence was unwelcome around these parts. Fortunately, I didn't have to take a closer look to figure out the identity of these soul beasts, they were introduced to me just yesterday, after all.

Blazing Demon Lions.

They're quite smaller than what I expected, so they must be the cubs. Still, they're already about my height so I could only imagine how big the fully-grown lions are. Now then, what should I do? These creatures traveled in packs, so the rest were surely nearby... Facing them all would be quite a hassle... I think it's better if I just run.


Suddenly, the familiar voice of Ichinose rang out, her voice echoing throughout the forest. Turning around, I could see her dashing to my position while waving her hand frantically.

"She has no sense of danger, does she?"

Then again, I'm not really one to talk since I knowingly walked into this encounter myself.

The Blazing Demon Lion cubs cowered back, surprisingly wary of the approaching figure. It was fortunate that Ichinose had arrived; now I could leave the fighting to her.

"How'd you find me?" I asked the moment she reached my side.

"Hm?" She paused for a moment, considering her answer before casually saying, "I simply followed the direction my body felt the most animosity."


How convenient.

"I had to focus hard, you know," she continued, "though I guess that's a good thing."

True, even I didn't feel as repulsed when Ichinose was around. It's not that the animosity was gone, but I would definitely have to focus to feel it again.

"Oh, you caught the rabbit, nice!" she exclaimed and snatched the incapacitated beast from my hand. "It's so cuuute! I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks, hehe."

She's drooling now...

"Can we actually eat that? I mean, it's only a simulation right?"

Well, we can also get soul rings here, so maybe it is indeed possible?

"We sure can! While we won't be getting any nutrients, we could still taste their flavor."

I see. This has just increased the value of the Soul Ascension Platform even more, not only to soul masters but also to enthusiasts or food lovers who wish to get a taste of the flavors that are no longer available in the real world.


The lion cubs captured our attention with their protesting roars. I forgot about them. They appeared to be in a foul mood, are they mad that we're not paying attention to them?

"What's up with these guys? Food?" Ichinose, having just noticed the other group, gave them a mischievous grin.

Are they even tasty?

The cubs reeled in fright upon seeing the menacing look in Ichinose's eyes. Sensing the impending danger, they hurriedly turned tail and scampered away, leaving dust in the air.

"Aw, what a shame." she pouted, feigning her disappointment "Oh well, how about we go east from here? I recognize this area, I think we would be able to find a suitable soul beast for you if we head there."

As we were about to leave, a deafening boom echoed from behind, shaking the earth beneath our feet. Startled, the both of us simultaneously looked behind and when we saw the cause we couldn't help but widen our eyes.


Low, ominous and overbearing filled the air.

Lions. Several, no, Dozens of Blazing Demon Lions stood menacingly before us. Their forms towering and imposing, looking down on us as if we were mere ants. Among them were the lion cubs that had fled earlier, their eyes twinkling mischievously as if they were enjoying the situation they've put us in.

Me and Ichinose locked eyes, and a silent understanding passed between us. There was no need for words, there was only one thing the both of us wanted to do this very moment.


Without a second thought, we turned our heels and sprinted, our feet barely touching the ground as we raced through the forest. The ground shook with the thunderous roar of the lions behind, their powerful strides closing in fast. The trees serving as obstacles to their large bodies didn't even impede them. With each stride of their feet, they left a trail of destruction, burning everything in their path.

"Ahhhh, it's those cubs, aren't they? They ratted us out!" Ichinose complained amidst the rushing wind.

Glancing behind, I tried to assess our current situation. One, two... eighteen in total. Three of them are 10,000-year-old soul beasts, while the rest are at the 1,000-year-old level.

While I wasn't sure if the two of us could take them all on, I can tell that each of those 10,000-year-old lions was much stronger than the 10,000-year-old Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragons from our exam a while ago.

It could be argued that dragons are much more powerful beings than lions, but the difference here is that one was created as an obstacle for a student exam, while the other is a faithful recreation of the creature in all its glory. The Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragon we encountered is much weaker compared to its real-life counterpart since it was designed to move under specific rules barring it from unleashing its full might.

Compare that to the ones chasing us right now, then the difference might as well be night and day.

"Front!" Ichinose yelled with urgency.

I snapped my head forward just in time to see a massive blast of fire hurtling towards us.

There was no time to think. My instinct took over and I veered sharply to the side. Ichinose and I barely avoided the attack, but the ground trembled beneath us as the blast roared past, leaving a trail of scorched earth in its wake.

As we stumbled back to our feet, the Blazing Demon Lions had already closed in, surrounding us with their snarls and roars that seemed to ripple the very air we breathed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The earth shook with each thunderous step of the massive beast closing in. It was the one that hurled that blast of fire straight to our faces. It stood tall, its size almost double that of the largest Blazing Demon Lion chasing after us. Its growl low, and oppressive. Its eyes sharp and unyielding like that of a hardened ruler. Its fiery mane swirled and billowed in the air, casting an ominous glow around its massive form.

The closer it got, the more the space seemed to shimmer with heat as the scent of burning embers filled our noses. It was clear that this creature was far stronger than any soul beast we have encountered so far.

It finally appeared. The Blazing Demon Lion King.

"It looks like we're trapped," I muttered, my voice barely audible over the roar of the flames and the snarls of the lions.

The forest was ablaze, walls of flames from all directions filling our view — a ring of lames. This is now their hunting ground, and we are their prey.

"Hehe," Ichinose let out a chuckle despite our dire situation. "What was it that Chabashira-sensei said again?"

I gave her a sidelong glance. Even after all that happened, her demeanor remained unchanged. "Aim for the young." I said, recounting the lecture presented to us a day ago.

Her chuckle rang out again, as if scoffing at the approach that was taught to us... I could already guess where she was going with this.

Turning to face me, Ichinose asked for a favor. "Can I leave them to you?"

There was no need for her to elaborate and she knew. The time we've spent together was short, but the understanding between us had already gone beyond the need for words.

"Are you sure you can do it?"

"120%!" she declared, her confidence burning brighter than the searing flames.

That settles it.

"All right."

It was as if time was at a standstill, as if there was an unexplainable understanding between every living creature within the ring of flames. It was a strange phenomenon, engulfing the forest in an eerie silence where only the sound of the crackling flames could be heard.

Then, like a pin drop in a calm pond, we made our move and time marched once again. With lightning speed, Ichinose rushed to the Blazing Demon Lion King, her eyes alight with excitement and thrill. Soul rings manifested and her formidable black soul ring finally shone a brilliant glow that washed away the fiery hue of the forest.


...I had seen martial soul transformations before, from Sudou's fiery mantle to Kushida's bewitching allure... Yet, none of them had come close to the majesty unfolding before my very eyes.

The air around her seemed to shimmer with an ethereal light, a soft glow enveloping her form. From her head, two magnificent horns emerged, curving back with intricate carvings etched on their surface. Her ears elongated into points, reminiscent of those elves they've spoken of in old tales. Then, one, two, three... five tails unfurled from behind, swaying and dancing as if they had a mind of their own, each one adorned with scales that seemed to shimmer like gemstones amidst the fiery backdrop. And lastly, a five-colored cloud formed, swirling and billowing like a robe as it wrapped around her body.

The beasts around us paused, and so did I. The fierce lions, once brimming with hostility, now gazed upon Ichinose's regal form with reverence, as if she were a celestial being gracing their presence. It was a sight to behold, her majesty commanding even the most savage of creatures to yield in admiration.

Yet, unlike theirs, what stirred within me was a bit different. It was an inexplicable emotion bubbling up deep within, one that is primal and raw.

The Blazing Demon Lion King was the only one who didn't let Ichinose's transformation affect him. He took his stance and let out a mighty roar that shook the very ground we stood — a response to the daring challenger.

The roar seemed to have awakened the rest of the pride from their reverie. With a ferocious chorus of roars, they once again charged towards Ichinose, determined to stop her in her tracks.

Ichinose didn't even cast them a single glance, her eyes solely focused on the formidable opponent before her.

Sigh... It's troubling that you are so trusting.

Some of the lions were about to reach Ichinose, when rings of lightning suddenly wrapped around their bodies and sent them crushing to the ground, electrified and paralyzed.


Then, as if the skies themselves were enraged, lightning rained down to the ground, forming a wall that completely separated Ichinose and the Blazing Demon Lion King from the rest of us.

The remaining lions having realized what just happened turned all their attention towards me, their expressions filled with nothing but hostility and disdain.

"I apologize, but... You guys will have to accompany me for a while."

In the center of a great forest, a ring of fire danced, casting billowing smoke into the darkened sky. Amidst the roar of flames and the crackle of lightning, the fierce clash between two species unfolded — one intelligent, the other fierce. It was a surreal sight, a concert of elements and an ensemble of indifference and fury.


The Blazing Demon Lions roars remained a relentless backdrop to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's ears, much to his dismay. Outnumbered eighteen to one, it was utter chaos. Yet, in the midst of the frenzied onslaught, he alone remained impassive.

With an almost mechanical precision, Ayanokouji moved, his every action minimal and efficient. With a flick of his wrist, a surge of lightning shot out from his fingers, repelling a beast that had ventured too close. His eyes were calm and unwavering, surveying the immediate battlefield with a detached focus, his interest lying only on the battle unfolding at the other corner of the ring of fire.

... ...

... ...

... ...

"Hahahaha!" Ichinose's sweet laughter filled the air. Ripples of five-colored energies cascaded in her vicinity; their exuding might, gripping and awe-inspiring.

She moved around the chaos with grace and elegance, her smile never leaving her face. Each clash seemed to fuel her exhilaration, her grin broadening with every exchange as though she reveled in the pure adrenaline of combat. Truly, it was as if a switch had been flipped inside of her, one that revealed a facet that thirsted for nothing more but battle against a powerful foe.

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (14)

The Blazing Demon Lion King, proving worthy of its title, faced the unusual presence unfazed. It opened its mouth and the embers lit up, they manifested and gathered like a tornado of fireflies, carrying with them a terrifying amount of soul power that was felt in every corner.

Hellfire Blast.

It was an instant — the time it took for the eyes to blink — the Hellfire Blast barreled towards Ichinose like an unforgiving storm. She didn't have the time to react, her smile still adorning her face as she faced the full brunt of the attack. It was as if time had slowed, the second stretching infinitely as her eyes reflected the oncoming inferno.

Just when the blast was about to engulf her, her body transformed once again, giving out a cyanic hue, as if coated in a metallic carapace. At the same time, a shimmering, three-colored barrier sprung up around her form and the flames crashed against it with a deafening roar.

Faced against such a powerful force, the barrier along with Ichinose inside was pushed to the far corner of the blazing battlefield, the barrier and the metallic coating shattering like glass in mere moments.

"Heh! It has to be this strong, or it's hardly a challenge at all!"

Despite this setback, Ichinose only suffered minor burns and bruises. Surrounding her, the colors yellow, blue and red flowed — the remnants of the barrier she had put up, each color representing one of the five elements she controlled. Her current form, the Five-Tailed Qilin, stems from an auspicious divine beast capable of harnessing the elements, Water, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Wood.

Manipulating these raw elements normally lies in the domain of control-system soul masters. Ayanokouji, who controls the lightning element, naturally belongs in this category, however the way he uses his martial soul veers more to a hybrid of assault, agility and control systems.

Ichinose's transformation and attitude aligns her to the Power-system category. Nonetheless, the level of her spiritual power places her on par to that of a highly competent control-system soul master like Horikita Suzune, which more than compensates for her lack of mastery in the area.

With the elemental remnants fading into the air, Ichinose's stance shifted.

"It's my turn now."

Her eyes alight with the fervor of battle, locked onto the Blazing Demon Lion King, whose own fiery gaze met hers with equal intensity.

She charged, her movements a blur, closing the distance between them with astonishing speed. With every step she makes, the ground would roar as if pushing her forward, aiding her advance.

Her fists ignited with the combined prowess of Metal and Earth, transforming them into devastating weapons.

As she neared the Blazing Demon Lion King, the beast reared, its mane ablaze, a living pyre ready to defend its honor. But Ichinose was relentless. The ground she was on exploded and she zoomed at the beast, her fists leading the assault like twin meteors colliding with the sun.

Her fists gleaming with a metallic sheen and the gritty armor of earth met the lion king's fiery exterior, sparks and flames erupting upon contact.


The collision unleashed a shockwave, sending ripples through the air and ground alike. The Blazing Demon Lion King, feeling the sheer physicality of her attack, roared in defiance, its flames intensifying in an attempt to repel her.

Despite the ferocity of her assault, Ichinose found herself pushed back by the sheer force emanating from the Blazing Demon Lion King. The mighty beast stood unyielded, embodying the untamed essence of fire itself.

Ichinose was sent skidding backwards, her boots carving deep scars into the ground as she struggled to regain her stance.

"It seems," she grunted, pushing herself upright with a self-mocking grin, "I still underestimated you, Lion King."

The attack she unleashed just now was the same move she used against the twin dragons from the previous exam. Powerful enough to overwhelm the colossal beasts with ease.

Clearly, the soul beast in front of her right now is on a much higher level from the ones she had faced before.

"Hoooo..." Ichinose closed her eyes momentarily, drawing a long, calming breath. As she settled into a renewed stance, her deep azure eyes fluttered open, locking with the fierce and prideful gaze of the Blazing Demon Lion King. What was once a look of fervor and delight, now replaced with a serene, almost chilling calmness that sends shivers down the spine.

In that instant, the powerful beast involuntarily recoiled, a step retreating before the mesmerizing blue of her eyes.

Confusion flickered within the Lion King's fierce countenance. Why had it retreated? What about that azure stare that drove its instincts to falter, to pull back? It was but a human standing before it — lesser, fragile, ostensibly inferior. Could it be fear? No, that was absurd. A creature of its stature, endowed with unparalleled strength and pride, could not possibly know fear.

Yet, the undeniable question remained... Why did it take a step back?

"It seems like Ichinose's done playing around... It should be over soon."

Despite the relentless assault from the surrounding beasts, Ayanokouji's attention remained fixed on the duel between Ichinose and the Blazing Demon Lion King. The beasts' countenances, if it ever could be discerned, would likely betray a deep-seated frustration after witnessing him move around unbothered by their presence.

Truly, it was a never-ending game of tag between the two opposing sides. Yet, while Ayanokouji is capable of continuing this game for as long as he wanted, he is incapable of defeating them all with the current level of his martial soul. Despite the majority of them having similar cultivation levels as the Ravageclaw Chimpanzees from before, the difference between their individual strength is simply far too wide.

When another lion came closer than they should, he would immediately send a bolt of lightning, momentarily stopping them in their tracks. But this would only be for a couple of seconds before it is capable of moving normally again. Their hides also proved too tough that not even the thousand-refined daggers he had forged could properly penetrate. Furthermore...

"There's simply way too many..."

If it was only a few, then Ayanokouji wouldn't have minded spending a good amount of soul power to defeat them. But with the number he is facing, he has no choice but to be mindful of his soul power consumption.

"...But that's not really the main problem here."

A loud explosion rang out from the other side of the battlefield once again. The battle between Ichinose and the Blazing Demon Lion King is finally reaching its climax.

As if sensing the momentary distraction of their opponent, two of the Blazing Demon Lions launched a tandem assault, their movements synchronized with lethal precision. The first lion's charge was a feint, drawing his focus and lightning, while the second surged forward, its claws mere inches from rending flesh from bone.

With reflexes as swift as lightning itself, Ayanokouji twisted away, the claws rendering the air in his stead.

"Their attacks are becoming more and more coordinated... *sigh*."

It wasn't just an observation but a need to adapt.

With a resigned exhale, he planted his feet firmly on the ground, drawing deeply from the reservoir of his soul power. The air around him hummed with energy as he extended his arms, palms outstretched. The lightning he conjured now was different, it danced between his fingers, a network of arcs and currents that formed a lattice of electric energy.

He released the lightning, not as bolts, but as a web that spread across the ground, turning the terrain into a conductor. The beasts, driven by instinct, charged into the trap, their coordination turning into their downfall. As they crossed the electrified ground, they faltered and their attacks disrupted.

"This is draining..." He uttered with another drawn out sigh.

This is not only because of his unwanted soul power consumption. Intricate use of martial soul that mimics soul skill usage also places a burden on the soul master's spiritual sea. It is akin to a programmer writing a complex code from scratch while conducting countless precise calculations that plots the image and effect of the envisioned skill. Having a soul ring bypasses this process as it stores the blueprints or codes for the soul skill, enabling the soul master to use these skills as long as they have enough soul power without doing all the hard work themselves.

Ayanokouji with his Spirit Domain level of spiritual power shouldn't be feeling drained after a single or even hundreds of usage of this process. This is simply him complaining for having to spend a dime of effort in the current battle.

The wretched countenances of the ensnared lions painted the terrain, but among them, several figures loomed, letting out a low growl that seemed to disregard the laid out trap.

"I guess..." He muttered, tilting his head up to meet the figures that casted their shadows upon him. "It's not enough to restrain you three."

The three ten-thousand-year old Blazing Demon Lions stood tall. Hot air is expelled from their nostrils, distorting the air. They were the only ones who were able to withstand the electric terrain that had ensnared their lesser kin; speaking volumes to the level of cultivation they had achieved.

Yet despite their imposing figures, Ayanokouji remained indifferent. For regardless of how powerful they are — these beasts, the Blazing Demon Lion King included — he had never considered them to be a threat.

It wasn't arrogance, nor was it confidence either. It was simply an unfortunate fact that he had come to realize throughout his life.

The trio of lions, perhaps sensing Ayanokouji's indifference, simultaneously unleashed a long, drawn out roar, their heads tilting back as if addressing the darkened skies above.

As the lions' roars continued to echo, a dramatic shift occurred. The air itself seemed to tremble, vibrating with flickering embers that rapidly coalesced into a focal point directly overhead.

Ayanokouji could feel the huge amount of energy being gathered by the ten-thousand-year soul beasts and he brimmed with curiosity as he awaited the spectacle that would soon unfold.

A luminous, fiery orb began to materialize, suspended above them like a newly birthed sun. Its radiance grew, fed by the Blazing Demon Lion's essence that bathed the entire area in a golden light, where shadows danced wildly as the light fluctuated with the rise of soul power.

However, amidst its dazzling display, Ayanokouji was still unchanging, his eyes reflecting the bright sun as if it were a mere flicker of candlelight.

Then, with a roar that eclipsed those that came before, the orb began its descent, plummeting towards the ground like a meteor beyond the skies. Its heat scorched the air, leaving trails of hell in its wake. The ensnared Blazing Demon Lions positioned in its path, found themselves helpless, consumed by the merciless blaze that recognized neither ally nor foe, its sole purpose: to annihilate everything before its path.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, his figure illuminated by the fiery orb, casted a long shadow that stretched across the scorched earth. He should have known that despite his indifference, what lay before him was certain death... He should have known, and yet... he didn't move.

He remained frozen in the moment, his eyes boring into the light as if bewitched by its warmth. The sun approaches, his clothes began to turn into ash, his skin now turning red, burns propagating all over his body. It wasn't until it was merely a breath away that he finally awoke from his trance and the space cracked in his hurried attempt to evade.

The miniature sun finally descended upon the earth, leaving nothing but desolation in its wake. If the ring of fire still wasn't considered as hell, then what has been left behind this time definitely was... A hell upon earth.

Mere moments after the calamity, Ayanokouji reappeared with a flash of silver light. It was a location not far from the epicenter of destruction; his appearance a sorry mess.

"Huff... I knew I didn't have much of a choice, but spatial manipulation of this level is still too much for me..." he admitted, pressing a hand against his nose, from which blood trickled — a clear sign of the strain he had endured.

"How laughable..." Despite this unfortunate situation, a part of him wished he could showcase humor in his predicament.

"*sigh* I should fix this habit as soon as possible... It would have been a waste if I had been kicked out of the Ascension Platform and left Ichinose behind then and there..."

It was life and death, that was the picture painted moments earlier. But for Ayanokouji, it was an opportunity to satiate his curiosity, no matter how ludicrous the reason may be.

The Ground-Fire Scarlet Dragons or the Blazing Demon Lions, he wondered whose flames would consume him the quickest.

That was the question that entered his mind when he witnessed the incoming fiery orb. Truly, it was a ludicrous, odd, almost absurd notion. But alas, due to his current circ*mstances, the answer eluded him, leaving him dissatisfied. He mentally noted to return in the foreseeable future, alone, and find out the answer.

"Hahahahaha!" Ichinose's laughter reverberated once more, pulling Ayanokouji's gaze towards her regal form. Her dance with the Blazing Demon Lion King was about to reach its end, and he couldn't help but be amused by the attitude she was displaying.

"... I guess, were a bunch of eccentrics, huh."

Ichinose and the Blazing Demon Lion King charged towards each other, the auras they exude and the expression on their faces was a telltale that this was the deciding blow.

The ground beneath trembled in anticipation, the scorched air itself holding its breath as the two combatants neared, inch by inexorable inch, toward their inevitable collision.

Time seemed to slow, and the world seemed to narrow down to this singular moment, a frozen slice where only Ichinose and the Blazing Demon Lion King existed. Spectators watched, Ayanokouji and the three remaining beasts, whose hearts are caught in their throats.

And then, in the instant before their powers could collide, the unexpected happened. The Blazing Demon Lion King's head, a mere moment away from meeting Ichinose's decisive strike, erupted in a catastrophic explosion of brutality and gore.


