The Niles Democrat from Niles, Michigan (2024)

SAFE KIDNEY LIVEN CURE The Leading Scientists of to-day. Kidneys agree that most. diseases are caused by disordered or Liver. therefore, the Kidneys and Liver are This truth has only been known a short time and for kept in perfeot order, perfect health will be the result. years people suffered great agony without being Kidney able to And relief.

The discovery of Warner's Safo and Liver Cure marks DOT ora in the treatment of these troubles. Made from 3 simple tropical loaf of rare value, it contains; just the elements necossary to nourish and invigorate both of these great organs, and safely restore and keep them ir order. It 18 a POSITIVE Remedy for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the body- for Torpid LiverMalarial Fever, and all difficulties of over; Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. It is an excellent and safe remedy for females during Pregnancy'. It will control Menstruation and is invaluable for Leucorrhoea or Falling of the Womb.

As a Blood Purider it is unequaled, for it cures the organs that MAKE the blood. READ THE RE OR D. "It saved my life." B. Lakoly, Selma, Ala. "It is the remedy that will cure che many diseases peculiar to Magazine.

"It has passed severe tests and won endorsem*nts from some the highest medical talent "No remedy heretofore discovered can be held for Now York World. one moment in comparison with O. A. Harvey, D. Washington, D.

This Remedy, which has done such wonders, is put up in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any medicine upon the market, and is sold by Druggista and all dealers at $1.25 per bottle. For Diabetes, enquire for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURE. It is POSITIVE Remedy, H. H. WARNER Rochester, N.

PROFESSOR HORSFORDS BAKING POWDER Mede from Profossor Horsfords' Acid Phosphate. Recommended by leading physicians. Makes lighter biscuit, cakes, and to healthier than ordinary Baking Powder. In cans. Sold at a reasonable price.

The Horsford Almanac and Cook Book sent free. Rumford Chemical Worka, Providence, R. I And 83 Lake Chicago. THE SYMPTOMS. of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth, Pain in Back, Sides or joints, often mistaken for rheumatism, sour stomach, loss of appetite, bowels alternately costivo and lax; headache, loss of memory, with painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done; debility, low spirits, a thick yellow appearance of the skin and eyes, a dry cough often mistaken for consumption.

Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the others very few; but the liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of disease; and if not regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness, and DEATH will ensue. 3. As an unfailing specific for DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, colio, depression of spirits SOUR STOMACH, heart burn, Simmons Liver Resulator. This justly celebrated medicine, regulates liver, promotes digestion, and fortifies the system against malarial. CAUTION.

See that you get the Genuine in white clean wrapper with large red Prepared only by J. H. Zeilin' Co. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. business now before the public.

BEST: You else. work can for Capital us make $12 not than money at needed. faster anything We at start you. 8 day and upwards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls to wOrk for us.

Now is the time. You can work in spare time only or give your whole time to the business. You can live at home and do the work. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay by ongaging at once.

Costly Outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and honorably. Address TRUE Augusta, Maino. "declyo ELY'S For Catarrh, CREAM BALM Hay Head, Fever, Cold insert in with the CUT little finger, A particle CATARRH, COLD HEAD of the Balm into the nostrils; draw strong breaths through the HEALS PASSAGES ed, nose. It cleansing will be and absorb- healing the diseased memCATARRHAL brane.

FOR DEAFNESS, SO CEL particle Occasionally into the apply back PRICE of the ear, rubbing in thoroughly. ELY'S CREAM BALM Is receiving the endorsem*nt of the sufferer, tho drug. gist, and physicians, Nover has an article of so much merit been produced for the treatment of membranal diseases 88 this never-failing BALM, and is universally acknowledged as being all that is claimed for it. The application is easy and pleasant, causing no pain, 15 soething and is fast superceding the use of powders, liquids, and snuffs. Price 50 cents.

Send for circular, with fall information. ELY'S CREAM BALM Owego, N. Y. "Merit Must Reap Its Just Reward." Of the many Catarrh and Hay Fever remedies we keep in stock, there is none of which our customers speak more highly than of Ely's Cream Balm ery. We have never handled a remedy which has increased as rapidly in sales, or that has given such universal satisfaction.


and Bladder Expelled--Long Suffering of one of Troy's Best People -A Lucky Man. STONES IN THE KIDNEYS It is by no means a strange thing that Dr. Kennedy should have received the following letter, By reading it you will see in one ute why James Andrews was thankful: TROY, N. April 8th, 1880, Dr. D.

