Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)


Funeral services CABBAGES BRING FORTUNE APPLETON Outagamie county tpx mer who held onto their cabbages arc reaping a financial harvest. Tht kraut ingredient in bringing $75 a ton here and is being shipped to Chicago at the rate of several carloads a day. Four months ago $20 was considered a good price. for Mrs. Frank Mallory.

who died of Florsheim Shoes at 25 Less Than Manufacturers Cost burns at her home on E. Main street Saturday night, were conducted Tues HAS ARM AMPUTATED WATERTOWN Irvin Preusse's right arm was amputated at the shoulder and his left foot removed in order to save his life following burns received when he picked up a live wire. day morning, at the house and at St. Anns Catholic church by the Rev. Thomas Mylea.

The pall-bearers were Joe Malecke, Olaf Haugen, Elling Gil- PLAN NEW DEPOT APPLETON Tho Northwestern railroad division engineers have completed the new draft of plans and spec We place on sale tomorrow morning at 9:00 PCs. HIGH SCHOOL TOSSERS TO MEET UNDEFEATED TEAM; MILTON GAME CANCELED BDGBRTON Th high sehooi basketball team will meet Mt. Horeb, which has not lost a game this year. The game which was to be played with Wilton yesterday afternoon was can celed. A new addition Is being built ou fJoede's pood hall.

Five new 'tables Goede's pool hall. Five new tables The Educational club met at the home of Mrs. George Uae Monday, refreshments were served. The club will meet with Mrs. S.

F. Smith next Monday night. Misses Tieulah Croft, Elizabeth Hep burn, Helen Merrill spent Monday in Madison. Quite a number of the Edgerton girls gave a "Leap year sleigh ride party" last night. They went to Milton.

Attorney P. N. Grubb was in Madison Monday on business. bertson, Val Stoddard and J. W.

Lough Iran. The family accompanied PASTOR RESIGNS OSHKOSH The Rev. William Zieg- the body to Louisville, Ky. ler has resigned as pastor of Plymouth Miss Alma Lysager went to Cottage A. M.

100 pairs of men's "FLORSHEIM" SHOES AT LESS THAN THE MANUFAC- Congregational church to take the pulpit of the First Congregational church Grove Tuesday to spend a week with in New lxmuon. her sister, Mrs. E. Witte and family. Miss Emma eleven entertained the Sunday school teachers' Bible class EXTENSIVE BUILDING OSHKOSH Building permits issued of Central Christ church at her home ifications for a new freight depot in this city.

It will be of concrete and steel construction and fireproof. It will cose approximately $75,000. SALOON NOW GARAGE APPLETON "Signs of the Times" have appeared In Dale, near here. Fred Kaufman and Anton Sommer have purchased the saloon property of J. J.

Kaufman and will convert it into a garage. They have organized the Service Motor company. The present structure is to be replaced by a new fireproof building. on North Page street Monday night. I here during the last eight months call The evening was spent in Bible study, ed for improvements totalling more after which refreshments were served.

than $800,000. Three hundred and four permits were issued. BADGER ROADS WORST OSHKOSH Richard Thorn. Osh- kosh auto dealer, has reached the city BADGER CATTLE BRING BIG PRICE TURER CAN PRODUCE THEM TODAY. They comprise broken sizes and discontinued styles from this season's selling.

Every pair is a genuine "FLORSHEIM" shoe and you know there is no better made. Not all sizes of every style so be on hand at 9:00 A. M. tomorrow morning and pick out one or more pairs of these celebrated shoes worth from $12.00 to $14.00 a pair. For after blazing a trail through the snow from Detroit as pilot to a train of ele 3 ven new machines driven by his as sistants.

Wisconsin roads were the NEW HAIRPIN FACTORY APPLETON This city'3 newest industry, the Scolding Lock Hairpin company, has leased a building and will begin operations soon. Building of machinery with which to manufacture the pins will consume the first eight months. worst and caused the greatest delays, Thom said. URGE MORE PAY JUNEAU Two buyers from Minnesota bought 18 head of high grade Holsteins here at an average price of $200 per head. They paid $300 for the best priced anlmaj a cow with heifer calf at her SSder The lowest priced animal was ought for $185 a three-year-old due with first calf, i The nine best animals averaged $250 per head.