That was the only word Ichinose could utter. The suddenness of the act, so brutal and definitive, left only a stunned silence in its wake.

Chapter 20: All-Encompassing Love

Chapter Text

Ichinose's eyes, widened by the unexpected conclusion of her match, reflected pools of red and gross matter. It was an unsettling sight. Yet, despite the spectacle filling her view, her eyes singled on the foreign entity that invaded along with a sharp crackle that sliced through the air.

Lightning? Could it be Ayanokouji-kun?

Swiftly, her focus shifted towards her companion, but instead of meeting his gaze, she noticed that his eyes were directed to the darkened skies above.



The heavens split with a brilliant flash and a piercing screech, compelling Ichinose to look upward.

There, a creature, majestic yet formidable, with feathers aglow with electricity, casted its shadow over those below. The Thunderbird, the fastest and most elusive flying soul beast known to man, now revealed itself as the culprit behind the Blazing Demon Lion King's Demise.

Ichinose, still processing the turn of events, suddenly halted the thoughts running through her head and... a hysteric, almost eerie smile flashed on her face.


The smile vanished as quickly as it had appeared, her hand flying to her mouth in an instinctive bid to censor her reaction.

"That was close," she exhaled, a mix of relief and embarrassment coloring her tone. "I nearly showed another unsightly display."

Glancing towards Ayanokouji, she murmured quietly. "I hope he doesn't think I'm some battle-crazy girl."

The onlookers below, stared upon the invader with a spectrum of emotions. The two young soul masters, a blend of curiosity and caution coloring their expressions, viewed the Thunderbird with keen interest. In stark contrast, the remaining three Blazing Demon Lions glared at the culprit behind their king's demise, their gazes seething with hatred and malice. Their roars, venomous and filled with spite, were directed sharply at the interloper.

In this charged moment, the four soul beasts' attention were locked exclusively on one another, the air thickening with tension. The still burning forest was filled with anticipation, that signaled an imminent clash, and the outcome, seemingly inevitable.

Seizing this opportunity, Ayanokouji and Ichinose swiftly moved to join each other's side.

"Quite a situation we have here, huh?" Ichinose was the first to speak up.

"You're not upset?" He asked.


"That bird interrupted your fight," he clarified. "You seemed really into it, so I figured that you might be upset."

"I-I won't get upset for something like that!" She blurted out, a rush of embarrassment coloring her cheeks.

Ahhh, he saw everything... She inwardly cringed, covering her face with her hands in a futile attempt to vanish. Peeking through her fingers, she hastily added, "Just so you're aware, I'm not usually like that, okay?"


"Ahem. So, what's the plan here?" she asked and forcibly changed the subject. "Run while we can?"


Only to be met with a brief response.

Her gaze lingered on Ayanokouji, studying his expression. His focus was locked on the Thunderbird hovering above them, prompting her to glance between him and the soul beast, her gaze ping-ponging until a spark of understanding lit up her eyes.

Before she could voice out, Ayanokouji turned to her, his expression still the same as always, and declared. "That one," nodding to the Thunderbird with a hint of decisiveness in his barren voice. "That's the one I want."

Fortune smiled upon him on his very first day, presenting him with this elusive creature. He was prepared to compromise for a less fitting choice if his search didn't go smoothly, yet fate seemed to have a different plan in mind. The moment he laid his eyes on the Thunderbird, he had decided that it would become his third soul ring.

Now that he thought about it, this is actually the first stroke of luck he had encountered since entering the academy.

The air vibrated with the rumble of thunder and the furious roars of the lions, signaling an imminent clash between the two forces. Yet, the expected confrontation took an unexpected turn. In a flash, the Thunderbird's form ignited with a brilliant surge of lightning, disappearing with a sharp crack that sliced through the air. It had vanished, leaving the Blazing Demon Lions without a target for their rage and Ayanokouji without a soul ring.

"Eh? Did it just leave?" uttered the bewildered Ichinose.

"Yeah... How lucky..." he dryly said as if to mock his current situation.

"Shouldn't it be the opposite?"

Unaware of his inner thoughts and misled by his monotone voice, Ichinose took his words literally.

"..... I was being ironic," he clarified with a sigh. "Let's go."

With that, Ayanokouji turned to the depths of the forest and led the way, while Ichinose hurriedly followed behind, surprisingly still in the middle of registering his words.

"Oh... Ah, hey, wait up!"


Their departure was abruptly halted by a thunderous rumble underfoot as the Blazing Demon Lions emerged, obstructing their path with menacing snarls. They bared their fangs towards the two, determined to face them in combat.

"What? Are you here to avenge your kin?" Ayanokouji asked and for some reason, there was a bit of color that wasn't previously seen in his voice.

"Your leader's dead, there's no one else left to protect you, nor are there any that you are left to protect. Such an occurrence shouldn't be unusual among your warmongering kind."

As he uttered those words, Ichinose remained still, staring at his back with a newfound curiosity. This side of Ayanokouji is totally unlike her preconceived impressions. One that she imagined to be detached, someone who wouldn't concern himself with others unless forced to, so... It made her wonder, what drove him to confront these soul beasts in such a manner?

The soul beasts, having reached a high level of intelligence from their cultivation, bitterly took in his words.

"Look around," he continued. "This forest has always demanded resilience, adaptation. Survival isn't new to you; it's your way of life. You didn't reach ten-thousand-years of cultivation by clinging to past grudges or lost leaders, but by focusing on staying alive... Why divert from this path now?"

The life of Blazing Demon Lions is that of a never-ending war. From the dawn of their species, their social structure has been rooted in a relentless struggle for dominance among their kings. And for the ordinary kin — like the three Blazing Demon Lions before the two young soul masters — following behind their leaders, and fighting in their wars was their duty, their purpose. For them, life comes and goes, where reaching ten-thousand-years of cultivation is but a pipe dream for most.

It is not uncommon for the leaders of the pride to change every now and then. The reigns of Blazing Demon Lion Kings were eventful, yet ultimately short. In a battle between kings, only one would prevail, and with the defeated's demise, so too will be the fate of its followers. The weak will be culled while those who are lucky enough would be claimed by the victor.

The three lions have witnessed such a scene time and time again, and have survived for this long, reached this level, all because of their strong desire and will to survive.

Yet, his words were neither enough to quell their fury nor deter their intent. Perhaps there was something deeper that drives them, something more distinct, something personal.

"Ha...." with another heavy sigh, Ayanokouji advanced a step, his voice cutting through like a sharp blade. "Come, lower your necks. I shall remove them at once."

In that moment, the atmosphere tightened, even more so than when the Blazing Demon Lion King had first appeared. Ayanokouji, in this very instant, emanated a sinister presence that threatened to swallow the forest and everything within, in its entirety. Ichinose, despite not being the target of this intent, found herself shivering, a cold sweat tracing down her spine.

Submerged in the oppressive force, the three Blazing Demon Lions recoiled in dread; their colors bleeding away from their skin. To them, the young boy had now morphed in an unsightly form, one that demanded only one thing and one thing alone... Death.




A single droplet.

It broke through the canopy and landed softly on the charred earth, its small impact barely noticeable in the heavy air.


Another drop followed, its descent almost hesitant, as if testing the air still heated from the day's conflagrations.


Then another, joining those that came before in a slow, rhythmic cadence that began to fill the silence left between Ayanokouji's words and the lions' restrained growls. The gradual increase in droplets coalesced into a delicate melody of rain, each note a cool caress against the heated remnants of battle and the oppression in the air.

"... It's raining..."

Ichinose opened up her palms, cupping the falling raindrops, watching them gather in her hands before spilling over the edges.

It wasn't a coincidence, but a natural consequence of the heated battlefield they had created.

As it continued to fall, the oppressive air that had thickened around Ayanokouji and the Blazing Demon Lions seemed to dissipate. The dread that had seized them moments before had ebbed away, and their fury seemingly quenched. It was a miraculous shift guided by unseen hands.

Impartial and cleansing, such is the nature of rain. Under its embrace, it was as if the beasts' had finally regained their clarity and the tension that had held them in its grip began to dissolve, leaving a newfound calm in its wake.

One by one, the lions took a step back, their earlier resolve to engage in a fatal confrontation waning. Their eyes, once narrowed in hostility, in fear, now reflected the world around them with a certain tranquility. The forest, their home, spoke to them through the rain, reminding them of the cycles of life and conflict they had witnessed. As the realization took hold, they turned and retreated into the thicker parts of the forest, their forms gradually disappearing amidst the veil of rain and mist.

They had chosen life, heeding the silent counsel offered by the nature they called home.

The rain, falling steadily now, seemed to wash away the remnants of Ayanokouji's oppressive aura along with the soot and ash of battle. His gaze followed the retreating lions for a moment before slowly tilting his head to the sky, allowing the rain to wash over his face.

Ichinose watched him from a distance, her mind swirling with questions she couldn't bring herself to ask. And all she could do was to silently watch her companion, seeking solace under the downpour of rain.

Why did he do that? What was it that made him react like that? What was inside his mind during that moment? It was a brand new experience for him, an unexpected outburst that gave rise to a certain emotion. But what was it? He asked himself: What was it?

It was an emotion born out of a certain desire. The answer.

What is that desire then?

He asked again. But this time, the answer was silence.

What is it?

He asked for the third time.

Ayanokouji Kiyota had always been driven by his own curiosity, but that curiosity was not only directed to the world before him...

The quiet, enigmatic boy who had always kept to his own, occupying a secluded corner of the classroom, the one who was least understood by many and known deeply by none, was in truth... least understood by the boy himself.

Just... What is it?

The question repeated once again, and will probably continue to do so, for a long, long time to come.

The skies, painted hues of deep blue and soft gray, melded together as day transitioned into evening. Around 6 pm, with the rain falling steadily, a serene gloom draped over the horizon, enveloping Ayanokouji and Ichinose as they navigated the forest.

Completely drenched, their clothes clung to their skin, heavy with water, as they moved through the thick foliage, the soft squelch of wet earth echoing with every step they made.

They moved along the path Ichinose suggested. They were silent, with nothing but the rhythmic tapping of raindrops against the leaves accompanying them. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, but rather one that embraces the tranquility of the moment. The moment where the forest seemed to embrace the pair, blending with the dimming light to create a world suspended between day and night. The one they called twilight.

"We're here."

Ichinose's voice, soft yet clear, cut through the rhythmic symphony of rain. With a gentle push, she parted the dense foliage that had veiled their destination from view, stepping forward into an open expanse.

As Ayanokouji emerged into the clearing, he found himself on a flat hilltop surrounded by a sea of tulips and purple hyacinths. Despite the rain, the flowers stood resilient, adding splashes of color to the twilight, transforming the landscape into a vibrant vista against the backdrop of the rain's.

It was a secret garden, created for a single person, undisturbed by the world beyond.

"This is..."

The sight of the flowers, shimmering against the evening sky, seemed to soften the edges of the world, offering a pause from the relentless pace of their adventure.

In the very center of the flowery field, there stood a small wooden cabin, a structure that now seemed to blend with the natural lushness of the surrounding area.

Ichinose watched him for a moment, gauging his reaction to the second scenery she had shown him today.

"Hehe. Come, you wouldn't want to stay in the rain for so long."

With her leading the way, they moved across the field towards the cabin, seeking shelter from the rain.

The wooden door creaked open as Ichinose nudged it forward, stepping into the shadowy interior that contrasted the twilight sky that illuminated the garden. The room was bathed in a muted hue, with only the faint glow from the rain-slicked windows serving to pierce the shadows.

Ayanokouji paused at the door, allowing his eyes to adjust to the dimness within. The air was cool and smelled faintly of wood and the earthiness that rain brings. Meanwhile, Ichinose moved with familiarity and found her way to a lantern resting on a small table near the entrance.

With a practiced hand, she struck a match that was also on the table, bringing a small flame to life before touching it to the wick. The lantern flickered hesitantly at first, then steadied, casting a warm, inviting light that slowly began to fill the space.

The inside was simple, but filled with rustic charm. There were only a few pieces of furniture, and some shelves lined up, filled with an assortment of items that could only be described as an amalgamation of sorts.

"Hm, much better." Ichinose said, a hint of pride in her voice as she looked over to Ayanokouji. "We can stay here for the night."

As Ichinose busied herself with lighting a few more lamps to brighten the room further, Ayanokouji took a moment to explore, his gaze drifting over the simple possessions that made the space feel lived-in, even in its current emptiness.

Outside, the rain continued its steady descent, the sound of it a constant backdrop to the stillness of the moment. The rhythmic tapping against the windows melded with the faint creaks of the wooden structure, a blend of music that Ayanokouji quietly took in, gaining fondness to the simplicity it brought.

"Ooh, lucky!" Ichinose suddenly exclaimed. "I'm glad we still have some firewood left."

She placed the dry firewood she collected inside an old-fashioned stove and set about building a small fire.

Ayanokouji watched her work, the light from the flames dancing across the walls reflected in his eyes. It gave a wave of warmth that dispelled the cold that clung into their bodies, providing them the comfort they needed.

"I never expected that there would be a place like this inside the Ascension Platform," he said as he inched closer to the flame.

"It's what you would call a safe zone, in a sense. Though it wasn't here at first..." her voice trailed off.

"Are those flowers the same as well?"

"... Perhaps."

A soft smile graced her lips, but for some reason, Ayanokouji sensed a certain emotion mixed in along the curves of her lips. A sentiment she seemed to hold close.

"I see."

There was something he was curious about, but decided to let it go and simply accept Ichinose's words.

"Ah! We have to change our clothes or we'll totally get sick."

Realizing their clothes were still soaked through, Ichinose clumsily stood up and scampered to a certain cabinet that apparently held her stash of clothing.

Can we even get sick in this simulated environment? The thought briefly crossed Ayanokouji's mind as he watched Ichinose rummage through her belongings.

She whimsically picked a comfortable set, her movements carefree but practical. Slowly, she removed her soaked jacket and began lifting up her shirt when her gaze inadvertently met Ayanokouji's.

Ichinose's hands paused, clutching the hem of her shirt in a suspended motion. The two of them appeared locked in the moment, neither one willing nor able to move their eyes away.

"U-um, you'll have to... not look a bit," she stammered, her cheeks coloring with the request.

"Oh... yeah. I'm sorry."

His response was dry, betraying no hint of embarrassment as he turned his face towards the fire.

It was simply one thing after another, so many had happened that it wasn't until Ichinose found herself in the midst of serenity, in the quiet of the wooden cabin, that the full weight of their situation dawned on her.

Alone, with a boy her age, both soaked from the rain and seeking refuge in a secluded place. This realization made her cheeks burn even hotter, her embarrassment taking over as she cringed at her earlier carefree actions.

Without wasting a second longer, she hurried to change into the dry clothes, all the while keenly aware of Ayanokouji's presence despite the other person having turned his back away.

A weary sigh escaped her lips as she finished changing, but when she glanced at Ayanokouji's back, she faced another dilemma.

I don't have boy's clothes here... she mused.

Searching for a solution, her eyes landed on a towel, neatly folded on a shelf. It wasn't much, but it was the best she could offer under the circ*mstances. Fortunately, it appeared to be large enough to cover the entirety of Ayanokouji's body.

"Here," she said, tossing the towel to him.

He effortlessly caught the towel despite his back turned. "Thanks," he replied, his tone still as even as ever, as if the earlier moment of awkwardness hadn't fazed him — or at least, he wasn't showing it.

"I-I'm done, so you can turn around now."

Ayanokouji turned to find her now comfortably dressed in dry clothes, a stark contrast to the soaked garments they had both endured.

She stood somewhat self-consciously as she took in his stare, a faint blush still evident on her cheeks, yet there was an unmistakable sense of ease about her now that she was in dry attire.

Then all of a sudden, Ichinose's blush deepened in color as Ayanokouji took off his shirt without warning, prompting Ichinose's mouth wide agape, trembling all the while.

"W-what are you doing!?"

"Huh?" Ayanokouji's response was one of genuine confusion, as if the act of changing out of his wet clothes was the most natural step to take.

Realization dawned on Ichinose after a heartbeat of stunned silence. Understanding his intent but still flustered by the abruptness of his action, she stammered out, "W-warn me next time! Geez," her words a mix of admonishment and embarrassment as she quickly turned her back to him, her hands flying up to cup her heated face.

Moments later, the two now sat in front of the fireplace, their wet clothes hanging on a makeshift plank directly above to dry.

They were silent for a while, their eyes focusing on the crackling embers dancing in the air.

"So," Ichinose's voice broke the silence. "What are you going to do now?"

Her question appeared common, but Ayanokouji was aware of what she was implying.

"I can tell its general direction at the very least."


"My affinity with the lightning element is quite decent, I would say. So, though faint, I could feel the strong elemental fluctuations that the Thunderbird emanates."

"Decent, you say? Heee~" she trailed off, her eyes narrowing as she eyed him with skepticism. "It's just us here you know, there's no need to be reserved... I know an Ultimate element when I see one."

".... I wasn't trying to. That was simply my genuine assessment."

"That's quite a high standard then."

"Is it?"

"Yep. Though, I don't think it matters much."

In the glow of firelight, with the rain's echo a mere backdrop, their conversation continued as they passed the time, weaving between playful jests and genuine insights, though one-sided they may appear.


"What is it this time?"

"I just remembered," said Ichinose, her eyes widening as she quickly extended her palms out in front of her. In the blink of an eye, a familiar silver light flashed on her hands, and in the next moment, a small creature materialized within her grasp.

"That's... the Truffle rabbit from earlier."

"Yep! Ahh, I completely forgot about him due to all that's happened," she turned to Ayanokouji, an animated glint in her eyes. "Wanna taste it now?"

Ayanokouji examined the small creature, intrigued. "I'm indeed curious to how it tastes."

"Great! But... how do we go about preparing it? I haven't actually cooked here before. We don't have any ingredients or kitchen tools..."

Their eyes met, sharing a moment of contemplation, before simultaneously drifting to the fire that crackled warmly before them. The inviting flames, with their gentle pops and sizzles, seemed to offer a silent suggestion, telling them to stop thinking and just do it.

""Yeah, this will do."" The two said at the same time.

... ...

... ...

... ...

"Mm Hrnggh~"

Ichinose stretched lazily, her movements unfolding with a sense of relief after sitting cross-legged for an extended period of time.

The Truffle Rabbit, now cleaned and carefully skewered, turned slowly over the flames, its exterior gradually taking on a golden hue as it cooked.

As the scent of cooking meat began to fill the space, a subtle change occurred outside. The relentless patter of rain against the cabin's roof and windows started to wane, the once steady downpour softening to a gentle drizzle. Moments later, it ceased altogether, leaving a serene silence in its wake. Leaving only sounds of the crackling of fire and the occasional drip of water from the eaves.

Ayanokouji, drawn by the sudden quiet, approached the window and peered outside.

"The rain had stopped," he remarked.

Ichinose, seemingly absorbed in the slow cooking of the rabbit, had also just noticed the change. "Oh, you're right," she said, looking out the window from her position. "You can go outside if you want," she suggested. "I'll keep an eye on the food."


Ayanokouji stepped outside the cabin, and was greeted by the cold post-rain breeze that contrasted the cabin's warmth. The ground underfoot felt soft and the earth saturated with moisture caved slightly with each step.


Grasping the edges of the robe he had draped around himself, Ayanokouji took a deep, deliberate breath. The air felt refreshingly pure, almost tangibly so, filled with the earthy scent of rain-soaked soil and the faint, lingering aroma of petrichor.

Around him, the garden revived under the aftermath of the shower, each leaf and flower petal glistening with droplets that caught the moonlight, turning them into shimmering jewels.

As he scanned the field of flowers, a certain thought entered his mind.

"Tulips and purple hyacinths..."

He walked through the field of flowers, his steps purposeful and slow, allowing the moment to fully envelop him. He extended a hand, his fingertips grazing the tops of the flowers as he moved among them.

With every touch, droplets of water, left behind by the rain, were dislodged from the petals and leaves, cascading in tiny, sparkling showers. They caught the moonlight, flickering briefly in the night air, before they kissed the ground.

With every touch, was a whisper, a silent communication with the natural world that surrounded him.

"Tulips and purple hyacinths..."

He repeated those words again, his features indiscernible.

Halting his steps, he raised the hand that had grazed the field, slowly, deliberately. Bathed by the flowers' tears, his hand glistened and shone under the moonlight as he raised it between himself and the moon.

"...Who are you apologizing to, Ichinose?"


Finding a spot near the edge of the hill, Ayanokouji settled onto the damp grass, allowing himself to be fully present in the moment. He gazed out towards the horizon, his eyes lost in the vastness before him, as he savored the night's cool refreshing breeze against his skin.

The passage of time had become a blur to him, absentminded as he was, until Ichinose's voice softly pierced through his solitude, bringing him back to the present.

"So this is where you've been."


As he turned towards her, his view was unexpectedly filled not with her familiar face but with the sight of half of the skewered rabbit she held out to his face.

"Here," she said, nudging it forcefully against his cheek.

"Please, stop that."


He finally took the skewer from Ichinose's hand and examined it with interest. It was cooked to golden brown with some burnt sides here and there. It has a distinct earthy aroma that is warm and slightly musky, yet underscored by a savory depth that mingled with the smokiness imparted by the open flame.