Kennedy. Rondout, N. DEaR SIR: Until within. a recent date 1 had for several years suffered greatly from gravel, called by the doctors the Brick-duat Sediment. For about a year past this sediment has not passed off in the usual quantity, but has accumulated, causing me.

untold pain. Having heard of "Kennedy's Favorite Remedy" tried it in my case, and after using about one and 040 half bottles, I voided stone from the Bladder, of an oral shape. 7-16 of an inch long, and rough on its surface. I send you the largest piece that you may see of what it is composed. Since then I have felt no pain.

I now consider myself cured, and cannot express. my thankfulness and gratitude for so signal a deliverance from: terrible disease. You have my consent to use this letter, should you wish to do so, for the benefit of other sufferera. 0 Yours truly, JAMES ANDREWS. ST No.

10 Marshal St Ida Hill. When we consider that the medicine which did this service for Mr. Andrews costs only one dollar a bottle. It would seem that persons afflicted in like fashion can afford the expense of testing its Get it of your druggists, N. or Y.

address Dr. Dr. Kennedy's David Favorite Kennedy, Remedy" for sale by all druggists. d31ml Mastrated. REVISED Cheapest NEW and Best.

Sells TESTAMENTS. at sight, HOLMAN'S PICTORIAL BIBLES! A sents wanted, A. J. HOLMAN Philada ORGANS, 17 Stops 5 Set GoBEATTY" Daniel Tongue P. Beatty, reeds Washington, $85.

Addrose N. RAN LEAD ALL OTHERS! Every Style Price. Guaranteed Unequaled BEST! SARD ACORN FOR OPERATION, ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Improvements and Conveniences found in no others. Always Reliable.

POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Sale Every City and Town In tho Unitod Statos. 23 The Purest and Best Medicine ever Made. A mbination of Hops, Buchu, Man: drak and Dandelion, with all the best most ura tire properties of all other Bitters, makos the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Regul a tor, and Life and Health Restoring earth. Agent on No disease an possibly long exist where their Hop Bitters are us varied and perfect are operational They give now fo and rigor to the aged and lairm.

Te of all the whose bowelsor urinary organs, or who remployments cause ty quire an Appetizer Tonlo and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are inval uable, without Intoxloating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are what the disease or ail ment is use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you a re sick but if you only feel bad or miserable, use saved them at once. It may save your life.It has hundreds. $500 will be paid for a Ca se orlet they your will friends not cure or help.

Do not suffer to use and urge them use Hop Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile, and drugged drunken nostrum, but the Purest Best Medicine ever made; the "INVALIDS FRIEND and HOPE" and no person or family should be without them, forDrunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and absolute and irresistible cure narcotics. All sold by druggists. Bend for Circular. Hop Bitters 1fg. Rochester NY and Toronto.

Ont. POSITIVELY CURED BY CARTERS ITTLE EVER PILLS. And Can Prove What we Claim. There are no failures and no disap Er void aro troutled wit SON can he quickly cured, haro been already. We to plenaed to mail a sheet or to any CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS curcull proven: Constipation and I pr motor D'roition, Cistr from too heart catin, corrcal ofthe Stomach, frimulate the Liver, and Regulato the Bowels.

Th do all this 1.7 ta2'ng just oca little pillat a do e. Theyare purely da cot or acd ar3 113 ncarly perfect us it 1: possible for a pill is 0, Prico 25 conte, 0 f2 21. fold kore 50 MEDICINE CO. NEW YORK. We Mean Cured, Not Merely Relieved A PATENTS obtained for new inventions, or for improvements in old ones.

Caverts, trade marks and all patent bnsiness promptly attended to. INVENTIONS THAT HAVE be BEEN patented REJECTED may most cases, Beipg opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and engaged in the patent business exclusively, we can secure patents in less time than those who are remote from Washington and who must depend upon the mails in all When inventors send model or sketch we transactions one with the Patent. search in the Patent Office and advise as to its patentability free of charge.

Correspondence confidential, prices low, and no charges unless patent is obtained. We refer to the Hon. Postmaster General D. M. Key, Rev.

F. D. Power, to officials in the U.S. Patent Office, and especially to our clients in every State in the Union and in Canada. For special references, terms advice, address Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D.

C. A. SNOW c. ME THE ADAMS WESTLAKE Wire Gauze, Non-Explosive Oil Stove Improved Improved Improved WITH Extension Base Oven for Top for for 1881 The only Oil Stove made with wire gauze INSIDE the reservoir on the principle of the Sir Humphrey Davy Safety Lamp, making it Absolutely Non-Explosive. Ask your dealer for them, or send for circular.