OCONTO Teachers In the grade schools of this city have filed appli cation for a 25 per cent increase in salary. The demand will be acted upon at the next meeting of the board. $561 FOR VACCINATIONS SPARTA The city council has paid its doctor bill. It cost $561 for vaccinations during the recent smallpox epidemic here. Seven hundred and forty-eight children were treated by six physicians.

HEADS COUNTY DRIVE LA CROSSE E. S. Hebberd of this FORMER MAYOR DEAD JANESV1LLE Wilbur Carle, for The members of the class are Misses Lucile Larson, Hattie Ele- nor Kittleson, Mae Onsrud, Mildred i Stene, Ella Holt, Mrs. Olaf Nesten, Olaf Lee and the Rev. Oscar Thomp- i son, who is instructor.

I Dr. M. L. Gregerson, Ray Patterson and I C. Currier went to Milwaukee Tuesday to visit one of the K.

P. I lodges. In celebration of the prohibition amendment, a Kettledrum will be given at the home of Mrs. H. Emery Friday afternoon.

Mrs. E. H. Warren will report on the National W. C.

T. U. convention at St. Louis. A lunch will be served.

Mrs. A. E. Gilley entertained several high school teachers at her home Monday night. The guests were Misses Grace Goddard, Mable Dittmar, Sarah Colosimo, Helen Millar, Ananda Drot-nlng and Mesdames C.

J. Anderson and Harold The Rev. M. L. Nesvlg of Chicago is visiting his brother, the Rev.

L. L. Nesvlg and family, Prospect avenue. Mlfss Ada Hemsing returned to Chicago Tuesday after spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

O. Hemsing. Edward Haakenson arrived here Monday for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lars Haakenson.

He is ehroute from Langley Field, Hampton, to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he will be stationed. Miss Alma Lysager entertained some of her friends at a 6 o'clock dinner at her home south of Stoughton Sunday night. The guests were Misses Minda mer mayor of this city and for years (Q) cr prominent in business here, is dead following a stroke. Ha was born in 1841 and came to Janesville when a boy. city, has been appointed as.

chairman for La Crosse county in the drive for Near East relief. The campaign will TRIO NABBED ON DOUBLE CHARGE SUPERIOR Dewey Brown, Pal Duffey and John Williams are up to their necks in hot water here. They were arrested first in connec tion with a hold-up and then turned over to the federal authorities on a charge of operating a moonshine still. The still was uncovered by accident in the Omaha hotel here. They are being held on $1,000 bail.

FORM LIVESTOCK BOARD get under way next month. JANESVILLE The Rck County BUYS LAUNDRY PLANT Live stock board was organized at a meeting of farmers here. A sales LA CROSSE John A. Solberg, this city, has purchased the plant of the pavillion will be established, probably at the county fair grounds. Sparta Hand Laundry company, ror-merly operated by John Meyers, Spar POSTPONE WAGE PLEA ta, He will remodel the plant and MANITOWOC The school board install new equipment.

has put, over action on the demand of EXTRA SPECIAL In connection with the above we offer a delayed rPI AV H- L. DRIVE Manitowoc high school teachers for LA CROSSE Because of important matters pending in federal court in shipment of Men's "FLORSHEIM genuine, shell cordovan and gen an increase in pay. They asked $15 more a month. The board is not on record as oposing the raise on the ground that it is not Justified, but Wolfe has been forced to postpone his DYED HER BLOUSE, SKIRT AND A COAT $12.95 uine brown kangaroo shoes positively worth $16.00 a pair, for rather because the city financial con dition at the present time will not sweeping n. ui ij.

gianti juiy investigation here until Jan. 20. TRAFFIC MEET JAN. 27 permit the boost, they say. Johnson, Pearl Nelson, Olga Shellstad, Lydia Anderson, Nellie McCool, Mildred Hoover, Paul Lysager, Clarence Mathlson, Henry Lysager, Alf Amund-son, Alvin Lysager, Edgar Barber and WAUSAU The annual meeting of the Central Wisconsin Traffic associa "Diamond Dyes" Turned Faded, Shabby Apparel Into New.