"Mmm" Ichinose hummed in delight as she settled beside Ayanokouji, her cheeks bulging slightly with her first savory bite. She appeared to be totally relishing the moment as if to announce the deliciousness of the delicacy on her hand.

Not wanting to be left out, Ayanokouji too decided to take a bite of his meal.

"..... It's delicious."


While it was undoubtedly tasty, he did still feel somewhat disappointed. He expected more from something that is considered a delicacy. But then again, considering that they simply roasted it over a flame, it might have been too early to judge.

Under the moonlit night, Ayanokouji and Ichinose continued to enjoy their meal, the silence between them filled with light, mundane chatter. They spoke of trivial things — of the things they've done, the school, the earlier encounters, it was peaceful.

Finishing her meal, Ichinose stretched languidly, a soft moan of contentment escaping her lips as she gracefully reclined on the soft bed of grass, laying back to take in the vast, starry sky above.

Ayanokouji watched her for a moment, intrigued in the genuine ease and happiness that radiated from her. He decided to do the same and laid down beside her, wondering if she could infect him with those as well.

Under the watchful gaze of the stars, they lay in silence, each lost in their thoughts, enveloped in the cool night air.

"The stars... They're very pretty..."

As she said that, the sheer beauty of the natural world around them felt magnified.

"Yeah. It's almost impossible to come across this kind of view in a city."

In this simulated world, lay a nature untouched by human hands, where the beauty of the night sky could be appreciated in its rawest form, untainted by the glow of city lights or the haze of pollution. Here, the stars shone with an intensity that was both awe-inspiring and humbling, a brilliant thread woven across the vastness of the dark sky.

" A city huh," Ichinose mused. "Hey, Ayanokouji-kun... what's a city like?"


"Um... Ehehe, was it a weird question?" Her laughter, soft and light, floated in the air as if to cover her embarrassment.
"I... I've never been to a city before so," she trailed off, there was a slight hesitation in her voice but she continued. "I kinda want to know what the real one is like..."

As Ayanokouji took in her words, he recalled Ichinose's words from when they first entered this simulated world.

'But even so, it is what we can reach...'

It was a sentiment that he shared. A regret and a wish. For the longest time, he had remained in that place, unchanging, unmoving, unliving. All he had were the pages of the books, the ones fortunate enough to be treated as inconsequential. Those were his only possessions — vivid tales, landscapes captured in words, the essence of life distilled into ink and paper. He had lost count of how many times he had read those lines, dreaming them all the while. In that dream, he would bring those written words to life, to experience the wonder they held, for that is what he can reach.

But it was futile in the end, no matter how much he tried, he was never able to imagine himself within those pages. He was still unfeeling. He thought, perhaps, it was because it was a dream... Maybe if it were the real thing then he would be able to truly experience all of what was written.

Several months had gone by since he had left that place... Was he able to experience it? Earlier, he tried pushing himself through forging, hoping that it would elicit a change in him, no matter the shape or form. But it didn't. His outburst against the Blazing Demon Lions was not a change but rather a discovery of a desire that he didn't know existed, one that had always had been with him, he just didn't realize.

He wanted to witness the real thing, that is the reason why he left. But thinking about it now, perhaps he is still in the middle of that dream.

And the same is the case for her as well.

"I only stayed for a brief while, so I doubt I could properly answer your question."

"That's more than enough."

Ayanokouji paused, gathering his thoughts. Thinking of how he should encapsulate what he had seen to her.

"Well, for starters, there's a lot of people and buildings."

"Pfft," her sweet laughter escaped her lips. "I can tell that much."

".....It's bustling, to the point that this academy cannot compare," he continued. "Each one going about their days differently, some amble leisurely, while others rush by with a purpose. I remember my eyes following one particular man who walked briskly along the sidewalk. He was evidently in a hurry, bumping pedestrians as he walked by. He kept looking at his watch every few seconds, as if to emphasize the importance of every moment."

"He's probably late, huh."

"I thought so as well, but..."

"But?" Ichinose prompted, leaning in.

"Further ahead, a pregnant lady, carrying bags of groceries, bumped into someone and loosened her grip over her items. Its contents spilled out of the bags and scattered all over the sidewalk. She became flustered, and hurriedly knelt, picking up her fallen groceries one by one. Of course, due to her own condition, her movements were the farthest from a hurry. It was a busy morning, where workers, students and pedestrians went about their way towards their own destinations. They were all around her, and yet, none of them stopped to offer any help. There were some who threw her a glance, but a glance is all they did. Perhaps they thought about helping her, but there's no point in thinking about it."

"And what happened next? Did no one really try to help that pregnant lady?"

"There is one. That man who was in a hurry, stopped looking at his watch and knelt in front of her. One by one, he grabbed the scattered items, placing them on the bags until all was accounted for."

"That's unexpected."

"It is," he agreed. "The one, who, from his earlier actions, appeared to be indifferent and self-absorbed, ended up being the only one willing to help and assist the pregnant lady.

"A city is where people gather, where individual's objectives and lifestyles converge and diverge. And where this crowd gathers, personal connections can become quite superficial, and moments of individual struggle can go unnoticed or be ignored. But even though cities might foster a sense of disconnection among their inhabitants, they also offer moments for meaningful interactions and acts of kindness. At least, that's what I think."

Ichinose listened, absorbing the narrative he had presented. "It's quite complex, huh... but I think it's beautiful."

"What makes you say that?"

Instead of responding, she gently pushed herself up from the grass, standing slowly as she took a moment to stretch before making her way towards the hill's edge. Pausing at the precipice, she turned back to face him with the vast, starlit sky behind her serving as her backdrop.

"Isn't it?" she began, a smile blooming on her lips. "In that bustling crowd, every person carries their own story, their own struggles and dreams. And amidst the chaos, there are moments of kindness... Yet, there's also indifference and selfishness, but I find that beautiful as well!" Her eyes sparkled, her smile broadening as she opened her arms wide. "It's the contrasts, the diversity of human nature, that I find utterly captivating. And I love them all for it!"

"Love, huh..." Ayanokouji mused, trying to understand Ichinose's views. Sitting up, he continued. "Then, in a different scenario in which the pregnant lady's fall caused some complications, she clutched her womb, her face clearly in pain and there was blood dripping down her legs. Meanwhile, the reactions of the people around her are still the same as before, unbothered, uncaring."

He paused, letting his words hung in the air. "Would you still find it captivating? Would you still love them regardless?"

"Yes," Ichinose replied without hesitation, her conviction clear. "I might scold them, condemn their indifference, berate them for their selfishness, but I would not stop loving them... For every facet of human nature, there exists a good and a bad. One aspect may seem to dominate, and sometimes it flips depending on the time and perspective. It's this ever-changing dynamic, the capacity for both greatness and folly within each person, that is so endlessly fascinating and, in its own way, beautiful."

"Just because they have done something bad, doesn't mean that I should not love them."

What is considered good could be bad in another person's eyes, what was good a hundred years ago, could be considered bad in today's time. And since there is no objective good or bad, all will be loved by her.

An all-encompassing love.

"I see... How cruel."

"You think so?" Ichinose's laughter, light and melodious, filled the air, the moon casting her in its soft glow like a star on a stage.

"But that is who I am — Ichinose Honami."

Chapter 21: Prelude to The Beginning and The End

Chapter Text

Screams resonated with the crackling of flames, like lyrics to the song that heralded the end.

When I opened my weary old eyes, the temple had already fallen, and chaos ruled what once was a sanctuary of peace. I began to walk, my bones trembling with each step. With every step, I would pass a soul who had breathed their last. With every step, I would pass a brother who had drank with me on pleasant nights.

The comforting scent of incense that used to swirl gently through the halls of Tianfeng was now replaced with the scent of ash and lost lives.

Everyone is gone...

"Why? What did we do to deserve this?"

No one answered my question except the low tremble of the ground I stood on. The beast had marked me — the final soul.

It approached, but I did nothing. To cling to life at this point is futile. "Quickly, take me," I implored. So that I could join my brothers on the other side.

Its massive shadow loomed before me, an amalgamation of creatures that appeared to be a rebellion to life itself. But as I gazed upon its being, a certain word surfaced in my mind and I cursed myself for thinking such a thing — Just how could a creature be so dreadful, yet appear so beautiful...

Its long pristine hands grabbed and lifted me up towards my inevitable end. Its mouth opened wide, an endless abyss that pulled me closer, consuming my entire existence.

I closed my eyes, accepting the end... But all of a sudden, a bright light teased at the edges of my eyelids. What's causing this? I asked myself. For the last time, I fluttered my eyes open and gazed at the world I'm about to leave behind.

What I saw then was white, endless white... White flames, pure and untainted. For some reason, despite this being the last moment I will experience, it gave me warmth, a soothing embrace that reminded me of a mother's touch.

Ahh, my brothers, forgive me... To find solace in such a serene end amidst our shared tragedy... forgive me for holding onto this final grace.

White, an endless white enveloped my vision. A sea of white flames that spoke of the beginning... and sought its end.

Opening my eyes, I was greeted by a sky painted in hues of pink and gold. The refreshing morning breeze, coupled with the warm glow of the rising sun brushed against my skin, stirring an unexplained sense of comfort within me... This wasn't the first time, so why did this familiarity tug so deeply at my heart?

Slowly, my hand rose to my face, fingers lightly tracing the contours of my skin before pausing at my eyes.


I realized I was crying again, though this time, it was slightly different... White flames, I vividly remember being surrounded by an endless sea of white. It's the first time I've encountered such a dream... What does it mean and why only now?

I shifted in wonder and with every little movement my body made, the gentle, moist sound of the dew-kissed grass would fill my ears. I finally remembered where I was. So, I fell asleep outside, huh.

Stirring to my feet, I scanned my surroundings and spotted Ayanokouji-kun a short distance away. He had already changed back to his clothes, his gaze lingering on the vast sea of trees below.

I approached him, my steps light on the wet grass. Every step felt cold, making me remember that I've been barefoot this entire time. As I moved, the morning breeze swept through my disheveled hair, playing through the strands, unraveling every tangle, as if the wind itself was my comb.

"What's with the long face?" I greeted.


I'm pretty sure he heard my words, but he still didn't bat me an eye, his attention remaining locked in the distance.

Narrowing my eyes, I followed his gaze and put on the blankest face I could muster — copying him. What could he possibly be thinking right now?

Let's see, there's trees, some mountains in the distance, clear skies, some soul beasts flying overhead... Yep, nothing out of the ordinary. Ayanokouji-kun, if you want some good view, just move your stiff neck to the left and see the sun rise. What's so interesting about trees?

I wanted to tell him that out loud.



"It's nearby," he suddenly said.

For a moment there, I thought that he had gone mute. I'm glad that some words finally came out from his mouth but... there it is again.

His short words that leave you scrambling to understand the meaning. He's always done that before, even when we had our short interactions. It was hard at first, but now, I've already become a master in deciphering the Ayanokouji language. Hmph! Don't underestimate me!

"Should we go after it now?"

There was no mistaking it — he was referring to the Thunderbird we had encountered earlier. And you didn't have to be a genius to tell that it's in the direction he'd been facing all this while.

"You can stay here if you want."

"No way! I wanna watch!"

There's no way I'd miss out on the action, especially Ayanokouji-kun's.

"All right. Stay close."

With those words, he took a step towards the edge of the hill and leaped off. I was about to do the same and follow him when I realized.

"Ah. I don't have shoes on..."

... ...

... ...

Inside the forest, we moved along a path at a regular pace. It felt like a normal morning stroll, if you could ignore the fact that we were on a hunt for a Thunderbird. In the first place, this is the main reason why I came here — for a stroll. Feeling the variety of nature around me, with wildlife moving along is something that I cannot experience outside this platform.

It's a refreshing experience. I wonder if Ayanokouji-kun felt the same as well...

As we progressed, my thoughts wandered back to the dream of white flames. It started off similar to all the other cases, but the end was such a stark contrast to all I've seen so far. Why did it feel so significant, why now... and why do those flames remind me of someone?

My pondering were interrupted when Ayanokouji-kun abruptly stopped, causing me to bump unceremoniously into his back.


Instinctively, I brought a hand to my nose, wincing from the collision. His back is so hard, are they made of steel?

When I glanced at Ayanokouji-kun's face, his attention appeared to be captured by something ahead.

"Are we close?" I asked.

I followed his gaze, trying to see what he saw, but to me, it was just more trees and shadows. Though, when I tried to focus deeper, I could faintly feel fluctuations of soul power directly ahead of us.

"It's right ahead," he replied, confirming my observations.

When we resumed our walk, I half-expected us to move more cautiously, but Ayanokouji-kun didn't seem to have any intention of doing that, and we walked as if we're not about to confront a powerful soul beast. It seems not having a sense of danger is something that we have in common.

Eventually, we emerged into a clearing, and there it was — the Thunderbird. Now that I can see it much closer, it sure looks amazing. It's about as tall as me and its blue and silver feathers feels like they would be soft to touch, though I think I'd probably be zapped if I get too close to it.

The creature looked amazing, yes, but its surroundings... not so much. Corpses littered the ground, their heads terrorized beyond recognition. It was disturbing and brutal. I guess the detail about Thunderbirds favorite meal being the brain is true after all.

Engrossed in its breakfast, the Thunderbird tore through the skull of another victim with precision, emitting soft coos that seemed to express the pleasure of having a delicious meal...

I've never eaten a brain before... But are they really that delicious? I should ask Mama Enma the next time she visits.

"I've tasted some. It's quite tasty," Ayanokouji-kun said.

"..... Can you read minds?"

"It's written all over your face."

"Oh," I laughed nervously, slightly embarrassed that my thoughts had been seen through.

As we stood there, watching the Thunderbird enjoy its meal, a part of me couldn't help but compare it to the dreams that continued to pervade in my sleep. Prey, running around, screaming, searching for safety, while the beast continued to destroy and consume. Picking them off one by one...

Shaking my head, I turned away from the scene and glanced at Ayanokouji-kun. He observed the Thunderbird, the same as he had always done.

His perpetually calm and analytical gaze that draws you in, never failed to send a chill down my spine. It's as if those eyes can see through everything, peeling every layer of your existence until you're left utterly exposed and extracted for all you're worth...So, I couldn't help but wonder, how do I appear within those eyes?

"Do you think it knows we're here?" I whispered.

He nodded slightly. "Most likely. But it seems we're not considered a threat... or interesting enough to interrupt its meal."

Now that just pisses me off, who the hell does that bird think it is?

Judging from its soul power fluctuations, it should have no more than 5,000 years of cultivation. While it can be argued that a 1,000 year level Thunderbird is as strong as a 10,000 year level soul beast of other species, I can tell that it's still considerably weaker than the Blazing Demon Lion King from before.

My fists clenched instinctively, my heels digging into the ground as my body prepared to pummel the conceited bird to the ground. I was only able to stop myself when Ayanokouji-kun finally took a step forward, moving his way to the Thunderbird.

"Right. Calm down, Honami, this isn't your fight," I reminded myself, exhaling slowly to ease my nerves.

Ayanokouji-kun's steps were slow and deliberate as if he didn't come here for a hunt. Instead, there is this sense of authority that pervades the air, one that oozes dominance and demands absolute obedience.

Feeling this shift, my pulse quickened, the prickling heat spreading through my body like venom. The familiar yet unsettling sensation was awakening once more.

It had been some time since I last experienced this rush, this raw impulse to lash out, especially since becoming accustomed to Ayanokouji-kun's presence. But there it is again, the primal urge to destroy, to harm the boy in front of me.

It is fortunate that I can still control myself but... why now? Does it have to do with the shift in Ayanokouji-kun's aura?

Sensing the change in the atmosphere, the Thunderbird paused its feast and turned its intense gaze towards Ayanokouji-kun. Angered by the interruption, it unleashed a piercing scream, the sound's acute sharpness invading my ears before I could muster a reaction to shield them.

The bird's cries persisted, a relentless assault that bore through my attempts to block them out. It feels like my ears are being peeled off. You're a Thunderbird, right? Stop screaming and use lightning or something. I internally complained as I grimaced through the pain.

While I found myself enduring the grating voice of the arrogant bird, Ayanokouji-kun seemed entirely unfazed. I swear, even if the world were to be destroyed tomorrow, he still wouldn't so much as blink.

As he slowly closed the distance between himself and the Thunderbird, something astonishing happened. The proud bird began to alter its demeanor in a manner so dramatic it was almost theatrical. It finally stopped its piercing screech giving me the relief I desperately wanted but I didn't have the time to relish the moment as my entire attention was drawn into the scene unfolding before my very eyes.

Fascination forced me to take in every detail, not missing a single beat. At first, the Thunderbird's intense gaze flickered with uncertainty, its piercing eyes dilating as waves of confusion washed over them. Then, as Ayanokouji-kun took another step forward, a visible shudder coursed through the bird's massive frame, feathers ruffling as if caught in an unseen storm.

The closer he got, the more pronounced the Thunderbird's fear became. It was as if it had glimpsed something utterly terrifying within the calm, unassuming figure of Ayanokouji-kun. The wings it was so proud of, now folded against its body in a clear sign of submission. Its claws, clenched and unclenched nervously on the ground, scraping against the earth in a desperate search for security that was no longer there.

By the time Ayanokouji-kun was a mere ten steps away, the Thunderbird had completely transformed. Its body trembled uncontrollably, every feather quivering with the tangible fear that radiated off it. Its eyes, once fierce and challenging, were now wide and filled with a primal terror. It looked everywhere but at Ayanokouji-kun, as if even the sight of him was too much to bear.

And then, in a display that was almost heartbreaking to witness, the Thunderbird lowered its great head to the ground. Slowly, almost reluctantly, it prostrated itself fully, sprawling on the dirt before him like a subject before a king.

The Thunderbird had completely surrendered without a fight.

From where I stood, I could only stare in disbelief. Here was the Thunderbird, mighty and proud, laying itself low before Ayanokouji-kun with a deference that was both profound and bewildering.

I recognize this scene. This is not because he possesses an Ultimate Element, no, it is not his martial soul. This power... to evoke such fear and respect from a being as formidable as a Thunderbird could only mean one thing...

Ayanokouji-kun, having reached the Thunderbird's side, paused and the world came to a standstill. Then, with a gentle, almost reverent motion, he extended his hand towards the soul beast. As I witnessed this, it was as if there was a moment, a heartbeat of time, where everything seemed to hold its breath, till his fingers made contact with the soul beast's feathers.

In that instant, the Thunderbird's demeanor transformed once again, previously it was fear, but now, it is nothing but extreme jubilation. Its entire being vibrated with unmistakable joy, a stark contrast to the terror that had consumed it moments before. Its feathers shimmered with an ethereal glow, eyes sparkling with a light that reflected not just happiness, but a profound liberation — The joy of being acknowledged.

It let out a cry, joyous and filled with triumph. Then, before my very eyes, the Thunderbird's entire body glowed in a soft light, and slowly, its body began to fade. Tendrils of energy stretched out, taking away its form and coalescing it into a ring — a purple soul ring.

"This is... sacrifice!"

There are three ways to acquire a soul ring: First is to kill a soul beast and the second is to make a contract. The first one is the traditional method back when soul beasts still have yet to go extinct while the second one is the method that is commonly used today. The ascension platform simplifies it so that in action you are performing the first method while in reality it is the second method. The contract had already been established for all the artificial soul beasts within the platform and all that's left is for the soul master to complete the process by absorbing the soul ring.

The advantage of the second method is it grants you multiple soul rings according to rank. 2 rings for yellow, 3 for purple and so on.

But there is one last method that is rarely seen — the third method: Sacrifice. It is the act of a soul beast willingly becoming the soul ring of a soul master. It is rare since it is only natural for soul beasts to harbor ill will towards its killer. This ill will is the hurdle that soul masters have to overcome on top of stabilizing the ring's dense energy during the absorption process.

While it is still present when establishing contracts, back when the traditional method was still common, there had been cases in which the soul master loses their life while absorbing a soul ring due to them succumbing to the residual will of the soul beast.

Sacrifice eliminates this hurdle entirely. It represents the highest form of unity between a soul beast and a soul master and is guaranteed to succeed and produce an incredibly powerful soul skill!

As the soul ring hovered in front of Ayanokouji-kun, an involuntary gulp escaped me, a wave of anticipation surging through my veins. I wonder what kind of soul skill he will get? I can't wait to find out.

Just as I was about to approach him, a peculiar sensation from afar stopped me in my tracks. By pure reflex action, I turned towards the source of this feeling, my gaze narrowing as I tried to figure out what was going on.

"This is..."

"Ichinose," Ayanokouji-kun cut through my focus, drawing my attention back to him. When our eyes met, there was this unspoken feeling that resonated between us. An understanding beyond the need for words.

"I'll leave it to you," he declared, settling into a cross-legged position right where he stood. He had now begun the absorption process.

Watching him close his eyes, a chuckle escaped my lips without my intention. Those words... I had uttered them to him just a while ago.

I guess, it's time I return the favor.

I turned towards the depths of the forest and stood my ground. Ayanokouji-kun's words (trust) echoed in my mind once again and I couldn't suppress the smile that spread across my face.

The ground began to tremble, imperceptibly at first, then it got stronger and stronger, until the pebbles started dancing in the air.

"Looks like we have a lot of visitors."