THE ADAMS WESTLAKE MFG. 95 Lake St CHICACO. IF YOU Want a tag, Want a card, Want a label, Want a circular, Want a bill head, Want a letter head, Want calling card, Want a business card, Want a nice programme, Want a monthly statement, Want a concert programme, Come to Niles Democrat Job Rooms. Job work of all kinds done, Job work done to please, Job work done correctly, Job work doneliberally, Job work done prompt, Job work with care, Job work in silver, Job work in gold, Jobs in colors, Jobs in tints, For Cash, TRY US. MAN WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOGRAPHY OF THIS THE COUNTRY, WILL SEE BY EXAMININO THIS MAP, THAT Minneapolis TO UL Chippewa Falls Stevens Toint Far Merrillan: I Menasha Br SOTA Crosse Nora du Chlen a REKIN PEORIA Chenoa Centra Quincy latte URI Vanilulia CITY4Z athe CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND PACIFIC the R'Y Is The main line runs from Chicago to Council Sleeping for sleeping purposes, and Palace Creat Connecting Link between the East and West! Its through Joliet, Ottawa, La Salle, Dining Cars for eating purposes only.

One other Bluffs, passing Rock Island, Davenport, West great feature of our Palace Cars is a SMOKING Genesco, Moline, City, Marengo, Brooklyn, Grinnell, SALOON where you can enjoy your "Havana" Des Liberty, Molnes Iowa (the capital of Iowa), Stuart, at all hours of the day. tic, and A voca: with branches Junction from to Bureau Musca- and Missouri rivers at all points crossed by this Magnificent Iron Bridges span the Mississippi Junction to Peoria; Wilton Fairfield Eldon, Belknap, line, and transfers are avoided at Council Bluffs, tine, Washington, Trenton, Gallatin, Came- Kansas City, Leavenworth and Atchison, conCentreville, Princeton, Atchison, and Kansas City: nections being made in Union Depots. ron, Leavenworth, and Knox- The principal R. R. connections of Washington to 8igourney, Farmington, Oskaloosa.

Bonaparte, Ben- this great Through Line are as follows: ville; Keokuk to Eldon, Ottumwa, Eddy- At CHICAGO, with all diverging lines for the ville, tonsport, Oskaloosa, Independent, Pella, Monroe, and Des Moines; East and South. Zion to Keosauqua; to Monroe; Atlantic Dos to Ft. At W. C. ENGLEWOOD, R.

Rds. with the L.S. M.S., and Indianola and Winterset; Avoca to Harlan At WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, with C. St. Griswold Carson.

and This Audubon; is positively and the only Rail- L. R. R. owns, and operates a Kansas. through line At At LA PEORIA, BALLE.

with with P. P. Ill. Cent. P.

R. D. R. I. B.

from road, Chicago into the State of which Through Express Passenger are run Trains, with waydaily At ROOK IBLAND, with and Rock Pull- Ill. T. W. Rds. man Palace Cars attached, KANSAS CITY, Island Short and Rock Isl'd Peo.

Rds. between CHICAGO BLUFFS, LEAVENWORTH and, ATOHI- At DAVENPORT, with the Davenport Division COUNCIL Through cars are also run between Milwau- C. M. St. P.

R. R. kee SON. and Kansas City, via the Milwaukee and At WEST LIBERTY, with the B. C.

R. N.R.R. Rock Island Short Line." Island" Is magnificently At At DES MOINES, with D. M. D.

K. R. GRINNELL, with Central Iowa R. The Great Rock bed is simply perfect, and its At COUNCIL BLUFFS, with Union Pactic R.R. equipped.

Its with road steel rails. At OMAHA, with B. Mo. R. R.R.

(in Neb.) track is laid please you most will be the pleasure At COLUMBUS JUNOTION, with R. R. R. What will meals, while passing over the At OTTUMWA, with Central Iowa R. of beautiful enjoying prairies your of Illinois and Iowa, In one of 8t.

L. and B. and Q. R. Rds.

Cars that accompany all At KROKUE, with Keo, Peo. N. W. R. Rds.

St. our Through magnifcent Express Dining Trains. You get an entire Louis and St. good as is served in any Arst-class hotel, At At ATCHIBON, CAMERON, with with Topeka Santa Fe; H. J.

R. R. meal, as for Appreciating seventy-five the cents. fact that a majority of the Atch. and Cen.

Br. U. P. R. Rds.

separate apartments for different Cent. At R. Rds. LEAVENWORTH, with Union l'ac. and Kan.