tion will be held here Jan. 27. James Clarke Jeffery, Chicago, will be the WETS STILL HOPEFULL SUPERIOR Wets this city are till holding out hopes for a wet spell. Eight of the 88 barowners have failed to ask for a refund on theic license money. The only explanation offered is that they have hopes that a short respite will come for John Barleycorn before the license expires.

principal speaker. New bylaws will be adopted and officers elected. W. E. Curtis is president.

MAX iillii COHN jjpp West Prop, "the home of popular priced footwear" Mailt HEADS CANNING CO. Mr. and Mrs. Selmer Jordahl. The Daughters of the G.

A. R. have i installed the following officers: Commander, Miss Margaret Beattie; senior vice commander, Mrs. Lulu Coon; junior vice commander, Mrs. Ida Hoffman; quartermaster, Mrs.

Rowena Feterson; quartermaster sergeant, Mrs. Selma Nelson; patriotic instructor, Miss Gladys Compton; chaplain, Mrs. Matilda Skavlin; officer of the day, Mrs. Pearl Langseth; officer of the i guard. Miss Nettie Severson; sentinel, I Mrs.

Nellie Erickson; auditor, Mrs. i WAUSAU P. O. Means, a former business man of this city and late of Rhinelonder, has been elected general Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Byes" guaranteed to Rive a new rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies covernKS.

The Direction Book with each pack-Ke tells so plainly how to diamond dye over any color that you can not make a mistake. To match any material, have druggist show you "Diamond Dye" Color Hard. manager of the Wausau Canning com pany. He will take charge of the plant at onoe. NAME HOTEL COMMITTEE JANESVILLE Seventy-two business men and seven business women have been appointed on a committee by the Janesville Chamber of Commerce to canvass the city for the $400,000 necessary for the erection of the proposed new hotel.

The drive already is under way. It is planned to make the hotel a civic proposition. EGG PRICES DROP WAUSAU After staying above the 70 cent mark for more than throe Cora Christianson; drill sergeant, Mrs. Manel Long; counselor, Mrs. Dikka Trulson; adjutant, Mrs.

Lynne Carr; sergeant major, Mrs. Isabelle Swen-son; color bearer, No. 1, Mrs. Rilla weeks, the price of eggs took a drop BELLEVILLE BABY GIRL WINS PRIZES Newkirk; No. 2, Miss Bertha Erick-js-'on; No.

3, Mrs. Nellie Keegan; No. '4, Miss Laura Erickson; press corre-' spondent, Mrs. Nora Nelson; musician, Miss Ethel Roberts; registrar, Mrs. Clara Crosse.

Mr. and Mrs. Burdell Bingum re-i turned to Morris, Monday after "5 I i I'' 1 COMMENCING TODAY Frank Farman. Fred Melaas is in Milwaukee on business for the Daylight store. P.

I. Hale and son, Harry, are In Milwaukee on business for the dry goods store. P.ELLEVILLE A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs D. Hollibush Jan. o.

ihe will receive the many gifts thai Belleville business men give to the first baby born in the trading districts" of Belleville in January. Her name is Evelyn Bernice. Tho Rev. Grosshuesch had business in Madison Monday. Twenty-eight Belleville citizens wer in Madison Friday night to bowl at the Park alleys.

The Belleville State bank is moving into its new quarters. Those from Belleville who left Friday for Texas on a land seekers' excursion are Mr. and Airs. V. F.

Wankt. Mr. and Mrs. C. J.

Dalrymple, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shaller, Mr. and Mrs. M.

P. Perkins, Mr. Arnold and Francis PLAN DRIVE FOR DRY ENFORCEMENT APPIjETON The Rev. Thomas W. I Gales, superintendent of the Anti-Sa- loon league for the Appleton district, is arranging for an educational drive with a view to bringing about stricter enforcement of the national prohibl-! tion amendment.