Ahh, what should I do? This is the first time I'm facing such a huge number of enemies. Am I excited? Yes but there is a slight nervous energy that I couldn't quite shake off. It wasn't fear, not exactly. It was more like the thrill that precedes an untrodden path. The kind that makes your heart race and your skin tingle with the sheer anticipation of what's to come.

The sound is getting louder and louder. As I waited, my fingers began twitching, each movement cracking the joints one after another. It was a habit of mine, this fidgeting, especially in moments like this when my excitement is at its peak.

In the following moment, just as I had anticipated, a shadow popped out from the depths of the forest.

I didn't even bother to get a closer look at it as I instantly brandished my arm and swung it with as much force as I could towards the newcomer.


The impact of my fist against the first soul beast sent it flying back into the forest with such force like a baseball hit by a bat.

"Hah, that's a home run!"

As the beast disappeared into the thicket, more shadows appeared, one, two, three... thirteen all at once, from every direction.

I didn't waste anymore time and immediately ignited my black soul ring.

Third soul skill — Five-Tailed Qilin.

As soon as I completed my transformation, I surged forward, darting towards each soul beast in turn. Five-colored aura manifested around me and every element burst out each time in quick succession as I dealt every beast in a single blow.

It only took me ten seconds to remove them all, but without even sparing me a moment of respite, another group sprang forth, this time more numerous than before.

It's a swarm of soul beasts. And they only have one target — Ayanokouji-kun.

Why are they doing this? Well, this is only a speculation, but it definitely has something to do with that arrogant bird!

During its time in the forest it probably roamed around feeding at every chance it gets, targeting one soul beast after another, taking only their brains and nothing else. Its indiscriminate feasting must have provoked the ire of the majority of the soul beasts, but because of the Thunderbird's speed, they couldn't even so much as take their revenge even if they wanted to.

But that changed when the Thunderbird met Ayanokouji-kun and performed a sacrifice. The soul beasts sensed the newfound vulnerability in the hateful Thunderbird and judged that it is finally the time to enact their sweet revenge and rushed towards us.

And because of the perfect unity between the soul master and the soul beast as a result of sacrifice, they have mistaken Ayanokouji-kun for the Thunderbird and are directing all of their pent-up anger towards him.

"Hah, bring it on! I won't let any of you touch even a single hair of him!"

Brimming with determination, I held my position and confronted the approaching beasts.

But, oh man... this is endless. As soon as I felled a single beast, two more would take its place. If this keeps up, I would be completely overrun and they would reach Ayanokouji-kun.

Hrrng. I don't really wanna do this but... "f*cki-chan, please help me out!"

My black soul ring shimmered from my call and then a creature emerged from its depths — A majestic deer-like being adorned with shimmering scales and five tails that looked exactly like mine. She galloped in the air like a deity, exuding the grace and strength she is so proud of, taking the attention of all the soul beasts in the area.

f*cki-chan, eyed me sternly, annoyed for being summoned out of the blue. But she seemed to have understood the situation and didn't linger, leaving with a snort that seemed to say, 'Very well, but we shall talk about this later' and lept into action.

f*cki-chan moved with a grace that belied her size, intercepting the closest soul beasts with her unmatched elemental manipulation. Despite her earlier complaints, she still fought with a loyalty and ferocity that filled me with pride. She's such a tsundere.

While she dispatched the beasts coming from the other side, I didn't stand idle and did my job on this side as well.

In the midst of all this Ayanokouji-kun sat peacefully at the center, completely unbothered by the chaos. Good, let's keep it that way.

Thankfully, they are just a couple of thousand and hundred year old soul beasts, so they are still manageable despite their numbers. If a ten-thousand-year old soul beast were to appear now, things would get messy real quick.

As if a mockery to my thoughts, a deep, menacing roar echoed from the depths of the forest. In the next moment, a massive figure emerged and charged straight at me. The sequence right after was a blur; in the blink of an eye, its massive claw had struck, hurtling me through the air. I crashed into the trees, each impact breaking branches and trunks alike, sending me further and further away from Ayanokouji-kun.

Numbness spread through my limbs, and a sharp pain suggested my right arm might be broken. I'm very confident in my toughness, but to think that I would sustain this much damage after a single strike is a shock.

After smashing to the final tree, the force has significantly diminished and I can move freely again. Lifting my head, I surveyed my surroundings, only to realize I had been thrown clear across to the forest's opposite side.

"Damn it. f*cki-chan won't be able to handle them all by herself. They'll reach Ayanokouji-kun before I can return."

I've thought of several ways to return as fast as I can, but even with my top speed it might be too late... I have no other choice.

Taking a deep breath, I mustered up my resolve. "All right, let's do this properly, Honami."

I took my stance, closed my eyes and felt my blood flow. A burning sensation filled me as my blood essence trembled.

"Let's go with two for now."

In response, my ten-thousand-year soul ring, alongside one of my thousand-year soul rings, ignited in a dazzling display of light. Their brilliance intertwined as the air vibrated, trembling from the intense energy caused by their convergence.


I think... What I'm going to do is something that I will later regret. I've known this for quite a while... The source of my animosity towards Ayanokouji-kun, it stemmed from the origin of my existence. The real me.

I've always wondered what it was that ties us together, that ties me to him. The phenomenon earlier finally cleared things for me.

The two of us... are each other's destiny (end).

As I fluttered my eyes open, a silent plea escaped my lips. A wish. A prayer.

"I hope hatred won't consume me."


Now that I think of it. This is actually the first time I've sat down to cultivate since coming to this school.

I never really found the reason to because the progression of my soul power is much faster than what is considered normal for my age. Though I know that this speed of progression is merely temporary and will then return to its original state, the same as everybody else's... This is merely a fortunate, or perhaps unfortunate consequence of my circ*mstances.

'Cowards.' I remember the doctor who put me in this state, mutter that word under her breath.

I had some ideas on why she said that... but I doubt any of those are what she actually meant.

Peering deeply into my sea of consciousness, I could sense the Thunderbird's essence merging with my own. It's almost complete and the Thunderbird's spirit seemed to have started to become accustomed to its new home.

Soul Rings acquired from Ascension Platforms are man-made and thus already have a contract imposed upon them. When soul beasts perish, their souls would dissipate, leaving an essence that would transform into a soul ring. But when they are under a contract, their souls would remain intact and will be integrated into the soul ring.

In simpler terms, instead of dying, the soul beasts under contract would continue to live as a soul inside the soul master's sea of consciousness. And the more powerful they are, the more they retain their intelligence. High level soul masters, which normally possess high level soul rings, can call upon their contracted soul beasts to fight alongside them, aiding them in battle.

The Thunderbird is my first contracted soul beast. The first two soul rings I have were something that was given to me by Suzukake. I don't know where he got those soul beasts, but he just barged into my room one morning and told me, 'Hey, kill these.'

*Sigh* Now that I'm remembering this, I hope that he would at least respect my privacy...

Feeling the last vestiges of the ring's energy finally untangling and merging with my own, I slowly opened my eyes...


I'm not someone who can easily be stirred, but this time, I truly am taken aback.

"What happened here?"

What greeted me was something I had never expected to witness after I sunk into meditation — Everything around me had been razed to the ground.

Rising to my feet, I surveyed the altered landscape. The ground was strewn with countless remains of soul beasts, I'm counting about a hundred and that was merely in my immediate vicinity. Some of the deaths are remarkably different from the others, which hinted at the presence of multiple assailants... But I'm sure that is not the case.

My attention was soon drawn to a particularly gruesome sight. Drawn by curiosity, I approached. At first I was confused of what it was, but then I realized...

"This is a Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear."

It's around seven meters in height. Something of this size should be at least 10,000 years-old.

"To think that it would be reduced to this..."

A Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear is said to be one of the most powerful bears within history. Unmatched whether it be in attack or defense, they possess overwhelming power in every aspect that made them be considered as the rulers of the forest. An apex predator... and yet.

Limbs torn apart, huge gashes all over its body, its insides turned inside out, its features almost unrecognizable... Did Ichinose really do this?

While she might get a little excited when fighting, I still find it hard to believe that someone like her is capable of causing such a gruesome scene.

"Where is she?"

As soon as the question escaped my lips, a loud boom echoed quite a distance away from where I'm standing.

"Over there, huh."

I was about to head to the location when all of a sudden a shadow leapt from the forest and arrived before me. It's a deer-like soul beast with five unique tails... They looked familiar.

"You're Ichinose's contracted beast." I deduced.

It's logical for Ichinose to call them out to aid her in battle considering that she possesses a black soul ring... But to think that this soul beast resembles Ichinose's martial soul so closely...

No, that's not quite right. In the first place, Ichinose had to activate her soul ring before she transformed... could that mean...

"Human boy..." the deer suddenly spoke.

"You can speak?"

While it's known that soul beasts at the level of ten thousand years possess considerable intelligence, I didn't know that they could speak. I assumed that such a trait is only achieved by those who had reached a hundred thousand years in cultivation.

"Leave this place," she said. "The girl had never lost control like this before. It was you who caused this... Right now, she battles her inner demons still, but should her gaze fall upon your image, I fear even I will not be able to restrain her. Leave at once."

... I understand her concern but.

"It's a bit late for that now."

A massive energy, menacing and oppressive, hurtled towards us with alarming velocity.

Without a second to waste, I pushed Ichinose's contracted soul beast away and in the next instant—


Her figure leaped out from the depths of the forest and crashed onto me with unforgiving force.

I had the hindsight to leap back and was able to caution the blow so I wasn't blasted away.

"You look quite different since I last saw you, Ichinose."

"....grr," her response was but a mere growl.

I guess she can't hear me, huh.

"Leave her to me," I told the deer-like beast.


"There's nothing you can do here," I interrupted her and looked her in the eyes. "I'll bring her back."

She appeared reluctant, unable to put her trust in me, but in the end, she let out a sigh and left me the words. "..... I'll leave my master to you, boy," before fading away.

In the charged silence following the soul beast's departure, I stood face to face with Ichinose.

Her appearance right now was a stark difference from her earlier transformation. There were familiar features like her horns and tails but they are now intertwined with unfamiliar traits — scales shimmering across her skin, intricate runic patterns weaving through her flesh. Fin-like extensions adorned her arms, while a pair of delicate, skin-like wings unfurled from her back. Some strands of her hair had transformed into tentacle-like appendages, undulating with a life of their own.

Ichinose right now, appeared like that of an amalgamation of creatures — a chimera.

"So that's the true nature of your abilities, huh."

Her eyes are bloodshot, betraying wildness and seething animosity. She had been completely consumed.

With a deafening roar, Ichinose surged forward once more, her speed rendering her nearly invisible until she was right before me. Her fist, enveloped in a brilliant five-colored energy, hurtled towards me with cataclysmic force.

I managed to narrowly dodge the brunt of her attack, but the impact of her strike generated a torrential gust that swept me off my feet.

What insane strength...

As I steadied myself, Ichinose didn't pause, launching into a relentless assault. Flames danced around her, creating a scorching barrier that threatened to incinerate. Earth rose at her command, attempting to entrap me. Metallic blades manifested and sliced through the air, while water spiraled, aiming to ensnare, and tendrils of wood sought to bind.

Even in her frenzied state, she wielded each element with mastery and intent.

While I'm usually not averse to sustaining some damage, this time is different. It was pure instinct, pushing me to pour all that I had into evading her relentless assault.

I could feel it. This unsettling sensation, emanating from every move she makes... a sense of danger.

Lightning began to dance around my body, enveloping me completely. After seeing an opportunity, I immediately separated myself from Ichinose and increased the distance between us.

Staying in close quarters with her is a bad idea.

I expected her to chase me right away, but when I looked back, I witnessed Ichinose taking an unusual stance.

Her palms pressed together as she extended her arms towards me. The air around her fingertips began to thrum with a concentrated surge of soul power and in the next moment...

A massive beam of light burst forth, slicing through the air directly at me. It reminded me of the fire blast from the Blazing Demon Lion King, but instead of burning everything, her attack erases everything in its path as if none of them had ever existed.

I threw myself to the side, barely avoiding the beam as it passed by me, cutting the air where I had just stood. Relief washed over me momentarily, thinking I had evaded the worst of it. However, that sense of security was short-lived.

To my astonishment, the massive beam of light began to contract, its once overwhelming width narrowing dramatically. It continued to shrink, getting thinner and thinner, until it was no more than the size of a thread.

"You gotta be kidding me," I muttered under my breath.

Ichinose moved her hand and the thin beam of light followed, it was like a formless blade, swiping at me with unbelievable speed. Having anticipated this turn of events, I managed to twist my body, feeling the whirring hum of the beam as it barely missed me, slicing through a few strands of my hair as it passed.

But it didn't stop there. The beam, unrestrained by any semblance of form, launched into a relentless assault. It zigzagged through the air with vicious intent, like a predator in pursuit of its prey.

The forest around us took the brunt of its lethality, trees cut cleanly to pieces, falling silently like blocks of toys to the ground. The air itself seemed to split with the sound of each cut, echoing the sheer force of each strike.

I'm still managing right now, but if this continues any longer, then I would definitely suffer the same fate as those trees.

Whether it is in close range or long range, Ichinose got everything covered.

The thought of unleashing my domain crossed my mind, but I quickly dismissed it. Such a move would deplete my soul power in an instant, and against the current Ichinose, I doubted it could contain her.

Lost in a rapid calculation of my dwindling options, I heard an unusual sound underfoot.

Suddenly, Ichinose burst forth from the ground below. I was caught off guard, and she landed a clear blow, catapulting me into the air with tremendous force.

"Gah—" The force ripped the breath off my lungs.

Dammit... I didn't notice her at all.

Intense pain overwhelmed me as I climbed higher in the air. While I have my fair share of experiences when it comes to pain, what I felt at this moment is on a different level.

It is like a thousand needles, piercing through the deepest part of my body, chipping away the very core of my soul.

Above in the sky, several flying soul beasts took notice of me and immediately turned hostile. They swooped in, attempting to feast upon me like I'm some unfortunate prey.

However, in that moment, something within me shifted. A profound calm settled over my tumultuous thoughts, and a familiar aura unfurled from my core, enveloping me in its intensity.

"Piss off."

The hostile soul beasts found themselves engulfed by my presence. Fear took hold, a primal terror that rooted them to the spot, their wings locked freezing in the moment. As if puppets with strings cut, they plummeted towards the ground, rendered completely inert by the sheer force of the suppression they experienced.

Having rid of the disturbances, I drew a deep breath.


I extended my right arm to the world below while pulling my left back, mimicking the motion of drawing a bowstring. The air around me tingled, alive with the stir of charged particles swirling towards my fingertips. Above, the clouds gathered ominously, darkening and swirling until, with resounding crack, bolts of lightning cascaded into my palm, forging a bow of pure lightning energy.

A soul skill given by a soul ring is a combination of the soul master's martial soul and the personal trait or ability of the soul beast. My first soul skill, Lightning Shackles was from a serpent-like soul beast, hence it gained the ability to ensnare my opponents. Consequently, the closer the attribute or type of the soul beast is to the martial soul, the better and more powerful the soul skill one can get.

Like so...

As I held my pose, concentrated elemental energy surged towards my hand drawn back. It intensified, growing more potent by the moment until it crystallized into an arrow, pulsating with pure, unbridled lightning.

Noticing this shift, Ichinose's wild instincts kicked in and immediately clasped her palms once again. With primordial force, the massive beam of light erupted, hurtling to the skies like a pristine pillar.

Her skill, It certainly is an incredibly powerful attack but...

"Your head's too high, chimera. The sky is my domain."

Third Soul Skill — Lightning Arrow.

The heavens erupted in a flash and roar as I unleashed the lightning arrow. Bolts of lightning descended from the skies, drawn to the plummeting arrow like moths to a flame. They swirled, converged, and weaved, forming a lattice of lightning, morphing into a colossal spear of untamed elemental energy.

With the arrow as its guide, it cleaved through the pillar of light, as if it never existed. It continued its relentless descent, moving unobstructed until it reaches its target — Ichinose Honami's heart.

As the lightning arrow approached Ichinose, time seemed to slow, each moment stretching into eternity. In that moment of suspended time, Ichinose and I locked eyes. Her bloodshot gaze reflecting the storm that raged within her, the animosity that her origin radiates to my own... All of it was captured and reflected in my eyes...

"That is far enough, Ichinose... come back."

With an echo that sang of the end, the arrow pierced through Ichinose's heart. A surge of energy unfurled, washing over the forest like a tidal wave. It was a release, a liberation of pent-up forces, and as it passed, the air felt clearer, as though a veil had been lifted.

"Huff... Huff..." A wave of exhaustion washed over me upon landing, the aftermath of the battle settling into my bones. The pain from her attack persisted until now, while my soul power reserves are nearly spent. My greatest concern now was whether Ichinose had sustained any irreversible harm to her main body.

Approaching where Ichinose lay still on the ground, a sense of dread enveloped me. In this simulated world, death meant ejection from the space, yet she is still clearly here and her transformation remained ominously intact.

Then, as if in response to my apprehensions, Ichinose stirred. Rising despite the visible hole in her chest. The energy she is radiating right now is leagues beyond everything I have felt. A pure, unbridled fury that threatened to destroy everything in its sight.

Weakened after my earlier attack, I faltered and in the next moment, Ichinose had already arrived in front of me. Her fist, cloaked in a swirling mass of five-colored energy, drew back and with a primal roar, she unleashed her strike, a manifestation of raw power and her unchecked fury.

The impact was cataclysmic. I had no time to react, and was only barely able to lift my arms. The force of her punch sent me hurtling through the air, a human missile launched with merciless strength.

Trees splintered like matchsticks upon my uncontrolled flight. The forest became a blur of green and brown, and then, suddenly, the forest ended, and was replaced by open skies... and gold — The desert.

After what felt like eternity, I finally landed, carving a trench through the sand as I skidded to a stop, miles away from the forest's edge.

"Cough... Cough..."

Dust and sand clouded the air around me, a stark contrast to the lush greenery I was in, just moments earlier.

Lying amidst the desolation of the desert, I heaved heavily, still reeling from Ichinose's attack.

Then, when I finally caught my breath, the absurdity and realization dawned on me — She just flung me into another biome.

I tried to stand up, but it was a struggle. My arms are completely numb, I could barely move them, my body is aching all over, I think some of my ribs are broken and there is this internal pain that continues to persist... I'm in the worst possible state.

Ichinose's power. Its origin. I know it now. She must have tried to contain it when she was protecting me from the swarm, but the more she used her power, the stronger the urge became, and eventually... it consumed her.

Her power is directly intertwined with her martial soul, so it was an inevitability... Even if it didn't happen now, it would have sooner or later.

I guess... that is the luxury I have that she doesn't.

If I leave things as they are, I will be killed by Ichinose. While this might be a simulation world, I highly doubt it could contain the damages we inflicted among ourselves.

Either way, whichever option I choose, the both of us will suffer.

With great effort, I rose to my feet, the sand serving as my cushion.

Once I use this, I will lose control of myself, and become a mindless beast like Ichinose... But, I guess, I don't really have any choice left.

Drawing a deep breath, I resolved myself for what's to come.


She's coming.

Her silhouette appeared in the air, the sun a backdrop to her regal form, casting her shadow into the golden world. Her pink-blonde hair flowed like streams of silk over the desert sands, her eyes alight with fervor and intensity that locked into my image.

This is it.

I fluttered my eyes closed and began to remember...

Ignite. Paint it with the color that accompanied you your entire life. An everlasting... Naught.

Blood essence surged through within me, my colors peeling away. Pain and ailment now a foregone concept as my body regained its former vigor and more — My very essence, beginning to dissolve.

In this midst, my gaze was drawn to Ichinose; the mere sight of her sending waves through the depths of my being. My blood boiled, my body heated up, the primal urge, the desire to confront her grew, getting stronger and stronger with each passing second.

Our clash seemed inevitable, but then, all of a sudden, without warning, Ichinose collapsed. Her body lost all semblance of consciousness as it started to fall towards the desert sands.

As she fell, a profound silence enveloped the desert. The world seemed to pause, holding its breath as Ichinose touched the desert, her form now still, a stark contrast against the vast, golden world.

Having seen this, I paused, my blood essence beginning to retreat and color returning back to me.

I stared at the now unconscious Ichinose, letting out a sigh of relief.

"It seems like her exhaustion had finally caught up with her."

As if she were made of the very light that bathed the desert, Ichinose began to fade. Her form grew increasingly translucent, dissolving into the air until nothing remained. She had been ejected back into reality, following her death in the virtual world.

Seeing that everything is over, I allowed myself to collapse into the embrace of the soft sands, gazing upwards with a vacant stare into the vast expanse of the clear, unblemished sky. In stark contrast, countless thoughts ran through my head. if Ichinose hadn't collapsed,,, what would have happened to us? Would I have truly lost control? Would we truly be lost, consumed by our own blood? So many questions... no one can answer... and yet, I asked away anyway... but there is one... one thing I, no, the two of us know...

"We were lucky."

The ending had already been written.

"We will not always be this lucky."

An endless cycle, a samsara, the beginning and the end.

"... The next time we clash... One of us will die."

A fate we cannot escape.

Chapter 22: Reunion of the Unmended Hearts

Chapter Text

The air trembled in the enclosed space.

Chabashira swung her staff ferociously, her face contorting in a manner not normally expected of her. With each swing, past memories would flood her senses—regret, guilt, anger—memories she should have cast aside. Yet, she clung to them, her anchor that keeps her in this world, her reason.