1 people purposes prefer (and the immense passenger business it). are pleased to an- and At KANSAS Southwest. CITY, with all lines for the West of pounce this that this Company runs Pullman Palace line warranting PULLMAN PALACE CARS are CITY, run ATCHISON, through to and PEORIA. LEAVENWORTH. DES MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS, this Line, KANSAS known As the Great Rock Island Route," are sold by all Tickets Ticket Agents in the United States and Canada.

via For information not obtainable at your home office, addross, R. R. Vice CABLE, President and General Manager. General Ticket and Pausenger Agent, E. ST.

JOHN, CHICAGO, ILL. i DR. V. CLARENCE PRICE, HAS VISITED NILES FOR TWENTY YEARS Has met with anparalleled success in the treatment of all CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE Throat, Lunga, Heart, Stomach Liver, Kidneys or Urinary Organs, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Asthma, Shortness of Breath, or St. difficulty Vitue in Dance, breathing, Restlessness, Dyspepsia, Loss of Weakness Appetite, Constipation, Derangements of the Stomach, Bilious or Nervous Debility, Indiscretions, Fits, Affections, Gravel, Scrofula, Fever Sores, Abscesses, Ulcers, Running from the Ears, Infa.

are mmation of the Eyes, Catarrh, and all forms of Chronic or Lingering Complaints, nvited to call. Special Attention Given to the Diseases of Women CONSULTATION FREE. No treatment given unless there are prospects of doing good We use no remedies but those prepared by our own hands. A large practice in the treatment of Chronic Diseases exclusively, for the past Twenty Years, enables us to understand the cause, symptoms deucy and medicines required for the curing of such ailments, Residence and Laboratory WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. Where all Letters should be addressed, with stomp.

13 RIOT NILES, BOND HOUSE. on Saturday, (until 3 o'clock,) the 8th of April, LAPORTE, MYERS' HOUSE, on Saturday, tho 6th of May, and on Saturday, (until 3 o'clock,) the 1st of July, 1882. BOOTS AND SHOES. 3 Ever grateful that a kind providence has induced the good people of Niles and vicinity to. patronize me for almost thirty-five years here, the subscriber has at his old stand, No.

I8, Main street, a good assortment of Mens, Ladies', 4P Boys' Misses', Youths' Childrens' Childrens' Infants' BOOTS and SHOES For spring and summer wear, offered at the lowest cash prices considering quality, not only to those who have always fulfilled their obligations, but also those who are delinquent, if they choose to call on him. 3' 6w13 S. P. L. HUNSTABLE.

MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO. Will or the next 60 days, a Grand Offer of PIANOS AND ORGANS. $850 Square Grand Piano for only $245. STYLE 3 1-2 patent Magnificent cantante rosewood agraffes, case our new elegantly patent Anished, overstrung 3 scale, strings, beautiful 7.1-3 carved Octaves, legs Grand and full lyre, heavy serpentine and large fancy moulding round case, tend full to Iron the perfection of the instrument has Frame, French Grand Action, Han mere, in fuct every improvement which can in any way been added. price for this instrument boxed and delivered on board cars at New York, with fine Piano Cover, stool and Book, you do not send money with order.

Cash Our only $245.00 This Piano will will be be sent on refunded test and freight charges paid by us both ways if Piano is not just as representPlease send reference af sent with order Thousands in u80. Send for Catalogue. Every instrument fully warranted for five ed in this advertisem*nt. years. (with Stool.

Cover and Book). All strictly First-class and sold PIANOS: The Piano tively $160 Centennial we Squares TO Wholesale making. make $400 contain The Exhibition, the new factory our finest and New patent prices. were Upright Patent scale These Pianos, unamimously Scale, Uprights of Pianos the the are made greatest the richest recommended one finest tone of improvement for the and in the finest in greatest, America. IlIGHEST and the displays not history durability.

at HONORS. Posi- one the of They are dissatisfed recommended purchaser. by the All highest pianos musical and organs authorities sent in on the 15 days' country. test trial -freight free if unsatisfactory. Over 14,000 in use, Don't Handsome fail to Illustrated write U8 before Descriptive buying.