A citizens' commit-I tee on constitutional order is to be Dyspepsia and Home Life formed with leading citizens on its membership roles. Several luncheons and mass meeting are being arranged. HIGH TAXES GIVE APPLETON SCARE WHAT A RELIEF WHEN ALL THE FAMILY EAT TH SAME FOODS! AVOID DYSPEPSIA, SOU RISINGS, GAS INDIGESTION FROM BREAKFAST SAUSAGE TO DINNER MINCE PIE a APPLETON High taxes are giving the city of Appleton much concern. This city was formerly under commission form of government, but now after 20 months under the old alder-manic plan, the taxpayers are clamoring for a change. Among other complaints is that the tax rate is keeping Government Flour Is Pure Flour; No Substitutes Unscrupulous flour salesmen are warning retailers against buying United States Grain Corporation Standard Pure Wheat Flour.

They have represented tq these retailers that government flour is war flour, victory flour, that it contains substitutes, that it is "doped." These are malicious falsehoods. Government flour is a pure white flour without substitute of any sort. It makes the finest bread and pastries. It is just like the flour you have eaten all your life the flour the best bakers have been using for years. This high quality, pure wheat flour will be sold to the public through regular trade channels at not above 80 cents for 2-pound packages and 1 .60 for 24 1-2-pound packages in paper.

Effective January 1 2th prices to retailer were established as follows: Carlots in paper sacks, 1 0.80 per barrel. Carlots in cotton sacks, $1 1.20 per barrel. Les than carlots, 75c per barrel higher. This flour is 20 to 40 per cent cheaper than "patent" flour which makes no better bread or pastry. If your dealer does not have this flour, he can obtain it from the United States Grain Corporation.

This flour is now qn hand and for sale at Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. Stores Names of additional stores handling this flour will be published from time to time. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION INQUIRE United States Grain Corporation 226 South La Salle Street Chicago, Illinois After mother has strucgled two or three hours over a hot fire to do the. eookinrr for a hungry family, it is ri al industries away from the city. Civic leaders, it is said, are with favor upon the city manager idea.

$1,000 TO POLICE COUNTY ROADS Health Happiness FOND DU LAC The county board has appropriated $1,000 for the polic ing of county highways during the summer months. The board also boosted the salary of the county clerk and district attorney to the salary of the incoming sheriff to $4,200 with an increase in the price of boam lor prisoners in the county Jail from $4.25 to $5.25 per week. ELSIE FE-RGUSON in "COUNTERFEIT" BELGIAN GIRL IN AMERICA TO WED The charm of the Souiii, the lure of the Secret Service, the wealth and fashion of Newport, the crimes of a band of crooks preying on the "idle rich," the mystery, love and adventure that make a picture live they are all in "Counterfeit." JANESVILLE; A little Belgian rose i Juliett Eosmans has taken her first step In the great American game of I matrimony when she affixed her sig- nature to a marriage license applica- tion here. In five days she will wed Edward Frank Marcel of Beloit. To Juliett.

5.000 miles was a long ADDED SPECIAL FEATURES paramount and To Be Free of Indigestion Contributes Wonderfully to the Happiness of Home Life enjoyment when there isn't a dyspeptic jinx among them. Of course, a case of dyspepsia or daily indigestion must be. looked after. But it is far more to the point to prevent as well as 10 treat sour stomach, belching, wate.r brash, by such a valuable means as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Coddling the stomach with soft food and predicated stuff merely invites sluggish ness.

Eat your little, pork sausages for breakfast without fears: have a plate of beans and a piece of pie with cheese for lunch and end the day with a real dinner, instead of a bowl of bread and milk. Follow each meal with a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet and get back to your natural self. These tablets digest food and assist the stomach to prepare the, content for assimilation in the intestinal tract. Thus you get the practical relief and help which induces a belter appetite and a greater freedom in the selection of foods. You will tind Stuart's Dyspepsia Tshlets on salo at any dru store in the United States and Canada, as they are considered one of the stand-bys by the druggist.