Sweat beaded her skin, tracing lines on her face before flying off with each movement. Each drop fell to the worn floor of her private training room, shattering like glass—a reflection of her past.

Around her, countless weapons lay scattered: sword, spear, halberd, dagger, whip, claymore, and more. Including the staff in her hands, there were thirteen in total. To say that she had mastered each one wouldn't be so implausible. However, it wasn't because she wanted to, or needed to. It was what was expected of her.

And yet, despite all her capabilities, Chabashira still lives with regret. A scar that can never be healed.

A knock from the metallic door made her pause. Heaving, she clutched at her shirt to wipe sweat off her face.

"How scary," said Hoshinomiya, leaning against the door frame. "Try not to show that look in front of your students, okay?"

Chabashira shot her a sharp glance. "What do you want?" Despite heaving from the intensity of her training, her voice betrayed no sign of exhaustion.

"Nothing. Just checking on you," she replied casually, something that Chabashira found irritating.

With a sigh, she stabbed the staff to the floor, embedding it deep into the cracks. She noted the absence of the distinct smell of alcohol from Hoshinomiya—an uncommon sight—and suspected another motive. I don't want to hear any of it, Chabashira thought and ignored Hoshinomiya. She reached for a nearby sword, her movements deliberate and defiant. Her grip on the hilt was firm and she swung into the air, resuming her training.

Hoshinomiya lingered, unfazed by Chabashira's dismissiveness. "Mama Enma was here yesterday," she said.

I knew it.

"Why didn't you see her?" she continued. "She was looking for you."

"Stop lying," Chabashira snapped, her sword slicing through the air, its sharp sound echoing in the room. "She hates me."

I doubt she'd even want to see my face...

"You don't know that!" Hoshinomiya hissed, her tone shifting from casual to annoyance. Having been her friend since they were students, she should have already been used to Chabashira's stubbornness. She was, but this time, Chabashira had simply gone too far.

It has been three years since they were expelled from the inner court. She had her own gripes about the matter, but it was worse for her stubborn friend.

Enma and Chabashira...they parted in anger.

They were master and student. Her talent, drive, character, and the strength to back it all up. Those qualities made Chabashira exceptional and captured the eye of the apostle Enma. She trained her, guided her, made her reach the heights she would have never achieved on her own. Enma was considered a mother to all, but it was more to Chabashira. Family, that was the bond they had formed.

But Chabashira was as expressionless as she was emotional. People, no matter how rational they may appear, there will be certain moments in which they would falter and allow their emotions to take over. Chabashira was no exception.

Enma had warned her so many times, don't go, she said on one stormy day. But Chabashira paid no heed. No words could reach her. Such is the power of emotions.

It was because of anger. It was because of love.

Hoshinomiya sighed. "Please, just once. Try to talk to her."

Chabashira paused mid-swing, her sword glinting briefly before she lowered it. "It's pointless. I know my master and I know my mistakes. Words will not mend what I broke," she replied. "Or what? Are you hoping that if we were to reconcile, I could then return to the inner court and bring you along?"

Chabashira's tone was derogatory and filled with scorn. She knew all too well how much the inner court meant to Hoshinomiya and what price she would be willing to pay just to return to that place.

"Don't go there, Sae," Hoshinomiya warned, her eyes narrowing, a flicker of anger breaking through her usual carefree demeanor.

Their eyes locked on each other. Tension rising between them. The two were no strangers to argument and they had lost count on how many times it ended in physical confrontation. This time will not be any different.

The training room seemed to hold its breath in suspense but was quickly quelled by the sudden ringing of the phone mounted on a wall.

With a sigh, Chabashira released her grip on the sword and strolled towards the phone. HHoshinomiya watched her closely, tempering her expression and letting out a quiet sigh. Despite her frustrations with Chabashira, she knew that escalating their confrontation now would serve no purpose. Her gaze followed Chabashira curiously as she answered the call. Having picked up the phone, Chabashira uttered some phrases of confirmation and nodded her head as she listened. It all appeared pretty standard, at least, that's what Hoshinomiya assumed. But then, a noticeable change washed over Chabashira's features, drawing a line of concern across her brow.

"What happened?" Hoshinomiya asked.

Hanging up, Chabashira turned to her, her expression knotted with unease. "It's from the Spirit Pagoda," she replied, her voice heavy with apprehension and dread. "There was an accident in the Ascension Platform."

The moment Chabashira and Hoshinomiya arrived, they were immediately guided by Eina to the local clinic, where Ayanokouji and Ichinose are being treated. Fortunately, the worse seemed to have come to pass and the two students were now in stable conditions.

"I'm not really sure what happened either," said Nagamitsu, the resident doctor. Her lab coat draped over her shoulders. Her eyes, magnified slightly by her round-rimmed glasses, were fixed intently on the tablet in her hand. "Abnormal fluctuations of soul and spiritual powers were detected prior to exit. Footage showed that Ichinose-kun had lost control of her abilities and launched indiscriminate attacks on her surroundings, particularly the boy she was with."

Nagamitsu spoke on record and detailed the facts that had transpired in an objective manner. After that, she then turned to the two teachers. "Matters concerning Ichinose-kun are delicate. I've already relayed the situation to the inner court, so I'll be taking my hands off this case. As for the boy..."

"What's wrong with Ayanokouji?" Chabashira asked.

"While his condition isn't as bad as the young mistress, the abnormalities in his body are extremely similar to hers," Nagamitsu replied and looked Chabashira in the eye. "He's your student. Do you know anything about this, Chabashira-sensei?"

"I'm afraid I'm as clueless as you are."

Nagamitsu's gaze lingered on Chabashira for a while before finally breaking off with a shrug.

"I see. I've taken the liberty of giving them separate rooms. It's more convenient for the inner court that way. The boy's on the first one. He woke up not too long ago, so go ask him for any questions you may have. Well then," Nagamitsu said, her voice trailing off as she hastily walked away. She was eager to leave the scene, unwilling to spend any more of her time working.

"Wait," called Chabashira.

Nagamitsu paused, releasing a weary sigh. As she turned, a flicker of annoyance flashed in her eyes, one that Chabashira took notice of. Clearly she didn't take fondly of having her liberation be interrupted.

Not wanting to provoke the doctor any further, Chabashira quickly addressed her concern. "Did the inner court mention who they're going to send down here?"

"No," Nagamitsu replied tersely. Without waiting for another interruption, she turned on her heel and briskly exited the scene.

Chabashira watched Nagamitsu disappear down the hallway, her footsteps echoing faintly before fading completely. She turned back to Hoshinomiya, who had been observing silently, and nodded toward the door where their students were supposed to be. With a shared sense of urgency, they approached the first room.

Chabashira pushed the door open and entered the room. It was dimly lit, shadows stretching across the simple furnishings. Ayanokouji was sitting up in a bed near the window, his expression unreadable.

Noticing the newcomers, Ayanokouji's eyes shifted towards them. His gaze betrayed no surprise nor alertness having already anticipated their arrival. Chabashira stepped forward, her voice steady but filled with underlying concern.

"Ayanokouji, how are you feeling?"

"More or less. It was nothing worthy of concern."

"Can you tell us what happened?"

He looked at them, his expression unchanging. He weighed how much he should share with them. After a brief pause, he began to speak, his voice low and even. "I was in the middle of absorbing a soul ring. By the time I finished, she had already lost control. I am not aware of anything prior to that," he explained.

"Either it was caused by a soul beast or a complication of her martial soul. Other than that, I can't say."

Ayanokouji chose his words carefully, revealing only what could be confirmed from the recovered footage. From his previous involvement with Kushida, he was able to confirm the extent of information the teachers have over their students—from their basic details, the extent of their abilities, to their backgrounds.

While he was able to ascertain who or what Ichinose is, he is uncertain of the nature of information Chabashira, or in this case, Hoshinomiya has over her student.

Hoshinomiya exchanged a brief, unreadable glance with Chabashira before stepping forward. Despite their near altercation earlier, the two were still able to work together without much complication.

"Thank you for the explanation, Ayanokouji-kun~," Hoshinomiya said, her tone upbeat yet probing. "Was there anything unusual you noticed about Honami-chan's condition before the incident? Anything at all that stood out?"

"Nothing particularly out of the ordinary," he replied after a moment. "It was sudden. She could be under stress, but there were no clear warnings that I could discern."

"Are you sure~?" Hoshinomiya insisted, leaning closer to Ayanokouji. Seeing her antics on display again, Chabashira couldn't help but click her tongue.

Ayanokouji shifted slightly, his gaze flicking to Chabashira then back to Hoshinomiya. "There might be more in the recorded footage that I'm not aware of," he suggested. "Perhaps reviewing that could help."

Hoshinomiya nodded slowly. "I see. We will certainly review all available data," she reassured, her eyes narrowing as a smile formed on her face. "Thank you for your time, Ayanokouji-kun. Have a good rest. Your health and well-being, and that of all students, are our primary concern, after all."

As the conversation drew to a close, Hoshinomiya shifted back and eyed Chabashira who was giving her a stern look. Seeing this, she suppressed a chuckle. Ayanokouji's words and demeanor didn't betray anything worthy of suspicion. However, being privy of Ichinose's condition, she could tell that Ayanokouji was withholding information—the kind that Chabashira's pointed look warned her not to dig deeper. Recalling Nagamitsu's earlier comments, she realized that there was something more that Chabashira knew that she didn't.

I'll need to keep a closer eye on this boy, Hoshinomiya thought.

Chabashira and Hoshinomiya excused themselves, leaving Ayanokouji alone to rest. Outside, Hoshinomiya leaned in and whispered to Chabashira, "Care to tell what it is you're hiding?"

Chabashira shot her a sidelong glance. "It's none of your business," she retorted and strode towards the next room.

Reaching the door, she paused for a moment before turning the handle and gently pushing it open. The room was much like the previous one, except for one difference—the sleeping patient, Ichinose Honami, laying quietly on the bed.

Hoshinomiya moved to her student's bedside, observing Ichinose's shallow, steady breathing that indicated the absence of any immediate complications from the incident. Seeing this made her sigh in relief.

"This is the first time I've seen her like this—vulnerable," she said, her gaze soft as she gently brushed the young girl's hair. She recalled the time when they first met. That was seven years ago when she had just entered the inner court.

"Do you remember how taken aback we were back then?" she chuckled. "To think they would allow a child, no older than six to live within the inner court grounds."

Behind her, Chabashira lingered in the doorway. She watched Hoshinomiya closely, noting the shift in her usually carefree demeanor. "It was expected for her to have that kind of treatment, it's nothing surprising," she said quietly, stepping into the room.

"Hee, I recall you being quite vocal against such special treatment back then."

"The world is inherently unfair. The least we could do was try and make it appear not so, at least on the surface," responded Chabashira. "I still believe in that. But for Ichinose's case, advocating for fairness would be considered unfair. She is not like us—she never was."

"I guess so," Hoshinomiya agreed.

There was a silence that followed, punctuated only by the steady rhythm of Ichinose's breathing. But it didn't take long as the quiet was abruptly broken by the soft creak of the clinic door. Both teachers turned toward the sound, their expressions tightening with anticipation. Enma entered, her presence filling the room with a distinct aura of calm authority.

Mama Enma, as she was affectionately known at Scholar's Pavilion, held herself with an ease that belied her significant influence. Though she visited only occasionally, her impact was profound, her warm and nurturing demeanor earning her the familial moniker from nearly everyone—everyone, that is, except Chabashira, who had once shared a deeper, more complex bond with her.

Enma's eyes scanned the room, a gentle smile playing on her lips as she approached Ichinose's bedside. However, her gaze quickly shifted to Chabashira, the smile fading into a more somber expression. "Sae," she greeted, her voice a blend of warmth and formality.

Chabashira stiffened, her reply curt. "Master."

Hoshinomiya watched the exchange, her usual playful demeanor subdued by the tension between her friend and the revered visitor. Enma, seemingly unfazed by Chabashira's coldness, turned her attention to Ichinose, examining her with a practiced eye.

After a few moments of silent assessment, Enma spoke again, this time addressing both teachers. "How has she been since the incident?"

"Stable, no complications," Hoshinomiya replied, stepping in to ease the strain. "It's a relief, really."

Enma nodded, her attention still partly on Chabashira. "I came as soon as I heard about the abnormalities in her condition. These are troubling signs, especially considering the powers involved."

The two didn't quite understand her choice of words. While they were aware of how special Ichinose is, the full details of her peculiarity was something that remained undisclosed to them.

"What about the boy?" Enma asked.

"He's currently resting in the next room," Hoshinomiya replied. "Will you be seeing him as well?"

Enma shook her head. "There is no need. My concern today is solely with Honami. I've verified that there are no further complications with her conditions; she should be waking up soon."

"Wait, you're leaving already?" Hoshinomiya asked, a note of surprise in her voice.

"I have no reason to linger since you are here. Please ensure she is well cared for," she said, her tone firm yet gentle as she turned to leave. As she reached the doorway, she paused, casting a glance back at Chabashira who had remained quiet throughout the exchange.

"How about you walk me out?" she suggested, addressing her estranged student.

Chabashira hesitated, her emotions tangling inside her. The simple invitation made her recall past memories and regret. After a moment's pause, she gave a slight nod, acknowledging the request without a word. She moved to follow Enma, her steps echoing softly in the quiet clinic.

Hoshinomiya watched them leave, her expression thoughtful. She knew the complicated history between Chabashira and Enma, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for both of them. With a deep breath, she turned back to Ichinose, gently adjusting the blanket around the sleeping girl, her mind still on the departing figures.

Outside, the corridor inside Spirit Pagoda was dimly lit, filled with the fading light of the afternoon. Enma walked with a calm assurance, but there was a softness to her steps that suggested a careful consideration of her former pupil who followed slightly behind.

"I haven't seen you in years, Sae," Enma began, breaking the silence. "I've often wondered how you've been managing."

She had visited the outer court many times, but each visit ended without a glimpse of her student's face. The longing to see her again gnawed at her, as did the regret over the harsh words she had once spoken to the one she considered her own daughter. If only Chabashira knew.

Chabashira kept her eyes forward, her voice low. "I've been... coping."

"Coping," Enma repeated softly. "I remember a time when you aimed much higher than just coping."

Chabashira felt a sting at those words, a reminder of ambitions and dreams she once harbored, now dulled by the years and the weight of past decisions. "Things change, Master. I'm not the student you once knew."

Despite everything, Chabashira still called her master. It was something that will never change in her heart regardless of their positions.

"That may be," Enma acknowledged, "but you're still the person I trained, still the one who showed so much promise. I've never doubted your capabilities, only your choices."

They reached the entrance of the Spirit Pagoda, the light from outside casting long shadows behind them. Enma stopped and faced Chabashira. "Have you still not given up?" she asked.

"It's the only reason I'm still here," Chabashira replied, her tone resolute yet heavy with unspoken emotion.

Enma's expression softened, understanding the full weight of Chabashira's words. "Revenge has driven you far, too far from the path I hoped for you. It was never about doubting your strength—it was fearing what it could become."

Chabashira met Enma's gaze, her eyes flickering with the fire of unresolved pain and defiance.

Enma reached out, her hand hesitating in the air before gently resting on Chabashira's shoulder. "In your quest. Consider what it has taken from you in return. The cost has been high, Sae."

Chabashira's shoulders tensed under Enma's touch, the conflict within her clear, but there was one thing she understood well.

"I have nothing left to lose."

But I would lose you, Enma thought, the words heavy in her heart but they remained unspoken.

With a heavy sigh, Enma withdrew her hand and stepped into the open, her gaze lingered at the sun high above the sky. She remembered that day vividly—the day they parted. It wasn't bright like this—it was a stormy sky. Her student, overwhelmed by loss and a burning desire for revenge, the look she had on her face, and how powerless she was to stop her...she remembered it all too well.

"You are still the same after all. You're still the same student I once knew," Enma whispered under her breath.

Closing her eyes, she stepped back and prepared to leave.

"Take care, Sae. Remember, the doors I oversee are never truly closed to you."

Chabashira watched as Enma turned and walked away, her silhouette gradually merging with the trees surrounding the pagoda. Left alone, she felt the sting of their conversation long after Enma had disappeared, the echo of what was and what still might be haunting the corridors of her heart.

Facing the forest and the high sun that dappled its rays on her skin, she clenched her fists.

Chapter 23: Caught in the Web

Chapter Text

I dreamed of many lives.
Oh harbinger of destruction, almighty beast...
Each one different, each one the same.
You shall not know the joys of life...
They reached a destination where silence meets the end of dreams.
Judgment shall come...
And then they spoke to me, through the ages, through the tears.
Lighting shall rain...
Yet in each, I found no solace.
For this era...
Bound by fate, bound by sorrow, that I've long since reconciled.
Shall be your grave!
But still, was it too much for me to yearn for tomorrow?

The echoes of the dream lingered as I jolted back to the present, heaving all the while.


Dim light filtered through the curtains, resting on my eyes—it was morning, but the weight of the night clung to me. My body felt heavy and my face felt warm and wet. I realized that once again, I woke up in tears.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."

And once again, I curled on my bed and uttered the same apology, despite knowing how futile it was. A day might never come where I would not get haunted by those dreams. And perhaps, deep down, that is also what I desire...

So I will wake up with tears, today, tomorrow and the future days. And I will spend the times between with a smile on my face, while loving them all the while. To love them, to protect them, to care for them. That is the mission I've imposed upon myself. Perhaps it was for atonement, for self-gratification, or for my own ego, but that was the answer found by me, the sinner—Ichinose Honami.

Monday. It was still early in the morning when I decided to walk to school ahead of my usual schedule. My routine was something that I almost never changed, so this change of pace felt like a breath of fresh air.

It's quiet.

The cool dewy breeze and the gentle brush of sunlight while walking in an empty street is refreshing. It made me wonder why it took me this long to find out—a charm that can only be appreciated by being at the moment, away from prying eyes and attention.

With the dreams a constant echo in my sleep, one would think that I would be used to it by now, that it gets never does.

Fortunately, this soothing quiet made me forget about the earlier experience, even if just for a moment.

When I finally entered Class B's classroom, it was no surprise that I was the first one to arrive. With nothing much to do being so early, I opened the windows and took a seat at the farthest corner. It's not mine, but with no one around, it shouldn't be a problem.


If I recall correctly, this is where Ayanokouji-kun sat in Class D. From here, I could feel the wind sweep through the open windows and my hair would flow gently, carried by the breeze. It made me smile.

It's a good location, I thought.

Sitting there, with my cheek resting on my palm, I gazed out to the sky where the birds fly unimpeded and unshackled. How I envy them. I also want to go out there, visit all sorts of places and meet all kinds of people. Just thinking about it is enough to make me excited, but at the same time, I am also nervous. Just like a newborn who hasn't yet learned how to fly, I too dreamt of what it was like to soar in the sky...only to fall, crashing to the ground.

The hustle and bustle of the classroom invaded my senses, pulling me back to reality. I blinked my eyes open, the light from outside making me squint. It looks like I've fallen asleep, I thought as I rubbed my eyes, trying to dispel the remnants of drowsiness. Slowly, the room came into focus. My classmates were scattered around, some were in groups chatting animatedly, while others hunched over their desks, scribbling in notebooks.

"Done with your beauty sleep, Honami-chan?" said a voice.

I turned towards the sound and saw Amikura Mako—a close friend of mine, grinning from the next desk over. She leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand, her eyes sparkling with amusem*nt.

"Good morning, Mako-chan. How long was I out?"

"You were already asleep when I arrived, so I'm not sure," she said. "You looked so peaceful, I didn't have the heart to wake you up."

I smiled, appreciating her consideration. "Thanks."

"No problem," she said, her grin widening. "But you should probably move back to your seat. Shibata-kun has been getting restless for a while now."

I glanced around and spotted Shibata Sou standing a few feet away, chatting with the other students. He was trying to look nonchalant but it was clear that he was distressed over something. He must be eager to get back to his seat, I assumed. As usual his cheerful and energetic demeanor was hard to miss despite that, and I couldn't help but notice the way his eyes lit up when he saw me looking his way.

"Sorry, Shibata-kun," I said, getting up. "I didn't mean to take over your spot."

"No worries, Ichinose-san!" he replied with his usual bright smile. "I'm just glad you had a good rest."

I moved back to my own desk, feeling a bit embarrassed but also touched by his kindness. As I settled into my seat, I caught Shibata-kun glancing my way again, a hint of blush coloring his cheek before he finally looked away.

"So is something the matter?" Mako-chan asked, capturing my attention.

"What do you mean?"

"It's unusual for you to be so early."

True. No matter how many times I've awoken in such a manner, I still had been sticking to my schedule.

"It's just a whim," I replied.

If I were to give it a reason, then perhaps it has to do with what happened yesterday... It was a result I anticipated but, to think that it would be bad enough to affect our real bodies. I could only vaguely remember what happened after I lost control. Though I do wonder, if Ayanokouji-kun was truly similar to me and decided to use that power at that moment... What would have happened to the two of us? Would it have ended in our mutual destruction, or perhaps, just one... I can't really say. But there is one thing I'm sure of...

Just killing me won't be enough.

"Um, Honami-chan..." called Mako-chan, her voice wavering slightly. She seemed hesitant, biting her lip as if wrestling with what to say next. I tilted my head, prompting her gently, curious about her unease.