Positively Catalogue we of 50 offer pages the best mailed for 6c. stamp. Every piano fully bargains. Piano Catalogue mailed free. and Piano warranted for fire years, Our New Style Jubilee Organ to Japanese Case, called JUBILEE ORGANS of est the musical Celestina.

and Reeds, public. sweetest "ORIENTAL," Also It Fifteen Melodia, toned contains Style Parlor Beautiful Celesto, 99, Five is Organ the Stops, Diapason, Octaves, as ever handsomest, Sub- follows, offered Five tasti- sets and the Melodia. Treble-Oompler, Celoste, (a charming Celestina, stop.) Bass-Coupler, Diapased, Grand Sub- Base, Echo, Dulcet, throws on the entire power of the instruMelodia- Forte, Celeste-Forto, Expression, Swell, Left Knee Stop Organ, Grand (which Swell. Height, 70 Length, 47 Width, 34 ment,) Right Weight, Kuee boxed, Stop 350 and lbs. The case is solid and walnut, veneered with choice woods, and is of an entirely beautiful design.

Possesses all the latest and best improvements, with great power, depth, price brilnew and $276. liancy, Our and whplesele sympathetic net quality cash of price tone. to Lave tt Beautiful introduced, solo effects with and stool perfect and stop book. action, only $87-as Regular one organ sold retail sella othere. Positively no deviation in price.

No payment required untii you have fully tested. the organ in your own home. We send all organs oR 15 days test trial and pay freight both ways, if instrument is not as represented. Positively, our Organs contain no "Bogus" sets of- Reeds, or "Dummy" stope, as do many others. We make no misrepresentations, and guarantee honest and fair dealing, or no gale.

Fully warranted for '5 years. Other styles $35, $50, $57, $65, $70, etc. Over 34,000 sold, and every Organ has given the fullest satisfaction. Organ Catalogue mailed free, at Factory ene-third price. Catalogue of 8000 choice pieces sent for 3c.

etamp. This cataand Warerooms, 67 St. and 10th Ave. SHEET MUSIC logue incl des most of the popular music of the day and every variety of musical the best authors. Addross 15 composition, by MENDELSSOHN PIANO P.

O. Box, 2058, New York City, OR Traveling which preferred. Also SALARY per month. EXPENSES advanced. WAGES promptly paid.

SLOAN. Co. 306 George st. Vinelanati. 0.

Whiles Democrat. NILES MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1882. THE PLACE. go to prepare a place for you." Place, we not where thou art 0 Holy Though one by know. well beloved dead to thy bliss bas From our close claspings 1 fled, They And if, send no perchance, word their angels fly athwart" bask to the breaking heart; The silent white reaches wings we see not, but inof the abyss wide The swift: stead: Only Where the did dark He set thee, thou Holy Place void keeping us apart.

Made He. a new world in the; heavens high bung, So far from the poor earth -that oven the yet Its first glad rays have traversed not space That lies old home its sons can ne'er forget between us for their glory flung On the But Like what that if on on some which fair, the shepherds watched auspicious night. Down of from old, far skies, ia burning splendor the radiance of star more rolled, Shall stream Than ever bright yet hath shone on mortal sightSwift shafts of light, like jereline of gold, Ware after ware of glory manifold, From zone to zenith flooding all the height? And what if, moved by some strange 2 inner sense, instinct, than pure reason wiser far, Some swift clairvoyance that. annulleth space, All men shall cry, with sudden joy intense, Our "Behold, heaven behold at this last new resplendent -the Place the Place!" Then shall the heavenly host with one acoord their bright faces in obeisance meet, While. swift they.

haste the glorious One to greet. Then shall Orion own at last his lord, And from his belt unloose the blazing sword, While pale proud Ashtaroth, with footsteps fleet, Her jewelled crown drops. humbly at his feet, And Lyra strikes her harp's most rapturous chord. 0 Earth, Bid all your lonely isles rejoice! Break into all ye silent bills; And ye, tumultuous seas, make quick reply! Let the remotest desert find a voice! The whole creation to its centre thrills, For the new light of Heaven is in the sky -JULIA C. R.

DOOR, in Harper's Magazine for April. Mosaics. Faith is the daughter of the soul. The most effective coquetry is innocence. Courage our greatest failings does The Golden Age is not behind but beply.

fore 'us. Nothing overcomes passion more than silence. The secret of felicity 16 judicious' in terruption of routine. A man without secrecy is an open letter for every one to read. Fortune has rarely condescended to be the companion of genius.

Speaking truth is like writing and comes only by practice. The mother of useful arts is necessity; that of the fine arts is luxury. We should believe in works: words are sold for nothing everywhere. Discouragement seises us only when we can no longer count on chance. Happy are they that hear their detraotions, and can put them to mending.

Sensitive people wish to be loved yain people wish to be preferred. Are not flowers the star of the. eartb, and are not our stars the flowers of heaven? Nature has sometimes fool, but a coxcomb is always of 8 man's own making. Conversation enriches the understand. ing, but solitude is the school of genius, Loneliness is the base of every virtue.