Adv. MACK SENNETT way to travel, but at the end of the journey her hero of the battlefields that were once her home, was waiting. Their courtship was carried on in the midst of shrapnel and desolation in Belgium, where Marcel was fighting with Uncle Sam's forces. Shortly after their first meeting, Juliett started studying English. no: Literary Digest's "TOPICS OF THE DAY" The corporation reserves the right to discontinue publishing-lists of dealers handling1 this flour without notice.

mBACK TO THE CHEN" LEGION POST ORGANIZED KOXD DU LAC Dan Oetrhel! post. American legion, has been organized at Waupun. It has 20 charter members. Capt. R.

Bronson has been a leader In the organization work and may be the first president. Read Journal Want Ads I Read Journal Want Ads.

Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)


What is the major newspaper in Madison, Wisconsin? ›

The Capital Times: Madison WI News.

Where is the Wisconsin State Journal located? ›

1901 Fish Hatchery Road Madison, WI

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What is Wisconsin most famous for? ›

Wisconsin is one of the nation's leading dairy producers and is known as "America's Dairyland"; it is particularly famous for its cheese. The state is also famous for its beer, particularly and historically in Milwaukee, most notably as the headquarters of the Miller Brewing Company.

What is the biggest newspaper in Wisconsin? ›

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is Wisconsin's largest and most influential newspaper.

Is the Wisconsin State Journal a daily newspaper? ›

The Wisconsin State Journal is a Lee Enterprises, Incorporated Newspaper and is published daily. USPS: 688-720 ISSN: 0749-405X.

Who owns Wisconsin State Journal? ›

Madison Media Partners is a publishing company based in Madison, Wisconsin and owned equally by Lee Enterprises, parent company of the Wisconsin State Journal, and The Capital Times Company.

Who owns the State Journal? ›

The two papers merged in 1974 as The State Journal-Register. Fairport, New York–based GateHouse Media bought The State Journal-Register, along with most of Copley's other Midwestern titles, in 2007. In November 2019, GateHouse was merged with Gannett, forming the largest newspaper chain in the U.S.

How do I contact the Wisconsin State Journal? ›

If immediate attention is needed, please call 1-800-362-8333 during business hours.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Wisconsin State Journal? ›

Placing an obituary in the Wisconsin State Journal starts at $142.50.

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How much should a newspaper subscription cost? ›

As of 2017, 30% of publishers priced their weekly digital newspaper subscription between $2.00 – $2.99. 27% of publishers priced their weekly digital newspaper subscription between $1.00 – $1.99. 20% of publishers priced their weekly digital newspaper subscription between $3.00 – $3.99.

What food is Wisconsin known for? ›

Known as "America's Dairyland", Wisconsin is famous for its cheese as well as other dairy products, such as cheese curds and frozen custard. Other notable foods common to the region include bratwursts, beer, brandy Old Fashioned co*cktails, butter burgers, fish fries and fish boils, cranberries, and booyah stew.

Why is Madison Wisconsin famous? ›

Entertainment and Cultural Events. Madison is home to a number of great museums, arts & music venues and festivals, unique local shopping, award-winning restaurants, sporting events, and so much more. Larger metropolitan areas of Milwaukee, Chicago, and Minneapolis are easily accessible by bus.

What is a fun fact in Wisconsin? ›

Nearly 21 million gallons of ice cream are consumed by Wisconsinites each year. Wisconsin is a leading producer of Ginseng in the United States. Green Bay is known as the "Toilet Paper Capital" of the world. The first ice cream sundae was concocted in Two Rivers in 1881.

Does UW Madison have a journalism major? ›

The undergraduate major in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication offers an unequaled blend of skills training, theoretical learning and real-world practice. As a result, our graduates leave as able practitioners, critical thinkers, seasoned problem solvers and innovators.

What is UW Madison ranked in the US news and world report? ›

University of Wisconsin--Madison is ranked #35 out of 439 National Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

How many newspapers are in Wisconsin? ›

There were 362 newspapers in Wisconsin at the beginning of 2020.

What are the three biggest newspapers in America? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Oct 25, 2023

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.