"I... K-Kanzaki-kun had been looking for you since yesterday. Of course, you already told us that you would be away during the weekends," she said, concern coloring her face as her eyes refused to meet mine. "But it seemed important."

I sensed there was more she wanted to share, something held back by her cautious tone. Yet, if she chose not to divulge it, I wouldn't press her. Also, I still haven't checked my phone this entire time so I wasn't aware of any messages and when I woke up from the clinic yesterday, I immediately went back to sleep in my room. It was fortunate that the incident was kept secret, though I wonder what it was that Kanzaki-kun needed...

Directing my gaze to where he was seated at the front, I spotted Kanzaki Ryuuji looking at his notes, studying. He was as diligent as ever. I intended to go and ask him about the matter but unfortunately the first bell finally rang and I lost my opportunity. Well, if it really was important then he should be reaching out to me soon.

Classes came and went and before I knew it the morning period had ended. However, instead of leaving while waving goodbye, Hoshinomiya-sensei stayed and faced the class. Gone was the carefree aura she radiated, now replaced by a grim and conflicted countenance. I wasn't the only one who noticed this, the others did as well. But there were some in particular who reacted quite differently from the rest: Kanzaki-kun and Mako-chan.

"I have an announcement for you all," she started. "The other day, a report was filed against two of the students of this class, Kanzaki Ryuuji and Amikura Mako."

After the words were uttered, the classroom erupted into a cacophony of whispers and gasps. Even I was taken aback, never had I imagined that of all the people, it would be those two who would be involved in trouble. Was this what Kanzaki-kun wanted to talk about? A mix of concern and confusion swirled within me as I glanced over at them. Their faces remained stoic but I could tell that it was a mask to the turmoil they're feeling underneath. Just what happened while I was away?

The classroom quieted as Hoshinomiya-sensei waited for the murmurs to subside. "Please, everyone, settle down," she said. Her voice was firm and I could tell that she was trying to avoid any personal bias whatsoever. It must have been a serious matter for her to maintain neutrality after all this time.

"Two days ago, a store inside Keyaki mall had their items stolen. The item itself wasn't important, but here in this academy, we consider theft to be a serious offense. The report claims that it was two first year students who took the items. Students from Class B who they identified to be Kanzaki Ryuuji and Amikura Mako. However, when we spoke to the accused, they said that their claims were false and insisted that they did not commit such a crime."

As the details of the accusation left Hoshinomiya-sensei's lips, a heavy silence fell over the rest of us. The gravity of her words seemed to weigh heavily in the air until it was broken by a firm, supportive voice.

"That can't be right," declared Shibata-kun, standing up with a look of unwavering conviction. "Amikura-san and Kanzaki-kun wouldn't steal. We all know them—they're not capable of such a thing!"

His words seemed to serve as a catalyst. One after another, my classmates began to voice their agreement. Of course, as their friend, I also couldn't just sit back and not offer my support and trust.

I stood up, my chair rattling with my action and the room fell silent, all their eyes turning towards me. Anticipation surged within them as I faced the two being accused. "Mako-chan, Kanzaki-kun," I called them out, their eyes meeting mine. "I would like to hear it directly from you two."

The two of them exchanged a brief, knowing glance before turning to face the room, their expression composed and unwavering, not letting the situation affect them any further. Mako-chan stepped forward slightly, her stance confident. She faced the first to voice his support—Shibata-kun, before addressing the rest of the class.

"Thank you for your words of trust," her gaze swept across the faces of her classmates. "As for these accusations, we are as surprised as you are. It's true, we were at the mall that day, but our presence there was coincidental. We understand the concerns these accusations might raise, and we appreciate the faith you all have shown in us. We are ready to cooperate fully with any investigation to clear this matter up. Until then, I would humbly ask for your support."

After finishing her statement, she bowed slightly to the class, prompting echoes of supportive murmurs to ripple through the room.

Kanzaki-kun then took his turn, nodding in agreement with Mako-chan's sentiments. When he spoke, his tone was even, devoid of desperation or anxiety, merely factual and sincere. The room fell silent once again and he looked to me straight in the eye...No, not to me, but to everyone. I didn't even think if that was possible, but that was what I felt and what he conveyed—A quiet strength he possessed.

"Our actions will speak for themselves. We believe in the principles this academy stands for and that no matter what, the truth will always prevail."

His statement was brief but resonant, reinforcing the belief he had on himself and his unshakable confidence.

As the voices of my classmates rose in unison, supporting Mako-chan and Kanzaki-kun, a wave of warmth surged through me. Their unity and steadfast belief in our friends' innocence filled the room and I couldn't help but widen my smile.

"That settles it then," I declared, turning to face Hoshinomiya-sensei with confidence. "The fact that you're bringing this matter to our attention here, and the fact that Mako-chan and Kanzaki-kun haven't been expelled, suggests that the academy hasn't reached a definitive conclusion yet. Am I right, sensei?"

She nodded, confirming my words. "There appears to be a problem in the cameras installed inside so all that was provided was video footage of the two of them entering the store, and the testimony of the storekeeper accusing them. Given their denial of the allegations, we indeed need a more thorough investigation."

I paused, processing the information. Cameras inside the store not functioning properly reeks of sketchiness and all they have is circ*mstantial at best... Regardless, we're essentially starting from scratch. We need concrete evidence and credible witnesses. Hehe, now this is a challenge that I cannot easily resolve using my powers. But I must admit, despite knowing what's at stake, I'm incredibly excited.

"Great!" I grinned, "I'll take charge of this case!"

The soft, rhythmic sound of pages flipping is my sole companion as I sit nestled on the wooden floor of this small office room. Sunlight streamed through the window beside me, bathing the bookshelves that took most of the space in a warm, inviting glow that seemed to settle just for me.

It's a good location, I thought.

Flipping to the last pages of the book, I focused on the words. The one in my hands right now told a story from ages past. Whether it truly was based on a true story or simply fantasy, it was still an enjoyable and informative read. Unfortunately however, it didn't have the one I was looking for.

Placing it down atop of the pile I've made, I rose to my feet and reached for another one from the shelf.

"You're really making yourself at home huh, Ayanokouji," said an intruder in my quiet space.

"You're the one who told me to do what I want, Chabashira-sensei," I replied before settling on the floor once again. I opened the book to read but my thoughts lingered on her. I didn't like the fact that I cannot sense her presence until she is right in front of me.

She looked at the pile of books by my side and sighed.

"I've only left you for half an hour and you've already read this much? Are you even reading them properly?"

Being an educator, I guess it became natural for her to scrutinize the efficiency and depth of one's study, especially when it concerns her students. Ignoring her words, I flipped through the pages of the book and ran my eyes through the words, before finally closing it with a sigh. It's not here either.

Chabashira-sensei crossed her arms, watching me intently. "Ayanokouji, just piling through books without taking the time to truly understand them defeats the purpose of learning," she said, annoyance in her tone. I eyed her, she seemed to have forgotten why I was here in the first place and is only focusing on my reading habits.

"Chimera. Do you know anything about them?" I asked the purpose of my visit.

I didn't have much expectations when I put forward that question, the term itself wasn't that uncommon and was often seen in works of fiction. But when I met her eyes, there was a visible shakiness born out of trepidation and guarded concern. She immediately noticed her mistake and regained her composure, but it was already too late.

"Why would you ask that?" she replied.

"You teach Soul Beast lore, who else should I ask if not you?"

Chabashira-sensei paused, her gaze assessing. She moved near the wall to lean before settling on a response. Because of the incident yesterday, she already had a grasp of the nature of the information I want, and whether she will divulge it or not, that will depend on how important it truly was, not for her, but to the entire academy.

"Chimeras, as commonly understood, are purely mythological, even among Soul Beasts. They represent a combination of different creatures, but purely as allegorical entities. They do not exist in any tangible sense, certainly not as Soul Beasts."

So that's how she decides to answer it huh. "So, you're saying there's no such thing as a chimera soul beast? Just myths and stories?"


"Then how about a chimera martial soul?"

Exasperation flickered across Chabashira-sensei's face as her breath left her with a sigh. "Martial souls are a product of a long string of evolution. Those that never existed, cannot become a martial soul. You should have known that."

"You're quite adamant in convincing me that they don't exist," I told her. It seemed like I struck a nerve as Chabashira-sensei's posture stiffened slightly. But this is quite unusual, she is normally not this easily agitated. Was it because of the topic, or was there something more? Either way, this could only work to my advantage.

"Why don't we stop the farce, sensei? We both know what I'm talking about here."

"You're quite persistent aren't you?"

"I'm curious after all."

Sighing once again, she took out a cigarette from a slim case she kept hidden in her pocket. With a flick of her lighter, she ignited the tip, the flame briefly illuminating her features before she exhaled a cloud of smoke that seemed to carry some of her tension with it. I know it was a habit of hers, almost to the point of addiction, but having performed it countless times, there now lies a certain serene beauty to her motion. It's almost captivating.

"I can't tell you," she said at last. "And no one from here will give you the answer you seek, unless it comes from the person herself."

I guess being straightforward isn't gonna work either, huh. Even if I were to ask Ichinose directly, she wouldn't give me a proper answer. After all, this is nothing but a game between me and her.

Losing interest, I stood up and gathered the pile of books and began placing them back where they belonged.

"Leave it," said Chabashira-sensei. "Head to the headmaster's office; he called for you."

"Is it because of what happened yesterday?" I asked, dreading from the inside. I don't think any student would look fondly at being called by the head of the school.

"I don't know, just go already!" Her dismissal was curt, pushing me out the door faster than usual. I guess she doesn't want me around any longer.

After leaving her office, I walked along familiar corridors, my footsteps echoing softly in the quiet space. Being in a separate administrative building, it is a place not normally visited by students and you would mostly only find faculty or staff around. As such, it was a bit uncomfortable walking around clad in my uniform; I feel conspicuously out of place.

Upon reaching the headmaster's door, I hesitated for a moment. We've met twice by now, and the previous meeting wasn't really a pleasant experience. Let's hope that nothing similar will happen this time. With a sigh, I knocked lightly on the polished wooden door and almost immediately I heard his voice.

"Come in," he said.

Pushing the door open, I was greeted with the same calming presence and serene smile he had always donned. His office remained the same as before, empty yet tranquil or oppressive, depending on its dweller's intentions.

"It's good to see you, Ayanokouji-kun. Please," He motioned me to take a seat, and unlike last time, I obliged and made myself comfortable.

"How have you been?" he inquired.

"I'm managing well."

Despite the underlying reasons for this meeting, his demeanor made it feel more like a cordial visit than a summons.

"That's good to hear," he nodded, before taking a sip on the cup of tea he had. After gulping the warm liquid down, he began. "First, I would like to apologize about what happened a couple of months ago. We promised that we would protect you, but when it came down to it, they managed to slip past our gaps; we didn't even see them coming." Standing up smoothly from his chair, the headmaster bowed deeply, "I truly apologize, Ayanokouji-kun," he reiterated. "It was our duty to provide a safe environment, not just to you but to all the students in this academy, and I regret that we failed to do so in that instance."

As I watched the headmaster bow deeply, I couldn't help but feel taken aback. The sight of someone of his stature, humbling himself before a mere student was striking. I had initially thought that those who had reached his heights to be extremely prideful, yet here he was not hesitating to show such vulnerability.

Is this truly his character or is there an underlying reason beneath? I can't tell, I can't read him.

"No one could have anticipated that they could manipulate the Soul World. It was an oversight on my part as well," I said, still skeptical of his actions.

As the headmaster straightened and settled back into his seat, he nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, the incident was unprecedented. I was only able to address it now as I had been away recently, but we've already taken measures to prevent any such occurrences in the future, and I assure you that it will not happen again. However, we must remain vigilant, it is imperative that we prepare for any possibility."

After that altercation, I had entered the Soul World Battle Station a couple of times, and fortunately, such an event never occurred again. Whether it was the result of the measures the academy had taken or something else, I don't think it matters much. That man did say that he was there on his own volition and not the white room. Perhaps it was something that only he could do, but it would be naive to think that to be the case.

"I understand...But, was it really necessary to call for me here for that matter alone?" He could have just instructed Chabashira-sensei to relay this to me.

He smiled, seemingly amused by something. "Well, while I wanted to apologize for the earlier matter, I also wanted to check up on you personally. At the end of the day, you have been entrusted to me by a friend, paying attention to your well-being is the least I could do," he said. "Oh, but don't expect me to aid you in any of your classes, okay? You're on your own on that one, hahahaha!"

"Though, I doubt such concern was necessary," he added. "Suzukake didn't appear to be worried either."

"You've met him? I'm surprised he's still alive," I remarked.

The white room is not one to tolerate betrayals, even if he were fine for now, there is no way to say if he will be the next day. Though I'm sure he'd resolved himself for that.

"He's still in hiding, WHITE must've pulled some strings and now he's a wanted man. It's unfortunate for him, but I guess that is just karma, he's hardly an innocent person."

He paused and looked outside in contemplation before chuckling once again. "In any case, that will be all for now, Ayanokouji-kun. You may now leave."

I wonder what it was that he found amusing, but in any case I'm glad that this is over. Nodding, I turned my heel and walked toward the door. However, when I grabbed the door handle, the headmaster called out to me from behind.

"One last thing, Ayanokouji-kun," he spoke, but this time alarms rang in my head, and I could feel the space tightening, the walls inching closer, pressing me down with an oppressive weight...

I can't move.

The empty office offers either tranquility or oppression depending on its dweller's intentions. Gone was the calm and serene he exuded, revealing a more sinister undertone. I could tell, if he wishes so, he could end me at any moment.

"An oversight is an oversight, we don't intend to excuse ourselves with that," he began. "But I want you to remember...We are doing you a favor by sheltering you here. WHITE is not making a move, not because they didn't want to, but because they can't. There is a reason we remained independent from any country for all these years."

I mulled over his words, wondering its implications. Aren't they just a soul master's academy?

"As such, going to war against them is of no consequence to us. So, I would appreciate it if you no longer involve yourself with that matter. Your inquiries have been making my staff quite uncomfortable."


I see. Stay away from Ichinose, huh.

"You should probably... tell that to the other party," I replied with difficulty.

I heard the creak of the leather as he leaned back in his chair, releasing a tired sigh. "She's a good kid, but obedience was never one of her strong points."

"There's nothing I can do...about that, headmaster... Avoiding her won't change...anything, she's the type who would...never settle until she gets what she wants."

"Be that as it may," he continued, his tone softening slightly. "I won't force you, but I hope you keep this in mind...there are things far larger than us, truths that could alter not just perceptions but the very foundations upon which we stand."

The oppressive weight pressing me down finally eased and I could move freely again. This was the second time he had exerted such pressure, and it was no less unsettling than the first. I hope this won't become a routine for every time we meet, sigh.

"You're free to go, Ayanokouji-kun. Thank you for your time," the headmaster concluded, dismissing me with a wave and his usual smile that appeared appalling to me now.

As I opened the door to leave, his words echoed in my ears...What exactly did he mean by those words? The question haunted me as I stepped out of his office, the door closing softly behind with a thud.

Chapter 24: Why? It is to...

Chapter Text

Walking along the quiet corridors, the echoing footsteps became my companion once again. Only this time, we weren't alone.


The rhythmic tapping of a cane alternating with my steps, created a melodic cadence that resonated through the empty corridor. The sharp, measured sound of the cane's contact with the floor was such a stark contrast to the soft thud of my own footsteps, that it added an eerie flow to the air.

And here in this long path, there was no need to guess where the sound was coming from, they had long since entered my sights.

Her lilac colored hair that reaches her neck, flowed gently with every step and she moved with a grace that radiated elegance and confidence. Despite her petite body, her presence filled the hall, as if she commanded the very air around her. It was a different vibe to Ichinose's vibrant yet overwhelming energy or Horikita's resolute yet austere attitude. This girl reminded me more of the headmaster.

As our distance closed, her violet gaze briefly met mine, piercing yet indifferent, as if she were looking through me, seeing not a person but a subject who she stood over. She nodded slightly as a greeting, to which I responded with a nod of my own. In that brief exchange however, I caught a flicker of amusem*nt, perhaps even intrigue in her eyes, and her half-smile deepened subtly as we passed each other, marked by the soft sway of her lilac hair.

She continued onwards, to the office at the end of the corridor where I had just been. It was unusual for a student to visit the headmaster's office, and perhaps that was the source of her intrigue as it now became mine as well.

After a while, the sharp echo of her cane eased followed by the soft thud of the closing door, leaving me alone once again with my steps.

Reaching the end of the long path, I paused, my gaze dropping to the polished floor beneath me. Its reflective surface faintly mirrored the overhead lights, casting back a distorted version of the surroundings. Turning slowly, I looked back toward where the lilac haired girl had been. Of course, she was nowhere to be seen and the corridor stretched empty and quiet behind me as my mind echoed in wonder...

"That girl," I mused. It was something almost imperceptible, one that I only took notice after being near. "Her feet never once touched the floor."

The administrative and the first-year's academic buildings are not far from each other. On their second floor, a bridge connects the two, facilitating ease of access to and fro. It was currently around 2:00 in the afternoon, and the sun was at its peak, casting a fierce, bright light over everything. When I looked beyond the window panes, the sight of the sun-scorched ground was enough to make me uncomfortable. I preferred not to walk beneath such heat so I opted for the shaded route and quickly made my way to the bridge.

While the architecture between the two buildings is quite similar, the interior of the academic building had more rooms. The ground floor houses our classrooms, and the second floor is dedicated to faculty and staff, primarily concentrated in the right wing. This leaves the left wing, where I currently am, mostly empty and quiet.

Or so I had thought...


I did notice that someone was around the corner, but I didn't expect for them to move the exact moment I turned.

Looking down, I saw the girl that bumped into me sprawled on the floor. A camera and the glasses she wore had skidded a few feet away. Her pink hair had been tied in low twin pigtails but one side had come undone and now part of her hair lay loosely around her shoulders. I recognize this girl, I often see her sitting alone, hunched over her desk inside the classroom. She didn't leave much of an impression on me before...but, seeing her like this, she looks a bit different compared to how she usually presented herself.

She looked up, her eyes meeting mine, there was a mix of embarrassment and panic in them and she quickly looked away. For the first time, she noticed the camera that had crashed along her fall and her panic amplified even more as she hurriedly crawled to the device, only to find out its lens had been shattered. Her fingers trembled as she lifted it up.

"No, it's not turning on..." Total shock and loss filled her voice as it echoed faintly in the empty corridor. "I just had it fixed a few days ago too..." she added, her tone tinged with resignation that made the situation feel even more tragic. I guess this camera held some significant value to her.

After a moment, she seemed to have realized that I was still here and immediately gathered all her items, clutching them tightly to her chest as she stood. Her eyes darted around, perhaps checking if anyone else had witnessed the fall, then finally, hesitantly, she turned to me.

"S-Sorry," she murmured, her voice barely audible. As she spoke, she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her shoulders hunched slightly inward-a clear gesture of her discomfort. Her eyes quickly flicked up to meet mine, only to dart away just as fast. It was as if even brief eye contact with me was too much to bear.

And after that hasty apology, she turned sharply and began moving quickly down the corridor. She seemed eager to put as much distance as possible between us.


"Ah...I should have said something huh."

Now that I'm left on my own, I realized that I should have apologized instead and asked if she was okay, that would have been the natural thing to do...Well, I can just try again if there ever was a next time.

Resuming my steps, I thought back on the reason why that girl was there in the first place. She appeared to be sitting down on that corner and then bumped into me as she was standing up. It's an unusual place to loiter around, unless she was trying to capture something with her camera before it broke, or perhaps just enjoying a moment alone. If it was the latter, then I think I can relate to it.

"Sakura...I believe that was her name."

Lost in my thoughts, my phone vibrated in my pocket. There aren't that many people I have shared my contact info with, and most of the time they don't really contact me through the phone, they would just appear out of nowhere as if they knew where I am at all times. Quite frankly, I'd like them to stop doing that...

Pulling my phone out, I glanced at the screen and saw that I had received a message. It was from Horikita.

"It's 2:08!"

Is what was written in brief.

"Geez, what an impatient woman."

Well I better hurry, she's the one doing me a favor after all. I picked up the pace and hurried to the classroom, grabbing my bag from where I had left it, before making a beeline for Keyaki mall.

It was a week after the exam, I had Horikita promise to give me something in return after all the tasks I had done under her orders. To be honest, I was joking for the most part of it, and certainly didn't expect her to agree. And well, she kinda did, to my surprise. As for what kind of reward it was, she considered it to be nothing of significant importance but for me it was a blessing. It's not that I was short on auxiliary points or anything but having to constantly spend over a hundred thousand points on food every other day is a bit too much for any student. So having her offer to cook, even if only occasionally, was such a huge help. I still had to buy the ingredients with my own points, but at the very least, it was the cheaper option. And today was one such day. We usually buy them on the weekends, but I had been inside the Ascension platform so we moved it to today.

Though when I visited her the first time around wasn't a particularly pleasant memory...She only nearly flayed me alive for something that wasn't even my fault.

Soon, I arrived at the designated location and immediately noticed Horikita sitting beside the window in a cafe. It was a weekday and classes had just ended, so it was to be expected that student's would be rushing to places like cafes or other similar hangouts, but this one in particular was surprisingly quiet.