And he who goes the lowest builds the safest. Our pleasures and our discontent. Are winds by which we may ascend. Gold that buys health can never be ill spent. Nor bours laid out in harmless merriment.

We trample graes, and prize the dowers of Yet grass is green when flowers do fade away. Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great. rule in carving bolds good 88 to criticism--never cut with knife what you CAD cut with a spoon. To a father who loves his children victory has no charms. When the heart speaks glory is illusion.

Friendship enhances every joy, mitigates every pain. Every one can have a friend, who himselt knows how to be a friend. The Best Antidote Against Infection. It is terrible to read of infectious diseases with which we are still troubled. There are whole districts now trembling for fear small pox will invade them or spread within them; towns are dreading the coming malarial fevers; others are already suffering under diphtheria, while scarlet fever, measles, are not even mentioned.

sit We think that a certain class of anti: dotes bave never become sufficiently preciated in these cases. There is one especially which we would wish to mention, the fumes of boiling malt vinegar. They dispel infectious partic'es rapidly and kill their virulence, particularly if used in time. Where these fumes used, windows and doors should be closed and net opened for about twenty minutes. After this time the fresh air can be freely admitted.

When these fumes are used repeatedly, disease will surely be kept off. is also an ex: cellent preventive, among cattle and sheep against and even: curative in certain cases. The great power of acids to dispel and kill malarial particles is not duff. ciently appreciated, and any one can make 8 trial in the simplest form, by. allowing the fumes of boiling vinegar to sprerd about.

How to Compute Interest. 4 per -multiply the principal by the number. of days; separate the right hand figure from the product and divide by 6 per -multiply by number of 9.. 7 days, 6 per by number of and divide days, separate right band figure and divide by 6. 8 per -multiply by, number of days, and divide by 45.

9 per by number of days parate right hand figure and divide by 4. 10 per cent. -multiply by number of days, and divide by 36. 12 per cent. -multiply by: number of days, separate right hand figure and divide by 3.

A 15 per by number of days, and 18 per by number of days; separate right band figure and divide by 2. per, cent. -multiply by number of days divide by 18. Cat this out and paste it in your bat. PAINTS and WALL PAPER, -u.

-AT- AMES CREENAMYER'S We take pleasure in announcing to our numerous friends and customers that we have removed our stock to the large and J. K. S.M. Finley We have refitted and best furnished 3 DRUGS. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded.

We buy pure medicines, and employ none but reliable pharmacists. Wekeep constantly in stock Chemicals, Dye Stuffs' and Package Dyes, 7 Perfumery, Toilet Combs, Trusses, Supporters Shoulder Braces, etc. Spices and Extracts. 2 WALL PAPER and Window Curtains und Fixtures In this department we intend not to be surpassed by any one. Our Stock is new and comprises the latest paterns and styles.

Prices as low as the lowest, Call and examine our stock. commodious store opposite Citizens' the same and now Drug and Bookstore BOOKS AND FANCY GOODS. School and miscellaneous Books, pocket and scrap books, photo and autograph albums. Special attention given to supplying Township and Sunday School Libraries at the lowest prices, Quotations furnished on application. Scrap book and decalcomania pictures, perforated card board and everything instationersgoods Paints, Oils, AVERILL PAINTS mixed ready for use are the best, durable and handsomest Call and see samples.

Every gallon warranted. Alabastine, the best finish for walls ceilings ever discovered. Will not scale lately occupied by National Bank. have the largset in Berrien Co. :.1 d.

6 STATIONERY, -Li Wedding and Invitation stationery, visiting card, box and fancy stationery, envelopes, etc Special discounts given on large purchares. Blank Books-We can supply you with anything in this line. Full bound, half bound canvas, bound, pocket memorandas of all kinds, Blank notes, drafts and receipts, Legal blanks gold pens, etc. Artists' Material, Tube Paints, canvas -placques, brushes, palettes, easels, wax work materails, drawing and drafting papers, -F Machine oils of every kind. If you want oils come and see us.

We have greatly increased our stock and now are better than ever prepared to meet the wants' of our trade. Thanking you for a very generous patronage in the past, we solicit a continuance of the same at our new store, assuring all that their wants shall receive prompt and careful attention, hut Air AMES GREENAMYER. Full Assortment Constantly on Hand J. E. WOODRUFF, A WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES.

PROVISIONS. Crockery, China, Glass, Wooden, Stoneware, Cor. Main Front Sts. Niles, Mich. The subscribers tabe pleasure informing the public that they still, keep on hand a large and well selected stock of everythtng usually found in 8 FIRST CLASS GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT Our stock embraces the following: COFFEE, SUGARS, TEAS, MOLASSFS, CHEESE, CANNED VEGETABLES FRUITS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS.

CATSUPS SAUCES, Crockery, LAMP China, FIXTURES, Glass, TABLE wooden and POCKET Stoneware, CUTDERY, Lamps, and and many other articles, making as large and complete an assertment as can be found in this section of country, which is offered at LOW Prices for Cash. For the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed we return our thanks, and hope in future to still retain the confidence and supbort of the public. -T Nov. 30, 1872. J.

E. WOODRUFF. Cash Paid for all Kinds of Country Produce. LARIMORE DEAN, any house in this section. DEAN LARIMORE.

H. J. C. WHOIESALH AND RETAIL i DRUGGISTS their old stand corner of Main and Second streets, keep the largest Stock and best Assortment of P. PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICAL WINES, PAINTS, OILS AND DYE STUFFS, Than Any House in Western Michigan.

4. A LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPER ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. We also keep a full line of Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Brushes, Patent Medicines, Window and Picture Glasses, Lamps and Fancy Goods. PRESCRIPTIONS! all hours (day or night) by competent bands and more from reasonable selected rates medicines. than We buy for cash from first hands, and can sell reliable goods at Compounded at PATENTS.

F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of Amercan and Foreign Patents, Washington, D.C., whether All before business connected with Patents, the Patent Office or the Courte, promptly attended to. No charges made unless 8 patent is secured. Send for circular.

tf Have this, paper LORD THOMAS, on file at their CHICAGO, office, Nos, 9 and 10 McCormick Block, where they will be pleased to show it to our townsmen who may be in that city, or make advertising contracts. German Asthma Cure never im. ASTHMA CURED mediate relief in the worst cases, Insures fail. comforttrial able sleep; convinces the most skeptical. Price 50c.

and effects cures where $1.00 of Druggists or by SCHIFFMAN, mail. St. Sample Paul, FREE Minn. for stamp. DR.

R. PLAYS! PLAYS PLAYS! PLAYS For ance Reading Plays, Clubs, Drawing-Room Plays, Fairy Plays, Ethi for Amateur Theatricals. Temper opian Tableaux. Plays, Lights, Magnesium Lights, Colored Fire Guide Books, Speakers, Pantomimes Wax Burnt Works, Cork, Wigs, Beards, Mustaches, Costumos Cha Theairical Face Preparations, Jarloy's Janes, and Paper Scenery, New prices. Cotalogues, sent SAMUEL free, containing FRENCH full SUN, 38 E.

14th New York. description and MAILED FREE. Our Annual Illustrated Spring Catalogue of Seeds, Bulbs, and Address Florists' Supplied. MICHIGAN SEED 211 Woodward Detroit, Mich- For Sale. A valuable farm situated in the famous Shenandoah valley of Virginia for sale cheap.

For particulars inquire of or address 0. P. Horn, Niles, Michigan. 4 1. -r 1 Outfit sent free to those who wis to on.

$5 not gage bteiness in required, the known, most We will pleasaat Everywhere furnish and new, you profitable Capital every thing. $10 a day 'aud upwards is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay.

No one who is willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment Those who engage at once will find a short road to fortune. Address Li. HALLETT Portland. Maine. 29-1yr NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS.

NORTHERN TEXAS offers greater attractions in way of good, cheap lands, healthy country mild climate, abundance of timber and water, diver sity of products, than any other region now open to settlement. In this rapidly developing section, the Texas Pacific Rallway has in operation over 800 miles of roud, along which are to be had, at low prices and on easy terms, millions of acres of good and cheap Railroad and Government lands, but recently opeued for settiement. For circulars and maps glving truthful information, address W. HI. ABRAMS, Land Commissiouer, T.

P. Railway, Marshall, Texas. PREMATURE debility, DECLINE: impedimentu mental, to marriage, nervous seminal losses, impotence, strictares, varicocele, prostrate gland, bladder, kidney, and sexual diseases. A medical taeatise mailed for 25 cents, giving the exporience of a specialist physician, accumulated in a large 32 years' practice; also the cautes of lost bealth, DeVor revealed until published by the author, and their cure privately without cutting. caustic, soundselectricity, mercury, copaiba, or pain, by the Euro-, pean and American Medical Bureau prescriptions, No.