Pushing the door open, a gentle chime rang out alongside the usual greeting from the barista behind the counter. I responded with a nod and mentioned my order without needing to get close.

"One cold brew," I said.

The interior was small. It was your typical coffee shop with a cozy, wooden ambiance and rustic furniture. There was a certain unique charm to it but that charm might be the reason why there aren't that many who frequent here. It is the complete opposite of the trendy type that teenagers of our age like. Being located in a secluded corner of the mall didn't help either.

Horikita appeared engrossed in a book when I approached. As I took my seat across from her, she looked up from her pages just long enough to deliver her usual jab.

"What happened to being punctual?" she sharply asked.

"I never said I was one."

I noticed that she had ordered the same cold brew as mine. The heat must've been getting to her as well.

"It's just us here today, huh," I said, looking around the quiet cafe, well there isn't much looking around as I can already see the entire scene from where I sat, that's how small it was.

"Indeed. I find it quite unusual as well," she responded.

"Huh?" I expressed my surprise.


And she echoed, confused by my reaction.

"Ah, so you don't know."

"What do you mean?" she inquired, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Well the second grade are currently away from campus," I explained. "I heard that they will be gone for a month." Or at least that's what Hori told me.

While there are some first graders that would visit this cafe, most of its patrons belong to the higher grades, well only the second grade, since I don't think I've ever met any other third grader after Shizuo.

I'm not exactly sure on the reason why they are away; Hori didn't divulge any information to me, or more accurately, she couldn't. I assume it has something to do with this academy's special rules, and if that's the case, it might only be a matter of time before we experience something similar.

"Here you go," the barista had arrived with a freshly prepared cup of cold brew and placed it neatly in front of me. With a friendly nod, he turned back towards the counter, leaving us to resume our conversation.

"I see," Horikita muttered. "I wasn't aware."

She appeared contemplative. I had assumed that Horikita was aware of such information considering that her brother was in the second grade...Or perhaps it was expected. I don't think she and her brother had that good enough of a relationship from what I've seen so far.

"You sure know a lot of people in the upper grades, Ayanokouji-kun."

"I only know three," I replied nonchalantly, taking a sip from my cup. "Though I'm not that fond of the third one."

Before I could set my cup back down, I felt a sudden sharp jab against my shin under the table. Horikita had kicked me, and the culprit with her composed facade simply took a sip from her coffee as if she didn't do anything wrong.

Was it because of my last comment? I swear these siblings have a terrible relationship but the sister remains a brocon.

Setting down her cup, now empty, she stood up and grabbed her bag.

"Let's go," she said, and headed outside ahead of me.

"I just arrived, you know. Sigh," I muttered a futile complaint, before gulping the cup of coffee down.

There was a reason why Horikita and I had met up in this location, or had been for several weeks now. Right next to this cafe was a special store that was only known by few, Takarabako. It can only be accessed with approval from the Headmaster or the Academy's Nutrition Committee that supervises all the food transactions inside the campus.

Simply put, it was a store that houses the rarest and the highest quality ingredients that one could find. It was mainly a store for teachers and staff who wished to cook for themselves instead of going to the cafeteria. It's quite a practical approach for those who wish to save themselves some points since by purchasing the raw ingredients, you could get more value per point.

I myself only learned about this place because of the cafeteria staff I've become acquainted with. It's a bit hard not to when I'm the only student who frequents the expensive 1st window. Because of Horikita, there was a week where I didn't visit the cafeteria at all and when I returned, worry was painted across the staff's face. They wondered if there was something wrong since I didn't come by. When I told them the truth, they immediately recommended this place and gave me approval.

"Good, dying out of exhaustion because of cooking for you is not how I wish to go out."

Was what Horikita said when I told her the news. Due to the lack of highly nutritious ingredients from the common stores, Horikita had to cook a literal ton of food each time. It would have been fine even if she only cooked an ordinary portion, but she wouldn't accept anything unless I was full.

Truly, she's an awkward person but that serious and earnest side of hers is something that I find admirable.

After paying the bill and stepping outside, I found Horikita standing in place, her gaze fixed intently on something in the distance. Curious about what had captured her attention so thoroughly, I approached her.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, following her line of sight to try and discern what had caught her focus.

Without shifting her gaze, Horikita replied in a measured tone, "That must be the place."

A distance away, on the opposite side of where we are, I could see Ichinose, and I assume three of her classmates, looking around in front of a store. The group appeared engrossed in their task, surveying the area with a seriousness that suggested they were not merely casual shoppers. Ichinose, in particular, seemed to be leading the group, pointing out specific aspects of the storefront of what I think to be an Antique store and occasionally jotting down notes in a small notebook she held.

I turned back to Horikita, trying to gauge her thoughts. "Do you think it's related to the case?" I inquired.

Earlier this morning, before Chabashira-sensei left, she made an announcement about a recent theft that occurred in Keyaki mall and that it involved two students from class B. It's honestly quite surprising to hear that the first major incident in the academy is not perpetrated by the ones they labeled as "defects" but instead the upright students from a class above.

"Most likely," Horikita responded, her eyes narrowing slightly as she continued to observe. "From how sensei described the case, it's patchwork at best. Only a fool would believe a testimony with only circ*mstantial evidence, and a convenient one no less."

"Should we go over?" I suggested.

"Huh? Why should we?"

Horikita's question hung in the air as her eyes locked with mine, completely bewildered. Was my suggestion really that weird? I thought that it was the proper thing to say in this situation, just like a while ago with Sakura, despite not getting the chance to.


I guess it was indeed a strange suggestion. They're basically a stranger to Horikita so it wouldn't be right to involve ourselves...wait, isn't that almost everyone?

"What are you waiting for, Ayanokouji-kun? Let's go in," Horikita urged, entering Takarabako with an indifferent stride.

Well, Ichinose should be able to handle it on her own. I walked towards the store but before I entered, I casted one last glance towards their group.

"...So she did notice, after all."

Her deep blue eyes locked with mine, a fleeing, silent exchange passed that seemed to convey the current predicaments she faced. But worry was the last thing I caught in her gaze. Excitement, confidence, and curiosity-they sparkled in her eyes as she conveyed the emotions bubbling within her as if saying, 'This is fun!'


My hand that clutched on the door handle, let go and fell on my side.

She was thriving in it.

Her expression wasn't one of someone bogged down by the weight of the situation, but rather of someone who found a stimulating puzzle to solve. It was an intriguing contrast to the seriousness of the allegations against her classmates.

And watching her, I finally understood. When I confronted those three Blazing Demon Lions, an emotion sprang up within me, one that had always existed, but didn't manifest until that moment.


That's right, I was envious of those beasts. They struggled, followed a path they believed, did everything they could to survive, and yet at that moment, despite all that they have done until that point, they decided to step on the path that would spell their end. It made me question then, What was the point? Why did you even survive all of those battles? I didn't know their reason then, and I don't know their reason now, but I understood. They are the same as Ichinose, they are living a life. The choices that they made, the attitude they wore when facing those choices, they are all part of it.

That despite everything, they embraced their paths with a certain fervor and determination. That it isn't just about the situations they faced but also about how they chose to engage with those situations, regardless of the ultimate outcome.

It was something I understood now...yet remains something beyond my reach.

But because of it, a question finally made itself clear. It was one that had long lingered at the edges of my mind, but was unable to find the words until now. It was a pointless question, it may or may not have an answer, and each individual could have a different one...but it was a question whose answer I am searching for...

My hand clutched the door's handle once again, the cold metal biting my skin.

Indeed it was a pointless question, Ichinose and the three Blazing Demon Lions showed me their answers, but alas, those were not the I will ask away...

"Why are we living?"

The question hung in the air as I opened the door.

Chapter 25: In the Case

Chapter Text

Regardless of how extravagant the ingredients and how fancy their names are, at the end of the day, they're all the same once they're inside your stomach.

Steak, spare ribs, sausages, oh let's get ham as well.

As I placed the last item on the cart, I felt the piercing gaze of my seat neighbor. Her eyes, sharp and somewhat critical, seemed to scrutinize not just my current choice of groceries but perhaps the very decisions that had shaped my life up to this point.

"What?" I asked.

"You're only buying meat." A hint of disdain was present in her voice.

"Is there anything wrong with that? I like meat."

When it comes to food, I didn't have much of a preference, not until recently. The rich, succulent flavor of a cut of steak, the juices that burst forth with each bite, and the tenderness that simply melts into your mouth. It was an eye opener, especially so when cooked to perfection by a masterchef, and I dare say, Horikita was a damn good one.

So, if anything, it's kinda her fault that I've developed such a preference.

"You should eat some vegetables too," she said, grabbing a bunch of kale and a type of cabbage from a nearby produce and placing them on the cart. "Balance is key, you can't live on protein alone."

"But it's my money."

"Is that so?" she replied, raising an eyebrow. "Well, good luck cooking that on your own, Ayanokouji-kun."

With those words, she turned her heel and walked away, waving her hand as if saying goodbye for good. My stomach dropped. Wait, is she seriously leaving?

"Wait, wait. I was just joking," I called out, my voice tinged with desperation, or so how I'd like it to appear. While I had given cooking a try, and could possibly be decent at it if I kept on going, there was simply no way I would be able to reach the level of Horikita.

She stopped, sighed, and turned back. Without a word, she marched to the produce section once again and began grabbing more vegetables that looked like some type of carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, and even a few sweet potatoes. One by one, she dropped them into the cart with deliberate thuds.

"You're adding more!?" I exclaimed, unable to keep my dismay.

She turned to me with a menacing glare that could have frozen even fire. My protest died in my throat.

Satisfied with my silence, she nodded curtly. "Good. Now let's move on to the dairy section. You could use some variety in your diet, Ayanokouji-kun."

Defeated, I followed her without another word, pushing the cart laden with a rainbow of vegetables, wondering just how much of my life she planned to overhaul next.

"Oh it's you two! I was wondering why you didn't come by the weekend."

The voice belonged to Nikuya, the butcher, who had just emerged from the back room pushing a large cart. Due to how few customers there are in this place, it is not unusual for the people to get to know each other after meeting a couple of times.

His burly figure and ever-present grin were as familiar as the meaty scent that clung to his apron. Today, though, his cart carried something unusual: tendrils of what appeared to be chopped tentacles, each as thick as an average octopus's but significantly larger.

"Good afternoon, Nikuya-san," Horikita greeted. "What's with the cart?"

Nikuya's grin widened. "These? Just got 'em down from the inner court. A 100,000 year Moonlight Kraken, they say. Thing's as big as a football field, and apparently, it was too much even for them. So they gave the rest to us here in the outer court." He gestured proudly to the monstrous tendrils, slapping it hard with a smack. "Quite a catch, eh?"

Horikita and I stared at each other, then back at the cart, then back to each other, then back to the cart, our eyes unable to contain the shock. A 100,000-year-old soul beast? The thought was almost inconceivable. And a sea soul beast, no less. Just what kind of monster would hunt such a formidable creature for food?

"Are you serious?" Horikita asked the question ringing in our heads. "A 100,00-year soul beast?"

"Dead serious," Nikuya said, his grin never faltering. "Want a taste? It's an experience of a lifetime."

I was intrigued, almost drooling by the idea of tasting such a rare delicacy. "How much?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"900,000 points a kilogram," Nikuya replied, his tone laid-back as if he were simply discussing the weather.

The number hit me like a slap. "Seriously?"

"Trust me, it's worth the number," he said, smiling again like a shrewd salesman. "Come on, blacksmith's ought to be rich right? Cough up the money, kiddo!"

Just because our fees are high, doesn't mean we're rich! Most of our income goes back to buying rare metals!

I eyed Horikita who appeared to be narrowed in thought. "I have to admit, I'm curious," she said slowly. "I've never tasted a 100,000-year soul beast before."

Because of her family's wealth and influence, I had initially thought that she had, but it appeared not to be the case. Perhaps the inner court is just that unusual.

She glanced at me. "Let's split the cost."

With such an opportunity, I didn't hesitate. Splurging once in a while shouldn't be that bad. "Alright," I agreed, nodding.

Nikuya's grin widened even further. "Excellent choice! How much do you want?"

"A kilogram will do," Horikita said, glancing at me for confirmation.

Nikuya weighed out a portion, wrapping it carefully. "Here you go," he said, handing the parcel. "Enjoy it, you two!" he said, giving us his signature grin one last time.

As we moved along, I couldn't help but notice a rare hop in Horikita's steps. Her demeanor now appeared lighter, almost buoyant.

"You seem excited," I remarked, pushing the cart alongside her.

She stopped abruptly, the slight bounce in her step vanishing as if it had never been there. Her composed, stern expression returned, her eyes narrowing slightly. "I don't know what you're talking about, Ayanokouji-kun," she replied curtly, resuming her usual measured pace.

So she can be shy, that's new. "It must have been my imagination then."

She shot me a sideways glance and clicked her tongue, clearly unamused by my observation.

We continued in silence, making our way through the final aisles. Horikita maintained her meticulous approach, meanwhile, I simply followed, pushing the cart and letting her pick everything. I don't want her to berate me with my choices again.

Finally, we approached the checkout. The cashier, Tenin, the elderly lady, stood behind the counter and greeted us with a warm smile. "Well, if it isn't my favorite customers!"

"Good afternoon, Tenin-san," Horikita greeted politely while I only gave a nod.

It was a bit troublesome how every single staff member here looked upon the two of us so fondly. The fact that we were only students and still quite young seemed to amplify their affection and curiosity.

"What do you have there?" she asked.

"Just some Moonlight Kraken," Horikita said nonchalantly, holding up the wrapped parcel.

Tenin's eyes widened in surprise. "Ohh, the one the lady apostle hunted? My, my, you two must be in for a treat. Do tell me how it turns out, okay dear?"

"Will do," Horikita promised with a nod. I wish she would be as polite to me as she was with them. But more importantly, what did she mean by apostle? Horikita didn't seem to have any reaction to the term, suggesting that she might know something about it. I should ask her about it later.

Waving goodbye to Tenin, I clutched my id card in dejection, feeling the significant dent in my points. 1,012,050-that was the total amount I'd spent. Fortunately, Horikita would reimburse me for her share of the Kraken, but still...the expense was staggering.

When we finally left the store, I barely had time to feel the weight of my lost points before a cheerful voice greeted us out of the blue.


Ichinose stood there with a wide grin, her energy as infectious as ever...though it didn't seem to have worked on Horikita, who actually appeared quite annoyed by her sudden appearance. To her side were the three that were with her before. They appeared both confused and curious. Clearly, they didn't know Horikita and me.

"Horikita-san, right? I believe this is the first time we're greeting each other. I'm Ichinose Honami, nice to meet you!"

Ichinose extended her hand for a handshake, but Horikita didn't reciprocate, merely giving a curt nod. "Nice to meet you too," she replied, her tone cool and guarded. "What do you want from us?"

For some reason, Horikita appeared wary of Ichinose.

"Hm? I saw Ayanokouji-kun a while back so I came to say hi!" Ichinose didn't seem fazed by Horikita's reaction, instead; she looked amused even. "Are you on a date?"

"It's nothing like that."

Horikita denied it immediately. She was only quick to respond to suggestions like that.

Ichinose tilted her head slightly, placing a hand on her chin as if in deep thought. Her eyes sparkled as she looked between us, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Really?"

Horikita's annoyance grew. "Yes, really," she insisted, her tone edged with irritation.

"Alright, alright, I believe you," she said, laughing. "Oh right, how could I forget? These are my classmates, Shibata Sou, Amikura Mako, and Kanzaki Ryuuji," she added, pointing to each one as she said their name.

Shibata, a slightly tall boy with a friendly demeanor and Amikaura, the girl with long hair tied in a ponytail both gave us a quick wave and a broad smile. "Nice to meet you!" Kanzaki was more reserved and only nodded slightly.

"Horikita Suzune."

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

The two of us gave our own curt introductions. If I recall, Amikura and Kanzaki were the students related to the case. At first glance, they didn't appear to be the type to commit what had been accused to them, but one can never truly know.

"Horikita-san, I noticed your gaze earlier," Ichinose said. "You must've heard about that incident, right? I'd like to ask you some questions. Will that be alright with you?"

Horikita's eyes narrowed. She must have been bothered by the fact that Ichinose was able to notice her despite being so far away. After a brief period of silence, Ichinose proceeded.

"If you were at an antique store, what would you like to steal?"

Horikita's eyes flickered with surprise before settling into a hard stare. "Why would you ask something like that?"

I noticed that the three that were with Ichinose had surprised expressions as well. Ichinose's apparently running off on her own on this one.

Her smile didn't waver. "Hypothetically, of course. I'm trying to understand perspectives and motivations."

Horikita remained silent, clearly evaluating the situation. I could see the gears turning in her mind, calculating the implications of Ichinose's question.

"Well, I wouldn't steal anything," Horikita finally replied. "I abhor such acts."

Ichinose nodded, seeming to consider her response. "Fair enough. But imagine if you were forced into a situation where you had no choice. What then?"

"Are you implying something, Ichinose-san?"

Ichinose raised her hands in a placating way. "Not at all. I'm just exploring different scenarios. It's interesting to see how people think when faced with impossible choices."

"That's an interesting approach. But what does this have to do with the incident?"

"Sometimes understanding hypothetical choices can lead to the real thing. Don't you agree?"

"Perhaps," she said, noncommittally. "But it's a roundabout way to get to the truth."

Ichinose smiled, a hint of amusem*nt in her eyes. "Sometimes the indirect path is the most revealing. Wouldn't you say, Horikita-san?"

"I prefer direct answers to direct questions."

Ichinose appeared thoughtful. "Is that so? But you still haven't answered my question, Horikita-san. If you had no choice but to steal, what would you take?"

Horikita sighed, clearly, she didn't take kindly to Ichinose's persistence. "If I had to," she finally answered. "I suppose I'd choose something small and valuable, something that wouldn't be missed right away."

Ichinose nodded thoughtfully. "Interesting. And you, Ayanokouji-kun?"

There are a lot of reasons why someone would steal. They like the item, they want to sell the item, or perhaps they seek the item's sentimental value. The motive often says more about the person than the act itself.

"Probably something inconspicuous. One that can be easily hidden and difficult to trace back to me," I answered.

"I see, I see," she hummed, as if finding our answers enlightening.

Ichinose must have already made a headway to this case if she's asking these types of questions. It suggests she's piercing together personalities, motives, and behaviors to narrow down the suspects. However, given that me and Horikita are unrelated parties, she must have meant it when she said she only came to say hi and only ended up testing our responses since she had the chance. Her approach was methodical and strategic, but whether or not it is indeed relevant to the case she's dealing with, still remains to be seen.

Hi, I'm Amikura Mako, the cutie from Class B and Honami-chan's best friend! Today we are currently investigating the theft case that was accused of me and Kanzaki-kun. It is bizarre, really. Never in my life had I imagined that I would get rope up in something like this and more so for a crime I didn't even commit!

For situations like this, I wish I had Kanzaki-kun's calmness. I swear, he was as cool as a cucumber the entire time, while I almost hyperventilated when first receiving the news.

Fortunately, Honami-chan was determined to get to the bottom of this, and I trust her completely. Though, it kinda makes me worry how she appears to be enjoying herself more. But in any case, she's been asking all sorts of questions from everyone she meets, trying to piece together what happened and now she's doing exactly that to these two students we've run into...well not exactly, Honami-chan practically ambushed them when they got out of the store.

Ayanokouji-kun and Horikita-san, I recall seeing them back in the library a few months ago. Situations like this makes me feel proud about my memory. They seemed to be students from Class D. I guess it is no surprise that Honami-chan knows both of them, she is sociable like that.

"Interesting. And you, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"Probably something inconspicuous. One that can be easily hidden and difficult to trace back to me."

"I see, I see."

I narrowed my eyes. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, he was mostly silent this entire exchange, but if I remember correctly, though Honami-chan's asking them about the case, she initially came here and waited for them because she wanted to say "Hi" to him...Hmm, my special senses are tingling, something is going on here.

Honami-chan gets along with everyone but she rarely interacts with the opposite sex, or even initiates a conversation with them. Well, part of it was also because the boys seemed hesitant to approach her as well-probably too scared, or too shy to even speak. They seem to regard her as a 'flower that can't be touched,' or something along those line. I don't really know, I don't know boys.

But seeing her make a deliberate effort to engage with Ayanokouji-kun sparked a wave of curiosity in my mind. Looking intently, he's quite tall, good face but also unassuming with an expression that looks perpetually disinterested...Is that Honami-chan's type?

"I see. I thought you'd go ask us for help, Ichinose-san. And if you were, then I apologize, but this is none of our business," I heard Horikita-san say.

Hm? What's going on? The conversation seems to have taken a turn while I wasn't paying attention.

"Oh no, I wouldn't impose," Honami-chan replied while waving her hand. "Our class will do just fine on our own."

Yeah, exactly. We have the Ichinose Honami to lead us to victory after all!

"And besides, if we lose this case, then we would lose two of our dearest companions. That result would be more to your advantage don't you think?"


"Mako-chan and Kanzaki-kun are two of our best students, after all, and losing them would deal a huge blow on us...I fear we might not be able to recover if that were to happen."

I'm flattered that she thinks of us that way but...why is she talking like that? I felt a wave of anxiety bubbling up from my gut. Honami-chan had always been in a league of her own, a star we couldn't reach no matter how far we stretched out our why, why is she acting like this, as if she'd lost all the confidence she always had, as if the failure I was never able to imagine with her, existed.