314 Fourth Avenue, N. Y. Pamphlets, with certificates of cure, free. 23w4, Outfit furnished free, with full instruction for conducting tho most profitable that anyone can engage in. The business is 80 easy to learn, and our instructions are 50 simple and plain, that any ODe CAD make great profits from the very start.

No one can fail who is willing to work. Womeu are las guc cessfal as mea. Boys und girls can earn large' sums. Many have made at the business over one huudred in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before.

All who en age are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You CAD engage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do nos have to invest capital in We take all the risk. Those who need ready money should write to 118 at once. All furnished free.

Address TRUE Augusta, 29--1yr A large assor ment of (GUITARS, BANJOS, CLARIONETS, ACCORDIANS, PICOLOS, FLUTES, FIFES; FLAGEOLETS, HARMONICAS! JEWS HARPS, at Wells' wholesale and retail grocery, tea and crockery house, Niles, Mich. 8 Music books and sheet music furnished on AGENTS WANTED. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. short notice at Wells'. 3.

PATENT OFFICE. J. Mc. G. PERKINS, Counselor at Law, 809 L.

Street. (4 Squares North of Patent Office.) WASHINGTON, D. NO SPECIALTY: PATENT LAW AND PATENT OFFICE PRACTICE. Also attends to business before all the Departments, bureaus, and Judicial Tribunal at the National. Capital.

CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Remedy Free. VICTIMS OF DYSPEPSIA OR FEVER AND AGUE. Will learn of a sure and permanent cure by addressing with enclosed stamp, ALLEN MARSII, Syracuse, N. Y.

AGENTS WANTED $3,000 ER 8' canvass for LIVE the STOCK JOURNAL, eubacription ONE DOLLAR year including PREMIUM CHROMO OF EIGHT HEREFORD UATTLE which won great honors at the Chicago Fat Stock Show of 1880-81: Cash commission and $3,000 in Premiums- to Write for terma, circulars, etc. 24d21 Beecher, Ill, BREEDERS' LIVE JOURNAL, New Advertisem*nts. A bad breath may result from acidity of the stomach, or from billiousness. In either case a fow doses of Tarrant's Seltzer Apertent, administered according to directions, will supplant this unpleasant companion with a sweet and healthful one, It is a saline corrective, specially suitable for warm weather, and leaves the system strong to do of recuperation. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS.

A New Advertisem*nts. THE REASONS WHY Dr. Kennedy's "Favorite Remedy" is being extensively byiour people are as follows: It is a combination of vegetable alto both sexes and all ages, is affective in affording immediate. relief in all cases of Kidney teratives. It is pleasant to the taste.

adapted troubles, Liver Complaints, Constipation of the Bowels, and derangements peculiar to women. At the same time purifies the blood, thus giviug tone and strength to the system debilitated by disease or age. Sold by all druggists. 029-4w BENSON'S CAPCHINE POROUS PLASTER The manufacturers have WON THE HIGHEST MEDALS and Praise Everywhere. No REMEDY more WIDELY or FAVORABLY KNOWN.

It is RAPID in relieving, QUICK in curing. For LAME BACK, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY AFFECTIONS, and ACHES and PAINS generally, it is the UNRIVALED remedy. 029-4 500,000 Acres WISCONSIN LANDS ON THE LINE OF THE WISCONSIN CENTRAL R. R. For full particulars, which will be sent free, address CHARLES L.

COLBY, Land Commissioner, Milwaukee Wis. 12 Articles in one. Millions in u80-everybody's HUNTER'S choice. 44-page catalogue of other specialties free. SIFTERS.

J. M. AGENTS Cincinnati, HUNTER WANTED. M'F'G Ohio. by addressing GEO, P.

ROWELL A 10 spruce New York, can learn the exact Americau rate of any newspapers. proposed line of ADVERTISING Pamphlet i 1 AN.

The Niles Democrat from Niles, Michigan (2024)


What is Niles, Michigan famous for? ›

Between 1820 and 1865, Niles was an integral part of the Underground Railroad, helping slaves escape from as far south as New Orleans through the Heartland, and eventually into Canada.

What movie was filmed in Niles Michigan? ›

As it retains much of its grand 19th century character, the Niles station has been used for location shots in three movies: Continental Divide, Midnight Run and Only the Lonely.

Why is Niles called Niles? ›

Niles was first known as Heaton's Furnace, which he later changed to Nilestown in honor of Hezekiah Niles, editor of the Niles Register – a Baltimore newspaper. In 1843, the name was shortened to Niles.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.