No, no. I have to trust that she had a plan, there has to be more to her words than met the eye, she is, after all, Ichinose Honami.

"What are you trying to say?" Horikita-san asked.

Shrugging, she replied. "Nothing. I'm just saying that there's a lot at stake for Class B. Losing two top students would indeed cripple our class. It would be a shame if the only reason class D succeeded was because our class was weakened."

Beside me, I caught Shibata-kun struggling to hold back his giggles while Kanzaki-kun gave a resigned sigh. What are they finding so amusing? Am I missing something?

"There's no way anyone would fall for that," Shibata-kun whispered, still giggling.

"Um, fall for what?" I asked, genuinely confused.

He looked at me wide eyed, before he suddenly burst out laughing. What did I say wrong? I glanced at Kanzaki-kun who witnessed the entire thing, hoping for an explanation.

"She's egging her on to help us," he coolly said. "I don't know why she is doing it, however."

I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment as the realization sank in. So that's what it was...I was worried for nothing. Geez! But Horikita-san seemed smart, I don't think she'd be the type to fall for-

"Are you implying that we won't be able to win otherwise?!" Horikita-san retorted, her eyes flashed with indignation.

Wait, is it actually working?

A small smile played on Honami-chan's lips. "I'm simply stating that since we're at a disadvantage, it wouldn't be a fair fight."

Horikita-san's pride seemed to have been riled up by those words. "I don't need handicaps to prove my worth. I can beat you at your best."

"I'm glad to hear that. But as it stands, we're in a precarious situation. I fear that the chances of that happening is diminishing as we speak."

Horikita-san's expression hardened, her pride and competitive nature causing her to take the bait. "Fine. I'll help you clear Kanzaki-kun and Amikura-san's names. But don't think for a second that it's because I'm being charitable. I want to win against you when you're at full strength!" she declared, determined to prove her superiority.

"Great! The more the merrier, glad to have you, Horikita-san!" Honami-chan grinned widely as she grabbed Horikita-san's hand for a forceful handshake.

Ayanokouji-kun who watched this exchange from start to finish simply let out a resigned sigh. Meanwhile, all I could muster was an awkward laugh. Honami-chan's having way too much fun with our predicament.

Ichinose's group began recounting their investigations prior to their meeting with Ayanokouji and Horikita.


"Make sure to note anything out of place, okay?" said Ichinose as she turned to her classmates.

It was past one in the afternoon. The group headed to the antique shop where the alleged theft had occurred. Ichinose and her classmates, Shibata, Amikura, and Kanzaki were examining the surroundings meticulously while the storekeeper observed them from behind the counter.

After looking around for a while, Ichinose, accompanied by Shibata, approached the storekeeper, who wiped his hands on his apron as they got close.

Ichinose smiled warmly, "Thank you for letting us look around Suteru-san. We really appreciate your cooperation. May I ask you a few questions about what happened?"

Nodding, the storekeeper, Suteru, replied with a smile. "Of course, young lady. I want to help however I can. What do you need to know?"

"Could you please walk us through what you remember about the day of the theft? Every detail could help us."

He nodded and cleared his throat. "Well, it was a normal day, mostly. There were quite a number of students inside and I noticed two other students-I assume they're your classmates-enter the store. They looked around for a bit, and then they left. Later, I noticed some items were missing."

Shibata interjected. "Did you see them take anything? Or hear anything unusual?"

Suteru paused, looking thoughtful. "No, I didn't actually see them take anything, the shelves block the view from this angle. It's just that they were the only ones around that part of the store. When I checked later, that's when I realized an item was gone."

"And you mentioned this to the security immediately?" Ichinose asked.

"Yes, that's right. I had to report it-it's protocol."

"I see." Ichinose scanned the store once more and confirmed that the counter's location is indeed ill-positioned to monitor the store, especially so when the internal cameras are not functional. She leaned in slightly. "Do you often have problems with theft here? It must be challenging to keep track of everything."

"I haven't been here for long so I can't say, but in my experience, this was the first instance. As for the inventory, monitoring it was rather easy since every unsold item has a matching tag in the computer. The tag will only be removed from the list once the item has been sold," he said, showing us one of the items in the shop.

It was a small pocket watch that had intricate carvings on its case. On its back was a serial number pasted on what appeared to be a thick cut of tape. They continued to inspect the item when a beep sound suddenly rang out, originating from the tape.

"See? If I click on the matching tag from the computer, the item will make a sound," he said, demonstrating once again in front of them. "So if there is no response, that could only mean that an unsold item is not inside the store anymore."

"That's kinda neat," cooed Shibata.

Ichinose handed the watch back and nodded understandingly. "Thank you for sharing that Suteru-san. If there's anything else you remember, please let us know. We're just trying to make sure the right people are held responsible."

"Of course, of course. Just doing my part," he responded, giving an understanding smile.

As their conversation concluded, the storekeeper expressed his desire to see the matter resolved fairly, though he remains firm on his initial observations. Ichinose and her group bid their goodbye, but internally she remained skeptical and noted the need for further investigation. She had sensed that there appeared to be something peculiar about the conversation she just had, but still couldn't quite grasp what it was.


"And then we approached you two," Ichinose concluded.

Ayanokouji and Horikita, the two newly recruited members of the investigation party appeared thoughtful as they absorbed the information Ichinose had just relayed to them. After a brief moment of silence, Horikita spoke up.

"What about the nearby stores, you must have asked around, correct?"

"We did," Kanzaki answered her. "Unfortunately, we found nothing noteworthy."

"But they did say that it was surprisingly busy on that day, there's a good number of students passing by," added Shibata.

Horikita, having frequented this area of the mall for the past couple of weeks, have already been aware of its usual emptiness and lack of shoppers. While she may find it unusual that there were a lot of people on that day, it still wasn't that far-fetched to be considered a mere coincidence.

Shaking her head, Horikita pushed that thought to the back of her mind for now and asked the important question she should have asked first.

"In the first place," she started, turning her gaze on Amikura and Kanzaki. "Why were the two of you in that store anyway?"

Receiving this question, Amikura shifted uncomfortably, her cheeks coloring slightly as all eyes turned on her. She hesitated, her eyes darting around before speaking in a soft, reluctant tone.

"Well, um, we heard there was a sale so..."

Kanzaki noticed Amikura's discomfort and stepped in smoothly, his voice calm and matter-of-fact. "One of our classmates mentioned it. They said the store had an array of historical artifacts and some odd collectibles on sale. It seemed like a good opportunity to check out something unusual."

Horikita raised an eyebrow in response"And that led you to visit the store on that particular day?"

Kanzaki nodded firmly. "Exactly. I, for one, am interested in history. Amikura on the other hand is quite fond of collecting odd looking curios."

"Don't call them odd!" Amikura quickly interjected. "They're-" She paused, her voice softening as she glanced around at the others, cheeks coloring with a deep blush. "I-I mean, they're special to me, even if they might seem strange to others," she murmured, then quickly covered her face with her hands, her voice barely audible.

Horikita tilted her head, genuinely puzzled by Amikura's reaction. "What's there to be embarrassed about?" she inquired.

Peeking through her fingers, Amikura responded sheepishly. "I mean...they're not cute at all, and it's not something that girls are into so..."

"...I still don't really get it. Do you, Ayanokouji-kun?" Horikita turned to her seat neighbor.

"I'm on the same boat."

Amikura looked bewildered at Horikita and Ayanokouji's indifferent reactions. She's at a loss, not understanding how they could be so unfazed by the social norms that had made her feel so self-conscious. Before she could respond, Ichinose burst out laughing, her bright and carefree voice brushing away the unnecessary emotions bottling up inside Amikura.

"See? There really is nothing to be embarrassed about, Mako-chan. People should pursue what they enjoy, am I right, Horikita-san?" Ichinose chimed in, still chuckling.

"What others do is none of my business," she responded with a shrug.

Amikura never expected to find indifference to be comforting until today. Paired with her friends' encouragement, any lingering embarrassment she had slowly dissolved. With a small, grateful smile, she uttered, "Thanks." Thinking that at least, in front of them, she would become more confident than before.

"So what's your next move?" Horikita turned to Ichinose. "I assume you had a plan even before you approached us."

"Of course. We planned to head to the security control room after our visit to the store. Since all the external cameras are owned by the mall, that is the only place we could access the recorded footage."

Horikita nodded. "I see. Then we'll meet you there after we drop this off," she said, lifting the bags of groceries they had just bought.

Ichinose's eyes widened slightly. "Oh right! I completely forgot that you two were on a date. I'm really sorry to have disturbed you," she said, grinning from ear to ear.

"I said it's no-, sigh, forget it."

Horikita gave up on correcting her. After the brief interaction with Ichinose, she had already concluded that this girl from Class B was quite exhausting to deal with.

And so the group parted, with Horikita and Ayanokouji heading back to the dorms and Ichinose's group to the control room where they will continue on their investigations.

After getting off the elevator on the fourth floor, Ichinose led her group down a quiet, less frequented corridor of the mall. The polished floors and muted hum of the air conditioning contrasted sharply with the bustling atmosphere of the retail levels on the other side and below. They approached a sleek, metal barrier that resembled those found in train stations, marking the entrance to an alley that led to restricted areas of the mall.

"This way," Ichinose directed, walking confidently towards the gate. She then reached into her pocket, pulling out her school ID card.

The others watched as she placed her ID on a scanner device adjacent to the gate. There was a soft beep, and the screen briefly flashed to green and the barrier opened smoothly. "It's just an entry fee," she told them. "Let's go in."

Unlike the approved personnel that can enter this location freely, students like them would have to pay exactly one white emblem per person to be granted access. This system not only regulated access but also served to record their visit, a precaution in case of any incidents. However, this access was limited strictly to traversing the corridors beyond the metal gate; whether they can actually enter the facilities and rooms situated in this area is another matter entirely.

They walked for a while, passing one door after another labeled with nondescript plaques indicating their function-maintenance, storage, electrical, and and many more.

"This place is giving me the creeps," Shibata commented as they moved deeper into the restricted zone.

Ichinose chuckled at his remark. "It's just unusually quiet compared to the rest of the mall. You won't find any monsters here so there's no need to be scared, Shibata-kun."

"Wh-who says I'm scared!"

Kanzaki scanned around as he followed Ichinose's lead. He noted her ease with navigating this area and her familiarity with the security protocols. It was as if she had done this many times.

"Have you been here before, Ichinose?" He finally asked.

"Nope. This is my first time." she replied. "What, are you wondering how I knew the way around?"

Kanzaki nodded.

"Tsk tsk tsk," Ichinose wagged her finger. "You simply have to ask around, Kanzaki-kun. I had Hoshinomiya-sensei call them for me beforehand. They then gave me instructions on what to do, that's about it."

"I see."

Kanzaki's reply was brief but he couldn't help but appreciate the efficiency and foresight that Ichinose had demonstrated. Initially, he had been skeptical of her taking charge, given her carefree and playful attitude. But now, it became clear that she was quite the meticulous, committed and took their case seriously.

Finally, their group reached the door with the plaque labeled 'control room.' Ichinose paused and exchanged a brief glance with her companion before knocking on the door.

After a brief moment, the sound of shuffling could be heard from the other side and suddenly, a small slit in the door slid open, revealing a pair of wary eyes that scrutinized them closely.

"State your business," a gruff voice demanded from behind the door.

"Good afternoon, I called earlier requesting access to some security camera footage," responded Ichinose.

There was a momentary silence as the unseen scrutinizer seemed to consider her request. Then, the slit snapped shut, and heavy bolts could be heard withdrawing as the door finally swung open.

But instead of letting them in, a tall burly man stepped out and closed the door behind him.

"So you're the one," he said, his eyes scanning Ichinose and the rest of her group. "Is that all of you?"

"There will be two more who will be joining us later."

The tall man nodded and extended his hand towards Ichinose with an expectant look. The others exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what the man intended, however, unlike them, Ichinose was in the know.

Without hesitation, she reached for her ID card and held it securely. In a moment, a silver light flashed and ten white emblems materialized in her palm, pulled directly from within her card. The ID card that the students of this academy possess also functioned similarly to storage rings, where it has a pocket dimension but specifically for emblems, allowing for seamless and secure transactions. Transactions can be done either directly from card to card, or what Ichinose had just done by materializing the emblems physically.

She carefully placed the emblems in the man's waiting hand.

The man's gaze settled on the emblems for a while, his gaze giving away nothing as he counted them silently. Ichinose watched his unreadable expression, slightly worried. I wonder if that amount is enough, she thought.

After a few moments, the man nodded slowly and unlocked the door, stepping aside to allow them entry. "You may go in," he said.

Ichinose exchanged glances with her group once again and gave them a reassuring nod. As they entered the dimly lit control room, they were greeted with the quiet hum of computers and the flicker of surveillance screens. Overall, there were three personnel inside including the burly man. He then guided the group to a designated viewing area where the officer in charge sat.

The officer turned to them as soon as they got near. "Welcome to the Keyaki mall's control room. What can I do for you?" he asked, giving a smile that they found to be quite unusual, uncomfortable even.

"We're here to review footage from two days ago outside the antique shop on the 1st floor," Ichinose stated clearly.

The officer, instead of working on their request, glanced at the burly man. The burly man simply nodded in response before the officer smiled once again, understanding what it implied.

"Alright then. You'll have full access to security footage for the past four months. You can use that console." He gestured to a workstation at the corner. "Takuma will assist you if you need any specific time frames or camera angles," he said, before finally returning to his tasks.

Ichinose faced the burly man who's name she just learned to be Takuma. "We appreciate your assistance," she politely said. The man simply grunted in acknowledgement, moving in to set up the console to access the required footage.

Kanzaki stepped forward and observed Takuma working the computer. "Let's start with the cameras outside the store at the time we were there," he suggested.

Shibata and Amikura moved closer to observe as well, watching eagerly as the screen transitioned from footage to footage as they navigated towards the one they were searching for.

As everyone's focus was directed to the monitor, Ichinose didn't immediately join them and instead approached the officer from before once again. The man, startled by Ichinose's presence, raised an eyebrow, wondering what else the young student wanted.

Clearing his throat, he put on his unusual smile and asked. "How may I help you, young lady?"

Ichinose slid two white emblems across his desk, returning a smile of her own that was a stark contrast to his. "There's something I'd like to request of you."

Kanzaki-kun, Shibata-kun and I were in the middle of reviewing the recording from that day and other related areas when a knock suddenly sounded from the door. Turning, I saw Takuma-san approach the door and replicate the same procedure he had performed on us earlier. Watching it from this side, I found his actions amusing for some reason, it feels as if we were in a super secure, super important room despite only being the control office of a mall.

The door swung open to reveal the two students we've been expecting. Horikita-san and Ayanokouji-kun.

"Horikita-san, Ayanokouji-kun, over here!" I called them, waving them over. Horikita-san nodded curtly and moved towards us. "How did you find this place?" I asked.

"Ichinose messaged me the location," Ayanokouji-kun answered.

"I see, I see..." I nodded understandingly, then paused...wait a minute! If I recall correctly, today was the first time Honami-chan and Horikita-san had spoken to each other and I don't think she had exchanged contacts with any of that means...Hehehe, I see what you're doing, Honami-chan~.

"Is there something wrong with what I've said?"

I didn't realize that I've started giggling all by myself. "I-It's nothing, hehe." Great, now he probably thinks I'm weird or something.

"Is that the recording on that day?"

Without missing a beat, Horikita-san pointed to the monitor. Her tone was all business-focused and direct. She is kinda similar to Kanzaki-kun but more commanding.

Together, we turned our focus to the screens. After being taught by Takuma-san on how to use the console, Shibata-kun now took on the task of being our operator. Under Kanzaki-kun's directions, he replayed the recording on the day of the theft. We had already seen this a while ago, so this was more for Horikita-san and Ayanokouji-kun who had just arrived.

"As you can see," Kanzaki-kun began. "Excluding me, Amikura and the storekeeper. There are seven other students who entered the store."

While the four of us huddled close to the monitor as Kanzaki-kun continued to recount the details of what we've found to Horikita-san, I noticed Ayanokouji-kun, standing slightly apart from the group, observing quietly. I had thought of it since our earlier meeting, but he really was a reserved person, huh.

Just then, Honami-chan finally returned to our side. She was speaking to another officer earlier...I wonder what that was about? Her gaze lingered on us briefly before she positioned herself beside Ayanokouji-kun. The two began to speak in low tones, and whether it could be considered fortunate or unfortunate, me being the closest to them, enabled me to catch snippets of their conversation.

"That shop you were at earlier, that was Takarabako, right?" Honami-chan began.

"You knew about it?"

"Of course, that's where all the good stuff are stored. Though I heard that you need permission to enter it, is that true?"

"I got lucky," he said nonchalantly.

Hm, they were holding several bags of groceries when we encountered them...For a shop to require special permission to access, just what are they selling there?

"What did you get?" Honami-chan asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"There's this Moonlight Kraken."

"Ooh, I've just had that a while ago."

As they continued to talk, I couldn't help but notice how animated Honami-chan was. Her eyes were bright, and she seemed genuinely excited about every little detail they discussed. Ayanokouji-kun, on the other hand, replied briefly, his tone calm and measured. The contrast between their energies was striking. To be honest, the two couldn't be more opposite to each other, but perhaps that was exactly what drew Honami-chan to Ayanokouji-kun.

"I wasn't able to ask this earlier...but how are you feeling?"

"...I'd like to ask the same to you," he replied.

Hm? What are they talking about?

"Hehe, I'm fine, thanks for asking. But you're cruel, Ayanokouji-kun."

"How so?"

"How could you leave just like that? You should have waited until I woke up. It's proper manners."

"First time I'm hearing that, and besides I'm also....."

I couldn't hear the last part of what he said but....huh? What did Honami-chan mean by that? D-did they sleep together? They were just talking about mundane stuff did it suddenly turn to this?

"How cruel," Honami-chan covered her mouth and began to sob. "After you penetrated me with that thing (arrow) of yours, you won't even take responsibility?"

Pe-pe-penetrated!? My mind was spinning. Was she talking about...? No way!

"Say's the one who's the reason I couldn't move my arms (broke my bones)."

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! What kind of s-stuff were they into?

They continued their conversation but I could no longer register any of it. I suspected that there was something going on with the two, but this is not the stage I was expecting it to be! It's like something straight out of a steamy romance novel!

I internally squealed, struggling to contain my emotions as my face turned beet red. It felt like steam was practically coming out of my head and I was starting to feel dizzy. This was too much stimulation even for me.

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (15)

We silently watched as Amikura moved sluggishly away from us.

"Did you really have to word it that way?" I whispered to Ichinose.

Her soft giggles reached my ears; she really is amusing herself with this. "Mako-chan's reactions are just so funny, I couldn't help but tease her."

I inwardly sighed. Amongst their group, Amikura had been the one who'd been watching me closely ever since we met. There could be several reasons why she would do that, the most logical one being that I am from a rival class. But if that were indeed the case, then Horikita should have been the primary choice considering that she's the one taking the lead between the two of us. Unexpectedly, however, it turned out that she was just a teenage girl with an overactive imagination...

I just hope that this won't cause any rumors to sprang up.

"Are you worried?" Ichinose asked, sensing my concerns. "You don't have to worry, Mako-chan's not the type to do something like that."

I hope that's indeed the case. Ichinose's confidence in Amikura's discretion was reassuring, yet just like this case, you can never know when it comes to people.

"Well, how about we join them, Ayanokouji-kun?" She said, stepping forward with a spring and a hop. "I wonder if they found anything~"


Someone called out to Ichinose, causing her to stop. Turning, she saw one of the officers handing out what I assumed to be a folder of some sort.

"Oh, that was quick! Thanks Tsukamura-san!" she said, receiving the folder.

"How about you go ahead, Ayanokouji-kun? I'm just gonna take a look at this for a while."

She scooted away while humming all the while. No matter what the situation, her smile never once left her face, always finding some way to brighten the moment, even if it's just for her.

I moved closer to the group, lost in thought. Ichinose's unwavering optimism was both her greatest strength and her most perplexing quality. It was easy for anyone to be charmed by her, to be drawn into her world where every problem had a solution and every challenge was just another opportunity to grow, to live a life.

But I couldn't help but wonder if that perpetual smile was a mask just like Kushida's. That there was something deeper she was hiding beneath the surface. Is it just a facade or is it real? I don't really have a conclusion right now, but even if it were the former, I doubted the day would ever come where her mask would crumble.

I glanced back to Ichinose, expecting to see her usual cheerful demeanor...But what I saw was contrary to all my expectations and a mockery to what I've just thought. She stood still, the folder clutched tightly in her hands. Her smile had vanished, replaced by an expression that betrayed a moment of vulnerability-anxiety, perhaps even fear.

Her eyes scanned the contents of the folder, her brow furrowing deeper with each passing second. I had never seen her look so troubled and for a brief moment, her gaze flickered up and met mine. The shock in her eyes was unmistakable, and she quickly looked away, forcing a smile back onto her face.

However, the damage was done; the cracks on her mask were now visible, however small. And so I wondered...just what was inside that folder that it could unsettle someone like Ichinose to this extent?

Monster Academy - Nuach - ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ | Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoush*tsu e (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.